$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.3 1998/08/07 11:09:56 agc Exp $

*** src/canvas_ext.c~	Wed Sep  4 06:54:02 1996
--- src/canvas_ext.c	Thu Mar  5 19:30:28 1998
*** 10,14 ****
   * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
!  * SCCS: @(#) tkCanvText.c 1.56 96/02/17 17:45:17
--- 10,14 ----
   * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
!  * SCCS: @(#) tkCanvText.c 1.68 97/10/09 17:44:53
*** 17,47 ****
  #include "tkCanvas.h"
  #include "tkPort.h"
! /*
!  * One of the following structures is kept for each line of text
!  * in a text item.  It contains geometry and display information
!  * for that line.
!  */
! typedef struct TextLine {
!     char *firstChar;		/* Pointer to the first character in this
! 				 * line (in the "text" field of enclosing
! 				 * text item). */
!     int numChars;		/* Number of characters displayed in this
! 				 * line. */
!     int totalChars;		/* Total number of characters included as
! 				 * part of this line (may include an extra
! 				 * space character at the end that isn't
! 				 * displayed). */
!     int x, y;			/* Origin at which to draw line on screen
! 				 * (in integer pixel units, but in canvas
! 				 * coordinates, not screen coordinates). */
!     int x1, y1;			/* Upper-left pixel that is part of text
! 				 * line on screen (again, in integer canvas
! 				 * pixel units). */
!     int x2, y2;			/* Lower-left pixel that is part of text
! 				 * line on screen (again, in integer canvas
! 				 * pixel units). */
! } TextLine;
--- 17,21 ----
  #include "tkCanvas.h"
  #include "tkPort.h"
! #include "default.h"
*** 58,85 ****
  				 * by (and shared with) the generic canvas
  				 * code. */
!     char *text;			/* Text for item (malloc-ed). */
!     int numChars;		/* Number of non-NULL characters in text. */
      double x, y;		/* Positioning point for text. */
      Tk_Anchor anchor;		/* Where to anchor text relative to (x,y). */
      int width;			/* Width of lines for word-wrap, pixels.
  				 * Zero means no word-wrap. */
!     Tk_Justify justify;		/* Justification mode for text. */
      int rightEdge;		/* Pixel just to right of right edge of
! 				 * area of text item.  Used for selecting
! 				 * up to end of line. */
!     XFontStruct *fontPtr;	/* Font for drawing text. */
!     XColor *color;		/* Color for text. */
!     Pixmap stipple;		/* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
      GC gc;			/* Graphics context for drawing text. */
!     TextLine *linePtr;		/* Pointer to array of structures describing
! 				 * individual lines of text item (malloc-ed). */
!     int numLines;		/* Number of structs at *linePtr. */
!     int insertPos;		/* Insertion cursor is displayed just to left
! 				 * of character with this index. */
      GC cursorOffGC;		/* If not None, this gives a graphics context
  				 * to use to draw the insertion cursor when
! 				 * it's off.  Usedif the selection and
  				 * insertion cursor colors are the same.  */
-     GC selTextGC;		/* Graphics context for selected text. */
  } TextItem;
--- 32,75 ----
  				 * by (and shared with) the generic canvas
  				 * code. */
!     /*
!      * Fields that are set by widget commands other than "configure".
!      */
      double x, y;		/* Positioning point for text. */
+     int insertPos;		/* Insertion cursor is displayed just to left
+ 				 * of character with this index. */
+     /*
+      * Configuration settings that are updated by Tk_ConfigureWidget.
+      */
      Tk_Anchor anchor;		/* Where to anchor text relative to (x,y). */
+     XColor *color;		/* Color for text. */
+     Tk_Font tkfont;		/* Font for drawing text. */
+     Tk_Justify justify;		/* Justification mode for text. */
+     Pixmap stipple;		/* Stipple bitmap for text, or None. */
+     char *text;			/* Text for item (malloc-ed). */
      int width;			/* Width of lines for word-wrap, pixels.
  				 * Zero means no word-wrap. */
!     /*
!      * Fields whose values are derived from the current values of the
!      * configuration settings above.
!      */
!     int numChars;		/* Number of non-NULL characters in text. */
!     Tk_TextLayout textLayout;	/* Cached text layout information. */
!     int leftEdge;		/* Pixel location of the left edge of the
! 				 * text item; where the left border of the
! 				 * text layout is drawn. */
      int rightEdge;		/* Pixel just to right of right edge of
! 				 * area of text item.  Used for selecting up
! 				 * to end of line. */
      GC gc;			/* Graphics context for drawing text. */
!     GC selTextGC;		/* Graphics context for selected text. */
      GC cursorOffGC;		/* If not None, this gives a graphics context
  				 * to use to draw the insertion cursor when
! 				 * it's off.  Used if the selection and
  				 * insertion cursor colors are the same.  */
  } TextItem;
*** 99,104 ****
  	"black", Tk_Offset(TextItem, color), 0},
      {TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
! 	"-Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*",
! 	Tk_Offset(TextItem, fontPtr), 0},
      {TK_CONFIG_JUSTIFY, "-justify", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
  	"left", Tk_Offset(TextItem, justify),
--- 89,93 ----
  	"black", Tk_Offset(TextItem, color), 0},
      {TK_CONFIG_FONT, "-font", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
! 	DEF_CANVTEXT_FONT, Tk_Offset(TextItem, tkfont), 0},
      {TK_CONFIG_JUSTIFY, "-justify", (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL,
  	"left", Tk_Offset(TextItem, justify),
*** 130,134 ****
  static void		DeleteText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Canvas canvas,
  			    Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display));
! static void		DisplayText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Canvas canvas,
  			    Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display, Drawable dst,
  			    int x, int y, int width, int height));
--- 119,123 ----
  static void		DeleteText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Canvas canvas,
  			    Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display));
! static void		DisplayCanvText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Canvas canvas,
  			    Tk_Item *itemPtr, Display *display, Drawable dst,
  			    int x, int y, int width, int height));
*** 139,144 ****
  			    Tk_Canvas canvas, Tk_Item *itemPtr,
  			    char *indexString, int *indexPtr));
