/* $NetBSD: expr_promote.c,v 1.2 2021/08/16 20:27:31 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "expr_promote.c" /* * Test arithmetic promotions in C90 and later. */ /* lint1-flags: -Sw */ void sink(const char *, ...); struct arithmetic_types { _Bool boolean; char plain_char; signed char signed_char; unsigned char unsigned_char; short signed_short; unsigned short unsigned_short; int signed_int; unsigned int unsigned_int; long signed_long; unsigned long unsigned_long; long long signed_long_long; unsigned long long unsigned_long_long; float float_floating; double double_floating; long double long_floating; float _Complex float_complex; double _Complex double_complex; long double _Complex long_double_complex; enum { E } enumerator; }; void caller(struct arithmetic_types *arg) { sink("", arg->boolean, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->plain_char, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->signed_char, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->unsigned_char, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->signed_short, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->unsigned_short, /* gets promoted to 'int' */ arg->signed_int, arg->unsigned_int, arg->signed_long, arg->unsigned_long, arg->signed_long_long, arg->unsigned_long_long, arg->float_floating, /* gets promoted to 'double' */ arg->double_floating, arg->long_floating, arg->float_complex, arg->double_complex, arg->long_double_complex, arg->enumerator); } /* * XXX: _Bool should be promoted to 'int', C99 "If an int can * represent ...". */ /* * XXX: Enumerations may need be promoted to 'int', at least C99 * suggests that: "If an int can represent ...". */