The NetBSD Packages Collection
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The following list contains all
packages currently available
in the NetBSD Packages Collection, sorted alphabetically.
Please select an entry for more details!
0ad-0.0.26.alphanb25 Historical real-time strategy game
0ad-data-0.0.26.alphanb1 Datafiles for the 0ad game
0verkill-0.16nb1 0verkill is bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game in ASCII-ART
2048-cli-0.9.1 The game 2048 for your Unix terminal
2bwm-0.3 Fast floating WM written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm
2fa-1.2.0nb40 Command-line client for two-factor authentication
2vcard-0.6nb3 Convert an addressbook to the popular VCARD file format
3ddesktop-0.2.9nb16 3D Virtual Desktop Switcher
3dpong-0.5 One or two player 3D sports game based on Pong from Atari
3proxy-0.9.4 Multi-protocol proxy
4stAttack-2.1.4nb24 Game in which you have to try to out-smart your opponent
64tass-1.59.3120 Cross-assembler for 6502-like processors
6tunnel-0.13 Tunnelling for applications that don't speak IPv6
7-zip-24.09 Latest command-line tool for .7z and some archive formats
7kaa-2.15.6nb7 Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
7kaa-music-2.15 Music files for use with 7KAA
7plus-225nb2 Uuencode-like file coder for AMPR BBS S&F of binary files
8086tiny-1.25 PC XT-compatible emulator/virtual machine written in C
855resolution-0.4nb2 BIOS VESA resolution utility for 855/865/915 Intel chips
915resolution-0.5.3 BIOS VESA resolution utility for 8XX/9XX Intel chips
9base-20100604nb3 Port of various original plan9 tools
9e-1.0 Explode Plan9 archives
9menu-1.10 Simple menu patterned after the Plan9 user interface
9wm-1.4.2 Rio-like Window Manager for X
Addresses-0.4.8nb29 Address book for GNUstep
AitDoB-0.0.20120330 Ascent into the Depths of Beyond -- A roguelike game
AnonymousPro-1.002 Fixed width Sans designed especially for Coders
Apache-Gallery-1.0.2nb7 Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories
Azeret-otf-0.0.20210621 Sans-serif typeface with mono-linear character (Azeret font family)
BasiliskII-20190405nb13 Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator
Bastille-3.0.9nb16 System hardening tool focusing on educating the user
BibTool-2.65nb5 Tool to manipulate BibTeX databases
CRF++-0.58 Yet Another CRF toolkit
CRWInfo-0.2 Extracts exposure information and thumbnails from Canon RAW files
CSP-0.34nb9 Simple PKI Toolkit
CUnit-2.1.3nb1 C Unit checking test software
CamingoCode-1.0 Font designed for source-code editors
Canna-3.7pl3 Kana-Kanji conversion system (meta-package)
Canna-canuum-3.7pl3 Kana-Kanji conversion system (canuum)
Canna-dict-3.7pl3 Kana-Kanji conversion system (dict)
Canna-lib-3.7pl3nb1 Kana-Kanji conversion system (lib)
Canna-server-3.7pl3nb1 Kana-Kanji conversion system (server)
Cg-compiler-3.1nb1 Compiler for the Cg 3.1 language
Chinput-3.0nb3 Chinese input server
Code-New-Roman-2.1beta1 Programming font
Coin-3.1.3nb12 Free, portable, Open Inventor API implementation
CutiveFont-0.0.20121026 Classic typewriter typeface
Cygne-SDL-0.1nb7 Bandai Wonderswan Color handheld emulator
DVDStyler-3.1nb17 Crossplatform DVD Authoring System
DWB-20150517nb1 Original Documenter's Workbench Release 3.3
DarwinStreamingServer-5.5.5nb18 Open source version of Apple QuickTime Streaming Server
DatLib-2.36 Data file library for some emulation tools
DatUtil-2.46 Create and convert emulator rom checksum files
EBGaramond-0.016nb1 Egenolff-Berner Garamond font
ETL-0.04.11 C++ template library for synfig
EasyPG-0.0.16nb4 GnuPG interface for emacs
FSViewer-0.2.5nb27 NextStep-like Filemanager for WindowMaker
FastTree-2.1.11 Approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments
FiraCode-6.2 Monospaced font with programming ligatures
FlightCrew-0.7.2nb57 EPUB validator
GALasm- Portable GAL assembler
GConf-3.2.3nb22 Configuration database system used by GNOME
GConf-ui-3.2.3nb31 Configuration database system used by GNOME
GMT-4.1.4nb36 Generic Mapping Tools
GNUMail-1.4.0nb6 GNUstep clone of NeXT's application
GUIlib-1.2.1nb1 Very simple GUI framework library
Gauche-0.9.15 R7RS Scheme implementation aimed to be a handy tool for daily works
GenFw-0pre15188 Convert ELF to PE-COFF for UEFI
GeoIP-1.6.12nb1 GeoIP Legacy C API
Gorm-1.2.28nb6 Graphical user interface builder for GNUstep
GraphicsMagick-1.3.42nb8 Tools and libraries for reading, writing, and manipulating images
GutenMark-20090510 Automatic, high-quality Gutenberg text formatter to LaTeX or HTML
GutenMark-words-20030107 Word lists for GutenMark
HElib-1.0.1 Homeomorphic Encryption library
Hack-ttf-3.003 Typeface designed for source code
Hasklig-1.1 Code font with monospaced ligatures
Hermes-1.3.3nb2 Library for conversion of pixel graphics
IglooFTP-0.6.1nb7 Easy to use FTP client for X Window System
ImageMagick- Package for display and non-interactive manipulation of images
ImageMagick6- Package for display and interactive manipulation of images
ImageViewer-0.6.3nb37 GNUstep image display application
Inter-UI-3.19 Font for highly legible text on computer screens
InterLOGIC-0.30nb10 Logic/puzzle game based on the old Amiga game "Balls"
Ipopt-3.11.5nb1 Interior Point OPTimizer
IshkurCPM-0.0.20230518 Open source, modular CP/M distribution for the NABU computer
JBidwatcher-2.1.5 Software for eBay sniping, bidding and monitoring
JMdict-20061208 Japanese-Multilingual electronic dictionary
JTTB-0.5.1 Small, portable BASIC interpreter written in C
JetBrainsMono-ttf-2.242 Free and open-source typeface for developers
KeePass-2.44nb22 Free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager
KoboDeluxe-0.5.1nb6 Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X
LPRng-3.6.28nb2 "meta-package" for LPRng, Enhanced Printer Spooler
LPRng-core-3.8.28nb4 Enhanced Printer Spooler
LPRng-doc-3.6.13 LPRng documentation in dvi, text, html and ps formats
LaTeXML-0.8.2nb11 LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter
LostPixels-0.5.3nb11 Blinken Sisters - Hunt for the Lost Pixels (80s-style Jump'n'Run)
LuaJIT2-2.1.1713773202 Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua programming language
MAMEDiff-2.31 Compare MAME rom sets of different releases
Markdown-1.0.1nb11 Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
Merriweather-ttf-2.002 Eben Sorkin's Merriweather font
MesaDemos-8.4.0nb9 OpenGL examples and Demos
MesaLib-21.3.9nb4 Open source OpenGL implementation
MoarVM-2024.10 Virtual machine for Rakudo Perl 6
Mowitz-0.3.1nb3 "More widgets" library providing X11 widgets
Mule-UCS-0.84nb7 Another encoding conversion mechanism for Emacs
MyGoGrinder-2.3.1 Program to solve Go (Weiqi, Baduk) problems
MyHDL-gplcver-0.11 GPL Cver cosimulation support for py-MyHDL
MyHDL-iverilog-0.11 Icarus Verilog cosimulation support for py-MyHDL
Ngraph-6.3.30nb3 The 2D graph and data analysis program
ORBit2-2.14.19nb6 High-performance CORBA ORB with C language support
OVMF-0.0.20181116nb5 Sample UEFI firmware for virtual machines
ObjectiveLib-1.0.0nb30 Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C
Office-Code-Pro-1.004 Customized version of Source Code Pro
OmegaT-6.0.0 The translation memory (TM) application written in Java
OpenJPH-0.10.0 Open-source implementation of JPEG2000 Part-15
OpenRM-1.5.2nb17 The OpenRM Scene Graph API
Overpass-3.0.4 Font family inspired by Highway Gothic
PACK-0.0.3nb5 Password analysis and cracking kit
PC6001VX-4.2.10 Cross platform PC-6001 emulator
PEGTL-2.8.3 C++ header-only parser combinator library
PageEdit-2.0.2nb8 XHTML Visual Editor for ePubs
PanoTools-2.6b1nb3 View, create, edit, and remap panoramic images
Pantomime-1.4.0nb6 Objective-C mail system class library
PortableSigner-2.0.38c0573 Tool for digital signing (with X.509 certificates) of PDF files
ProjectCenter-0.6.2nb24 GNUstep Integrated Development Environment
QXlsx-1.4.9nb3 Excel file reader/writer library using Qt
Qsmtp-0.39nb2 Drop-in replacement for qmail-smtpd and qmail-remote
QuantLib-1.12.1nb14 C++ library for quantitative finance
R-4.4.2nb2 Statistical language for data analysis and graphics
R-BH- Boost C++ header files
R-CGIwithR-0.73.0nb41 Facilities for the use of R to write CGI scripts
R-Cairo-1.6.2 R graphics device using cairo graphics library
R-CompQuadForm-1.4.3 Distribution Function of Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables
R-DAAG-1.25.6 Data analysis and graphics data and functions
R-DBI-1.2.3 R database interface
R-DEoptimR-1.1.3 Differential evolution optimization in pure R
R-DT-0.28 Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
R-Deriv-4.1.6 Symbolic Differentiation
R-FNN- Fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
R-Formula-1.2.5 Extended model formulas
R-GPArotation-2024.3.1 Gradient Projection Factor Rotation
R-GRASS-0.3.8 Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
R-Hmisc-5.1.1 Harrell miscellaneous
R-IRdisplay-1.1 Jupyter display machinery
R-IRkernel-1.3.2 Native R kernel for the Jupyter notebook
R-ISLR-1.4 Data for the "ISLR" book
R-ISwR-2.0.9 Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
R-LearnBayes-2.15.1 Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference
R-MatrixModels-0.5.3 Modelling with sparse and dense matrices
R-PHYLOGR-1.0.11 Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses
R-PROJ-0.5.0 Generic Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
R-R.methodsS3-1.8.2 S3 Methods Simplified
R-R.oo-1.26.0 R Object-Oriented Programming with or without References
R-R.utils-2.12.3 Various Programming Utilities
R-R2HTML-2.3.4 HTML exportation for R objects
R-R6-2.5.1 Encapsulated classes with reference semantics
R-RArcInfo-0.4.12 Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages
R-RColorBrewer-1.1.3 ColorBrewer palettes
R-RCurl- General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
R-RNetCDF-2.9.2nb3 Interface to NetCDF datasets
R-RPostgreSQL-0.7.7 R interface to the PostgreSQL database system
R-RSQLite-2.3.9 'SQLite' interface for R
R-RUnit-0.4.33 R functions implementing a standard Unit Testing framework
R-Rcmdr-2.9.5 Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R
R-RcmdrMisc-2.9.1 R Commander miscellaneous functions
R-Rcpp- Seamless R and C++ integration
R-RcppArmadillo- Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library
R-RcppCCTZ-0.2.12 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library
R-RcppDate-0.0.3 'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality
R-RcppEigen- Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
R-RcppTOML-0.2.2 'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"
R-Rdpack-2.4 Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects
R-SparseM-1.84.2 Sparse linear algebra
R-TTR-0.24.3 Technical trading rules
R-VGAM-1.1.12 Vector generalized linear and additive models
R-VGAMdata-1.1.12 Data Supporting the 'VGAM' Package
R-VGAMextra-0.0.6 Additions and Extensions of the 'VGAM' Package
R-XML- Tools for parsing and generating XML within R
R-abind-1.4.8 Combine multi-dimensional arrays
R-acepack-1.4.2 ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations
R-akima- Interpolation of irregularly and regularly spaced data
R-aplpack-1.3.5 Functions for drawing special plots
R-argon2-0.4.0 Secure Password Hashing
R-askpass-1.1 Safe password entry for R, Git, and SSH
R-assertthat-0.2.1 Easy pre and post assertions
R-backports-1.5.0 Reimplementations of functions introduced since R-3.0.0
R-base64enc-0.1.3 Tools for base64 encoding
R-bayesm-3.1.5 Bayesian inference for marketing/micro-econometrics
R-bbmle- Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
R-bdsmatrix-1.3.7 Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric Matrices
R-bench-1.1.3 High Precision Timing of R Expressions
R-biglm-0.9.3 Bounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models
R-bindr-0.1.1 Parametrized active bindings
R-bit-4.5.0 Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
R-bit64-4.5.2 S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers
R-bitops-1.0.9 Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors
R-blob-1.2.4 Simple S3 class for representing vectors of binary data ('BLOBS')
R-brew-1.0.7 Templating framework for report generation
R-brio-1.1.5 Basic R Input Output
R-broom-1.0.7 Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
R-brotli-1.3.0 Compression Format Optimized for the Web
R-bslib-0.8.0 Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
R-caTools-1.18.3 Tools: Moving Window Statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc
R-cachem-1.1.0 Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
R-callr-3.7.6 Call R from R
R-car-3.1.3 Companion to 'Applied Regression'
R-carData-3.0.5 Companion to 'Applied Regression' data sets
R-cartography-3.1.4 Thematic Cartography
R-cellranger-1.1.0 Translate spreadsheet cell ranges to rows and columns
R-checkmate-2.3.2 Fast and versatile argument checks
R-chemometrics-1.4.4 Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics
R-chron-2.3.61 Chronological objects which can handle dates and times
R-circular-0.5.1 Circular statistics
R-classInt-0.4.10 Choose univariate class intervals
R-cli-3.6.3 Helpers for developing command line interfaces
R-cliapp-0.1.2 Create Rich Command Line Applications
R-clipr-0.8.0 Read and write from the system clipboard
R-clisymbols-1.2.0 Unicode symbols at the R prompt
R-coda- Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
R-colorspace-2.1.1 Toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes
R-colourpicker-1.3.0 Colour picker tool for Shiny and for selecting colours in plots
R-combinat-0.0.8 Combinatorics utilities
R-commonmark-1.9.0 High performance commonmark and Github Markdown rendering in R
R-compositions-2.0.8 Compositional data analysis
R-conflicted-1.2.0 Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy
R-countrycode-1.6.0 Convert country names and country codes
R-covr-3.6.4 Test Coverage for Packages
R-cowplot-1.1.3 Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'
R-cpp11-0.5.1 C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
R-crayon-1.5.3 Colored terminal output
R-credentials-1.3.2 Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
R-crosstalk-1.2.0 Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets
R-crsmeta-0.3.0 Extract Coordinate System Metadata
R-curl-6.0.1 Modern and flexible web client for R
R-cyclocomp-1.1.1 Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
R-data.table-1.14.10 Extension of 'data.frame'
R-date-1.2.42 Functions for handling dates
R-dbplyr-2.5.0 Database backend for dplyr
R-debugme-1.2.0 Debug R Packages
R-deldir-2.0.4 Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
R-desc-1.4.3 Manipulate DESCRIPTION files
R-devtools-2.4.5 Tools to make developing R packages easier
R-dichromat- Color schemes for dichromats
R-diffobj-0.3.5 Diffs for R Objects
R-diffr-0.1 Display Differences Between Two Files using Codediff Library
R-diffviewer-0.1.2 HTML Widget to Show File Differences
R-digest-0.6.34 Create compact hash digests of R objects
R-disposables-1.0.3 Create Disposable R Packages for Testing
R-doBy-4.6.24 Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities
R-doParallel-1.0.17 Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'parallel' Package
R-downlit-0.4.0 Syntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking
R-dplyr-1.1.4 Grammar of data manipulation
R-dtplyr-1.2.1 Data Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
R-e1071-1.7.16 Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
R-effects-4.2.2 Effect displays for linear, generalized linear, and other models
R-ellipsis-0.3.2 Collection of functions to catch problems and alert the user
R-emdbook-1.3.13 Support functions and data for "Ecological Models and Data"
R-energy-1.7.12 E-statistics: multivariate inference via the energy of data
R-estimability-1.5.1 Tools for assessing estimability of linear predictions
R-evaluate-1.0.1 Parsing and evaluation tools
R-fAsianOptions-3042.82 Functions for pricing and valuating Asian options
R-fBasics-3042.89 Markets and basic statistics
R-fOptions-3042.86 Markets and basic statistics
R-fansi-1.0.6 ANSI control sequence aware string functions
R-farver-2.1.2 High Performance Colour Space Manipulation
R-fastmap-1.2.0 Fast Data Structures
R-fastmatch-1.1.4 Fast 'match()' Function
R-ff-4.5.0 Fast Access Functions for Large Data on Disk
R-filelock-1.0.3 Portable File Locking
R-fontawesome-0.2.2 Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
R-forcats-1.0.0 Tools for working with categorical variables (factors)
R-foreach-1.5.2 Provides Foreach Looping Construct
R-forecast-8.23.0 Forecasting functions for time series and linear models
R-formatR-1.14 Format R code automatically
R-fracdiff-1.5.3 Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
R-fs-1.6.4 Cross-platform file system operations based on 'libuv'
R-gargle-1.5.0 Utilities for Working with Google APIs
R-gdata-3.0.1 Various R programming tools for data manipulation
R-generics-0.1.3 Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting
R-genetics- Classes and methods for handling genetic data
R-geoR-1.9.4 Analysis of geostatistical data
R-geosphere-1.5.14 Spherical Trigonometry
R-gert-2.1.4 Simple Git Client for R
R-getPass-0.2.2 Masked User Input
R-ggExtra-0.10.1 Add marginal histograms to 'ggplot2', and more 'ggplot2' enhancements
R-ggplot2-3.5.1 Create elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics
R-ggspatial-1.1.9 Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2
R-ggtern-3.5.0 Extension to 'ggplot2', for the creation of ternary diagrams
R-ggthemes-5.1.0 Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'
R-gh-1.3.0 GitHub API
R-git2r-0.35.0 Provides access to Git repositories
R-gitcreds-0.1.2 Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
R-globals-0.16.3 Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
R-glue-1.8.0 Interpreted string literals
R-goftest-1.2.3 Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
R-googledrive-2.1.0 Interface to Google Drive
R-googlesheets4-1.1.1 Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
R-gridExtra-2.3 Miscellaneous functions for "grid" graphics
R-gsl-2.1.8 R wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
R-gss-2.2.8 General smoothing splines
R-gstat-2.1.2 Spatial & spatio-temporal modelling, prediction and simulation
R-gsubfn-0.7 Utilities for strings and function arguments
R-gtable-0.3.6 Arrange 'Grobs' in tables
R-gtools-3.9.5 Various R programming tools
R-haven-2.5.4 Import and export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' files
R-here-1.0.1 Simpler Way to Find Your Files
R-hexbin-1.28.5 Hexagonal Binning Routines
R-highr-0.10 Syntax highlighting for R source code
R-hms-1.1.3 Pretty time of day
R-htmlTable-2.2.1 Advanced tables for Markdown/HTML
R-htmltools- Tools for HTML
R-htmlwidgets-1.6.2 HTML widgets for R
R-httpRequest-0.0.11 Basic HTTP request
R-httpuv-1.6.11 HTTP and WebSocket server library
R-httr-1.4.6 Tools for working with URLs and HTTP
R-httr2-1.0.7 Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
R-hunspell-3.0.2 High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker
R-hwde-0.67.3 Models and tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
R-ids-1.0.1 Generate Random Identifiers
R-igraph-2.1.1nb1 Network analysis and visualization
R-ini-0.3.1 Read and write '.ini' files
R-inline-0.3.19 Functions to inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
R-insight-0.20.5 Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
R-interp-1.1.6 Interpolation Methods
R-intervals-0.15.5 Tools for working with points and intervals
R-isoband-0.2.7 Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids
R-iterators-1.0.14 Provides iterator construct
R-itertools-0.1.3 Iterator Tools
R-jose-1.2.0 JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption
R-jpeg-0.1.10 Read and write JPEG images
R-jquerylib-0.1.4 Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object
R-jsonlite-1.8.9 Robust, high performance JSON parser and generator for R
R-knitr-1.49 General-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R
R-labeling-0.4.3 Axis labeling
R-lars-1.3 Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Forward Stagewise
R-later-1.4.1 Utilities for delaying function execution
R-latex2exp-0.9.6 Use LaTeX expressions in plots
R-latticeExtra-0.6.30 Extra graphical utilities based on lattice
R-lazyeval-0.2.2 Lazy (non-standard) evaluation
R-lifecycle-1.0.4 Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
R-lintr-3.1.2 'Linter' for R Code
R-lme4- Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
R-lmm-1.4 Linear mixed models
R-lmtest-0.9.40 Testing linear regression models
R-lpSolve-5.6.21 Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs
R-lubridate-1.9.3 Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
R-lwgeom-0.2.14 Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features
R-magick-2.8.5 Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R
R-magrittr-2.0.3 Forward-pipe operator for R
R-manipulateWidget-0.11.1 Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts
R-mapdata-2.3.1 Extra Map Databases
R-mapproj-1.2.11 Map projections
R-maps- Draw Geographical Maps
R-maptools-1.1.7 Tools for handling spatial objects
R-markdown-1.7 Render Markdown with the C Library 'Sundown'
R-mathjaxr-1.4.0 Using 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
R-mclust-6.1.1 Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation
R-memoise-2.0.1 Memoisation of functions
R-microbenchmark-1.4.9 Accurate Timing Functions
R-mime-0.12 Map filenames to MIME types
R-miniUI- Shiny UI widgets for small screens
R-minqa-1.2.8 Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation
R-mitools-2.4 Tools for multiple imputation of missing data
R-mlbench-2.1.3 Machine Learning Benchmark Problems
R-mnormt-2.1.1 Multivariate normal and t distributions
R-mockery-0.4.4 Mocking Library for R
R-mockr-0.2.1 Mocking in R
R-modelr-0.1.11 Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe
R-moonsun-0.1.3 Basic astronomical calculations with R
R-munsell-0.5.1 Utilities for using Munsell colours
R-mvtnorm-1.3.2 Multivariate normal and t distributions
R-nanotime-0.3.7 Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R
R-ncdf-1.6.6nb31 High-level R interface to Unidata's netCDF data files
R-ncdf4-1.23nb5 Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files
R-nimble-1.2.1 MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling
R-nloptr-2.1.1 R interface to NLopt
R-nortest-1.0.4 Tests for normality
R-numDeriv-2016.8.1.1 Accurate numerical derivatives
R-openssl-2.0.5nb1 Toolkit for encryption, signatures and certificates based on OpenSSL
R-openxlsx-4.2.4 Read, write and edit XLSX files
R-oskeyring-0.1.5 Raw System Credential Store Access from R
R-osmar-1.1.7 OpenStreetMap and R
R-osmdata-0.2.5 Import 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects
R-pak-0.8.0nb3 Another Approach to Package Installation
R-patrick-0.2.0 Parameterized Unit Testing
R-pbdZMQ-0.3.13 Interface to ZeroMQ
R-pbkrtest-0.5.3 Parametric bootstrap & Kenward Roger based methods for mixed model comparison
R-pcaPP-2.0.5 Robust PCA by Projection Pursuit
R-pillar-1.9.0 Coloured formatting for columns
R-pingr-2.0.4 Check if a Remote Computer is Up
R-pixmap-0.4.13 Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R
R-pkgKitten-0.2.4 Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks
R-pkgbuild-1.4.4 Find tools needed to build R packages
R-pkgcache-2.2.3 Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages
R-pkgconfig-2.0.3 Private configuration for R packages
R-pkgdepends-0.8.0 Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads
R-pkgdown-2.0.7 Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package
R-pkgload-1.4.0 Simulate package installation and attach
R-pkgsearch-3.1.3 Search and Query CRAN R Packages
R-plogr-0.2.0 The 'plog' C++ logging library
R-pls-2.8.5 Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
R-plyr-1.8.9 Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
R-png-0.1.8 Read and write PNG images
R-polyclip-1.10.7 Polygon Clipping
R-popbio-2.7 Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models
R-poweRlaw-0.80.0 Analysis of heavy tailed distributions
R-pracma-2.4.4 Practical Numerical Math Functions
R-praise-1.0.0 Praise users
R-prettycode-1.1.0 Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal
R-prettymapr-0.2.5 Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R
R-prettyunits-1.2.0 Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
R-prob-1.0.1 Elementary probability on finite sample spaces
R-processx-3.8.4 Execute and control system processes
R-profmem-0.6.0 Simple Memory Profiling for R
R-profvis-0.3.7 Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
R-progress-1.2.3 Terminal progress bars
R-proj4-1.0.14 Simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library
R-promises- Abstractions for promise-based asynchronous programming
R-proto-1.0.0 Prototype object-based programming
R-proxy-0.4.27 Distance and Similarity Measures
R-ps-1.8.1 List, query, manipulate system processes
R-psych- Procedures for psychological and psychometric research
R-purrr-1.0.2 Functional programming tools
R-quadprog-1.5.8 Functions to solve quadratic programming problems
R-quantmod-0.4.22 Quantitative financial modelling framework
R-quantreg-5.99 Quantile regression
R-ragg-1.3.3 Graphic Devices Based on AGG
R-randomForest- Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
R-rappdirs-0.3.3 Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
R-raster-3.6.30 Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
R-rbenchmark-1.0.0 Benchmarking routine for R
R-rbibutils-2.2.11 Read 'Bibtex' Files and Convert Between Bibliography Formats
R-rcmdcheck-1.4.0 Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture results
R-readr-2.1.4 Read rectangular text data
R-readstata13-0.10.0 Import 'Stata' data files
R-readxl-1.3.1 Read Excel files
R-relimp-1.0.5 Relative contribution of effects in a regression model
R-rematch-2.0.0 Match regular expressions with a nicer API
R-rematch2-2.1.2 Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
R-remotes-2.5.0 R package installation from remote repositories, including 'GitHub'
R-renv-1.0.11 Project Environments
R-repr-1.1.7 Serializable representations
R-reprex-2.1.0 Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
R-reproj-0.7.0 Coordinate System Transformations for Generic Map Data
R-repurrrsive-1.1.0 Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames
R-reshape2-1.4.4 Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
R-rex-1.2.1 Friendly Regular Expressions
R-rgdal-1.6.7nb12 Bindings for the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library
R-rgeos-0.6.3 Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS')
R-rgl-1.3.14 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
R-rio-1.2.3 Swiss-army knife for data I/O
R-rjson-0.2.21 JSON for R
R-rlang-1.1.4 Functions for base types and core R and 'Tidyverse' features
R-rmarkdown-2.19 Dynamic Documents for R
R-rnaturalearth-1.0.1 World Map Data from Natural Earth
R-rnaturalearthdata-1.0.0 World Vector Map Data from Natural Earth Used in 'rnaturalearth'
R-rnaturalearthhires-1.0.0 High Resolution World Vector Map Data from Natural Earth
R-robustbase- Basic robust statistics
R-rosm-0.3.0 Plot Raster Map Tiles from Open Street Map and Other Sources
R-roxygen2-7.3.2 In-line documentation for R
R-rprojroot-2.0.4 Finding files in project subdirectories
R-rstudioapi-0.17.1 Safely access the RStudio API
R-rversions-2.1.2 Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
R-rvest-1.0.1 Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
R-s2-1.1.7 Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
R-sandwich-3.1.1 Robust covariance matrix estimators
R-sass-0.4.9 Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
R-scales-1.3.0 Scale functions for visualization
R-selectr-0.4.2 Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions
R-sessioninfo-1.2.2 R session information
R-sets-1.0.25 Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
R-sf-1.0.19 Simple Features for R
R-sftime-0.2.0 Classes and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column
R-sgeostat-1.0.27 Object-oriented framework for geostatistical modeling in S+
R-shapefiles-0.7.2 Read and write ESRI shapefiles
R-shiny- Web application framework for R
R-shinyjs-2.1.0 Easily improve the user experience of your Shiny apps in seconds
R-slam-0.1.55 Sparse Lightweight Arrays and Matrices
R-sodium-1.2.1 Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
R-som- Self-Organizing Map
R-sourcetools-0.1.7 Tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
R-sp-2.1.4 Classes and methods for spatial data
R-spData-2.3.3 Datasets for Spatial Analysis
R-spacetime-1.3.2 Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
R-spatstat-3.3.0 Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests Datasets for 'spatstat'
R-spatstat.explore-3.3.3 Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
R-spatstat.geom-3.3.4 Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
R-spatstat.linnet-3.2.3 Linear Networks Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
R-spatstat.model-3.3.3 Parametric Statistical Modelling & Inference for the 'spatstat'
R-spatstat.random-3.3.2 Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
R-spatstat.sparse-3.1.0 Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities
R-spatstat.univar-3.1.1 One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
R-spatstat.utils-3.1.1 Utility Functions for 'spatstat'
R-spelling-2.2.1 Tools for Spell Checking in R
R-splancs-2.01.45 Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis
R-sqldf-0.4.11 Manipulate R data frames using SQL
R-stabledist-0.7.2 Stable distribution functions
R-stars-0.6.7 Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
R-stat.extend-0.1.4 Highest Density Regions and Other Functions of Distributions
R-statmod-1.5.0 Statistical modeling
R-stringdist-0.9.12 Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions
R-stringi-1.8.3nb4 Character string processing facilities
R-stringr-1.5.0 Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations
R-survey-4.4.2 Analysis of complex survey samples
R-sys-3.4.3 Powerful and reliable tools for running system commands in R
R-systemfonts-1.0.4nb2 System Native Font Finding
R-tcltk2-1.2.11nb4 Tcl/Tk additions
R-tensor-1.5 Tensor product of arrays
R-tensorA- Advanced tensor arithmetic with named indices
R-terra-1.7.83 Spatial Data Analysis
R-testit-0.13 Simple Package for Testing R Packages
R-testthat-3.2.2 Unit testing for R
R-textshaping-0.3.6nb2 Bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for Text Shaping
R-thematic-0.1.6 Unified & Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2 / lattice / base' R Graphics
R-tibble-3.2.1 Simple data frames
R-tidyr-1.3.1 Easily tidy data with 'spread()' and 'gather()' functions
R-tidyselect-1.2.1 Select from a set of strings
R-tidyverse-2.0.0 Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
R-timeDate-4032.109 Chronological and calendar objects
R-timeSeries-3062.100 Financial time series objects
R-timechange-0.2.0 Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
R-tinytest-1.4.1 Lightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework
R-tinytex-0.54 Helper Func. to Install & Maintain 'TeX Live' & Compile 'LaTeX' Docs
R-tkrplot-0.0.27nb2 TK Rplot
R-tmvnsim-1.0.2 Truncated Multivariate Normal Simulation
R-tseries-0.10.54 Time series analysis and computational finance
R-tzdb-0.4.0 Time Zone Database Information
R-unitizer-1.4.21 Interactive R Unit Tests
R-units-0.8.5 Measurement Units for R Vectors
R-unix-1.5.9 POSIX System Utilities
R-urca-1.3.4 Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data
R-urlchecker-1.0.1 Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions
R-usethis-3.0.0 Automate package and project setup
R-utf8-1.2.1 Unicode text processing
R-uuid-1.2.1 Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs
R-vctrs-0.6.5 Vector helpers
R-viridis-0.6.5 Default color maps from 'matplotlib'
R-viridisLite-0.4.2 Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version)
R-vroom-1.6.5 Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
R-waldo-0.6.1 Find Differences Between R Objects
R-webfakes-1.2.0 Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing
R-webshot-0.5.2 Take Screenshots of Web Pages
R-whisker-0.4.1 'mustache' for R, logicless templating
R-whoami-1.3.0 Username, Full Name, Email addr. 'GitHub' Username of the Current User
R-withr-3.0.1 Run code 'with' temporarily modified global state
R-wk-0.9.4 Lightweight well-known geometry parsing
R-writexl-1.4.2 Export Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format
R-xfun-0.48 Miscellaneous functions by 'Yihui Xie'
R-xml2-1.3.6nb4 Parse XML
R-xmlparsedata-1.0.5 Parse Data of 'R' Code as an 'XML' Tree
R-xopen-1.0.1 Open system files, 'URLs', anything
R-xtable-1.8.4 Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
R-xts-0.14.1 eXtensible Time Series
R-yaml-2.3.7 Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
R-zeallot-0.1.0 Multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
R-zip-2.3.1 Cross-platform 'zip' compression
R-zoo-1.8.12 S3 infrastructure for regular and irregular time series
R2pkg-0.6.4nb1 Tool to automate initial steps in building an R package
RBTools-0.7.6nb6 Tool to submit patches to a Review Board
RE-flex-4.1.2 Fast lexical analyzer generator for C++ with full Unicode support
REminiscence-0.5.2 Engine to play Flashback by Delphine Software
ROMBuild-2.14 Arcade ROM manipulation tool
ROMInfo-2.8 Identify arcade ROM sets
Radicale-1.1.7 CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server (major version 1)
Radicale-2.1.12 CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
Renaissance-0.9.0nb30 Structured GNUstep user interface development framework
SDL-1.2.15nb43 Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library
SDL2-2.0.3nb1 Legacy SDL2 suitable for old Mac OS X versions
SDL2-2.30.10 Simple DirectMedia Layer - cross-platform multimedia library
SDL2_Pango-2.1.5 SDL2 frontend for pango
SDL2_gfx-1.0.4nb10 Graphics drawing primitives library for SDL2
SDL2_image-2.0.1 Load images as SDL surfaces
SDL2_image-2.6.3nb3 Load images as SDL surfaces
SDL2_mixer-2.0.1 Sample multi-channel audio mixer library
SDL2_mixer-2.0.4nb15 Sample multi-channel audio mixer library
SDL2_net-2.2.0nb4 Small sample cross-platform networking library
SDL2_sound-2.0.2nb2 SDL2 library to handle the decoding of different sound formats
SDL2_ttf-2.22.0nb2 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL2 applications
SDL_Pango-0.1.2nb34 Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
SDL_gfx-2.0.26 Basic drawing routines for SDL
SDL_image-1.2.12nb11 Load images as SDL surfaces
SDL_mixer-1.2.12nb7 Multi-channel audio mixer library
SDL_net-1.2.8nb1 Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL
SDL_sound-1.0.3nb7 SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats
SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb6 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
SDLmm-0.1.8nb7 C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer
SOGo-2.3.23nb34 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
SOPE-2.3.23nb22 Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
SOPE-5.5.0nb9 Framework for writing clever web servers driven by objects
SQLiteCpp-2.2.0nb16 C++ SQLite3 wrapper
STk-4.0.1nb3 Scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package
Sigil-2.0.2nb8 Multi-platform WYSIWYG ebook editor (for the ePub format)
SpeedyCGI-2.22nb18 Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently
TECkit-2.5.12 Low-level toolkit to perform encoding conversions
TeXmacs-2.1.2nb8 GNU TeXmacs (free scientific text editor)
TextFonts-ttf-20111217nb1 Various Unicode fonts by George Duros
TinySVM-0.09 Tiny Support Vector Machines
Trimmomatic-0.38 Flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data
TweetNaCl-20140427 World's first auditable high-security cryptographic library
UFAS-otf-20200320 Various Unicode fonts by George Duros
UnifrakturMaguntia-ttf-0.20170319 Unicode Fraktur Font
WCMCommander-0.20.0nb5 Two-panel file manager
WMmp-0.10.0 Window Maker dock app for interfacing MPD
WordNet-3.0nb11 Lexical reference system
XP-0.5nb1 James Clark's non-validating XML Parser for Java
XT-19991105nb1 James Clark's Java implementation of XSLT
Xaw-Xpm-1.1nb4 Enhanced 3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set and Xaw3d
Xbae-4.51.01nb3 Motif-compatible widgets: XbaeMatrix, XbaeCaption, XbaeInput
Xft2-2.1.7nb10 Library for configuring and customizing font access
XmHTML-1.1.10nb3 Motif Widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 conforming text
Xrandr-1.0.2nb4 X RandR extension (Library)
XyGrib- GRIB file viewer for weather data
XyGrib-devel-20240620nb4 GRIB file viewer for weather data (developement branch)
ZIPIdent-2.11 Identify arcade ROM sets
a2ps-4.15.5nb2 Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
a60-0.23a Algol 60 interpreter
aalib- ASCII Art library
aamath-0.3nb2 ASCII art mathematics
abbayedesmorts-2.0.2nb2 Obsolete video game for a dark passage of history
abc2ps-1.3.3 Music typesetting program for abc
abcde-2.9.3nb5 Command-line utility to rip and encode an audio CD
abcl-1.9.2 Armed Bear Common Lisp
abclock-1.0d Analogue Bitmap Clock
abcm2ps-8.13.12nb12 Converts ABC to music sheet in PostScript format
abcmidi-20211015 Command line utilities for working with abc music notation files
abduco-0.6 Tool for session {at,de}tach support
abiword-3.0.5nb25 Open Source cross-platform word processor
abiword-plugins-3.0.5nb31 Open Source cross-platform word processor
abook-0.6.1nb1 Text-based addressbook program
abs-0.8nb2 Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
abseil-20240722.0 C++ Common Libraries
abuse-2.0nb2 Full color 320x200 arcade quality platform shooter
accerciser-3.38.0nb15 Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
accountsservice-0.6.42nb4 Set of D-Bus interfaces for accessing account information
aceunit-3.0.0 Advanced C and Embedded Unit test framework
ack-1.39nb1 Japanese code converter
acl-2.3.1 Provides missing POSIX ACL interfaces for Linux
acme- Cross assembler for 6502, 65c02, and 65816
acmesh-3.0.9 Let's Encrypt ACME client in shell script
acpica-utils-20160930nb2 Intel ACPI CA Unix utilities
acpidump-20020711nb1 Portable ACPI table dumper
acr-2.0.0 Autoconf replacement
action-validator-0.6.0 Validate GitHub Action and Workflow YAML files
acunia-jam-1.0nb2 Acunia version of the program construction tool, like make(1)
ad2vcf- Add allelic depth info from a SAM stream to a VCF file
adaptagrams-0.20231102nb1 Tools for adaptive diagrams
admesh-0.95 Program for processing triangulated solid meshes
adms-2.2.5nb6 Compact device model code generator for SPICE
adns-1.6.0 Asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
adobe-cidfonts-20000901 Adobe CID-keyed O'Reilly fonts for CJK
adobe-cmaps-20060615 Adobe CMap files for CJK
adobeps-win-1.0.6nb5 Adobe PostScript MS Windows drivers for CUPS/Samba
adocman-0.10nb18 DocManager operation automation tool
adodb-4.96anb5 Active Data Objects Data Base for php
adom-1.1.1nb1 Ancient Domains of Mystery - yet another roguelike game
adoptopenjdk11-bin- AdoptOpenJDK 11 Java Development Kit binary distribution
adplay-1.8.1nb9 Console-based OPL2 audio player
adplug-2.3.3 AdLib emulator library supporting many formats
adtool-1.3.3nb3 Active Directory administration utility for Unix
advancecomp-2.6 Recompression utilities for .zip, .png, .mng and .gz files
advancemame-4.0 Arcade game emulator with advanced video support
advancescan-1.18 Command line ROM manager for MAME derivatives
advi-1.10.2nb66 Active-DVI Presenter
adwaita-icon-theme-40.1.1 Standard GNOME icons
adzap-20110915nb9 Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
ae-mono-ttf-1.0nb1 Collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
aegean-ttf-7.42 Aegean, Cretan, Cyprominoan, Linear-A fonts
aegis-4.24.2nb49 Transaction based software configuration management system
aegyptus-ttf-5.03 Typefaces for Aegyptan symbols
aeneas-1.7.3nb19 Automagically synchronize audio and text
aerc-0.18.2nb3 Terminal email client written in Go
aewm++-1.0.24nb1 Fork of the popular minimal window manager aewm
afbinit-1.0 Firmware download tool for Sun AFB graphic cards
afio-2.5.2 Data corruption handling cpio-format archive creator
afl++-2.62cnb2 American Fuzzy Lop ++, a fuzzing tool for finding bugs by random input
afl-2.57bnb1 American Fuzzy Lop, a fuzzing tool for finding bugs by random input
afm2pl-0.7.1nb10 Convert an Adobe font metric file to a TeX font property list
aften-0.0.8 ATSC A/52 / AC-3 / Dolby Digital audio encoder
afternoonstalker-1.1.6 Robot-killing video game
afterstep-2.2.12nb10 Window manager based on the look and feel of the NeXTStep interface
age-1.2.0 Simple, modern and secure encryption tool
agedu-20200705.2a7d4a2 Utility for tracking down wasted disk space
aget-0.4.1 Multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
agm-1.3.1 Multiple-word anagram search program
aha-0.5.1 Ansi HTML Adapter
aiccu-20070115nb19 Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
aide-0.15.1nb2 Free intrusion detection system for checking file integrity
aide-0.6nb1 Older intrusion detection system for checking file integrity
aiksaurus-1.2.1nb21 English-language thesaurus
aiomixer-1.0.2nb1 Terminal NetBSD audio mixer / volume control
ait-1.10 Small but mighty GNU Emacs style editor
ajbsp-1.01nb1 Node builder for modern DOOM source ports
akkadian-ttf-7.15 Typeface for various Cuneiform scripts and Neo-Assyrian signs
akonadi-23.08.4nb6 PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data
akonadi-calendar-23.08.4nb6 Akonadi calendar integration
akonadi-calendar-tools-23.08.4nb6 CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars
akonadi-contacts-23.08.4nb6 Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling
akonadi-import-wizard-23.08.4nb6 Import data from other mail clients to KMail
akonadi-mime-23.08.4nb6 Libraries and daemons to implement basic email handling
akonadi-notes-23.08.4nb6 Libraries and daemons to implement management of notes in Akonadi
akonadi-search-23.08.4nb6 Libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi
akonadiconsole-23.08.4nb6 Akonadi management and debugging console
akregator-23.08.4nb6 Feed Reader by KDE
alac-0.2.0 Basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files (ALAC)
alacconvert-0.0.20111026 Apple Lossless Audio Codec converter by Apple
alacritty-0.14.0 Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
album-4.15nb6 Generate HTML albums of images
album_themes-20081222nb7 Themes for the album generator
ald-0.1.7nb1 Very nice x86 assembly-level debugger
alee-ttf-13.3 A. Lee's Hangul truetype fonts
alephone-20230119nb7 Classic 2.5D FPS game engine, updated to use SDL
alex- Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
algae-4.3.6nb2 Interpreted language for numerical analysis
algol68g-3.5.5nb3 Algol 68genie compiler
aliados-0.2.0nb2 CP/M 80 emulator
align-1.1.1 Center or right-align text files
alire-2.0.0 Ada LIbrary REpository
allegro- Cross-platform library aimed at video game programming (4.x branch)
allegro5- Cross-platform library aimed at video game programming
alpine-2.26nb3 Program for Internet News and E-mail
alsa-lib-1.2.12 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
alsa-plugins-oss- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - OSS plugin
alsa-plugins-pulse- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - PulseAudio plugin
alsa-utils-1.2.10nb1 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) CLI utilities
altmeister-otf-0.0.2021.11.07 FDI Altmeister, a modern fraktur font
alure-1.2nb11 Helps manage common tasks with OpenAL applications
amanda-3.3.9 The "meta-package" for Amanda, a network backup system
amanda-client-3.3.9nb5 Client part of Amanda, a network backup system
amanda-common-3.3.9nb11 Common libraries and binaries for Amanda
amanda-plot-3.3.9nb4 Visualizes the behavior of Amanda, a network backup system
amanda-server-3.3.9nb5 Server part of Amanda, a network backup system
amap-5.2nb8 Applications and Services scanner
amarok-3.0.0nb5 KDE audio player
amass-3.22.1nb17 In-depth Attack Surface Mapping and Asset Discovery
amath-1.8.3 Simple command line calculator
amavisd-milter-1.6.1nb1 Sendmail milter program for amavisd-new
amavisd-new-2.12.2nb1 Daemonized interface between MTA and content checkers
amaze-0pre0nb1 Curses-based maze game
amazon-ecs-cli-1.21.0nb43 Amazon ECS Cli
amfora-1.10.0nb6 Terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
amiri-ttf-1.000 Classic Arabic typeface in Nasksh style
amiwm-0.22pl2nb1 X window manager with Amiga look and feel
amlogic-meson-fwtools-0.0nb1 Trusted Firmware packaging tools for the Amlogic Meson family of SoCs
amnesia-tdd-0.3.2nb5 Amnesia: The Dark Descent
amp-0.7.6nb1 Another mp3 player
ampache-3.5.3nb3 Web-based Audio file manager
amsynth-1.12.2nb16 Software synth with a subtractive synthesizer topology
amtk-5.0.2nb12 Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit for GTK applications
amtterm-1.6nb15 Active Management Technology (AMT) tools
amule-2.3.3nb15 Another Emule P2P client
an-0.93 Very fast anagram generator
anacron-2.3nb3 Periodic command scheduler
analitza-23.08.4nb5 KDE library for mathematical features
analog-6.0nb3 Extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
anatolian-ttf-5.02 Typeface for Anatolian hieroglyphs
ancient-2.2.0 Decompression routines for ancient formats
and-1.2.2 Renice or kill jobs based on priority database
android-tools-adb- Android debug bridge command line tool
angband-4.2.5nb1 Single-player dungeon exploration game (text-only version)
angband-sdl-4.2.5nb1 Single-player dungeon exploration game (version with graphics/sound)
angle-grinder-0.19.2 Slice and dice logs on the command line
anise-0beta10nb6 Adventure game scripting engine
anjalioldlipi-ttf-7.1.2nb2 Sans Serif Malayalam font in TTF format
anjuta-3.34.0nb33 GTK+ based IDE for C and C++
anomy-sanitizer-1.76nb13 Mail message filter and sanitizer
anope-2.0.15nb5 Modular set of IRC services
ansible-10.6.0 SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
ansible-core-2.18.1 SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution
ansible-lint-24.10.0 Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could be improved
ansifilter-2.18 Converts text containing terminal escape codes into markup
ansilove-4.2.0 ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter
ansiweather-1.19.0 Display current weather conditions in your terminal
ant-contrib-1.0b3 Collection of tasks and tools for apache-ant
anthy-9100hnb1 Kana Kanji conversion system
anthy-elisp-9100hnb6 Emacs lisp files for inputmethod/anthy
antiword-0.37nb2 Free MS Word to text and PostScript converter
antixls-0.2bnb11 Print XLS file with minimal formatting, or as CSV
antonym-1.9nb11 Anonymous nymserver account maintenance tool
anymeal-1.18nb10 Free and open source recipe management software
aoe-vblade-14 ATA over Ethernet (AoE) server - thin, LAN-based storage protocol
aop-0.6nb2 Aop is a curses based arcade game with only 64 lines of sourcecode
ap24-auth-kerb-5.4nb1 Module to allow Apache authentication using Kerberos
ap24-auth-mellon-0.18.1nb7 SAML 2.0 authentication for Apache
ap24-auth-ofba-0.6 MS-OFBA authentication
ap24-auth-openidc- OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache HTTP Server 2.x
ap24-authnz-crowd-2.2.2nb46 Apache module for Crowd authentication
ap24-authnz-external-3.3.1 Apache module for external program authentication
ap24-authz-ldap-0.30nb4 Apache LDAP Authorization module
ap24-dnssd-0.6nb16 Apache module which adds Zeroconf support via DNS-SD using Avahi
ap24-encoding-20021209 Non-ascii filename interoperability
ap24-fcgid-2.3.9 High performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid
ap24-jk-1.2.43 Apache connector for accessing Jakarta Tomcat
ap24-limitipconn-0.24nb1 Limits per-IP connections to an Apache 2 server
ap24-mkdir-0.4 Home directory autocreation module
ap24-modsecurity-2.7.7nb38 Intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications
ap24-mono-3.13nb10 Apache module that provides ASP.NET support
ap24-perl-2.0.13nb1 Module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache
ap24-php82-8.2.26nb11 Apache (apache24) module for PHP8.2
ap24-py312-python- Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter
ap24-rpaf-0.8.4 Remaps reverse-proxied connections to "real" requesting IPs
ap24-ruby32-passenger-5.3.7nb20 Passenger module for Apache 2.x
ap24-subversion-1.14.4nb3 WebDAV server (Apache module) for Subversion
ap24-upload-0.9nb2 High performance file upload helper for PHP
ap24-xsendfile-0.12 Apache 2 module that processes X-SENDFILE headers
apache-2.4.62nb3 Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2.4
apache-ant-1.10.14 Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement
apache-ant-1.5.4nb3 Apache Project's Java-based make(1) replacement
apache-ant-1.9.13 Java make(1) replacement
apache-cassandra-2.2.12nb3 Highly scalable, distributed structured key-value store
apache-cassandra-3.11.2nb4 Highly scalable, distributed structured key-value store
apache-ivy-2.5.0nb1 Apache Project's Java-Based agile dependency manager
apache-maven-3.8.6 Apache Project's software project management and comprehension tool
apache-roller-5.1.2nb1 Full-featured, multi-user and group-blog server
apache-solr-8.11.1 High performance search server built using Lucene Java
apache-tomcat-10.1.26 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apache-tomcat-5.5.36 The Apache Project's Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 server
apache-tomcat-6.0.53 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apache-tomcat-7.0.109 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apache-tomcat-8.0.53nb1 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apache-tomcat-8.5.100 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apache-tomcat-9.0.91 Implementation of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
apachetop-0.18.4 Real time apache log display
apcupsd-3.14.14nb6 UPS power management for APCC Products
apel- Portable Emacs library
apenwarr-redo-0.42dnb3 Python implementation of DJB's redo build tool
apg-2.3.0bnb13 Tool set for random password generation
apisprout-1.3.0nb34 Lightweight, fast, validating OpenAPI 3 mock server
apngasm-3.1.10nb2 CLI tool to assemble and disassemble APNG images
apollo-1.4nb1 Messaging broker built from the foundations of ActiveMQ
appdata_tools-0.1.7nb38 Application data tools
applerecords-0.5nb1 Java DAAP client
applyppf-3.0 PPF (Playstation Patch File) v3.0 apply tool
appres-1.0.7 Print resources seen by an application
appstream-1.0.4 Tools and libraries to work with AppStream metadata
appstream-glib-0.8.3nb5 GObjects and helper methods for AppStream metadata
apr-1.7.5 Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util-1.6.3nb7 Apache Portable Runtime utilities
apsfilter-7.2.8nb3 Flexible magic filter for printing under Unix environment
arandr-0.1.11nb1 Designed to provide a simple visual front end for XRandR
aranym-1.1.0nb13 Atari Running on Any Machine
arc-5.21p Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
arc-theme-20170302nb18 Arch theme for GTK2, GTK3 and desktops
arcanist-20170609nb7 Command line interface for Phabricator
arcem-1.50nb1 Dave Gilbert's Acorn Archimedes emulator
archangel-20050730nb1 Compressing archiver which can sign and encrypt entries
archivemail-0.9.0nb6 Tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes
arcticfox-45.1nb5 Web browser for aging systems, forked from Firefox
ardour-8.2.0nb10 Digital Audio Workstation
arena-0.9.13 ANSI C like scripting language
argon2-20190702 Password hash Argon2
argp-1.3nb3 Argument parsing function from glibc
argtable-1.2 Library for parsing command line arguments of a C/C++ program
argus-3.7nb8 System and Network Monitoring Application
argyllcms-3.0.2 ICC compatible color management system
aria2-1.36.0nb12 Multi-threaded, multi-protocol, flexible download accelerator
aribas-1.63 Multi-precision floating point and big integer arithmetic calculator
ario-1.6nb38 Graphical client for mpd using GTK3
arirang-1.6nb1 Powerful webserver security scanner
arj-3.10.22nb3 Open-source ARJ archiver
ark-23.08.4nb7 Manages various archive formats within the KDE environment
arka-0.11nb2 Graphic interface for the programs from the GP package
arm-trusted-firmware-fiptool-2.3nb1 (no description)
arm-trusted-firmware-rk3328-2.3 ARM Trusted Firmware for Rockchip RK3328 SoCs
arm-trusted-firmware-rk3399-2.3 ARM Trusted Firmware for Rockchip RK3399 SoCs
arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i-h6-2.3 ARM Trusted Firmware for Allwinner H6 SoCs
arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_a64-2.3 ARM Trusted Firmware for Allwinner H5 and A64 SoCs
armadillo-12.6.7 C++ linear algebra library
armagetronad- Tron clone in 3D with advanced gameplay and multiplayer
armagetronad-server- Server for the armagetronad game
arp-scan-1.9nb7 Discovery and fingerprinting tool using ARP
arpack-ng-3.9.1 Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems
arpd-1.0nb1 ARP daemon
arphic-ttf-2.11nb6 Chinese TrueType fonts from Arphic Technology
arping-2.21nb1 ARP-level ping utility
arpwatch-2.1a15nb4 Monitor ARP activity on a network, maintaining a database
arqiver-1.0.0nb1 Simple Qt5/Qt6 archive manager
artha-1.0.5nb9 Open Source WordNet-based thesaurus
arti-1.3.0 Implementation of tor in Rust
artist-1.2.6nb4 Elisp drawing package with mouse and keyboard support
artwiz-fonts-1.3nb5 Set of free fonts for X11 desktops
arx-libertatis-1.2nb10 Cross-platform, open source port of the Arx Fatalis RPG
as31-2.3.1 8031/8051 assembler
asapm-2.11nb4 Laptop battery status display for X11
asc- Turn based strategy game in the tradition of the Battle Isle series
aschord-0.3.3 Print guitar chord with ascii characters given its name
ascii-3.18 ASCII character table program
asciidir-0.6 Recursively remove non ASCII characters in file names
asciidoc-10.2.1nb3 ASCII to formatted document converter
asciiquarium-1.1nb7 ASCII art aquarium
asclock-1.0nb2 NeXTstep-like clock and calendar
asclock-gtk-2.1.10nb5 Dockable clock and calendar with themes for GTK+
asclock-xlib-2.0b11nb1 Dockable clock and calendar with themes for X11
asdf-0.14.1 Manage each of your project runtimes with a single tool
asea-ttf-4.13 Typeface for greek typography
asignify-20150220 Yet another signify tool
asio-1.24.0nb1 Header-only C++ library for asynchronous programming
aslc86k-1.9 Macro assembler that can assemble programs of the Visual Memory System
asm2html-1.4 Tool to convert NASM source files to HTML
asm6809-2.13 Portable assembler targeting Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309
asmfmt-1.3.2nb29 Go assembler formatter
asn1c-0.9.24nb8 Free, open source compiler of ASN.1 specifications into C source code
asnap-1.0nb2 Takes a snapshot of a region of the screen
asp2php-0.77.3 Converts asp pages to php pages
aspell- Spell checker with good multi-language support
aspell-af-0.50.0 Afrikaans language support for aspell
aspell-am-0.03.1 Amharic language support for aspell
aspell-ar-1.2.0 Arabic language support for aspell
aspell-ast-0.01 Asturian language support for aspell
aspell-az-0.02.0 Azerbaijani language support for aspell
aspell-be-0.01 Belarusian language support for aspell
aspell-bg-4.1.0 Bulgarian language support for aspell
aspell-bn- Bengali language support for aspell
aspell-br-0.50.2 Breton language support for aspell
aspell-ca- Catalan language support for aspell
aspell-cs-20040614.1 Czech language support for aspell
aspell-csb-0.02.0 Kashubian language support for aspell
aspell-cy-0.50.3 Welsh language support for aspell
aspell-da-1.7.42nb7 Danish language support for aspell
aspell-de-20161207.7.0 German language support for aspell
aspell-de-alt-2.1.1 German (Old Spelling) language support for aspell
aspell-el-0.50.3 Greek language support for aspell
aspell-en-2020.12.07.0 English language support for aspell
aspell-eo-2.1.20000225a.2 Esperanto language support for aspell
aspell-es-1.11.2 Spanish language support for aspell
aspell-et- Estonian language support for aspell
aspell-fa-0.11.0 Persian language support for aspell
aspell-fi-0.7.0 Finnish language support for aspell
aspell-fo-0.4.2nb9 Faroese language support for aspell
aspell-fr-0.50.3 French language support for aspell
aspell-fy-0.12.0 Frisian language support for aspell
aspell-ga-4.8.0 Irish language support for aspell
aspell-gd- Scottish Gaelic language support for aspell
aspell-gl-0.5a.2 Galician language support for aspell
aspell-grc-0.02.0 Ancient Greek language support for aspell
aspell-gu-0.03.0 Gujarati language support for aspell
aspell-gv-0.50.0 Manx Gaelic language support for aspell
aspell-he-1.0.0 Hebrew language support for aspell
aspell-hi-0.02.0 Hindi language support for aspell
aspell-hil-0.11.0 Hiligaynon language support for aspell
aspell-hr-0.51.0 Croatian language support for aspell
aspell-hsb-0.02.0 Upper Sorbian language support for aspell
aspell-hu- Hungarian language support for aspell
aspell-hus-0.03.1 Huastec language support for aspell
aspell-hy- Armenian language support for aspell
aspell-ia-0.50.1 Interlingua language support for aspell
aspell-id-1.2.0 Indonesian language support for aspell
aspell-is- Icelandic language support for aspell
aspell-it-2.2_20050523.0 Italian language support for aspell
aspell-kn-0.01.1 Kannada language support for aspell
aspell-ku-0.20.1 Kurdi language support for aspell
aspell-ky-0.01.0 Kirghiz language support for aspell
aspell-la-20020503.0 Latin language support for aspell
aspell-languages-20240410 Meta package for aspell language packs
aspell-lt-1.3 Lithuanian language support for aspell
aspell-lv- Latvian language support for aspell
aspell-mg-0.03.0 Malagasy language support for aspell
aspell-mi-0.50.0 Maori language support for aspell
aspell-mk-0.50.0 Macedonian language support for aspell
aspell-ml-0.03.1 Malayalam language support for aspell
aspell-mn-0.06.2 Mongolian language support for aspell
aspell-mr-0.10.0 Marathi language support for aspell
aspell-ms-0.50.0 Malay language support for aspell
aspell-mt-0.50.0 Maltese language support for aspell
aspell-nb- Norwegian (Bokmal) language support for aspell
aspell-nds-0.01.0 Low Saxon language support for aspell
aspell-nl-0.50.2 Dutch language support for aspell
aspell-nn- Norwegian Nynorsk language support for aspell
aspell-ny-0.01.0 Chichewa language support for aspell
aspell-or-0.03.1 Oriya language support for aspell
aspell-pa-0.01.1 Punjabi language support for aspell
aspell-pl-0.51.0 Polish language support for aspell
aspell-pt_BR-20131030.12.0 Brazilian Portuguese language support for aspell
aspell-pt_PT-20190329.1.0 Portuguese language support for aspell
aspell-qu-0.02.0 Quechua language support for aspell
aspell-ro-3.3.2 Romanian language support for aspell
aspell-ru-0.99f7.1 Russian language support for aspell
aspell-rw-0.50.0 Kinyarwanda language support for aspell
aspell-sc-1.0 Sardinian language support for aspell
aspell-sk-2.01.2 Slovak language support for aspell
aspell-sl-0.50.0 Slovenian language support for aspell
aspell-sr-0.02 Serbian language support for aspell
aspell-sv-0.51.0 Swedish language support for aspell
aspell-sw-0.50.0 Swahili language support for aspell
aspell-ta-20040424.1 Tamil language support for aspell
aspell-te-0.01.2 Telugu language support for aspell
aspell-tet-0.1.1 Tetum language support for aspell
aspell-tk-0.01.0 Turkmen language support for aspell
aspell-tl-0.02.1 Tagalog language support for aspell
aspell-tn- Setswana language support for aspell
aspell-tr-0.50.0 Turkish language support for aspell
aspell-uk- Ukrainian language support for aspell
aspell-uz-0.6.0 Uzbek language support for aspell
aspell-vi- Vietnamese language support for aspell
aspell-wa-0.50.0 Walloon language support for aspell
aspell-yi- Yiddish language support for aspell
aspell-zu-0.50.0 Zulu language support for aspell
aspic-1.05 Textual description of line art to EPS or SVG converter
asr-manpages-20000406 Distribution of alt.sysadmin.recovery man page
assaultcube- Cube-based FPS with realistic environments
assaultcube-server- Cube-based FPS with realistic environments (server only)
assimp-5.4.3 Library to import various 3D model formats
ast-grep-0.32.1 CLI tool for code structural search, lint, and rewriting
ast-ksh-20120801nb2 Official AT&T release of KornShell 93
asterisk-13.38.3nb22 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-16.29.1nb18 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-18.25.0nb3 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-19.8.1nb6 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-20.10.0nb4 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-21.5.0nb3 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-22.0.0nb3 The Asterisk Software PBX
asterisk-sounds-de-x9media-20060714nb1 German voice prompt files for asterisk