- static void		LineToPostscript _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
- 			    char *string, int numChars));
  static void		ScaleText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Canvas canvas,
  			    Tk_Item *itemPtr, double originX, double originY,
--- 128,131 ----
*** 175,179 ****
      TextCoords,				/* coordProc */
      DeleteText,				/* deleteProc */
!     DisplayText,			/* displayProc */
      0,					/* alwaysRedraw */
      TextToPoint,			/* pointProc */
--- 162,166 ----
      TextCoords,				/* coordProc */
      DeleteText,				/* deleteProc */
!     DisplayCanvText,			/* displayProc */
      0,					/* alwaysRedraw */
      TextToPoint,			/* pointProc */
*** 233,252 ****
-     textPtr->text = NULL;
      textPtr->textInfoPtr = Tk_CanvasGetTextInfo(canvas);
!     textPtr->numChars = 0;
!     textPtr->anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
!     textPtr->width = 0;
!     textPtr->justify = TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
!     textPtr->rightEdge = 0;
!     textPtr->fontPtr = NULL;
!     textPtr->color = NULL;
!     textPtr->stipple = None;
!     textPtr->gc = None;
!     textPtr->linePtr = NULL;
!     textPtr->numLines = 0;
!     textPtr->insertPos = 0;
      textPtr->cursorOffGC = None;
-     textPtr->selTextGC = None;
--- 220,242 ----
      textPtr->textInfoPtr = Tk_CanvasGetTextInfo(canvas);
!     textPtr->insertPos	= 0;
!     textPtr->anchor	= TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
!     textPtr->color	= NULL;
!     textPtr->tkfont	= NULL;
!     textPtr->justify	= TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
!     textPtr->stipple	= None;
!     textPtr->text	= NULL;
!     textPtr->width	= 0;
!     textPtr->numChars	= 0;
!     textPtr->textLayout = NULL;
!     textPtr->leftEdge	= 0;
!     textPtr->rightEdge	= 0;
!     textPtr->gc		= None;
!     textPtr->selTextGC	= None;
      textPtr->cursorOffGC = None;
*** 365,373 ****
-     textPtr->numChars = strlen(textPtr->text);
      newGC = newSelGC = None;
!     if ((textPtr->color != NULL) && (textPtr->fontPtr != NULL)) {
  	gcValues.foreground = textPtr->color->pixel;
! 	gcValues.font = textPtr->fontPtr->fid;
  	mask = GCForeground|GCFont;
  	if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
--- 355,362 ----
      newGC = newSelGC = None;
!     if ((textPtr->color != NULL) && (textPtr->tkfont != NULL)) {
  	gcValues.foreground = textPtr->color->pixel;
! 	gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
  	mask = GCForeground|GCFont;
  	if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
*** 406,409 ****
--- 395,399 ----
      textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;
       * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices
*** 411,414 ****
--- 401,405 ----
+     textPtr->numChars = strlen(textPtr->text);
      if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
  	if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
*** 458,485 ****
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
-     if (textPtr->text != NULL) {
- 	ckfree(textPtr->text);
-     }
-     if (textPtr->fontPtr != NULL) {
- 	Tk_FreeFontStruct(textPtr->fontPtr);
-     }
      if (textPtr->color != NULL) {
      if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
  	Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->stipple);
      if (textPtr->gc != None) {
  	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->gc);
!     if (textPtr->linePtr != NULL) {
! 	ckfree((char *) textPtr->linePtr);
      if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
  	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->cursorOffGC);
-     if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
- 	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->selTextGC);
-     }
--- 449,473 ----
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
      if (textPtr->color != NULL) {
+     Tk_FreeFont(textPtr->tkfont);
      if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
  	Tk_FreeBitmap(display, textPtr->stipple);
+     if (textPtr->text != NULL) {
+ 	ckfree(textPtr->text);
+     }
+     Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
      if (textPtr->gc != None) {
  	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->gc);
!     if (textPtr->selTextGC != None) {
! 	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->selTextGC);
      if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
  	Tk_FreeGC(display, textPtr->cursorOffGC);
*** 511,578 ****
  					 * recomputed. */
!     TextLine *linePtr;
! #define MAX_LINES 10000
!     char *lineStart[MAX_LINES];
!     int lineChars[MAX_LINES];
!     int linePixels[MAX_LINES];
!     int numLines, wrapPixels, maxLinePixels, leftX, topY, y;
!     int lineHeight, i, fudge;
!     char *p;
!     XCharStruct *maxBoundsPtr = &textPtr->fontPtr->max_bounds;
!     Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
!     if (textPtr->linePtr != NULL) {
! 	ckfree((char *) textPtr->linePtr);
! 	textPtr->linePtr = NULL;
!     }
!     /*
!      * Work through the text computing the starting point, number of
!      * characters, and number of pixels in each line.
!      */
!     p = textPtr->text;
!     maxLinePixels = 0;
!     if (textPtr->width > 0) {
! 	wrapPixels = textPtr->width;
!     } else {
! 	wrapPixels = 10000000;
!     }
!     for (numLines = 0; (numLines < MAX_LINES); numLines++) {
! 	int numChars, numPixels;
! 	numChars = TkMeasureChars(textPtr->fontPtr, p,
! 		(textPtr->text + textPtr->numChars) - p, 0,
! 		wrapPixels, 0, TK_WHOLE_WORDS|TK_AT_LEAST_ONE, &numPixels);
! 	if (numPixels > maxLinePixels) {
! 	    maxLinePixels = numPixels;
! 	}
! 	lineStart[numLines] = p;
! 	lineChars[numLines] = numChars;
! 	linePixels[numLines] = numPixels;
! 	p += numChars;
! 	/*
! 	 * Skip space character that terminates a line, if there is one.
! 	 * In the case of multiple spaces, all but one will be displayed.
! 	 * This is important to make sure the insertion cursor gets
! 	 * displayed when it is in the middle of a multi-space.
! 	 */
! 	if (isspace(UCHAR(*p))) {
! 	    p++;
! 	} else if (*p == 0) {
! 	    /*
! 	     * The code below is tricky.  Putting the loop termination
! 	     * here guarantees that there's a TextLine for the last
! 	     * line of text, even if the line is empty (this can
! 	     * also happen if the entire text item is empty).  This is
! 	     * needed so that we can display the insertion cursor on a
! 	     * line even when it is empty.
