Festival Spanish (Mexican) language support routines (in scheme) from ogi.edu

OGIspanish is an extension to the Festival TTS system (created by
CSTR at the University of Edinburgh
http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival).  This version of
voice_abc has been designed to work with Festival version 1.3.0
released starting from September 1998.  It provides Mexican Spanish
voices created by Alejandro Barbosa from UDLA, Puebla, Mexico.

New in recent releases:
	* works with Festival 1.3.0

	* intonation module: At the highest level of the intonation module 
	  is a new stage to incorporate different phrase intonation models. 

	* new syllabification function for Mexican Spanish. This function 
          uses lexical rules to syllabify and accentuate in Spanish and 
          solves both syllabification and stress prediction at word level.

	* new function for duration prediction for Spanish that works at 
	  the syllable level and differs a little from the duration 
	  prediction modules offered by festival.


1) Currently, the Mexican Spanish voice does not support Spanish
characteres such as tilded vowels, or dierisis. You must enter 
them as follows: 

tilded a	-	'a
tilded e	-	'e
tilded i	-	'i
tilded o	-	'o
tilded u	-	'u
tilded n	-	ny

dierisis is not supported in this version.

This module and accompanying data are freely available for
non-commercial use only.  Please see the file "license.ogi" for
information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL

-Julian Assange <proff@iq.org>