astrolog-5.40nb1 Astrology program for X11 and alpha-numeric terminals
astromenace-1.4.1nb14 Hardcore 3D space scroll-shooter
astyle-3.1 Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, C#, and Java
asuka-0.8.5nb2 Gemini Project client written in rust with ncurses
asunder-3.0.1nb3 Graphical CD ripper
asymptote-2.79nb3 Powerful descriptive vector graphics language for technical drawings
at-spi2-core-2.54.0nb4 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface Core
atac-seq-1.5.0 Core tools needed for ATAC-Seq analysis
atari800-5.2.0 Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator
atasm-1.09 Cross-assembler for 6502 optimized to code for Atari 8 bit computers
aterm-1.0.1nb13 Aterm (Afterstep XVT) - a VT102 emulator for the X window system
atf-0.21 Automated testing framework
atheme-7.2.12nb1 Flexible IRC services system with proven scalability
atitvout-0.4nb1 Allows TV-Out connector support under Linux/NetBSD
atkmm-2.28.4nb2 C++ bindings for atk (1.6 API)
atkmm2.36-2.36.3nb2 C++ bindings for atk (2.36 API)
atlc-4.6.0nb1 Calculates the impedance of arbitrary cross section transmission lines
atomicparsley-20221229 Tool to read, parse and set metadata into MPEG-4 files
atomix-44.0nb5 Puzzle game
atool-0.39.0nb5 Manage file archives of various types
atril-1.26.2nb10 Simple multi-page document viewer for the MATE environment
ats2-0.4.2nb1 Functional programming language with dependent types
attica-0.4.2nb11 Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
attica-qt5-5.116.0nb3 Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
attr-2.5.2 Commands for Manipulating Filesystem Extended Attributes
aubio-0.4.9nb17 Extracting annotations from audio signals
auctex-13.3nb5 Enhanced LaTeX mode for Emacs
audacious-4.1nb22 Media player based on BMP and XMMS
audacious-plugins-4.1nb40 Plugins for Audacious media player
audacity-2.4.1nb22 Multi-track audio editor and recorder
audiocd-kio-23.08.4nb7 Kioslave for accessing audio CDs
augeas-1.12.0nb12 Tool for editing configuration programmatically
august-0.63b Simple Tk-based HTML editor
augustus-4.0.0 Enhanced engine for the classic city building game Caesar III
aumix-2.9.1nb1 Set mix levels (curses interface only)
aumix-gtk-2.9.1nb31 Set mix levels (curses and GTK+ 2.0 interfaces)
authelia-4.38.9nb2 Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
auto-admin-0.8.0 Portable tools for automating systems management
autoconf-2.72 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
autoconf-archive-2023.02.20 Collection of macros for GNU Autoconf
autoconf213-2.13nb11 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version)
autoconf269-2.69 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version)
autoconvert-0.3.13nb2 Intelligent Chinese encoding converter
autocue-20070224 Time-based text formatter, sending output to xcb for pasting
autocutsel-0.10.1 Synchronizes the X11 cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection
autogen-5.18.16nb15 The Automated Text and Program Generation Tool
autojump-22.2.4nb5 Change directory command that learns to easily navigate directories
automake-1.16.5nb3 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake14-1.4.6nb12 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (old version)
automoc4-0.9.88nb32 Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages
autonet-0.22 Automatically configure network interface & WEP keys
autopano-sift-C-2.5.1nb23 SIFT Feature Detection implementation
autorespond-2.0.5 Simple autoresponder add-on package for qmail
autorestic-1.8.2nb6 Config driven, easy backup CLI for restic
autosetup-0.6.7 Better, faster autoconf replacement
autoswc-1.6 Generates system wide cache files for GNU autoconf
autotrace-0.31.1nb85 Convert bitmap to vector graphics
avahi-0.8nb6 Facilitate service discovery on a local network
avahi-ui-0.8nb11 Facilitate service discovery on a local network (GUI)
avcheck-0.9.1 Mail content filter for SMTP servers
avenger-0.8.5nb1 SMTP server with filtering capabilities
avidemux-2.5.4nb79 Graphical video editing program
aview- ASCII Art image viewer
avl-1.4.0 Library for manipulation of balanced binary trees
avltree-1.1nb1 In-memory index w/ binary and string keys and key counts
avr-binutils-2.42 GNU binutils for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
avr-gcc-13.2.0 GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
avr-gdb-7.12.1 GNU gdb for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
avr-libc-2.1.0nb3 C and math library for Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers
avrdude-6.4 Downloader/uploader for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
awesome-4.3nb16 Window manager based on dwm, with Lua integration
awesome-otf-5.15.0 The iconic font and CSS toolkit
awesome-ttf-5.15.0 The iconic font and CSS toolkit
awf-19900907nb1 Text formatter (nroff-clone) written in awk
awhois-1.61 All-encompassing whois client wrapper
awka-0.7.5nb4 AWK to ANSI C compiler
awstats-7.9 Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
ayatana-ido-0.10.2nb2 Ayatana Indicator Display Objects
azara-2.7nb10 Programs to process and view NMR data
b-em-20230915 Freeware Acorn BBC Micro Emulator with 2nd processors
b2sum-20160619nb1 BLAKE2 b2sum utility
b612-ttf-1.008 Eclipse PolarSys B612 font family
babelstone-tibetan-ttf-10.5 TrueType font for Tibetan script
babl-0.1.110 Dynamic pixel conversion library
baci-20000725 Ben-Ari Concurrent Interpreter
backuppc-4.4.0nb4 Fast, agentless backup system supporting *NIX, Windows and OSX clients
bacon-3.6.0 Background rust code check
bacula-13.0.1nb9 The Network Backup Solution
bacula-clientonly-13.0.1nb1 The Network Backup Solution (client only)
bacula-doc-5.2.12 Documentation for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
bacula-qt5-console-13.0.1nb13 Qt5-based console for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
bacula-tray-monitor-qt5-13.0.1nb13 System tray monitor for Bacula - The Network Backup Solution
badwolf-1.3.0nb11 Minimalist and privacy-oriented webkit browser
baekmuk-ttf-2.2nb3 Baekmuk family Korean TrueType fonts
bakoma-fonts-1.1 BaKoMa Fonts for TeX
balance-3.57nb1 TCP loadbalancer with roundrobin and failover
balance-tui-0.1.2 Balance chemical equations from the CLI
baloo-widgets-23.08.4nb6 Widgets for Baloo
baloo5-5.116.0nb4 Framework for searching and managing metadata
balsa-2.6.3nb24 Email client using GTK3
bam-0.5.1 Fast and flexible LUA-driven build system
bandcamp-dl-0.0.13nb1 Simple Python script to download Bandcamp albums
bandsnatch-0.3.3 CLI batch downloader for your Bandcamp collection
bannerfilter-1.31nb10 Blocks advertising banners as squid redirector script
barcode-0.99 Create bar codes as EPS (program and library)
bareos-20.0.2nb13 Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced
bareos-clientonly-20.0.2nb1 Backup Archiving REcovery Open Sourced - client
barnyard-0.2.0nb5 Fast output system for snort
barrage-1.0.4 Rather destructive action game
base64-1.5 Encode and decode base64 files
bash- The GNU Bourne Again Shell (version 2)
bash-5.2.37 The GNU Bourne Again Shell
bash-completion-2.11 Programmable completion specifications for bash
bash-doc-2.05.2nb1 Documentation for the GNU Bourne Again Shell
bash-preexec-0.5.0 Preexec and precmd hook functions a la zsh
basic-stats- Command-line tool to perform basic statistics on tabular data
bastet-0.43.2nb10 Bastard Tetris
bat-0.24.0nb2 Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
batchftp-1.02nb1 Automatically download files via the FTP protocol
batrachians-0.1.7 Fly-eating frog game
bats-0.4.0 Testing framework for Bash
battalion-1.4nb8 Virtual reality 3D GL game for X11
battleball-2.1nb6 3d game of soccer, with tanks
bazel-6.4.0 Fast and correct build automation tool
bbapm-0.0.1nb2 APM monitor for Blackbox
bbappconf-0.0.2nb1 Configure the behaviour of an application under Blackbox
bbcim-0.95b5nb1 File and diskimage conversion utility for BBC Micro software
bbdate-0.2.4nb1 Display the current date
bbdb-3.2.2anb3 Insidious Big Brother DataBase (version 3)
bbdb2-2.35 Insidious Big Brother DataBase, a rolodex-like database Emacs program
bbk_cli-1.0nb13 Bandwidth measurement tool for Nordic ISPs
bbkeys-0.9.1nb3 General X Window keygrabber
bbmail-0.8.3nb1 Mailbox monitor (not only) for the blackbox windowmanager
bbpager-0.4.7nb2 Pager for the blackbox window manager
bbrun-1.3nb7 Run utility for BlackBox
bbsload-0.2.6nb1 Small (in dimensions) tool to display the average load
bbweather-0.6.3nb9 Show current weather conditions
bc-1.07.1 Arbitrary precision calculator language
bc-gh-3.3.0 Implementation of POSIX bc with GNU extensions
bcal-2.4 Storage and general-purpose calculator
bcc-95.3.12nb3 Bruce Evans' C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code
bcf-score-1.20 Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis
bcftools-1.21 Tools for manipulating BCF and VCF variant call files
bchunk-1.2.2 ".bin/.cue" CD image converter
bcmfw-2.3nb1 Broadcom Bluetooth Firmware Loader
bcollect-0.6.0 Incremental remote backup tool
bcrypt-1.1 Cross platform file encryption utility
bdf2psf-1.223 Convert a BDF font to PSF format for the Linux console
bdf2sfd-1.1.8 BDF to SFD converter
bdfresize-1.5 Tool for resizing BDF format fonts
bdftopcf-1.1.2 BDF to PCF font converter for X11
beacon-1.3nb15 Multicast supervision tool
beagle-5.2 Phasing genotypes and imputing ungenotyped markers
beanstalkd-1.12nb1 Simple, fast work queue
bearssl-0.6nb1 Implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246)
beats-6.8.13nb44 Data Shippers for Elasticsearch
beav-1.40.18nb1 Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
beaver-0.4.1nb13 Lightweight GTK+2 text editor with syntax highlighting
bedtools-2.31.1 Swiss army knife for genome arithmetic
beecrypt-4.1.1nb2 Multipurpose cryptographic library
beets-2.0.0 Music geek's media organizer
beforelight-1.0.6 Simple screen saver
benchfft-2.0nb5 Benchmark your machine with a number of FFT algorithms
berry-0.1.7nb2 Healthy, byte-sized window manager
bfd-crunchide-1.2nb1 Crunchide using libbfd, used for cross-building distributions
bfd-mdsetimage-1.15.1nb2 Mdsetimage using libbfd, used for cross-building distributions
bfg-1.12.14 BFG git Repo-Cleaner
bfs-1.5.1 Breadth-first version of the UNIX find command
bftpd-6.1 Small and fast FTP server
bg5pdf-1.0.0nb21 Wrap big5 encoding text file into PDF file by using PDFlib
bg5ps-1.3.0nb10 Convert Big5/GB encoded files to postscript
bglibs-2.04nb5 Collection of libraries by Bruce Guenter
bib2xml-20021006nb3 BibTeX to XML converter
bibclean-2.11.4nb1 Prettyprinter and syntax checker for BibTeX bibliography databases
bibletime-3.0.3nb21 Bible study program based on SWORD and QT
biblook-2.9 Indexing and searching tools for BibTeX bibliography databases
bibparse-1.06 Syntax checking tools for BibTeX bibliography databases
bibtex2html-1.98nb19 Collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
bibtex8-4.02 BibTeX variant supporting 8-bit encodings
bibtexu-4.02nb4 BibTeX variant supporting Unicode (UTF-8), via ICU
bicom-1.01nb2 Data compressor in the PPM family
biew-6.1.0 Binary viewer/editor
billardgl-1.75nb6 3D Billard using OpenGL hardware acceleration
bin86-0.16.17nb1 Simple assembler and linker for x86 machine code
binaryen-116 Compiler and toolchain infrastructure library for WebAssembly
bincimap-2.0.16 IMAP server for Maildir using checkpassword
bind-9.16.50nb6 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.16
bind-9.18.32 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon implementation of DNS, version 9.18
binkd-0.9.8nb2 FidoNet-over-IP transport program utilizing BINKP protocol
binpatch-1.0 Trivial binary patch applicator
bins-1.1.29nb15 Static HTML photo album generator
binutils-2.41 GNU binary utilities
binutils-mips-2.25nb3 binutils for NetBSD/playstation2
binwalk-2.3.4nb1 Firmware analysis tool
bio-mocha-1.20 Bcftools plugin for mosaic chromosomal alteration analysis
biolibc- Low-level high-performance bioinformatics library
biolibc-tools- High-performance bioinformatics tools based on biolibc
bioperl-1.7.7nb5 Perl tools for computational molecular biology
bird-1.6.3nb1 The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
bird6-1.6.3nb1 The BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
birda-1.3nb1 Bohlin's IrDA utilities
bison-3.8.2nb1 GNU yacc(1) replacement
bitchbot-1.0.2nb10 Bitchbot is a perl-based IRC bot
bitchx-1.2.1nb7 IRC client based on ircII
bitcoin-27.2nb1 P2P electronic cash system
bitlbee-3.6nb19 IRC to other chat networks gateway
bitlbee-discord-0.4.3nb1 Discord protocol plugin for BitlBee
bitlbee-facebook-1.2.2nb1 Facebook protocol plugin for BitlBee
bitlbee-mastodon-1.4.5nb1 Mastodon protocol plugin for BitlBee
bitlbee-steam-1.4.2nb2 Steam protocol plugin for BitlBee
bitmap-1.1.1 Bitmap editor and conversion utilities
bitstir-0.2nb2 Entropy restoration daemon
bitstream-1.5 C headers allowing a simpler access to binary structures
biz-ud-gothic-ttf-1.051 Morisawa BIZ UDGothic font
biz-ud-mincho-ttf-1.06 Morisawa BIZ UDMincho font
biznet-iso8859_2-1.0nb5 Full set of ISO 8859-2 fonts for X Window System
bk-0.6.0 Terminal Epub reader
bkcrack-1.7.0 Crack legacy zip encryption
bkedit-0.6.23nb16 Bookmark manager and editor
bkpupsd-2.2.1nb1 Simple UPS daemon for BK-Pro, BK and FREQUPS A/F series
bkt-0.8.2 Subprocess caching utility
bktr2jpeg-1.0nb3 Write jpeg image captured from /dev/bktr to file
black-hole-solver-1.10.1nb3 Solvers and statistics for various solitaire and related card patience games
blackbox-0.77nb4 Small and fast X11 window manager
bladeenc-0.94.2nb3 Free MPEG Audio Layer 3 encoder (not decoder)
blame-1.3.1 Annotate RCS-controlled text line by line
blas-3.12.0 Basic Linear Algebra System (Netlib reference implementation)
blas64-3.12.0 Reference Basic Linear Algebra System with 64 bit indices
blastem-0.6.2nb11 Higly accurate Genesis/Mega Drive emulator
blccc-1.99nb46 Blinkenlights Chaos Control Center
blender-3.6.18 Fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite
blender-4.2.4 Fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite
blib-1.0.2nb47 Blinkenlights library
blindmine-0.3nb22 Minesweeper clone that you can play with your eyes closed
blinken-23.08.4nb5 Memory enhancement game
blinkensim-2.2nb46 Blinkenlights graphics simulator
blinkenthemes-0.8nb46 Blinkenlights simulator themes
blinkentools-2.2nb49 Blinkenlights movies tools collection
blitz++-0.8nb3 C++ template class library providing array objects
blogbench-1.1 Portable filesystem benchmark
blokus-1.1nb1 Abstract strategy board game for two to four players
blop-0.2.8nb1 Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins
blosc-1.21.6 Blocking, shuffling, and lossless compression library
blosc2-2.15.1 Fast, compressed and persistent data store library for C
blt-2.4znb15 Extension to Tcl/Tk
bluefish-2.2.14nb10 GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer
bluemoon-1.3.2nb41 Blue Moon game with AI
blur6ex-0.1.198nb8 Weblog and content framework
bmake-20240909 Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
bmap-tools-3.2nb5 Block map tools
bmf-0.9.4 Self contained and extremely efficient Bayesian mail filter
bmkdep-20140112 NetBSD version of mkdep(1)
bml-0.8.0 Buzz machine loader
bmon-4.0 Interface bandwidth monitor
bmp- Beep Media Player (fork of XMMS to work with GTK+ 2.x)
bmp-crossfade-0.3.11nb28 Crossfading/Gapless Plugin for BMP
bmp-mac-0.1.1nb41 BMP plugin for Monkey's Audio files
bmp-pulse-0.9.4nb65 BMP output plugin for the PulseAudio sound server
bmpanel2-2.1pre1nb37 NETWM-compatible panel for X11
bnc-2.9.4nb7 Simple IRC relay proxy with support for virtual hosting
bochs-2.7nb4 IA32 and AMD64 PC emulator
bodr-9nb24 Blue Obelisk Data Repository
boehm-gc-8.2.4 Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bogofilter-1.2.4nb32 Bayesian spam filter written in C
bombadillo-2.4.0nb18 Gopher/Gemini client for the terminal
bomber-23.08.4nb6 Bomber game
bomberclone-0.11.9nb1 Multi-player Bomberman clone
bonnie++-1.98nb2 Enhanced performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonnie-2.06nb3 Performance Test of Sequential Filesystem I/O and STDIO
boolstuff-0.1.16nb2 Disjunctive Normal Form boolean expression C++ library
boomerang-0.2nb17 Bidirectional programming language for ad-hoc, textual data
boost-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
boost-build-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Build framework)
boost-docs-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (documentation)
boost-headers-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (build-time headers)
boost-jam-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Jam utility)
boost-libs-1.86.0nb3 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries)
boost-mpi-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.MPI binary library)
bootstrap-extra-files-20070702 Extra bootstrap files and scripts for NetBSD
bootstrap-mk-files-20240422 *.mk files for the bootstrap bmake utility
bos-1.1nb2 Invasion - Battle of Survival (real-time strategy game)
bosh-20230112 The Schily Bourne Shell
botan-1.10.17nb2 Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v1)
botan-2.19.4nb1 Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v2)
botan3-3.6.1nb2 Portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library (v3)
bottlerocket-0.04cnb1 Home Automation Software for the X10 FireCracker kit
bounce-0.0 Tool to forward TCP connection from one IP to another
bovo-23.08.4nb6 Five-in-a-row Board Game
bowtie2-2.5.4 Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner
box2d-2.4.2 2D physics engine for games
boxbackup-client-0.11.1nb15 Backup tool
boxbackup-server-0.11.1nb15 Backup tool
bozohttpd-20240126 Bozotic HTTP server; small and secure
bpython-0.24nb3 Fancy interface to the Python interpreter
bracket-2.18nb2 Framework for running NetBSD builds and tests
brandybasic-1.0.16nb1 Brandy Basic V interpreter - Acorn ARM Computers BASIC dialect
brasero-3.12.2nb29 CD/DVD burning application
breeze-icons-6.8.0 Breeze icon themes
breezy-3.3.8 Friendly distributed version control system
breezy-qbrz- GUI front end for Breezy
bridge-hands-2.0 Generate hands for duplicate bridge
bridged-20010701 Userland ethernet bridge daemon
brlaser-6.2.6nb5 CUPS driver for Brother laser printers
broot-1.44.2 New way to see and navigate directory trees
bropages-1.41.0 CLI to interact with
brotli-1.1.0 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
brs-4.0nb3 Interactive King James Version Bible
bsdav-1.4 BSD Audio/Video library and tools
bsddip-1.02 Dialup IP program
bsdec2-image-upload-1.4.5nb1 Tool for creating Amazon EC2 AMIs
bsdfetch-1.1.2 BSD system information tool written in C
bsdgrep-devel-20071201 BSD version of grep as in NetBSD src/usr.bin/grep
bsdiff-4.3nb1 Size efficient binary diff and patch tools
bsdinstall-20160108nb1 Portable version of the BSD install(1) program
bsdstats-5.3 BSD-Stats collector script
bsdtar-3.7.7 Fast multi-format tape archiver
bsetroot-0.1nb7 Tools to set the root windows background
bsign-0.4.5 Utility to embed a hash or signature into an executable
bsnes-115nb30 SNES/SFC emulator focused on performance, features, and ease of use
bspwm-0.9.10 Binary space partitioning window manager
btget-1.05nb37 Fast bittorrent client and library written in C
bthfp-0.1nb1 Bluetooth Handsfree Profile
btop-1.4.0 Colorful TTY resource monitor
btparse-0.35nb10 BibTeX parsing library
btpd-0.16nb5 Daemon for file sharing over bittorrent
btpin-qt-1.5nb22 Bluetooth PIN Client
bubblemon-1.46nb43 Small windowmaker dockapp with bubbles and a duck
buddy-2.4 Library for binary decision diagrams
buffer-1.17nb1 Buffer sporadic binary I/O for faster tape use
bugdom-1.3.3nb2 Pangea Software's Bugdom for modern systems
bugdom2-4.0.0nb1 Source port of Bugdom 2 from Pangea Software
bugzilla-3.6.8nb5 Web based bug tracking system
bugzilla-5.0.6nb2 Web based bug tracking system
bulk-large-20240227 Meta-package for a standard largish limited bulk build
bulk-small-20231107 Meta-package for a standard short limited bulk build
bulk-test-boost-20231230 Meta-package for testing Boost
bulk-test-erlang-20240821 Meta-package for testing erlang
bulk-test-essential-20230705nb14 Meta-package for testing essential packages
bulk-test-go-20240909 Meta-package for testing Go
bulk-test-icu-20241113 Meta-package for testing ICU
bulk-test-llvm-20211207nb1 Meta-package for testing LLVM
bulk-test-php-20240227 Meta-package for testing PHP
bulk-test-poppler-20241029 Meta-package for testing Poppler
bulk-test-python27-20240816 Meta-package for testing python 2.7
bulk-test-rust-20230825.2 Meta-package for testing rust
bulk_mailer-1.13nb1 Assist in delivery of mail to large numbers of recipients
bullet-2.89 Collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics library
bunzip-0.21 Decompressor for bzip .bz files
bup-0.33.5 Highly efficient file backup system based on the git packfile format
burgerspace-1.9.4 Hamburger-smashing video game
burp-1.4.40nb5 Networked backup and restore program
buzztrax-0.10.2nb36 Modular, free, open source music studio
bvi-1.4.2 Vi-like editor for binary files
bwa-0.7.17nb7 Map low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome
bwbasic-3.10 The Bywater Basic interpreter
bwm-ng-0.6.3 Console-based bandwidth monitor
bwping-1.7 Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP
bww2tex-2.00 Bagpipe Music Writer Gold to BagpipeTeX converter
byacc-20230521 Berkeley Yacc
byobu-5.111nb9 Open source text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
bystand-1.2.0nb10 NNTP client software with command-line interface
bytebench-4.1.0nb13 BYTE Magazine's Public Domain benchmark for UNIX
bython-0.8 Python with braces. Because Python is awesome, but whitespace is awful
bzflag-2.4.22nb21 OpenGL tank game
bzip2-1.0.8 Block-sorting file compressor
bzip3-1.3.2 Successor to BZip2
c++-gtk-utils-2.2.19nb12 Lightweight library for programming GTK+ programs using C++
c++gsl-4.0.0 C++ Core Guidelines support library
c-icap-0.5.5nb7 Implementation of an ICAP server
c-icap-modules-0.5.3nb14 C-ICAP server modules
c2html-20070126nb10 Converts a C source tree to hyperlinked and colored HTML
c3270-4.1ga11nb2 3270 Terminal emulator for ncurses
cJSON-1.7.18 Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
ca-certificates-20240203 Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
cabal-fmt-0.1.11nb1 Format .cabal files
cabal-install- Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
cabextract-1.11 Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file extractor
cabocha-0.69 Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer
cacti-1.2.11nb22 Web frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services
cacti-spine-1.2.2nb3 Cacti poller for large installations
cadaver-0.23.3nb20 Command-line WebDAV client
caddy-2.8.4nb3 General-purpose web server
caff-2.11nb3 Various GnuPG related tools
cairo-1.18.2 Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
cairomm-1.14.5nb3 C++ API for cairo (1.0 API)
cairomm1.16-1.18.0nb1 C++ API for cairo (1.16 API)
caja-1.26.4nb5 File manager for the MATE desktop
caja-dropbox-1.26.0nb10 Dropbox Caja extension
caja-extensions-1.26.1nb17 Set of extensions for Caja
cal-3.5nb1 Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
cal3d-0.11.0 Skeletal based 3d character animation library in C++
calamaris-2.59nb10 Squid logfile analyzer
calc-2.02fnb4 Advanced Calculator for GNU Emacs
calcoo-1.3.18nb41 Scientific calculator
calcurse-4.8.1nb1 Text based calendar and scheduling application
calendarsupport-23.08.4nb6 Calendar support library
calibre-5.44.0nb26 E-book library management application
calltree-perl-0.1nb6 Static code analysis for perl script
cam-1.02nb2 Cpu's Audio Mixer [curses based]
cambevao-2.2nb7 Grabs jpg images from bktr and ov511+ based USB webcams
camediaplay-20010211nb1 Digital camera downloading tool for Epson/Sanyo/Olympus/Agfa camera
caml-light-0.74nb2 Another implementation of Caml
camlimages-4.0.1nb116 Image processing library for Objective Caml
camlp-streams-5.0.1 Ocaml stream parsing libraries for use with Camlp5
camlp5-8.00.03nb1 Preprocessor-pretty-printer for ocaml
canlock-hp-3.3.1 Parsers for RFC 5536 message headers and RFC 8315 header fields
cannonball-0.34nb14 Enhanced OutRun Engine
cantarell-fonts-0.303 Contemporary Humanist sans serif font designed for on-screen reading
cantor-23.08.4nb10 KDE frontend to mathematical software
canu-2.2nb5 Single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small
capc-calc- C arbitrary precision calculator
capnproto-0.8.0nb1 Cap'n Proto - Insanely Fast Data Serialization Format
caprice32-4.6.0nb2 Emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home computer range
capstone-5.0.3 Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
carbons-purple-0.2.1nb18 XEP-0280: Message Carbons plugin for libpurple
cardboard-schedule-1.13nb1 Project and resource management software implemented in Java/Swing
cargo-about-0.6.6 Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate
cargo-audit-0.21.0 Audit Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities
cargo-binutils-0.3.6 Invoke the LLVM tools shipped with the Rust toolchain
cargo-bloat-0.12.1 Find out what takes most of the space in your executable
cargo-c-0.9.32 Build and install C-compatible libraries from Rust lang
cargo-cache-0.8.3 Display information on the cargo cache
cargo-modules-0.19.1 Render your crate's module/item structure as a tree or graph
cargo-outdated-0.16.0 Cargo subcommand for displaying when Rust dependencies are out of date
cargo-release-0.25.14 Cargo release subcommand
cargo-upgrades-2.1.2nb4 Check for outdated dependencies in Rust/Cargo projects
cargo-zigbuild-0.18.4 Compile Cargo project with zig as linker
cascade-1.4nb1 Simple tool to analyze noise and distortion of a RF system
cascadia-ttf-2404.23 Microsoft Cascadia Code font
castor-0.9.0nb11 Client for plain-text protocols like Gemini, Gopher and Finger
cataclysm-dda-0.F.2nb1 Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (text-only version)
cataclysm-dda-sdl-0.F.2nb11 Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (tileset version)
catch-1.12.2 C++-native, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
catch2-3.7.1 C++ test framework for unit tests
catclock-0.0nb6 Variant of the MIT xclock with a "cat" mode
catdoc-0.95 Converts MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files to plain text
catdoc-tk-0.95nb1 Tk interface for MS-Word to plain text converter
catgirl-2.2nb1 TLS-only terminal IRC client
catpoint-0.2 Simple presentation software written in curses
cawf-4.10nb1 Simplistic nroff-like formatter in C, like "awf"
cbindgen-0.27.0 Generating C bindings from Rust code
cblas-3.12.0 C interface to the reference BLAS library
cblas64-3.12.0 C interface to the reference BLAS with 64 bit indices
cbmbasic-0.0.20141206 Portable implementation of Commodore BASIC
cbmconvert-2.1.6 Converts files to and from various C64/C128/CBM formats
cbrowser-0.8nb1 Graphical C/C++ source code browsing tool, and call graph viewer
cbzone-2.0cnb2 Simple classic game of 3D tank warfare
cc65-2.19 C cross compiler for 6502 target systems
ccache-3.7.12nb2 Cache for C/C++ compilers
ccache-4.10.2 Cache for C/C++ compilers
ccd2iso-0.3 CloneCD to ISO converter
ccgo- Go board with IGS and gnugo interface
cchmod-0.1.3 Chmod calculator
ccid-1.6.1 Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)
ccleste-1.4.0 Portable version of the Celeste Classic 2D platform game
cclive-0.7.16nb44 Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
ccls-0.20240202nb3 C/C++/ObjC language server
ccrtp-2.1.2nb21 RTP and RTSP protocol implementation using GNU CommonCpp
ccsh-0.0.4nb1 C-like syntax scripting
ccsm-0.8.4nb30 CompizConfig Settings Manager
ccxstream-1.0.15 Program for streaming multimedia content to XBMC over XBMSP protocol
ccze-0.2.1nb5 Log coloriser, fast and light on resources
cd-discid-1.4 Read CD to obtain CDDB discid information
cdb-0.75 Creates and reads constant databases
cdbkup-1.0nb17 CD-R(W) backup/restore system
cddb-bundle-0.2nb33 CDDB client bundle
cddbd-1.3.1p1nb3 Internet CD Database Server
cde-2.5.2nb1 Common Desktop Environment
cdecl-2.5nb3 Utility to explain and compose C and C++ declarations
cdhit-4.8.1nb1 Clustering and comparing protein or nucleotide sequences
cdif-2.14nb7 Word context diff
cdirip-0.6.4 Program for extracting tracks from a CDI (DiscJuggler) image
cdk-5.0.20240619nb1 Curses Development Kit
cdl3-1.2.8 Programming language for the development of compilers
cdlabelgen-4.3.0nb7 Generate frontcards and traycards for CDs
cdpack-1.9 Utility to create multi-cd/dvd binary package collections
cdparanoia- CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
cdpd-1.0.2nb1 Simple daemon to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets
cdrdao-1.2.4 Records audio or data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode
cdrkit-1.1.9nb10 Portable command-line CD/DVD recorder software
cdrtools-3.02a10nb5 Software for creating ISO9660 images and writing CD/DVD/Blu-ray
ce-4.8 Chet's Emacs: small, fast emacs-like editor
celestia-1.6.1nb43 Free real-time 3D space simulator
celt-0.11.3 Ultra-low-delay, high-quality audio codec (experimental)
centerim-4.22.10nb46 Instant Messenger interface supporting many protocols
centerim5-5.0.1nb22 Text-mode multi-protocol instant messaging client using libpurple
cervisia-23.08.4nb6 CVS frontend
cfengine-3.15.2nb17 Tool for automating system administration
cfitsio-4.4.1nb3 FITS (flexible image transport system) file input and output
cflow-1.6 Code-path flow analyzer for C
cflow-mode-1.6nb1 Emacs mode for GNU cflow output
cfm-0.6.6 Simple and fast TUI file manager with no dependencies
cfourcc- Command-line tool for changing AVI FourCC codes
cfr-0.125 Another java decompiler
cfs-1.5.0bnb1 Encrypting file system, using NFS as its interface
cfssl-1.6.5nb6 CloudFlare PKI toolkit
cgal-4.14nb48 Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cgdb-0.7.1 Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
cgen-20131001nb1 CGEN, the Cpu tools GENerator
cgi-wcalc-1.0nb2 CGI Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
cgic-2.06 Thomas Boutell's ANSI C library for CGI Programming
cgicc-3.2.19 C++ compliant CGI applications libraries
cgiirc-0.5.12nb4 Access IRC from a web browser
cgilib-0.7 Common gateway interface library
cgit-1.2.3nb1 Fast web interface for git
cglm-0.9.4 OpenGL Mathematics for C
cgnslib-4.4.0 CFD General Notation System
cgoban-1.9.14 The complete goban. A Go server client and sgf viewer/editor
cgoban-java-3.5.23 Client for the KGS Go Server and SGF viewer/editor
chafa-1.14.5nb1 Command-line utility for displaying images in a terminal
charls-2.4.2 Jpeg-ls codec library
chasen-2.4.5 Meta package of ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System
chasen-base-2.4.5 ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System
chatgpt-shell-cli-0.0.20230516 Shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E
check-0.15.2 Unit test framework for C
check-portability-20.1.2 Check extracted files for typical portability issues
checkbot-1.80nb5 Verify links on a set of HTML pages
checkpassword-0.90nb2 Simple, uniform password-checking interface to all root applications
checkpassword-pam-0.99nb2 PAM checkpassword-compatible authentication program
checkpassword-phpbb-0.0.20150326nb2 DJB-style checkpassword for phpBB MySQL userdb
checkperms-1.12 Check and correct file permissions
checkpw-1.03nb1 Password-checking tools for password files in Maildir
cheese-3.34.0nb23 Use your webcam to take photos and videos
chef-19920415 Convert from English to (mock) Swedish - Bork Bork Bork!
chemtool-1.6.14nb24 Program for drawing organic molecules
chess-tui-1.5.0 Chess TUI implementation in rust
chest-3.19.20080412 Chess problem solver
chezscheme-10.0.0 Cisco implementation of the Scheme programming language
chibi-scheme-0.11.0 Minimal Scheme Implementation for use as an Extension Language
chicken-4.13.0 Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
chicken-5.4.0 Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
chicken5-boot-5.4.0 Scheme to C compiler, handling R5RS
chip-seq-1.2 Core tools needed for ChIP-Seq analysis
chipmunk-1.4nb2 Shell-like tool for hardware debugging
chirp-20241213 Tool for programming Amateur Radio HTs
chkfontpath-1.9.7nb4 Command line tool to manage X server's font path
chkrootkit-0.58b Locally checks for signs of a rootkit
chksniff-0.2 Small tool to check for promiscuous interfaces
chktex-1.7.6nb6 LaTeX semantic checker
chmlib-0.40nb1 Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chocolate-doom-3.1.0 Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Strife source port
choose-1.3.4 Human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
choparp-20021107 Simple proxy arp daemon
choqok-1.7.0nb11 Twitter and StatusNet client for KDE
chord-3.6 Produce PS sheet-music from text input
chordii-4.5.3 Produce PS sheet-music from text input
chromaprint-1.5.1nb8 Audio fingerprinting
chromium-bsu- Fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
chrony-4.2nb9 Daemon for maintaining the accuracy of computer clocks
chrpath-0.13 Change the dynamic library load path of compiled binaries
chunkwm-0.4.8 Tiling window manager for macOS based on plugin architecture
cia-20030922nb1 Simple IP accounting software
cidr-2.3.1 RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper
cim-3.30nb11 Simula compiler based on the C programming language
cinepaint-1.0.4nb23 Motion picture painting and image retouching program
circos-0.49nb11 Concise, explanatory, unique and print-ready data visualization
circuslinux-1.0.3nb13 Clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari"
cisco-mibs-20170101nb1 Public SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 MIBs from Cisco
citrix_ica-10.6.115659nb2 Citrix(R) ICA client for the Citrix(R) Presentation Server(TM)
citron-0.15.0 System data via on-demand notifications
cityhash-1.1.1 Provides hash functions for strings
civctp-demo-19991025nb1 Civilization: Call to Power - graphical strategy (linux demo)
cjkutils-4.8.5nb2 Utilities for CJK LaTeX
cjose- C implementation of JOSE
ck-0.7.1 Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation & non-blocking data structures
ckmame-2.1nb5 Check ROM sets for MAME
cksfv-1.3.15 Check and create simple file verification (SFV) listings
clamav-0.103.12nb3 Anti-virus toolkit
clamav-doc-0.103.12 Anti-virus toolkit documents
clamsmtp-1.10nb1 SMTP filter that allows you to check for viruses
clang-18.1.8nb3 C language family frontend for LLVM
clang-tools-extra-18.1.8nb3 Extra Clang tools
claraocr-0.9.9nb12 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program for books
classias- Collection of machine-learning algorithms for classification
classicube-1.3.6nb5 Custom Minecraft Classic client
classpath-0.93nb7 Class libraries for Java VM
classpath-gui-0.93nb43 Class libraries for Java VM (GUI libraries)
claws-mail-4.1.1nb23 Email client and news reader based on GTK+
claws-mail-archive-4.1.1nb7 Adds archiving to Claws-Mail
claws-mail-att-remover-4.1.1nb7 Permanently deletes attachments from mail
claws-mail-attachwarner-4.1.1nb7 Warns if a message mentions an attachment without attaching files
claws-mail-bogofilter-4.1.1nb7 Enables the scanning of incoming mail using Bogofilter
claws-mail-dillo-4.1.1nb7 Enables viewing HTML messages using the Dillo web browser
claws-mail-fetchinfo-4.1.1nb7 Inserts headers containing some download information
claws-mail-libravatar-4.1.1nb7 Displays libravatar/gravatar profile images
claws-mail-mailmbox-4.1.1nb7 Handles mailboxes in mbox format
claws-mail-managesieve-4.1.1nb7 Manage Sieve filters on servers that support the ManageSieve protocol
claws-mail-newmail-4.1.1nb7 Write log file info on arriving email
claws-mail-notification-4.1.1nb7 Provides various ways to notify the user of new and unread email
claws-mail-pgp-4.1.1 Metapackage for the PGP plug-in for Claws-mail
claws-mail-pgpcore-4.1.1nb8 Handles core PGP functions
claws-mail-pgpinline-4.1.1nb7 Handles PGP/Inline signed and/or encrypted mails
claws-mail-pgpmime-4.1.1nb8 Handles PGP/MIME signed and/or encrypted mails
claws-mail-rssyl-4.1.1nb14 Read RSS 1.0, 2.0 and Atom feeds in Claws-Mail
claws-mail-smime-4.1.1nb7 This plugin handles S/MIME signed and/or encrypted mails
claws-mail-spam-report-4.1.1nb7 Report spam to various places
claws-mail-spamassassin-4.1.1nb7 Enables the scanning of incoming mail using SpamAssassin
claws-mail-tnef-parse-4.1.1nb7 Handles TNEF attachments from Outlook
claws-mail-vcalendar-4.1.1nb14 Enable vCalendar message handling
clawsker-1.3.7 Edit Claws-Mail hidden preferences
cldr-emoji-annotation- Emoji annotation files in CLDR
cleanscore- Clean SLRN's score file
clearsilver-0.10.5nb19 Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
clearsilver-base-0.10.5nb3 Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
clex-4.6.4nb2 File manager with a full-screen user interface
clib-0.3 Enhanced language features for C
clion-bin-2021.2nb2 JetBrain\'s C/C++ IDE
clipit-1.4.5nb11 Lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
clipnotify-1.0.2 Notify on new X clipboard events
cliris-0.2.0 CLI tool that creates color palettes from images
clisp-2.49nb28 CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
clisp-bdb-2.49 CLISP Berkeley DB module
clisp-fastcgi-2.49 CLISP FastCGI module
clisp-gdbm-2.49nb3 CLISP GNU database manager module
clisp-gtk2-2.49nb51 CLISP GIMP Toolkit v2 (GTK2) module
clisp-mit-clx-2.49 CLISP MIT CLX module
clisp-new-clx-2.49nb2 CLISP New CLX module
clisp-pcre-2.49nb1 CLISP PCRE module
clisp-pgsql-2.49nb2 CLISP PostgreSQL module
clisp-rawsock-2.49 CLISP rawsock module
clisp-syscalls-2.49nb1 CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
clisp-wildcard-2.49nb1 CLISP wildcard matching module
clisp-zlib-2.49 CLISP zlib module
clive-2.3.3nb13 Command line video extraction tool for user-uploaded video hosts
cln-1.3.6 CLN Class Library for Numbers
cloc-1.96 Count lines of code
clojure- Dynamic programming language that targets the Java VM
cloudfuse-1.0nb10 Filesystem (fuse) implemented on Mosso's Cloud Files
clustalw-2.1 General purpose multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins
clusterit-2.5nb2 Clustering package for unix
clutter-1.26.2nb17 Open GL based interactive canvas library
clutter-box2d-0.10.0nb42 Clutter Box2D integration library
clutter-gst-3.0.26nb16 Clutter GStreamer integration
clutter-gtk-1.8.4nb14 GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
clutter-gtk0.10-0.10.8nb23 GTK+ Integration library for Clutter (0.10)
clutter-mx-1.0.4nb39 Clutter-based widget set
cm2gpx-1.0.4 CacheMate PDB-to-GPX file converter
cmake-3.31.1 Cross platform make
cmake-fedora-2.6.0nb1 Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
cmake-gui-3.31.1 CMake GUI
cmake-mode-3.31.1 Emacs mode for CMake syntax highlighting and indentation
cmark-0.31.1 CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmark-gfm-0.29.0.gfm.13 GitHub fork of cmark
cmatrix-1.2anb2 Simulates the display from "The Matrix" in your console
cmconvert-1.9.5nb1 CacheMate import file converter for GPS GPX files
cmdpack-1.03nb1 Neill Corlett's command line tools for emulation
cmigemo-1.3e.20110227nb11 Migemo library implemented in C
cmocka-1.1.7 Unit testing framework for C supporting mock objects
cmockery2-1.3.9 Reviving cmockery unit test framework from Google
cmp3-2.0.p6nb4 Curses based frontend to mpg123
cmph-2.0 C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library
cmu-dhcpd- CMU BootP and DHCP server, plus Princeton patches
cmus-2.10.0nb9 Small, fast and powerful text mode music player
cmus-2.7.1nb1 Small and fast text mode music player (C99 version)
cmusfm-0.3.3nb14 standalone scrobbler for the cmus music player
cmvnd-fonts-20211030 Tiny bitmap fonts
cn2jp-1.4bnb3 Library for code translation between Chinese and Japanese
cnprint-3.30bnb1 Print & convert CJK style text to PostScript
cntlm-0.35.1nb1 NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
cnxtview-0.00anb19 Creative WEBCAM Notebook Utility Programs
coalesce- Estimates effective population size and mutation rate
cobalt-0.19.6 Static website generator
cobol-mode.el-0.0.20150505nb1 Emacs mode for editing COBOL source code
coccigrep-1.20nb1 Semantic grep for the C language
coccinelle-1.1.1nb2 Tool for writing and applying semantic patches
cocofs-1.0.1 Tool for interacting with TRS-80 Color Computer disk images
cocogitto-6.2.0 The Conventional Commits toolbox
coconut-0.3.0nb72 Objective-C library for Unix-like systems
coda-6.9.5nb21 Coda distributed fileystem
code2html-0.9.1nb10 Convert a program source code to syntax highlighted HTML
codeblocks-20.03nb13 Open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE
codec2-0.9.2 Speech codec for between 700 and 3200 bit/s
codecrypt-1.8nb1 Post-quantum cryptographic software
codelite-17.0.0nb11 Cross platform C/C++/PHP and Node.js IDE written in C++
cogito-0.18.2nb14 Version control system of the Linux kernel
cogl-1.22.0nb18 Modern 3D graphics API
coinmp-1.8.4 Linear Programming solver library
colchess-7.0 Chess analysis engine
colchess-book-colchess-7.0 Chess opening book for ColChess (default)
colchess-book-large-20000512 Chess opening book for ColChess (large)
collectd-5.12.0nb3 Statistics collection daemon base
collectd-amqp-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - amqp plugin
collectd-curl-5.12.0nb15 Statistics collection daemon - curl-based plugins
collectd-dbi-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - dbi plugin
collectd-dns-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - dns plugin
collectd-gmond-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - gmond plugin
collectd-gps-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - gps plugin
collectd-grpc-5.12.0nb16 Statistics collection daemon - grpc plugin
collectd-kafka-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - write_kafka plugin
collectd-lua-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - lua plugin
collectd-memcachec-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - memcachec plugin
collectd-mongodb-5.12.0nb11 Statistics collection daemon - write_mongodb plugin
collectd-mysqlmariadb1011-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - mysql plugin
collectd-network-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - network plugin
collectd-notify-email-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - notify_email plugin
collectd-notify_desktop-5.12.0nb3 Statistics collection daemon - notify_desktop plugin
collectd-nut-5.12.0nb2 Statistics collection daemon - nut plugin
collectd-openldap-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - openldap plugin
collectd-pinba-5.12.0nb9 Statistics collection daemon - pinba plugin
collectd-postgresql14-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - postgresql plugin
collectd-redis-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - redis plugins
collectd-riemann-5.12.0nb20 Statistics collection daemon - riemann plugin
collectd-rrdtool-5.12.0nb14 Statistics collection daemon - rrdtool plugins
collectd-snmp-5.12.0nb1 Statistics collection daemon - snmp plugin
collectd-tokyotyrant-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - tokyotyrant plugin
collectd-varnish-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - varnish plugin
collectd-virt-5.12.0nb15 Statistics collection daemon - virt plugin
collectd-web-0.4.1nb7 Web interface for Collectd
collectd-write_prometheus-5.12.0nb19 Statistics collection daemon - write_prometheus plugin
collectd-xen-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - xencpu plugin
collectd-xmms-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - xmms plugin
collectd-yajl-5.12.0 Statistics collection daemon - YAJL-based plugins
color-theme-6.6.0nb2 Emacs-lisp mode for skinning your emacs
colorblind-0.0.1 Pixel Filter for colorblind accessibility
colord-1.3.5nb19 Device color profile management daemon
colord-gtk-0.2.0nb12 Manage color profiles to accurately color input/output devices
colordiff-1.0.21 Colour-highlighted 'diff' output
colorit-1.13.3 Utility for coloring output
colorize-0.3.4 Log colorize perl script
colorless-109 Enable colorised command output and pipe it to less
colorls-2.2nb2 Uses color with ls(1) to display file attributes
colortail-0.3.0 Colour-able replacement for tail(1)
coma-1.1nb5 Keyboard driven tiling window manager
comic-neue-2.51 Font that fixes the shortcomings of Comic Sans
commit-patch-2.5.2nb7 Commit patches to most common SCM repositories
common-mml-1.2.16nb4 Common multimedia library required by mbone tools
compat12-1.2.1nb1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.2 compatibility
compat13-1.3.3nb3 Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.3 compatibility
compat14- Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.4 compatibility
compat15-1.5.3 Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.5 compatibility
compat15-extras-1.5.3nb2 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 1.5 compatibility
compat16-1.6.2 Shared libraries for NetBSD 1.6 compatibility
compat16-extras-1.6.2 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 1.6 compatibility
compat20-2.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 2.0 compatibility
compat20-extras-2.1 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 2.0 compatibility
compat30-3.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 3.0 compatibility
compat30-extras-3.1 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 3.0 compatibility
compat40-4.0 Shared libraries for NetBSD 4.0 compatibility
compat40-extras-4.0 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 4.0 compatibility
compat50-5.0 Shared libraries for NetBSD 5.0 compatibility
compat50-x11-5.0 Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 5.0 compatibility
compat51-5.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 5.1 compatibility
compat51-x11-5.1 Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 5.1 compatibility
compat60-6.0 Shared libraries for NetBSD 6.0 compatibility
compat61-6.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 6.1 compatibility
compat61-x11-6.1 Shared X11 libraries for NetBSD 6.1 compatibility
compat80-8.0 Shared libraries for NetBSD 8.0 compatibility
compat90-9.0nb2 Shared libraries for NetBSD 9.0 compatibility
compat_headers-0.2 Compatibility headers
compface-1.5.2nb11 48x48x1 image compression and decompression (X-face utility)
compiledb-go-1.3.7 Generate Clang's JSON Compilation Database for make-based builds
compiler-rt-18.1.8 LLVM runtime libraries
compiz-0.8.8nb93 Compositing window manager
compiz-bcop-0.8.8nb13 Option code generator for compiz
compiz-fusion-0.6 Meta-package for compiz fusion
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-0.8.8nb71 Compositing window manager - extra plugins
compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.8.8nb57 Compositing window manager - main plugins
compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.8nb66 Plugin (gconf) for the compiz configuration backend
cone-0.90nb43 Console newsreader and emailer
conftest-0.56.0 Tests structured configuration data via OPA Rego query language
confuse-3.3 Configuration file parser library
congen-1.7nb2 Constants generator for tidal constituents
conky-1.9.0nb65 Free, light-weight system monitor for X
connect-1.104 Open a TCP connection using a SOCKS4/5 or HTTP proxy server
conserver-7.2.7nb6 Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
conserver8-8.2.4nb2 Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
consolamono-ttf-20130127nb1 Monospace font created for programming
consolekit-1.2.6 Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats
consul-1.2.3nb65 Tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration
convertlit-1.8nb1 Convert Microsoft Legal Reader format eBooks into open format
convmv-2.05nb5 Converts filenames from one encoding to another
cook-2.26nb12 More powerful replacement for the traditional make(1) tool
cool-retro-term-1.2.0nb5 Terminal emulator which mimics old CRT screens
cooledit-3.17.17nb11 Full-featured text editor
coolkey-1.1.0nb1 Driver support for the CoolKey and CAC products
coolmail-1.3nb3 Xbiff replacement with 3D animation and sound
coordgenlibs-1.4.2nb8 2D coordinate generation for molecules
coq-8.15.2nb19 Theorem prover which extracts programs from proofs
corebird-1.7.4nb30 Native Gtk+ Twitter Client
coreutils-9.5 GNU basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities
corewars-0.9.13nb2 Programs on a virtual machine, fighting each other
corkscrew-2.0 Tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
corsix-th-0.68.0 Reimplementation of the game engine of Theme Hospital
cosmosmash-1.4.8 Space rock shooting video game
couchdb-3.2.2nb9 Document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
courier-1.3.5 Meta-package for the Courier mail server suite
courier-analog-0.22 Courier log analyzer
courier-authlib-0.72.1 Courier Authentication Library
courier-imap-5.2.6 IMAP server for access to maildir-style mailboxes
courier-maildir-1.3.5 Courier maildir utilities
courier-mta-1.3.5nb2 Courier mail transport agent
courier-prime-1.203nb1 Fixed-width font designed for screenplays
courier-unicode-2.3.0 Implements several algorithms related to the Unicode Standard
couriertcpd-1.3.5 Courier TCP socket and TLS servers
coursera-dl-0.8.0nb6 Download course ressources for Coursera classes
covered-0.7.10nb4 Verilog code coverage analyzer (stable release version)
cowsay-3.04nb6 Configurable talking cow
coyim-0.4.1nb17 Safe and secure by default chat client
cparser-0.9.14 Recursive descent C99 parser
cpia2view-0.03nb20 USB cameras based CPiA2 Utility Programs
cplay-1.49nb9 Curses front-end for various audio players
cpmtools-2.23 Similar to mtools, except for CP/M filesystems
cpogm-1.0nb10 Copy owner, group and mode of a file
cpp-httplib-0.18.3 C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
cppcheck-2.8nb17 Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
cppcms-1.2.1nb8 High performance C++ web development framework
cppcodec-0.2nb1 C++11 library to encode/decode various codes
cppunit-1.15.1 C++ unit testing framework
cpputest-4.0 Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
cppzmq-4.10.0nb1 C++ binding for libzmq
cproto-4.7o Generates function prototypes from C source
cpu_features-0.7.0 Cross platform C99 library to get CPU features at runtime
cpuburn-1.4nb4 CPU load testing utilities for Pentium pro and later
cpuflags-1.43 Determine compiler flags to best target current cpu
cpuid-3.3nb1 CPU identification feature
cpuminer-2.5.1nb12 CPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin
cqcam-0.91nb12 Free Color QuickCam control program
cqual-0.991nb21 Tool for adding type qualifiers to C
crack-5.0nb3 The "Sensible" Unix Password Cracker
crack-attack-1.1.14nb48 Tetris Attack inspired game
crack-attack-sounds-1.1.14 Music and sounds for crack-attack
cracklib-2.9.7nb1 Library used to enforce strong passwords
craft-3.5nb5 Warcraft-like game for X11
crashme-2.4 Try to crash machine by executing random data as instructions
crates-io-cli-4.0.3nb3 Interact with from the command-line
crates-query-0.1.2 Query from command line
crawl-0.4nb14 Small and efficient HTTP crawler
cre2-0.3.6nb2 C wrapper for re2 regular expression library
createbuildlink-3.19 Shell script to help creating files
creduce-2.10.0nb18 Tool for automatic reduction of C/C++ files triggering bugs
crfsuite-0.12nb5 Fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
crimson-1.1.3nb1 implementation of JAXP, SAX, and DOM
crimsonfields-0.5.3nb2 Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
cripple-0.06bnb1 Command line CD ripper/encoder wrapper with cddb support
criticalmass-1.0.2nb35 SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game
croc-9.6.14nb6 Fast, simple, and secure file transfer between any two computers
cromagrally-3.0.1nb1 Source port of Cro-Mag Rally from Pangea Software
cronolog-1.6.2nb11 Web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
croscorefonts-1.31.0 Chrome OS Microsoft-compatible fonts with improved readability
cross-aarch64-none-elf-binutils-2.31.1nb1 Cross binutils for bare metal AArch64 ELF
cross-aarch64-none-elf-gcc-8.2.0nb5 GCC for bare metal AArch64 ELF
cross-arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.32nb1 Cross binutils for bare metal ARM EABI
cross-arm-none-eabi-gcc-8.3.0nb5 GCC for bare metal ARM EABI
cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.10nb3 Cross GDB for bare metal ARM EABI
cross-binutils- Unified GNU binutils for cross build environments
cross-freemint-binutils-2.24 Cross binutils for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-cflib-20130415 CFLIB for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-gcc-4.6.4nb3 GCC compiler for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-gemlib-20130415 GEMlib for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-ldg-20131104 LDG for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-mintbin-20110527nb1 Cross FreeMiNT utility for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-mintlib-20131219nb4 MiNTLib for FreeMiNT
cross-freemint-pml-2.03nb1 PML math library for FreeMiNT
cross-h8300-elf-binutils-2.27 Cross utility for h8300-elf
cross-h8300-elf-gcc-6.2.0nb4 GCC compiler for h8300-elf
cross-i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-binutils-2.39 Cross binutils for DJGPP
cross-i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-gcc-13.2.0 GCC for DJGPP
cross-i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-sdk-2.05 DJGPP headers and libraries
cross-mipsel-none-elf-binutils-2.42 Cross binutils for bare metal 32-bit little-endian ELF
cross-mipsel-none-elf-gcc-13.2.0 GCC for bare metal MIPS 32-bit little-endian ELF
cross-or1k-none-elf-binutils-2.32 Cross binutils for bare metal OpenRISC 1000 ELF
cross-or1k-none-elf-gcc-9.1.0nb4 GCC for bare metal OpenRISC 1000 ELF
cross-pdp11-aout-binutils-2.39 Cross binutils for PDP-11 a.out
cross-pdp11-aout-gcc-12.2.0 GCC for PDP-11 aout
cross-powerpc-none-elf-binutils-2.32 Cross binutils for bare metal PowerPC ELF
cross-powerpc-none-elf-gcc-8.3.0nb3 GCC for bare metal PowerPC ELF
cross-riscv64-none-elf-binutils-2.42nb1 Cross binutils for bare metal RISC-V 64-bit ELF
cross-riscv64-none-elf-gcc-13.2.0nb1 GCC for bare metal RISC-V 64-bit little-endian ELF
crossfire-client-1.75.3nb5 Multi-player graphical arcade and adventure game (client)
crossfire-server-1.75.0nb3 Multi-player graphical arcade and adventure game (server)
crush-tools-2013.04nb9 Collection of tools for processing delimited-text data
cryptopassphrase-1.0.1 Deterministic password generator based on scrypt
cryptopp-8.7.0 Free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
cs4235-20001009nb1 Modifies the 3D mode on Crystal CS4235 sound cards
cscope-15.9 Interactive C program browser
csharp-mysql-8.0.19nb13 Fully managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL
csharp-xapian-1.4.27 C# bindings for Xapian search engine
csmith-2.3.0nb1 Random generator of C programs
csound6-6.15.0nb38 Software synthesizer and sequencer
csound6-manual-6.15.0 Csound6 Reference Manual
cssc-1.4.1 GNU workalike for the source code control system SCCS
cstream-3.1.1 General-purpose stream-handling tool with bandwidth limiting
csup-20100404nb5 Rewrite of the CVSup file updating client in C
csview-1.3.3 High performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support
csvkit-0.9.0nb8 Suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV
csvlens-0.11.0 Command line csv viewer
csvtomd-0.2.1 Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables
csvutils-0.9.3 Command-line utilities for managing CSV data using libcsv
ctemplate-2.3nb10 Simple but powerful template language for C++
ctrlproxy-3.0.8nb24 Detachable internet relay chat proxy server
ctwm-4.1.0nb1 Window manager with support for multiple virtual screens and EWMH
cu-prolog-3.94 Experimental constraint logic programming language
cucipop-1.31nb3 The Cubic Circle POP3 mail server
cue-20180813 Mh-e like mail user agent
cue2pops-20180104 Convert BIN/CUE to VCD for POPS on the PS2
cuecat-0.2.1nb1 Read and parse barcodes from your CueCat barcode reader
cuetools-1.3.1 Set of utilities to manipulate cue and toc files
culmus-0.133 Culmus Hebrew fonts
cups-2.4.11nb3 Common UNIX Printing System
cups-base-2.4.11nb3 Common UNIX Printing System
cups-drivers-Magicolor5440DL-1.2.1nb43 CUPS drivers for printer Konica Minolta Magicolor 5440DL
cups-filters-1.28.16nb17 Backends, filters, and other software for cups
cups-pdf-3.0.1nb17 PDF backend for CUPS
curl-8.11.1nb1 Client that groks URLs
cursed_font-0.1.0 9x18 bitmapped font designed for low-DPI screens
cut-2nb1 C Unit Tester
cutmp3-3.0.1 Command line editor for cutting MP3s without quality loss
cutoggvorbis-0.2 Command line editor for cutting Ogg Vorbis without quality loss
cutter-1.2.7nb3 Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
cvise-2.10.0nb4 Super-parallel Python port of the C-Reduce
cvm-0.97nb3 Credential Validation Modules
cvs-1.12.13nb8 Concurrent Versions System
cvs-fast-export-1.44nb4 Export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream
cvs-for-gits-20230621 Make CVS a bit more Gittish
cvs2cl-2.59nb10 CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
cvs2html-1.82nb10 Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
cvs2svn-2.3.0nb7 Converts a CVS repository to a Subversion repository
cvsclone-0.00 Clone a CVS repository using the :pserver: access method
cvsd-1.0.23nb14 Run CVS pserver in a chroot-ed environment
cvsdiff2patch-1.0.1 Convert CVS diffs into something that patch(1) understands
cvsgraph-1.7.2nb6 Graphically represents CVS/RCS branches and file revisions
cvslock-0.2 Safely manipulate and inspect CVS repositories
cvsps-2.1nb4 Generates 'patchset' information from a CVS repository
cvsps3-3.13 Generates 'patchset' information from a CVS repository
cvsreport-0.3.5nb11 Message reports from CVS activity
cvsup-bin-16.1.hnb1 Daemon and client for cvsup
cvsup-gui-bin-16.1.hnb1 GUI client for cvsup
cvsutils-0.2.6nb2 CVS utilities to facilitate working
cvsweb-3.0.6nb13 Web interface for browsing a CVS repository
cvsync-0.24.19nb11 Portable incremental cvs repository syncer
cw-1.0.16 Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
cwdiff-0.4.0 Color wrapper for wdiff (word diff)
cwm-7.4 Portable version of the window manager from OpenBSD
cwrappers-20220403 pkgsrc compiler wrappers
cwtext-0.96nb8 Morse Code Generator
cxref-1.6d C Cross Referencing & Documenting tool
cxxopts-3.1.1 Lightweight C++ option parser library
cy2-anonymous-2.1.28 Cyrus SASL ANONYMOUS authentication plugin
cy2-crammd5-2.1.28 Cyrus SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication plugin
cy2-digestmd5-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication plugin
cy2-gssapi-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
cy2-ldapdb-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL LDAPDB authentication plugin
cy2-login-2.1.28 Cyrus SASL LOGIN authentication plugin
cy2-ntlm-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL NTLM authentication plugin
cy2-otp-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL OTP authentication plugin
cy2-plain-2.1.28 Cyrus SASL PLAIN authentication plugin
cy2-saml-1.11nb16 Crude SAML assertion validator for bridging WebSSO and SASL
cy2-scram-2.1.28nb1 Cyrus SASL SCRAM authentication plugin
cy2-sql-2.1.28nb8 Cyrus SASL SQL authentication plugin
cyberbase-ttf-2.0nb8 Cyberbit minus CJK subset, for ISO-8859-x languages
cyberbit-ttf-2.0nb8 Multilingual TrueType font from Bitstream
cygwin_lib- Basic Cygwin library and executables for emulation
cyr-rfx-bulgarian-mik-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in bulgarian-mik encoding
cyr-rfx-ibm-cp866-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in ibm-cp866 encoding
cyr-rfx-iso10646_0400-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in iso10646-0400 encoding
cyr-rfx-iso8859_15-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in iso8859-15 encoding
cyr-rfx-iso8859_5-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in iso8859-5 encoding
cyr-rfx-koi8-o-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in koi8-o encoding
cyr-rfx-koi8-ru-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in koi8-ru encoding
cyr-rfx-koi8-ub-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in koi8-ub encoding
cyr-rfx-koi8_1-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in koi8-1 encoding
cyr-rfx-mac-cyrillic-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in mac-cyrillic encoding
cyr-rfx-windows_1251-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in windows-1251 encoding
cyr-rfx-winlatin_1-1.1nb5 Cyrillic X11 fonts in winlatin-1 encoding
cyrus-imapd-2.4.20nb31 Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28nb1 Simple Authentication and Security Layer
cyrus-sasl-xoauth2- XOAUTH2 mechanism plugin for cyrus-sasl
cyrus-saslauthd-2.1.28nb2 Cyrus SASL plaintext authentication daemon
czds-1.2.14nb13 Client to the CZDS REST API
