.TH wpm.d 1m "$Date: 2015/09/30 22:01:09 $" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME wpm.d - Measure words per minute of typing. .SH SYNOPSIS .B wpm.d commandname eg, wpm.d bash wpm.d vim .SH DESCRIPTION This script assumes that keystrokes arrive one at a time on STDIN. This isn't the case for all processes that read keyboard input (eg, sh). .SH OS Solaris .SH STABILITY stable - Written in DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05). .SH EXAMPLES .TP Default output, # .B wpm.d .PP .PP .SH DOCUMENTATION See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with verbose descriptions explaining the output. .SH EXIT wpm.d will run until Ctrl-C is hit. .SH AUTHOR Brendan Gregg [CA, USA] .SH SEE ALSO dtrace(1M)