! 	     */
! 	    numLines++;
! 	    break;
! 	}
!     }
--- 499,509 ----
  					 * recomputed. */
!     Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
!     int leftX, topY, width, height, fudge;
!     Tk_FreeTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout);
!     textPtr->textLayout = Tk_ComputeTextLayout(textPtr->tkfont,
! 	    textPtr->text, textPtr->numChars, textPtr->width,
! 	    textPtr->justify, 0, &width, &height);
*** 581,587 ****
!     leftX = textPtr->x + 0.5;
!     topY = textPtr->y + 0.5;
!     lineHeight = textPtr->fontPtr->ascent + textPtr->fontPtr->descent;
      switch (textPtr->anchor) {
  	case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
--- 512,517 ----
!     leftX = (int) (textPtr->x + 0.5);
!     topY = (int) (textPtr->y + 0.5);
      switch (textPtr->anchor) {
  	case TK_ANCHOR_NW:
*** 593,597 ****
  	case TK_ANCHOR_E:
! 	    topY -= (lineHeight * numLines)/2;
--- 523,527 ----
  	case TK_ANCHOR_E:
! 	    topY -= height / 2;
*** 599,603 ****
  	case TK_ANCHOR_S:
  	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
! 	    topY -= lineHeight * numLines;
--- 529,533 ----
  	case TK_ANCHOR_S:
  	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
! 	    topY -= height;
*** 611,615 ****
  	case TK_ANCHOR_S:
! 	    leftX -= maxLinePixels/2;
--- 541,545 ----
  	case TK_ANCHOR_S:
! 	    leftX -= width / 2;
*** 617,663 ****
  	case TK_ANCHOR_E:
  	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
! 	    leftX -= maxLinePixels;
-     textPtr->rightEdge = leftX + maxLinePixels;
!     /*
!      * Create the new TextLine array and fill it in using the geometry
!      * information gathered already.
!      */
!     if (numLines > 0) {
! 	textPtr->linePtr = (TextLine *) ckalloc((unsigned)
! 		(numLines * sizeof(TextLine)));
!     } else {
! 	textPtr->linePtr = NULL;
!     }
!     textPtr->numLines = numLines;
!     for (i = 0, linePtr = textPtr->linePtr, y = topY;
! 	    i < numLines; i++, linePtr++, y += lineHeight) {
! 	linePtr->firstChar = lineStart[i];
! 	linePtr->numChars = lineChars[i];
! 	if (i == (numLines-1)) {
! 	    linePtr->totalChars = linePtr->numChars;
! 	} else {
! 	    linePtr->totalChars = lineStart[i+1] - lineStart[i];
! 	}
! 	switch (textPtr->justify) {
! 	    case TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:
! 		linePtr->x = leftX;
! 		break;
! 	    case TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:
! 		linePtr->x = leftX + maxLinePixels/2 - linePixels[i]/2;
! 		break;
! 	    case TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
! 		linePtr->x = leftX + maxLinePixels - linePixels[i];
! 		break;
! 	}
! 	linePtr->y = y + textPtr->fontPtr->ascent;
! 	linePtr->x1 = linePtr->x + maxBoundsPtr->lbearing;
! 	linePtr->y1 = y;
! 	linePtr->x2 = linePtr->x + linePixels[i];
! 	linePtr->y2 = linePtr->y + textPtr->fontPtr->descent - 1;
!     }
--- 547,556 ----
  	case TK_ANCHOR_E:
  	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:
! 	    leftX -= width;
!     textPtr->leftEdge  = leftX;
!     textPtr->rightEdge = leftX + width;
*** 668,691 ****
!     linePtr = textPtr->linePtr;
!     textPtr->header.x1 = textPtr->header.x2 = leftX;
!     textPtr->header.y1 = topY;
!     textPtr->header.y2 = topY + numLines*lineHeight;
!     for (linePtr = textPtr->linePtr, i = textPtr->numLines; i > 0;
! 	    i--, linePtr++) {
! 	if (linePtr->x1 < textPtr->header.x1) {
! 	    textPtr->header.x1 = linePtr->x1;
! 	}
! 	if (linePtr->x2 >= textPtr->header.x2) {
! 	    textPtr->header.x2 = linePtr->x2 + 1;
! 	}
!     }
!     fudge = (textInfoPtr->insertWidth+1)/2;
      if (textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth > fudge) {
  	fudge = textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
!     textPtr->header.x1 -= fudge;
!     textPtr->header.x2 += fudge;
--- 561,573 ----
!     textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
!     fudge = (textInfoPtr->insertWidth + 1) / 2;
      if (textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth > fudge) {
  	fudge = textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth;
!     textPtr->header.x1 = leftX - fudge;
!     textPtr->header.y1 = topY;
!     textPtr->header.x2 = leftX + width + fudge;
!     textPtr->header.y2 = topY + height;
*** 693,697 ****
!  * DisplayText --
   *	This procedure is invoked to draw a text item in a given
--- 575,579 ----
!  * DisplayCanvText --
   *	This procedure is invoked to draw a text item in a given
*** 709,713 ****
  static void
! DisplayText(canvas, itemPtr, display, drawable, x, y, width, height)
      Tk_Canvas canvas;			/* Canvas that contains item. */
      Tk_Item *itemPtr;			/* Item to be displayed. */
--- 591,595 ----
  static void
! DisplayCanvText(canvas, itemPtr, display, drawable, x, y, width, height)
      Tk_Canvas canvas;			/* Canvas that contains item. */
      Tk_Item *itemPtr;			/* Item to be displayed. */
*** 718,728 ****
  					 * must be redisplayed (not used). */
!     TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     TextLine *linePtr;
!     int i, focusHere, insertX, insertIndex, lineIndex, tabOrigin;
!     int beforeSelect, inSelect, afterSelect, selStartX, selEndX;
      short drawableX, drawableY;
!     Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
!     Tk_Window tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
      if (textPtr->gc == None) {
--- 600,610 ----
  					 * must be redisplayed (not used). */
!     TextItem *textPtr;
!     Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr;
!     int selFirst, selLast;
      short drawableX, drawableY;
!     textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
      if (textPtr->gc == None) {
*** 740,879 ****
!     focusHere = (textInfoPtr->focusItemPtr == itemPtr) &&
! 	    (textInfoPtr->gotFocus);
!     for (linePtr = textPtr->linePtr, i = textPtr->numLines;
! 	    i > 0; linePtr++, i--) {
! 	/*
! 	 * If part or all of this line is selected, then draw a special
! 	 * background under the selected part of the line.