czmq-4.2.1nb7 High-level C binding for ZeroMQ
d0_blind_id-1.0 Library to perform identification using Blind RSA Signatures
d11amp-0.61nb14 Oldskool MP3 player
d2x-0.2.5nb14 Descent II port
dMagnetic-0.37 Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter
dact-0.8.42 Dynamic adaptive compression tool
dadadodo-1.04 Analyse texts for word probabilities and generate random sentences
daemond-1.0 Run a command as a daemon
daemonize-1.7.8 Tool to run a command as a daemon
daemontools-0.76nb5 Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb
daemontools-encore-1.11nb2 Collection of tools for managing UNIX services
daemontools-run-20231129 Configures daemontools to run supervised services
dansguardian- Fast, featureful web content filter for Squid proxy servers
dante-1.4.3 BSD-licensed socks 4/5 proxy suite
dap-2.1.5nb7 Digital audio recording and processing package
daq-2.0.7nb1 Abstraction layer for libpcap
dar-2.7.7nb9 Disk archiver
darcs-2.18.2nb1 Distributed revision control system
darkice-1.4nb8 IceCast, IceCast2, and ShoutCast live audio streamer
darkstat-3.0.719 Network statistics gatherer
darktable-4.4.2nb20 Photography workflow application
darts-0.32nb2 C++ template library that implements Double-Array
darwin_lib-6.6.2nb9 Darwin compatibility libraries (including X11)
dasel-2.8.1nb1 Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV
dash-0.5.12 Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant shell faster than bash
dash-el-2.19.1 Modern list api for Emacs. No 'cl required
dasher-5.0.0.b20200225nb12 Easy typing without using keyboard
dasm- Multi-CPU cross-assembler for 6502, 6803 and 68HC11
datadraw-3.1.1 Persistent database generator for high performance C applications
dateutils-0.4.11nb5 Command line tools for working with dates
dav1d-1.5.0 AV1 decoder library
davis-0.1.3 CLI client for MPD
db-2.7.7nb3 Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 2
db18-18.1.40 Berkeley DB version 18 from Oracle
db2latex-0.8pre1nb6 Set of XSLT stylesheets converting DocBook to LaTeX2e
db3-3.11.2nb4 Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3
db4-4.8.30nb1 Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle
db5-5.3.28nb2 Berkeley DB version 5 from Oracle
db6-6.2.32 Berkeley DB version 6 from Oracle
dbcat-0.1.5 Equivalent of cat(1) for viewing sqlite database
dbeacon- Distributed IPv4/IPv6 multicast beacon
dbench-4.0 Simulation of the Ziff-Davis netbench benchmark
dbfsak-5.0 Tool for converting to and from DBF files
dbip-asn-lite-2023.11 DB-IP IP to ASN Lite: IPv4/v6 address to ASN
dbip-city-lite-2023.11 DB-IP IP to City Lite: IPv4/v6 address to city
dbip-country-lite-2023.11 DB-IP IP to Country Lite: IPv4/v6 address to country
dblatex-0.3.10nb9 DocBook to LaTeX Publishing
dbmail-3.3.1nb9 Store and retrieve mail messages in a database
dbskkd-cdb-3.00 SKK dictionary server based on cdb
dbus-1.14.10 Message bus system
dbus-glib-0.112nb1 GLib bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
dbus-python-common-1.3.2nb1 Python bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
dbus-sharp-0.7.0nb30 D-Bus for .NET
dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0nb28 D-Bus for .Net GLib integration module
dbz-ttf-20050114nb2 Divide By Zero TrueType fonts created by Tom Murphy 7
dc-tools-1.6nb1 Dreamcast bootable CDs tools (mainly from Marcus Comstedt)
dcc-1.3.159nb6 Anti-spam content filter
dccserver-0.5nb4 Standalone replacement for the mIRC /dccserver command
dcdflib.c-1.1nb1 Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
dcdflib.f-1.1nb3 Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
dcfldd-1.3.4 Enhanced version of GNU dd with features useful for forensics
dclock-4nb1 Digital clock for X
dconf-0.40.0nb6 Backend for gsettings
dconf-editor-3.38.3nb18 GSettings editor
dcraw-9.28.0 Raw digital camera decoder
dd2-0.2.2nb2 Shoot'em up arcade game for one or two players
dd_rescue-1.33 Tool like dd(1) for rescuing data from media with errors
dd_rhelp-0.0.6 Rescue hard disk helper
ddate-0.2.2 Discordian calendar date(1) command
ddclient-3.11.2nb1 Client to update dynamic DNS entries
ddd-3.3.12nb3 Data Display Debugger -- graphical front-end for GDB/DBX/XDB
ddgr-2.2 DuckDuckGo from the terminal
ddns-route53-2.12.0nb5 Dynamic DNS for Amazon Route 53 on a time-based schedule
ddos-scan-20000325 Scan for a limited set of distributed denial of service (ddos) agents
ddrescue-1.25 GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool
debugcon_printf-20190609 Bochs/Qemu debugcon printf() loadable kernel module for NetBSD
decode-dimms-4.3.20210722nb1 Decode memory DIMM SPD ROM info
deepstate-0.1nb7 Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
deepstate-afl-0.1nb2 Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
deepstate-honggfuzz-0.1nb2 Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
deepstate-libfuzzer-0.1nb2 Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
defendguin-0.0.12nb1 Clone of the arcade game Defender
deforaos-asm-0.2.7 DeforaOS (dis)assembly framework
deforaos-browser-0.5.5nb11 DeforaOS desktop file manager and desktop handler
deforaos-camera-0.3.0nb14 DeforaOS desktop camera
deforaos-coder-0.3.0nb15 DeforaOS Coder
deforaos-configure-0.4.3 DeforaOS automated Makefile generation tool
deforaos-cpp-0.0.6nb1 DeforaOS C code pre-processing library
deforaos-desktop-2020.1.0nb2 Meta-package for the DeforaOS Desktop environment
deforaos-editor-0.4.1nb14 DeforaOS desktop text editor
deforaos-icon-theme-0.1.3 Artwork for the DeforaOS desktop
deforaos-integration-0.1.1nb33 DeforaOS desktop integration
deforaos-keyboard-0.4.0nb14 DeforaOS desktop virtual keyboard
deforaos-libdatabase-0.1.0nb7 DeforaOS libDatabase
deforaos-libdesktop-0.4.1nb11 DeforaOS desktop library
deforaos-libsystem-0.4.3 DeforaOS core system library
deforaos-locker-0.4.2nb10 DeforaOS desktop screensaver
deforaos-mailer-0.2.0nb19 DeforaOS desktop e-mail client
deforaos-mixer-0.4.1nb10 DeforaOS desktop volume mixer
deforaos-notes-0.2.0nb15 DeforaOS desktop notes manager
deforaos-panel-0.4.3nb11 DeforaOS desktop panel
deforaos-pdfviewer-0.1.0nb32 DeforaOS desktop PDF viewer
deforaos-phone-0.6.0nb16 DeforaOS desktop telephony
deforaos-player-0.2.0nb14 DeforaOS desktop media player
deforaos-surfer-0.3.1nb17 DeforaOS desktop web browser
deforaos-terminal-0.2.0nb14 DeforaOS desktop terminal emulator
deforaos-todo-0.3.0nb14 DeforaOS desktop todo list
deforaos-vncviewer-0.1.0nb27 DeforaOS desktop VNC viewer
dega-1.07nb6 Sega Game Gear, Sega Mark III and Sega Master System emulator
dehydrated-0.7.1 Letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script
dejagnu-1.6.3 TCL/Expect-based framework for regression testing
dejavu-ttf-2.37 DejaVu family of TrueType fonts
delegate-9.9.1nb3 General purpose TCP/IP proxy system
deliver-2.1.14nb3 Local mail delivery agent with shell-script control
delta-2006.08.03nb11 Heuristically minimizes interesting files
demime-1.1dnb11 Tool to scrub mime from mailing lists
depot-5.14 Maps several separate packages into a tree without merging them
desklaunch-1.1.5 X utility for binding commands to pixmap icons
deskmenu-1.4.2nb41 X utility for providing root menus
desktop-file-utils-0.27 Utilities to manage desktop entries
desktop-installer-1.0.0 Quickly configure a NetBSD desktop system
destroy-20040415 Program to securely destroy files on the hard disk
detex-2.8 Remove LaTeX commands
detox-1.4.2 Removes non-standard characters from filenames
dev86-0.16.21 C compiler, assembler and linker for 8086 executables
devIL-1.7.8nb18 Developer's Image Library
devhelp-3.34.0nb29 Tool for browsing and searching API documentation from GNOME
device-driver-doc-de-20030729 Device driver documentation in German
devilspie-0.22nb54 Window-matching utility to customize window behavior
devilutionx-1.2.1nb12 Port of the RPG Diablo for modern operating systems
devkitd-003nb6 NetBSD port of devkitd (for DeviceKit)
devpub-mount- NetBSD devpubd-based automounter
devtodo-0.1.20nb3 Display and manage a list of items that are outstanding
dfc-3.1.1nb1 Display file system space usage using graph and colors
dfdisk-1.0 Fetch distfiles from multiple locations
dfftpack-20001209nb2 Double precision version of FFTPACK
dfu-programmer-0.7.2nb1 Programmer for Atmel USB DFU Bootloader
dfu-util-0.9 Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol
dgd- Object-oriented programmable server
dgen-sdl-1.33nb2 Genesis/Megadrive emulator for Unix platforms
dgpsip-1.35 Differential GPS over IP communication device
dhall-1.42.1nb1 Configuration language guaranteed to terminate
dhbitty-20120806 Small public key ECDH encryption/decryption program
dhcpcd-10.0.8 DHCP / IPv4LL / IPv6RA / DHCPv6 client
dhcpcd-dbus-0.6.1 DBus binding for dhcpcd
dhcpcd-gtk-0.7.9nb6 GTK+ system tray monitor for dhcpcd
dhcpcd-icons-0.7.9 Shared icons for dhcpcd-gtk and dhcpcd-qt
dhcpcd-qt-0.7.9nb9 Qt system tray monitor for dhcpcd
dhcpd-pools-2.27nb6 ISC dhcpd lease analysis and reporting
dhewm3-1.5.4 Source port of the original Doom 3
dhex-0.69 Curses-based hex-editor with diff mode
dhid-5.5 Dynamic Host Information System client daemon
dhisd-5.5 DynDNS server
dhrystone-2.1nb1 Reinhold Weicker's DHRYSTONE 2.1 integer benchmark
di-4.47.3 Alternative df command
dia-0.97.3nb42 Program for creating diagrams of all kinds
dia2code-0.8.1nb13 Small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
dialog-1.3.20240619 Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
dict-client-1.13.3 Dictionary Service Protocol client
dict-data-1.8.0nb1 Dictionary data for DICTD
dict-mueller7-1.2nb10 English-Russian dictionary by Mueller for dictd
dict-server-1.13.3 Dictionary Service Protocol server
dictem-1.0.4nb3 Dictionary client (RFC-2229) for [X]Emacs
diction-1.13 GNU version of diction and style
didder-1.3.0nb6 Extensive, fast, and accurate command-line image dithering tool
dieharder-3.31.1nb1 Random number generator test suite
diesel-cli-2.2.4nb3 CLI for the Diesel crate
diff-so-fancy-1.4.4 Optimize diffs for human readability
diffbreaker-0.5 Tool to manuipulate unified diffs using curses
diffr-0.1.5 Yet another diff highlighting tool
diffsitter-0.8.4 Tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs
diffsplit-1.0nb11 Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
diffstat-1.65 Display a histogram of diff changes
difftastic-0.61.0 Syntax-aware diffing tool
diffutils-3.10 GNU diff utilities - find the differences between files
digest-20220214 Message digest wrapper utility
digger-20020314nb7 Digger Remastered
digikam-8.4.0nb2 Advanced digital photo management application
dikt-2vnb3 Dictionary protocol client for KDE
dillo-3.1.1 Very small and fast graphical web-browser
din-58.1nb1 Open source cross-platform sound synthesizer
dino-0.4.3nb7 Modern XMPP (Jabber) chat client
dinotrace-9.4fnb2 Tool for viewing the output of digital simulators
dinotrace-mode-9.4fnb3 Emacs major mode for dinotrace
dipmap-1.16nb2 Generate postscript maps from results of play-by-email Diplomacy games
dirac-1.0.2nb11 Open-source video codec designed at the BBC
dirb-2.20nb7 Web Content Scanner
dirdiff-2.1nb2 Displays differences between directories
direnv-2.35.0 Environment switcher for the shell
direvent-5.1 Daemon that monitors file system directories for events
dirsize-0.6 Outputs aggregate size of all files in one or more directories
dirvish-1.2.1nb10 Fast, disk based, rotating network backup system
disc-cover-1.5.6nb10 Generation of CD covers
discount-2.2.7d Markdown C implementation
disk-filltest-0.7.1 Detect Bad Disks by Filling with Random Data
distbb-0.48.0 DISTributed Bulk Build tool for pkgsrc
distcc-3.4 Tool for distributed C/C++ compiling
distcc-gtk-3.4nb10 Graphical monitor for distcc, the distributed C/C++ compiler
distcc-pump-3.4nb2 Accelerated remote compilation with distcc
distmp3-0.1.9nb10 Distributed mp3 encoding across multiple hosts
distribute-2.1.26nb12 Mail dispatcher for mailing list. Fits nicely with majordomo
dit-0.7nb1 Console text editor that you already know how to use
divxplayer-0.2.0nb4 DivX(TM) Video Player for Linux from
diylc-3.28.0nb1 Simple electronic schematics CAD tool
djbdns-1.05nb15 Collection of secure and reliable DNS tools
djbdns-run-20201016 Configures djbdns to cache and serve queries
djbdnscurve6-45 Fork of djbdns with IPv6 and DNSCurve support
djbfft-0.76 Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
djbsort-20190516nb2 Library for sorting arrays of integers
djview4-4.12nb29 Portable DjVu viewer and browser plugin
djvulibre-lib-3.5.28 Compression library for scanned documents
djvulibre-tools-3.5.28 Compression library for scanned documents
dk-milter-1.0.2nb3 Open source DomainKeys filter software from Sendmail, Inc
dkimproxy-1.4.1nb1 SMTP proxy that signs and/or verifies emails
dl-ezkit-0.8.1 Coff file downloader for the EZ-KIT Lite using the RS232
dlcompat-20030629 Library for dlopen() emulation on Darwin
dlint-1.4.0nb11 Internet Domain Name System (DNS) error checking utility
dmake-4.12.2 Portable make supported by many platforms
dmalloc-5.5.2nb1 Run-time configurable debugging malloc library
dmassage-0.6nb10 Parser for dmesg(8)
dmenu-5.3 Dynamic menu for X
dmenu-wld- Dynamic menu for Wayland
dmesg2gif-1.3nb13 Output dmesg(8) device tree as GIF image
dmg2img-1.6.7nb2 Convert Apple dmg to HFS+ img format
dmidecode-3.5nb1 Print out DMI (SMBIOS) table in human-readable format
dmsdos- Program to access DBLSPACE/DRVSPACE containers
dmtx-utils-0.7.6nb19 Command line programs for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes
dnc-0.2.0nb2 CLI tool to check domain names configuration
dnsbl-milter-6.45 DNSBL Sendmail milter
dnscap-141 Network capture utility designed specifically for DNS traffic
dnscheck-1.5.4nb11 DNSCheck is a DNS quality checker
dnscontrol-3.27.1nb17 Opinionated platform for managing DNS configuration
dnscrypt-proxy2-2.0.45nb43 DNS proxy with support for encrypted protocols
dnsdist-1.8.0nb7 Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsmasq-2.90 Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder
dnsperf-2.5.1nb12 DNS server performance measurement tools
dnssec-tools-2.2.3nb5 Toolkit to ease the deployment of DNSSEC related technologies
dnstop-20140915nb2 Diagnose tcpdump trace for DNS queries/replies
dnstracer-1.10nb7 Tool to trace dns queries
dnsx-1.2.1nb6 DNS toolkit designed for running DNS queries
doas-6.3p2nb1 Execute commands as another user
doc++-3.4.10nb3 Documentation system for C, C++ and Java
doc2html-3.0nb15 PERL external filter for htdig to convert numerous doc formats to HTML
docbook-4.5 SGML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-simple-1.1nb4 Simplified DocBook XML DTD
docbook-website-2.6.0nb3 DocBook XML DTD for building websites
docbook-xml-4.5 XML DTD designed for computer documentation
docbook-xsl-1.79.2nb7 Docbook XSL modular stylesheet
docbook2mdoc-1.1.0 Convert DocBook documentation into man pages (mdoc)
docbook2odf-0.244nb5 Convert DocBook documentation into ODF documents
docker-1.5nb7 WindowMaker dock app which acts as a system tray
doclifter-2.3nb9 Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
docsis-0.9.4nb3 Utility for manipulating DOCSIS-compliant cable modems
docx2txt-1.2nb10 Convert Microsoft .docx documents to simple text files
dog-1.7nb1 Dog writes the contents of each given file, URL, or stdin
doh-0.1.20200514nb12 A tool for resolving host names using DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH)
dolphin-23.08.4nb7 KDE File Manager
dolphin-emu-5.0nb54 Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator
dolphin-plugins-23.08.4nb6 Extra Dolphin plugins
doom-pwad-shotgun-symphony-1.0 Doom mod
doom-pwad-sigil-1.21 Doom mod
doom1-1.9 Shareware levels for Doom
doom2-pwad-eviternity-1.0 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-lost-civilization-15 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-preacher-20181129nb1 Doom II mod
doom2-pwad-struggle-20180819nb1 Doom II mod
doomlegacy-1.48.14 The legacy of Doom
dopewars-1.6.2nb15 Make a fortune dealing drugs on the streets of New York
dos2unix-7.5.2 DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dosbox-0.74.3nb2 Multi-platform DOS emulator using SDL
dosbox-x-0.84.3nb6 DOSBox fork with enhancements
dose3-5.0.1nb7 Package repository analysis toolkit
dosfstools-4.2 Tools for working with FAT filesystems
dot-forward-0.71nb3 Reads sendmail's .forward files under qmail
dotconf-1.3 Simple-to-use and powerful configuration-file parser library
dotfile-2.4.1nb2 GUI dotfile generator program to create .config files
double-conversion-3.3.0 Conversion routines for IEEE doubles
dovecot- Secure IMAP and POP3 server
dovecot-fts-flatcurve-1.0.5nb3 Dovecot FTS Flatcurve plugin (Xapian)
dovecot-gssapi- Secure IMAP and POP3 server (GSSAPI plugin)
dovecot-ldap- Secure IMAP and POP3 server (LDAP plugin)
dovecot-mysql- Secure IMAP and POP3 server (MySQL plugin)
dovecot-pgsql- Secure IMAP and POP3 server (PostgreSQL plugin)
dovecot-pigeonhole- Support for the Sieve language and the ManageSieve protocol
dovecot-sqlite- Secure IMAP and POP3 server (SQLite plugin)
doxygen-1.12.0nb3 Documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C
doxymacs-1.8.0nb16 Doxygen editing support for Emacs
dpbox-6.00.00nb3 Multi-Protocol Amateur Packet Radio BBS
dpkg-1.22.11nb1 Package maintenance system for Debian
dps8m-3.0.1 DPS-8/M mainframe simulator
dptutil-3.31nb1 DPT/Adaptec Storage Management software (dptutil)
dq-20240101 Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server
dqs-3.3.2nb2 Distributed queueing system
drac-1.12nb1 Dynamic Relay Authorization Control
dragon-23.08.4nb6 Simple video player for KDE
dragonbox-1.1.3 Floating-point to binary-to-decimal conversion library
drawing-1.0.2 Basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint
drawpile-2.1.17nb26 Collaborative drawing program
drawterm-20240703 Utility to connect to Plan9 CPU servers
driftnet-0.1.6nb13 Real-time image sniffer
drill-1.8.3 DNSSEC debugging tool a'la dig
drkonqi-5.27.10nb6 KDE crash handler
droid-ttf-20111115nb1 The Droid fonts family from Ascender Corporation
dropbear-2024.86 Small SSH2 server and client, aimed at embedded market
drraw-2.2b2nb10 Simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
dsh-0.25.10nb1 Runs command through rsh or ssh on a cluster of machines
dsk2rom-0.80 MSX disk image conversion utility
dsniff-2.3nb20 Password sniffer (webspy)
dsniff-nox11-2.3nb14 Password sniffer
dspam-3.10.2nb44 Extremely scalable, statistical-hybrid anti-spam filter
dspdfviewer-1.15.1nb65 Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for latex-beamer
dssi-1.1.1nb4 API for audio processing plugins
dsssl-docbook-modular-1.79nb14 DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD
dt-1.1.7nb3 Virtual consoles for NetBSD/mac68k (and macppc?)
dtach-0.9 Small program that emulates the detach feature of screen
dtb-arm-exynos5422-4.11.3 DTB files for arm exynos5422 based boards
dtb-arm-tegra124-4.11.3 DTB files for arm tegra124 based boards
dtb-arm-vexpress-4.11.3 DTB files for arm vexpress based boards
dtb-arm64-sun50i-4.11.3 DTB files for arm64 sun50i based boards
dtb-arm64-tegra210-4.11.3 DTB files for arm64 tegra210 based boards
dtc-1.7.1 Device Tree Compiler (dtc)
dtcp-20130602nb4 Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol daemon and client
dtcpclient-20090812nb4 Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
dtdparse-2.0beta6nb21 Reads an SGML or XML DTD and constructs an XML database
dte-1.11.1 Small and easy to use console text editor
dtorrent-3.3.2nb5 Enhanced CTorrent, a BitTorrent console client written in C/C++
dtpstree-1.0.3nb1 Display a tree of processes
dtxsession-1.0 Launch a X11 session from CDE login service
dua-cli-2.29.4 View disk space usage and delete unwanted data
duckdb-1.1.2 In-process SQL OLAP database management system
duckmaze-0.2nb22 Puzzle game
duckstation-qt-0.1.5624nb7 PlayStation emulator aiming for the best accuracy (Qt version)
duktape-2.7.0 Embeddable Javascript engine
dumb-2.0.3 Module/tracker based music format parser and player library
dumpet-2.1nb12 Dump information about bootable CDs and other similar formats
dumpmpeg-0.6nb9 Splits an MPEG stream into single images
dunelegacy-0.96.4nb10 Open source Dune 2 clone
dungeon-3.2bnb2 Classic game of Dungeon
dunst-1.12.0 Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
duo-unix-2.0.2 Duo two-factor authentication for Unix systems
dupeguru-4.0.4rc1nb6 Find duplicate files
duplicity-3.0.2 Remote encrypting incremental backup utility
durt-1.0.3 CLI tool for calculating the size of files and directories
dusage-0.3.6 Command line disk usage information tool
dust-1.1.1 More intuitive version of du in rust
dvb-apps-20110713nb11 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) applications
dvd+rw-tools-7.1 Tools for writing DVD+R[W] disks
dvd-slideshow-0.7.5nb13 Script that creates a slideshow-style DVD with some simple menus
dvd-vr-0.9.7 Utility to identify and optionally copy recordings from DVD-VR
dvdauthor-0.7.2nb54 Tools to assist DVD authoring
dvdbackup-0.4.2nb3 DVD backup utility
dvdisaster-0.79.5nb17 Protects data on optical media with error correcting codes
dvdrecord-0.1.5nb3 This program allows you to create DVDs on a DVD-Recorder
dvdview-1.2.2nb10 Software only MPEG-1/2 video decoder
dvi2tty-6.0.2nb1 Program for previewing DVI files
dvidvi-1.1nb8 Select and/or rearrange pages in a TeX dvi file
dviljk-2.6.5nb15 DVI driver for the LaserJet printers using kpathsea
dvipdfmx-20240305 DVI to PDF converter with CID-keyed font support
dvipng-1.15nb12 Convert TeX DVI files to PNG or GIF
dvipsk-2024.1 DVI-to-PostScript translator
dvisvgm-2.1.3nb1 Fast DVI to SVG converter
dvorakng-0.6.0rc1nb4 US English Dvorak keyboard tutor
dvtm-0.15 Dynamic virtual terminal manager
dwdiff-2.1.4nb1 Word level diff program
dwm-6.5 Dynamic window manager
dx-4.4.4nb97 Open Visualization Data Explorer
dxpc-3.9.2nb1 Differential X Protocol Compressor
dxsamples-4.4.0 Sample data for Open Visualization Data Explorer
dynagen-0.11.0nb8 Network configuration generator for Dynamips
dynamips-0.2.23 Cisco 3600 and 7200 MIPS emulator
dync-1.1nb2 C language awk-like utility
dynipclient-3.00nb2 Client for the dynamic DNS service
e-uae- Enhanced Ubiquitous Amiga Emulator
e16menuedit2-0.0.3nb56 Menu editor for the Enlightenment window manager
e16themes-0.1nb5 Themes for the window manager Enlightenment 16
e2fsprogs-1.46.4nb3 Second extended file system (ext2fs) management programs
e2guardian-5.5.6r Web content filtering proxy
eag-2.6 Transducer generator using affix grammars
eagle-7.7.0nb1 Easy to use printed circuit board editor
easy-rsa-3.2.1 CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA
easydiskpasswd-1.0nb1 Tool to unlock a password protected USB "EasyDisk"
easygit- Git porcelain wrapper in Perl
easyh10-1.5nb1 Database tool for the iRiver H10 digital audio player
easymenu-0.7.2 Software used to generate menu systems
easyrpg-player-0.7.0nb20 RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games interpreter
easytag-2.4.3nb21 GTK+ tag editor for MP3, Ogg Vorbis files, and others
eawpatches-12nb3 Eric A. Welsh' patches (audio samples) for TiMidity
eb-4.3nb13 C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries
eblook-1.6.1nb2 Interactive command-line interface for EPWING electric dictionaries
eboard-1.1.1nb16 Graphical user interface for playing chess
ebook-tools-0.2.2nb25 Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats
ebview-0.3.6nb41 GTK2 based EPWING dictionary browser
ec2-ami-tools-1.3.57676nb7 Amazon EC2 AMI Tools (bundle, create, upload AMIs to S3)
ec2-api-tools-1.3.62308 Amazon EC2 API tools (register, launch, administer instances)
ecap_clamav_adapter-2.0.0nb16 eCAP ClamAV adapter
ecb-2.50nb1 Emacs Code Browser
echinus-0.4.9nb4 Simple and lightweight tiling window manager
echomap-0.7.3 Preview map files in the terminal
echoping-6.0.2nb11 Test performance of a remote TCP service
ecl-23.9.9 Embeddable Common Lisp
eclipse-3.0.1nb2 Java IDE
ecore-1.7.10nb17 Event Abstraction and Modular Convenience Library
ecwolf-1.3.3nb10 Advanced port of Wolfenstein 3D
ed-1.17 GNU version of line-oriented text editor
ed2k-gtk-gui-0.6.3nb46 GUI for the eDonkey2000 and Overnet
edb-1.0.5nb5 Database abstraction layer to Berkeley databases
edbus-1.7.10nb17 Convenience wrappers around dbus to ease integrating dbus with E17
ede-1.0.4nb18 Equinox Desktop Environment
edict-20061208 Japanese-English dictionary file
editline-3.1.20221030nb2 NetBSD Editline library (libedit) for generic line editing
editorconfig-core-0.12.6 Editorconfig C library
editres-1.0.9 Dynamic resource editor for libXt applications
edje-1.7.10nb19 Interface Abstraction Library and Toolset
edonkey2k-16.16.59nb1 Yet another P2P file sharing tool
edt-1.9 Text editor which emulates the VAX VMS EDT editor
ee-1.5.2nb1 EasyEdit, a classic curses text editor
eekboard-1.0.8nb56 Virtual keyboard for GNOME
eet-1.7.10nb1 Library for speedy storage, retrieval, and compression
efax-0.9nb2 Collection of small programs for sending and receiving faxes
efax-gtk-3.2.15nb12 GTK frontend for efax
efivar-38 Tools and libraries to work with EFI
eflite- Speech server for screen readers using Festival Lite
efltk-2.0.5nb26 Extended Fast Light Toolkit
efont-unicode-0.4.2nb3 Free unicode BDF font
efreet-1.7.10nb17 Interface Abstraction Library and Toolset
egd-0.8nb15 EGD: Entropy Gathering Daemon
eggdbus-0.6nb6 GObject bindings for DBus
eggdrop-1.9.2nb1 IRC robot with TCL scripting and multi-channel ability
egypt-1.11nb3 Simple tool for creating call graphs of C programs
eieio-0.17nb5 Enhanced Integration of Emacs Interpreted Objects
eigen-2.0.17nb1 C++ template library for linear algebra
eigen3-3.4.0nb1 C++ template library for linear algebra
eina-1.7.10 Data types library
einstein-puzzle-2.2nb2 Computer implementation of a puzzle invented by Albert Einstein
eio-1.7.10nb17 Enlightenned Asynchronous Input Output library
eispack-20001130nb2 Fortran routines for the solution of eigenvalue problems
ejabberd-22.05nb3 Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber server
ekg-20200501nb22 Experimental Gadu-Gadu Client (Polish instant messaging system)
elasticsearch-6.8.8nb1 Distributed RESTful Search Engine
electric-7.00nb4 Electrical CAD system
electric-fence- Different kind of malloc() debugger
electrix-0.2.0nb100 Application to view PDF files
electrum-4.1.5nb4 Easy to use Bitcoin client
element-web-1.11.86 Matrix web client
elementary-1.7.10nb17 E17 Widget Library
elementary-icon-theme-3.0 Simple and appealing Tango-styled icon theme
elementary-xfce-icon-theme-0.20 Elementary icons forked, extended and maintained for Xfce
elf-0.5.3nb4 ELF header analyzer
elfcat-1.0.0 Dump sections or program entries from a ELF file
elfio-3.11 C++ library for reading and generating ELF files
elfsh-0.51b3nb4 ELF format exploration shell
elftoolchain-0.7.1 Compilation tools (nm, ar, as, ld, etc.) for the ELF object format
elib-1.0nb9 Library of utility functions for Emacs
elinks-0.17.0nb5 Feature-rich text mode web browser
eliom-10.0.0 Dynamic webpage generation library
elisp-manual-21.2.8 The Emacs Lisp Reference Manual for GNU Emacs Version 21.2
elixir-1.17.2 Functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of Erlang VM
elizatalk-0.4nb1 Eliza talkback program
elk-3.99.8nb3 Embeddable Scheme interpreter
elm-2.5.8nb5 ELM Mail User Agent (without ME extensions)
elm-me-2.4.93nb8 ELM Mail User Agent with ME extensions
elmo-1.3.2nb24 The ELectronic Mail Operator MUA
elscreen-1.4.6nb3 Window manager within Emacs
elstob-font-2.100 Variable font for medievalists
eltclsh-1.9nb9 Interactive TCL shell with editline facilities
elvis-2.2.0nb11 Clone of vi with regex-search, hex-edit, HTML/LaTeX preview
elvis-x11-2.2.0nb4 Clone of vi with regex-search, hex-edit, HTML/LaTeX preview (X11)
elvish-0.21.0nb1 Expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell
em-1.0.0 Early V6 Unix line-based editor for mortals
emacs-29.4 Meta-package for installing the preferred Emacs version
emacs-dict-client-1.8.2nb4 Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
emacs-ilisp-20021222nb8 Emacs interface to embedded Lisp process
emacs-jabber-0.8.92 Jabber client for Emacs
emacs-muse-3.20nb2 Publishing environment for Emacs
emacs-neotree- Tree explorer plugin for Emacs
emacs-nox11-29.1 Meta-package for installing the preferred Emacs version
emacs-packages-0.12nb3 Meta-package for the GNU Emacs lisp packages
emacs-w3m-1.4.5nb1 Simple w3m interface for Emacs
emacs-w3m-1.4.632.20210106.2144nb1 Emacs frontend for w3m browser
emacs-wiki-2.72nb2 Wiki major mode for emacs, which aims for implicit and natural markup
emacs20-20.7nb26 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs20-elib-1.0nb5 Library of utility functions for Emacs
emacs21-21.4anb47 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs21-nox11-21.4anb14 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs26-26.3nb46 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs26-nox11-26.3nb1 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs27-27.2nb40 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs27-nox11-27.2 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs28-28.2nb29 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs28-nox11-28.2 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs29-29.4nb10 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacs29-nox11-29.4 GNU editing macros (editor)
emacspeak-60.0 Speech interface for emacs
embryo-1.7.10 Embeddable Scripting Language
emech-3.0.3 IRC bot written in C
emiclock-2.0.2nb7 Analog clock with image in the middle
emixer-0.5.5nb4 Frontend for mpg123 that can mix two mp3 streams and fade between them
empty-0.6.20b Simple replacement for expect
emulationstation-2.9.4nb23 Themeable multi-system emulator frontend
emwm-1.2nb2 Enhanced Motif Window Manager
emwm-utils-1.2nb1 Companion utilies for EMWM
enblend-enfuse-4.2nb43 Combines overlapping images without seams, with good exposure
enca-1.15 Extremely Naive Charset Analyser
enchant2-2.8.2 Generic spell checking library
encodings-1.1.0 X11 Font Index Generator
endless-sky-0.9.14nb8 Side-scrolling space trading game
enet-1.3.18 Network communication layer that runs on top of UDP
engrampa-1.26.2nb4 Archive manager utility for the MATE Environment
enigma-1.21nb19 Puzzle game similar to Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll/Marble Madness
enju-2.4.4pre20180629 Natural language parser for English based on HPSG grammar
enlightenment-0.17.6nb17 Enlightenment Window Manager, Development Release
enlightenment16-1.0.30nb2 Highly themeable and configurable window manager
enma-1.2.0nb6 Sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
enriched2html-1.0 Converts from text/enriched to HTML
enscript-1.6.6nb8 ASCII-to-PostScript filter
ent-19981020 Entropy calculation and analysis of putative random sequences
entr-5.6 Run arbitrary commands when files change
entropy- Anonymous peer-to-peer networking node (similar to Freenet)
eog-40.3nb20 Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program
eom-1.26.1nb13 Eye of MATE: an image viewing and cataloging program
epdfview-0.1.8nb116 Lightweight PDF viewer using Poppler and GTK2
epeg-0.9.0nb4 Fast JPEG scaling library for thumbnail generation
epic4-2.10.2nb13 The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
epic4-doc-1.0.20050315 Additional documentation for epic4 package
epiphany-40.6nb20 Web browser for the GNOME desktop
epm-4.2 ESP generates software packages from a list of files
epsg-8.1 EPSG geodetic parameters database
epsg-docs-200911nb1 EPSG geodetic parameters database documentation
epstool-3.08 Manipulate EPS files
epubcheck-1.2 Tool to validate IDPF Epub files
epubpreflight-0.1.0 Tool to validate IDPF EPUB files
erdtree-3.1.2 Multi-threaded file-tree visualizer and disk usage analyzer
erfa-2.0.1 Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
erlang-27.0.1 Concurrent functional programming language
erlang-base64url-1.0.1 URL safe base64-compatible codec
erlang-cache_tab-1.0.31 In-memory cache Erlang libraries
erlang-doc-27.0.1 Documentation for Erlang, a concurrent functional programming language
erlang-eimp-1.0.23 Erlang Image Manipulation Process
erlang-epam-1.0.14 Epam helper for Erlang / Elixir PAM authentication support
erlang-eredis-1.2.0 Erlang Redis client
erlang-esip-1.0.54 ProcessOne SIP server component in Erlang
erlang-ezlib-1.0.13 Native zlib driver for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-fast_tls-1.1.21 TLS / SSL OpenSSL-based native driver for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-fast_xml-1.1.52 Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
erlang-fast_yaml-1.0.37 Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-fs-8.6.1 Native Filesystem Listeners
erlang-goldrush-0.2.0 Small, Fast event processing and monitoring for Erlang/OTP apps
erlang-iconv-1.0.13 Fast encoding conversion library for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-idna-6.1.1nb5 Pure Erlang IDNA implementation following the RFC5891
erlang-jiffy-1.1.2 JSON NIFs for Erlang
erlang-jose-1.11.10 JSON Object Signing and Encryption
erlang-lager-3.9.2nb1 Logging framework for Erlang/OTP
erlang-luerl-1.2.0 Implementation of Lua in Erlang
erlang-man-27.0 Documentation for Erlang, a concurrent functional programming language
erlang-mqtree-1.0.17 Erlang NIF implementation of N-ary tree
erlang-p1_acme-1.0.23 Erlang ACME client (RFC8555)
erlang-p1_mysql-1.0.24 Erlang MySQL driver
erlang-p1_oauth2-0.6.14 Erlang Oauth2 implementation
erlang-p1_pgsql-1.1.27 Pure Erlang PostgreSQL driver
erlang-p1_utils-1.0.26 Erlang Utility Modules from ProcessOne
erlang-p1_xmlrpc-1.15.1 Erlang XMLRPC implementation with SSL, cookies, Authentication
erlang-pkix-1.0.10 PKIX certificates management library for Erlang
erlang-sqlite3-1.1.15nb3 Sqlite gen_server port for Erlang
erlang-stringprep-1.0.30 Fast Stringprep implementation for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-stun-1.2.14 STUN and TURN library for Erlang / Elixir
erlang-xmpp-1.8.3 XMPP parsing and serialization library on top of Fast XML
erlang-yconf-1.0.16 YAML configuration processor
erlang21-21.3.6nb4 Concurrent functional programming language
errcheck-1.7.0nb6 Check for unchecked errors in Go programs
error-0.0 Insert compiler errors in source files as comments
es-0.9.2 Resurection of es shell
es-0.9a1nb5 Extensible shell, derived from plan9's rc
esbuild-0.24.0 Fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
esh-0.8nb4 Unix shell with Lisp-like syntax
esmtp-1.2nb5 Relay-only Mail Transfer Agent with sendmail-compatible syntax
esniper-2.31.0nb29 Simple, lightweight tool for sniping ebay auctions
espeak-ng-1.51 Open source speech synthesizer
ess-13.09.1nb10 Emacs Speaks Statistics
estd-0.11nb4 Dynamically sets the CPU-frequency on SpeedStep and PowerNow CPUs
estic-1.61nb2 German language configuration tool for ISTEC 1003/1008 ISDN systems
etach-1.2.9nb5 Emacs Lisp package for dealing with MIME email attachments
etckeeper-1.18.22 Store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs
etcmanage-0.9.4nb7 Automatically manage files in /etc
etcutils-0.1nb1 Utilities to programmatically edit configuration files
eterm-0.9.6nb7 Enlightened terminal emulator for the X Window System
eternal-lands- Free 3D fantasy MMORPG
ether2dns-1.8 Converter from /etc/ethers to IPv6 DNS records
etherape-0.9.20nb11 Graphical network monitor
etlegacy-2.83.1nb3 Open source Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory client and server
etlegacy-data-2.60b Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory data files for etlegacy
etlegacy-server-2.83.1 Open source Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server
etrace-2.1nb17 Function call tracing
etsh-5.4.0 Enhanced port of Thompson shell from V6 UNIX
ettercap- Suite for man in the middle attacks
ettercap-gtk- Suite for man in the middle attacks (with GTK GUI)
eukleides-1.0.3 Euclidean geometry drawing language
eukleides-1.5.4nb3 Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler-1.61nb41 Interactive numerical analysis and graphics program
eureka-2.0.2nb1 Doom/Heretic/Hexen map editor
eus-demo-1.0nb1 Eric's Ultimate Solitaire (linux demo)
evas-1.7.10nb4 Enlightened Canvas Library
evas-buffer-1.7.10nb4 Evas buffer engine
evas-edb-1.7.10nb4 Evas Edb image loader
evas-eet-1.7.10nb4 Evas EET image loader
evas-gif-1.7.10nb5 Evas GIF image loader
evas-jpeg-1.7.10nb5 Evas JPEG image loader
evas-pmaps-1.7.10nb4 Evas PMAPS image loader
evas-png-1.7.10nb4 Evas PNG image loader
evas-software-x11-1.7.10nb4 Evas software X11 engine
evas-tiff-1.7.10nb6 Evas TIFF image loader
evas-xpm-1.7.10nb4 Evas XPM image loader
eventlog-0.2.12 Support library for syslog-ng
eventviews-23.08.4nb6 Library for creating events
evermono-ttf-7.0.0 Simple, elegant, monowidth font with wide Unicode coverage
evilwm-1.4.3 Minimalist Window Manager for X
evince-45.0nb12 Document viewer for multiple document formats
evolution-3.34.1nb35 Mail and calendar client from GNOME
evolution-data-server-3.42.2nb23 Libraries and services for storing addressbooks and calendars
ewipe-1.2.0 Presentation editor and viewer based on Tcl/Tk
ex-20040103nb4 Berkeley vi 3.7
exabgp-4.2.22 BGP swiss army knife
exaile-4.1.3nb4 Music Player for GTK+
exchess-7.97beta Experimental chess engine
exchess-book-medium-20140911 Chess opening book for EXchess (medium)
exchess-book-small-20140911 Chess opening book for EXchess (small)
exctags-5.8nb2 Exuberant (feature-filled) tagfile generator for vi, emacs and clones
execline- The execline scripting language
exempi-2.5.2nb8 XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) library
exercism-3.5.4 Command line tool for
exif-0.6.22 Grab Exif information from digital camera images
exifprobe- EXIF data extractor
exiftags-1.01 Utility to read Exif tags from a digital camera JPEG file
exim-3.36nb24 The Exim mail transfer agent, a replacement for sendmail
exim-4.98nb3 The Exim mail transfer agent, a replacement for sendmail
exim-html-4.98 HTML documentation for the Exim mail transfer agent
exiv2-0.28.3 Image metadata manipulation
exmh-2.7.2nb10 X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH
expat-2.6.3 XML parser library written in C
expatobjc-1.0nb5 Objective-C Wrapper for Expat
extipl-5.04nb2 IPL compatible OS boot selector
extra-cmake-modules-6.8.0 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
exult-1.6nb12 Open-source Ultima 7 engine
exultaudio-1.0 Digital music and digital wave sound effects data for Exult
eyeD3-0.9.7nb1 Python audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3)
ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b7nb1 Client to update dynamic DNS entries
eza-0.20.12 Modern, maintained replacement for ls
ezmlm-0.53nb2 Easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
ezmlm-idx-7.2.2nb25 Version of ezmlm with enhancements by third parties
ezstream-1.0.2nb12 Streaming client for Icecast
ezxml-0.8.6 Easy to use C library for parsing XML documents
f2c-20100903nb1 Fortran to C compiler including a script to emulate f77
f3- Flash memory tester
faac-1.30 AAC audio encoder
faad2-2.11.1 AAC decoding library
faba-icon-theme-4.3nb1 Modern icon theme with Tango influences
fabric-2.7.1nb1 Simple Pythonic remote deployment tool
faces-1.6.1nb15 Visual mail, user and print face server
fail2ban-1.0.2nb2 Scans log files and bans IP that makes too many password failures
fair-identd-20000201 Fast RFC-1413 identd running under inetd that returns no useful info
fakeroot-1.5.10 Creates a fake root environment
falcons-eye-1.9.3nb16 Falcon's Eye NetHack
fallingtime-1.0.2nb13 Arcade game inspired by Fall Down
fam-2.7.0nb9 File Alteration Monitor
fann-2.2.0nb2 Fast Artificial Neural Network
farbfeld-4 Suckless image format with conversion tools
farstream-0.2.9nb23 Audio/video communications framework
fasda- Fast and simple differential analysis
fastDNAml-1.2.2 Program derived from Joseph Felsenstein's version 3.3 DNAML
fast_float-6.1.6 Number parsing library
fastcap-2.0.19920918nb4 Fast 3-D capacitance solver
fastd-22nb2 Fast and small VPN tunnelling daemon
fastdep-0.16nb1 Dependency generator for C/C++ files
fastflow-3.0.0 High performance C++ parallel building blocks
fastforward-0.51nb2 Sendmail-style /etc/aliases support for qmail
fastfs-19940614 Turn on/off delayed IO on a file system
fasthenry-3.0.19961112 Three-dimensional inductance extraction program
fastjar-0.98nb3 C language version of the 'jar' archiver normally used by Java
fastp-0.22.0 Ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor
fastq-trim-0.1.3 Lightening fast sequence read trimmer
fastqc-0.11.9nb2 Quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
fasttracker2-1.91 Portable Fasttracker II clone in C using SDL 2
fastx-toolkit- CLI tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing
fatback-1.3nb1 Recover deleted files from FAT filesystems
faudio-22.05nb9 Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation for open platforms
fbdesk-1.4.1nb17 Application that creates and manage icons on your desktop
fbm-1.2 Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation utilities
fbneo- FinalBurn Neo - the arcade game emulator (SDL2 version)
fbreader-0.99.4nb69 Ebook reader software
fceu-0.98.13nb4 Portable NES and Famicom emulator
fcgi-2.4.0nb3 FastCGI application development kit
fcgiwrap-1.1.0nb2 FastCGI wrapper for plain CGI scripts
fcitx- Free Chinese Input Toy of X
fcitx-configtool-0.4.9nb17 GTK 3 Fcitx configuration tool
fcitx-qt5-1.2.3nb28 Fcitx Qt5 Input Context
fcitx-skk-0.1.4nb26 SKK module for Fcitx
fcitx5-5.1.7nb3 Input method framework with extension support
fcitx5-anthy-5.1.3 Anthy Japanese inputmethod for Fcitx5
fcitx5-chewing-5.1.1nb4 Chewing engine for Fcitx5
fcitx5-chinese-addons-5.1.3nb8 Pinyin and table input method support for fcitx5
fcitx5-configtool-5.1.3nb5 Config tool for fcitx5
fcitx5-gtk-5.1.1nb5 GTK input method module for fcitx5
fcitx5-hangul-5.1.1 Hangul Wrapper for Fcitx5
fcitx5-kkc-5.1.1nb5 libkkc input method support for fcitx5
fcitx5-libthai-5.1.2 Thai language input method for Fcitx5
fcitx5-lua-5.0.12 Lua support for fcitx5
fcitx5-m17n-5.1.0nb6 Wrapper library of m17n for Fcitx5
fcitx5-mozc-2.29.5268.102nb5 Fcitx5 module for Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
fcitx5-qt-5.1.4nb5 Qt library and IM module for fcitx5
fcitx5-rime-5.1.4 RIME traditional Chinese input method for Fcitx5
fcitx5-sayura-5.1.1 Sinhala input method for Fcitx5
fcitx5-skk-5.1.1nb5 SKK Kana-Kanji inputmethod for fcitx5
fcitx5-table-extra-5.1.3nb1 Extra Chinese table for Fcitx5
fcitx5-table-other-5.1.0nb1 Non-Chinese tables for Fcitx5
fcitx5-unikey-5.1.2nb5 Unikey Vietnamese input method engine for Fcitx5
fcitx5-zhuyin-5.1.0nb1 Libzhuyin Wrapper for Fcitx5
fclones-0.34.0 Efficient Duplicate File Finder
fcrackzip-1.0nb1 Zip password cracker
fd-3.01bnb1 File and directory management tool
fd-find-10.2.0 Simple, fast und user-friendly alternative to find
fd-proxy-20141025 Glue for making a TCP proxy using ucspi-tcp tools
fdk-aac-2.0.3 Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
fdm-2.2nb2 Fetch or receive mail and deliver it in various ways
fdtools-2024.12.07 Manipulate file descriptor properties from shell scripts
fdupes-2.2.1 Program for identifying or deleting duplicate files
fe-1.9 Folding editor
feathernotes-1.3.0nb3 Lightweight Qt6 hierarchical notes-manager
featherpad-1.5.2nb1 Lightweight Qt6 plain-text editor
feh-3.10.3nb3 Imlib2 based image viewer
fehqlibs-26 State-of-the-art C routines for Internet services
felix-2.14.0 TUI file manager with vim-like key mapping
felt-3.05nb5 Free system for introductory level finite element analysis
fengoffice- Easy to use Open Source Web Office
fep-1.0nb3 General purpose front end for command line editing
festival-2.5.0nb5 Advanced multi-lingual speech synthesis system
festival-freebsoft-utils-0.10 Festival extensions and utilities for Speech Dispatcher
festlex-cmu-2.5 CMU American English pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-oald-2.5 Oxford Advanced Learner's pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-ogi-2.0nb1 Composite pronunciation dictionary from for festival
festlex-poslex-2.5 English lexicon suitable for use with Festival
festogi-spanish-2.0.1nb1 Festival Spanish (Mexican) language support routines (in scheme)
festvox-abc-2.0nb1 Mexican Spanish male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-aec-2.0nb2 American English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-don-1.95 British English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-el11-1.4.0nb1 Castilian Spanish male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-en1-1.95 MBROLA based British English male voice for festival
festvox-hvs-2.0nb1 Mexican Spanish female voice for the festival
festvox-jph-2.0nb1 American English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-kal16-2.5 16khz American English male voice for festival
festvox-kal8-1.4.0nb1 8khz American English male voice for festival
festvox-ked16-1.4.0nb1 16khz American English male voice for festival
festvox-ked8-1.4.0nb1 8khz American English male voice for festival
festvox-mwm-2.0nb1 American English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-ogirab-2.0nb1 British English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-rab16-2.5 16khz British English male voice for festival
festvox-rab8-1.95 8khz British English male voice for festival
festvox-tll-2.0nb1 American English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-us1-1.96 MBROLA based American English female voice for festival
festvox-us2-1.96 MBROLA based Americal English male voice for festival
festvox-us3-1.96 MBROLA based American English male voice for festival
fet-5.25.0nb62 Automatically schedule timetables
fetch-1.9nb2 Client to fetch URLs
fetchmail-6.4.35nb2 Batch mail retrieval/forwarding utility for pop2, pop3, apop, imap
fetchmailconf-6.4.35nb2 Configuration tool for fetchmail
fff-2.2 Simple file manager written in bash
ffmpeg2-2.8.22nb4 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v2.x)
ffmpeg2theora-0.30nb15 Simple converter to create Ogg Theora files
ffmpeg3-3.4.13nb4 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v3.x)
ffmpeg4-4.4.5nb4 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v4.x)
ffmpeg5-5.1.6nb4 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v5.x)
ffmpeg6-6.1.2nb6 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v6.x)
ffmpeg7-7.1nb4 Decoding, encoding and streaming software (v7.x)
ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.2nb6 Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
ffmpegthumbs-23.08.4nb6 FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files
ffplay2-2.8.22nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffplay3-3.4.13nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffplay4-4.4.5nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffplay5-5.1.6nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffplay6-6.1.2nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffplay7-7.1nb3 Simple SDL frontend for FFmpeg
ffproxy-1.6nb1 Filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server
fftpack-20001130nb2 Single precision Fortran FFT subroutines
ffts-20170617 The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South
fftw-3.3.10nb2 Fast C routines to compute DFTs (single and double precision)
fftw-long-3.3.10 Fast C routines to compute DFTs (long double precision)
fftw-quad-3.3.10 Fast C routines to compute DFTs (quad precision)
fftw2-2.1.5nb3 Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
fgmp-1.0b5 Minimalist free re-implementation of GNU multi-precision routines
fheroes2-1.1.1 Recreation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine
fhist-1.16nb1 File history and comparison tools
fib-980203 Mathematical benchmark
ficl-4.1.0 Forth Inspired Command Language
fidogate-4.4.10nb15 FidoNet (FTN) <-> Internet mail and news gateway
fifechan-0.1.5nb10 C++ GUI library designed for games
fifengine-0.4.2nb28 Multi-platform isometric game engine
fig2dev-3.2.8b Convert .fig files to graphical or printable formats
figlet-2.2.5nb1 Print text banners in fancy ASCII art characters
figlet-fonts-20021023nb1 Additional fonts for figlet
file-5.42 Tool for determining file type
file-roller-3.38.0nb12 Archive manager for the GNOME desktop environment
filebench- File system and storage benchmark
filelight-23.08.4nb6 Graphical filesystem usage monitor
fileobj-0.8.6 Curses based hex editor with vi interface
filerunner-2.5.1nb11 Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk
filezilla-3.67.0nb7 FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client with intuitive GUI
fillets-ng-1.0.1nb3 Puzzle game about witty fish saving the world sokoban style
fillets-ng-data-1.0.1 Fish Fillets NG data files
filter-fastq- Filter reads from a FASTQ file
filter_audio-0.0.1 Easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc code
finalbattle-0.0nb2 Multiplayer space battle simulation for X
finch-2.14.13nb3 Multi-protocol console instant messaging client
findcrcs-0.3 Find and extract pieces of data by CRC, size and MD5
findnewest-0.3 Recursively find newest file in a hierarchy and print its timestamp
findutils-4.9.0 find, locate, updatedb, and xargs utilities
fio-3.19nb3 Flexible IO Tester
fira-4.202 Mozilla's font for Firefox OS
fire-1.0nb8 Organic fireworks demo
firefox-132.0.2 Web browser with support for extensions (version 132)
firefox-esr-128 Meta-package for installing the most recent Firefox ESR version
firefox-l10n-132.0.2 Language packs for www/firefox
firefox115-115.18.0 Web browser with support for extensions (version 115ESR)
firefox115-l10n-115.18.0 Language packs for www/firefox115
firefox128-128.5.0 Web browser with support for extensions (version 128ESR)
firefox128-l10n-128.5.0 Language packs for www/firefox128
firefox52-52.9.0nb71 Web browser with support for extensions (version 52ESR)
firefox52-l10n-52.9.0 Language packs for www/firefox (version 52)
firefox_decrypt-0.7.0nb3 Extract passwords from Mozilla Firefox profiles
firelib-1.0.1 Library for predicting fire spread rate, intensity, and more
firewalk-5.0nb4 Determines the filter rules on a packet forwarding device
fisg-0.3.12 Fast IRC statistics generator
fish-3.7.1 User friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
fitme-1.1.0 CLI curve fitting tool
fityk-1.3.2nb8 Peak fitting software
fix-mime-charset-0.5.3nb11 Correct MIME charset type in mail headers
fix4SA110rev2-1.0nb2 Modify arm32 binaries to work around SA rev2 problems
fixelfprot-20040714 C program to fix ELF protection on .got table for PowerPC
fkiss-0.33anb1 Kisekae viewer
fl_logbook-2.5nb7 FLTK-based amateur radio log book
flac-1.4.3 Free lossless audio codec
flac123-2.1.1 Command-line program for playing FLAC audio files
flac2mp3-20041223nb12 Script to convert flac to mp3
flactag-2.0.4nb27 Tagger for flac album files
flamegraph-1.0nb5 Stack trace visualizer
flang-18.1.8nb3 Fortran compiler targeting LLVM
flann-lib-1.9.2nb1 Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
flare-engine-1.12nb13 Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine
flare-game-1.12nb2 Fantasy action RPG using the FLARE engine
flashplayer-0.4.10nb7 Standalone open source Flash(tm) player
flashprog-1.2 Universal flash utility
flashrom-1.2nb2 Universal (coreboot/LinuxBIOS) flash utility
flask-restplus-0.13.0nb1 Fully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development
flatbuffers-1.9.0 Memory efficient serialization library
flatzebra-0.1.7 Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
flawfinder-2.0.19nb1 Python program to find flaws in C/C++ programs
flawz-0.3.0 TUI for browsing security vulnerabilities
fldigi-4.1.01nb35 Digital radio modem
flex-2.6.4 Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
flexdock-0.5.1 Swing windowing and docking framework
flickcurl-1.26nb34 Flickr API library
flightgear-2020.3.11nb52 The FlightGear Simulator
flightgear-data-2020.3.6 FlightGear Simulator data files
flim-1.14.9nb6 Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding
flip-link-0.1.7 Zero-cost stack overflow protection for embedded programs
flips-181 Patcher for IPS and BPS files
flite-2.2nb2 Lightweight text to speech synthesis engine
flnews-1.2.1 Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI
flodo-5.0 Simple network flow sampling tool
flops-2.0 Floating point benchmark to give your MFLOPS rating
floskell-0.11.1nb1 Flexible Haskell source code pretty printer
flow-tools-0.68nb13 Collect and store NetFlow data
flpsed-0.7.3nb3 Postscript and PDF annotator
fltk-1.1.10nb7 Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces (old 1.1 branch)
fltk-1.3.10 Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
fltk-sudoku-1.3.5nb3 FLTK example Sudoku game creator and solver
fluctuate-1.4 Estimation of population growth rate
fluent-bit-0.13.2 Fast and lightweight log processor and forwarder
fluidsynth-2.4.1 Software synthesizer based on SoundFont2
fluxbox-1.3.7nb9 Window Manager for X based on Blackbox
fluxter-0.1.0 Workspace pager dockapp, particularly useful with Fluxbox
flvstreamer-2.1c1 Open source command-line RTMP client
flwm-1.16nb3 The Fast, Light Window Manager
flxmlrpc-0.1.4 XmlRpc protocol written in C++ for fl*, ham emergency communications
fly-1.6.5nb41 Command-file interface for creating and modifying PNG images
flycast-2.4 Sega Dreamcast/Naomi/Atomiswave emulator
flycheck-mode-33.0 On the fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs
flyspell-1.7mnb3 Emacs/Xemacs on-the-fly spell checker
fmirror-0.8.4 Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
fml-7.99.1nb4 FML mailing list server development version
fml4- FML mailing list server
fmsx-5.4nb10 MSX (Z80-based computer) emulator
fmtlib-11.0.2 Formatting library
fna-22.05nb12 Reimplementation of Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh Libraries
fna3d-22.05nb5 3D graphics library for FNA
fnaify-3.0nb17 Launcher for games using the FNA engine
fnlib-0.5nb26 Color font rendering library for X11R6
fntsample-5.4nb6 Make font samples, similar to Unicode charts, showing Unicode coverage
focal81-0nb1 Interpreted programming language
focuswriter-1.8.9nb3 Simple, distraction-free writing environment
foliate-2.6.4nb21 Simple and modern GTK eBook viewer
fondu-060102 Utility to convert between Mac fonts and UNIX fonts
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.4 Standard 100dpi Adobe PCF fonts
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.4 Standard 75pi Adobe PCF fonts
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.5 100dpi Adobe Utopia PCF fonts
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.5 75dpi Adobe Utopia PCF fonts
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.5 Adobe Utopia Type1 fonts
font-alias-1.0.5 Standard aliases for X11 PCF fonts
font-arabic-misc-1.0.4 Miscellaneous Arabic PCF fonts
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.4 Standard 100dpi Bigelow & Holmes PCF fonts
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.4 Standard 75dpi Bigelow & Holmes PCF fonts
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.4 100dpi Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter PCF fonts
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.4 75dpi Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter PCF fonts
font-bh-ttf-1.0.4 Standard Bigelow & Holmes TrueType fonts
font-bh-type1-1.0.4 Standard Bigelow & Holmes TrueType fonts
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.4 Standard 100dpi Bitstream PCF fonts
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.4 Standard 75dpi Bitstream PCF fonts
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.4 Bitstream Charter and Courier Type 1 outline fonts
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.4 Cronyx Cyrillic PCF fonts
font-cursor-misc-1.0.4 Standard X11 cursors in PCF format
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.4 Daewoo Gothic PCF fonts
font-dec-misc-1.0.4 DEC cursor and session PCF fonts
font-ibm-type1-1.0.4 IBM Courier Type1 fonts
font-isas-misc-1.0.4 72dpi PCF versions of the Chinese Song Ti fonts
font-jis-misc-1.0.4 78dpi PCF versions of the Japanese fixed fonts
font-micro-misc-1.0.4 Miscellaneous Micro PCF fonts
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.4 Miscellaneous Cyrillic "fixed" PCF fonts
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.5 Miscellaneous Ethiopic OTF fonts
font-misc-meltho-1.0.4 Miscellaneous Meltho OTF fonts
font-misc-misc-1.1.3 Standard X11 "fixed" PCF font
font-mutt-misc-1.0.4 100dpi PCF versions of the ClearlyU fonts
font-schumacher-misc-1.1.3 Schumacher Miscellaneous "Crean" PCF fonts
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.5 Screen Cyrillic PCF fonts
font-sony-misc-1.0.4 Standard X11 "sony" PCF fonts
font-sun-misc-1.0.4 Sun Open Look PCF fonts
font-util-1.4.1 Tools for truncating and subseting of ISO10646-1 BDF fonts
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.4 Winitzki Cyrillic PCF fonts
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.5 XFree86 cursor Type1 fonts
fontconfig-2.15.0 Library for configuring and customizing font access
fontforge-20230101nb14 Postscript font editor
foo2zjs-20120516nb1 Printer driver for Zenographics ZjStream wire protocol
foobillardplus-3.42bnb2 Free OpenGL-billard game
foomatic-db-4.0-20230629 Printer database
foomatic-db-engine-4.0.13nb19 Foomatic's database engine
foomatic-filters-3.0.2nb20 Spooler-independent PostScript printing filter
foomatic-filters-4.0.17nb16 Spooler-independent PostScript printing filter
foomatic-filters-cups-3.0.2nb4 Foomatic support for CUPS
foomatic-ppds-20070207 Foomatic PPDs collection
foomatic-ppds-cups-20070207nb3 Foomatic PPD collection for CUPS servers
fop-2.9 Print formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
foremost-1.4nb1 Recover various formats of files using typical data structures
forkbomb-1.4 Classic Unix fork() bomber
forked-daapd-27.4nb35 DAAP (iTunes), MPD (musicpd), and RSP (Roku) media server
fort77-1.18nb12 The driver for f2c, a fortran to C translator
forth-retro-12.0.2019.7 Clean, elegant, and pragmatic dialect of Forth
fortran-utils-1.1 Utilities for Fortran programmers
fortune-19970829 Fortune cookie generator
fortune-strfile-0 Tool to prepare a fortune database
fortunes-calvin-0.2 Fortunes from the famous Calvin & Hobbes comic strips
fortunes-de-0.20 German data files for fortune
fortunes-futurama-0.2 Fortunes from the Futurama animated TV series
fortunes-h2g2-0.1 Fortunes from Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
fortunes-it-1.99 Italian fortunes
fossil-2.25nb1 High-reliability, distributed software configuration management
fotoxx-16.02.1nb23 Program for editing image files from a digital camera
four-bar-rs-7.0.4nb2 Simulator and synthesizing tool for four-bar linkage mechanism
fourmolu- Formatter for Haskell source code
fox-1.6.57nb6 Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
fp-checkpassword-0.0.20171108nb1 DJB-style checkpassword program for Dovecot passdb
fpdns-0.10.0pre20190131nb5 Fingerprinting DNS servers
fping-5.2 Quickly ping many hosts w/o flooding the network
fplll-5.3.2 Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
fprint-demo-0.4nb43 Simple GTK+ application to demonstrate libfprint's capabilities
fq-0.13.0 File parsing tool like jq, but for binary files
frama-c-25.0nb18 Extensible platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software
frameworkintegration-5.116.0nb4 Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
frameworks-0.3.7nb54 Stop-motion animation frame capture software
frankenwm-1.0.23 Dynamic tiling window manager
free-1.0 Displays memory usage
free42-3.0.16nb10 HP42S Calculator Simulator
freeDiameter-1.5.0nb19 Open source Diameter protocol implementation
freealut-1.1.0nb1 OpenAL Utility Toolkit
freebsd_lib-2.2.7nb9 Libraries necessary for FreeBSD compatibility, including XFree86
freecell-solver-5.14.0nb6 Solves layouts of Freecell and similar variants of Card Solitaire
freeciv-client-2.6.5nb21 Freeciv client
freeciv-manual- Manuals for old Freeciv version (game, client, and server)
freeciv-server-2.6.5nb11 Freeciv game server
freeciv-share-2.6.5nb13 Machine independent files for Freeciv
freecol-0.11.6 Turn-based strategy game based on the old game Colonization
freedoom-0.13.0 Free content game for Doom engine
freedroid-1.0.2nb14 Clone of the C64 game Paradroid
freedv-1.4.2nb15 FreeDV: HF Digital Voice for Radio Amateurs
freefont-ttf-20120503nb1 Free UCS Outline Fonts: FreeMono, FreeSans, and FreeSerif
freefonts-0.10nb3 Collection of 79 freely available fonts
freeglut-3.4.0nb1 Alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
freehdl-0.0.7nb10 VHDL simulator
freeimage-3.18.0nb15 Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF
freeimageplus-3.18.0nb12 Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF (C++ wrapper)
freenet-tools-0.2.25 Freenet Tools, freesite manipulation tools for Freenet and Entropy
freepats-20060219 Free patches (audio samples) for TiMidity
freepwing-1.4.4nb14 Free JIS X 4081 (subset of EPWING V1) formatter
freeradius-3.2.5nb3 Free RADIUS server implementation
