Main changes: V3.30b/3.31b (May 11, 2001) 01. Add functional sequences (line/box drawing) @[LINEWIDTH#], specify linewidth, 0-100 (you usually don't need anything that's greater than 10. 0 selects default value, which is 1. @[LINEDRAWxxxyyyaaabbb], draw a line from (xxx, yyy) to (aaa, bbb). The coordinates are in points (1 pts = 1/72 inch), and the origin is at the upper-left corner. @[BOXDRAWxxxyyywwwhhh] (in pts), draw a box of size (www, hhh) at (xxx, yyy). @[BOXFILLxxxyyywwwhhh], fill the box note: position (x, y) is the lower left corner of the box relative to the upper left corner of the printed area 02. Add functional sequences (color/gray level) @[RGBrrggbb], RGB color rrggbb in Hex form (e.g. ff0000 is red) @[GRAY0.34], set gray level. @[G#] still works but @[GRAY] is much more flexible, allowing you type any number between 0.0 and 1.0. note: gray level and RGB color are locked, one overwrites the other. 03. Add/modified functional sequences (font) @[FCourier] specify ASC font by name @[h###], expand h to take ASCfont number 1-999 (including bold/italic), H q Q to 1-99 (h regular, q italic, H bold, Q bolditalic) 04. Add functional sequences (page formatting) fix @[MV] offset problem. @[INDL23], @[INDR-20], or @[INDE], adjust column width through INDent. note: 1. INDL/INDR start indent with any positive or negative value in points, and INDE ends the indent 2. the indent is relative to column margins 2. a positive indent on right/left side (INDR/INDL) decreases column width, while a negative indent on the right/left side increases it. 05. @[X#] and @[Y#] now accepts number directly, e.g. @[X1.23]. To be compatible with old usage, @[X1] or @[Y1] will set Cx or Cy to 1.1, not 1.0! Use @[X1.0] or @[Y1.0] to set to 1.0. 06. @[EPSfilname], allow filename (limit 45 chars) to be specified directly. 07. Fixed a bug in HBFopen() comment line handling 08. Introduce an optional ASCII font list file "" to allow user define ASCII (ISO-5899-1) fonts and store font metric data in seperate files (previously all font metric data are in "cnprint.cmd"). 09. specify EPS header file on command-line: -header=EPSheaderfile 10. Cleaned codes so that it works with C++ compilers 11. Enhanced -label option so that when it is followed by a number (e.g. -label30), it will produce 30 labels automatically.