! 	 */
! 	lineIndex = linePtr->firstChar - textPtr->text;
! 	if ((textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr)
! 		|| (textInfoPtr->selectLast < lineIndex)
! 		|| (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= (lineIndex
! 			+ linePtr->totalChars))) {
! 	    beforeSelect = linePtr->numChars;
! 	    inSelect = 0;
! 	} else {
! 	    beforeSelect = textInfoPtr->selectFirst - lineIndex;
! 	    if (beforeSelect <= 0) {
! 		beforeSelect = 0;
! 		selStartX = linePtr->x;
! 	    } else {
! 		(void) TkMeasureChars(textPtr->fontPtr,
! 			linePtr->firstChar, beforeSelect, 0,
! 			(int) 1000000, 0, TK_PARTIAL_OK, &selStartX);
! 		selStartX += linePtr->x;
! 	    }
! 	    inSelect = textInfoPtr->selectLast + 1 - (lineIndex + beforeSelect);
  	     * If the selection spans the end of this line, then display
  	     * selection background all the way to the end of the line.
! 	     * However, for the last line we only want to display up to
! 	     * the last character, not the end of the line, hence the
! 	     * "i != 1" check.
! 	    if (inSelect >= (linePtr->totalChars - beforeSelect)) {
! 		inSelect = linePtr->numChars - beforeSelect;
! 		if (i != 1) {
! 		    selEndX = textPtr->rightEdge;
! 		    goto fillSelectBackground;
- 	    (void) TkMeasureChars(textPtr->fontPtr,
- 		    linePtr->firstChar + beforeSelect, inSelect,
- 		    selStartX-linePtr->x, (int) 1000000, 0, TK_PARTIAL_OK,
- 		    &selEndX);
- 	    selEndX += linePtr->x;
- 	    fillSelectBackground:
- 	    Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
- 		    (double) (selStartX - textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth),
- 		    (double) (linePtr->y - textPtr->fontPtr->ascent),
- 		    &drawableX, &drawableY);
- 	    Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable, textInfoPtr->selBorder,
- 		    drawableX, drawableY,
- 		    selEndX - selStartX + 2*textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth,
- 		    textPtr->fontPtr->ascent + textPtr->fontPtr->descent,
- 		    textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
! 	/*
! 	 * If the insertion cursor is in this line, then draw a special
! 	 * background for the cursor before drawing the text.  Note:
! 	 * if we're the cursor item but the cursor is turned off, then
! 	 * redraw background over the area of the cursor.  This guarantees
! 	 * that the selection won't make the cursor invisible on mono
! 	 * displays, where both are drawn in the same color.
! 	 */
! 	if (focusHere) {
! 	    insertIndex = textPtr->insertPos
! 		    - (linePtr->firstChar - textPtr->text);
! 	    if ((insertIndex >= 0) && (insertIndex <= linePtr->numChars)) {
! 		(void) TkMeasureChars(textPtr->fontPtr, linePtr->firstChar,
! 		    insertIndex, 0, (int) 1000000, 0, TK_PARTIAL_OK, &insertX);
! 		Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
! 			(double) (linePtr->x + insertX
! 			    - (textInfoPtr->insertWidth)/2),
! 			(double) (linePtr->y - textPtr->fontPtr->ascent),
! 			&drawableX, &drawableY);
! 		if (textInfoPtr->cursorOn) {
! 		    Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, drawable,
! 			    textInfoPtr->insertBorder, drawableX, drawableY,
! 			    textInfoPtr->insertWidth,
! 			    textPtr->fontPtr->ascent
! 				+ textPtr->fontPtr->descent,
! 			    textInfoPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
! 		} else if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
! 		    /* Redraw the background over the area of the cursor,
! 		     * even though the cursor is turned off.  This guarantees
! 		     * that the selection won't make the cursor invisible on
! 		     * mono displays, where both may be drawn in the same
! 		     * color.
! 		     */
! 		    XFillRectangle(display, drawable, textPtr->cursorOffGC,
! 			    drawableX, drawableY,
! 			    (unsigned) textInfoPtr->insertWidth,
! 			    (unsigned) (textPtr->fontPtr->ascent
! 				+ textPtr->fontPtr->descent));
! 		}
- 	/*
- 	 * Display the text in three pieces:  the part before the
- 	 * selection, the selected part (which needs a different graphics
- 	 * context), and the part after the selection.
- 	 */
! 	Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) linePtr->x,
! 		(double) linePtr->y, &drawableX, &drawableY);
! 	tabOrigin = drawableX;
! 	if (beforeSelect != 0) {
! 	    TkDisplayChars(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->fontPtr,
! 		    linePtr->firstChar, beforeSelect, drawableX,
! 		    drawableY, tabOrigin, 0);
! 	}
! 	if (inSelect != 0) {
! 	    Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) selStartX,
! 		    (double) linePtr->y, &drawableX, &drawableY);
! 	    TkDisplayChars(display, drawable, textPtr->selTextGC,
! 		    textPtr->fontPtr, linePtr->firstChar + beforeSelect,
! 		    inSelect, drawableX, drawableY, tabOrigin, 0);
! 	}
! 	afterSelect = linePtr->numChars - beforeSelect - inSelect;
! 	if (afterSelect > 0) {
! 	    Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) selEndX,
! 		    (double) linePtr->y, &drawableX, &drawableY);
! 	    TkDisplayChars(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->fontPtr,
! 		    linePtr->firstChar + beforeSelect + inSelect,
! 		    afterSelect, drawableX, drawableY, tabOrigin, 0);
! 	}
      if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
  	XSetTSOrigin(display, textPtr->gc, 0, 0);
--- 622,734 ----
!     selFirst = -1;
!     selLast = 0;		/* lint. */
!     if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {
! 	selFirst = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
! 	selLast = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
! 	if (selLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
! 	    selLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
! 	}
! 	if ((selFirst >= 0) && (selFirst <= selLast)) {
! 	    /*
! 	     * Draw a special background under the selection.