freeradius-freetds-3.2.5nb3 Free RADIUS FreeTDS support
freeradius-iodbc-3.2.5 Free RADIUS iODBC support
freeradius-krb5-3.2.5 Free RADIUS rlm_krb5 module
freeradius-ldap-3.2.5 Free RADIUS rlm_ldap module
freeradius-memcached-3.2.5 Free RADIUS support for memcached
freeradius-mysql-3.2.5 Free RADIUS MySQL support
freeradius-perl-3.2.5nb1 Free RADIUS rlm_perl module
freeradius-pgsql-3.2.5 Free RADIUS PostgreSQL support
freeradius-python-3.2.5 Free RADIUS rlm_python module
freeradius-rest-3.2.5nb3 Free RADIUS rlm_rest module
freeradius-sqlite3-3.2.5nb3 Free RADIUS SQLite support
freeradius-unixodbc-3.2.5 Free RADIUS UNIXODBC support
freeradius-yubikey-3.2.5 Free RADIUS rlm_yubikey module
freerdist-0.94nb1 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
freerdp2-2.11.7nb3 Free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (major version 2)
freesci-0.3.5nb15 Interpreter for Sierra On-Line's SCI games
freeswitch-music-1.0.8 FreeSwitch Music - All Bitrates
freeswitch-sounds-en-1.0.22 FreeSwitch Sounds (English)
freeswitch-sounds-fr-1.0.18 FreeSwitch Sounds (French)
freeswitch-sounds-ru-1.0.13 FreeSwitch Sounds (French)
freetds-1.00.112nb17 Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers
freetype-1.5 FreeType libraries and utilities
freetype-lib-1.5nb1 TrueType font rendering engine and library API
freetype-utils-1.5nb2 Utilities for manipulating TrueType fonts
freetype2-2.13.3 Font rendering engine and library API
freexl-2.0.0 Library to extract valid data from an Excel spreadsheet
freeze-2.5nb3 FREEZE / MELT compression program - often used in QNX
freezetag-0.9.2nb5 Id3 tag editor for GTK+-1.2.0 and higher
frei0r-1.8.0nb4 Collection of free and portable video plugins
fribidi-1.0.16 Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fricas-1.3.5nb2 Fork of the Axiom computer algebra system
frink-2.2.2p4 Tcl formatting and static syntax check program
fritzbox_exporter-1.1.0nb8 Fritz!Box Upnp statistics exporter for Prometheus
frogmouth-0.9.2 Markdown browser for your terminal
fromto-1.5nb10 Sendmail logfile viewer
frotz-2.54nb2 Curses-based interpreter for Infocom-compatible games
frozen-1.1.1 Header-only, constexpr alternative to gperf for C++14 users
frozen-bubble-2.2.1beta1nb21 Pop the frozen bubbles
frr-9.1nb4 Frr routing multi protocol suite
fruit-2.1 Chess playing engine
fs-kit-0.4 User-level filesystem testing kit
fs-uae-3.1.66nb6 Amiga emulator
fs-uae-arcade-3.1.63nb3 Graphical launcher for FS-UAE, the Amiga Emulator
fs-uae-launcher-3.1.68nb2 Graphical launcher for FS-UAE, the Amiga Emulator
fs-uae-qemu-uae-3.8.6 FS-UAE plugin for PPC and networking support
fscd-1.1nb1 FreeBSD service check daemon to monitor services
fsh-1.2nb10 Fast remote command execution
fspanel- F***ing Small Panel for listing X11 windows
fsrx-1.0.2 Flow state reading in the terminal
fstl-0.10.0nb13 Fast STL file viewer
fstrm-0.6.1nb1 C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol
fswebcam-20200725nb6 Simple app to capture images from a webcam
fsx-2009 File System Exerciser
ftgl-2.1.3rc5nb2 C++ library of Freetype2 in OpenGL applications
ftmenu-0.3nb41 Fluxbox Tray Menu
ftnchek-3.3.1 Static analyzer for Fortran programs
ftplibpp-1.0.1nb7 C++ class providing ftp client functionality
ftpproxy-1.2.3 Application level gateway for FTP
ftwin-0.8.8nb20 Ftwin finds duplicate files according to their content
fujiplay-1.33nb1 Download pictures from some Fujifilm digital cameras
furnace-0.6.7 Multi-system chiptune tracker
fuse-2.9.9nb1 Filesystem in Userspace
fuse-afpfs-ng-0.8.1nb5 FUSE filesystem for network mounting using AFP
fuse-archivemount-0.9.1 FUSE gateway to libarchive
fuse-bindfs-1.15.1 Remounts file system subtrees in arbitrary locations
fuse-cddfs-0.2 FUSE filesystem that uses libparanoia for audio CDs
fuse-chironfs-1.1.1nb1 Replicating file system
fuse-cryptofs-0.6.0nb7 FUSE encrypted filesystem
fuse-curlftpfs-0.9.2nb15 FUSE filesystem for acessing FTP hosts
fuse-darling-dmg- FUSE module for .dmg files (containing an HFS+ filesystem)
fuse-emulator-1.6.0nb22 ZX Spectrum Emulator
fuse-emulator-utils-1.4.3nb2 ZX Spectrum Emulator utilities
fuse-encfs-1.9.5nb2 FUSE Encrypted Filesystem
fuse-exfat-1.4.0 FUSE file-system and utilities for exFAT file systems
fuse-ext2-0.0.10 FUSE module to mount ext2, ext3, and ext4 filesystems
fuse-gmailfs-0.7.2nb7 FUSE filesystem which uses Google mail for free space
fuse-gphotofs-0.5nb14 FUSE filesystem for accessing digital cameras
fuse-httpfs- FUSE HTTP filesystem
fuse-loggedfs-0.4nb15 FUSE file system which logs all operations
fuse-lzofs-20060306nb2 Filesystem which allows you to use transparently compressed files
fuse-mp3fs-1.1.1nb1 MP3 transcoding FUSE file system
fuse-ntfs-3g-2022.10.3 NTFS driver with read and write support
fuse-obexfs-0.8nb2 FUSE based filesystem using ObexFTP
fuse-pcachefs-0.3nb5 FUSE-based persistent caching filesystem
fuse-s3fs-1.94nb5 FUSE file-system and utilities for S3-compatible APIs
fuse-sparsebundlefs-20160928 FUSE filesystem for reading Mac OS sparse-bundle disk images
fuse-sshfs-3.7.4a File system client based on the SFTP protocol
fuse-unionfs-2.0 FUSE-based union filesystem
fuse-wdfs-1.4.2nb26 FUSE-based webdav filesystem
fuse-wikipediafs-0.4nb5 FUSE filesystem for accessing the wikipedia
fvwm-2.7.0nb13 Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager
fvwm-themes-0.7.0nb2 Configuration framework for fvwm2 with samples
fvwm-wharf-1.0nb1 Copy of AfterStep's Wharf compatible with fvwm2
fvwm3-1.1.1nb2 Multiple large virtual desktop window manager
fwknop-2.6.11nb1 Port knocking via Single Packet Authorization (SPA)
fxtv-1.03nb25 Composite video viewer for Brooktree 848 compatible TV cards
fzf-0.57.0 Command-line fuzzy finder
fzy-1.0 Fuzzy text selector for the terminal
g-wrap-1.9.15nb4 Tool for generating guile wrappers for C code
g2-0.50nb37 Powerful, easy to use 2D graphics library
g95-0.93nb15 Fortran 95 compiler from
gabedit-2.4.8nb20 Graphical User Interface to computational chemistry packages
gajim-1.3.3nb13 XMPP/Jabber chat client written in Python/GTK3
gajim-plugin-omemo-2.7.14nb2 OMEMO encryption support for Gajim
galaxa-0.1nb3 Space game based loosely on "Galaga"
galculator-2.1.4nb19 Desktop calculator with scientific / RPN modes
galera-26.4.13nb5 Synchronous multi-master replication library
galette- A GAL assembler, largely galasm-compatible and written in Rust
gallery-1.5.10nb16 Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
gallery-2.3.2nb1 Web-based photo gallery written in PHP
gallery-dl-1.27.6 Command-line program to download image galleries and collections
gam-7.02.00 Command line tool for Google Workspace admins
gama-2.31nb3 Geodetic network adjustment (surveying)
gambatte-571 Game Boy Color emulator with high accuracy
gambc-4.9.5 GambitC Scheme System
game-music-emu-0.6.3 Video game music file emulation/playback library
gamin-0.1.10nb9 File alteration monitor
gammu-1.41.0nb18 Command line utility and library to work with mobile phones
ganglia-monitor-core-3.7.2nb32 Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
ganglia-webfrontend-3.7.2nb5 PHP based frontend for the Ganglia Cluster Monitor
gap-4.3.5nb2 Computational group theory and discrete algebra language
gappa-1.3.5 Formal verification tool for numerical programs
garden-1.9.1 Grows and cultivates collections of Git trees
gargoyle-2019.1nb13 Graphical player for Interactive Fiction games
garmin-utils-2.5nb1 Utilities for Garmin GPS receivers
garmintools-0.10nb1 Utilities for Garmin Forerunner 305 and similar GPS units
gate-2.06nb1 Lightweight text editor
gate88-20050319 Deep space intergalactic battle
gaupol-1.11nb9 Subtitle editor
gawk-5.3.0 GNU awk
gbase-0.5nb27 GTK program designed to convert between the four common bases
gbdfed-1.6nb28 GTK-based BDF font editor
gbemol-0.3.2nb78 Graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
gbrainy-2.41nb22 Brain teaser game and trainer
gcad3d-2.46.24nb9 3D CADCAM software
gcal-3.6.3 GNU version of the standard calendar utility
gcc-aux-20141023nb7 GNAT Ada compiler based on GCC 4.9
gcc-mips-4.9.2nb8 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.9 for mips (especially playstation2)
gcc10-10.5.0nb2 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
gcc10-aux-10.3.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) with Ada support v10
gcc10-libjit-10.5.0nb1 GNU Compiler Collection 10 (gcclibjit library)
gcc10-libs-10.5.0nb3 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc12-12.4.0 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 12.0 Release Series
gcc12-libjit-12.4.0 GNU Compiler Collection 12 (gcclibjit library)
gcc12-libs-12.4.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc13-13.3.0 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 13.0 Release Series
gcc13-gnat-13.3.0 GNAT Compiler and Ada tools
gcc13-libjit-13.3.0 GNU Compiler Collection 13 (gcclibjit library)
gcc13-libs-13.3.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc14-14.2.0 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 14.0 Release Series
gcc14-libjit-14.2.0 GNU Compiler Collection 14 (gcclibjit library)
gcc14-libs-14.2.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc2-2.95.3nb7 GNU Compiler Collection, version 2
gcc5-aux-20160603nb9 GNAT Ada compiler based on GCC 5
gcc6-6.5.0nb9 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 6 Release Series
gcc6-aux-20160822nb4 GNAT Ada compiler based on GCC 6
gcc6-libs-6.5.0nb10 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc7-7.5.0nb6 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 7.0 Release Series
gcc7-libs-7.5.0nb7 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc8-8.5.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 8.0 Release Series
gcc8-libs-8.5.0nb2 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc9-9.5.0nb1 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - Release 9 Series
gcc9-libs-9.5.0nb2 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gccmakedep-1.0.4 Create dependencies in Makefiles using gcc
gce_metadata_server-3.91.0 Emulator for the Google Compute Engine Metadata Server
gchore-1.0nb56 Chore reminder tool with gtk UI
gcin-1.1.7nb38 Gtk Chinese INput application in X
gcli-2.2.0nb5 Portable CLI tool for interacting with GitHub/Lab/Tea
gcolor2-0.4nb26 Simple color selector
gcombust-0.1.54nb7 Graphical frontend for CD mastering (mkisofs, cdrecord, ...)
gcompris-qt-3.1nb13 Educational software suite for children aged 2 to 10
gconfmm-2.28.3nb37 C++ bindings for gconf
gcpio-2.13 GNU copy-in/out (cpio) with remote magnetic tape (rmt) support
gcr-3.40.0nb2 Library for crypto UI and related tasks
gcvs-1.0nb17 GTK interface for CVS
gd-2.3.3nb14 Graphics library for the dynamic creation of images
gdal-lib-3.10.0nb1 Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
gdb-10.1nb6 Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdb-7.11nb11 Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdbm-1.23 The GNU database manager
gdbm_compat-1.23 The GNU database manager Compat library for dbm and ndbm
gdbm_primitive-1.15nb5 Shell primitives for working with GDBMs
gdbus-codegen-2.82.2 Generate code and/or documentation for one or more D-Bus interfaces
gdchart-0.11.5nb26 Easy to use, fast C API for creating charts and graphs
gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.12 Library for image loading and manipulation
gdk-pixbuf2-xlib-2.40.2nb4 Deprecated Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf
gdl-3.34.0nb28 Gnome Devtool Libraries
gdmap-0.8.1nb37 Tool to visualize disk space
gdome2-0.8.1nb21 Gnome DOM (Document Object Model) engine
gdsreader-0.3.2 GDS-II stream file to Postscript and HP/GL converter
geany-2.0nb6 Small and lightweight integrated development environment (IDE)
gearboy-3.4.0nb8 Game Boy / Gameboy Color emulator
gearmand- Gearman C Server and Library
gearsystem-3.4.1nb7 Sega Master System / Game Gear / SG-1000 emulator
geckodriver-0.31.0 W3C WebDriver-compatible proxy for Gecko-based browsers
geda-1.8.2nb45 Toolset for automating electronic design
gedit-3.36.2nb29 Lightweight GNOME UTF-8 text editor
geeqie-2.5nb7 Image viewer
geg-1.0.2nb2 Program for drawing 2D math functions within a nice GUI
gegl-0.4.50nb1 Graph based image processing framework
gelemental-2.0.1nb8 Periodic table viewer
gemdropx-0.9nb6 Color puzzle game for X11 similar to Gem Drop
gemrb-0.9.2nb3 Reimplementation of the Infinity Engine used in 2D RPGs by Bioware
generand- Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format
generate-2.8 Simple text pre-processor
generator-cbiere-0.35r4nb3 Sega Mega drive genesis emulator (Improved)
genesplicer-20030403 Computational Method for Splice Site Prediction
geneweb-5.01nb19 GeneWeb is a genealogy database that runs as a web server
gengetopt-2.22.6 Command line parser generator
genius-1.0.27nb11 Calculator and math tool
genpasswd-1.5 Random password generator
genpkgng-20140425 Convert a pkgsrc binary package to a FreeBSD pkg
genrpm-1.2 Generate an RPM package from an installed pkgsrc package
gens-2.12rc3nb50 Sega Genesis emulator with Sega CD support
gensolpkg-1.10nb2 Utility to generate a Solaris package
gentium-ttf-1.03 Modern international font for Latin and Greek scripts
gentiumbasic-ttf-1.102 Gentium subset with additional weights
gentiumplus-ttf-6.200 Modern international font for Latin, Cyrillic and Greek scripts
gentle-97nb4 Gentle Compiler Construction System
gentoo-0.20.7nb14 Two-pane filemanager using GTK, 100% GUI configurable
geoclue-2.5.7nb15 Geoinformation service API and base providers
geocode-glib-3.26.2nb13 GNOME convenience library for geocoding
geomview-1.8.1nb8 Interactive geometry viewing program
geomyidae-0.69nb1 Gopher daemon
geos-3.13.0 C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
geoslab703-ttf-20010522nb5 Free TrueType fonts from Bitstream, useful for web viewing
gerbera-2.3.0nb3 UPnP Media Server
gerbv-2.6.2nb17 Gerber file viewer
get-flash-videos-0.0.20150331nb9 Tool for using various Flash-based video hosting sites
get_ds7-1.2.4nb16 Read pictures from a FUJIFILM DS-7(DS series) digital camera
get_iplayer-3.35 Search, index, record or stream BBC iPlayer broadcasts
geteltorito-0.6 El Torito image extractor
gethost-0.03nb1 Hostname and IP resolver for testing /etc/hosts and nsswitch.conf
getmail-5.16nb4 Secure, flexible, reliable fetchmail replacement
getmail6-6.18.13nb1 Secure, flexible, reliable fetchmail replacement
getopt-1.1.6 Program to help shell scripts parse command-line parameters
gettext-0.22.5 Tools for providing messages in different languages
gettext-asprintf-0.22.5 Provides a printf-like interface for C++
gettext-lib-0.22.5 Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
gettext-m4-0.22.5 Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
gettext-tools-0.22.5 Tools for providing messages in different languages
gexiv2-0.14.3 GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
gffread-0.12.7 GFF/GTF format conversions, filtering, FASTA extraction, etc
gflags-2.2.2 Commandline flags module for C++
gflib-20030604 Reed Solomon and Galois Field error correction library
gfm-1.06nb38 Group File Manager for TI hand-helds
gforth-0.7.3nb10 Fast interpreter for the Forth language
gfract-0.32nb43 Gtk-based fractal program
ggiterm-0.7.1nb7 Libggi-based terminal emulator
ggrab-0.22anb1 Server for recording video streams from dream dvb-receivers
ggz-client-libs- GGZ Gaming Zone libraries
gh-2.62.0 GitHub CLI
ghc-7.10.3nb8 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 7.10 Release Series
ghc-8.0.2nb9 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 8.0 Release Series
ghc-8.10.4nb7 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 8.10 Release Series
ghc-8.4.4nb9 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 8.4 Release Series
ghc-8.8.4nb9 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 8.8 Release Series
ghc-9.0.2nb3 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.0 Release Series
ghc-9.2.1nb4 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.2 Release Series
ghc-9.4.7 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.4 Release Series
ghc-9.6.3nb3 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.6 Release Series
ghc-9.8.2nb1 Compiler for the functional language Haskell - 9.8 Release Series
ghdl-4.1.0nb3 Open-source simulator/compiler/analyzer for the VHDL
ghex-3.18.4nb15 Hex editor
ghostscript-9.05nb40 Meta-package for installing the preferred ghostscript version
ghostscript-agpl-10.04.0nb3 Postscript interpreter
ghostscript-cidfonts-20000901nb6 CIDFont resources for Ghostscript
ghostscript-cidfonts-ryumin-10.04.0nb3 Enable Ryumin-Light and GothicBBB for ghostscript
ghostscript-cmaps-20020913nb3 CMap resources for Ghostscript
ghostscript-fonts-8.11nb3 Postscript fonts for Aladdin Ghostscript
ghostscript-gpl-9.06nb56 Postscript interpreter
giblib-1.2.4nb19 Programming utility library
gice-0.6.2nb44 Powerful C text editor with advanced features
gif2png-3.0.0nb58 Convert GIFs to PNG format
gif320-3.3 GIF file viewer for use with VT-320 terminals
giflib-5.2.2 GIF image format library
giflib-util-5.2.2 GIF image format utility
gifsicle-1.93 Create, edit, and inspect GIFs from shell
gifski-1.32.0 GIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant)
gift- Modular daemon that abstracts filesharing protocols
gift-fasttrack-0.8.9nb1 Fasttrack plugin for giFT
gift-gnutella-0.0.11nb14 Gnutella plugin for giFT
gift-openft- OpenFT Plugin for the gift daemon
giftcurs-0.6.2nb12 Curses frontend to the giFT daemon
giftrans-1.12.2 Manipulate GIF89a images' transparency, comment and other data
gigabase-3.82 Object-Relational Database Management System
gimme-20170213 Script to make binary packages in a chroot
gimp-2.10.38nb10 The GNU image manipulation program
gimp-color-manager-0.1.0nb75 Gimp Color Manager plugin
gimp-create-spritesheet-0.0.2019.11.27nb2 Spritesheet creation plugin for gimp
gimp-devel-3.0.0rc1nb3 The GNU image manipulation program (development version)
gimp-docs-2.8.2 Documentation package for The GIMP image manipulation software
gimp-docs-de-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-en-2.8.2nb7 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-es-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-fr-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-it-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-ja-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-ko-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-nl-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-nn-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-pl-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-ru-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-sv-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-docs-zh_CN-2.8.2nb3 Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software
gimp-exif-browser-0.1.0nb60 EXIF data browser plugin
gimp-fix-ca-3.0.2nb21 GIMP plugin to correct chromatic aberration (CA)
gimp-high-pass-filter-1.2 General purpose high-pass filter plugin for GIMP
gimp-jxr-2.1.1nb17 Gimp plugin for JPEG XR files
gimp-liquid-rescale-0.7.1nb51 Content-aware image resizing plugin for the GIMP
gimp-rawphoto-1.19nb75 Digicam RAW file importer for GIMP
gimp-refocus-it-2.0.0nb76 Refocus images
gimp-resynthesizer-0.16nb59 Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis
gimp-ufraw-0.22nb46 GIMP plug-in for raw digicam import
gimp-warp-sharp-1.5 Image sharpening script for GIMP
gimp2-wideangle-1.0.10nb26 GIMP plugin for wideangle lens distortions
gindent-2.2.12 GNU version of pretty-printer for C source code
gini-0.5.1nb3 Free streaming media server
gipfel-0.4.1nb2 Photogrammetry for mountain images
giram-0.3.5nb49 Giram Is Really A Modeller
girara-0.4.4nb2 Library to develop simple and minimalist user interface
git-2.47.1 GIT version control suite meta-package
git-annex-10.20240430nb5 Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
git-base-2.47.1 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
git-branchless-0.10.0nb3 High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
git-cinnabar-0.7.0beta2nb1 Remote helper to use mercurial repositories with git
git-cliff-2.6.1 Highly customizable Changelog Generator
git-contrib-2.47.1 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (contrib)
git-crawl-0.0.20161010 Crawl through git commits
git-credential-osxkeychain-2.47.1 Git macOS Keychain credential manager
git-crypt-0.7.0nb1 Transparent file encryption in git
git-cvs-2.47.1 Backend for git to extract data from CVS
git-delta-0.18.2 Viewer for git and diff output
git-docs-2.47.1 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
git-filter-repo-2.47.0 Tool for rewriting git history
git-gitk-2.47.1 GIT Tree History Storage Tool (gitk)
git-lfs-3.6.0 Git extension for versioning large files
git-perlscripts-2.47.1 Git commands that rely on Perl
git-remote-hg- Bridge support in git for mercurial
git-sh-1.3 Customized bash environment suitable for git work
git-svn-2.47.1 Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and git
gitea-1.22.0nb7 Compact self-hosted Git service
gitnr-0.1.3nb2 Create gitignore files using one or more templates
gitolite-3.6.12 Gitolite allows you to host Git repositories easily and securely
gitui-0.26.3 Terminal UI for git
gitweb-2.47.1 Web interface for GIT repositories
gjs-1.68.4nb19 Javascript binding for GNOME based on Spidermonkey
gkermit-2.01 Minimal implementation of the ``kermit'' protocol (GPL'd)
gkrellm-2.2.10nb64 GTK2 based system monitor
gkrellm-est-20040710nb60 GKrellM plugin that controls EST-capable processors
gkrellm-flynn-0.8nb61 GKrellM2 plugin that shows system load with a DooM marine
gkrellm-launch-0.5nb61 GKrellM plugin to allow quick launch of applications
gkrellm-leds-0.8.2nb59 GKrellM plugin that monitors CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock keys
gkrellm-moon-0.6nb62 GKrellM2 moonclock plugin
gkrellm-multiping-2.0.8nb61 Pings several machines and prints out stats
gkrellm-server-2.2.10nb7 Monitoring daemon remotely accessible by a GKrellM client
gkrellm-share-2.2.10 GKrellM2 locale files
gkrellm-snmp-0.21nb61 GKrellM plugin to display values collected from a SNMP agent
gkrellm-stock-0.5.1nb73 GKrellM2 stock ticker plugin
gkrellm-themes-2003.01.29 Collection of themes for GKrellM
gkrellm-volume-2.1.13nb59 Gkrellm2 volume mixer plugin
gkrellm-weather-2.0.7nb68 Gkrellm2 weather plugin
gkrellm-wireless-2.0.3nb61 Wavelan signal strength monitor for gkrellm
gkrellmpc-0.1_beta10nb18 GKrellM plugin to control musicpd
gkrellsun-1.0.0nb18 GKrellM plugin to display sun rise and sun set times
gl2ps-1.4.2nb2 OpenGL to PostScript printing library
glabels-3.4.1nb28 Program for creating labels and business cards
glad-0.1.34nb2 GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
glade-3.40.0nb16 User interface builder for the GTK3+ toolkit
glasgow-0.0.20240810nb1 Software for the Glasgow Interface Explorer
glaxium-0.5nb15 Space-ship OpenGL shoot them up
glazier-1.1 X windows manipulator
glclock-6.0b6.0nb7 OpenGL-based pocket watch
gld-1.7nb7 Standalone greylisting server for Postfix
gle-3.1.0nb4 GL subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions
gleam-1.2.1 ML-flavoured type-safe language using the BEAM runtime
glew-2.2.0nb2 OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glfw-3.3.8nb1 Free, portable framework for OpenGL application development
glib-1.2.10nb11 Some useful routines for C programming (glib1)
glib-networking-2.80.0nb5 Network-related giomodules for glib
glib2-2.82.2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
glib2-tools-2.82.2 GLib2/gobject python-dependent tools
glibmm-2.66.7 C++ bindings for glib (2.4 API)
glibmm2.68-2.80.0 C++ bindings for glib (2.68 API)
glickomania-1.0nb5 Clear a board by removing groups of identical, adjacent tiles
glimmer-2.13nb1 System for finding genes in microbial DNA
glimpse-4.18.6 Text search engine
glitz-0.5.6nb3 OpenGL 2D graphics library and a backend for gl output in cairo
gliv-1.9.6nb44 OpenGL image viewer
glm-1.0.1 C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
glmark2-2023.01nb2 OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark
global-6.6.2nb27 Source code tag system including web browser output
globe-20140814 Display the currently-lighted face of Earth in ASCII
gloox-1.0.27nb7 Jabber/XMPP client library
glow-1.5.1nb8 Render markdown on the CLI
glpi-10.0.12nb1 IT inventory management software
glpk-5.0 Library for solving linear programming problems
glpng-1.46nb1 Load PNG images directly as OpenGL textures
gltron-0.70nb16 3D lightcycle game inspired by the movie Tron
glu-9.0.3 OpenGL Utility Library
glurp-0.12.3nb44 Graphical GTK+2-based client for musicpd
glusterfs-10.4nb10 Cluster filesystem
glusterfs-8.2nb20 Cluster filesystem
glw-8.0.0nb2 GL widget for Athena and Motif
glx-utils-8.4.0 OpenGL glxgears and glxinfo
glyr-1.0.10nb41 Music related metadata search engine with CLI and C API
gmake-4.4.1 GNU version of 'make' utility
gmic-3.2.3nb23 Full-featured image processing framework
gmic-qt-digikam- G'MIC plugin for digiKam
gmime-2.6.23nb5 Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages (API v2.6)
gmime24-2.4.33nb2 Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages (API v2.4)
gmime3-3.2.15nb1 Library for the creation and parsing of MIME messages (API v3)
gmngview-1.0.10nb44 Simple GTK-based MNG viewer
gmp-6.3.0 Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmp-api-38.0 Headers for developing Gecko Media Plugins
gmp3info-0.8.5anb43 Utility to read and modify the ID3 tags of MP3 files
gmpc-11.8.16nb53 GNOME client for the Music Player Daemon
gmpc-alarm-11.8.16nb23 Alarm Timer plugin for GMPC
gmpc-albumview-11.8.16nb34 GMPC plugin showing album covers
gmpc-jamendo-11.8.16nb49 Jamendo plugin for GMPC
gmpc-libnotify-11.8.16nb23 Alternate notification plugin for GMPC using libnotify
gmpc-lyrics-11.8.16nb34 GMPC plugin fetching lyrics
gmpc-lyricwiki-11.8.16nb34 Lyrics plugin for GMPC using Lyricwiki
gmpc-magnatune-11.8.16nb49 Magnatune plugin for GMPC
gmpc-tagedit-11.8.16nb36 GMPC plugin for editing song tags
gmplayer-1.5nb11 Fast, cross-platform movie player with GTK2+ interface
gmtk-1.0.9nb49 Gnome-mplayer toolkit
gnapfetch-0.3nb10 Update/maintain opennap servers for gnapster/TekNap
gnarwl-3.6nb5 LDAP based mail autoresponder
gnatpython-20110912nb7 Python package used in Ada testsuites
gnats-4.2.0nb5 GNATS bug tracking system
gnet-2.0.8nb6 Simple network library
gnet1-1.1.8nb10 Simple network library (older version)
gnetcat-0.7.1nb3 Read and write data across network connections
gnetman-20050211nb10 Advanced Netlister and Netlist Manipulation Database for gEDA
gng-1.0.5 Run (or create) each project's own Gradle wrapper
gnome-3.38.1nb1 Meta-package for the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-audio-2.22.2 Set of audio files for GNOME
gnome-autoar-0.4.4nb4 GLib wrapper around libarchive
gnome-backgrounds-40.1nb1 Set of background images for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-calculator-45.0.2nb9 Desktop calculator for GNOME
gnome-calendar-40.0nb27 Calendar application for GNOME
gnome-characters-3.34.0nb23 Utility application to find and insert unusual characters
gnome-common-3.18.0 Generic M4 macros for GNOME development
gnome-control-center-40.0nb33 Interface to configure various aspects of the GNOME desktop
gnome-desktop-44.0nb6 Common GNOME2 desktop files and libgnome-desktop library
gnome-desktop3-40.5nb12 GNOME3 desktop-wide documents and libgnome-desktop library
gnome-dictionary-3.26.1nb12 GNOME application to look up definitions
gnome-font-viewer-3.34.0nb14 View fonts on your system
gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0nb8 Theme consisting of a set of icons for GNOME
gnome-icon-theme-extras-3.12.0 Extra icons for the GNOME icon sets
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0nb30 Symbolic icons for the GNOME icon sets
gnome-keyring-3.36.0nb11 GNOME password and secret manager
gnome-mastermind-0.4.0nb6 Mastermind (the game)
gnome-menus-2.30.5nb7 Implementation of the desktop menu specification for GNOME
gnome-mplayer-1.0.9nb70 GNOME Frontend for MPlayer
gnome-nds-thumbnailer-1.2.1nb53 Thumbnailer for GNOME for Nintendo DS ROMs
gnome-nettool-3.8.1nb17 GNOME interface for various network tools
gnome-nibbles-4.0.3nb2 Guide a worm around a maze
gnome-online-accounts-3.36.0nb24 Service that allows online accounts to be used with GNOME
gnome-pomodoro-0.17.0nb21 Pomodoro timer for Gnome
gnome-screenshot-3.38.0nb13 Screenshot capture utility for GNOME
gnome-session-40.1.1nb20 GNOME3 session management utilities
gnome-settings-daemon-3.38.1nb38 GNOME settings daemon
gnome-shell-40.2nb32 Next generation GNOME shell
gnome-sudoku-40.2nb17 Number grid logic puzzle
gnome-terminal-3.36.2nb13 Terminal emulator for GNOME
gnome-themes-2.32.1nb37 Collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2
gnome-themes-standard-3.20.2nb34 Default themes for the GNOME desktop
gnome-tracker-3.0.1nb21 Desktop-neutral metadata-based search framework
gnome-tracker-miners-3.0.1nb38 Desktop-neutral metadata-based search framework
gnome-video-effects-0.5.0nb6 Collection of GStreamer effects for GNOME
gns3-gui-2.2.49 GNS3 network simulator - Graphical user interface package
gns3-server-2.2.49 GNS3 network simulator - Server package
gnu-crypto-2.0.1nb1 GPL implementation of the Java Crypto Extensions
gnu-pw-mgr-2.7.4 Password manager
gnuboy-1.0.4 Fast gameboy emulator (X11 version)
gnuboy-sdl-1.0.4nb2 Fast gameboy emulator (SDL2 version)
gnucap-20060708nb4 General purpose circuit simulator
gnucash-5.10 Personal or business finance management program
gnucash-docs-5.10 Documentation for GnuCash - personal double-entry accounting program
gnuchess-6.2.9 GNU chess engine
gnuchess-book-1.02nb1 Chess opening book for GNU Chess (default)
gnuchess-book-medium-20000511nb4 Chess opening book for GNU Chess (medium)
gnuchess4-4.0.80 The "classic" GNU chess
gnucobol-3.2nb6 Open-source COBOL compiler
gnugk-2.2.0nb9 H.323 Gatekeeper
gnugo-3.8nb1 Go playing program
gnuit-4.9.5nb1 GNU Interactive Tools - a file system browser for UNIX systems
gnuls-9.5 GNU ls utility with color support
gnumeric-1.12.53nb18 Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project
gnunet-0.21.1nb5 Framework for secure P2P networking
gnunet-fuse-0.21.0nb5 GNUnet FUSE extension
gnunet-gtk-0.21.0nb9 GTK user interfaces for GNUnet
gnupg-1.4.23nb23 GNU Privacy Guard, public-Key encryption and digital signatures
gnupg-pkcs11-scd-0.9.2nb20 OpenSC smart card support for GnuPG
gnupg2-2.4.7 GnuPG with OpenPGP and S/MIME capabilities
gnuplot-6.0.1nb6 Portable interactive, function plotting utility
gnuradio- Collection of GNU Radio (meta package, easy to install whole thing)
gnuradio-channels- Signal processing blocks to simulate channel models of GNU Radio
gnuradio-companion- User interface entry of GNU Radio
gnuradio-core- Core part of GNU Radio, all others need this
gnuradio-ctrlport- New set of hooks into GNU Radio to allow a remote client to attach
gnuradio-digital- Digital related algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-doxygen- Doxygen documentation of GNU Radio
gnuradio-dtv- Various digital television standards of GNU Radio
gnuradio-fec- Forward Error Correction blocks, utilities, & examples of GNU Radio
gnuradio-network- Network blocks for GNU Radio
gnuradio-pdu- Protocol Data Units for GNU Radio
gnuradio-qtgui- Qt GUI module of GNU Radio
gnuradio-soapy-sdr- GNU Radio bindings for SoapySDR
gnuradio-trellis- Trellis-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-uhd- Uhd-based encoding and decoding algorithms for GNU Radio
gnuradio-utils- Utilities in GNU Radio
gnuradio-video-sdl- SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) bindings for GNU Radio
gnuradio-vocoder- All available vocoders in GNU Radio
gnuradio-wavelet- Wavelet transform of GNU Radio
gnuradio-zeromq- All of the zeromq blocks, utilities, and examples
gnuserv-3.12.8 Improved version of emacsserver for GNU Emacs
gnustep-2.6.2nb29 Meta-package for GNUstep
gnustep-back-0.28.0nb15 X11 AppKit backend for GNUstep
gnustep-base-1.29.0nb9 GNUstep foundation classes
gnustep-examples-1.3.0nb31 Some GUI programming examples for GNUstep
gnustep-gui-0.30.0nb9 GNUstep AppKit Implementation
gnustep-make-2.8.0nb1 GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-objc-2.1.0nb1 Objective-C runtime
gnutime-1.9nb1 Report user, system, and real time used by a process
gnutls-3.8.8nb2 Transport Layer Security library
gnyaclock-20001218nb3 Accessory with Bezier curve
go-1.23.4 Meta package providing the current release of the Go language
go-asn1-ber-1.3nb59 ASN1 BER Encoding/Decoding Library for the GO programming language
go-bin-1.21.5 Bootstrap toolchain for lang/go*
go-dnstap-0.4.0nb41 Go language implementation of framestream protocol
go-ffuf-1.2.1nb42 Fast web fuzzer
go-getpass-0.2.3nb14 a Go module to get a password
go-gocode-20170907nb67 Autocompletion daemon for Go
go-gopkgs-2.1.2nb44 Tool to get the list of available Go packages
go-goreman-0.3.7nb38 Foreman clone written in Go language
go-goreturns-0.0.20180301nb65 Formatting tool filling in return statements with zero values
go-gotags-1.4.1nb22 Ctags-compatible tag generator for Go
go-gox-1.0.1nb58 Tool for go cross compilation
go-hugo-0.136.4 Fast & Modern Static Website Engine
go-impl-1.1.0nb26 Generate method stubs for implementing an interface
go-md2man-2.0.6 Converts markdown into roff (man pages)
go-minify-2.9.21nb37 Command line tool that minifies web formats concurrently
go-mkcert-1.4.4nb18 Make locally trusted development certificates
go-mmark-2.2.43nb9 Powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF
go-mockery-2.43.2nb4 A mock code autogenerator for Go
go-nbreader-0.0.20150201nb73 Go library providing a non-blocking reader
go-review-1.0.2nb38 Git Codereview plugin used by the Go project
go-revive-1.2.4nb22 Linter for Go
go-staticcheck-2023.1.6nb8 Advanced Go linter
go-swagger-0.30.4nb19 Swagger 2.0 implementation for Go
go-sys-0.0.20220412nb29 Go packages for low-level interaction with the OS
go-tcr-1.4.0 TCR (Test and Commit or Revert) utility
go-tools-0.26.0 Tools for use with Go, including godoc
go-ttf-2.008 Family of high-quality WGL4 TrueType fonts created for the Go project
go-websocket-1.4.2nb39 Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol
go-wire-0.6.0nb6 Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
go118-1.18.10nb1 The Go programming language
go119-1.19.13 The Go programming language
go120-1.20.14 The Go programming language
go121-1.21.13 The Go programming language
go122-1.22.10 The Go programming language
go123-1.23.4 The Go programming language
go14-1.4.3nb15 The Go programming language
goaccess-1.9 Real-time web log analyzer and viewer
gob2-2.0.20nb3 GNOME object builder for glib2
gobby-0.6.0nb7 Multi-Platform Collaborative Editor
gobject-introspection-1.80.1nb3 GObject Introspection
gocr-0.48nb2 GOCR is a set of OCR tools
goffice0.10-0.10.57nb5 Library of document-centric objects and utilities
gofish-1.2nb2 Gopher server
goggles-0.9.1nb32 Easy to use frontend for Ogle DVD Player
gogui-0.9.3 GUI for Go-playing programs
golangci-lint-1.54.2nb13 Aggregator for Go linters
golddig-3.1nb1 Fast action game designed for use with X
golem-0.0.5nb7 Fast and lightweight yet customizable window manager
golint-20200301nb49 Linter for Go source files
gom-0.4nb17 Object mapper from GObjects to SQLite
gomodifytags-1.16.0nb26 Go tool to modify struct field tags
gomuks-0.3.1nb2 Terminal Matrix client written in Go
gone-1.3.5 Terminal locking utility with many improvements over lock(1)
goocanvas2-2.0.4nb15 Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+3.0
goofey-3.15 Text-based client for goofey, a flexible short message system
google-authenticator-1.09 One-time password generator and PAM module from Google
google-benchmark-1.9.1 Microbenchmark support library
google-glog-0.6.0nb1 Application Level Logging library for C++
googletest-1.15.2 Google's C++ testing framework
goom-2004.0 Visual effects generator for mp3 players
gopass-1.15.5nb16 Rewrite of the pass password manager in Go
gopchop-1.1.8nb54 MPEG2 GOP-accurate editor
gopher-3.0.17 Distributed document delivery client
gopls-0.16.2 LSP server for Go editor integration
goplus-1.2.6nb5 The Go+ programming language
goredo-2.6.3 Go implementation of djb's redo
gospt-0.0.52nb12 Spotify TUI and CLI
got-0.106 Game of Trees VCS to manipulate git repositories
gotelemetry-0.8.0nb10 Tool for managing Go telemetry data and settings
gotests-1.6.0nb26 Automatically generate Go test boilerplate from your source code
gotosocial-0.17.0 Fediverse server written in Go
gource-0.55 Software version control visualization
govulncheck-1.1.3nb2 Go vulnerability checker tool
gp-0.26 Manipulate DNA/RNA sequence in a Unix fashion
gp-autpgrp-1.1nb1 GAP package for finding automorphism groups of finite p-groups
gp-factint-1.3nb1 Integer factorization routines for GAP
gp-fplsa-1.0nb2 GAP interface to FPLSA
gp-grape-4.1nb2 GRAPE (GRape Algorithms using PErmutation groups)
gp-grpconst-2.0nb1 GAP package for finding isomorphism classes of finite groups
gp-lag-2.1nb1 GAP Bracket Lie Algebra functions
gpa-0.10.0nb14 GUI frontend to gnupg
gpac-1.0.1nb24 Open source multimedia framework
gpart-0.1hnb1 Tool to show the partitions on a PC type harddisk
gpc-2.1nb5 GNU Pascal Compiler
gperf-3.1 GNU perfect hash function generator
gperftools-2.13 Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
gperiodic-2.0.10nb38 Displays a periodic table of the elements
gpg-tui-0.11.0nb2 Manage your GnuPG keys with ease
gpg2dot-1.5nb10 Converts your GnuPG keyring to a graph of associations
gpgme-1.24.1 GnuPG Made Easy
gpgmepp-15.12.2nb37 C++ bindings/wrapper for gpgme
gphoto2-2.5.28nb3 Digital camera access command line client
gpick-0.3nb2 Advanced color picker
gpicview-0.2.5nb21 Lightweight image viewer
gping-1.18.0 Ping, but with a graph
gplcver-2.12a Verilog simulator
gprbuild-24.0.0nb1 GPRbuild build system for Ada
gpredict-2.2.1nb25 Gnome satellite tracking program
gprolog-1.4.5 GNU prolog compiler and interpreter
gpsbabel-1.9.0nb3 Utility to convert and fetch GPS related data
gpsd-3.25nb10 GPS information daemon
gpsim-0.26.1nb24 PIC emulator with X interface
gpsim-20050905nb48 PIC emulator with X interface
gpsim-oscilloscope-0.1.2nb44 Oscilloscope module for gpsim
gpsim-ptyusart-0.3.2nb44 Pseudo-tty module for gpsim
gpsp-rpi-20150205nb1 Gameboy Advance emulator (Raspberry Pi version)
gpspoint-2.030521nb1 Program to download and upload waypoints to and from your GPS device
gpsutils-0.4.0 Capture and convert data from a Garmin GPS receiver
gputils-1.5.0 Collection of tools for Microchip's PIC micro-processors
gpxsee-13.26nb3 GPS log file viewer and analyzer
gqmpeg-0.91.1nb48 GTK+ front end to mpg123
gqmpeg-skins-20030712nb6 Skins for gqmpeg
gqview-2.0.4nb42 GTK2-based graphic file viewer
gqview-2.1.5nb43 GTK2-based graphic file viewer (development version)
gr-osmosdr-0.2.6nb2 SDR Hardware support for OsmoSDR and so many more
grace-5.1.25nb29 GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
gradient-0.4.0 CLI tool for playing with color gradients
gradle-8.10.2 Groovy-based Java build system
grafana-11.0.0nb4 Metrics dashboard and graph editor
grafx2-2.8.3132nb4 Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
gramofile-1.6P Tool for ripping audio from vinyl
gramps-5.1.6nb2 Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System V5
granatier-23.08.4nb6 Clone of the classic Bomberman game
grantlee-0.5.1nb11 String template engine in QT based on Django template system
grantlee-editor-23.08.4nb6 Editor for Grantlee themes
grantlee-qt5-5.3.1nb9 String template engine in QT5 based on Django template system
grantleetheme-23.08.4nb6 Library for Grantlee theming support
granulate-0.2 Program for splitting files in place
grap-1.45 Language for typesetting graphs
graphene-1.10.8nb1 Thin layer of graphic data types
graphite2-1.3.14nb3 Cross-platform rendering for complex writing systems
graphopt-0.4.1nb5 Optimize graph layouts
graphviz-12.2.0 Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs
graphviz-dot-mode-0.3.7nb2 Graphviz dot mode for Emacs
grdc-20031019nb3 Grand digital clock from FreeBSD-current games
greed-3.4nb3 Strategy game: eat as much as possible
greetdelay-0.03nb2 Introduces a small delay before an SMTP greeting
grep-3.11 GNU grep
grepcidr-2.97 Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR specification
grepmail-5.3033nb16 Search utility for mbox formatted files
greylisting-spp-1.1nb15 Plugin for qmail-spp that provides greylisting
gri-2.12.23nb43 Language for scientific graphics applications
grig-0.8.1nb20 Graphical user interface to the Hamlib libraries
grilo-0.3.16nb3 Media browser framework
grilo-plugins-0.3.16nb3 Plugins for grilo media browser
grip-4.2.4nb11 CD-player and CD-ripper for the Gnome desktop
grive2-0.5.1nb17 Independent open source implementation of Google Drive client
groff-1.22.4nb7 GNU roff text processing suite
gromacs-4.5.5nb24 Molecular dynamics package
gromit-20041213nb44 Text marker tool for the X11 screen
groonga-14.0.6 Fulltext search engine and column store
grpc-1.67.1 High performance, open-source universal RPC framework
grpc-go-1.66.0nb1 Go implementation of gRPC
grpcurl-1.9.1nb1 Command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers
grpn-1.3.3nb35 Graphical reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
grub-0.97nb10 GRand Unified Bootloader -- Boots *BSD, Linux, groks ffs, FAT, ext2
grub2-2.12 GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2
grun-0.9.3nb41 GTK+ based Run dialog
gsasl-2.0.1nb9 GNU implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
gsed-4.9nb1 GNU implementation of sed, the POSIX stream editor
gselt-1.2nb40 Display a menu of actions that can be done with an X selection
gsettings-desktop-schemas-40.0nb2 Collection of GSettings schemas for the GNOME desktop
gsftopkk-1.19.2nb15 Tool to convert bitmaps to .pk format
gsharutils-4.15.2 Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives
gsl-2.7.1 The GNU Scientific Library
gsm-1.0.19 Audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm encoding
gsmc-1.1nb45 Smith charting program
gsmlib-1.10nb3 Library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems or IrDA devices
gsnmp-0.2.0nb6 SNMP library
gsoap-2.7.17nb5 Tools for coding SOAP XML Web Services in C and C++
gsound-1.0.3nb2 Small library for playing system sounds
gspell-1.8.4nb7 Spell checking API for GTK+ applications
gss-0.0.15nb2 GNU Generic Security Service Library
gssdp-1.6.2nb6 Simple Service Discovery Protocol library and device sniffer
gst-plugins1-a52-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Dolby AC-3 audio plugin
gst-plugins1-aalib-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - aalib plugin
gst-plugins1-adaptivedemux2-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - adaptive format (HLS/DASH) plugin
gst-plugins1-alsa-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - ALSA (Linux audio) plugin
gst-plugins1-aom-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - AV1 plugin
gst-plugins1-bad-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - bad plugins
gst-plugins1-base-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - base plugins
gst-plugins1-cairo-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Cairo plugin
gst-plugins1-cdparanoia-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - CD audio plugin
gst-plugins1-dts-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - DTS plugin
gst-plugins1-dvdread-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - DVD plugin
gst-plugins1-editing-services-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - editing services plugin
gst-plugins1-egl-opengl-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - AV1 plugin
gst-plugins1-faac-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - AAC encoder plugin
gst-plugins1-faad-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - AAC decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-flac-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - FLAC plugin
gst-plugins1-fluidsynth-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MIDI plugin
gst-plugins1-gdk_pixbuf-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - GDK Pixbuf plugin
gst-plugins1-gme-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Game Music Emu plugin
gst-plugins1-good-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - good plugins
gst-plugins1-gtk-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - GTK plugin
gst-plugins1-jack-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - JACK plugin
gst-plugins1-jpeg-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - JPEG plugin
gst-plugins1-ladspa-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - LADSPA support plugin
gst-plugins1-lame-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MP3 encoder plugin
gst-plugins1-libav-1.24.10 GStreamer libav/ffmpeg plugin
gst-plugins1-libde265-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - HEVC/H.265 decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-libnice-0.1.22 IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
gst-plugins1-libvisual-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - audio visualization plugin
gst-plugins1-lv2-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - LV2 support plugin
gst-plugins1-modplug-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MOD/S3M/XM/IT decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-mpeg2dec-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MPEG2 decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-mpg123-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MP3 decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-musepack-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Musepack plugin
gst-plugins1-ogg-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Ogg plugin
gst-plugins1-omx-1.2.0nb9 GStreamer OpenMAX IL wrapper plugin
gst-plugins1-openh264-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - H.264/MPEG-4 decoder plugin
gst-plugins1-opus-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Opus audio plugin
gst-plugins1-oss-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Open Sound System plugin
gst-plugins1-osxaudio-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - macOS audio plugin
gst-plugins1-osxvideo-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - macOS video plugin
gst-plugins1-pango-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
gst-plugins1-png-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - PNG image plugin
gst-plugins1-pulse-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - PulseAudio plugin
gst-plugins1-resindvd-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - DVD navigation plugin
gst-plugins1-rtmp-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - RTMP streaming plugin
gst-plugins1-sid-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Commodore 64 audio plugin
gst-plugins1-sndfile-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - libsndfile plugin
gst-plugins1-soundtouch-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - SoundTouch plugin
gst-plugins1-soup-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - HTML (soup) plugin
gst-plugins1-speex-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Speex plugin
gst-plugins1-theora-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Theora video plugin
gst-plugins1-twolame-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - MP2 encoder plugin
gst-plugins1-ugly-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - ugly plugins
gst-plugins1-v4l2-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Webcam plugin
gst-plugins1-vaapi-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - VA-API plugin
gst-plugins1-vorbis-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - Vorbis audio plugin
gst-plugins1-vpx-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - VP8/VP9 plugin
gst-plugins1-wavpack-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - WavPack plugin
gst-plugins1-webp-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - WebP image plugin
gst-plugins1-x11-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - X11 plugin
gst-plugins1-x264-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - H.264/MPEG-4 encoder plugin
gst-plugins1-x265-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - HEVC/H.265 encoding plugin
gst-plugins1-ximagesrc-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework - X11 image plugin
gst-rtsp-server-1.24.10 GStreamer RTSP server
gst123-0.3.5nb17 Flexible command line player based on gstreamer
gstreamer1-1.24.10 Open source multimedia framework
gstreamer1-default-backend-1.1 Default audio backend for gstreamer1
gstreamermm-1.10.0nb12 C++ interface for GStreamer
gt-itm-0pre19961004nb1 GT Internetwork Topology Models
gtar-1.35 The "meta-package" for the GNU tape archiver (tar)
gtar-base-1.35 The GNU tape archiver with remote magnetic tape support
gtar-info-1.35 Info format documentation for the GNU tape archiver
gtexinfo-7.1.1nb1 GNU info documentation utilities
gthumb-3.12.2nb13 Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop
gtick-0.5.5nb15 Metronome application using GTK2+
gtk+-1.2.10nb21 GIMP Toolkit v1 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk+extra-0.99.17nb6 Useful set of GTK+ widgets for creating GUIs
gtk-doc-1.34.0nb4 Tools for authors of the GTK+ reference documentation
gtk-gnutella-1.2.2nb16 GTK-based gnutella client
gtk-im-libthai-0.2.1nb38 GTK+-2.0 Thai Input Module
gtk-mac-integration-3.0.1nb11 OS X integration for GTK
gtk-send-pr-0.4.9nb48 GTK+ based problem report tool
gtk-sharp-2.12.45nb27 C# bindings for GTK
gtk-sharp-2.99.3nb29 .NET bindings for GTK+3
gtk-vnc-1.3.1nb8 VNC viewer widget for GTK
gtk1-wcalc-1.0nb2 GTK Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
gtk2+-2.24.33nb25 GIMP Toolkit v2 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk2+extra-2.1.2nb40 Useful set of GTK+ widgets for creating GUIs
gtk2-chtheme-0.3.1nb54 GTK+2 theme changer with preview
gtk2-engines-2.20.2nb38 Theme engines for GTK+ version 2
gtk2-engines-bluecurve-1.0nb47 Port of the famous Bluecurve theme for GTK2+
gtk2-engines-murrine-0.98.2nb21 GTK2+ engine featuring a modern glassy look
gtk2-theme-switch-2.0.0rc2nb47 Allows quick & easy switching of GTK+ 2.x themes
gtk2-wcalc-1.0nb44 GTK2 Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
gtk3+-3.24.43nb5 GIMP Toolkit v3 - libraries for building X11 user interfaces
gtk3-engines-unico-1.0.2nb25 Unico Gtk+ Theming Engine for GTK+ 3.0
gtk3-nocsd-3.0.8nb10 Hack to disable GTK+ 3 client side window decorations
gtk4-4.16.7 Multi-platform toolkit for creating GUIs, version 4
gtk_wicontrol-0.17nb6 GTK+-based Wavelan status meter
gtkam-0.1.18nb55 Digital camera access graphical client (GTK2)
gtkasp2php-0.76.17nb3 Gtk+ version of utility to convert asp pages to php pages
gtkballs-3.1.5nb49 GTK+ clone of "Color Lines"
gtkdatabox-1.0.0nb11 GTK3 widget for live display of fluctuating numerical data
gtkdbfeditor-1.0.4nb46 Simple editor for DBF files (dBase, xBase)
gtkglarea-1.2.3nb4 OpenGL/Mesa widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit
gtkglarea2-2.1.0nb8 OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
gtkglext-1.2.0nb55 OpenGL extension to GTK
gtkimageview-1.6.4nb41 Image viewer widget for GTK
gtklevel9-4.0nb44 GTK+ port of the Level 9 text adventure interpreter
gtklife-5.1nb41 The game of life
gtklp-1.3.3nb29 CUPS frontend using GTK
gtkmagnetic- Interpreter for text adventures from Magnetic Scrolls
gtkmm-2.24.5nb24 C++ interface to Gtk+ v2
gtkmm3-3.24.9nb6 C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME (v3)
gtkmm4-4.16.0 C++ Interfaces for GTK+ and GNOME (v4)
gtkmserv-0.5.2nb5 Gtk-based GUI client for the audio/mserv package
gtksee-0.5.6nb13 Gtk-based image viewing and cataloging program
gtksourceview3-3.24.11nb25 Text widget that extends GTK3's GtkTextView widget (v3)
gtksourceview4-4.8.4nb12 Text widget that extends GTK3's GtkTextView widget (v4)
gtksourceview5-5.10.0nb8 Text widget that extends GTK4's GtkTextView widget (v5)
gtkspell-2.0.16nb43 Spell checking GtkTextView widget (v2)
gtkspell3-3.0.10nb16 Spell checking GtkTextView widget (v3)
gtkstep-1.10nb7 GTK theme-engine to yield a NEXTSTEP(tm) look and feel
gtkterm2-0.2.3nb47 Simple GTK-2 terminal with tabs
gtkwave-3.3.121nb5 Electronic waveform viewer
gtl-1.2.4 C++ graph data structure library based on the STL
gtranscode-0.3nb2 GTK+ GUI front-end for transcode
gtranslator-3.32.1nb28 Gettext po file editor for the GNOME desktop environment
gts-0.7.6nb4 GNU Triangulated Surface Library
guacamole-server-1.0.0nb35 Clientless remote desktop gateway
gucharmap-15.1.2nb6 Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
guetzli-1.0.1 JPEG encoder with great compression at high quality
guile-bytestructures-1.0.10nb1 Structured access to bytevector contents
guile-cairo-1.11.2 Guile wrapper for cairo
guile-commonmark-0.1.2nb1 Implementation of CommonMark for Guile
guile-gash-0.3.0 POSIX-compatible shell written in Guile Scheme
guile-gcrypt-0.4.0 Guile bindings for libgcrypt
guile-git-0.5.2nb3 Guile bindings of libgit2
guile-haunt-0.2.6nb2 Functional static web site generator
guile-json-4.7.3 JSON module for Guile
guile-lib- Library functions for Guile, implemented in Scheme
guile-pg-0.50nb2 PostgreSQL interface for Guile
guile-slib-3.3.1 SLIB glue files for guile
guile-sqlite3-0.1.3nb9 Guile bindings for the SQLite3 database engine
guile-syntax-highlight-0.2.0 General-purpose syntax highlighting library for GNU Guile
guile-www-2.42nb2 Guile WWW module
guile18-1.8.8nb13 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (1.8 branch)
guile20-2.0.14nb6 Official extension language for the GNU operating system (2.0 branch)
guile22-2.2.7nb6 Official extension language for the GNU operating system
guile22-slib-3.3.1 SLIB glue files for guile
guile30-3.0.10 Official extension language for the GNU operating system
guile30-slib-3.2.6 SLIB glue files for guile
gumbo-parser-0.12.2 HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
gummi-0.8.3nb7 LaTeX editor, written in C/GTK+
gunison-0.1.0nb50 GTK3 frontend for unison
gupnp-1.6.6nb6 Framework for UPnP devices
gupnp-av-0.14.1nb6 Helpers for audio/video applications using GUPnP
gupnp-dlna-0.12.0nb6 Small DLNA-related utility library
gupnp-igd-1.6.0nb5 Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gupnp-tools-0.12.1nb12 Framework for UPnP devices
guspatches-1.0nb3 GUS (Gravis Ultrasound) patches (audio samples) for TiMidity
gutcheck-0.991 Text checker specialized in reporting problems spellcheckers overlook
gutenprint-lib-5.3.4nb5 Drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, and PCL printers
gv-3.7.4nb12 PostScript and PDF previewer
gvfs-1.6.7nb72 Userspace virtual filesystem
gvproxy-0.7.3nb5 Replacement for libslirp and VPNKit, written in pure Go
gwenview-23.08.4nb7 KDE image viewer
gworkspace-0.9.1nb30 GNUstep Workspace manager
gwt-2.7.0 Google Web Toolkit
gwydion-dylan-2.4.0nb13 Functional language
gxemul-0.7.0nb2 Framework for full-system computer architecture emulation
gxine-0.5.910nb25 Gtk-based media player
gxmessage-2.20.0nb28 GTK2+ based xmessage clone
gyb-1.82 Command line tool for backing up Gmail
gzip-1.12 Compress or expand files
gzrecover-0.8 GZip Recovery Toolkit
h2o-2.2.6nb4 Optimized HTTP server with support for HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2
h5utils-1.12.1nb9 Utilities for conversion from/to HDF5
ha-0.999bnb2 The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
hackbot-2.21nb9 Vulnerability scanner written in Perl
hackernews-tui-0.13.5 Terminal UI to browse Hacker News
hackrf-2024.02.1 HackRF, an open source SDR hardware platform
halibut-1.3 Documentation production system
hamlet-2.0.0 Faithful and complete implementation of the Standard ML
hamlib-4.5.5nb1 API for digital communications equipment
handbrake-1.6.1nb20 Multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder
handy_sdl-0.5nb2 Atari Lynx emulator
hanterm-3.1.6nb6 X11R6-based xterm hacked for managing Korean languages
hanzim-1.3nb11 Chinese character learning-aid program
haplohseq- Identify regions of allelic imbalance
happy-1.21.0nb2 Parser generator for Haskell
haproxy-3.1.0 Reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
harfbuzz-10.1.0 OpenType text shaping engine
harfbuzz-icu-10.1.0 OpenType text shaping engine (ICU integration)
harmbase2-20220109nb1 Harmonic constant management system
harmgen-3.1.3nb6 Program to derive harmonic constants from water level observations
harminv-1.3.1nb2 Solver of harmonic inversion
harvid-0.8.3nb6 HTTP Ardour Video Daemon
hashcash-1.22 Hash collision based postage stamp
hashcat-6.2.6 World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility
haskell-cgi-20001206 CGI module for the Hugs Haskell 98 interpreter
haskell-language-server- LSP server for GHC
haskell-mode-1.44nb5 Haskell mode for Emacs
hasktags-0.73.0nb2 Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
hatari-2.4.1nb4 Atari ST emulator
hbench-1.1nb11 Suite of portable benchmarks to measure the OS and the hardware
hcal-0.4.3 Hexadecimal calendar in terminal for programmers
hck-0.11.0 Sharp cut(1) clone
hddtemp-0.3b15 Gather temperature stats for disk drives
hdf-4.2.15 NCSA Hierarchical Data Format
hdf5-1.12.2 Hierarchical Data Format (new generation)
hdf5-c++-1.12.2 Hierarchical Data Format (new generation) - C++ wrappers
hdl-dump-20200727 Install games in HDLoader format to a PS2 hard drive
heapsort-1.0 Benchmark program for variable sized arrays
hebcal-3.11nb8 Perpetual Hebrew calendar
heimdal-7.8.0nb11 Kerberos 5 implementation
heirloom-awk-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (awk)
heirloom-banner-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (banner)
heirloom-basename-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (basename)
heirloom-bdiff-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (bdiff)
heirloom-bfs-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (bfs)
heirloom-cal-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cal)
heirloom-calendar-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (calendar)
heirloom-cat-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cat)
heirloom-chmod-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (chmod)
heirloom-chown-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (chown)
heirloom-cksum-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cksum)
heirloom-cmp-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cmp)
heirloom-col-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (col)
heirloom-comm-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (comm)
heirloom-copy-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (copy)
heirloom-cp-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cp)
heirloom-csplit-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (csplit)
heirloom-cut-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (cut)
heirloom-date-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (date)
heirloom-dd-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (dd)
heirloom-diff3-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (diff3)
heirloom-dirname-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (dirname)
heirloom-doc-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (doc)
heirloom-doctools-160308 Modernized troff implementation
heirloom-du-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (du)
heirloom-ed-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (ed)
heirloom-env-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (env)
heirloom-factor-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (factor)
heirloom-file-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (file)
heirloom-find-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (find)
heirloom-fmt-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (fmt)
heirloom-fold-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (fold)
heirloom-getconf-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (getconf)
heirloom-getopt-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (getopt)
heirloom-grep-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (grep)
heirloom-groups-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (groups)
heirloom-hd-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (hd)
heirloom-head-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (head)
heirloom-hostname-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (hostname)
heirloom-id-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (id)
heirloom-join-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (join)
heirloom-libcommon-070715nb1 Collection of standard Unix utilities (libcommon)
heirloom-line-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (line)
heirloom-listusers-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (listusers)
heirloom-ln-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (ln)
heirloom-logins-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (logins)
