--- example/amanda.conf.in.old	Thu Feb 25 15:56:29 1999
+++ example/amanda.conf.in	Tue Nov 17 20:17:36 1998
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
 tpchanger "chg-manual"	# the tape-changer glue script
 tapedev "@DEFAULT_TAPE_DEVICE@"	# the no-rewind tape device to be used
 rawtapedev "@DEFAULT_RAW_TAPE_DEVICE@"	# the raw device to be used (ftape only)
-changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/changer"
-changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/changer-status"
+changerfile "@CONFIG_DIR@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/changer"
+changerfile "@CONFIG_DIR@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/changer-status"
 changerfile "@CONFIG_DIR@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/changer.conf"
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
 # Note that, although the keyword below is infofile, it is only so for
 # historic reasons, since now it is supposed to be a directory (unless
 # you have selected some database format other than the `text' default)
-infofile "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/curinfo"	# database DIRECTORY
-logdir   "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@"		# log directory
-indexdir "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/index"	# index directory
-#tapelist "/usr/adm/amanda/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/tapelist"	# list of used tapes
+infofile "@localstatedir@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/curinfo"	# database DIRECTORY
+logdir   "@localstatedir@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@"		# log directory
+indexdir "@localstatedir@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/index"	# index directory
+#tapelist "@localstatedir@/@DEFAULT_CONFIG@/tapelist"	# list of used tapes
 # tapelist is stored, by default, in the directory that contains amanda.conf