! 	     */
! 	    int xFirst, yFirst, hFirst;
! 	    int xLast, yLast, wLast;
! 	    Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selFirst,
! 		    &xFirst, &yFirst, NULL, &hFirst);
! 	    Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, selLast,
! 		    &xLast, &yLast, &wLast, NULL);
  	     * If the selection spans the end of this line, then display
  	     * selection background all the way to the end of the line.
! 	     * However, for the last line we only want to display up to the
! 	     * last character, not the end of the line.
! 	    x = xFirst;
! 	    height = hFirst;
! 	    for (y = yFirst ; y <= yLast; y += height) {
! 		if (y == yLast) {
! 		    width = (xLast + wLast) - x;
! 		} else {	    
! 		    width = textPtr->rightEdge - textPtr->leftEdge - x;
+ 		Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
+ 			(double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
+ 				- textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth),
+ 			(double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
+ 			&drawableX, &drawableY);
+ 		Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
+ 			textInfoPtr->selBorder, drawableX, drawableY,
+ 			width + 2 * textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth,
+ 			height, textInfoPtr->selBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
+ 		x = 0;
+     }
!     /*
!      * If the insertion point should be displayed, then draw a special
!      * background for the cursor before drawing the text.  Note:  if
!      * we're the cursor item but the cursor is turned off, then redraw
!      * background over the area of the cursor.  This guarantees that
!      * the selection won't make the cursor invisible on mono displays,
!      * where both are drawn in the same color.
!      */
!     if ((textInfoPtr->focusItemPtr == itemPtr) && (textInfoPtr->gotFocus)) {
! 	if (Tk_CharBbox(textPtr->textLayout, textPtr->insertPos,
! 		&x, &y, NULL, &height)) {
! 	    Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas,
! 		    (double) (textPtr->leftEdge + x
! 			    - (textInfoPtr->insertWidth / 2)),
! 		    (double) (textPtr->header.y1 + y),
! 		    &drawableX, &drawableY);
! 	    if (textInfoPtr->cursorOn) {
! 		Tk_Fill3DRectangle(Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas), drawable,
! 			textInfoPtr->insertBorder,
! 			drawableX, drawableY,
! 			textInfoPtr->insertWidth, height,
! 			textInfoPtr->insertBorderWidth, TK_RELIEF_RAISED);
! 	    } else if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != None) {
! 		/*
! 		 * Redraw the background over the area of the cursor,
! 		 * even though the cursor is turned off.  This
! 		 * guarantees that the selection won't make the cursor
! 		 * invisible on mono displays, where both may be drawn
! 		 * in the same color.
! 		 */
! 		XFillRectangle(display, drawable, textPtr->cursorOffGC,
! 			drawableX, drawableY,
! 			(unsigned) textInfoPtr->insertWidth,
! 			(unsigned) height);
+     }
!     /*
!      * Display the text in two pieces: draw the entire text item, then
!      * draw the selected text on top of it.  The selected text then
!      * will only need to be drawn if it has different attributes (such
!      * as foreground color) than regular text.
!      */
!     Tk_CanvasDrawableCoords(canvas, (double) textPtr->leftEdge,
! 	    (double) textPtr->header.y1, &drawableX, &drawableY);
!     Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->gc, textPtr->textLayout,
! 	    drawableX, drawableY, 0, -1);
!     if ((selFirst >= 0) && (textPtr->selTextGC != textPtr->gc)) {
! 	Tk_DrawTextLayout(display, drawable, textPtr->selTextGC,
! 	    textPtr->textLayout, drawableX, drawableY, selFirst,
! 	    selLast + 1);
      if (textPtr->stipple != None) {
  	XSetTSOrigin(display, textPtr->gc, 0, 0);
*** 1051,1057 ****
   * Results:
   *	The return value is 0 if the point whose x and y coordinates
!  *	are pointPtr[0] and pointPtr[1] is inside the arc.  If the
!  *	point isn't inside the arc then the return value is the
!  *	distance from the point to the arc.
   * Side effects:
--- 906,912 ----
   * Results:
   *	The return value is 0 if the point whose x and y coordinates
!  *	are pointPtr[0] and pointPtr[1] is inside the text item.  If
!  *	the point isn't inside the text item then the return value
!  *	is the distance from the point to the text item.
   * Side effects:
*** 1067,1125 ****
      double *pointPtr;		/* Pointer to x and y coordinates. */
!     TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     TextLine *linePtr;
!     int i;
!     double xDiff, yDiff, dist, minDist;
!     /*
!      * Treat each line in the text item as a rectangle, compute the
!      * distance to that rectangle, and take the minimum of these
!      * distances.  Perform most of the calculations in integer pixel
!      * units, since that's how the dimensions of the text are defined.
!      */
!     minDist = -1.0;
!     for (linePtr = textPtr->linePtr, i = textPtr->numLines;
! 	    i > 0; linePtr++, i--) {
! 	/*
! 	 * If the point is inside the line's rectangle, then can
! 	 * return immediately.
! 	 */
! 	if ((pointPtr[0] >= linePtr->x1)
! 		&& (pointPtr[0] <= linePtr->x2)
! 		&& (pointPtr[1] >= linePtr->y1)
! 		&& (pointPtr[1] <= linePtr->y2)) {
! 	    return 0.0;
! 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Point is outside line's rectangle; compute distance to nearest
! 	 * side.
! 	 */
! 	if (pointPtr[0] < linePtr->x1) {
! 	    xDiff = linePtr->x1 - pointPtr[0];
! 	} else if (pointPtr[0] > linePtr->x2)  {
! 	    xDiff = pointPtr[0] - linePtr->x2;
! 	} else {
! 	    xDiff = 0;
! 	}
! 	if (pointPtr[1] < linePtr->y1) {
! 	    yDiff = linePtr->y1 - pointPtr[1];
! 	} else if (pointPtr[1] > linePtr->y2)  {
! 	    yDiff = pointPtr[1] - linePtr->y2;
! 	} else {
! 	    yDiff = 0;
! 	}
! 	dist = hypot(xDiff, yDiff);
! 	if ((dist < minDist) || (minDist < 0.0)) {
! 	    minDist = dist;
! 	}
!     }
!     return minDist;
--- 922,931 ----
      double *pointPtr;		/* Pointer to x and y coordinates. */
!     TextItem *textPtr;
!     textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     return (double) Tk_DistanceToTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
! 	    (int) pointPtr[0] - textPtr->leftEdge,
! 	    (int) pointPtr[1] - textPtr->header.y1);
*** 1152,1188 ****
  				 * area.  */
!     TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     TextLine *linePtr;
!     int i, result;
!     /*
!      * Scan the lines one at a time, seeing whether each line is
!      * entirely in, entirely out, or overlapping the rectangle.  If
!      * an overlap is detected, return immediately;  otherwise wait
!      * until all lines have been processed and see if they were all
!      * inside or all outside.