heirloom-logname-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (logname)
heirloom-ls-070715nb1 Collection of standard Unix utilities (ls)
heirloom-mailx-12.5nb3 BSD mail utility with MIME extensions
heirloom-mesg-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (mesg)
heirloom-mkdir-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (mkdir)
heirloom-mkfifo-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (mkfifo)
heirloom-mknod-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (mknod)
heirloom-more-070715nb1 Collection of standard Unix utilities (more)
heirloom-news-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (news)
heirloom-nice-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (nice)
heirloom-nl-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (nl)
heirloom-nohup-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (nohup)
heirloom-od-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (od)
heirloom-paste-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (paste)
heirloom-pathchk-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (pathchk)
heirloom-pg-070715nb1 Collection of standard Unix utilities (pg)
heirloom-pgrep-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (pgrep)
heirloom-pr-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (pr)
heirloom-printenv-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (printenv)
heirloom-printf-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (printf)
heirloom-priocntl-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (priocntl)
heirloom-ps-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (ps)
heirloom-psrinfo-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (psrinfo)
heirloom-pwd-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (pwd)
heirloom-random-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (random)
heirloom-renice-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (renice)
heirloom-rm-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (rm)
heirloom-rmdir-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (rmdir)
heirloom-sdiff-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sdiff)
heirloom-sed-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sed)
heirloom-setpgrp-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (setpgrp)
heirloom-sh-050706nb2 Traditional Unix shell derived from OpenSolaris code
heirloom-shl-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (shl)
heirloom-sleep-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sleep)
heirloom-sort-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sort)
heirloom-split-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (split)
heirloom-stty-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (stty)
heirloom-su-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (su)
heirloom-sum-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sum)
heirloom-sync-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (sync)
heirloom-tail-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tail)
heirloom-tapecntl-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tapecntl)
heirloom-tar-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tar)
heirloom-tcopy-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tcopy)
heirloom-tee-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tee)
heirloom-time-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (time)
heirloom-touch-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (touch)
heirloom-tr-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tr)
heirloom-tsort-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tsort)
heirloom-tty-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (tty)
heirloom-ul-070715nb1 Collection of standard Unix utilities (ul)
heirloom-uname-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (uname)
heirloom-uniq-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (uniq)
heirloom-units-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (units)
heirloom-users-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (users)
heirloom-wc-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (wc)
heirloom-what-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (what)
heirloom-who-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (who)
heirloom-whoami-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (whoami)
heirloom-whodo-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (whodo)
heirloom-xargs-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (xargs)
heirloom-yes-070715 Collection of standard Unix utilities (yes)
helix-23.10 Modal editor inspired by kakoune / neovim
help2man-1.49.3 Generate simple manual pages from program output
helpdeco-2.1.3nb1 Windows .hlp to .rtf converter
heme-0.4.2nb3 Fast and portable console hex editor
hengband-2.2.1rnb3 Rogue-like game derived from Zangband
herbe-1.0.0nb1 Daemon-less notifications without D-Bus
herbstluftwm-0.9.5nb3 Manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib
hercules-3.13nb3 S370 emulator
hercules-images-20010222 Images to IPL the Hercules emulator
hercules4sdl-4.7 The SoftDevLabs version of Hercules 4.x (Hyperion)
hercules4sdl-crypto-1.0.0nb20220201 The SoftDevLabs version of crypto for Hercules 4.x
hercules4sdl-decnumber-3.68.0nb20220201 The SoftDevLabs version of decNumber for Hercules 4.x
hercules4sdl-softfloat-3.5.0nb20220201 The SoftDevLabs version of SoftFloat for Hercules 4.x
hercules4sdl-telnet-1.0.0nb20220201 The SoftDevLabs version of telnet library for Hercules 4.x
heretic2-demo-2.0nb1 Heretic2 - first person Quake 3D engine based (linux demo)
herisvm-0.8.0nb4 svm-train wrapper running cross-validation in parallel
herrie-2.2nb45 Minimalistic, ncurses-based audio player
hesiod-3.0.2 Hesiod network database client and library
hevea-2.35nb1 LaTeX to HTML translator
hex-2.1.1 Package manager for the Erlang VM
hex-a-hop-1.1.0nb7 Hexagonal tile-based puzzle game
hexchat-2.16.1nb23 IRC client based on XChat
hexcurse-1.60.0nb1 Hexcurse is an ncurses-based console hexeditor written in C
hexd-1.1.0 Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool for reverse engineering
hexedit-1.6 To view and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII
hexer-1.0.6nb1 Vi-like binary editor
hexpatch-1.9.4 Binary patcher and editor with TUI interface
hexyl-0.15.0 Command-line hex viewer
heyu-1.35nb1 Home Automation Software for the X10 CM11A
hf6to4-1.3nb1 Enables 6to4 IPv6 automatic tunnels
hfstospell-0.5.4nb4 HFST spell checker library and command line tool
hfsutils-3.2.6nb1 Command Line Interface HFS (not HFS+) disk access tools
hgrep-0.3.7 Grep with human-friendly search output
hiawatha-11.6nb5 Advanced and secure webserver
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17nb1 Standard icon theme called hicolor
highlight-4.14nb3 Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting
highway-1.1.0 High performance source code search tool
himalaya-1.0.0 Command-line interface for email management
hint.serial-98.06.12 Scalable benchmark for testing CPU and memory performance
hiredis-1.2.0 Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database
hisat2-2.2.1nb4 Alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads
hitch-1.7.3nb2 High performance SSL/TLS proxy
hitori-3.38.3nb11 Logic game similar to Sudoku
hivex-1.3.18nb23 Library for reading Windows Registry "hive" files
hjsmin-0.2.1nb2 Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier
hledger-1.33.1nb1 Plain-text accounting tool
hledger-lib-1.33.1nb1 Plain-text accounting tool
hlfl-0.60.1nb1 High Level Firewall Language
hlint-3.8nb1 Haskell source code suggestions
hmmer-3.0nb1 Implementation of profile HMM software for protein sequence analysis
hnb-1.9.18nb1 Hierarchical data organizer
holtz-1.5.0nb11 Engine for the abstract strategy games Zèrtz and Dvonn
homebank-5.5.5nb19 HomeBank is to manage your personal accounts at home
honeyd-1.5cnb17 Small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network
honeyd-arpd-0.2nb20 ARP daemon for honeyd
honggfuzz-2.3.1 Security oriented fuzzer based on code coverage
hoogle- Haskell API Search
horde-3.3.13nb5 PHP application framework
host-20070128nb1 Powerful DNS query and testing tool
hot-babe-0.2.2nb43 System load monitor
howl-1.0.0 Zeroconf (Rendezvous) implementation
howm-1.4.5nb5 Write fragmentarily and read collectively
hp2xx-3.4.4nb15 HPGL converter and previewer
hpack-0.79nb2 Multi-System Archiver with open keys PGP-based security
hpijs-2.1.4nb4 HP inkjet printer driver server
hping- Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
hping3-3a2nb2 Command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
hplip-3.19.12nb30 HP Linux Imaging and Printing
hptools-3.0.8 SDK for Hewlett-Packard HP-48G/49G/39G/40G calculators
hre-0.9.8anb1 Hangeul Regular Expression Library
hs-Decimal-0.5.2nb8 Decimal arithmetic for financial applications
hs-Diff-0.5nb2 O(ND) diff algorithm in Haskell
hs-Glob-0.10.2nb6 Globbing library
hs-HTTP-4000.4.1nb4 Haskell library for client-side HTTP
hs-HUnit- Unit testing framework for Haskell
hs-HsYAML- Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor
hs-HsYAML-aeson- JSON to YAML Adapter
hs-JuicyPixels-3.3.8nb4 Picture loading/serialization
hs-ListLike- Generalized support for list-like structures
hs-MonadRandom-0.6nb4 Random-number generation monad
hs-OneTuple- Singleton Tuple
hs-Only-0.1nb9 The 1-tuple type or single-value collection
hs-QuickCheck-2.15nb1 Random testing of program properties
hs-SHA- Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
hs-StateVar-1.2.2nb6 Abstraction over state variables
hs-X11-1.10.3nb4 Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library
hs-X11-xft-0.3.4nb8 Bindings to the Xft library, and some Xrender parts
hs-adjunctions-4.4.2nb4 Adjunctions and representable functors
hs-aeson- Fast JSON parsing and encoding
hs-aeson-better-errors- Better error messages when decoding JSON values
hs-aeson-pretty-0.8.10nb2 JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool
hs-algebraic-graphs-0.7nb4 Library for algebraic graph construction and transformation
hs-annotated-wl-pprint-0.7.0nb8 Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support
hs-ansi-terminal-1.1.1nb1 Simple ANSI terminal support for Haskell
hs-ansi-terminal-types-1.1nb1 Types and functions used to represent SGR aspects
hs-ansi-wl-pprint-1.0.2nb2 Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output
hs-appar-0.1.8nb8 Simple applicative parser
hs-apply-refact- Perform refactorings specified by the refact library
hs-asn1-encoding-0.9.6nb9 ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
hs-asn1-parse-0.9.5nb9 Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types
hs-asn1-types-0.3.4nb9 ASN.1 types
hs-assoc-1.1nb2 Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors
hs-async-2.2.5nb1 Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
hs-async-pool-0.9.2nb2 Modified version of async that supports worker groups
hs-atomic-primops-0.8.7nb1 Safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell
hs-atomic-write- Atomically write to a file
hs-attoparsec-0.14.4nb6 Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
hs-attoparsec-aeson- Parsing of aeson's Value with attoparsec
hs-attoparsec-iso8601- Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson
hs-auto-update-0.2.0nb1 Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions
hs-aws-0.24.2nb1 Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell
hs-base-compat-0.13.1nb2 Compatibility layer for base
hs-base-compat-batteries-0.13.1nb2 Base library compatibility without cpp
hs-base-orphans-0.9.1nb2 Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base
hs-base-unicode-symbols- Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
hs-base16-bytestring- Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
hs-base64-1.0nb1 Modern RFC 4648-compliant Base64 library
hs-base64-bytestring- Fast base64 encoding and deconding for ByteStrings
hs-basement-0.0.16nb2 Foundation scrap box of array and string
hs-basic-prelude-0.7.0nb6 Enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes
hs-bencode- Parsers and printers for bencoded data
hs-bifunctors-5.6.2nb1 Bifunctors
hs-binary-orphans- Compatibility package for binary; provides instances
hs-bitarray- Mutable and immutable bit arrays
hs-bitvec- Space-efficient bit vectors
hs-bitwise- Fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays
hs-blaze-builder- Efficient buffered output
hs-blaze-html- Blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell
hs-blaze-markup- Blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell
hs-blaze-textual- Fast rendering of common datatypes
hs-bloomfilter- Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations
hs-boring-0.2.1nb2 Boring and Absurd types
hs-bower-json- Read bower.json from Haskell
hs-boxes-0.1.5nb5 2D text pretty-printing library
hs-bsb-http-chunked- Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders
hs-byteable-0.1.1nb2 Type class for sequence of bytes
hs-byteorder-1.0.4nb8 Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system
hs-bytestring-builder- The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC
hs-bytestring-strict-builder- Efficient strict bytestring builder
hs-cabal-install-solver- Solver component used in cabal-install command-line program
hs-call-stack-0.4.0nb6 Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way
hs-case-insensitive- Case insensitive string comparison
hs-cassava- CSV parsing and encoding library
hs-cassava-megaparsec-2.1.0nb1 Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava
hs-cborg- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
hs-cborg-json- Library for encoding JSON as CBOR
hs-cereal- Binary serialization library
hs-cgrep-8.1.0nb2 Context-aware grep for source codes
hs-charset-0.3.10nb2 Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries
hs-cheapskate- Experimental markdown processor
hs-chunked-data-0.3.1nb6 Typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations
hs-citeproc-0.8.1nb4 Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles
hs-classy-prelude- Typeclass-based Prelude
hs-clay-0.15.0nb1 CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell
hs-clientsession- Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
hs-clock-0.8.4nb2 High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime
hs-cmark-gfm-0.2.6nb2 Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer
hs-cmdargs-0.10.22nb2 Command line argument processing
hs-co-log-core- Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
hs-code-page-0.2.1nb8 Windows code page library for Haskell
hs-colour-2.3.6nb6 Model for human colour/color perception
hs-colourista- Convenient interface for printing colourful messages
hs-commonmark-0.2.6nb1 Pure Haskell commonmark parser
hs-commonmark-extensions- Pure Haskell commonmark parser - extensions
hs-commonmark-pandoc- Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST
hs-commutative-semigroups-0.2nb1 Commutative semigroups
hs-comonad-5.0.8nb8 Comonads, dual of Monads
hs-concurrent-output-1.10.21nb1 Ungarble output from several threads or commands
hs-conduit-1.3.5nb2 Streaming data processing library
hs-conduit-extra-1.3.6nb4 Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries
hs-constraints-0.14nb2 Constraint manipulation
hs-constraints-extras- Utility package for constraints
hs-contravariant-1.5.5nb6 Contravariant functors
hs-control-monad-free-0.6.2nb8 Free monads and monad transformers
hs-cookie-0.5.0nb1 HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
hs-cpphs- Liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor
hs-criterion- Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis
hs-criterion-measurement- Criterion measurement functionality and associated types
hs-crypto-api-0.13.3nb2 Generic interface for cryptographic operations
hs-crypto-token-0.1.1nb1 Crypto tokens
hs-cryptohash-md5- Fast, pure and practical MD5 implementation
hs-cryptohash-sha1- Fast, pure and practical SHA-1 implementation
hs-cryptohash-sha256- Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation
hs-crypton-1.0.0nb1 Cryptography Primitives sink
hs-crypton-conduit-0.2.3nb2 Crypton conduit
hs-crypton-connection-0.3.2nb1 Simple and easy network connections API
hs-crypton-x509-1.7.6nb2 X509 reader and writer
hs-crypton-x509-store-1.6.9nb2 X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
hs-crypton-x509-system-1.6.7nb2 Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
hs-crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12nb2 X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
hs-css-text- CSS parser and renderer
hs-csv-0.1.2nb8 CSV loader and dumper
hs-data-array-byte- Compatibility layer for Data.Array.Byte
hs-data-default- Class for types with a default value
hs-data-default-class- Class for types with a default value
hs-data-default-instances-base- Default instances for types in base
hs-data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1nb8 Default instances for types in containers
hs-data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1nb12 Default instances for types in dlist
hs-data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1nb8 Default instances for types in old-locale
hs-data-fix-0.3.2nb6 Fixpoint data types
hs-data-ordlist- Set and bag operations on ordered lists
hs-dav-1.3.4nb2 RFC 4918 WebDAV support
hs-dbus-1.3.4nb1 Client library for the D-Bus IPC system
hs-dec-0.0.5nb4 Decidable propositions
hs-deepseq-generics- GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation
hs-deferred-folds- Abstractions over deferred folds
hs-dense-linear-algebra- Simple and incomplete pure haskell implementation of linear algebra
hs-dependent-map- Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)
hs-dependent-sum- Dependent sum type
hs-deriving-aeson-0.2.9nb4 Type driven generic aeson instance customisation
hs-digest- Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32
hs-digits-0.3.1nb2 Converts integers to lists of digits and back
hs-dir-traverse- Simple directory traversal library
hs-direct-sqlite-2.3.29nb5 Low-level binding to SQLite3 including UTF8 and BLOB support
hs-disk-free-space- Retrieve information about disk space usage
hs-distributive- Haskell 98 Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
hs-djot- Parser and renderer for djot light markup syntax
hs-dlist-1.0nb8 Difference lists
hs-dlist-instances- Difference lists instances
hs-doclayout- Prettyprinting library for laying out text documents
hs-doctemplates-0.11nb4 Pandoc-style document templates
hs-dotgen-0.4.3nb5 Simple interface for building .dot graph files
hs-easy-file-0.2.5nb2 Cross-platform File handling
hs-echo-0.1.4nb8 Cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input
hs-ed25519- Ed25519 cryptographic signatures
hs-edit-distance- Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
hs-either-5.0.2nb4 Combinators for working with sums
hs-email-validate- Email address validation
hs-emojis-0.1.3nb2 Conversion between emoji characters and their names
hs-enclosed-exceptions-1.0.3nb4 Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
hs-entropy- Platform independent entropy source
hs-enummapset- IntMap and IntSet with Enum keys/elements
hs-errors-2.3.0nb8 Simplified error-handling
hs-extensible-exceptions- Extensible exceptions
hs-extensions- Parse Haskell Language Extensions
hs-extra-1.7.14nb2 Extra functions for the standard Haskell libraries
hs-fail- Forward-compatible MonadFail class
hs-fast-logger-3.2.2nb2 Fast logging system
hs-fdo-notify-0.3.1nb2 Desktop Notifications client
hs-feed- Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds
hs-fgl- Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library
hs-file-embed- Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly
hs-filemanip- Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell
hs-filepath-bytestring- Library for manipulating RawFilePaths in a cross platform way
hs-filepattern-0.1.3nb4 File path glob-like matching
hs-filtrable- Class of filtrable containers
hs-fingertree- Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
hs-fmlist-0.9.4nb7 FoldMap lists
hs-focus- General abstraction for manipulating elements of containers
hs-foldable1-classes-compat-0.1nb2 Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes
hs-foldl-1.4.16nb1 Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds
hs-foundation-0.0.30nb2 Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies
hs-free-5.2nb2 Monads for free
hs-fsnotify- Cross platform library for file change notification
hs-fuzzy- Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search
hs-generic-arbitrary-1.0.1nb1 Generic implementation for QuickCheck's Arbitrary
hs-generic-deriving-1.14.5nb2 Generic programming library for generalised deriving
hs-generic-lens- Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
hs-generic-lens-core- Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms
hs-generically-0.1.1nb2 Compatibility layer for Generically and Generically1
hs-ghc-check- Detect mismatches between compile and run-time versions of the GHC API
hs-ghc-exactprint- ExactPrint for GHC
hs-ghc-lib-parser- The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions
hs-ghc-lib-parser-ex- Algorithms on GHC parse trees
hs-ghc-paths- Knowledge of GHC installation directories
hs-ghc-trace-events- Faster alternative to event-tracing functions in base
hs-ghcide- The core of an IDE
hs-git-lfs-1.2.2nb1 Haskell implementation of git-lfs protocol
hs-githash- Compile git revision info into Haskell projects
hs-gitrev-1.3.1nb5 Compile git revision info into Haskell projects
hs-gridtables- Parser for reStructuredText-style grid tables
hs-hackage-security- Hackage security library
hs-haddock-library-1.11.0nb4 Library exposing some functionality of Haddock
hs-half-0.3.1nb5 Half-precision floating-point
hs-hashable- Class for types that can be converted to a hash value
hs-hashtables-1.3.1nb4 Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
hs-haskell-lexer-1.1.1nb4 Fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer
hs-haskell-src-exts-1.23.1nb8 Manipulating Haskell source
hs-heapsize- Determine the size of runtime data structures
hs-hfsevents-0.1.7nb1 File/folder watching for OS X
hs-hie-bios-0.14.0nb1 Set up a GHC API session
hs-hie-compat- HIE files for GHC 8.6 and other HIE file backports
hs-hiedb- Generates a references DB from .hie files
hs-hinotify-0.4.1nb4 Haskell binding to inotify
hs-hint- Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)
hs-hls-graph- Haskell Language Server internal graph API
hs-hls-plugin-api- Haskell Language Server API for plugin communication
hs-hostname-1.0nb5 Library to determine the hostname
hs-hourglass-0.2.12nb8 Simple performant time related library
hs-hscolour-1.25nb2 Colourise Haskell code
hs-hslogger- Versatile logging framework
hs-hslua-2.3.1nb1 Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-aeson-2.3.1nb1 Allow aeson data types to be used with Lua
hs-hslua-classes-2.3.1nb1 Type classes for HsLua
hs-hslua-cli-1.4.2nb1 Command-line interface for Lua
hs-hslua-core-2.3.2nb1 Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-list-1.1.1nb2 Opinionated, but extensible Lua list type
hs-hslua-marshalling-2.3.1nb1 Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1nb1 Lua module wrapping Text.DocLayout
hs-hslua-module-path-1.1.1nb1 Lua module to work with file paths
hs-hslua-module-system-1.1.1nb1 Lua module wrapper around Haskell System module
hs-hslua-module-text-1.1.1nb1 Lua module for text
hs-hslua-module-version-1.1.1nb1 Lua module to work with version specifiers
hs-hslua-module-zip-1.1.1nb1 Lua module to work with file zips
hs-hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1nb1 Object orientation tools for HsLua
hs-hslua-packaging-2.3.1nb1 Utilities to build Lua modules
hs-hslua-repl-0.1.2nb1 Isocline-based Lua REPL
hs-hslua-typing-0.1.1nb1 Type specifiers for Lua
hs-html- HTML combinator library
hs-http-api-data-0.6nb2 Converting to/from HTTP API data
hs-http-client-0.7.17nb1 HTTP client engine
hs-http-client-restricted-0.1.0nb2 Restricting the servers that http-client will use
hs-http-client-tls- TLS backend for Haskell http-client library
hs-http-conduit- HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support
hs-http-date-0.0.11nb7 HTTP Date parser/formatter
hs-http-media- Processing HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers
hs-http-semantics-0.0.0nb1 HTTP senmatics library
hs-http-types-0.12.4nb1 Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
hs-http2-5.2.1nb1 HTTP/2 library
hs-hw-fingertree- Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances
hs-hw-prim- Primitive functions and data types
hs-hxt- Collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
hs-hxt-charproperties- Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode
hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema- Regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions
hs-hxt-unicode- Unicode en-/decoding functions used in the Haskell XML Toolbox
hs-ieee754-0.8.0nb8 Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers
hs-ifelse-0.85nb2 Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow
hs-implicit-hie- Auto generate hie-bios cradles & hie.yaml
hs-indexed-profunctors- Utilities for indexed profunctors
hs-indexed-traversable-0.1.3nb2 FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex
hs-indexed-traversable-instances- More instances of type classes from indexed-traversable
hs-integer-conversion- Conversion from strings to Integer
hs-integer-logarithms- Integer logarithms
hs-invariant-0.6.3nb1 Haskell98 invariant functors
hs-iproute-1.7.12nb6 IP Routing Table
hs-ipynb-0.2nb7 Data structure for working with Jupyter notebooks (ipynb)
hs-isocline-1.0.9nb2 Portable alternative to GNU Readline
hs-jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1nb2 Handle Jira wiki markup
hs-js-chart- Obtain minified chart.js code
hs-js-dgtable-0.5.2nb5 Obtain minified jquery.dgtable code
hs-js-flot-0.8.3nb7 Obtain minified flot code
hs-js-jquery-3.3.1nb7 Obtain minified jQuery code
hs-json-0.11nb2 Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
hs-kan-extensions-5.2.5nb4 Kan extensions/lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
hs-keys-3.12.3nb5 Keyed functors and containers
hs-language-javascript- Parser for JavaScript
hs-lens-5.2.3nb2 Lenses, Folds and Traversals
hs-lens-aeson-1.2.3nb2 Law-abiding lenses for aeson
hs-lens-family-core-2.1.3nb1 Haskell 2022 Lens Families
hs-libffi-0.2.1nb4 Haskell binding to libffi
hs-libyaml-0.1.4nb1 Low-level, streaming YAML interface
hs-lift-type- Lift a type from a Typeable constraint to a Template Haskell type
hs-lifted-async- Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results
hs-lifted-base- Lifted IO operations from the base library
hs-list-t- ListT done right
hs-logict- Backtracking logic-programming monad
hs-lpeg-1.1.0nb2 Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua
hs-lsp- Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
hs-lsp-types- Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types
hs-lua-2.3.2nb1 Low-level bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language
hs-lucid-2.11.20230408nb2 Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML
hs-lukko- File locking
hs-magic-1.1nb2 Interface to C file/magic library
hs-managed-1.0.10nb2 Monad for managed values
hs-math-functions- Collection of tools for numeric computations
hs-megaparsec-9.6.1nb1 Monadic parser combinators
hs-memory-0.18.0nb5 Memory and related abstraction stuff
hs-memotrie-0.6.11nb2 Trie-based memo functions
hs-microaeson- Tiny JSON library with light dependency footprint
hs-microlens- Tiny lens library with no dependencies
hs-microlens-ghc- Microlens + array, bytestring, containers, transformers
hs-microlens-mtl- Microlens support for Reader/Writer/State from mtl
hs-microlens-platform- Microlens + all batteries included (best for apps)
hs-microlens-th- Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens
hs-microstache- Mustache templates for Haskell
hs-mime-types- Basic mime-type handling types and functions
hs-mmap-0.5.9nb7 Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
hs-mmorph-1.2.0nb6 Monad morphisms
hs-mod- Fast type-safe modular arithmetic
hs-monad-control- Lift control operations through monad transformers
hs-monad-dijkstra- Monad transformer for weighted graph searches
hs-monad-logger-0.3.40nb2 Class of monads which can log messages
hs-monad-loops-0.4.3nb5 Monadic loops
hs-mono-traversable- Type classes for traversing monomorphic containers
hs-mono-traversable-instances- Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable
hs-monoid-subclasses-1.2.5nb1 Subclasses of Monoid
hs-monoidal-containers- Containers with monoidal accumulation
hs-mountpoints-1.0.2nb2 List mount points
hs-mtl-compat-0.2.2nb5 Backported Control.Monad.Except module from mtl
hs-mutable-containers- Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers
hs-mwc-random- Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation
hs-nats-1.1.2nb8 Haskell 98 natural numbers
hs-network- Haskell Low-level networking interface
hs-network-bsd- POSIX network database () API
hs-network-byte-order-0.1.7nb2 Network byte order utilities
hs-network-control-0.1.0nb1 Library to control network protocols
hs-network-info-0.2.1nb6 Access basic network configuration of the local computer
hs-network-multicast-0.3.2nb2 Simple multicast library
hs-network-uri- URI manipulation
hs-newtype- Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
hs-newtype-generics-0.6.2nb4 Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
hs-old-locale- Locale library
hs-old-time- Time library
hs-open-browser- Open a web browser from Haskell
hs-opentelemetry-0.8.0nb4 The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client
hs-optional-args-1.0.2nb5 Optional function arguments
hs-optparse-applicative- Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
hs-optparse-simple- Simple interface to optparse-applicative
hs-ordered-containers-0.2.3nb4 Set- and Map-like types that remember the order elements were inserted
hs-os-string- Library for manipulating Operating system strings
hs-pager- Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more'
hs-pandoc-3.1.13nb1 Pandoc document conversion library
hs-pandoc-lua-engine- Lua engine to power custom pandoc conversions
hs-pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.6nb1 Use pandoc types in Lua
hs-pandoc-server- Pandoc document conversion as an HTTP servant-server
hs-pandoc-types-1.23.1nb2 Types for representing a structured document
hs-parallel- Parallel programming library
hs-parser-combinators-1.3.0nb8 Commonly useful parser combinators
hs-parsers-0.12.11nb4 Parsing combinators
hs-path-pieces-0.2.1nb2 Components of paths
hs-pattern-arrows-0.0.2nb5 Arrows for Pretty Printing
hs-pem-0.2.4nb9 Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
hs-persistent- Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization
hs-persistent-sqlite- Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3
hs-persistent-template- Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence
hs-pointed-5.0.4nb4 Pointed and copointed data
hs-polyparse-1.13nb8 Variety of alternative parser combinator libraries
hs-posix-paths- POSIX filepath/directory functionality
hs-pretty-show-1.10nb8 Tools for working with derived Show instances
hs-pretty-simple- Pretty printer for data types with a 'Show' instance
hs-prettyprinter-1.7.1nb6 Modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer
hs-prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3nb7 ANSI terminal backend for the "prettyprinter" package
hs-prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint-1.0.2nb2 Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from ansi-wl-pprint
hs-primes- Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers
hs-primitive- Primitive memory-related operations
hs-primitive-extras- Extras for the "primitive" library
hs-primitive-unlifted- Primitive GHC types with unlifted types inside
hs-process-extras-0.7.4nb8 Process extras
hs-profunctors-5.6.2nb8 Profunctors
hs-protolude-0.3.4nb1 Sensible starting Prelude for building custom Preludes
hs-psqueues- Pure priority search queues
hs-quickcheck-instances-0.3.30nb1 Common QuickCheck instances
hs-quote-quot- Divide without division
hs-random- Random number library
hs-random-shuffle-0.0.4nb5 Random shuffle implementation
hs-rawfilepath-1.1.0nb2 Use RawFilePath instead of FilePath
hs-recv-0.1.0nb2 Efficient network recv
hs-refact- Specify refactorings to perform with apply-refact
hs-reflection-2.1.7nb2 Reifies arbitrary terms into types
hs-regex-applicative-0.3.4nb5 Regex-based parsing with applicative interface
hs-regex-base- Replaces/Enhances Haskell Text.Regex
hs-regex-compat-tdfa- Unicode supporting version of Text.Regex, using regex-tdfa
hs-regex-pcre- PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
hs-regex-posix- POSIX Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
hs-regex-tdfa- Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
hs-relude- Alternative Haskell standard library
hs-repline- Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces
hs-resolv- Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup
hs-resource-pool- High-performance striped resource pooling implementation
hs-resourcet-1.3.0nb4 Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources
hs-retry- Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail
hs-rfc5051-0.2nb8 Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051
hs-rio- Alternative standard library for Haskell
hs-rio-orphans- Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package
hs-rope-utf16-splay- Thick strings optimised for indexing and updating
hs-row-types- Open Records and Variants
hs-safe-0.3.21nb1 Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
hs-safe-exceptions- Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling
hs-safesemaphore-0.10.1nb2 Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar
hs-sandi-0.5nb2 Data encoding library
hs-say- Send textual messages to a Handle in a thread-friendly way
hs-scientific- Numbers represented using scientific notation
hs-securemem-0.1.10nb2 Abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk
hs-selective- Selective applicative functors
hs-semialign-1.3nb2 Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor
hs-semigroupoids- Semigroupoids: Category sans id
hs-semigroups-0.20nb6 Anything that associates
hs-semirings-0.6nb5 Two monoids as one, in holy haskimony
hs-semver-range-0.2.8nb7 Implementation of semver and semantic version ranges
hs-serialise- Binary serialisation library for Haskell values
hs-servant-0.20.1nb2 Family of combinators for defining webservices APIs
hs-servant-server-0.20nb2 Family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them
hs-setenv- Cross-platform library for setting environment variables
hs-setlocale- Haskell bindings to setlocale
hs-shakespeare- Toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
hs-shelly-1.12.1nb2 Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell
hs-silently- Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles
hs-simple-sendfile-0.2.32nb2 Cross platform library for the sendfile system call
hs-singleton-bool-0.1.7nb2 Type level booleans
hs-skein- Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions
hs-skylighting- Syntax highlighting library
hs-skylighting-core- Syntax highlighting library core
hs-skylighting-format-ansi-0.1nb4 ANSI formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
hs-skylighting-format-blaze-html- HTML formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
hs-skylighting-format-context- ConTeXt formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
hs-skylighting-format-latex-0.1nb4 LaTeX formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library
hs-slist- Sized list
hs-socks-0.6.1nb8 Socks proxy (ver 5)
hs-some-1.0.6nb2 Existential type: Some
hs-sop-core- True Sums of Products
hs-sorted-list- Type-enforced sorted lists and related functions
hs-sourcemap-0.1.7nb6 Implementation of source maps as proposed by Google and Mozilla
hs-split-0.2.5nb1 Combinator library for splitting lists
hs-splitmix- Fast Splittable PRNG
hs-sqlite-simple- Mid-Level SQLite client library
hs-statistics- Library of statistical types, data, and functions
hs-stm-chans- Additional types of channels for STM
hs-stm-containers- Containers for STM
hs-stm-hamt- STM-specialised Hash Array Mapped Trie
hs-storable-record-0.0.7nb2 Elegant definition of Storable instances for records
hs-storable-tuple-0.1nb2 Storable instance for pairs and triples
hs-streaming-commons- Common lower-level functions for various streaming data libraries
hs-strict-0.5nb2 Strict data types and String IO
hs-strict-identity- Strict Identity Monad, handy for writing fast code!
hs-string-conversions- Simplifies dealing with different types for strings
hs-stringsearch- Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
hs-syb- Haskell "Scrap Your Boilerplate" Library
hs-tabular- Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions
hs-tagged-0.8.8nb2 Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
hs-tagsoup-0.14.8nb8 Parsing and extracting information from HTML/XML documents
hs-tar- Reading, writing, and manipulating ".tar" archive files
hs-tasty-1.5nb2 Modern and extensible testing framework
hs-tasty-hunit-0.10.1nb2 HUnit support for the Tasty test framework
hs-tasty-quickcheck-0.10.3nb2 QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework
hs-tasty-rerun-1.1.19nb2 Rerun only tests which failed in a previous test run
hs-temporary-1.3nb8 Portable temporary file and directory support
hs-terminal-size-0.3.4nb1 Get terminal window height and width
hs-texmath- Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics
hs-text-ansi- Text styling for ANSI terminals
hs-text-builder-linear-0.1.2nb1 Builder for Text and ByteString based on linear types
hs-text-conversions- Safe conversions between textual types
hs-text-iso8601-0.1nb2 Converting time to and from ISO 8601 text
hs-text-manipulate- Case conversion, word boundary manipulation, and textual subjugation
hs-text-rope-0.2nb4 Text lines and ropes
hs-text-short-0.1.5nb6 Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings
hs-tf-random-0.5nb12 High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator
hs-th-abstraction- Nicer interface for reified information about data types
hs-th-compat-0.1.5nb1 Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types
hs-th-env-0.1.1nb4 Template Haskell splice that expands to an environment variable
hs-th-lift-0.8.4nb2 Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes
hs-th-lift-instances-0.1.20nb4 Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types
hs-these-1.2nb2 Either-or-both data type
hs-time-compat- Compatibility package for time
hs-time-locale-compat- Compatibility module for time-format locale
hs-time-manager-0.1.0nb1 Scalable timer
hs-timeit-2.0nb8 Time monadic computations with an IO base
hs-timezone-olson-0.2.1nb6 Pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files
hs-timezone-series-0.1.13nb6 Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time
hs-tls-2.0.5nb1 TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
hs-tls-session-manager-0.0.5nb1 In-memory TLS session manager
hs-toml-parser- TOML 1.0.0 parser
hs-tomland- Bidirectional TOML serialization
hs-torrent-10000.1.3nb2 BitTorrent file parser and generater
hs-transformers-base-0.4.6nb6 Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
hs-transformers-compat-0.7.2nb5 Small compatibility shim exposing the new types
hs-trial- Trial Data Structure
hs-trial-optparse-applicative- Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative
hs-trial-tomland- Trial helper functions for tomland
hs-turtle-1.6.2nb2 Shell programming, Haskell-style
hs-type-equality-1nb5 Data.Type.Equality compat package
hs-typed-process- Run external processes, with strong typing of streams
hs-typst- Parsing and evaluating typst syntax
hs-typst-symbols-0.1.6nb1 Symbol and emoji lookup for typst language
hs-uglymemo- Simple (but internally ugly) memoization function
hs-unagi-chan- Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more
hs-unbounded-delays- Unbounded thread delays and timeouts
hs-unicode-collation- Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm
hs-unicode-data- Access Unicode character database
hs-unicode-show- Print and show in unicode
hs-unicode-transforms- Unicode normalization
hs-uniplate-1.6.13nb8 Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations
hs-unix-compat-0.7.1nb1 Portable POSIX-compatibility layer
hs-unix-time-0.4.12nb1 Unix time parser/formatter and utilities
hs-unliftio- The MonadUnliftIO typeclass along with a number of common instances
hs-unliftio-core- The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO
hs-unordered-containers-0.2.20nb1 Efficient hashing-based container types
hs-uri-encode- Unicode aware uri-encoding
hs-utf8-string-1.0.2nb8 Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
hs-utility-ht- Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions
hs-uuid-1.3.15nb5 For creating, comparing, parsing and printing UUIDs
hs-uuid-types- Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers
hs-validation-selective- Lighweight pure data validation
hs-vault- Persistent store for values of arbitrary types
hs-vector- Efficient Arrays for Haskell
hs-vector-algorithms- Efficient algorithms for vector arrays
hs-vector-binary-instances- Instances of Data.Binary for vector
hs-vector-instances-3.4.2nb2 Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector'
hs-vector-stream- Efficient Streams for Haskell
hs-vector-th-unbox-0.2.2nb7 Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell
hs-versions-6.0.6nb1 Types and parsers for software version numbers
hs-void-0.7.3nb8 Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
hs-wai-3.2.4nb1 Web Application Interface
hs-wai-app-static-3.1.9nb1 WAI application for static serving
hs-wai-cors-0.2.7nb4 CORS for WAI
hs-wai-extra-3.1.14nb1 Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware
hs-wai-logger-2.4.0nb6 Logging system for WAI
hs-wai-websockets- Provide a bridge between WAI and the websockets package
hs-warp-3.4.1nb1 Fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications
hs-warp-tls-3.4.5nb1 HTTP over TLS support for Warp via the TLS package
hs-wcwidth-0.0.2nb8 Native wcwidth
hs-websockets- Sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell
hs-with-utf8- Get your IO right on the first try
hs-witherable-0.4.2nb7 Filterable traversable
hs-wizards-1.0.3nb8 High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces
hs-word8-0.1.3nb7 Word8 library
hs-xml-1.3.14nb8 Simple XML library
hs-xml-conduit- Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package
hs-xml-hamlet- Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content
hs-xml-types-0.3.8nb8 Basic types for representing XML
hs-xss-sanitize- Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
hs-yaml- Support for parsing and rendering YAML document
hs-yesod- Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-core- Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-form-1.7.6nb2 Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework
hs-yesod-persistent- Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod
hs-yesod-static- Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework
hs-zip-archive- Library for creating and modifying zip archives
hs-zlib- Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
hsetroot-1.0.5nb2 Allows you to compose wallpapers for X
hsqldb18- Relational database management system witten in pure Java
ht-2.1.0nb3 Viewer, editor and analyzer for text, binary and executable files
htdavlock-0.2nb22 Apache mod_dav_fs lock database management tool
htdig-3.2.0b6nb1 WWW indexing and searching system
html-4.01nb4 SGML DTDs for the Hypertext Markup Language
html2ps-1.0b7nb13 HTML to PostScript converter
html2text-1.3.2a Advanced HTML-to-text converter
html2wml- On-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
htmlcxx-0.85 Simple non-validating CSS1 and HTML parser for C++
htmldoc-1.9.16nb9 Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
htmldoc-x11-1.9.16nb3 Converts HTML to indexed HTML, PDF and/or PostScript
htmllint-20111128nb3 Another HTML-Lint program
htmlq-0.4.0 Parse and extract HTML from the command line
htop-3.3.0nb1 Enhanced version of top utility
hts_engine_API-1.10 Synthesize speech waveform from HMMs trained by HTS
htslib-1.21nb3 C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
http-parser-2.9.4 Parser for HTTP messages written in C
http_load-20060312nb7 Multiprocessing http test client
httperf- Popular web server benchmarking program
httpfile-20220101 Secure HTTP server derived from publicfile
httping-2.5nb2 Like 'ping' but for http-requests
httpstat-1.3.0nb2 Visualise curl(1) statistics
httptunnel-3.3 Encapsulate TCP/IP connections in HTTP requests
httpx-1.6.9 HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes
hub-2.14.2nb53 Command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub
hubot-sans-ttf-1.0 Hubot Sans font from GitHub
hugin-2023.0.0nb11 Panorama photo stitcher
hugo- Interactive fiction design system and interpreter
hugs98-200609nb1 Functional programming system based on Haskell 98
hugs98-HUnit-1.1.20060921 Unit testing framework for Haskell (Hugs package)
hugs98-HaXml-1.17.20060921 Haskell utilities for managing and generating XML documents (Hugs package)
hugs98-unix-2.0.20060921 Haskell abstraction for POSIX functionality (Hugs package)
humungus-0.9.7nb5 Mercurial server
hunspell-1.7.2nb2 Improved spellchecker
hunspell-af_ZA-20060117 Afrikaans dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ar-20080110 Arabic dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-bg_BG-20040405 Bulgarian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ca_ES-20080427 Catalan dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-cs_CZ-20061030 Czech dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-cy_GB-20040425 Welsh dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-da_DK-20070106 Danish dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-de-20161207nb6 German dictionaries for hunspell
hunspell-el_GR-20041220 Greek dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_CA-20020315 English (Canada) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_GB-20061130 British English dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_NZ-20020518 English (New Zealand) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-en_US-20060207 US American English dictionaries for hunspell
hunspell-en_ZA-20060120 English (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-es_ES-20050510 Spanish (Spain) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-es_MX-20050505 Spanish (Mexico) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fo_FO-20050307 Faroese dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fr_FR-2.3.2 French (Classic + 1990 Reform) dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-fy_NL-0.12 Frisian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ga_IE-20071029 Irish dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-he_IL-20050112 Hebrew dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-hr_HR-20060607 Croatian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-hu_HU-1.6.1 Hungarian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-id_ID-20040410 Indonesian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-it_IT-2.4nb1 Italian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-lt_LT-20031231 Lithuanian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-lv_LV-0.8b1 Latvian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-mg_MG-20050108 Malagasy dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ms_MY-20050117 Malay dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-nl_NL-20070607 Dutch dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ny_MW-20050108 Chichewa dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-pl_PL-20061202 Polish dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-ru_RU-20040406 Russian dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-sk_SK-20090330 Slovak dictionary for hunspell
hunspell-sv_SE-1.27 Swedish dictionary for hunspell
hw-probe-1.6.5_20230812nb8 Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers
hwdecode-demos-0.9.6p1nb5 Standalone programs showing off various HW acceleration APIs
hwloc-1.11.13nb12 Portable Hardware Locality
hydan-0.13nb6 Steganography tool for covert comms, signing and watermarking
hydra-7.5nb57 Login password cracker
hydrogen-1.0.2nb29 Real time drum machine/sequencer
hylafax-6.0.7nb3 Telecommunication and fax server system
hyperestraier-1.4.13 Full-text search system for communities
hyperfine-1.19.0 Command-line benchmarking tool
hypermail-2.3.0nb2 Creates indexed, threaded HTML archives of email
hyperscan-5.0.0nb12 High-performance regular expression matching library
hyphen-2.8.8nb5 Library for high quality hyphenation and justification
hytctl-1.0 Admin tool to read/write HYT 221/271/939 device EEPROM values
hztty-2.0 Turns a tty session between Big5/GB/HZ/Unicode
i2cb-6.0_ALPHAnb7 Next generation Internet Citicen's Band chat client
i2cbd-2.0_BETA5nb6 Next generation Internet Citizens Band chat server
i2ocfg-1.1 I2O configuration dialog gateway
i3-4.24 Improved dynamic tiling window manager
i3lock-2.15nb2 Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3lock-color-2.13.c.5nb2 Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3lockr-1.2.1 Distort a screenshot and run i3lock
i3status-2.14nb5 Small program for generating a status bar
i810switch-0.6.5 Switch LCD/CRT 855/865/915 Intel chips
iGMT-1.2nb6 Interactive Mapping of Geoscientific Datasets
ia64sim-0.5 IA64 simulator (Intel(R) Architecture 64)
iaito-5.8.0nb15 Official Qt frontend of radare2
iamb-0.0.10 Matrix client for Vim addicts
iana-enterprise-numbers-20230518 IANA Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs)
iana-etc-2.30nb5 Tools to process the IANA source files into services and protocols
iat-0.1.7 ISO9660 analyzer tool
ibm-plex-otf-6.4.0 IBM plex typeface (OpenType)
ibm-plex-ttf-6.4.0 IBM plex typeface (TrueType)
ibniz-1.18nb2 Virtual machine designed for extremely compact audiovisual programs
ibus-1.5.31 Intelligent Input Bus
ibus-anthy-1.5.15 Anthy engine for IBus input platform
ibus-array-0.2.2nb4 Array 30 Input Method for iBus
ibus-chewing-1.5.1nb18 Chewing engine for IBus input platform
ibus-handwrite-3.0.0nb24 Handwrite recognizer for ibus
ibus-hangul-1.5.0nb6 Hangul engine for IBus input platform
ibus-input-pad-1.4.2nb37 Input Pad for IBus
ibus-kkc-1.5.21nb24 Japanese KKC input method for ibus
ibus-libpinyin-1.12.0nb12 Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin for IBus
ibus-libthai-0.1.4nb19 Thai imput method engine for IBus based on libthai library
ibus-m17n-1.3.4nb52 M17N engine for IBus platform
ibus-mozc-2.26.4282.100nb34 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
ibus-mozc-2.29.5268.102nb5 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
ibus-pinyin-1.5.0nb34 Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo engines for IBus input platform
ibus-qt-1.3.3nb34 Qt IBus library and Qt input method plugin
ibus-rime-1.5.0nb3 Rime Input Method Engine for IBus
ibus-skk-1.4.3nb19 Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
ibus-t9- IBus T9 Input Method
ibus-table-1.9.2nb7 Table engine for IBus platform
ibus-table-chinese-1.8.12 Chinese tables for IBus-Table
ibus-table-others-1.3.7nb2 All non-Chinese tables for IBus-Table
ibus-unikey-0.6.1nb36 Vietnamese Input Method Engine for IBUS using Unikey IME
ibutton-pdkit-2.00nb2 1-Wire Public Domain Kit Version 2.00
ical-3.0.4nb2 Calendar application
ical2rem-0.5.2nb10 Convert iCal files to remind format
icb-5.0.9pl1nb7 Internet CB - a mostly-defunct chat client
icbirc-2.1 Proxy IRC client and ICB server
icbm3d-0.4nb1 3D X11 game of defense
icdprog-0.3nb1 Microchip PIC programmer using ICD hardware
iceauth-1.0.10 ICE protocol utility
icebreaker-1.9.8 Action-puzzle game involving bouncing penguins
icecast-1.3.12nb18 Internet broadcasting system using Mpeg Layer III streaming
icecast-2.4.4nb25 Live streaming audio server
ices-mp3-0.4nb39 Source client for a streaming server
icestorm-0.0.20240227nb1 Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation and tools
icewm-3.6.0 Small, fast and light-weight window manager
icewmconf-2.1.0nb2 Graphical configuration tool for IceWM
icinga-base-1.9.4nb29 Enterprise grade open source monitoring system
icinga2-2.12.11 Monitoring system
icingaweb2-2.8.2nb2 PHP-based Web UI for Icinga
ico-1.0.6 Animate icosahedron or other polyhedrons
icon-9.4.3nb1 The Icon programming language
icon-naming-utils-0.8.90nb10 Adapts GNOME and KDE icon names to the Icon Naming Specification
icoutils-0.32.3nb5 Tools for Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files
icsi-finger-1.0.29 Distributed finger service
icu-76.1nb1 Robust and full-featured Unicode services
id3-1.1.2 ID3 v1.1 tag editor
id3ed-1.10.4nb4 Edit id3 description tags in mpeg3 files
id3lib-3.8.3nb6 Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
id3ren-0.0.20130521 Rename batches of mp3 files using ID3 tags
id3v2-0.1.12 Command line editor for id3v2 tags
idesk-0.7.5nb19 Lightweight desktop icons handler
idiff-1.0 Interactive front-end to diff(1)
idris-1.3.4nb10 Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
idris2-0.7.0 Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
idutils-4.6 Classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
idzebra-2.0.62nb28 Structured text indexing and retrieval engine
if-psprint-1.10nb11 Print text or postscript to arbitrary printer, can use smb
ifile-1.3.8 Intelligent mail filtering system
ifp-line-0.3nb1 Command-line interface to iRiver MP3 players
iftop-1.0pre4 Display bandwidth usage on an interface
igor-0.0.20140517nb10 FreeBSD Project documentation sanity checker
igv-2.9.2 Visualization tool for genomic datasets
ii-1.8 Minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client
iiimecf-0.6nb3 Emacs Lisp library for IIIM Protocol
ijb-2.0.2nb1 Internet Junkbuster Proxy to block banner ads and cookies
ijs-0.35 Protocol library for raster page transmission
ike-scan-1.9nb7 Fingerprinting IKE implementation
ikiwiki-3.20200202.4nb1 Flexible static site generator with dynamic features
iksemel-1.4nb19 XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications
ile-2.0 Input Line Editor that wraps itself around programs
im-153nb8 E-Mail and NetNews user interface commands
im-ja-1.5nb90 Japanese input module for GTK2 and XIM server
imake-1.0.10 Obsolete build tool for X software
imap-uw-2007fnb12 University of Washington's IMAP, POP2, and POP3 servers
imap-uw-utils-20050108nb9 UW IMAP mailbox utilities
imapfilter-2.7.5nb1 Mail filtering utility for the IMAP
imapproxy-1.2.7nb7 Simple connection caching IMAP proxy daemon
imapsync-2.264 Incremental recursive IMAP transfer tool
imath-3.1.12 2D and 3D vector, matrix, and math operations for computer graphics
imaze-1.3nb4 Multiplayer, networked, action,x 3D maze game
img2eps-0.2nb17 Convert raster images to EPS files
imhangul-2.0.0nb34 GTK+-2.0 Hangul Input Module
imlib-1.9.15nb24 Image manipulation library for X11
imlib-gtk-1.9.15nb11 Image manipulation library for X11 (gtk bits)
imlib2-1.12.2nb2 Image manipulation library
immer-0.8.1nb1 Postmodern immutable and persistent data structures for C++
imp-4.3.11nb2 Internet Messaging Program
import-package-1.1 Tool for importing a package
imposter-0.3nb44 Standalone OpenOffice presentations viewer using GTK2
impress-1.1b9nb3 WYSIWYG vector graphics application
imv-4.5.0nb4 Image viewer for X11/Wayland
imwheel-0.9.9nb1 Tool which helps to use mousewheels
imx_usb_loader- SDP bootloader for Freescale i.MX5/i.MX6/i.MX7 and Vybrid SoC
inadyn-2.5nb2 Dynamic DNS client
incidenceeditor-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM incidence editor
include-what-you-use-0.22nb3 Analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
incm-0.5 Tool to get mail from mbox file or maildir
inconsolata-g-20090213nb1 Modified Inconsolata TrueType font
inconsolata-ttf-3.001 Inconsolata TrueType font
indexinfo-0.3.1 Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index
indi-2.1.1 Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol
inetutils-2.5 GNU network utilities
influxdb-1.8.4nb39 Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
info2man-1.1nb2 Wrapper for info2pod to convert info files in man format
inform-6.33.20160609 Interactive fiction compiler (Z-Machine and Glulx)
ingo-1.2.6nb2 Horde based generic and complete mail filter rule frontend
inih-58 Simple .INI file parser in C
iniparser-3.1 Free stand-alone ini file parsing library
inkscape-1.4nb4 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor
inlyne-0.4.3 GPU powered, browserless, markdown and html viewer
inn-2.7.1nb9 The public release of InterNet News (INN)
innoextract-1.9nb11 Tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup
innotop-1.9.1nb10 MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
input-pad-1.0.3nb37 On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse
install-sh-20100824 Install script compatible with the BSD install program
intel-backlight-20200418nb1 Tool for controlling backlight level on certain Intel GPUs
intel-microcode-netbsd-20241112 Firmware updates for Intel x86 processors
intel-one-mono-1.0.0 Intel One Mono font
intel-vaapi-driver-2.4.0 VA-API user mode driver for Intel GEN Graphics family
intel2gas-1.3.3nb1 Convert nasm source files to gas source files
intellij-ce-bin-2023.2.1 JetBrain's Java IDE
intellij-fsnotifier-20230725 File system monitoring utility for IntelliJ IDEA IDE
intellij-ue-bin-2018.3.5nb5 JetBrain's Java IDE, ultimate edition
intercal-0.30nb1 The ultimate language for obfuscation and job security
intlfonts-1.2.1nb6 Free X11 fonts (BDF format) for all characters that Emacs can handle
intltool-0.51.0nb7 Internationalization Tool Collection
iodbc-3.52.9 ODBC 3.x driver manager
iodine-0.7.0 Tool to tunnel IPv4 over DNS
ioping-1.2nb1 Monitor I/O latency in real time
ioquake3-1.36.20200125nb26 Open source Quake 3 distribution
ioquake3-pk3-0 Newer pk3 files for ioquake3
ioquake3-raspberrypi-20150118nb1 Open source Quake 3 distribution (Raspberry Pi version)
iortcw-1.51cnb31 Game engine for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
iozone-3.493nb1 Benchmark for file read and write speed
ipa-2.1.2 Pluggable accounting system
ipa_sdb-1.1.1 IPA simple database module
ipadic-2.7.0nb2 Japanese Morphological Dictionary including parameter for ChaSen
ipaexfont-00401 IPAex fonts (fixed JIS X0213 Kanji, and proportional ASCII)
ipafont-00303nb1 IPA JIS X 0213 fonts (Gothic, P Gothic, Mincho, and P Mincho)
ipbt-8765nb12 High-tech ttyrec player
ipcalc-0.41nb10 IP Calculator
ipcheck-0.233nb8 Python client for the dyndns service
ipe-7.2.7nb38 Drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or (e)PS
iperf-2.1.9 TCP and UDP bandwidth performance measurement tool
iperf3-3.17.1 TCP and UDP bandwidth performance measurement tool
ipget-0.10.0nb11 Retrieve files over IPFS and save them locally
ipgrab-0.9.9nb1 Verbose packet sniffer for UNIX hosts
iplog-2.2.3nb5 Iplog is a tool using pcap to log IP traffic
ipmitool-1.8.19nb1 Command-line utility for managing IPMI devices
ipv6calc-0.94.1 Manipulates IPv6 addresses
ipv6toolkit-1.4.1 IPv6 security assessment and troubleshooting tool
ipw-3.3anb1 "whois" replacement that automatically queries several databases
ipw-firmware-1.0 Firmware binary images for ipw(4) driver
ir-account-0.2 Copy accounts among systems and manage sudo privs
ircII-20240111 'Internet Relay Chat' and 'Internet Citizens Band' Client
ircd-hybrid-8.2.45nb3 IRC server with many options
irchat-pj- Emacs lisp interface to Internet Relay Chat
ircu- Internet Relay Chat server customized for Undernet
iroffer-1.3.11 IRC (Internet Relay Chat) DCC OfferBot
ironwail-0.7.0nb9 High performance QuakeSpasm fork
irrd-2.3.9nb11 Internet Routing Registry Daemon
irrlicht-1.8.4 Open source high performance real-time 3D engine
irrtoolset-5.1.2 The Internet Routing Registry Toolset - client to IRRd
irssi-1.4.5nb1 Secure and modular IRC client with text mode user interface
irssi-icb-0.17 Irssi plugin to access ICB networks
isapnptools-1.27 Manually query and configure isapnp devices
isc-dhclient-4.4.3p1nb1 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client
isc-dhcp-4.4.3p1nb2 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Base
isc-dhcpd-4.4.3p1nb1 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
isc-dhcrelay-4.4.3p1nb1 ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay
isearch-1.47.01nb2 Advanced text indexing and searching system
isect-1.6.2nb12 Open source middleware daemon
iselect-1.4.0nb2 Curses based Interactive Selection Tool
ish-1.11 Binary-to-text file-encoder
ishell-0.2nb1 Allow remote shell using ICMP
isic-0.07 Ip Stack Integrity Checker (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP et. al.)
