$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.1 1998/11/11 11:42:57 agc Exp $

Read papersize from a config file, rather than using a compiled-in default.

--- psresize.c	1998/11/11 09:37:52	1.1
+++ psresize.c	1998/11/11 10:31:11
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
  *              -H<dim> sets the input paper height
  *              -Ppaper sets the input paper size (width and height) by name
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
 #include "psutil.h"
 #include "psspec.h"
@@ -56,13 +58,21 @@
    double inheight = -1;
    Paper *paper;
    PageSpec *specs;
+   char	papersize[BUFSIZ];
 #ifdef PAPER
-   if ( (paper = findpaper(PAPER)) != (Paper *)0 ) {
+#if (defined(BSD) && BSD >= 199306)
+   if (!readconfig(papersize, sizeof(papersize))) {
+	(void) strnncpy(papersize, sizeof(papersize), PAPER, strlen(PAPER));
+   }
+   (void) strnncpy(papersize, sizeof(papersize), PAPER, strlen(PAPER));
+#endif /* BSD */
+   if ( (paper = findpaper(papersize)) != (Paper *)0 ) {
       inwidth = width = (double)PaperWidth(paper);
       inheight = height = (double)PaperHeight(paper);
+#endif /* PAPER */
    vshift = hshift = 0;
    rotate = 0;