!      */
!     result = 0;
!     for (linePtr = textPtr->linePtr, i = textPtr->numLines;
! 	    i > 0; linePtr++, i--) {
! 	if ((rectPtr[2] < linePtr->x1) || (rectPtr[0] > linePtr->x2)
! 		|| (rectPtr[3] < linePtr->y1) || (rectPtr[1] > linePtr->y2)) {
! 	    if (result == 1) {
! 		return 0;
! 	    }
! 	    result = -1;
! 	    continue;
! 	}
! 	if ((linePtr->x1 < rectPtr[0]) || (linePtr->x2 > rectPtr[2])
! 		|| (linePtr->y1 < rectPtr[1]) || (linePtr->y2 > rectPtr[3])) {
! 	    return 0;
! 	}
! 	if (result == -1) {
! 	    return 0;
! 	}
! 	result = 1;
!     }
!     return result;
--- 958,969 ----
  				 * area.  */
!     TextItem *textPtr;
!     textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     return Tk_IntersectTextLayout(textPtr->textLayout,
! 	    (int) (rectPtr[0] + 0.5) - textPtr->leftEdge,
! 	    (int) (rectPtr[1] + 0.5) - textPtr->header.y1,
! 	    (int) (rectPtr[2] - rectPtr[0] + 0.5),
! 	    (int) (rectPtr[3] - rectPtr[1] + 0.5));
*** 1286,1395 ****
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
      size_t length;
      Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
      length = strlen(string);
!     if (string[0] == 'e') {
! 	if (strncmp(string, "end", length) == 0) {
! 	    *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
! 	} else {
! 	    badIndex:
! 	    /*
! 	     * Some of the paths here leave messages in interp->result,
! 	     * so we have to clear it out before storing our own message.
! 	     */
! 	    Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC);
! 	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad index \"", string, "\"",
! 		    (char *) NULL);
! 	    return TCL_ERROR;
!     } else if (string[0] == 'i') {
! 	if (strncmp(string, "insert", length) == 0) {
! 	    *indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos;
! 	} else {
! 	    goto badIndex;
!     } else if (string[0] == 'l') {
!       if (strncmp(string, "linestart", length) == 0) {
! 	int i=0;
! 	int ctr=0;
! 	TextLine *lptr=textPtr->linePtr;
! 	while((i<textPtr->numLines-1)&&
! 	      (ctr+lptr->numChars <textPtr->insertPos))
! 	  {
! 	    ctr+=lptr->numChars+1;
! 	    lptr++;
! 	    i++;
! 	  }
! 	*indexPtr = ctr;
!       } else if (strncmp(string, "lineend", length) == 0) {
! 	int i=0;
! 	int ctr=0;
! 	TextLine *lptr=textPtr->linePtr;
! 	while((i<textPtr->numLines-1)&&
! 	      (ctr+lptr->numChars <textPtr->insertPos))
! 	  {
! 	    ctr+=lptr->numChars+1;
! 	    lptr++;
! 	    i++;
! 	  }
! 	*indexPtr = ctr+lptr->numChars-1;
!       } else {
! 	goto badIndex;
!       }
!     } else if (string[0] == 'x') {
!       if (strncmp(string, "xinsert", length) == 0) {
! 	int i=0;
! 	int ctr=0;
! 	TextLine *lptr=textPtr->linePtr;
! 	while((i<textPtr->numLines-1)&&
! 	      (ctr+lptr->numChars <textPtr->insertPos))
! 	  {
! 	    ctr+=lptr->numChars+1;
! 	    lptr++;
! 	    i++;
! 	  }
! 	*indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos-ctr;
!       } else {
! 	goto badIndex;
!       }
!     } else if (string[0] == 'y') {
!       if (strncmp(string, "yinsert", length) == 0) {
! 	int i=0;
! 	int ctr=0;
! 	TextLine *lptr=textPtr->linePtr;
! 	while((i<textPtr->numLines-1)&&
! 	      (ctr+lptr->numChars <textPtr->insertPos))
! 	  {
! 	    ctr+=lptr->numChars+1;
! 	    lptr++;
! 	    i++;
! 	  }
! 	*indexPtr = i;
!       } else {
! 	goto badIndex;
!       }
!     } else if (string[0] == 's') {
  	if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
  	    interp->result = "selection isn't in item";
  	    return TCL_ERROR;
! 	if (length < 5) {
! 	    goto badIndex;
! 	}
! 	if (strncmp(string, "sel.first", length) == 0) {
! 	    *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
! 	} else if (strncmp(string, "sel.last", length) == 0) {
! 	    *indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
! 	} else {
! 	    goto badIndex;
!     } else if (string[0] == '@') {
! 	int x, y, dummy, i;
  	double tmp;
  	char *end, *p;
- 	TextLine *linePtr;
  	p = string+1;
--- 1067,1137 ----
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
      size_t length;
+     int c;
+     TkCanvas *canvasPtr = (TkCanvas *) canvas;
      Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
+     c = string[0];
      length = strlen(string);
!     if ((c == 'e') && (strncmp(string, "end", length) == 0)) {
! 	*indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
!     } else if ((c == 'i') && (strncmp(string, "insert", length) == 0)) {
! 	*indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos;
!     } else if ((c == 'l') && (strncmp(string, "linestart", length) == 0)
! 	    && (length >= 5)) {
! 	int lineNum, pos, numChars;
! 	for (lineNum = 0, pos = 0; *textPtr->text;
! 	     lineNum++, pos += numChars + 1) {
! 	    numChars = strcspn(textPtr->text + pos, "\n\r");
! 	    if (pos + numChars >= textPtr->insertPos)
! 		break;
! 	*indexPtr = pos;
!     } else if ((c == 'l') && (strncmp(string, "lineend", length) == 0)
! 	    && (length >= 5)) {
! 	int lineNum, pos, numChars;
! 	for (lineNum = 0, pos = 0; *textPtr->text;
! 	     lineNum++, pos += numChars + 1) {
! 	    numChars = strcspn(textPtr->text + pos, "\n\r");
! 	    if (pos + numChars >= textPtr->insertPos)
! 		break;
! 	*indexPtr = pos + numChars;
!     } else if ((c == 'x') && (strncmp(string, "xinsert", length) == 0)) {
! 	int lineNum, pos, numChars;
! 	for (lineNum = 0, pos = 0; *textPtr->text;
! 	     lineNum++, pos += numChars + 1) {
! 	    numChars = strcspn(textPtr->text + pos, "\n\r");
! 	    if (pos + numChars >= textPtr->insertPos)
! 		break;
! 	}
! 	*indexPtr = textPtr->insertPos - pos;
!     } else if ((c == 'y') && (strncmp(string, "yinsert", length) == 0)) {
! 	int lineNum, pos, numChars;
! 	for (lineNum = 0, pos = 0; *textPtr->text;
! 	     lineNum++, pos += numChars + 1) {
! 	    numChars = strcspn(textPtr->text + pos, "\n\r");
! 	    if (pos + numChars >= textPtr->insertPos)
! 		break;
! 	}
! 	*indexPtr = lineNum;
!     } else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(string, "sel.first", length) == 0)