isl-0.26 Integer set library required by gcc graphite
iso-codes-4.16.0 List of country, language and currency names
iso12083-1993nb5 SGML DTDs from the The Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group
iso8879-1986nb8 Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
ispell-3.4.06 Interactive spelling checker
ispell-br-2.4 Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-british-3.4.06 British dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ca-1.0 Catalan dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-de-20160407nb5 German dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-emacs-3.6nb5 Emacs interface for ispell spell checker
ispell-es-1.7 Spanish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-fr-1.4 French dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ga-2.0 Irish language support for ispell
ispell-gl-0.5 Galician dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ku-0.20 Kurdish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-lt-1.3nb4 Lithuanian dictionary for ispell
ispell-pl-20021127 Polish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
ispell-ro-20031216 Romanian dictionary for ispell
ispell-ru-0.99g4 Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
ispell-ru-io-0.99g4 Russian (KOI8-R) ispell dictonary from Alexander Lebedev
ispell-sk-0.3.2 Slovak dictionary for ispell
ispell-sv-1.2.1 Swedish dictionary for interactive spelling checker
istgt-20150713nb2 Configurable iSCSI target
isync-1.4.4nb3 Synchronize a maildir with an imap server
itex2MML-1.2.3 Converts itex equations to MathML
itpp-4.0.7nb1 Library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines
itstool-2.0.7nb5 ITS Tool allows you to translate XML documents with PO files
ivan-0.50nb10 Graphical roguelike featuring deep gameplay
iverilog-12.0 Verilog simulation and synthesis tool (stable release version)
ivtools-2.0.4a1nb2 Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics
ivykis-0.42.3 Asynchronous I/O readiness notification library
iwatch-1.0.4 Watch the command output with interval timer
iwi-firmware-2.3nb2 Firmware binary images for iwi(4) driver
iwi-firmware3-3.0 Firmware binary images for iwi(4) driver
iwn-firmware- Firmware binary image for the iwn(4) driver
ja-FreeWnn-lib-1.11alpha23 Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library)
ja-FreeWnn-server-1.11alpha23nb1 Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server)
ja-a2ps-1.45nb12 Text file to postscript converter (with Japanese support)
ja-dotgothic16-ttf-20211022 Dotgothic old 16x16 gothic bitmap-style font from Fontworks
ja-dvi2tty-5.0 Program for previewing DVI files (ASCII Japanese TeX)
ja-elisat-1.0nb2 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-elisau-1.0nb2 10x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-gawk-3.0.6 GNU awk + multi-byte extension
ja-grep-2.4.2nb1 GNU grep + multi-byte extension
ja-groff-0.99nb12 Japanese enhancement of GNU groff
ja-kaname- 12x12 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-kappa20-0.394nb2 20x20 dots X11 bitmap font for Japanese with several extra fonts
ja-klee-ttf-20210623 Klee handwritten fonts from Fontworks
ja-less-382.262.03 Less + zcat + ISO-2022 + UTF-8 - a pager similar to more and pg
ja-man-19990531nb3 Japanese on-line manual pages of NetBSD
ja-mh6-3.05nb1 Rand MH mail handling system + Japanese patches
ja-naga10-1.1nb3 10x10 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
ja-ptex-2.0 Meta-package for pTeX et al, supports Japanese language
ja-rampart-ttf-20210623 Rampart outline shadow font from Fontworks
ja-reggae-ttf-20210902 Reggae Japanese boys' magazine-style font from Fontworks
ja-rocknroll-ttf-20210904 RocknRoll pop-style font from Fontworks
ja-sazanami-ttf-20040629nb2 Truly free Japanese TrueType font
ja-sed-3.02nb3 GNU sed + multi-byte extension
ja-shinonome-0.9.11pl1nb5 12, 14, 16 dots bitmap fonts for Japanese, iso8859-1
ja-stick-ttf-20210622 Stick straight-line font from Fontworks
ja-train-ttf-20210624 Train gothic-style font from Fontworks
ja-vflib-2.24.2nb2 Japanese Vector font libraries and utilities
ja-vflib-lib-2.24.2nb3 Japanese Vector font library
ja-vflib-utils-2.24.2nb3 Utilities for manipulating VFlib vector font files
ja-vfxdvik-22.40v.j1.14nb22 Xdvik with vflib
jabberd-2.7.0nb23 XMPP (Jabber) instant messaging server
jack-1.9.21nb3 Low-latency audio server
jack-keyboard-2.7.2nb12 Virtual MIDI keyboard for JACK applications
jack_umidi-1.1.2nb3 Raw/BSD/OSS MIDI to JACK MIDI daemon
jalbum-8.5.3 Web photo album generator
jam-2.5.2nb1 Program construction tool, like make(1)
jamjar-0.7.1 Acunia version of the jar archiver
jamvm-1.5.4nb2 Compact Java Virtual Machine
janet-1.35.2 Functional and imperative programming language
jansson-2.14 C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
japhar-0.08nb10 Java Virtual Machine, currently JDK 1.1.5-level
jasmin-1.06nb2 Java "assembler" interface
jasper-4.2.4 Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec
java-db3-3.11.2nb1 Java interface to Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3
java-jna-5.15.0 JNA provides Java programs easy access to native shared libraries
java-mecab-0.996 MeCab java module
java-native-hyperestraier- Java native interface of Hyper Estraier
java-pure-hyperestraier- Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier
java-qdbm- Java API of QDBM
java-rxtx-2.1.7r2nb3 Java serial IO library
java-subversion-1.14.4nb3 Java bindings for Subversion
java-tokyocabinet-1.24 Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet
javacc-5.0 Java Compiler Compiler [tm]
javadeps-1.1nb1 Automatic dependency tracking for Java
javascript-mode-2.2.1nb2 Javascript major mode for Emacs
jbig2dec-0.20 JBIG2 decoder library
jbig2enc-0.29nb1 JBIG2 encoder
jbigkit-2.1nb1 JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library
jcabc2ps-20060106nb3 Music typesetting program for abc
jchkmail-1.3.1anb2 Behavior-based virus and spam milter for Sendmail
jcode-perl-2.13nb16 Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
jd-gui-1.4.0nb1 Standalone Java byte code decompiler
jday-2.4 Julian date calculator
jdbc-mysql-3.1.14 MySQL 3.1 JDBC driver
jdbc-mysql-5.0.8 MySQL 5.0 JDBC driver
jdbc-mysql-5.1.40 MySQL 5.1 JDBC driver
jde-2.3.2nb3 Full-featured Java editing mode for emacs
jdebp-redo-1.4nb1 C++ implementation of DJB's redo build tool
jdom-1.1.1 Simple API for processing XML documents in Java
jed-0.99.19 Extensible folding editor with Emacs/WordStar/EDT emulations
jemalloc-5.3.0nb1 General purpose malloc(3) implementation
jenkins-2.60.2 Open source continuous integration server (LTS release)
jenkins-2.73 Open source continuous integration server (weekly release)
jetpack-1.0nb2 Arcade action game for X Windows
jetty- Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
jetty- Jetty is a Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container
jflex-1.6.0 Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java
jftpgw-0.13.5 FTP gateway/proxy
jgenesis-0.8.2 Sega Genesis - Sega CD - SNES - Master System - Game Gear emulator
jhd-2.3 Japanese Hexadecimal Dump
jhead-3.04 Extract EXIF header from JPEG image
jicofo-2.0.8252 Server-side focus component used in Jitsi Meet conferences
jigdo-0.7.3nb74 Tool to ease downloading of large files from the Internet
jikes-1.22nb3 Java source to byte-code compiler
jimtcl-0.82nb3 Small footprint implementation of the Tcl programming language
jin-2.14.1 Graphical client for chess servers
jing-20090818 RELAX NG validator in Java
jira-cli-1.5.2 Feature-rich Interactive Jira Command Line
jisx0208fonts-200301316nb2 Meta-package including X11 BDF fonts for JIS X0208 standard and more
jisx0212fonts-0.0nb3 X11 bitmap fonts for JIS X 0212
jisx0213fonts-0.0nb2 X11 bitmap fonts for JIS X 0213
jitsi-meet-prosody-2.0.8252 Additional plug-ins for Prosody from Jitsi Meet
jitsi-srtp-1.1nb2 SRTP implementation for Jitsi
jitsi-videobridge-2.0.8252nb1 WebRTC compatible video router or SFU
jj-0.24.0 Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful
jless-0.9.0nb2 Command-line pager for JSON data
jmk-fonts-3.0nb4 Jim Knoble's font collection for X11
jo-1.9nb1 JSON output from a shell
joe-4.6nb1 Joe's own editor
john-1.9.0nb1 Unix Password Cracker
joker-1.4.0nb2 Clojure dialect and linter
jolly-0.3.0nb1 Small bookmarking launcher for desktop usage
jomolhari-ttf-0.3 TrueType font for Tibetan script
jools-0.20nb9 Bejeweled clone
joos-0.2nb1 Java Object Oriented Subset
jose-14 C implementation of JOSE
jove- Small emacs-style editor, but lacks the LISP engine
jp2a-1.0.7nb17 JPEG to ASCII converter
jpeg-9f IJG's jpeg compression utilities
jpeg-to-pdf-0.2.3 Creates pdfs from jpeg images
jpeg2ps-1.9 Convert jpeg images to PostScript level 2 or 3
jpeg_ls-2.2nb1 JPEG-LS codec (lossless/near-lossless codec)
jpeginfo-1.7.0 Generates informative listings from JPEG files
jpegoptim-1.5.5 JPEG optimizer
jpegpixi-1.1.1nb3 Low-loss JPEG interpolator to remove bad pixels
jpegquality-20070802 Print quantization tables of a JPEG file
jpilot-1.8.2nb24 Desktop organizer application for the palm pilot
jpilot-syncmal-0.80nb43 MAL synchronization plugin for J-Pilot
jpm-1.1.0 Janet Project Manager
jq-1.7.1nb1 Command-line JSON processor
jrep-1.1.0 Command-line grep-like utility written in Java
js-0.2.5nb2 JavaScript virtual machine
js2-20080406nb3 Improved JavaScript mode for GNU Emacs
jsMath-fonts-20090709nb1 Fonts for jsMath
js_of_ocaml-4.0.0nb1 Compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript
js_of_ocaml-ocamlbuild- Compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript
json-c-0.17 JSON library in C
json-glib-1.8.0 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
json-schema-1.3nb3 C++ library to validate JSON documents against JSON Schemata
json-yaml-1.2.1 Convert JSON to YAML and back
json2tsv-1.2 Convert JSON to TSV
jsoncpp-1.9.6 JSON reader and writer in C++
jsonnet-0.13.0 Domain specific configuration language
juk-23.08.4nb6 Jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
juke-0.7nb5 Simple ncurses based jukebox
juliamono-0.056 Monospaced font with reasonable Unicode support
julius-1.7.0nb3 Engine for the classic city building game Caesar III
jumpgate-0.7 TCP connection forwarder with capture and syslog support
jumpnbump-1.61nb10 Multiplayer platform game with bunnies
junicode-1.003 Free TrueType font family for medievalists
junit-4.13.2 Regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Language
jupp-3.1.41 The portable version of joe from the MirOS project
jwhois-4.0nb2 Configurable WHOIS client
jwm-2.4.6 Lightweight window manager with virtual desktops
jxrlib-1.1nb1 JPEG XR library
k3b-23.08.4nb7 DVD and CD authoring program
k6-0.52.0nb2 Modern load testing tool using Go and JavaScript
kaccessible-16.12.0nb40 Provides accessibility services like focus tracking for KDE
kactivities-4.13.3nb45 KDE Activity Manager
kactivities-stats-5.116.0nb5 Core components for the KDE's Activities
kactivities5-5.116.0nb5 Core components for the KDE's Activities
kaddressbook-23.08.4nb6 KDE contact manager
kaffe-1.1.7nb8 Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code
kaffe-x11-1.1.7nb51 Virtual machine capable of running Java(tm) code (AWT support through X11)
kafka-1.1.0 Distributed streaming platform
kahua-1.0.1nb1 Continuation-based framework to develop application service
kajaani-kombat-0.7nb13 Rampart-like multiplayer game set in space
kajongg-23.08.4nb5 Maj Jong game
kakasi-2.3.6 Kanji-Kana Simple Inverter, language filter for Japanese
kakoune-2024.05.18 Experimental modal code editor
kalarm-23.08.4nb6 Personal alarm scheduler
kalgebra-23.08.4nb7 KDE graph calculator
kali-0.52.2 Distributed implementation of Scheme
kalibrate-hackrf-20160704 LO frequency offset calibration tool (hackrf fork)
kalibrate-rtl-20131215nb1 LO frequency offset calibration tool (rtl-sdr fork)
kalker-2.2.1 CLI calculator supporting math-like syntax with user-defined variables
kallisto-0.51.1 Quantify abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data
kalzium-23.08.4nb6 Periodic table of elements
kamera-23.08.4nb6 KDE digital camera manager
kanagram-23.08.4nb6 KDE letter order game
kanatest-0.4.8nb52 Flash-card program to memorise Japanese kana
kanjidic-20061208 Japanese Kanji information
kanjidic2-20061208 Japanese Kanji information
kanjipad-2.0.0nb55 Japanese handwriting recognition
kanjistrokeorders-ttf-4.000 Japanese Kanji characters stroke order font
kannel-1.4.0nb25 Open source WAP and SMS gateway
kapidox-5.116.0 Frameworks API Documentation Tools
kapman-23.08.4nb6 Pac-Man clone
kapooka-0.2nb13 Puzzle game
kapptemplate-23.08.4nb6 KDE Template Generator
kaput-cli-2.1.1 Command-line tool for
karchive-5.116.0nb3 Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
kasumi-2.5nb40 Dictionary management tool for anthy
katbin-cli-1.3.15 CLI for katbin
kate-23.08.4nb7 KDE Advanced Text Editor
katomic-23.08.4nb6 Build complex atoms with a minimal amount of moves
kauth-5.116.0nb3 Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
kbanner-2.1 Display kanji files in large letters
kblackbox-23.08.4nb6 Find the balls hidden in the black box by shooting laser beams
kblocks-23.08.4nb6 Classic falling blocks game
kbookmarks-5.116.0nb3 Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kbounce-23.08.4nb6 Single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle
kbreakout-23.08.4nb6 Breakout-like game
kbruch-23.08.4nb5 KDE exercise fractions
kbuild-0.1.9998.8.r3127nb5 Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kcachegrind-23.08.4nb7 Visualization of Performance Profiling Data
kcalc-23.08.4nb6 KDE scientific calculator
kcalendarcore-5.116.0nb3 KDE calendar access library
kcalutils-23.08.4nb6 KDE calendar access library
kcc-2.3 Kanji code converter with auto encoding detection
kcfonts-1.05nb4 Kuo Chauo Chinese Fonts collection
kcharselect-23.08.4nb5 KDE character selector
kcmutils-5.116.0nb4 Utilities for interacting with KCModules
kcodecs-5.116.0nb3 Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
kcolorchooser-23.08.4nb5 KDE color chooser
kcolorpicker-0.3.1nb3 Qt based Color Picker with popup menu
kcompletion-5.116.0nb3 Text completion helpers and widgets
kconfig-5.116.0nb3 Configuration system
kconfigwidgets-5.116.0nb3 Widgets for KConfig
kcontacts-5.116.0nb3 Address book API for KDE
kcoreaddons-5.116.0nb3 Addons to QtCore
kcrash-5.116.0nb3 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kcron-23.08.4nb3 Configure and schedule tasks
kdav-5.116.0nb4 DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kdbusaddons-5.116.0nb3 Addons to QtDBus
kde-20240828 "meta-package" for KDE applications
kde-base-artwork-15.08.3nb43 KDE KSplash theme
kde-baseapps4-15.12.0nb48 Base modules for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
kde-dev-scripts-23.08.4nb5 Scripts useful during development of KDE software
kde-dev-utils-23.08.4nb6 Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks
kde-runtime4-15.12.0nb102 Runtime requirements for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kde-wallpapers4-15.08.3nb44 Wallpapers for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kde-workspace4-4.11.22nb62 Base workspace for the KDE 4 integrated X11 desktop
kdeartwork4-15.08.3nb49 Artwork for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdebugsettings-23.08.4nb5 Application to enable/disable qCDebug
kdeclarative-5.116.0nb4 Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kded-5.116.0nb3 Extensible deamon for providing system level services
kdeedu-data-23.08.4nb5 Common data for KDE Edu applications
kdegraphics-mobipocket-23.08.4nb6 Library to support mobipocket ebooks
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-16.04.0nb42 Graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search
kdegraphics-thumbnailers-23.08.4nb6 Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE
kdelibs4-4.14.38nb43 Support libraries for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdelibs4support-5.116.0nb4 Porting aid from KDELibs4
kdenetwork-filesharing-4.14.3nb44 Properties dialog plugin to share directory with local network
kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers-16.04.0nb39 Strigi analyzers for various network protocols
kdenlive-23.08.4nb7 KDE video editor
kdepim-runtime-23.08.4nb8 Extends the functionality of kdepim
kdeplasma-addons4-4.14.3nb56 Plasmoids
kdesdk-kioslaves-4.14.3nb65 KIO-Slaves for subversion and perldoc
kdesdk-strigi-analyzers-16.04.0nb40 Strigi analyzers for various tools
kdesdk-thumbnailers-4.14.3nb45 Plugins for the KDE thumbnailing system
kdesignerplugin-5.116.0nb5 Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
kdesu-5.116.0nb3 Integration with su for elevated privileges
kdevelop-23.08.4nb6 Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE
kdf-23.08.4nb6 Show mount points and disk usage under KDE desktop
kdiagram-2.8.0nb9 Powerful libraries for creating business diagrams
kdialog-23.08.4nb6 KDE utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdiamond-23.08.4nb6 Build lines of three similar diamonds
kdiff3-1.10.7nb7 File and directory diff and merge tool
kdnssd-5.116.0nb3 Abstraction to system DNSSD features
kdoctools-5.116.0nb3 Documentation generation from docbook
kdrill-6.5 Kanji quiz and japanese dictionary
kdsoap-1.9.1nb16 Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
kea-2.6.1 Next-generation ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server
keditbookmarks-23.08.4nb6 KDE Bookmark Organizer and Editor
keepassxc-2.7.9nb5 Password generator and manager
kegs-0.91nb12 Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X, Win32, Linux, and Unix/X11
kemoticons-5.116.0nb3 Support for emoticons and emoticons themes
kepubify-4.0.4 Fast, standalone EPUB to Kobo EPUB conversion tool
kermit-9.0.302nb14 Network and serial communication, file transfer, and scripting utility
ketm-0.0.6nb8 Old-school 2d-scrolling shooter
kew-3.0.2 Terminal music player with album art
keybinder-0.3.0nb21 Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keybinder3-0.3.2nb17 Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keychain-2.8.5 Nice ssh-agent front-end
keylaunch-1.3.9 X utility for binding commands to a hot key
keystone-0.9.2nb2 Multi-platform and multi-arch assembler framework
kf5-5.108.0 "meta-package" for the KDE Frameworks 5
kf6-attica-6.8.0 Qt5 library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API
kf6-baloo-6.8.0 Framework for searching and managing metadata
kf6-frameworkintegration-6.8.0 Provide components to allow applications to integrate with a KDE Workspace
kf6-karchive-6.8.0 Qt 6 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
kf6-kauth-6.8.0 Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
kf6-kbookmarks-6.8.0 Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kf6-kcalendarcore-6.8.0 KDE calendar access library
kf6-kcmutils-6.8.0 Utilities for interacting with KCModules
kf6-kcodecs-6.8.0 Collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings
kf6-kcolorscheme-6.8.0 Classes to read and interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kcompletion-6.8.0 Text completion helpers and widgets
kf6-kconfig-6.8.0 Configuration system
kf6-kconfigwidgets-6.8.0 Widgets for KConfig
kf6-kcontacts-6.8.0 Address book API for KDE
kf6-kcoreaddons-6.8.0 Addons to QtCore
kf6-kcrash-6.8.0 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kf6-kdav-6.8.0 DAV protocol implemention with KJobs
kf6-kdbusaddons-6.8.0 Addons to QtDBus
kf6-kdeclarative-6.8.0 Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kf6-kded-6.8.0 Extensible deamon for providing system level services
kf6-kdesu-6.8.0 Integration with su for elevated privileges
kf6-kdnssd-6.8.0 Abstraction to system DNSSD features
kf6-kdoctools-6.8.0 Documentation generation from docbook
kf6-kfilemetadata-6.8.0 Library for extracting file metadata
kf6-kglobalaccel-6.8.0 Add support for global workspace shortcuts
kf6-kguiaddons-6.8.0 Addons to QtGui
kf6-kholidays-6.8.0 KDE library for regional holiday information
kf6-ki18n-6.8.0 Advanced internationalization framework
kf6-kiconthemes-6.8.0 Support for icon themes
kf6-kidletime-6.8.0 Monitoring user activity
kf6-kimageformats-6.8.0 Image format plugins for Qt5
kf6-kio-6.8.0 Resource and network access abstraction
kf6-kirigami-6.8.0 QtQuick based components set
kf6-kitemmodels-6.8.0 Models for Qt Model/View system
kf6-kitemviews-6.8.0 Widget addons for Qt Model/View
kf6-kjobwidgets-6.8.0 Widgets for tracking KJob instances
kf6-knewstuff-6.8.0 Support for downloading application assets from the network
kf6-knotifications-6.8.0 Abstraction for system notifications
kf6-knotifyconfig-6.8.0 Configuration system for KNotify
kf6-kpackage-6.8.0 Installation and loading of additional content as packages
kf6-kparts-6.8.0 Document centric plugin system
kf6-kpeople-6.8.0 Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
kf6-kplotting-6.8.0 Lightweight plotting framework
kf6-kpty-6.8.0 Pty abstraction
kf6-kquickcharts-6.8.0 QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
kf6-krunner-6.8.0 Framework for providing different actions given a string query
kf6-kservice-6.8.0 Advanced plugin and service introspection
kf6-ksvg-6.8.0 Components for handling SVGs
kf6-ktexteditor-6.8.0 Advanced embeddable text editor
kf6-ktexttemplate-6.8.0 Separate the structure of documents from the data they contain
kf6-ktextwidgets-6.8.0 Advanced text editing widgets
kf6-kunitconversion-6.8.0 Support for unit conversion
kf6-kwallet-6.8.0 Secure and unified container for user passwords
kf6-kwidgetsaddons-6.8.0 Addons to QtWidgets
kf6-kwindowsystem-6.8.0 Access to the windowing system
kf6-kxmlgui-6.8.0 User configurable main windows
kf6-prison-6.8.0 Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes
kf6-purpose-6.8.0 Providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style-6.8.0 Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme
kf6-solid-6.8.0 Hardware integration and detection
kf6-sonnet-6.8.0 Spelling framework for Qt6
kf6-syndication-6.8.0 RSS/Atom parser library
kf6-syntax-highlighting-6.8.0 Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code
kf6-threadweaver-6.8.0 High-level multithreading framework
kfilemetadata5-5.116.0nb5 Library for extracting file metadata
kfind-23.08.4nb6 KDE Find Files/Folders
kfourinline-23.08.4nb6 Four-in-a-row game for KDE
kgamma-4.14.3nb45 KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module
kgb-bot-1.31nb12 Notify about VCS commits on IRC
kgeography-23.08.4nb5 KDE geography trainer
kget-23.08.4nb7 download manager for KDE
kglobalaccel-5.116.0nb3 Add support for global workspace shortcuts
kgoldrunner-23.08.4nb6 Action game where the hero runs through a maze
kgpg-23.08.4nb7 KDE encryption tool
kguiaddons-5.116.0nb3 Addons to QtGui
khal-0.11.3nb1 CLI calendar application built around CalDAV
khangman-23.08.4nb6 KDE hangman game
khard-0.19.1 CLI contacts application built around CardDAV
khelpcenter-23.08.4nb6 Application to show KDE Applications' documentation
kholidays-5.116.0nb3 KDE library for regional holiday information
khtml-5.116.0nb4 HTML rendering engine
ki18n-5.116.0nb3 Advanced internationalization framework
kibi-0.2.2 Text editor in less than 1024 lines of code, written in Rust
kicad-8.0.6 Schematic and PCB CAD software (stable branch)
kicad-footprints-8.0.6 Component footprints for the PCB CAD software
kicad-packages3d-8.0.6 3D models for rendering and the MCAD software
kicad-symbols-8.0.6 Schematic symbol libraries for the schematic CAD software
kicad-templates-8.0.6 Project templates for the schematic CAD software
kiconthemes-5.116.0nb3 Support for icon themes
kid3-3.9.5nb5 ID3 tagger for QT
kidentitymanagement-23.08.4nb6 Library for managing identitites
kidletime-5.116.0nb3 Monitoring user activity
kig-23.08.4nb6 KDE interactive geometry
kigo-23.08.4nb6 Open-source implementation of the popular Go game
kile-2.9.93nb35 LaTeX source editor - TeX shell - Gnuplot front end
killbots-23.08.4nb6 KDE port of the classic BSD console game robots
kilo-20160710 Small text editor in less than 1K LOC
kiloji-ttf-2.1.0nb1 JIS X 0208 Japanese script fonts made by kilo
kimageannotator-0.7.1nb3 Tool for annotating images
kimageformats-5.116.0nb4 Image format plugins for Qt5
kimagemapeditor-23.08.4nb6 HTML Image Map Editor
kimap-23.08.4nb6 Job-based API for interacting with IMAP server
kimera-2.11nb30 Kanji Input MEthod for RAgamuffins
kinit-5.116.0nb4 Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
kinput2-3.1nb4 Input server of Japanese text
kio-5.116.0nb4 Resource and network access abstraction
kio-extras-23.08.4nb9 Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
kipi-plugins-23.08.4nb7 Collection of plugins extending the KDE graphics and image applications
kirigami-addons-0.11.0nb5 Add-ons for the Kirigami framework
kirigami2-5.116.0nb3 QtQuick based components set
kiriki-23.08.4nb6 Addictive and fun dice game for KDE
kiro-editor-0.4.3 Terminal UTF-8 text editor written in Rust
kismet-2008.05.01nb58 802.11 wireless network detector, sniffer and IDS
kissfft-131.1.0 Simple mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform
kitemmodels-5.116.0nb3 Models for Qt Model/View system
kitemviews-5.116.0nb3 Widget addons for Qt Model/View
kiten-23.08.4nb6 KDE Japanese reference/learning tool
kitty-0.37.0 GPU based terminal emulator
kjobwidgets-5.116.0nb3 Widgets for tracking KJob instances
kjs-5.116.0nb3 Support for JS scripting in applications
kjsembed-5.116.0nb3 Embedded JS
kjumpingcube-23.08.4nb6 Simple tactical game for KDE
klavaro-3.13nb19 Touch Typing Tutor
klayout-0.29.10 Simple GDS and OASIS file viewer and Editor
kldap-23.08.4nb6 LDAP access API for KDE
kleopatra-23.08.4nb6 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI
klettres-23.08.4nb6 KDE app to teach the alphabet and read some syllables in languages
klh10-2.0h PDP-10 KL10B CPU model emulator
klickety-23.08.4nb6 Strategy game for KDE, an adaption of the Clickomania game
klines-23.08.4nb6 Inspired by well known game of Color Lines
kmag-23.08.4nb6 KDE screen magnifier
kmahjongg-23.08.4nb6 Tile matching game for one or two players
kmail-23.08.4nb6 KDE mail client
kmail-account-wizard-23.08.4nb6 KMail account wizard
kmailtransport-23.08.4nb6 Mail Transport Service
kmbox-23.08.4nb5 Library for accessing mail storages in MBox format
kmediaplayer-5.116.0nb4 Plugin interface for media player features
kmime-23.08.4nb5 Library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles
kmines-23.08.4nb6 KDE version of the classic minesweeper game
kmix-23.08.4nb9 KDE's soundcard mixer program
kmousetool-23.08.4nb5 KDE mouse manipulation tool
kmouth-23.08.4nb6 KDE Speech Synthesizer frontend
kmplayer-0.12.0bnb30 KDE frontend to mplayer
knavalbattle-23.08.4nb6 Network-enabled implementation of the famous ship sinking game for KDE
knc-1.7.1nb1 Kerberised NetCat
knetwalk-23.08.4nb6 Game for system administrators
knews-1.0nb17 X11 newsreader with support for threading and MIME
knewstuff-5.116.0nb4 Support for downloading application assets from the network
knightcap-3.6nb9 Chess engine with 3D OpenGL-rendered chessboard
knightcap-brain-19980616nb1 Book of losing moves for KnightCap
knock-0.8 Port knocking server
knot-3.4.2nb3 Knot (auth) DNS server
knotes-23.08.4nb6 Popup notes
knotifications-5.116.0nb5 Abstraction for system notifications
knotifyconfig-5.116.0nb6 Configuration system for KNotify
ko-baekmuk-2.1nb1 X11 fonts for KSX 1001 Korean standard (baekmuk foundry)
ko-hanyang-20010718nb2 X11 fonts for KSC 5601 standard
ko-kaist-20010718nb2 X11 fonts for Korean KSC 5601 standard (kaist foundry)
ko-mizi-20010718nb2 X11 fonts for KSC 5601 standard
ko-po-check-0.8nb7 Korean .po file checker
ko-x11fonts-20010722nb2 Korean X11 fonts
kochi-ttf-20030809nb6 Free Japanese TrueType font by Yasuyuki Furukawa
kolf-23.08.4nb6 Miniature golf game for KDE
kollision-23.08.4nb6 Simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint-23.08.4nb6 KDE paint program
kompare-23.08.4nb6 Diff/Patch Frontend
kona- Interpreter of K, an APL-like programming language
konatu-ttf-26nb1 Japanese TrueType gothic (sans-serif) fonts, Konatu fonts
konoha- Statically-typed scripting langauge
konqueror-23.08.4nb6 KDE File Manager & Web Browser
konquest-23.08.4nb6 Game of galactic conquest for KDE
konsole-23.08.4nb6 Terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment
kontact-23.08.4nb6 KDE Personal Information Manager
kontactinterface-23.08.4nb6 Kontact Plugin Interface Library
konversation-23.08.4nb6 KDE IRC Client
kopete-23.08.4nb9 Multi-protocol instant messenger client
kore-4.2.3nb9 Web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
korganizer-23.08.4nb6 Calendar and scheduling Program
koruri-ttf-20210720 Koruri Japanese TrueType fonts
koth-0.8.0nb7 The classic "shoot the other tank" artillery game, networked
kotlin-2.1.0 Statically typed programming language for Java VM
koverartist-0.7.6nb75 CD/DVD case designer
kp-0.96nb1 The Keyboard Practicer, touch-type training program
kpackage-5.116.0nb3 Installation and loading of additional content as packages
kparts-5.116.0nb4 Document centric plugin system
kpat-23.08.4nb6 Multiplicity of different solitaire games
kpathsea-6.4.0 Path searching library for TeX-related files
kpcli-3.3nb8 Command line interface to KeePass password safes
kpeople-5.116.0nb3 Provides access to all contacts and aggregates them by person
kpimtextedit-23.08.4nb6 Textedit with PIM-specific features
kplex-1.3.2 Multitransport NMEA-0183 software data multiplexer
kplotting-5.116.0nb3 Lightweight plotting framework
kpty-5.116.0nb3 Pty abstraction
kqtquickcharts-23.08.4nb5 QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts
kquickcharts-5.116.0nb3 QtQuick plugin providing high-performance charts
krb5-strength-3.3nb4 Kerberos kadmind strength checking plugin
krdc-23.08.4nb7 KDE remote desktop client
kreversi-23.08.4nb6 The old reversi board game, also known as Othello
krfb-22.08.1nb18 KDE desktop sharing
krita-5.2.2nb14 Raster graphics editor for digital painting
kronolith-2.3.6nb3 Horde calendar application
kross-5.116.0nb4 Multi-language application scripting
kruler-23.08.4nb5 KDE screen ruler
krunner-5.116.0nb4 Framework for providing different actions given a string query
krusader-2.8.1nb4 Advanced twin-panel (commander-style) file-manager for KDE Plasma
ksanecore-23.08.4nb5 SANE Library interface for KDE
kservice-5.116.0nb3 Advanced plugin and service introspection
ksh93-1.0.10 Actively developed fork of AT&T KornShell 93u+
kshisen-23.08.4nb6 Solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles
ksi-3.9.0nb2 Portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C
ksirk-23.08.4nb6 Computerized version of a well known strategy game
ksmtp-23.08.4nb6 Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server
ksnakeduel-23.08.4nb6 Simple snake duel game for KDE
kspaceduel-23.08.4nb6 Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun
ksquares-23.08.4nb6 Game of Dots and Boxes
kstars-4.14.3nb45 KDE desktop planetarium
kstart-4.2nb1 Kerberos v5 kinit daemon that uses keytabs
ksudoku-23.08.4nb6 Logic-based symbol placement puzzle
ksystemlog-23.08.4nb6 System log viewer tool
kteatime-23.08.4nb6 KDE Tea Cooker
kterm-6.2.0nb24 Multi-lingual terminal emulator for X
ktextaddons-1.3.2nb9 Various text handling addons
ktexteditor-5.116.0nb4 Advanced embeddable text editor
ktextwidgets-5.116.0nb3 Advanced text editing widgets
ktimer-23.08.4nb6 KDE countdown launcher
ktnef-23.08.4nb6 API for handling TNEF data
ktorrent-23.08.4nb6 Graphical BitTorrent client for KDE
ktouch-23.08.4nb6 KDE touch typing tutor
kttcp-20020711nb2 Kernel network throughput benchmark
ktuberling-23.08.4nb6 Kids game: make your own potato
kturtle-23.08.4nb6 KDE educational programming environment
kubectl-1.22.17nb20 Command line tool lets you control Kubernetes clusters
kubo-0.23.0nb11 IPFS implementation in Go
kubrick-23.08.4nb6 Game based on the Rubik's Cube puzzle
kunitconversion-5.116.0nb3 Support for unit conversion
kuserfeedback-1.3.0nb5 Collecting user feedback for applications via telemetry and surveys
kvantum-1.1.3nb3 SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE
kwallet-5.116.0nb4 Secure and unified container for user passwords
kwalletmanager-23.08.4nb6 KDE wallet manager
kwayland-5.116.0nb3 Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
kwidgetsaddons-5.116.0nb3 Addons to QtWidgets
kwindowsystem-5.116.0nb3 Access to the windowing system
kwordquiz-23.08.4nb6 KDE flash card trainer
kxmlgui-5.116.0nb3 User configurable main windows
kxmlrpcclient-5.116.0nb4 XML-RPC client library for KDE
kye-1.0nb56 Puzzle game
kyopon-0.5 Tool to manipulate data of Kyocera PHS handset
kyotocabinet-1.2.79 Straightforward implementation of DBM
kyua-0.13nb21 Testing framework for infrastructure software
kz_h8write-0.2.1 Flash writer for H8/3069F, mainly for KOZOS
l3afpad- Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK+ 3.x
labelnation-1.231nb2 Command-line label, business card printing program
labltk-8.06.12nb3 Tk bindings for ocaml
lacheck-1.30nb1 LaTeX checker
ladspa-1.17nb4 Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API
lager-0.1.1 C++ library for value-oriented design using unidirectional data-flow
lagrange-1.17.6 Desktop GUI client for browsing Gemini
lambd-20010719nb2 Shutdown switch monitoring daemon for Wildlab LAMB
lambdamoo-1.8.1nb2 The definitive MOO software
lambdamoo-core-990412 Generic core classes for lambdamoo
lambdamoo-doc-1.8.0p6 Documentation for lambdamoo
lame-3.100nb6 Fast, high quality MP3 encoder
lanna-io-20220607 Lanna Innovation collection of Thai fonts
lapack-3.12.0 Linear Algebra PACKage (Netlib reference implementation)
lapack64-3.12.0 Reference Linear Algebra PACKage with 64 bit indices
lapacke-3.12.0 C interface to the reference LAPACK library
lapacke64-3.12.0 C interface to the reference LAPACK with 64 bit indices
larswm-7.5.3nb1 9wm-like window manager
lasem-0.4.1nb36 Lasem is a library for rendering SVG and Mathml
lasso-2.7.0nb15 Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
lastfss-0.2 Utility to maintain ephemeral snaphots
lastpass-cli-1.6.0nb3 Command line interface to
laszip-3.4.3 Free and lossless LiDAR compression
latd-1.21 The linux-decnet project's LAT protocol suite
latex-mk-2.1nb1 Makefile fragments and scripts for managing LaTeX documents
latex2html-2016nb7 LaTeX to HTML converter
latex2rtf-2.3.10nb2 LaTeX to RTF converter
latexmk-465 Tool to completely automate generating output from LaTeX documents
latin-words-bin-1.97nb1 Latin-to-English dictionary program (Linux binary)
lato-ttf-2.015 Free Sans Serif font Lato by Lukasz Dziedzic
lavaps-2.7nb20 Lava lamp of currently running processes
lazygit-0.43.1nb1 Simple terminal UI for git commands
lbdb-0.48.1nb4 The little brother's database
lbrate-1.1nb1 Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
lbreakout-010315nb12 Breakout-style arcade game
lbreakout2-2.6.5 Breakout-style arcade game
lcab-1.0b12 Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file creator
lcc-4.1 Local ANSI C compiler for a variety of platforms
lcdftypetools-2.110 Outline font manipulation tools
lcdis-1.04 Disassembler for the Sega VMU/VMS
lcms-1.19nb5 Little Color Management System -- a color management library
lcms2-2.16 Little Color Management System - a color management library
lcov-1.13nb5 Front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov
ldapsdk-12311998nb12 LDAP C-SDK from the Mozilla project
ldapvi-1.7nb18 Interactive LDAP client
ldns-1.8.3nb1 Library for simplified DNS programming
ldpc-20060208nb1 Low Density Parity Check Codes
le-1.16.8nb2 Full screen text editor inspired by Norton Editor
leafnode-1.12.0 NNTP server for small (dialup) sites
leafpad-0.8.19nb8 Simple and light text editor using GTK+
leahfonts-20170708 Bitmap fonts by Leah Neukirchen
leahneukirchen-redo-0.3nb1 Redo build system implemented in portable C
leapsunpack-0.06 Creates libtai leapsecs.dat from compressed table
ledger-3.3.2nb7 Double-entry accounting system for command-line
ledger2beancount-2.7nb1 Script to convert ledger to beancount
ledger32-3.2.1nb4 Double-entry accounting system for command-line
lefthk-0.2.2 Hotkey daemon written in Rust
leftwm-0.5.3 Tiling window manager for adventurers
leim-20.7nb7 Libraries of Emacs Input Methods
leim-21.4nb3 Libraries of Emacs Input Methods (for emacs21)
lemon- Simple LALR(1) parser generator
lemonbar-1.5 Featherweight lemon-scented bar
lemonbar-xft-1.3nb2 Featherweight lemon-scented bar
lensfun-0.3.4nb1 Library for rectifying defects introduced by photographic equipment
lepton-1.2.1nb1 Lossless compression/decompression for JPEG images
leptonica-1.85.0 Software for image processing and image analysis applications
less-668 Pager similar to more and pg
lesstif-0.95.2nb10 API compatible clone of the OSF/Motif toolkit
lettuce-0.2.18nb6 Behaviour-driven development test tool
level9-5.1nb1 Curses port of the Level 9 text adventure interpreter
leveldb-1.23 Fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
lf-30nb15 Terminal file manager
lft-3.80 Layer four traceroute capable of tracing protocol paths
lftp-4.9.2nb15 Powerful command line file transfer client
lgeneral-1.1.1nb11 Panzer General play-a-like, uses Panzer General data files
lgeneral-data-1.1.3nb2 Panzer General data files for lgeneral
lgogdownloader-3.15nb4 Download games from GOG
lha-114.9.20211125 Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh, .lha files)
lhasa-0.4.0 Freely licensed lha archiving tool (for .lzh and .lha files)
lhs-0.1nb11 Lightweight HTTP Server, IPv6-aware and SSL-enabled
lib3ds-1.2.0nb10 3D Studio File Format Library
libAppleWM-1.4.1nb1 AppleWM library from modular
libBlocksRuntime-6.0.0 Runtime support for Apple Blocks
libFS-1.0.10 X Font Server Interface Library
libICE-1.1.2 Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X
libIDL-0.8.14nb6 CORBA Interface Definition Language parser
libLLVM-13.0.1nb4 Low Level Virtual Machine shared library
libSM-1.2.5 X Session Management Library
libVNCServer-0.9.13nb13 Easy API to write one's own vnc server
libX11-1.8.10 Base X libraries from modular Xorg X11
libXScrnSaver-1.2.4 X11 Screen Saver Library
libXau-1.0.12 Authorization Protocol for X from
libXaw-1.0.16 X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11
libXaw3d-1.6.6 X 3D Athena Widget Set
libXaw3dXft-1.6.2hnb3 FreeType and UTF-8 support for libXaw3d
libXcomposite-0.4.6 X Composite Library
libXcursor-1.2.3 Client-side cursor loading library for X
libXdamage-1.1.6 Xdamage extension (Library)
libXdmcp-1.1.5 X Display Manager Control Protocol library from
libXext-1.3.6 X Extension library
libXfixes-6.0.1 Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular
libXfont-1.5.4nb4 X font Library
libXfont2-2.0.7 X font Library (v2)
libXft-2.3.8nb1 Library for configuring and customizing font access
libXgFonts-1.0nb4 These are the UNICODE fonts for use with 9term and sam
libXi-1.8.2 X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.1.5 X PanoramiX extension library
libXmu-1.2.1 X Miscellaneous Utilities library
libXpm-3.5.17 X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11
libXpresent-1.0.1 Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension
libXrandr-1.5.4 X RandR Library from
libXrender-0.9.12 X Render Library
libXres-1.2.2 X Resource Information Extension Library
libXt-1.3.1 X Toolkit Intrinsics library
libXtst-1.2.5 X Tst Library
libXv-1.0.13 Xv Extension library
libXvMC-1.0.14 XVideo Motion Compensation Library
libXxf86dga-1.1.6 Library for the XFree86-DGA X extension
libXxf86vm-1.1.6 Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
liba52-0.7.4nb3 Free ATSC A/52 stream decoder library
libaacs-0.11.1 Advanced Access Content System specification implementation
libabw-0.1.3nb24 Library for AbiWord documents
libadwaita-1.6.1nb3 Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
libaec-1.0.6 Adaptive entropy coding library
libalac-0.0.20111026 Apple Lossless Audio Codec is an audio codec developed by Apple
libansilove-1.4.1nb3 Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
libantlr3c-3.4 ANother Tool for Language Recognition (C runtime)
libao-1.2.2 Cross-platform audio library
libao-alsa-1.2.2 Cross-platform audio library (ALSA plugin)
libao-macosx-1.2.2 Cross-platform audio library (MacOS X plugin)
libao-nas-1.2.2 Cross-platform audio library (NAS plugin)
libao-oss-1.2.2nb1 Cross-platform audio library (OSS plugin)
libao-pulse-1.2.2nb12 Cross-platform audio library (PulseAudio plugin)
libao-sun-1.2.2nb2 Cross-platform audio library (Sun audio plugin)
libaom-3.10.0nb1 Library for using AV1, video coding format
libappindicator-12.10.0nb26 Allow applications to export a menu into the panel
libarchive-3.7.7 Library to read/create different archive formats
libarena-20080221 Memory allocator API and implementation
libares-1.1.1nb1 Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libargparse-0.1.0000nb1 Argument parsing library in C++
libart-2.3.21 High-performance 2D graphics library
libasr-1.0.4nb1 Asynchronous DNS resolver library
libass-0.17.3 Portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA subtitle format
libassetml-1.2.1nb20 Library for sharing image and audio files between projects
libassuan-3.0.1 IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
libast-0.7nb14 The Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
libasyncns-0.8 C library for executing name service queries asynchronously
libatomic-13.2.0 Atomic fallback implementation for GCC
libatomic-links-1.0 Make libatomic available from a unique directory
libatomic_ops-7.8.2 Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
libaudec-0.3.4nb4 Audio decoding library
libaudiofile-0.3.6nb1 Sound library for SGI audio file
libavif-1.1.1nb1 AV1 image file format library
libayatana-indicator-0.9.4nb2 Ayatana Indicators Shared Library
libb2-0.98.1 C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libbdplus-0.2.0 Research project to implement the BD+ System Specifications
libbegemot-1.11 Base development library, contains useful routines
libbf-0.8.2b Blowfish block cipher library
libbind-6.0nb1 ISC Standard Resolver Library
libbinio-1.4 Binary I/O stream class library
libblkid-2.32.1nb1 Library to handle device identification and token extraction
libbluray-1.3.4nb8 Library for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players
libbpg-0.9.2 Better Portable Graphics image format library
libbsd-0.12.2 Compatibility library for BSD functions under other systems
libburn-1.5.2 Library to write preformatted data onto optical media
libcaca-0.99.19nb4 Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, in colour
libcanberra-0.30nb17 Desktop event sound library
libcanlock-3.3.1 Standalone RFC 8315 Netnews Cancel-Lock implementation
libcap-2.44nb2 Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
libcarddav- CardDAV library
libcares-1.34.3 Asynchronous resolver library, c-ares
libcassandra-20101010nb48 C++ interface to Cassandra
libcbor-0.11.0 Parsing and generate schema-less binary data format
libcdaudio-0.99.12nb2 Multi-platform CD player development library
libcddb-1.3.2nb1 Library to access data on a CDDB server
libcdio-2.1.0nb5 CD-ROM access library
libcdio-paranoia-2.0.1nb3 CD-ROM access library: CDDA support
libcdr-0.1.7nb17 Corel Draw file format importer library
libcec-4.0.4nb3 USB CEC Adapter communication Library
libcerf-2.4 Library providing efficient and accurate complex error functions
libchamplain012-0.12.20nb27 Map widget
libchewing-0.5.1nb10 The intelligent phonetic input method library
libclucene- Text search engine written in C++
libcmis-0.6.2 Client library for the CMIS interface
libcompizconfig-0.8.8nb76 Configuration backend for compiz
libcomprex-0.3.3nb37 Library to handle (de)compression of files
libconfig-1.7.2 Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
libcpuid-0.5.1 Small x86 CPU identification library
libcrack-2.7nb2 Password checking library
libcroco-0.6.13nb13 Toolkit to parse and manipulate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
libcsv-3.0.3 CSV library written in pure ANSI C89
libctl-3.2.2nb5 Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations
libcue-2.2.1nb1 CUE Sheet Parser Library
libcuefile-0rc475 CUE File library for the musepack decoder
libcups-2.4.11nb3 Common UNIX Printing System library
libcurl-gnutls-8.11.1 Client that groks URLs
libcurvecpr-20130806 Uses elliptic-curve cryptography to encrypt and authenticate data
libcutl-1.10.0nb7 C++ utility library
libcxx-18.1.8 C++ Standard Library
libcxxabi-18.1.8 C++ Standard Library
libcyaml-1.3.1 Schema-based YAML parsing and serialization
libdaemon-0.14nb2 C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdatrie-0.2.13 Implementation of Double-Array Trie
libdazzle-3.38.0nb17 Companion library to GObject and Gtk+
libdbh2-5.0.16 Library to create disk based Hashtables
libdbi-0.9.0 Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
libdbi-driver-mysql-0.9.0 MySQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
libdbi-driver-pgsql-0.9.0nb1 PostgreSQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
libdbi-driver-sqlite-0.9.0 SQLite driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
libdbi-driver-sqlite3-0.9.0nb21 SQLite3 driver for libdbi, a database abstraction
libdbusmenu-16.04.0 Small library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
libdbusmenu-glib-16.04.0nb1 Glib2 library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
libdbusmenu-gtk3-16.04.0nb6 GTK3+ library created by pulling some code from indicator-applet
libdbusmenu-lxqt-0.2.0 Library providing a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
libdbusmenu-qt- Dbusmenu library for Qt4
libdbusmenu-qt5- Dbusmenu library for Qt5
libdca-0.0.7 DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libde265-1.0.15 Open h.265 video codec implementation
libdecaf-1.0.2nb1 Implementation of Ed448-Goldilocks elliptic curve for cryptography
libdeflate-1.22 Optimized deflate/zlib/gzip library
libdes-4.04b Small DES (Data Encryption Standard) lib & standalone program
libdevkit-gobject-003nb20 Modular hardware abstraction layer
libdevq-0.0.2 Generic Device Query and Monitor interface
libdiscid-0.6.4 Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
libdivecomputer-0.8.0 Library for communication with dive computers
libdivsufsort-2.0.1 Lightweight suffix array construction algorithm library
libdkim-1.0.21 Portable library that signs and verifies emails
libdlna-0.2.4nb15 Reference DLNA open-source implementation
libdmtx-0.7.5 Software for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes
libdnet-1.12nb1 C interface to several low-level networking routines
libdnsres-0.1anb16 Non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names
libdockapp-0.7.3 Simple library to create dockapps for WindowMaker
libdragon-binutils-2.42 Cross binutils for libdragon
libdrg-0.0.81nb6 Library for reading and merging DRG files
libdrm-2.4.124 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libdshconfig-0.20.13 Library for parsing dsh-style configuration files
libdsk-1.3.8 Library for accessing floppy discs and disc image files
libdssialsacompat-1.0.8a Alsa compatibility library to build DSSI
libdstr-1.0 C++ library, providing Daves String Class
libduktape-2.7.0 Embeddable Javascript engine library
libdv-1.0.0nb2 DV video codec library
libdv-tools-1.0.0nb1 DV video codec library (standalone tools)
libdvbcsa-1.1.0 Free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm
libdvbpsi-0.2.2 PSI decoder and generator library for MPEG2 and DVB streams (v0.x)
libdvbpsi-1.3.3 PSI decoder and generator library for MPEG2 and DVB streams
libdvdcss-1.4.3 Simple library designed for accessing DVDs
libdvdnav-6.1.1 Library to navigate DVDs
libdvdplay-1.0.1nb4 Simple API library designed for DVD navigation
libdvdread-6.1.2 DVD access library
libdwarf-0.3.4 Tools for parsing DWARF debug information
libe-book-0.1.3nb33 Library for importing non-HTML reflowable e-book formats
libeXosip2-5.3.0nb1 The Extended Open SIP library
libebml-1.4.5 Extensible Binary Meta Language support library
libebur128-1.2.6 EBU R128 loudness standard implementation
libecap-1.0.1nb2 C++ implementation of eCAP API
libelf-0.8.13nb1 ELF object file access library
libepoll-shim-0.0.20240608 Small epoll implemented using kevent
libepoxy-1.5.10nb2 Library for OpenGL function pointer management
libepubgen-0.1.1nb9 EPUB generator library for librevenge
liberation-ttf-2.1.5nb1 TrueType fonts from RedHat
libertinus-ttf-7.040 Libertinus font family
libesmtp-1.0.6nb6 Library to manage posting of electronic mail
libestr-0.1.11 Library for some string essentials
libetm-1.09 Exception and termination manager
libetonyek-0.1.10nb17 Library for Apple Office suite files
libetpan-1.9.4nb13 Really nice mail library
libev-4.33 Full-featured and high-performance event loop
libevent-2.1.12nb2 Asynchronous event notification library
libewf-20150126nb4 Library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
libexecinfo-1.1nb1 BSD Licensed clone of backtrace facility found in GNU libc
libexif-0.6.24 EXIF file library
libexif-gtk-0.5.0nb9 EXIF file library (GTK2 interface)
libextractor-1.13nb9 Metadata extractor for various file data types
libexttextcat-3.4.6 Text categorization library
libf2c-20090201nb3 f2c Fortran support library
libfakekey-0.1 X Virtual Keyboard Library
libfastjson-0.99.8nb1 Fast json library for C
libfetch-2.40 Library to access HTTP/FTP server
libffcall-2.5 Foreign function call libraries
libffi-3.4.6 Foreign function interface
libffm-0.28nb1 Fast alpha-optimized replacement for some libm routines
libfido2-1.15.0 U2F/FIDO/FIDO2 library and tools
libfilezilla-0.47.0nb5 Library for building high-performing, platform-independent programs
libfirm-1.21.0 Provides a graph-based SSA representation of programs
libfishsound-1.0.0nb4 Provides a simple API for decoding and encoding audio data
libfixmath-0.0.0pre20220623nb1 Q16.16 format fixed point operations in C
libflash-0.4.10nb9 Open source Flash(tm) library
libflashsupport-4.2.2011 Additional Interface Support for Linux Flash Player
libfm-1.3.2nb10 File management library
libfm-extra- File management library (extra)
libfm-qt-2.1.0 Core library of PCManFM-Qt
libfolks-0.15.5nb13 Library to manage contacts
libfontenc-1.1.8 Library for handling fonts with different character set encodings
libfprint-0.7.0nb47 Fingerprint reader access library
libfpx-1.3.1nb2 Library for reading and writing FlashPix images
libfreefare-0.4.0nb1 Convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations
libfreehand-0.1.2nb25 Library for Adobe/Macromedia drawings
libftdi-0.20nb1 Userland driver library for FTDI USB chips
libftdi1-1.5nb9 Userland driver library for FTDI USB chips
libfyaml-0.7.12 Feature-complete YAML parser and emitter
libgabe-1.0nb1 Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption library
libgadu-1.12.2nb32 Library for handling the protocol of Gadu-Gadu
libgamin-0.1.10nb1 File alteration monitor
libgcroots-0.2.3 Garbage collector supporting library
libgcrypt-1.11.0nb2 GNU cryptographic library
libgda-5.2.9nb15 GNU database access library
libgda-mysql-5.2.9nb16 GNU database access library - mysql provider
libgda-postgres-5.2.9nb15 GNU database access library - postgres provider
libgdata-0.18.1nb5 Google Data API based Glib client library
libgdata-0.6.6nb43 Google Data API based Glib client library
libgdiplus-6.1nb7 Implementation of the GDI+ API
libgdm-40.0nb11 Gnome Display Manager - client library
libgee-0.20.6 Library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes
libgee0.6-0.6.8nb2 Library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes (v0.6)
libgeotiff-1.7.3nb5 Library and tools for reading and writing GeoTIFF data
libgetopt-1.4.6 Library for handling --long options
libgfshare-1.0.5 Library to implement Shamir's secret sharing scheme
libggi-2.2.2nb5 General Graphics Interface library is a flexible drawing library
libggigcp-1.0.2nb2 Color management extension for GGI
libggimisc-2.2.2nb2 Miscellaneous graphics target features for GGI
libggiwmh-0.3.2nb2 Windows Manager hints library for GGI
libggz- GGZ Gaming Zone libraries
libghttp-1.0.9nb1 GNOME http client library
libgig-4.2.0nb3 C++ library for working with sampler file formats
libgii-1.0.2nb1 General Input Interface - API for all possible input sources
libgiigic-1.0.0nb1 General Input Configurator for GGI
libgit2-1.8.4nb3 Portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods
libgksu-2.0.12nb30 Library that provides a GTK+ frontend to su and sudo
libglade-2.6.4nb54 Runtime interpreter for GLADE GUI files
libgnome-games-support-2.0.0nb2 Small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games (v2)
libgnome-games-support1-1.8.2nb5 Small library intended for internal use by GNOME Games (v1)
libgnome-keyring-3.12.0nb2 GNOME password and secret manager
libgnomekbd-3.6.0nb28 Gnome keyboard configuration library
libgnt-2.14.0nb14 GLib Ncurses Toolkit
libgpg-error-1.51 Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
libgphoto2-2.5.31nb3 Digital camera access library
libgpod-0.8.3nb19 Library for accessing iPod onboard databases, playlists, etc
libgravatar-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM library providing Gravatar support
libgroove-4.3.0nb21 Audio dispatching library
libgsf-1.14.53nb3 GNOME structured file library
libgtextutils-0.7.2 Gordon text utilities
libgtkhtml-2.6.3nb64 Lightweight HTML rendering GTK2 widget
libgtop-2.28.4nb21 Library to retrieve system information, used in GNOME2
libgweather-40.0nb27 Weather information access library
libgxps-0.2.2nb32 Library for XPS documents
libhandy-1.8.0nb11 Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
libhangul-0.1.0 Library used by Korean input methods
libharu-2.4.3 Software library for generating PDF
libhdhomerun-20140121 Client and library for Silicon Dust HD Homerun
libheif-1.19.5 HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder library
libhfs-3.2.6nb2 Library for accessing HFS (Apple Macintosh) volumes
libhid-0.2.16nb18 Abstraction layer for HID-class devices over USB/serial
libhidapi-0.14.0 Library for comunicating with bluetooth and usb hid devices
libhighlight-4.14 Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting (shared library)
libhighway-1.0.7 C++ library for SIMD
libiberty-1.0nb2 This package provides the GNU liberty library of "missing" functions
libical-3.0.18nb4 Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and format
libiconv-1.17 Character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1bnb2 ID3 tag library, part of MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder)
libidea-0.8.2b IDEA block cipher library
libident-0.32 Small library to interface to the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn-1.42 Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libidn2-2.3.7 Convert internationalized domain names to/from ASCII Encoding
libifp- General-purpose library-driver for iRiver's iFP portable players
libilbc-3.0.4nb1 The iLBC codec from the WebRTC project
libimagequant-2.18.0 Conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (2.x, C-only)
libimagequant-4.3.3 High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color
libime-1.1.5nb1 Generic inputmethod implementation library
libindicator-12.10.1nb23 GTK+3 symbols and convience functions for indicators
libinfinity-0.7.2nb7 Collaborative editing library
libinotify-0.0.20240724 Inotify emulation library for *BSDs
libint-2.0.0 Efficient computation of quantum mechanical matrix elements over Gaussian basis sets
libiptcdata-1.0.4nb4 Library to parse IPTC metadata
libiscsi-1.19.0 iscsi client library and utilities
libisoburn-1.5.2 Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems
libisofs-1.5.2 Create an ISO-9660 filesystem with extensions
libite-1.6.0 Useful functions developed by both Finit and the OpenBSD project
libixion-0.19.0nb2 General purpose formula parser & interpreter
libixp-0.4 Stand-alone client/server 9P library
libjaylink-0.3.1 Access SEGGER J-Link and compatible devices
libjit-0.1.2nb1 Just-In-Time compilation functionality
libjpeg-turbo-3.0.4 Accelerated libjpeg with SIMD instructions
libjudy-1.0.5 High-performance sparse dynamic array library
libjwt-1.17.2 JWT C library
libkactivities4-4.13.3nb41 KDE Activity Manager
libkate-0.4.1nb24 Overlay codec, originally designed for karaoke and text
libkcddb-23.08.4nb7 KDE CDDB library
libkcompactdisc-23.08.4nb5 Library for interfacing with CDs
libkdcraw-23.08.4nb5 KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper
libkdegames-23.08.4nb6 Common code and data for many KDE games
libkdepim-23.08.4nb6 Libraries for KDE PIM applications
libkeduvocdocument-23.08.4nb6 Common libraries for KDE Edu applications
libkexiv2-23.08.4nb5 KDE wrapper around exiv2
libkeyfinder-2.2.5 Musical key detection for digital audio
libkgapi-23.08.4nb6 KDE-based library to access various Google services
libkipi-23.08.4nb5 KDE image plugin interface
libkkc-0.3.5nb4 Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
libkkc-data-0.2.7nb2 Language model data for libkkc
libkleo-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM cryptographic library
libkmahjongg-23.08.4nb5 Library for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets
libkolabxml-1.1.6nb18 Kolab XML Format Schema Definitions Library
libkomparediff2-23.08.4nb6 Library to compare files and strings
libksane-23.08.4nb6 SANE Library interface for KDE
libksba-1.6.7 X.509 library
libkscreen-5.27.10nb5 KDE screen management software
libksieve-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM library for managing sieves
libksysguard-5.27.10nb6 Library to track and control the processes running in your system
libktorrent-23.08.4nb6 BitTorrent protocol implementation
libkver-0.7.2 Shared library and sysctl(1) replacement to override system version
liblangtag-0.6.7nb4 RFC 5646 language tag interface library
liblbfgs-1.10 Library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS)
liblcf-0.7.0nb8 Library to handle RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG projects
liblinear-2.47 Library for large linear classification
liblinebreak-2.1 Library for line breaking in a Unicode sequence
liblive-20141211 Set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming
liblnk-20171101 Library to handle Windows .lnk shortcuts
liblo-0.31nb1 Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation
liblogging-1.0.6 Easy to use logging library
liblognorm-2.0.6 Tool to normalize log data
liblqr-0.4.2nb2 Content-aware image resizing library
liblrdf-0.6.1nb19 Library for easy manipulation of LADSPA plugin RDF descriptions
libltc-1.3.1 Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library
libltdl-2.4.7 Generic shared library support (libltdl abstraction library)
liblxqt-2.1.0 Core utility library for all LXQt components
liblzo-1.08nb1 Portable lossless data compression library (v1)
libmaa-1.5.1 General purpose data structures and functions
libmad-0.15.1bnb3 High-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmal-0.44nb2 MAL convenience library
libmatchbox-1.9nb13 Library for matchbox window manager for computers with small displays
libmatekbd-1.26.1nb12 MATE keyboard configuration library
libmatemixer-1.26.1nb7 MATE audio mixer
libmateweather-1.26.3nb8 Weather information access library
libmatheval-1.1.11nb1 Library for evaluating mathematical expressions
libmatroska-1.7.1 Extensible open standard Audio/Video container format
libmaxminddb-1.11.0 C library for the MaxMind DB file format
libmcrypt-2.5.8 Crypto algorithms library
libmd-1.1.0 Message Digest functions from BSD systems
libmediaart-1.9.4nb4 Library for managing, extracting, and handling media art caches
libmediainfo-21.09 MediaInfoLib, support library for MediaInfo program
libmediawiki-5.37.0nb23 Mediawiki C++ interface for KDE
libmemcache-1.4.0beta9nb2 C API for memcached
libmemcached-1.0.18 C/C++ client library and tools for the memcached server
libmemmgr-1.04 Simple memory manager library
libmemphis02-0.2.3nb14 Library for OpenStreetMap
libmerkletree-20140303 Calculate and verify Merkle tree digests
libmesode-0.10.1nb1 Fork of libstrophe for use with the Profanity XMPP client
libmicro-0.4.0 Set of utilities to benchmark productivity of system calls
libmicrodns-0.2.0nb1 Minimal mDNS resolver (and announcer) cross-platform library
libmicrohttpd-1.0.1nb5 Small C library to run an HTTP server as part of another app
libmikmod- MikMod Sound Library
libmilter-8.18.1 Mail filter support library for sendmail
libmimedir-0.5.1nb1 MIME Directory Profile parser library (RFC 2425)
libmirisdr-0.1nb2 Osmocom Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR library
libmm-1.4.2nb1 Portable abstraction layer for shared memory
libmms-0.6.4 Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
libmodplug- Library for decoding mod-like music formats
libmongo-client-0.1.8nb2 Alternative C driver for MongoDB
libmowgli-2.1.3nb2 Development framework for C (like GLib)
libmp3splt-0.9.2nb1 Split mp3, ogg vorbis and FLAC without decoding
libmpack-1.0.5 Simple implementation of msgpack in C
libmpcdec-1.2.6 Portable Musepack decoder library (V7)
libmpd-11.8.17nb2 Library to access mpd (musicpd)
libmpdclient-2.20nb1 Asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD
libmpeg2-0.5.1 Library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmpeg3-1.8nb1 MPEG decoding library and tools
libmrss-0.19.2nb33 C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams
libmsn-4.2.1nb5 Library for connecting to Microsoft's MSN Messenger service
libmspack-0.10.1alpha Archiver for Microsoft format CAB, CHM, WIM, LIT, HLP, KWAJ and SZDD
libmspub-0.1.4nb32 Library for importing Microsoft Publisher content
libmtp-1.1.21 Implementation of Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
libmultigest-20150211 Multiple, concatenated digest value calculation library
libmusepack-1.0.3 Portable Musepack decoder library
libmusicbrainz5-5.1.0nb19 MusicBrainz (user-maintained community music metadatabase) library v5
libmwaw-0.3.21nb4 Import library for pre-OSX Mac text formats
libmypaint-1.6.1 Library for making brushstrokes
libmysofa-1.3.3 Reader for AES SOFA HRTF files
libnbcompat-20240805 Portable NetBSD compatibility library
libnet-1.2 C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet10-1.0.2anb3 C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet11- C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnetpgpverify-20201101 PGP and ssh signature verification library
libnfc-1.7.1nb1 Low level NFC SDK and Programmers API
libnice-0.1.22nb5 IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment standard implementation
libnids-1.24nb2 Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
libnipper-0.12.1 Performs security audits of network device configuration
libnitrokey-3.8nb3 Library to communicate with Nitrokey devices
libnjb-2.2.7 Communicating with some Creative and Dell audio players
libnjs-0.8.7nb3 NGINX JavaScript static library
libnms-0.6.0 Open Media Streaming Client Library
libnotify-0.8.3nb3 Desktop notification framework
libnova-0.15.0 Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics calculation library
libnpupnp-4.1.5nb10 C++ reimplementation of the libupnp
libntfs-2022.10.3 Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem
libntlm-1.6 Library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication
libnumbertext-1.0.11 Convert to number names from numbers
libnxml-0.18.3nb34 C library for parsing, writing and creating XML files or streams
libobjc2-2.0 Objective-C runtime library
libodfgen-0.1.7nb9 Library to generate ODF documents through libwpd and libwps
libofa-0.9.3nb36 Open Fingerprint Architecture library
libofx-0.9.15nb18 OFX (Open Financial eXchange) Library
libogg-1.3.5nb1 Ogg project codecs library
liboggz-1.1.1nb1 Inspects, edits, and validates Ogg files
liboil-0.3.17 Library of simple, CPU-optimized functions
libol-0.3.18nb2 Support library for syslog-ng
liboop-1.0nb1 Event loop management library
libopenmpt-0.7.2nb2 Library to decode tracked music files into a raw PCM audio stream
libopensmtpd-0.7nb2 Library for creating opensmtpd filters
libopenspc- Library and player for SPC sound files
libopensync-0.22nb39 Platform independent synchronization framework
libopensync-plugin-file-0.22nb37 Platform independent synchronization framework, backup to file
libopensync-plugin-syncml-0.22nb38 Platform independent synchronization framework, SyncML plugin
libopus-1.5.2 Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec library
libopusenc-0.2.1nb1 High-level API for encoding .opus files
liboqs-0.11.0 Post quantum crypto library
libosip2-5.3.0 Implementation of SIP
libotf-0.9.16nb4 Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)
libotr-4.1.1 Library for Off-The-Record encrypted messaging
libowfat-0.34nb1 Library of general purpose APIs
libp11-0.4.12 Convenience library for easy PKCS#11 implementation
libpagemaker-0.0.4nb15 Library and utilities for Adobe PageMaker files
libpano13-2.9.22 Cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools and other stitchers
libpaper-2.2.5 Paper size handling library
libpcap-1.10.5 System-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpciaccess-0.18.1 PCI access utility library from
libpe-0.81nb2 The PE library used by pev - the PE file toolkit
libpeas-1.26.0nb15 GObject-based plugins engine
libpgf-7.21.7 Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library
libpgm-5.1.118nb10 PGM reliable multicast library implementing RFC 3208
libphutil-20170609nb3 Collection of utility classes and functions for PHP
libpinyin-2.8.1 Library to deal with pinyin
libplacebo-6.338.2 GPU-accelerated image/video processing primitives and shaders
libplist-2.2.0nb9 Handle Apple Binary and XML Property Lists
libpll-0.3.2nb1 High-performance software library for phylogenetic analysis
libportlib-1.01 Portable file locking and directory reading
libpqxx-7.8.1 C++ interface to postgresql-lib
libproplist-0.10.1nb1 GNUstep/OPENSTEP property lists compatibility library
libproxy-0.5.9nb3 Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
libpsl-0.21.5 Library to handle the Public Suffix List
libpurple-2.14.13nb4 Plugin-based multi-protocol instant messaging library
libpuzzle-0.11nb24 Libpuzzle is designed to quickly find visually similar images
libpwquality-1.4.4nb1 Library for generating random passwords and quality checking
libqtxdg-4.1.0 Qt implementation of xdg specs
libquadmath-11.1.0nb1 GCC Quad-Precision Math Library
libquantum-1.0.0 Quantum computing simulation library
libquic-0.0.3nb22 Multiplexed stream transport over UDP
libquvi-0.4.1nb37 Library for quvi
libquvi-scripts-0.4.21 Scripts for libquvi
libqxp-0.0.2nb26 Library that parses the file format of QuarkXPress documents
libradius-20040827nb2 RADIUS client library
libraw-0.21.1nb1 Raw decoding/processing library
librdkafka-1.3.0nb2 Apache Kafka C/C++ library
librecad-2.2.0.rc2nb21 Free Open Source personal CAD application
libredwg-0.12.4nb9 Free library to read/write DWG files
librelp-1.2.16nb15 Reliable Event Logging Protocol core library
libreoffice- Office productivity suite from The Document Foundation
libreoffice5-bin-5.4.7 Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
libreoffice6-bin-6.2.8 Integrated office productivity suite (binary pkg)
librep-0.92.7nb2 Emacs Lisp-like runtime library, interpreter, compiler and VM
libreplaygain-0rc475 ReplayGain library for the musepack decoder
librespot-0.6.0nb4 Open Source Spotify client library
libressl-4.0.0 Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
librest07-0.7.93nb27 Library for "RESTful" web services
libretls-3.8.1 Port of libtls for OpenSSL
libretro-2048-20181229 Libretro core based on the 2048 puzzle game
libretro-beetle-ngp-20200518 Libretro core based on the Mednafen Neo Geo Pocket emulator
libretro-beetle-pce-fast-20200523 Libretro core based on the Mednafen PC Engine emulator
libretro-beetle-psx-20200610nb1 Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator
libretro-beetle-psx-hw-20200610nb1 Libretro core based on the Mednafen PlayStation emulator (OpenGL)
libretro-beetle-saturn-20200526nb1 Libretro core based on the Mednafen Sega Saturn emulator
libretro-beetle-sgx-20200520nb1 Libretro core based on the Mednafen SuperGrafx emulator
libretro-beetle-vb-20200518 Libretro core based on the Mednafen VirtualBoy emulator
libretro-beetle-wswan-20200518 Libretro core based on the Mednafen Wonderswan emulator
libretro-bluemsx-20200507nb1 Libretro core for MSX/MSX2/ColecoVision/SVI/SG-1000 emulation
libretro-bsnes-mercury-20180803 Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("balanced" profile)
libretro-bsnes-mercury-accuracy-20180803 Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("accuracy" profile)
libretro-bsnes-mercury-performance-20180803 Libretro core for SNES/Super Famicom emulation ("performance" profile)
libretro-cap32-20200508 Libretro core based on the Caprice32 Amstrad CPC emulator
libretro-core-info-1.9.0 Libretro core information
libretro-craft-20200504 Libretro core based on the 'Craft' Minecraft clone
libretro-desmume-20190426nb2 Libretro core based on the DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulator
libretro-fbneo-20230524 Libretro core based on the FinalBurn Neo arcade game emulator
libretro-fceumm-20200520 Libretro core based on the FCEUmm Famicom/NES emulator
libretro-flycast-2.4 Libretro core based on the Flycast Sega Dreamcast emulator
libretro-freeintv-20200421 Libretro core for Mattel Intellivision emulation
libretro-fuse-20200506 Libretro core based on the FUSE ZX Spectrum emulator
libretro-gambatte-20200207 Libretro core based on the Gambatte Game Boy Color emulator
libretro-gearboy-3.4.0 Libretro core based on the Gearboy Game Boy emlator
libretro-gearsystem-3.4.1 Libretro core based on the Gearsystem Master System emlator
libretro-genesis-plus-gx-20220901 Libretro core based on the Genesis Plus Sega 8/16 bit emulator
libretro-mame2010-20200525 Libretro core based on the MAME 0.139 arcade game emulator
libretro-mgba-0.10.3 Libretro core based on the mGBA emulator
libretro-nestopia-1.50 Libretro core based on the Nestopia UE emulator
libretro-np2kai-0.86.18 Libretro core based on the Neko Project II PC-9801 emulator
libretro-nxengine-20200109 Libretro core based on the NXEngine game engine for Cave Story
libretro-o2em-20200522 Libretro core for Magnavox Odyssey 2 and VideoPac emulation
libretro-parallel-n64-20200528 Libretro core based on the Parallel N64 emulator
libretro-pcsx-rearmed-20200526nb2 Libretro core based on the PCSX ReARMed emulator
libretro-picodrive-20200527nb2 Libretro core based on the Picodrive MegaDrive/MegaCD/32X emulator
libretro-ppsspp-1.7.5nb7 Libretro core based on the PPSSPP PlayStation Portable emulator
libretro-prosystem-20180812 Libretro core based on the ProSystem Atari 7800 emulator
libretro-sameboy-0.15.8 Libretro core based on the SameBoy Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator
libretro-smsplus-20200425 Libretro core based on the SMS Plus Master System / Game Gear emulator
libretro-snes9x-1.63 Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-snes9x2005-20180626 Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-snes9x2010-20200518 Libretro core based on the snes9x Super Nintendo emulator
libretro-stella-6.7 Libretro core based on the Stella Atari 2600 (VCS) emulator
libretro-vba-next-20200106 Libretro core based on the VBA Next Game Boy Advance emulator
libretro-vecx-20200517 Libretro core for Vectrex emulation
libretro-virtualjaguar-20200521 Libretro core based on the Virtual Jaguar emulator
librevenge-0.0.5nb1 Base library for writing document import filters
librfuncs-1.0.7nb1 Provides missing POSIX *_r functions
librime-1.9.0nb1 Rime input method engine
librlog-1.3.7nb1 C++ logging library
librsvg-2.40.21nb21 SVG library for GNOME (2.40.xx branch, C only)
librsvg-2.58.1nb3 SVG library for GNOME
librsync-2.3.4 Rsync-like rolling checksum library
librttopo-1.1.0 Create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies
librxspencer-3.8.4 POSIX API regexp library by Henry Spencer
libsafec-10052013 C bounds checking memory and string functions library
libsamplerate-0.2.2nb4 Sample rate converter library
libsass-3.6.6 C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler
libsbsms-2.0.2 Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis
libsecp256k1-0.1 Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
libsecret-0.20.5 GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API
libshorttext-1.1nb4 Library for short-text classification and analysis
libshout-2.4.6nb1 Connects and sends data to icecast servers
libsidplay-1.36.59nb3 Sidplay Library
libsidplay2-2.1.1nb2 Sidplay2 Library
libsidplayfp-2.5.0 SidplayFP Library
libsieve-2.3.1 Library for parsing, sorting and filtering mail
libsigc++-2.10.8nb1 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs (v2)
libsigc++3-3.6.0 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3 Signal Protocol C Library
libsigsegv-2.14 Library for handling page faults in user mode
libsixel-1.8.6nb24 DEC SIXEL graphics codec encoder/decoder and converter
libskk-1.0.5nb3 Library to deal with Japnese kana-to-kanji conversion method
libslang-1.4.9nb7 Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libslang2-2.2.4nb5 Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libslirp-4.7.0nb2 User-mode networking library
libsmf-1.3nb6 Standard MIDI File format library
libsmi-0.5.0nb1 Library to access SMI MIB information
libsndfile-1.2.2nb1 Library for reading and writing audio files
libsodium-1.0.20 Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools
libsoup-2.74.3nb8 HTTP library implementation in C (major version 2)
libsoup3-3.4.5 HTTP library implementation in C (major version 3)
libsoxr-0.1.3 SoX Resample library
libspatialite-5.1.0nb7 Library intended to extend SQLite core to support Spatial SQL
libspectre-0.2.9nb3 Small library for rendering Postscript documents
libspectrum-1.5.0nb3 ZX Spectrum emulator file format library
libspf2-1.2.11nb2 Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
libspiff-1.0.0nb1 XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF) library
libspiro- Simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves
libsrs2-1.0.18 Implementation of the Sender Rewriting Scheme for SMTP forwarding
libsscript-2.0nb1 Simple library for creating network oriented software in C
libssh-0.106 SSHv2+v1 protocol library
libssh2-1.11.1 SSH2 protocol library
libstark-20191018 Library for succinct non-interactive zero knowledge proofs
libstaroffice-0.0.7nb9 Library to import StarOffice documents
libstash-19990912 Collection of programming support routines and useful algorithms
libstatgrab-0.92.1 Provides a useful interface to system statistics
libstemmer-2.2.0nb1 Snowball compiler and the stemming algorithms
libstree-0.4.2 Suffix tree library
libstroke-0.5.1nb4 Stroke translation library
libstrophe-0.12.3 XMPP library for C
libstubborn-0.1 Library of generic stub functions
libsvm-3.24nb3 Library for Support Vector Machines
libsylph-1.1.0nb8 E-Mail client library
libsyncml-0.4.5nb19 C library implementation of the SyncML protocol
libtabe-0.2.6nb3 Library for Chinese language processing
libtai-0.60nb8 Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
libtar-1.2.20 Library for manipulating POSIX tar files
libtasn1-4.19.0 ASN.1 structure parser library
libtcd-2.2.7r2 API for reading and writing Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files
libtcpa-1.1bnb9 TCPA libraries and test programs from IBM
libtecla-1.6.3 Interactive command line editing facilities
libtelnet-0.23 RFC-complient TELNET implementation as a C library
libtermkey-0.22 Library to process keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
libthai-0.1.28 Thai language support routines
libtheora-1.1.1nb2 Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming
libtheora-docs-1.1.1nb9 Video codec for Ogg multimedia streaming (API documentation)
libtheoraplay-0.0.20210704 Simple library to make decoding of Ogg Theora videos easier
libthreadar-1.4.0 C++ library to manage threads
libthrift-0.15.0nb7 C++ bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
libthrift_c_glib-0.15.0nb3 C (Glib) bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
libticables2-1.3.3nb2 Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
libticalcs2-1.1.7nb2 Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
libticonv-1.1.3nb2 Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
libtifiles2-1.1.5nb2 Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
libtirpc-1.3.4 Port of SUNs Transport-Independent RPC library
libtlen-20041113nb2 Library to access IM system
libtomcrypt-1.18.2nb3 Tom St Denis's cryptographic library
libtool-2.4.7 Generic shared library support script
libtool-base-2.4.7nb1 Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libtool-fortran-2.4.7nb1 Generic shared library support script (the script itself, incl. Fortran)
libtool-info-2.4.7 Generic shared library support script - info pages
libtorrent-0.14.0 BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix
libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.10nb1 Feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
libtpms-0.10.0 Library for TPM (Trusted Platform Module) 1.2/2.0 emulation
libtrace-4.0.10nb17 Library for trace processing
libtree-3.1.1 Show library info in a tree form
libts-1.08 Library of simple token-scanning routines
libudev-3.2.12 Device enumeration and database of constants
libuecc-7 Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library
libunibreak-6.1 Implementation of line breaking algorithm described in Unicode 5.2.0 SA 14
libunicode-0.4nb1 Library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
libuninameslist-20240910 Library of Unicode names and annotation data
libunique-1.1.6nb41 Library for writing single instance applications (deprecated)
libunique3-3.0.2nb38 Library for writing single instance applications
libunistring-1.2 Unicode string library
libunit-1.33.0 Development kit for dynamic web application server
libunrar-7.1.1 Extract, view & test RAR archives
libunwind-18.1.8 LLVM libunwind
libupnp-1.14.19 Portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
liburing-2.6 Library for the Linux kernel io_uring interface
libusb-0.1.12nb7 USB access library (version 0)
libusb-compat-0.1.8 USB access library version 0 compatibility layer on top of version 1
libusb1-1.0.27 USB Access Library (version 1)
libutf-3.0 UTF-8 character set support library, including regular expressions
libuuid-2.32.1nb2 Generate unique identifiers for objects
libuv-1.49.2 Cross-platform asychronous I/O
libuxre-070715 POSIX compatible regular expression library
libv4l-1.24.1 Video4Linux userspace library
libva-2.22.0 Video Acceleration API
libva-utils-2.13.0 Collection of tests for VA-API
libvdpau-1.4nb1 Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
libvideogfx-1.0.3nb10 C++ library for low-level video processing
libvirt-1.2.9nb55 Virtualisation toolkit for host operating systems
libvisio-0.1.7nb27 Library and tools for parsing the visio file format
libvisual-0.4.0nb4 Abstraction library for applications and audio visualisation plugins
libvisual-bmp-0.2.0nb48 Libvisual Beep Media Player plugin
libvisual-plugins-0.4.0nb24 Plugins for libvisual
libvisual0.2-0.2.0nb1 Abstraction library for applications and audio visualisation plugins
libvisual0.2-plugins-0.2.0nb21 Plugins for libvisual
libvolume_id-0.81.1nb1 Library to provide file system type information
libvorbis-1.3.7 Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libvpx-1.14.1 On2 VP8/VP9 video codec library from Google
libvterm01-0.1.4nb2 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library
libvterm03-0.3.3 Abstract VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 emulation library
libwcalc-1.0nb2 Library for Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis
libwebp-1.4.0 WebP image format library and tools
libwebsockets-4.3.3nb1 Lightweight C library for websocket clients and servers
libwhisker2-2.5nb8 Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
libwildmidi-0.4.6 Midi processing library and a midi player using the GUS patch set
libwmf- Library for reading and converting WMF (Windows Meta Files)
libwnck-2.30.7nb10 Library to write pagers and tasklists
libwnck3-3.36.0nb12 Library to write pagers and tasklists
libwpd-0.10.3nb9 Library for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpg-0.3.3nb12 Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect Graphics images
libwps-0.4.12nb8 Library for importing Microsoft Works documents
libwww-5.4.2nb7 The W3C Reference Library
libxcb-1.17.0 X protocol C-language Binding
libxcvt-0.1.3 VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator
libxdg-basedir-1.2.0 XDG Base Directory library
libxenserver-6.2.0nb36 Citrix XenServer SDK for C
libxfce4ui-4.18.6nb4 Xfce widget library
libxfce4util-4.18.2nb4 Xfce basic library
libxkbcommon-1.7.0nb5 Library to handle keyboard descriptions
libxkbfile-1.1.3 The xkbfile Library from modular
libxklavier-5.4nb16 High-level API for the X Keyboard Extension (XKB)
libxls-1.6.2 Extract cell data from legacy Microsoft Excel files
libxlsxwriter-1.1.7 C library for creating Microsoft Excel files
libxmi-1.2 C/C++ function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics
libxml++-2.40.1nb19 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library (2.6 API)
libxml++5.0-5.0.1nb11 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library (5.0 API)
libxml-1.8.17nb4 XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project
libxml2-2.12.9nb3 XML parser library from the GNOME project
libxmlb-0.3.14 Library to help create and query binary XML blobs
libxmp-4.5.0 Player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
libxshmfence-1.3.3 Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive
libxslt-1.1.42nb3 XSLT parser library
libxspf-1.2.1nb1 XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF) library
libxtend- Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
libyaml-0.2.5 YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libyang-1.0.240 YANG data modeling language library
libyang2-2.1.128 YANG data modeling language library
libykneomgr-0.1.8nb13 Yubikey NEO C library and command-line tool
libytnef-1.9.3 Yerase's TNEF Stream Reader library
libyubikey-1.13 Yubikey library
libzdb-3.2.3nb8 Zild Database Library, a fast thread-safe connection pooling library
libzen-0.4.31 Small C++ derivate class to have a simpler life
libzip-1.11.2nb3 C library to manipulate zip archives
libzmf-0.0.2nb34 Library to parse Zoner Callisto/Draw documents
libzookeeper-3.4.12 Highly reliable distributed coordination C lib
libzrtpcpp-4.7.0nb10 ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
liferea-1.12.8nb27 Simple FeedReader clone for reading RSS/RDF feeds
lightspark-0.8.5nb25 Open source Flash player
lighttpd-1.4.76nb5 Fast, light-footprint HTTP server
likepython-0.1nb6 OMG! It's like Python, but like, you know, casual!
lilo-22.8nb11 Generic boot loader for Linux
lilv-0.24.24nb1 C library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible
lilypond-2.24.3nb1 GNU Music Typesetter
linc-1.1.1nb18 Network client/server library
lincity-1.12.1nb3 Free clone of SimCity for X11
lincity-ng-2.0nb20 Open source SimCity like game
linda-0.1.1nb12 Parallel distributed database environment
linenoise-1.0 Small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit
link-grammar-5.12.3 Syntactic parsing library
links-2.30 Lynx-like text WWW browser
links-gui-2.30nb3 Lynx-like text and graphics WWW browser
linpack-20010510nb3 Library of linear algebra Fortran routines
linpack-bench-940225 Collection of benchmarks for floating point
lintpkgsrc-2022.09.29 Sanity checks on the complete pkgsrc tree
linux-libertine-ttf-5.3.0 Free TrueType font family
linux-words-2 English word list
liquibase-3.5.5 Database Change Management
liquidwar-5.6.5 Unique multiplayer wargame
lirc-0.9.0nb5 Linux Infrared Remote Control
listres-1.0.6 List resources in widgets
lit2epub-0.2.2 Convert .lit files to valid epub
litehtml-0.9 Fast and lightweight HTML/CSS rendering engine
litmus-0.13nb17 WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite
liveice-0.20001121nb3 Source client for Icecast
ljpg-1.0 Lossless JPEG codec
lla-0.3.3 The Elegant ls Alternative
lld-18.1.8 The LLVM Linker
lldb-18.1.8nb3 Next generation, high-performance debugger
lldpd-1.0.18nb4 802.1ab (LLDP) implementation
llgal-0.13.19nb7 The llgal is an easy and fast on-line static gallery generator
llnlxdir-2.1.2nb4 Advanced graphical FTP client
llnlxftp-2.1nb4 Motif FTP client
llvm-18.1.8nb3 Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure
lmarbles-1.0.8 Atomix-like puzzle
lmbench-2.11anb13 Complete benchmark that gives a large amount of information
lmclock-1.2nb1 Hard-coded Xerox Lisp machine clock clone
lmdb-0.9.33 Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
lmdbg-1.3.0 Lightweight Modular malloc Debugger
lmms-1.2.2nb34 Cross-platform music production software
lnav-0.11.1nb11 Log file navigator, an enhanced log viewer
lnl-3.4.19nb2 L&L - Labyrinths & Legends - Fantasy RPG
lobtui-0.3 TUI for
locator-0.1 Longitudes, latitudes to HAM locator converter
lockf-1 FreeBSD's lockf
locktests-20110428 POSIX locks stress-test
loco-0.32nb10 Colorize file or standard input and print on the standard output
log2timeline-0.65nb12 Framework for automatic creation of a super timeline
log4cplus-2.0.3nb1 Logging API for C++
log4cpp-1.1.3 C++ logging library
log4cxx-0.10.0nb8 Logging framework for C++
log4shib-1.0.9 C++ library for flexible logging, modeled after Log4j
logcheck-1.1.1nb1 Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
logfinder-0.1nb9 Eliminate Unwanted Logging of Personal Data
logrider-0.2 Monitor system logs for alerts
logrot-1.7 Rotate log files in a safe and configurable manner
logrotate-3.21.0 Daemon to rotate, compress, remove and mail system log files
logsurfer-1.8 Processes logfiles and performs certain actions
logswan-2.1.14 Fast Web log analyzer using probabilistic data structures
logtime-1.2nb1 Prints date and time in a standard format
lohit-fonts-2.3.8 Free fonts for Indian languages
lok-0.2.5 Count the number of codes
lokalize-23.08.4nb6 Computer-Aided Translation System
lookup-1.4.1nb3 Electric dictionary agent for Emacs
lopster-1.2.2nb4 Yet another Gtk+ Napster clone
loudmouth-1.5.4nb3 Lightweight Jabber client library
lout-3.40nb1 Basser Lout, a TeX/troff-like formatter with PostScript/PDF output
love010-0.10.2nb19 Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 0.10)
love07-0.7.2nb8 Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 0.7)
love08-0.8.0nb9 Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 0.8)
love09-0.9.2nb19 Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 0.9)
love11-11.5nb1 Framework for making 2D games in Lua (version 11.0)
lowdown-1.0.2 Simple Markdown translator
lp_solve- Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
lpairs-1.0.5 Memory game matching pairs of cards
lpcnetfreedv-0.2 LPCNet library for use by FreeDV
lpe-1.2.6nb3 Small and efficient programmer's editor for UNIX systems
lq-sp- Modified SP package
lr-1.6 List files, recursively
lrmi-0.8nb1 Wrapper to the i386 vm86 mode
lrzip-0.631 Long Range ZIP or Lzma RZIP
lrzsz-0.12.20nb1 Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
lscpu-1.2.0nb1 The lscpu for BSD
lsd-1.1.5 The next gen ls command
lsdvd-0.17nb1 Application displaying the contents of DVDs
lsfp-0.5.0 Cross-platform alternative to ls
lsh-2.0.4nb2 SSH2 client/server
lshell-0.9.16nb6 Restrict user environment to specified commands
lsix-1.9.1 Like ls, but for images
lskat-23.08.4nb6 Lieutenant Skat card game for two players
lsof-4.91nb7 Lists information about open files
ltfs- Linear FileSystem for LTO and DAT tapes
ltfs-ltotape-0.2nb16 HPE ltotape tape backend for LTFS
ltm-1.3.0 Number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
ltris-1.0.20 SDL tetris clone
ltsa-2.2nb3 Labelled Transition System Analyser
lua-lrexlib-2.7.2nb3 Regexp libraries for Lua programming language
lua-mode-20210802nb1 Emacs major mode for editing Lua code
lua-resty-core-0.1.30 FFI-based Lua API for nginx modules
lua-resty-lrucache-0.15 Lua-land LRU cache based on the LuaJIT FFI
lua-thrift-0.15.0nb1 Lua bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
lua51-5.1.5nb3 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.1)
lua51-keybinder-0.3.0nb21 Lua bindings for the keybinder library
lua52-5.2.4nb1 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.2)
lua52-BitOp-1.0.2nb1 Lua module which adds bitwise operations on numbers
lua52-slnunicode-1.1apl1nb2 Unicode library for Lua
lua53-5.3.6 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.3)
lua53-gi-0.9.2nb2 Gobject-introspection based dynamic Lua binding
lua54-5.4.7 Lightweight, embeddable scripting language (v5.4)
lua54-LDoc-1.4.6 Lua Documentation Tool
lua54-alt-getopt-0.8.0 Lua API for getopt similar to getopt_long(3)
lua54-ansicolors-1.0.2 Simple Lua function for printing to the console in color
lua54-arc4random-1.4.1nb1 Lua wrapper for arc4random(3)
lua54-argon2-3.0.1 Lua C binding for the Argon2 password hashing algorithm
lua54-argparse-0.7.1 Feature-rich command-line argument parser for Lua
lua54-basexx-0.4.1 BaseXX encoding and decoding library for Lua
lua54-bcrypt-2.2.1nb1 Lua wrapper for the bcrypt password hashing function
lua54-binaryheap-0.4 Binary heap implementation in Lua
lua54-bit32-5.3.5 Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library
lua54-busted-2.1.1 Elegant Lua unit testing
lua54-cassowary-2.3.2 Constraint solver for Lua
lua54-check-0.23.0 Liner and static analyzer for Lua
lua54-chronos-0.2.4 High resolution monotonic timers for Lua
lua54-cjson-2.1.0nb3 Lua CJSON provides JSON support for Lua
lua54-cldr-0.3.0 Lua Unicode CLDR interface
lua54-cliargs-3.0.2 Command-line argument parsing module for Lua
lua54-cmark-0.31.1 Lua wrapper for libcmark, the CommonMark parsing and rendering library
lua54-compat53-0.10 Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1
lua54-copas-2.0.2 Dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by TCP_IP servers
lua54-cosmo-16.06.04 Lua template engine
lua54-cov-0.14.0 Simple coverage analyzer for Lua scripts
lua54-coxpcall-1.17.0 Module to encapsulate protected calls with a coroutine based loop
lua54-cqueues-20200726nb1 Stackable Continuation Queues for Lua
lua54-curl-0.3.13nb11 Full lua bindings for libcurl
lua54-cyrussasl-1.1.0nb1 Cyrus SASL library for Lua 5.1+
lua54-date-2.2 Date and Time module for Lua 5.x
lua54-dbi-0.7.2 Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua
lua54-dbi-postgresql-0.7.2 Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (postgresql backend)
lua54-dbi-postgresql-0.7.2nb1 Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (mysql backend)
lua54-dbi-sqlite3-0.7.2nb11 Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (sqlite3 backend)
lua54-dkjson-2.5 JSON module written in Lua
lua54-enum-0.1.2 Enumerated Types for Lua
lua54-epnf-0.3 Abstract Syntax Tree support library for Lua
lua54-etlua-1.3.0 Embedded templates for Lua
lua54-event-0.4.6nb1 Binding of libevent to Lua, with drop-in replacement for copas
lua54-expat-1.5.1 XML parser for LUA based on expat
lua54-fennel-1.5.1 The Fennel programming language
lua54-fifo-0.2 FIFO library for Lua
lua54-filesystem-1.8.0 File system related library for Lua
lua54-fluent-0.2.0 Lua implementation of Project Fluent
lua54-ftcsv-1.4.0 Fast csv library written in pure Lua
lua54-fun-0.1.3 Functional programming library for Lua
lua54-http-0.4 HTTP/1.0/1.1/2.0 client and server library for Lua
lua54-iconv-7 Lua bindings for POSIX iconv
lua54-inifile-1.1 Lua library for parsing and writing .ini files
lua54-inspect-3.1.3 Human-readable representation of Lua tables
lua54-lanes-3.16.0 Lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for Lua
lua54-language-server-3.8.3nb1 Language server for Lua
lua54-ldap-1.3.0nb1 Simple interface from Lua to an LDAP client
lua54-linenoise-0.9 Lua binding for linenoise
lua54-ljsyscall-0.12 LuaJIT syscall FFI for the Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD and OSX kernels
lua54-loadkit-1.1.0nb1 Allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path
lua54-lpeg-1.1.0 Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) library for Lua
lua54-lpeg-patterns-0.5 Collection of LPEG patterns
lua54-lrexlib-onig-2.7.2nb4 Oniguruma regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua54-lrexlib-pcre-2.7.2nb3 PCRE regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua54-lrexlib-posix-2.7.2nb3 POSIX regexp library for Lua (lrexlib project)
lua54-lsqlite3-0.9.6nb3 Binding for Lua to the SQLite3 database library
lua54-luassert-1.8.0 Lua Assertions Extension library
lua54-lustache-1.3.1 Logic-less mustache templates with Lua
lua54-luv- Bare libuv bindings for Lua
lua54-lyaml-6.2.8 LibYAML binding for Lua
lua54-markdown-0.33 Implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system in pure Lua
lua54-mediator-1.1.2 Mediator pattern implementation for pub-sub management
lua54-mimetypes-1.0.0nb1 MIME type database for Lua
lua54-mmdb-0.2 MaxMind Geolocation database format parser for Lua
lua54-moonscript-0.5.0 Dynamic scripting language that compiles into Lua
lua54-moses-2.1.0 Utility library for functional programming in Lua
lua54-mpack-1.0.8 Lua binding for libmpack
lua54-ossl-20220711nb1 Comprehensive OpenSSL module for Lua
lua54-penlight-1.13.1 Lua libraries for functional programming, OS path management, etc
lua54-posix-35.1 POSIX library for Lua language
lua54-psl-0.3nb1 Lua bindings to libpsl, a library that handles the Public Suffix List
lua54-rapidjson-0.7.1 JSON module for Lua, based on the very fast RapidJSON C++ library
lua54-repl-0.10 REPL library for Lua
lua54-rings-1.3.0 Library which provides a way to create new Lua states from within Lua
lua54-rocks-3.9.2 Deployment and management system for Lua modules
lua54-safer-0.2 Paranoid Lua programming
lua54-say-1.4.1 Lua string hashing library, useful for internationalization
lua54-sdl2- Pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua
lua54-sec-1.3.1nb1 Lua binding for OpenSSL library
lua54-socket-3.0rc1nb5 Network support for the Lua language
lua54-sql-mysql-2.3.2nb1 MySQL bindings for Lua
lua54-sql-postgres-2.3.2nb1 PostgreSQL bindings for Lua
lua54-sql-sqlite3-2.3.2nb15 SQLite 3.x bindings for Lua
lua54-sqlite3-0.4.1nb29 SQLite3 binding for LUA
lua54-std-_debug-1.0.1 Debug Hints Library
lua54-std-normalize-2.0.3 Normalized Lua functions
lua54-stdlib-41.2.2 Standard library for Lua programming language
lua54-stringy-0.7.0 Fast Lua string operations
lua54-system-0.2.1 Platform independent system call library for Lua
lua54-term-0.07 Lua module for manipulating a terminal
lua54-tokyocabinet-1.10nb2 Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet
lua54-tz-0.4.1 Lua library for time and date manipulation
lua54-unbound-1.0.0nb7 Binding of libunbound for the Lua language
lua54-utf8-0.1.5 UTF-8 module for Lua 5.x
lua54-vstruct-2.1.1 Binary data manipulation function
lua54-web-sanitize-1.4.0 Lua library for sanitizing untrusted HTML
lua54-xapian-1.4.27 Lua bindings for Xapian search engine
lua54-zlib-1.2 Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua
luajittex-1.18.0nb1 Extended version of pdfTeX using Lua
luakit-2.3.3nb16 Fast, small, WebKit based browser extensible with Lua
luanti-5.10.0 Open source voxel game-creation platform
luatex-1.18.0nb2 Extended version of pdfTeX using Lua
lucene++-3.0.9nb1 C++ port of Lucene text search library
lucy-1.20 Sequence Cleanup Program
lugaru-1.2nb10 Cross-platform third-person action game from Wolfire
luit-2.0.20190106 Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
lumina-calculator-1.6.0nb18 Scientific calculator from the Lumina desktop
lumina-pdf-1.6.0nb35 PDF viewer utility
luminance-hdr- GUI application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging
lunzip-1.13 Decompressor for the lzip format
lurch-purple-0.7.0nb8 XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption for libpurple
lush-1.2.1nb5 Lisp interpreter/compiler with a seamless interface to C
lutok-0.4nb3 Lightweight C++ API for Lua
luv-icon-theme- Flat but complex icon theme
lv-4.51nb2 Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
lv2-1.18.10nb8 Open standard for audio plugins, used by hundreds of plugins
lvm2-2.02.98 Linux userspace toolset for volume management facilities
lwm-1.2.4 Lightweight Window Manager
lwp-2.8 Light Weight Process style threads
lwtools-4.22 Cross-development tools for the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309
lxappearance-0.6.3nb15 GTK+ theme switcher
lxde-1.0nb1 Meta-package for the LXDE desktop environment
lxde-common-0.99.2 Default configuration settings and scripts for LXDE
lxde-icon-theme-0.5.1 LXDE icon theme
lxhotkey-0.1.1nb9 View and change global keyboard shortcuts for window manager actions
lximage-qt-2.1.0 Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktop
lxinput-0.3.5nb20 Simple graphical front end to configure keyboard and mouse
lxlauncher-0.2.5nb20 Program launcher for small screens
lxmenu-data-0.1.5nb1 LXDE menu data
lxpanel-0.10.1nb12 Lightweight X11 desktop panel from LXDE
lxqt-2.1.0nb2 Meta-package for the LXQt desktop environment
lxqt-about-2.1.0 LXQt about dialog
lxqt-admin-2.1.0 LXQt admin panel
lxqt-archiver-1.1.0 Simple and lightweight Qt file archiver
lxqt-build-tools-2.1.0 LXQt build tools
lxqt-config-2.1.0 System configuration control center
lxqt-globalkeys-2.1.0 Daemon and library for global keyboard shortcuts registration
lxqt-menu-data-2.1.0 compliant menu files for LXQt
lxqt-notificationd-2.1.1 Notification daemon and library
lxqt-openssh-askpass-2.1.0 Tool used with openssh to prompt the user for a password
lxqt-panel-2.1.3 Desktop panel
lxqt-policykit-2.1.0 Policykit authentication agent
lxqt-powermanagement-2.1.0 Daemon used for power management and auto-suspend
lxqt-qtplugin-2.1.0 LXQt platform integration plugin for Qt5
lxqt-runner-2.1.0 Launch applications quickly by typing commands
lxqt-session-2.1.0 Session manager
lxqt-sudo-2.1.0 LXQt GUI frontend for sudo
lxqt-themes-2.1.0 Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt
lxrandr-0.3.2nb12 Simple graphical front end to the xrandr extension
lxsession-0.5.5nb9 Session manager for LXDE
lxtask-0.1.10nb8 Lightweight desktop-independent task manager
lxterminal-0.4.0nb11 Desktop-independent VTE-based terminal emulator with tabs
lynis-2.6.2 Perform security health scans
lynx-2.9.2nb3 Alphanumeric display oriented World-Wide Web Client
lyx- Document processor and graphical frontend for LaTeX
lz4-1.10.0 Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
lz4json-0.0.20191229 Unpack lz4json files as generated by Firefox's bookmark backups
lzip-1.24.1 Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lziprecover-1.24 Recovery tool for lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzlib-1.14 In-memory LZMA compression and decompression library
lzma-9.18 LZMA compression utility from 7zip
lzmalib-0.0.1nb1 Thin wrapper library of LZMA
lzo-2.10 Portable lossless data compression library
lzop-1.04 Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
lzsa-1.4.1 Compression algorithm designed for 8-bit systems
m1-0.7.7 Arcade video and pinball game sound emulator (Linux binary)
m17n-db-1.8.0 The m17n database used by the m17n library
m17n-docs-1.5.5 Documents for the m17n library
m17n-im-config-0.9.0nb61 Configuration input methods of the m17n library
m17n-lib-1.8.0nb20 Multilingualization library
m1n1-20210828 Bootloader for Apple Silicon
m4-1.4.19nb1 GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
mDNSResponder-2559.1.1 Apple's mDNS responder
mDNSResponder-nss-258.14nb1 Apple's mDNS responder - NetBSD nsswitch module
mac-3.99u4b5s7 Monkey's Audio support library (for .ape files)
macchina-6.4.0 System information frontend with emphasis on performance
macfork-1.0nb1 Tool for extracting data from Macintosh resource forks
macports-legacy-support-1.2.3 Support for missing functions in legacy Mac OS X
macutil-2.0b3 Create & extract Mac archive files
mad-0.15.0bnb1 Meta-package for MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder)
mad-flute-1.7nb32 Reliable Multicast Layering
mad123-0.8.5nb45 Command-line MPEG audio player
madplay-0.15.2bnb6 High-quality MPEG audio decoder
maelstrom-sdl-3.0.6nb1 High resolution version of Asteroids (SDL version)
maeparser-1.2.4nb8 Parser for Maestro file format
magento- Feature-rich eCommerce platform
magic-7.5.188nb11 Integrated circuit layout system
magicfilter-1.2nb8 Customizable, extensible automatic printer filter
magicpoint-1.13anb38 X11 based presentation tool
magicrescue-1.1.4nb10 Recover files from a block device by scanning for magic bytes
mailagent-3.0.73nb12 Sophisticated automatic mail-processing tool
mailcommon-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM library providing support for mail applications
mailcrypt-3.5.9nb1 Emacs frontend for PGP and GPG
maildrop-3.1.6 Courier mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
mailfront-2.22nb16 Mail server network protocol front-ends
mailgraph-1.14nb10 RRDtool frontend for mail statistics
mailhops-1.4nb10 Shows the route of an Internet mail message
mailimporter-23.08.4nb6 Mail importer library
mailman-2.1.39 The GNU Mailing List Manager
mailsend-1.19 Utility to send mail via SMTP from command line
mailserv-3.29nb10 WWW interface to several types of mailing list servers
mailsort-1.26nb9 Sort mbox mail folders by date
mailsync-5.2.1nb11 Mailsync is a way of synchronizing a collection of mailboxes
mailutils-3.17nb6 Utilities, daemons, and filters for processing e-mail
mailwrapper-19990412nb4 Wrapper to support arbitrary Mail Transport Agents
maim-5.8.0nb3 Screenshot utility with improvements over scrot
mairix-0.21 Program for indexing and searching email messages
majesty-demo-20030310nb1 Fantasy kingdom simulation (demo)
majordomo-1.94.5nb28 The Majordomo mailing list manager
make_album-1.6nb16 Generate HTML albums of images
makedepend-1.0.9 Dependency generator for make
makedepf90-2.8.8 Creates Makefile dependencies for Fortran code
makeindexk-2.17nb1 General purpose hierarchical index generator
makejvf-20230917 Make Japanese VF file from Japanese TeX TFM file
makeppf-3.0 PPF (Playstation Patch File) v3.0 creation tool
makeself-2.4.0 Neat script to make self-extracting archives
maketool-0.7nb5 Graphical front end to GNU make
makeztxt-1.40 ASCII text to Palm zTXT database converter
malint-0.2 MPEG audio stream validator
malsync-2.2.0nb2 Utility to synchronize Palm Pilots to the service
mame-0.272 Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
man-pages-4.05nb1 The Linux man-pages project for Linux kernel and C library interface
man2html-3.0.1nb5 Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
manaplus- 2D MMORPG client for The Mana World, Evol Online, and similar servers
mandelbulber-1.13.1nb28 3D fractal explorer
mandoc-1.14.6nb1 Convert man pages from mdoc, man, eqn and tbl to txt, html, ps, or pdf
manedit-0.8.1nb1 UNIX Manual (man, manpage) page editor, viewer, and browser for X11
mangos-3.4.1nb30 Pure Golang implementation of nanomsg's "Scalability Protocols"
manued- Proofreading method implemented on Emacs
mapcode-2.5.5 Mapcode Library for C/C++
maplay-1.2nb1 MPEG audio player/decoder for layer I and II MPEG audio streams
mapm-4.9.5a Arbitrary Precision Math library
mapserver-8.2.2nb6 Environment for building spatially enabled Internet apps
maradns-2.0.17 Secure DNS server for *NIX systems
marathon-evil-199704 Game data for Marathon EVIL scenario, playable with Aleph One
marathon-trilogy-20230119 Bungie game data files, playable with the Aleph One engine
marble-23.08.4nb8 KDE desktop globe
marco-1.26.2nb8 Fork of GNOME Metacity
marduk-0.26enb8 Portable emulator of the NABU Personal Computer
mari0-1.6 Recreation of Super Mario Bros
mariadb-client-10.11.10 MariaDB 10.11, a free MySQL compatible database (client)
mariadb-client-10.5.27 MariaDB 10.5, a free MySQL compatible database (client)
mariadb-client-10.6.20 MariaDB 10.6, a free MySQL compatible database (client)
mariadb-client-11.4.4 MariaDB 11.4, a free MySQL compatible database (client)
mariadb-embedded-10.11.10nb3 MariaDB 10.11, a free MySQL compatible database (embedded)
mariadb-server-10.11.10 MariaDB 10.11, a free MySQL compatible database (server)
mariadb-server-10.5.27 MariaDB 10.5, a free MySQL compatible database (server)
mariadb-server-10.6.20 MariaDB 10.6, a free MySQL compatible database (server)
mariadb-server-11.4.4 MariaDB 11.4, a free MySQL compatible database (server)
marisa-0.2.6 C++ library to provide an implementation of MARISA
markdown-mode-2.4nb1 Emacs major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files
marswm-0.5.3 Modern window manager featuring dynamic tiling
matchbox-0.9.5nb2 The Matchbox window manager environment
matchbox-common-0.9.1nb14 Shared icons and configuration data for Matchbox
matchbox-desktop-0.9.1nb16 Desktop manager for Matchbox
matchbox-nest-0.3nb14 Matchbox Xnest wrapper
matchbox-panel-0.9.2nb16 Panel for Matchbox
matchbox-panel-manager-0.1nb45 Manager panel for the Matchbox desktop
matchbox-themes-extra-0.3nb1 Collection of themes for Matchbox
matchbox-wm-1.1nb11 Window manager designed for computers with small displays
mate-1.26.1nb15 Meta-package for MATE desktop environment
mate-applets-1.26.1nb16 MATE panel applets
mate-backgrounds-1.26.0nb10 Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop
mate-calc-1.26.0nb15 Calculator for MATE Desktop
mate-common-1.26.0nb9 Sample files for MATE Application development
mate-control-center-1.26.1nb12 MATE Control Center
mate-desktop-1.26.2nb7 MATE desktop library
mate-icon-theme-1.26.0nb10 Collection of icons used as the basis for MATE themes
mate-icon-theme-faenza-1.20.0nb20 Faenza and Faience icon themes for MATE desktop
mate-indicator-applet-1.26.0nb9 MATE indicator applet
mate-media-1.26.2nb8 MATE media tools for MATE Desktop
mate-menus-1.26.1nb7 Implementation of the desktop menu specification for MATE
mate-netbook-1.26.0nb9 Simple window management tool for MATE desktop
mate-notification-daemon-1.26.1nb12 Notification daemon for MATE desktop
mate-panel-1.26.6nb5 MATE panel application
mate-polkit-1.26.1nb9 MATE desktop environment Authentication Agent for PolicyKit
mate-power-manager-1.26.1nb7 Power manager for MATE
mate-screensaver-1.26.2nb12 Screen saver and locker for the MATE desktop
mate-sensors-applet-1.26.0nb9 MATE Sensors applets
mate-session-manager-1.26.1nb7 MATE session manager
mate-settings-daemon-1.26.1nb13 MATE settings daemon
mate-system-monitor-1.22.2nb27 MATE system monitor
mate-terminal-1.26.1nb7 MATE terminal emulator application
mate-themes-3.22.24nb7 Icons and themes for MATE desktop
mate-user-share-1.26.0nb9 MATE user-level file sharing
mate-utils-1.26.1nb7 Utilities for MATE Desktop
materia-gtk-theme-20200320 Material Design theme for GTK based desktop environments
mathomatic-16.0.4nb1 Small portable symbolic math program
matio-1.5.23 Matlab MAT file I/O library
matlab-mode-2.3.1nb4 Matlab mode for Emacs
matrix-synapse-1.120.2 Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
matterircd-0.28.0nb9 Minimal IRC server which integrates with Mattermost and Slack
matugen-2.4.1 Material you color generation tool
maude-2.6nb1 System for equational and rewriting logic specification/programming
mautrix-telegram-0.11.3nb3 Matrix-Telegram hybrid puppeting/relaybot bridge
mawk- AWK clone by Mike Brennan
maxima-5.44.0nb5 Computer algebra system
mb2md-3.20nb11 Converts one or more mboxes to maildirs
mbedtls-2.28.8 Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library (2.x branch)
mbedtls3-3.6.2 Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library (3.x branch)
mblaze-1.3 Set of Maildir utilities
mbmon-205nb1 Motherboard monitoring utility
mbox-importer-23.08.4nb6 Import mbox files to KMail
mbrola-3.3 Speech synthesizer
mbrolavox-en1- British English male voice for MBROLA
mbrolavox-us1- American English female voice for MBROLA
mbrolavox-us2- American English male voice for MBROLA
mbrolavox-us3- American English male voice for MBROLA
mbrowse-0.4.3nb38 Graphical SNMP MIB browser
mbuffer-20180625nb2 Tool for buffering data streams
mc-4.6.1nb29 User-friendly file manager and visual shell (old 4.6 branch)
mc-4.8.31 User-friendly file manager and visual shell
mca-calling-0.1.0 Core tools for Mosaic Chromosomal Alteration event calling
mcabber-1.1.2nb3 Small XMPP (Jabber) console client
mcalc-1.6 JavaScript based microstrip analysis/synthesis calculator
mcast-tools-20061214nb1 IPv6 multicast routing daemons and tools
mcookie-2.32.1 Tool for creating cookies for xauth(1)
mcpp-2.7.2 Portable C/C++ preprocessor
mcrypt-2.6.8nb4 Replacement to crypt(1), supports many crypto algorithms
mcsim-5.4.0nb2 Monte Carlo Simulation software
mcwm-20130209.2 Minimalist stacking X window manager based on XCB
md-whois-5.5.4nb4 Improved whois client
md4-collision-20051118 MD4 Collision generator
md4c-0.5.2 Markdown for C library and parser
md5-collision-20051118 MD5 Collision generator