! 	    && (length >= 5)) {
  	if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
  	    interp->result = "selection isn't in item";
  	    return TCL_ERROR;
! 	*indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectFirst;
!     } else if ((c == 's') && (strncmp(string, "sel.last", length) == 0)
! 	    && (length >= 5)) {
! 	if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr != itemPtr) {
! 	    interp->result = "selection isn't in item";
! 	    return TCL_ERROR;
! 	*indexPtr = textInfoPtr->selectLast;
!     } else if (c == '@') {
! 	int x, y;
  	double tmp;
  	char *end, *p;
  	p = string+1;
*** 1398,1402 ****
  	    goto badIndex;
! 	x = (tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5;
  	p = end+1;
  	tmp = strtod(p, &end);
--- 1140,1144 ----
  	    goto badIndex;
! 	x = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
  	p = end+1;
  	tmp = strtod(p, &end);
*** 1404,1428 ****
  	    goto badIndex;
! 	y = (tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5;
! 	if ((textPtr->numChars == 0) || (y < textPtr->linePtr[0].y1)) {
! 	    *indexPtr = 0;
! 	    return TCL_OK;
! 	}
! 	for (i = 0, linePtr = textPtr->linePtr; ; i++, linePtr++) {
! 	    if (i >= textPtr->numLines) {
! 		*indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
! 		return TCL_OK;
! 	    }
! 	    if (y <= linePtr->y2) {
! 		break;
! 	    }
! 	}
! 	*indexPtr = TkMeasureChars(textPtr->fontPtr, linePtr->firstChar,
! 		linePtr->numChars, linePtr->x, x, linePtr->x, 0, &dummy);
! 	*indexPtr += linePtr->firstChar - textPtr->text;
!     } else {
! 	if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string, indexPtr) != TCL_OK) {
! 	    goto badIndex;
! 	}
  	if (*indexPtr < 0){
  	    *indexPtr = 0;
--- 1146,1154 ----
  	    goto badIndex;
! 	y = (int) ((tmp < 0) ? tmp - 0.5 : tmp + 0.5);
! 	*indexPtr = Tk_PointToChar(textPtr->textLayout,
! 		x + canvasPtr->scrollX1 - textPtr->leftEdge,
! 		y + canvasPtr->scrollY1 - textPtr->header.y1);
!     } else if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, string, indexPtr) == TCL_OK) {
  	if (*indexPtr < 0){
  	    *indexPtr = 0;
*** 1430,1433 ****
--- 1156,1170 ----
  	    *indexPtr = textPtr->numChars;
+     } else {
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Some of the paths here leave messages in interp->result,
+ 	 * so we have to clear it out before storing our own message.
+ 	 */
+ 	badIndex:
+ 	Tcl_SetResult(interp, (char *) NULL, TCL_STATIC);
+ 	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad index \"", string, "\"",
+ 		(char *) NULL);
+ 	return TCL_ERROR;
      return TCL_OK;
*** 1556,1564 ****
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     TextLine *linePtr;
!     int i;
!     char *xoffset = NULL, *yoffset = NULL;	/* Initializations needed */
!     char *justify = NULL;			/* only to stop compiler
!    						 * warnings. */
      char buffer[500];
--- 1293,1299 ----
      TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
!     int x, y;
!     Tk_FontMetrics fm;
!     char *justify;
      char buffer[500];
*** 1567,1573 ****
!     if (Tk_CanvasPsFont(interp, canvas, textPtr->fontPtr) != TCL_OK) {
  	return TCL_ERROR;
      if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, textPtr->color) != TCL_OK) {
  	return TCL_ERROR;
--- 1302,1311 ----
!     if (Tk_CanvasPsFont(interp, canvas, textPtr->tkfont) != TCL_OK) {
  	return TCL_ERROR;
+     if (prepass != 0) {
+ 	return TCL_OK;
+     }
      if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas, textPtr->color) != TCL_OK) {
  	return TCL_ERROR;
*** 1579,1671 ****
  	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "} bind def\n", (char *) NULL);
      sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g [\n", textPtr->x,
  	    Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, textPtr->y));
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
!     for (i = textPtr->numLines, linePtr = textPtr->linePtr;
! 	    i > 0; i--, linePtr++) {
! 	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "    ", (char *) NULL);
! 	LineToPostscript(interp, linePtr->firstChar,
! 		linePtr->numChars);
! 	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n", (char *) NULL);
!     }
      switch (textPtr->anchor) {
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_NW:     xoffset = "0";    yoffset = "0";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_N:      xoffset = "-0.5"; yoffset = "0";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_NE:     xoffset = "-1";   yoffset = "0";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_E:      xoffset = "-1";   yoffset = "0.5"; break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:     xoffset = "-1";   yoffset = "1";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_S:      xoffset = "-0.5"; yoffset = "1";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_SW:     xoffset = "0";    yoffset = "1";   break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_W:      xoffset = "0";    yoffset = "0.5"; break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_CENTER: xoffset = "-0.5"; yoffset = "0.5"; break;
      switch (textPtr->justify) {
! 	case TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:	justify = "0";   break;
! 	case TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER:	justify = "0.5"; break;
! 	case TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:	justify = "1";   break;
!     }
!     sprintf(buffer, "] %d %s %s %s %s DrawText\n",
! 	    textPtr->fontPtr->ascent + textPtr->fontPtr->descent,
! 	    xoffset, yoffset, justify,
! 	    (textPtr->stipple == None) ? "false" : "true");
!     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
!     return TCL_OK;
! }
! /*
!  *--------------------------------------------------------------
!  *
!  * LineToPostscript --
!  *
!  *	This procedure generates a parenthesized Postscript string
!  *	describing one line of text from a text item.
!  *
!  * Results:
!  *	None. The parenthesized string is appended to
!  *	interp->result.  It generates proper backslash notation so
!  *	that Postscript can interpret the string correctly.
!  *
!  * Side effects:
!  *	None.
!  *
!  *--------------------------------------------------------------
!  */
! static void
! LineToPostscript(interp, string, numChars)
!     Tcl_Interp *interp;		/* Interp whose result is to be appended to. */
!     char *string;		/* String to Postscript-ify. */
!     int numChars;		/* Number of characters in the string. */
! {
! #define BUFFER_SIZE 100
!     char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+5];
!     int used, c;
!     buffer[0] = '(';
!     used = 1;
!     for ( ; numChars > 0; string++, numChars--) {
! 	c = (*string) & 0xff;
! 	if ((c == '(') || (c == ')') || (c == '\\') || (c < 0x20)
! 		|| (c >= 0x7f)) {
! 	    /*
! 	     * Tricky point:  the "03" is necessary in the sprintf below,
! 	     * so that a full three digits of octal are always generated.
! 	     * Without the "03", a number following this sequence could
! 	     * be interpreted by Postscript as part of this sequence.
! 	     */
! 	    sprintf(buffer+used, "\\%03o", c);
! 	    used += strlen(buffer+used);
! 	} else {
! 	    buffer[used] = c;
! 	    used++;
! 	}
! 	if (used >= BUFFER_SIZE) {
! 	    buffer[used] = 0;
! 	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
! 	    used = 0;
! 	}
!     buffer[used] = ')';
!     buffer[used+1] = 0;
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
--- 1317,1351 ----
  	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "} bind def\n", (char *) NULL);
      sprintf(buffer, "%.15g %.15g [\n", textPtr->x,
  	    Tk_CanvasPsY(canvas, textPtr->y));
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
!     Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript(interp, textPtr->textLayout);
!     x = 0;  y = 0;  justify = NULL;	/* lint. */
      switch (textPtr->anchor) {
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_NW:	x = 0; y = 0;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_N:	x = 1; y = 0;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_NE:	x = 2; y = 0;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_E:	x = 2; y = 1;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_SE:	x = 2; y = 2;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_S:	x = 1; y = 2;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_SW:	x = 0; y = 2;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_W:	x = 0; y = 1;	break;
! 	case TK_ANCHOR_CENTER:	x = 1; y = 1;	break;
      switch (textPtr->justify) {
!         case TK_JUSTIFY_LEFT:	justify = "0";	break;
! 	case TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER: justify = "0.5";break;
! 	case TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT:  justify = "1";	break;
!     Tk_GetFontMetrics(textPtr->tkfont, &fm);
!     sprintf(buffer, "] %d %g %g %s %s DrawText\n",
! 	    fm.linespace, x / -2.0, y / 2.0, justify,
! 	    ((textPtr->stipple == None) ? "false" : "true"));
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
+     return TCL_OK;
*** src/iohandler.c~	Wed Sep  4 06:54:03 1996
--- src/iohandler.c	Thu Mar  5 18:03:39 1998
*** 135,140 ****
  	sockproc[fd] = callback;
! 	Tcl_CreateFileHandler(Tcl_GetFile((ClientData)fd, TCL_UNIX_FD),
! 			      mask, callback, (ClientData)fd);
--- 135,139 ----
  	sockproc[fd] = callback;
! 	Tcl_CreateFileHandler(fd, mask, callback, (ClientData)fd);
*** 148,152 ****
! 	Tcl_DeleteFileHandler(Tcl_GetFile((ClientData)fd, TCL_UNIX_FD));
--- 147,151 ----
! 	Tcl_DeleteFileHandler(fd);
*** src/ui_init.c~	Thu Oct 17 12:20:23 1996
--- src/ui_init.c	Thu Mar  5 18:03:16 1998
*** 421,425 ****
  #ifdef NOTDEF
!     Tcl_CreateFileHandler(Tcl_GetFile((ClientData)rx_fd, TCL_UNIX_FD), TK_READABLE, (Tk_FileProc *)xsockrecv, (ClientData) 0);
      linksocket(rx_fd, TK_READABLE, xsockrecv);
--- 421,425 ----
  #ifdef NOTDEF
!     Tcl_CreateFileHandler(rx_fd, TK_READABLE, (Tk_FileProc *)xsockrecv, (ClientData) 0);
      linksocket(rx_fd, TK_READABLE, xsockrecv);
*** src/libs.tcl~	Wed May 22 10:17:22 1996
--- src/libs.tcl	Thu Mar  5 19:43:10 1998
*** 540,549 ****
  scan [info tclversion] "%d.%d" a b
! if {$a != 7} {
!     error "wrong version of Tcl loaded ([info tclversion]): need 7.x"
  scan $tk_version "%d.%d" a b
! if {($a != 4) || ($b < 0)} {
!     error "wrong version of Tk loaded ($tk_version): need 4.x"
  unset a b
--- 540,549 ----
  scan [info tclversion] "%d.%d" a b
! if {$a != 8} {
!     error "wrong version of Tcl loaded ([info tclversion]): need 8.x"
  scan $tk_version "%d.%d" a b
! if {($a != 8) || ($b < 0)} {
!     error "wrong version of Tk loaded ($tk_version): need 8.x"
  unset a b