mdd-20230428 Multicast file distribution tool
mdds-2.1.1nb2 Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms
mdds1.2-1.3.1nb15 Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms (1.3 branch)
mdds2.0-2.0.1nb2 Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms
mdf2iso-0.3.1 Utility to convert Alcohol 120% images to ISO-9660 format
mdfrm-1.0nb10 Print a summary of mail in a Maildir waiting to be read
mdigest-1.10 Calculates a message digest
mdp-1.0.15nb1 Command-line based markdown presentation tool
mdp-1.9a5nb1 Multicast file transfer
meanwhile-1.0.2nb7 Lotus SameTime compatible chat protocol
mecab-0.996 Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mecab-base-0.996 Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
mecab-ipadic- Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mecab-jumandic-5.1.20070304nb1 Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mecab-naistjdic-0.6.3-20100801nb1 Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
mediainfo-21.09 Utility to supply technical info about audio and video
mediatomb-0.12.1nb72 UPnP MediaServer with a web user interface
mediawiki-1.42.3nb1 Free software wiki package originally written for Wikipedia
medit-1.2.0nb36 Programming and around-programming text editor
mednafen-1.32.1 Portable multi-system emulator
mednaffe-0.9.2nb10 Graphical interface for the Mednafen multi-system emulator
megacmd-1.7.0nb3 CLI and scriptable application to access MEGA
megaglest-3.13.0nb41 3D real-time-strategy game with seven factions
megaglest-data-3.13.0 3D real-time-strategy game with seven factions (data files)
megatools- Command line client for
meld-3.22.2nb9 Visual diff and merge tool
meli-0.8.10 Terminal mail client
mell-1.0.0nb3 M Emacs Lisp Library
melonds-0.8.3nb20 Nintendo DS emulator, sorta
memcached-1.6.31 High-performance distributed memory object caching system
memo-0.6nb1 A simple memo tool written in bash
memtester-4.7.0 Utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults
memtestplus-5.01nb6 Thorough, stand alone memory test for x86 arch
mencoder-1.5nb4 Simple movie encoder for MPlayer-playable movies
mencvcd-1.5 Script for converting movie files into (S)VCD format
mendexk-3.6nb2 Replacement for makeindex with many enhancements
menhir-20220210 LR(1) parser generator in OCaml
menu-cache-1.1.0nb2 Cache for menu spec
mercurial-6.9 Fast, lightweight source control management system (meta package)
mercury-14.01.1nb14 Modern logic/functional programming language
merkaartor-0.20.0nb6 OpenStreetMap mapping program
merkletree-20140304 Library and utility to calculate merkle trees
meschach-1.2bnb1 Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations
meson-1.6.0nb1 Open source build system meant to be fast and user friendly
meson-tools-0.1nb1 Firmware packaging tools for Amlogic Meson ARM SoCs
mess822-0.58nb8 Library for parsing Internet mail messages
messagelib-23.08.4nb6 KDE PIM messaging library
mesure-0.5nb3 Tool to measure different kind of streams
metabase-0.50.22 Business intelligence and analytics web application
metacam-1.2nb1 Digital camera image meta-information reader
metakit-lib- Embedded database library
metamail-2.7nb12 Implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
metauml-0.2.5nb1 MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
metis-4.0.3 Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system
metslib-0.5.3 metaheuristic modeling framework for tabu search
mew-6.9nb1 Messaging in the Emacs World
mex-wcalc-1.0nb2 Matlab Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
mflteco-19920331nb1 MFL clone of Tape Editor and COrrector
mftrace-1.2.19nb3 Scalable Fonts for MetaFont
mg-20240709 Small, fast, public domain EMACS style editor
mg2a-1.11nb2 Small, fast, public domain EMACS style editor
mgba-0.10.3nb3 Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (CLI version)
mgba-qt-0.10.3nb3 Emulator for running Game Boy Advance games (GUI version)
mgdiff-1.0.1nb1 Graphical front end to Unix diff
mgetty-1.1.37nb21 Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
mgl-0.2.0anb13 Graphics library for NEC Mobilegear/PocketBSD, NetBSD/hpcmips
mglfonts-0.1 MGL2 fonts and font tools
mgm-1.1nb12 Moaning Goat Meter
mhash-0.9.9nb14 Hash algorithms library
mhonarc-2.6.19nb9 Mailbox to HTML converter, suitable for list archives
mhpgp-20070530 MH scripts to assist PGP operations on emails
mic-paren-3.13nb1 Advanced highlighting of parenthesis
micro-2.0.13nb7 Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
micro_httpd-20140814 Really small HTTP server than runs from inetd(8)
micropython-1.9.2nb6 Embedded version of python 3
microsynteny-tools- Tools for exploring microsyntenic differences among species
midish-1.3.3 Open-source MIDI sequencer/filter
midori-9.0nb38 Lightweight web browser using WebKit
migemo-elisp-0.40nb8 Elisp for migemo
mightymike-3.0.2nb2 Pangea Software's Mighty Mike (Power Pete) for modern systems
migu-ttf-20150712 Fonts generated from M+ and IPA Gothic (Universal Design)
mikmod-3.2.8 MOD player for UNI IT XM S3M MOD MTM STM DSM MED FAR ULT 669 files
milkytracker-1.04.00nb2 Music tracker inspired by Fast Tracker 2
miller-6.9.0nb12 Command-line CSV processor
milou-5.27.10nb6 Dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
milter-greylist-4.6.4nb9 Easy-to-use greylist milter for Sendmail and Postfix
milter-manager-2.2.7 Milter to use milters effectively
milter-regex-1.7nb2 Milter enabling regular expression filtering
mimalloc-2.0.9 General-purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics
mime-construct-1.11nb3 Constructs and emails MIME messages
mime-types-9 Database of common mappings of file extensions to MIME types
mimedefang-3.4.1nb2 To inspect/modify e-mail as it passes through your mail relay
mimetex-1.72 CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image
mimir-2.14.2 Horizontally scalable long-term storage for Prometheus
mimms-3.2.1nb5 MMS (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
mimp-1.1.4nb2 Internet Messaging Program for mobile devices
minami-1.0.2nb11 Text adventure
mined-2022.27nb1 Unicode text editor
ming-0.4.8nb9 SWF output library
mingw-3.3.1nb1 GCC tools for win32 cross-development
mingw-binutils-2.18nb3 GNU binutils for win32 cross-development
mingw-gcc-3.4.5nb3 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development
mingw-runtime-bin-3.14nb1 GCC runtime libraries for win32 cross-development
mingw-w32api-bin-3.11nb1 GCC libraries for win32 cross-development
mingw-w64-12.0.0 Cross toolchains for win32 and win64 cross-development
mingw-w64-i686-binutils-2.43 GNU binutils for win32 cross-development
mingw-w64-i686-crt-msvcrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 C runtime for win32 cross-development (msvcrt)
mingw-w64-i686-crt-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 C runtime for win32 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-i686-gcc-bootstrap-msvcrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development (for bootstrap; msvcrt)
mingw-w64-i686-gcc-bootstrap-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development (for bootstrap; ucrt)
mingw-w64-i686-gcc-msvcrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development
mingw-w64-i686-gcc-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development
mingw-w64-i686-gcc-winpthreads-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win32 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-i686-headers-msvcrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 headers for win32 cross-development (msvcrt)
mingw-w64-i686-headers-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 headers for win32 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-i686-winpthreads-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 winpthreads library for win32 cross-development (
mingw-w64-x86_64-binutils-2.43 GNU binutils for win64 cross-development
mingw-w64-x86_64-crt-msvcrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 C runtime for win64 cross-development
mingw-w64-x86_64-crt-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 C runtime for win64 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-bootstrap-msvcrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win64 cross-development (for bootstrap; msvcrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-bootstrap-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win64 cross-development (for bootstrap; ucrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-msvcrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win64 cross-development (msvcrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win64 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-winpthreads-ucrt-14.2.0 GNU C Compiler for win64 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-headers-msvcrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 headers for win64 cross-development (msvcrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-headers-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 headers for win64 cross-development (ucrt)
mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads-ucrt-12.0.0 Mingw-w64 winpthreads library for win64 cross-development (ucrt)
miniSAPserver-0.2.4 Mini SAP server from the VideoLan project
mini_httpd-1.30nb2 Small, forking webserver with IPv6 and SSL support
mini_sendmail-1.3.6nb2 Accept email on behalf of the real sendmail without spooling
miniasm-0.3 OLC-based de novo assembler for long reads
minicom-2.7.1 MS-DOS Telix serial communication program "workalike"
minidlna-1.3.0nb14 DLNA server
miniircd-2.0nb4 Simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server written in Python
minikube-1.33.1nb3 Local kubernetes cluster
minimalist- Minimalistic Mailing Lists Manager
minimap2-2.28nb1 Sequence alignment program for noisy, long reads
minimodem-0.24nb4 General-purpose software audio FSK modem
minimp3-20210120 Minimalistic MP3 decoder single header library
minipro-0.7nb1 Control the MiniPRO TL866xx / Xgecu family of chip programmers
minisat-2.2.0 Minimalistic yet highly efficient SAT solver
minischeme-0.85 Very tiny scheme interpreter
minisign-0.11 Dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures
minitube-3.9.3nb12 YouTube desktop application
miniupnpc-2.2.4 Client and library for UPnP IGD services
miniupnpd-2.1 UPnP IGD service with NAT-PMP support
minivmac-36.04nb1 Miniature Macintosh emulator
minizip-1.3.1 Zip file manipulation library from the zlib distribution
minizip-ng-4.0.7 Zip manipulation library written in C
minpack-20001130nb2 FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations
miredo-1.2.6nb1 Teredo IPv6 tunneling
mirmake-20141220 Portable version of MirBSD make(1) and associated tools
mirmon-2.11nb5 Monitor the state of mirror servers
mirror-2.9nb15 Mirror packages on remote sites
mirrordir-0.10.49nb2 Directory mirroring tool
mirrormagic-3.3.1nb2 Nice little puzzle game with color graphics and sound
miruo-0.9.6b Pretty-print TCP session monitor/analyzer
misaki-fonts-1.0.20120603nb1 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
mise-2024.12.12 Polyglot tool version manager like asdf
mit-krb5-1.21.3nb1 MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system
mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3nb6 MIT Kerberos 5 authentication system applications
mit-scheme-bin-7.7.1 MIT/GNU Scheme (Linux binary)
mitmproxy-10.2.4 Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy Another mixer intended for the windowmaker dockapp
mixxx-2.3.1nb37 DJ mixing application
mjpegtools-2.1.0nb1 Programs for compressing video streams
mk-configure-0.40.0 Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools
mkcdtoc-1.0nb10 Script to create .toc files for cdrdao
mkcmd-8.14nb3 Command-line parser and manual page generator
mkcomposecache-1.2.2 Used for creating global (system-wide) Compose cache files
mkcue-2.1nb1 Generates a CUE sheet from a CD
mkfontalias-20000521nb11 Creates a fonts.alias from the fonts.dir for TrueType fonts
mkfontscale-1.2.3 X11 Scalable Font Index Generator
mklivecd-0.17 Make your own NetBSD/x86 Live CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
mkmemstick-20111206 Create a memory stick image from NetBSD Installation CDs
mknmz-wwwoffle-0.7.2nb6 Full text indexing and searching system for wwwoffle's cache directory
mksandbox-1.11 Tool for creating sandboxes
mksh-59bnb4 MirBSD Korn Shell
mkspiffs-0.2.3 Tool to build and unpack SPIFFS images
mksunbootcd-1.0nb1 Combines filesystems for Sun computers to make bootable CD-ROM images
mktemp-1.7 Small program for safe temporary file and directory creation
mktexlsr-2020 Create or rebuild ls-R
mktool-1.4.1 High performance alternatives for pkgsrc/mk
mktools-20220614 Collection of pkgsrc mk infrastructure tools
mkvserver_mk2- Streaming solution to end all streaming problems
mkvtoolnix-88.0nb3 Set of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mle-1.7.2 Termbox-based text editor
mlir-18.1.8 Multi-Level Intermediate Representation
mlmmj-1.3.0nb1 Mailing list management made joyful
mlog-0.1 Merge log files by timestamp
mlt-7.18.0nb15 Open source multimedia framework
mlterm-3.9.3nb18 Multilingual terminal emulator
mlvwm-0.9.4 Macintosh Like Virtual Window Manager
mm- UNIX reimplementation of the TOPS-20 MM program
mm-common-1.0.6 Provides build infrastructure utilities for GNOME C++ libraries
mmail-0.52 Offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX
mminstance-1.20 Utility programs for creating instances of multiple master fonts
mmix-20060918nb1 Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture
mmutils-1.4.1 Set of utilities to easily get xrandr monitor information
mmv-1.0b Move, copy, append or link multiple files using wildcard patterns
mng-2.0.3 Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
mob-5.3.3 Swift git handover during remote mob programming
moc-2.5.2nb30 Curses based console audio player
moccasin-0.1.3 TUI feed reader for RSS, Atom and (aspirationally) Podcasts
modcap-0.0.5nb1 Command line utility to modify pcap capture files
modeline-20060729nb1 Calculates XF86 Modelines to configure your monitor for X11R6
modemd-19970221nb2 Replacement getty for dialup ttys and a modem server
modular-xorg-1.12.4nb1 Modular Xorg meta-package
modular-xorg-apps- Modular Xorg application meta-package
modular-xorg-drivers-1.19.0nb9 Modular Xorg driver meta-package
modular-xorg-fonts-1.1 Modular Xorg font meta-package
modular-xorg-libs-1.12nb3 Modular Xorg library meta-package
modular-xorg-protos-1.7 Modular Xorg application meta-package for prototypes
modular-xorg-server-21.1.14 Modular X11 server from modular
modular-xorg-utils-1.0 Modular Xorg application meta-package for Xorg development utilities
modular-xorg-xephyr-21.1.14 Xephyr server based on kdrive from modular
modular-xorg-xquartz- X11 server for Mac OS X
modular-xorg-xwayland-23.1.1nb1 Server for running X clients under Wayland from modular
moe-1.14 Modeless, user-friendly console text editor
mojoshader-0.0.20220415nb5 Library to move calls to Direct3D shaders to OpenGL
moka-icon-theme-5.4.0nb1 Simple and bright icon theme
mold-2.31.0 High performance drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers
molsketch-0.8.1nb6 Program for drawing molecular structures
molybdenum-0.1.10 Recursive search and replace CLI application
mona-sans-ttf-1.0 Mona Sans font from GitHub
monafonts-2.90nb12 Japanese fonts for "Mona" seen at
monafonts-ttf-2.90nb1 Japanese TrueType fonts for "Mona" seen at
mongo-c-driver-1.26.0nb4 MongoDB client library written in C
mongo-tools-100.7.5nb14 MongoDB CLI tools
mongodb-3.4.24nb23 NoSQL distributed document-oriented database
mongodb-4.4.29nb4 NoSQL distributed document-oriented database
mongodb-6.0.13nb6 NoSQL distributed document-oriented database
monit-5.33.0nb2 Monitors processes, files, directories and devices
monitoring-0.9.5nb5 API with DSL feel to write monitoring daemons in Python
mono- Open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework
mono-basic-4.7nb10 Visual Basic .NET support for mono
mono-nat-1.0.2nb35 C# library for uPnP management
mono-xsp-4.7.1nb10 Standalone web server written in C#
monocypher-3.1.1nb1 Easy to use, deploy and auditable crypto library
monoid-0.61 Programming font with monospaced ligatures
monolith-2.8.3 CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file
monotone-1.1nb37 Free distributed version control system
monotone-server-1.0nb1 Simplifies the configuration of a dedicated Monotone server
monotorrent-0.72nb35 Open source bittorrent library
monsterz-0.8 Puzzle game similar to the famous Bejeweled or Zookeeper
montserrat-9.000 Geometric sans-serif typeface font by Julieta Ulanovsky
moodbar-1.2nb4 Audio timeline visualization
moodle-4.4.2 Course management system based on social constructionism
moon-buggy-1.0.51nb1 Game on the Moon
moonlight-qt-4.3.1nb15 GameStream client
mopac-22.0.6nb1 Semi-empirical (MNDO, etc.) molecular orbital calculation
mopher-0.5.3nb2 Versatile mail filter
moreutils-0.69 Additional Unix utilities
moria-5.5.2nb7 Rogue-like game with a different sense of scale than Rogue
moscow_ml-2.10.1 Moscow ML, a version of Standard ML
mosh-1.4.0nb5 Remote terminal application which allows roaming
mosquitto-2.0.20 Open Source MQTT broker
most-5.1.0 Pager (like less) which has support for windows and binary files
mothanna-ttf-0.02nb1 Mothanna is a sans-serif like Arabic OpenType font
motif-2.3.8nb3 LGPLed Motif toolkit for the X Window System
motoya-fonts-20150923 Motoya L Cider W3 and L Mulberry W3 fonts
motyl-1.0.3nb1 Opinionated blog-aware static site generator
mouse-pppoe-20000912nb1 PPP over Ethernet program by der Mouse
mousetar-20021217nb1 Version of tar program from der Mouse
mousetweaks-3.32.0nb14 Mouse accessibility software
movit-1.6.3nb10 High-performance, high-quality video filters for the GPU
mozc-elisp-2.26.4282.100nb35 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-elisp-2.29.5268.102nb5 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-renderer-2.26.4282.100nb33 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-renderer-2.29.5268.102nb5 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-server-2.26.4282.100nb34 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-server-2.29.5268.102nb6 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-tool-2.26.4282.100nb33 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozc-tool-2.29.5268.102nb5 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
mozilla-fonts-1.0nb4 Optimized fonts for Netscape/Mozilla
mozilla-rootcerts-1.1.20241118 Root CA certificates from the Mozilla Project
mozilla-rootcerts-openssl-2.18 Wedge for installing and managing mozilla-rootcerts
mozjs128-128.1.0nb3 SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (128.x branch)
mozjs78-78.15.0nb12 SpiderMonkey JavaScript library (78.x branch)
mozo-1.26.2nb10 Menu editor for MATE
mp-3.7.1nb4 PostScript pretty printer
mp32ogg-0.11nb15 Convert MP3 files to Ogg Vorbis files
mp3_check-1.98 File checker for mp3 files
mp3asm- MPEG 1/2/2.5 audio layer 1,2,3 frame level editor
mp3blaster-3.2.6nb1 MP3 console curses-based player
mp3check-0.8.7 Check MP3 files for consistency
mp3cut-1.13nb14 Tools to concatenate and split MP3 files
mp3diags-unstable-1.5.01nb33 MP3 diagnosis tool and tag editor
mp3gain-1.6.2 Loudness normalizer for MP3 files
mp3info-0.2.16 MP3 header and tag information tool
mp3splt-2.6.2 Command line utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files
mp3splt-gtk-0.9.2nb18 Utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files
mp3to-1.0.1nb1 Convert MP3 files to various other audio formats
mp3val-0.1.8 Checker for mp3
mp3wrap-0.5 Tool to wrap mp3 files into a large one
mp4tools-3.8nb14 Join and split MP4 files
mp4v2-5.0.1 Library for reading and modifying mp4 files
mpac-0.2.2nb2 Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator
mpack-1.6nb4 External MIME packer/unpacker
mpage-2.5.7nb1 Print multiple pages per sheet of paper
mpc-0.35 Command-line client for musicpd
mpcomplex-1.3.1 Multiprecision complex arithmetic library
mpd-1.0.1nb7 The MPD language compiler and run time system
mpdas-0.4.5nb10 AudioScrobbler client for MPD written in C++
mpeg-1.3.1nb1 Library for decoding MPEG movies
mpeg2codec-1.2nb1 MPEG Software Simulation Group's MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
mpeg_encode-1.5bnb6 The Parallel Berkeley MPEG Encoder
mpeg_play-2.4patchednb2 Program to play mpeg movies on X displays
mpegaudio-3.9 MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 encoder/decoder package
mpfi-1.5.4 Multiprecision interval arithmetic library
mpfr-4.2.1 GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123-1.32.9 MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player
mpg123-jack-1.32.9 Contains the jack module for mpg123
mpg123-nas-1.32.9 Contains the nas module for mpg123
mpg123-pulse-1.32.9 Contains the pulse module for mpg123
mpg321-0.3.2nb2 Free replacement for mpg123
mpgtx-1.3.1nb1 Split and join MPEG files in various ways
mph-1.2 Minimal perfect hashing functionality
mpich-3.4.3 Open source MPI, MPI-2, and MPI-3 implementation from Univ. of Chicago
mping-2.01 Mping network statistics collector
mplayer-1.5nb4 Fast, cross-platform movie player
mplayer-fonts-20030714nb1 Fonts for mplayer and gmplayer
mplayer-share-1.5nb19 Documentation used by mplayer and gmplayer
mplayerthumbs-16.04.0nb40 thumbnail generator for all KDE file managers
mpop-1.4.18nb8 Small, fast and portable POP3 client
mppenc-1.16 Musepack encoder
mpqc-2.3.1nb12 The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry Program
mprime-bin-24.14 Mersenne prime tester (binary)
mpv-0.39.0nb3 Video player based on MPlayer and mplayer2
mrrescue-1.02e Arcade-style fire fighting game
mrstat-1.21 Track load and number of users on specified hosts
mrsync-20090219 Multicast data replication and synchronisation tool
mrtg-2.17.7nb13 The Multi-Router Traffic Grapher
mrxvt-0.5.4nb17 Multi-tabbed terminal emulator with Xft support
ms-ttf-20020306nb6 TrueType fonts from Microsoft
mscgen-0.20nb18 Tool for drawing call sequence graphs
mscompress-0.3 Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
msdl-1.2.7r2 Media stream downloader
mserv-0.35nb25 Local centralised music server environment
mserv-0.39anb14 Local centralised music server environment
mserv-php-0.90nb4 Quick web interface to mserv audio jukebox
msgpack-6.1.0nb1 Binary-based efficient object serialization library
msmtp-1.8.23nb8 SMTP plugin for MUAs
mstream-1.3nb10 Mserv player package to queue tracks to IceS
msu-1.09 Mini passwordless su
msudir-0.15 Easy setuid script management
msynctool-0.22nb37 Command line tool for opensync framework
mt-daapd- Server for DAAP (iTunes)
mtail-1.1.1nb8 Small tail workalike that performs output coloring
mtftpd-20080229 Open-loop multicast TFTP server
mtl- Matrix Template Library
mtm-1.2.1 The Micro Terminal Multiplexer
mtools-4.0.43 FAT (MS-DOS, Atari) disk access tools
mtoolsfm-1.9.3nb6 Easy MS-DOS disk access without learning MS-DOS commands
mtr-0.95nb8 Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mtree-20130908 Utility for mapping and checking directory hierarchies
mtscan-20050129nb2 Magtape scanner - reports record and file-mark structure
mtx-1.3.12nb1 Control SCSI media changer devices
mu-1.12.7nb3 E-mail searching and indexing tools
mujs-1.3.4 Lightweight embedded JavaScript interpreter
multigest-20150211 Library and utility to calculate multiple message digests
multimarkdown-6.5.2nb13 MultiMarkdown (MMD) v6 written in C
multiskkserv-20100128nb1 Simple skk multi-dictionary server
multisync-gui-0.91.0nb78 GUI for libopensync
multitail-4.0.6nb5 View one or multiple files
mumble-1.4.287nb8 Low latency VOIP software
mummer-3.20nb10 System for aligning whole genome sequences
munge-0.5.16 Authentication service for creating and validating credentials
munin-common-2.0.69nb4 Common components between a munin node and master
munin-master-2.0.69nb3 System monitoring tool, master version
munin-node-2.0.69nb3 System monitoring tool, client version
muparser- Parser for mathematical expressions
mupdf-1.24.10nb3 Lightweight PDF, XPS and E-book viewer and toolkit
musca-0.9.24nb2 Simple dynamic window manager for X
muse-0.9nb55 Multiple Streaming Engine
musepack-0rc475nb1 MPEG-Plus and MusePack decoder (V8)
musescore-3.6.2nb27 Music notation and composition software
mush-7.2.6.b4.pl1nb6 Text-based mail client
musicpd-0.23.15nb12 Remote controllable audio player
mustach-1.2.9 C implementation of mustache templating
mutt-2.2.13nb6 Text-based MIME mail client with PGP & S/MIME support
mutt-vid-1.1 Manage multiple sender accounts in mutt
mutter-40.2nb11 GNOME window manager
mxml-2.10 Small XML parsing library
mxterm-129nb4 Motif XTerm
mycorrhiza-1.14.0nb13 Filesystem and git-based wiki engine
mydns-mysql-1.1.0nb14 MySQL-based DNS server
mydns-pgsql-1.1.0nb19 PostgreSQL-based DNS server
mygui- Cross-platform library for creating GUIs for games and 3D programs
myodbc-8.0.31 ODBC driver (server side) for MySQL
mypaint-2.0.0nb22 Fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters
mypaint-brushes-2.0.2nb1 Default MyPaint brushes
mypaint-brushes1-1.3.1 Default MyPaint brushes (v1)
myrepos-1.20180726nb5 Treat multiple repositories as one combined repository
mysql-client-8.0.39nb3 MySQL 8, a free SQL database (client)
mysql-cluster-7.5.25nb8 MySQL Cluster 7.5, a free SQL clustered database
mysql-cluster-8.0.39nb4 MySQL Cluster 8.0, a free SQL clustered database
mysql-connector-c++-8.0.25 Standardized MySQL database driver for C++ development
mysql-server-8.0.39nb4 MySQL 8, a free SQL database (server)
mysqld_exporter-0.15.1nb8 MySQL metric exporter for Prometheus
mysqltuner-1.7.2nb5 Perl script that assists in MySQL configuration
mythes-1.2.4nb3 Simple thesaurus library
mytop-1.6nb16 Console-based tool for monitoring the threads and performance of MySQL
nabi-0.99.9nb35 X Input Method for Korean
nabud-1.3.3 Server for the NABU Personal Computer
nacl-20110221nb3 Secure, usable, fast networking and cryptography library
naev-0.11.5nb3 2D space trading and combat game
nagi-20021114nb6 Clone of Sierra's AGI
nagios-4.0.8nb1 Meta package for Nagios
nagios-base-4.4.10nb9 Network monitor
nagios-nrpe-4.1.0nb1 Nagios remote program execution daemon
nagios-nsca-2.9.1nb10 Remote/passive network service for nagios
nagios-plugin-apachecerts-0.7 Apache certificate expiration monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dnsmaster-0.1 Domain NS record monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dnsrbl-0.4 DNSRBL monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dotpid-0.7 /var/run/*.pid monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-dumpdates-0.3 /etc/dumpdates monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-fstab-0.3 Mount points and swaps monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-gfbricks-0.2nb1 GlusterFS bricks monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-ipf-0.2 IP filter states monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-ldap-2.4.3nb1 Nagios ldap plugin
nagios-plugin-lpd-0.1 BSD LPD queue monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-milter-0.2nb1 Milter monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-mqueue-0.1nb1 Sendmail queue monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-mysql-2.4.3nb1 Nagios mysql plugin
nagios-plugin-mysqlslave-0.2nb2 MySQL and MariaDB slave monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-pgsql-2.4.3nb1 Nagios pgsql plugin
nagios-plugin-printer-0.0.363nb3 Gather supply metrics from a printer via SNMP query
nagios-plugin-radius-2.4.3nb1 Nagios radius plugin
nagios-plugin-raidctl-0.1nb1 RAIDframe monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-snmp-2.4.3nb1 Nagios snmp plugins
nagios-plugin-snmp_environment-0.7nb3 Check various hardware environmental sensors
nagios-plugin-spamd-1.6.0nb9 Nagios plugin for monitoring the SpamAssassin daemon
nagios-plugin-syncrepl-0.5nb2 LDAP replication monitoring plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugin-x509-0.1nb2 x509 certificate validation plugin for Nagios
nagios-plugins-2.4.3nb2 Nagios plugins
nam-1.15nb9 The UCB/LBNL Network Animator
namazu-2.0.21nb12 Full-text search system intended for easy use
nana-2.4 Improved support for assertions and logging in C and C++
nancy-1.0.5nb43 Golang module/dep vulnerability scanner
nano-8.2 Small and friendly text editor (a free replacement for Pico)
nanoblogger-3.4.2nb1 Small weblog engine for the UNIX command line
nanoblogger-extra-3.4.2 Collection of various contributions and add-ons for nanoblogger
nanomsg-1.2.1 Scalability protocols library
nanomsgxx-0.2 Nanomsg binding for C++11
nanosaur-1.4.4nb4 Source port of Nanosaur from Pangea Software
nanosaur2-2.1.0nb4 Source port of Nanosaur 2: Hatchling from Pangea Software
nanotodon-0.4.0nb3 CUI/C99 mastodon client
nanum-ttf-20200506 Korean fonts distributed by Naver
nap-1.4.4nb5 Terminal based Napster client similar to ircII
napshare-1.3nb2 Fully featured Gnutella P2P client made to run 24/7 unattended
nas-1.9.4nb1 Network Audio System
nas-auscope-1.9.1nb10 Network Audio System Protocol Filter
nasd-1.3nb11 Prototype storage implementation
nasm-2.16.01 General-purpose x86 assembler
nats-server-2.1.9nb43 Simple, secure and high performance messaging system
nautilus-3.38.1nb26 Simple file manager for GNOME
navi-2.23.0 Interactive cheatsheet tool for the CLI and application launchers
nawk-20230909 Brian Kernighan's pattern-directed scanning and processing language
nbase- NetBSD userlevel portable to other UNIX-like systems
nbench-2.2.3 Benchmark tool for CPU, FPU and memory
nbpatch-20151107 Patch files using diff output
nbsdgames-5 New BSD Games - a package of 17 text-based modern games
nbsed-20240312nb2 NetBSD-current's sed(1)
nbtscan-1.5.1nb2 NetBIOS name network scanner
ncbi-blast+-2.14.1nb7 NCBI implementation of Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
ncc-2.8nb13 Compiler that produces program analysis information
ncdc-1.23nb11 Modern and lightweight direct connect client (curses interface)
ncdu-1.19 Disk usage visualization tool
ncdu-2.4nb1 Disk usage visualization tool
ncftp3-3.2.7 FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ncgopher-0.7.0nb1 Gopher and gemini client for the modern internet
ncmpc-0.46nb1 Fully featured musicpd client using curses
ncmpcpp-0.9.2nb22 Featureful (n)curses based musicpd client inspired by ncmpc
ncspot-1.2.1nb4 Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust
ncurses-6.5 CRT screen handling and optimization package
ncview-2.1.7nb12 Visual browser for netCDF format files
ndesk-dbus-0.6.1anb38 C# implementation of dbus
ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1nb40 C# implementation of dbus - GLib integration
ndiff-7.95 Compares Nmap scans
ndpi-4.10 Library for deep-packet inspection
ndtpd-3.1.5nb16 Server for accessing CD-ROM books with NDTP
ne-3.18 Terminal text editor
neXtaw-0.15.1nb3 NeXTstep-like widgets based on the Athena Widget set
neatvi-09 Small vi/ex editor for editing bidirectional UTF-8 text
neb-wipe-1.0nb1 Secure disk partition eraser
nec2c-1.3.1 Numerical Electromagnetics Code in C
nedit-5.7 Motif-based standard GUI style text editor
neix-0.1.5nb12 RSS/Atom feed reader for your terminal
neko-2.3.0nb27 High-level dynamically typed programming language
nelma-3.2nb3 Circuit board capacitance extraction tool
nemesis-1.4nb2 Nemesis is a command-line UNIX network packet injection suite
neofetch-7.1.0 Command-line system information tool
neomutt-20241212 Fork of mutt with integrated community patches
neon-0.33.0nb5 HTTP and WebDAV client library
neonmodem-1.0.6nb2 Neon modem overdrive
neovim-0.10.0 Vim fork focused on extensibility and usability
nerd-fonts-3270-3.2.1 x3270 font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-Agave-3.2.1 Agave font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-AnonymousPro-3.2.1 AnonymousPro font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-Arimo-3.2.1 Font similar to Arial with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-AurulentSansMono-3.2.1 Aurulent Sans Mono with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-BigBlueTerminal-3.2.1 Font closely based on IBM's 8x14 EGA/VGA charset with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-BitstreamVeraSansMono-3.2.1 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-CascadiaCode-3.2.1 Cascadia Code font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-CodeNewRoman-3.2.1 Code New Roman font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-Cousine-3.2.1 Cousine font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-DaddyTimeMono-3.2.1 DaddyTimeMono font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-Hack-3.2.1 Font similar to Hack with some extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-IBMPlexMono-3.2.1 Font similar to IBM Plex Mono with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-JetBrainsMono-3.2.1 JetBrains Mono font with extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-Meslo-3.2.1 Font similar to Menlo with some extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-NerdFontsSymbolsOnly-3.2.1 Nerd Font symbols only
nerd-fonts-SourceCodePro-3.2.1 Font similar to Source Code Pro with some extra glyphs
nerd-fonts-iA-Writer-3.2.1 iA Writer font with extra glyphs
nestopia-1.50nb20 Portable, very accurate NES emulator
net-snmp-5.9.4nb1 Extensible SNMP implementation
netatalk-4.0.6nb2 AFP file and AppleTalk print services
netatalk22-2.3.2nb5 Netatalk appletalk file and print services
netatalk3-3.1.19nb1 Netatalk AFP file services
netbeans-ide-8.2nb10 NetBeans Java IDE
netbiff-0.9.18nb48 Xbiff-like mail notification, handles multiple mailboxes
netbsd-doc-1.3nb1 Meta-package including all packages to convert SGML->HTML
netbsd-doc-print-1.6 Meta-package including all packages to convert SGML->PDF/PS
netbsd-iscsi-initiator-20111006 NetBSD's iSCSI initiator (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-iscsi-lib-20111006nb1 NetBSD's iSCSI library (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-iscsi-target-20111006 NetBSD's iSCSI target (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netbsd-www-1.11nb1 Packages required to build the web site
netbsd32_compat15-1.5.3 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility
netbsd32_compat15-extras-1.5.3nb2 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.5 compatibility
netbsd32_compat16-1.6.2 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility
netbsd32_compat16-extras-1.6.2 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 1.6 compatibility
netbsd32_compat20-2.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat20-extras-2.1 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 2.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat30-3.1 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat30-extras-3.1 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 3.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat40-4.0 Shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility
netbsd32_compat40-extras-4.0 Additional shared libraries for NetBSD 32-bit 4.0 compatibility
netbsd_exporter-0.9.4 Prometheus exporter for NetBSD
netbt-hcidump-5.66 Bluetooth packet analyzer (netbt version)
netcat-1.10nb3 Read and write data across network connections
netcat-openbsd-20131208 Arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens
netcat6-1.0nb5 Network swiss army knife
netcdf-4.9.2nb7 Library for array-oriented data access
netcdf-cxx-4.3.1nb7 C++ support for NetCDF
netcdf-fortran-4.2nb31 Fortran support for NetCDF
netdisco-1.3.3nb9 Open Source web-based network management tool
netgroup-0.0 Netgroup membership listing and testing functions
nethack-all-3.6.7nb3 Meta-package for NetHack with x11 and tty versions
nethack-lib-3.6.7nb3 Data files for Nethack
nethack-tty-3.6.7nb3 The tty and curses based version of NetHack
nethack-x11-3.6.7nb3 The X11 and tty/curses version of NetHack
netio-1.33 Network benchmark for OS/2 2.x, Windows NT/2000 and Unix
netmaj-2.0.7nb15 Mahjongg game with network and 1-4 player(s) support
netmask-2.4.4 Tool for generating terse netmasks in several common formats
netmaze-0.81nb4 X windows-based multiplayer combat game (like Midi Maze)
netname-2.2 Return the canonical network name of a host
netop-0.1.4 Network top
netpbm-11.02.09nb4 Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
netperf-2.7.0 Rick Jones' network performance benchmarking package
netpgp-20140220nb10 PGP signing, verification, encryption and decryption program
netpgpverify-20201101 Standalone PGP and ssh signature verification utility
netpipe-3.7.1 TCP/PVM/MPI testing and performance measuring tool
netpipes-4.2 Utilities for communicating via sockets
netris-0.52nb4 Everybody's darling T*tris in a networked version
netscape-20040123nb4 Open new window using netscape-like browser
netsurf-3.11nb27 Web browser for RISC OS and UNIX-like platforms
nettest-92.11.09 Performs client and server functions for timing data throughput
nettle-3.10 Cryptographic library
netwake-0.4 Wake-on-LAN utility with lookup file support
neumeister-otf-0.0.2021.11.07 FDI Neumeister, a modern fraktur font
neverball-1.6.0nb15 Puzzle/action game similar to Super Monkey Ball
newlisp-10.7.5nb1 Lisp-like, general-purpose scripting language
newmail-1.0.1nb1 Program to check multiple local mailboxes for new mail
newmat-11 Newmat C++ Matrix Library
news-0.2 System V news(1)
newsbeuter-2.9nb52 Open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
newsfetch-1.3nb2 Downloads newsgroup messages in mail file format
newspipe-1.1.9nb13 Read RSS/Atom feeds as email messages
newsqueak-20000211 Newsqueak: a language for communicating with mice
newsraft-0.27nb3 Terminal based feed reader
newsx-1.6nb3 NNTP news exchange program
newvox-1.0nb8 Voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
nextcloud-client-3.13.2nb3 Nextcloud Desktop Client
nextpnr-ice40-0.7nb1 A portable FPGA place and route tool for Lattice iCE40 devices
nfdump-1.6.12nb26 Tools to collect and process netflow data
nfsshell-1.0nb1 NFS security verification suite
ng-1.4.4 Very light Emacs-clone with japanese support
ng-spice-40nb1 Next generation circuit simulation program
ng-spice-shared-40 Next generation circuit simulation program (shared libraries)
nghttp2-1.64.0nb3 Implementation of HTTP/2 in C
nghttp2-tools-1.64.0nb3 Tools for nghttp2
nghttp3-1.6.0 Implementation of RFC 9114 HTTP/3 mapping over QUIC and RFC 9204 QPACK
nginx-1.26.2nb7 Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
nginx-devel-1.27.3nb1 Lightweight HTTP server and mail proxy server
ngircd-27nb3 Free, portable and lightweight IRC server
ngrep-1.45nb1 Network grep
ngtcp2-1.8.1 Implements RFC9000 QUIC protocol
nickle-2.97 Desk calculator language
nicotine-plus-2.2.2nb14 Graphical client for the Soulseek file sharing network
nidentd-1.0nb2 IPv4, IPv6, NAT, fake, and random supporting identd
nighthawk-2.1nb5 C64 Paradroid clone
nih-0.16.0 Package manager for pkgsrc
nikto-2.1.5nb7 URL scanner used to search for known vulnerable CGIs on websites
nim-2.0.4 The Nim programming language
ninja- Another IRC client based on ircII
ninja-build-1.12.1 Small build system with a focus on speed
ninka-1.3.2pre20180106nb7 License identification tool for Source Code
ninvaders-0.1.1nb1 Space invaders, curses style
nipper-0.12.0 Performs security audits of network device configuration
njs-0.8.7nb3 NGINX JavaScript command line utility
nkf-2.15nb4 Convert between various Japanese character encodings
nload-0.7.4nb4 Monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage
nlohmann-json-3.11.3 JSON library for Modern C++
nlopt-2.7.1 Nonlinear optimization library
nltk_data-abc-20211124 NLTK Data - Australian Broadcasting Commission 2006
nltk_data-alpino-20211124 NLTK Data - Alpino Dutch Treebank
nltk_data-averaged_perceptron_tagger-20211124 NLTK Data - Averaged Perceptron Tagger
nltk_data-averaged_perceptron_tagger_ru-20211124 NLTK Data - Averaged Perceptron Tagger (Russian)
nltk_data-basque_grammars-20211124 NLTK Data - Grammars for Basque
nltk_data-bcp47-20230502 NLTK Data - BCP-47 Language Tags
nltk_data-biocreative_ppi-20211124 NLTK Data - BioCreAtIvE (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction Systems in Biology)
nltk_data-bllip_wsj_no_aux-20211124 NLTK Data - BLLIP Parser: WSJ Model
nltk_data-book_grammars-20211124 NLTK Data - Grammars from NLTK Book
nltk_data-brown-20211124 NLTK Data - Brown Corpus
nltk_data-brown_tei-20211124 NLTK Data - Brown Corpus (TEI XML Version)
nltk_data-cess_cat-20211124 NLTK Data - CESS-CAT Treebank
nltk_data-cess_esp-20211124 NLTK Data - CESS-ESP Treebank
nltk_data-chat80-20211124 NLTK Data - Chat-80 Data Files
nltk_data-city_database-20211124 NLTK Data - City Database
nltk_data-cmudict-20211124 NLTK Data - The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary (0.6)
nltk_data-comparative_sentences-20211124 NLTK Data - Comparative Sentence Dataset
nltk_data-comtrans-20211124 NLTK Data - ComTrans Corpus Sample
nltk_data-conll2000-20211124 NLTK Data - CONLL 2000 Chunking Corpus
nltk_data-conll2002-20211124 NLTK Data - CONLL 2002 Named Entity Recognition Corpus
nltk_data-conll2007-20211124 NLTK Data - Dependency Treebanks from CoNLL 2007 (Catalan and Basque Subset)
nltk_data-crubadan-20211124 NLTK Data - Crubadan Corpus
nltk_data-dependency_treebank-20211124 NLTK Data - Dependency Parsed Treebank
nltk_data-dolch-20211124 NLTK Data - Dolch Word List
nltk_data-europarl_raw-20211124 NLTK Data - Sample European Parliament Proceedings Parallel Corpus
nltk_data-extended_omw-20230502 NLTK Data - Extended Open Multilingual WordNet
nltk_data-floresta-20211124 NLTK Data - Portuguese Treebank
nltk_data-framenet_v15-20211124 NLTK Data - FrameNet 1.5
nltk_data-framenet_v17-20211124 NLTK Data - FrameNet 1.7
nltk_data-gazetteers-20211124 NLTK Data - Gazeteer Lists
nltk_data-genesis-20211124 NLTK Data - Genesis Corpus
nltk_data-gutenberg-20211124 NLTK Data - Project Gutenberg Selections
nltk_data-ieer-20211124 NLTK Data - NIST IE-ER DATA SAMPLE
nltk_data-inaugural-20230502 NLTK Data - C-Span Inaugural Address Corpus
nltk_data-indian-20211124 NLTK Data - Indian Language POS-Tagged Corpus
nltk_data-jeita-20211124 NLTK Data - JEITA Public Morphologically Tagged Corpus (in ChaSen format)
nltk_data-kimmo-20211124 NLTK Data - PC-KIMMO Data Files
nltk_data-knbc-20211124 NLTK Data - KNB Corpus (Annotated blog corpus)
nltk_data-large_grammars-20211124 NLTK Data - Large context-free and feature-based grammars for parser comparison
nltk_data-lin_thesaurus-20211124 NLTK Data - Lin's Dependency Thesaurus
nltk_data-mac_morpho-20211124 NLTK Data - MAC-MORPHO: Brazilian Portuguese news text with part-of-speech tags
nltk_data-machado-20211124 NLTK Data - Machado de Assis -- Obra Completa
nltk_data-masc_tagged-20211124 NLTK Data - MASC Tagged Corpus
nltk_data-maxent_ne_chunker-20211124 NLTK Data - ACE Named Entity Chunker (Maximum entropy)
nltk_data-maxent_treebank_pos_tagger-20211124 NLTK Data - Treebank Part of Speech Tagger (Maximum entropy)
nltk_data-moses_sample-20211124 NLTK Data - Moses Sample Models
nltk_data-movie_reviews-20211124 NLTK Data - Sentiment Polarity Dataset Version 2.0
nltk_data-mte_teip5-20211124 NLTK Data - MULTEXT-East 1984 annotated corpus 4.0
nltk_data-mwa_ppdb-20211124 NLTK Data - The monolingual word aligner (Sultan et al. 2015) subset of the Paraphrase Database
nltk_data-names-20211124 NLTK Data - Names Corpus, Version 1.3 (1994-03-29)
nltk_data-nombank.1.0-20211124 NLTK Data - NomBank Corpus 1.0
nltk_data-nonbreaking_prefixes-20211124 NLTK Data - Non-Breaking Prefixes (Moses Decoder)
nltk_data-nps_chat-20211124 NLTK Data - NPS Chat
nltk_data-omw-1.4-20230502 NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
nltk_data-omw-20211124 NLTK Data - Open Multilingual Wordnet
nltk_data-opinion_lexicon-20211124 NLTK Data - Opinion Lexicon
nltk_data-panlex_swadesh-20211124 NLTK Data - PanLex Swadesh Corpora
nltk_data-paradigms-20211124 NLTK Data - Paradigm Corpus
nltk_data-pe08-20211124 NLTK Data - Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation Shared Task
nltk_data-perluniprops-20211124nb1 NLTK Data - perluniprops: Index of Unicode Version 7.0.0 character properties in Perl
nltk_data-pil-20211124 NLTK Data - The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) Corpus
nltk_data-pl196x-20211124nb1 NLTK Data - Polish language of the XX century sixties
nltk_data-porter_test-20211124 NLTK Data - Porter Stemmer Test Files
nltk_data-ppattach-20211124 NLTK Data - Prepositional Phrase Attachment Corpus
nltk_data-problem_reports-20211124 NLTK Data - Problem Report Corpus
nltk_data-product_reviews_1-20211124 NLTK Data - Product Reviews (5 Products)
nltk_data-product_reviews_2-20211124 NLTK Data - Product Reviews (9 Products)
nltk_data-propbank-20211124 NLTK Data - Proposition Bank Corpus 1.0
nltk_data-pros_cons-20211124 NLTK Data - Pros and Cons
nltk_data-ptb-20211124 NLTK Data - Penn Treebank
nltk_data-punkt-20230502 NLTK Data - Punkt Tokenizer Models
nltk_data-qc-20211124 NLTK Data - Experimental Data for Question Classification
nltk_data-reuters-20211124 NLTK Data - The Reuters-21578 benchmark corpus, ApteMod version
nltk_data-rslp-20211124 NLTK Data - RSLP Stemmer (Removedor de Sufixos da Lingua Portuguesa)
nltk_data-rte-20211124 NLTK Data - PASCAL RTE Challenges 1, 2, and 3
nltk_data-sample_grammars-20211124 NLTK Data - Sample Grammars
nltk_data-semcor-20211124 NLTK Data - SemCor 3.0
nltk_data-senseval-20211124 NLTK Data - SENSEVAL 2 Corpus: Sense Tagged Text
nltk_data-sentence_polarity-20211124 NLTK Data - Sentence Polarity Dataset v1.0
nltk_data-sentiwordnet-20211124 NLTK Data - SentiWordNet
nltk_data-shakespeare-20211124 NLTK Data - Shakespeare XML Corpus Sample
nltk_data-sinica_treebank-20230502 NLTK Data - Sinica Treebank Corpus Sample
nltk_data-smultron-20211124 NLTK Data - SMULTRON Corpus Sample
nltk_data-snowball_data-20211124 NLTK Data - Snowball Data
nltk_data-spanish_grammars-20211124 NLTK Data - Grammars for Spanish
nltk_data-state_union-20211124 NLTK Data - C-Span State of the Union Address Corpus
nltk_data-stopwords-20230502 NLTK Data - Stopwords Corpus
nltk_data-subjectivity-20211124 NLTK Data - Subjectivity Dataset v1.0
nltk_data-swadesh-20211124 NLTK Data - Swadesh Wordlists
nltk_data-switchboard-20211124 NLTK Data - Switchboard Corpus Sample
nltk_data-tagsets-20211124 NLTK Data - Help on Tagsets
nltk_data-timit-20211124 NLTK Data - TIMIT Corpus Sample
nltk_data-toolbox-20211124 NLTK Data - Toolbox Sample Files
nltk_data-treebank-20211124 NLTK Data - Penn Treebank Sample
nltk_data-twitter_samples-20211124 NLTK Data - Twitter Samples
nltk_data-udhr-20211124 NLTK Data - Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus
nltk_data-udhr2-20211124 NLTK Data - Universal Declaration of Human Rights Corpus (Unicode Version)
nltk_data-unicode_samples-20211124 NLTK Data - Unicode Samples
nltk_data-universal_tagset-20230502 NLTK Data - Mappings to the Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset
nltk_data-universal_treebanks_v20-20211124 NLTK Data - Universal Treebanks Version 2.0
nltk_data-vader_lexicon-20211124 NLTK Data - VADER Sentiment Lexicon
nltk_data-verbnet-20211124 NLTK Data - VerbNet Lexicon, Version 2.1
nltk_data-verbnet3-20211124 NLTK Data - VerbNet Lexicon, Version 3.3
nltk_data-webtext-20211124 NLTK Data - Web Text Corpus
nltk_data-wmt15_eval-20211124 NLTK Data - Evaluation data from WMT15
nltk_data-word2vec_sample-20211124 NLTK Data - Word2Vec Sample
nltk_data-wordnet-20211124 NLTK Data - WordNet
nltk_data-wordnet2021-20230502 NLTK Data - Open English Wordnet 2021
nltk_data-wordnet2022-20230502 NLTK Data - Open English Wordnet 2022
nltk_data-wordnet31-20230502 NLTK Data - Wordnet 3.1
nltk_data-wordnet_ic-20211124 NLTK Data - WordNet-InfoContent
nltk_data-words-20211124 NLTK Data - Word Lists
nltk_data-ycoe-20211124 NLTK Data - York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose
nmap-7.95 Network/port scanner with OS detection
nmh-1.8nb8 Cleaned up MH mailer suite
nmrpflash-0.9.22nb1 Netgear unbrick utility
nmzmail-1.1 Fast mail searching for mutt
nn-6.7.3nb5 NN newsreader
nng-1.4.0nb1 Light-weight brokerless messaging
nnn-4.9 Optimized, feature-packed terminal file manager
nntpcache-3.0.2nb20 NNTP multi-server caching daemon
nntpclnt-1.6.1nb6 NNTP client library and inews client posting program
nocol-4.3.1nb18 Extensible network and system monitoring utility
node_exporter-1.8.2nb7 Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics
nodejs-18.20.5 V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
nodejs-20.18.1 V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
nodejs-22.12.0 V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
nodejs-23.3.0 V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
noice-0.8 Small curses-based file browser
nologinmsg-1.0nb2 More functional native binary replacement for /sbin/nologin
nomarch-1.4 Free replacement for the arc program
nono-1.0.0nb1 OMRON LUNA-I/LUNA-88K (and SHARP X68030) emulator
nopop3d-20201030 POP3 server for when you don't want mail
normalize-0.7.7nb12 Audio file volume normalizer (wav,mp3,ogg)
nosefart-2.9 Player for NES Sound Format (NSF) files
nostromo-2.1nb2 Fast, secure HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 SSL IPv4/IPv6 webserver
nostt-1.3nb7 Command line NOS Teletekst reader
nostui-0.1.0 TUI client for Nostr
not_pacman-1.4 Gravity-controlled pacman
not_tetris-2.0nb1 Gravity-controlled tetris
notification-daemon-0.7.6nb29 Shows notification messages on the desktop
notion-3.2017050501nb1 Tiling window manager based on ion3
notmuch-0.38.3nb1 Mail indexer
notmuch-emacs-0.38.3nb1 Mail indexer
noto-cjk-fonts-20240508 Google Noto CJK fonts
noto-emoji-ttf-2.047 Noto Emoji Font from Google
noto-fonts-20240601 Google Noto fonts, except CJK and Emoji
noto-hentaigana-1.000 Noto Hentaigana font
noto-ttf-20230927 Noto fonts for all languages
novawm-0.8nb2 Nova window manager
novel-pinyin-0.2.5nb47 HMM-based sentence pinyin input method for Chinese
noweb-2.11bnb1 Simple, extensible literate-programming tool
npapi-sdk-0.27.2 Reusable, released NPAPI-SDK
npmount- Command line tool for non-privileged [un]mount
nprobe-1.3.1nb4 Monitor a network interface and generate NetFlow data
npth-1.8 New Portable Threads Library (nPth)
nq-1.0 Command line queueing utility
nqc-2.3.1 Development system for the Lego Mindstorms RCX embedded computer
nqp-2024.10nb1 Not Quite Perl -- lightweight Perl 6-like environment for VM
nrg2iso-0.4 Converts Nero Burning Roms to ISO images
ns-2.35nb14 The UCB/LBNL Network Simulator Version 2
ns-cult3d-5.2nb1 Netscape plugin for cult 3d files
ns-plugger-common-4.0nb1 Streaming multimedia plugin for Netscape
ns-remote-1.12 Remote-control of Netscape and Mozilla-based browsers
nsca-ng-1.4nb2 Send/accept passive check results to/from nagios
nsd-4.10.1 Authoritative-only DNS server
nsieve-1.2b Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark
nsis-3.04nb1 Scriptable system to build Windows installers
nslint-3.1 Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
nsm-2.4.12 Cross-platform git- and LaTeX-like command-line website manager
nspluginwrapper-1.4.4nb49 Use Netscape compatible plugins from other platforms
nspmod-0.1 MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does its own DSP, uses VoxWare v2.90+
nspr-4.36 Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
nspr-reference-0.1nb1 HTML Documentation for NSPR
nss-3.107 Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
nss-pgsql-1.5.0bnb1 Name Service Switch module for PostgreSQL
nss_ldap-266anb1 LDAP client for nsswitch
nstx-1.1beta6nb1 Nameserver Transfer Protocol
nsxiv-32 Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer
ntesla-1.7 Tesla coil design program
ntfsprogs-2022.10.3 Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem
ntl-11.5.1nb1 C++ library for doing number theory
ntopng-6.2nb3 Network traffic probe
ntp-4.2.8p15nb4 Network Time Protocol Version 4
ntpsec-1.2.3nb4 Hardened & improved NTP implementation derived from NTP Classic
nttcp-1.47nb2 New TCP testing and performance measuring tool
nuclei-3.2.8nb5 Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner
nudoku-4.0.0nb1 Curses based sudoku game
nuitka- Python to C++ compiler
nulib2-2.2.0 Handles Apple II ShrinkIt (NuFX) file/disk archives
nullmailer-2.2nb15 Simple relay-only mail transport agent
numix-gtk-theme-2.6.7nb14 Modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements
numix-icon-theme-0.1nb1 Numix icon theme
numix-icon-theme-circle-0.1nb1 Numix Circle icon theme
numlockx-1.1nb1 Allows you to start X with numlock turned on
nushell-0.100.0 New type of shell
nuspell-5.1.4nb5 Free and Open Source C++ spell checking library
nutsqlite-2.0.6 Record what you eat and analyze your meals
nvi-1.81.6nb13 Berkeley nvi with additional features
nvi-m17n-1.79.20040608nb11 Clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch
nvi2-2.2.0 Multibyte fork of the nvi editor for BSD
nvidia-texture-tools-2.1.0nb10 Texture processing tools with support for Direct3D 10 and 11 formats
nvnet-20050620nb1 Driver for nVidia ethernet
nvramtool-0pre20150613 Coreboot CMOS NVRAM manipulation utility
nvtv-0.4.7nb48 Tool to manipulate TV-Out settings on NVidia cards
nx-libs- NX X11 protocol compression library
nxengine-evo- Complete rewrite of the platform-adventure game Cave Story
nxml-mode-20041004nb4 Major mode for editing XML documents for emacs
nxtvepg-2.7.6nb20 NextView EPG decoder
nyancat-1.5.2 Nyancat in your terminal
nyx-2.1.0nb5 Command-line monitor for the tor daemon
o3read-0.0.4 Standalone converter for OpenOffice and OpenDocument file formats
oak-1.5.0 System log reporting tool
oatbar-0.1.0 Standalone desktop bar
oath-toolkit-2.6.9nb6 OATH (Open AuTHentication) Toolkit
oauth2c-1.1.0nb20 User-friendly CLI for OAuth2
obconf-2.0.4nb33 Tool for configuring the Openbox window manager
obconf-qt-0.16.5 Qt based configurator of OpenBox window manager
obexapp-1.4.15nb2 Obex application to transfer objects to mobile equipment
obexftp-0.24nb2 File copying over the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol
obfs4proxy-0.0.11nb36 Look-like nothing obfuscation protocol
objc-3.2.10 Portable Object Compiler
objconv-2.39 Object file converter and disassembler
objfw-1.2.3 Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language
objpgsql-1.0 PostgreSQL bindings for ObjFW
objsqlite3-1.0nb3 SQLite3 bindings for ObjFW
obpager-1.8nb1 Lightweight pager applet for OpenBox
obs-studio-26.1.2nb37 Video recording and live streaming software
ocaml-4.14.2 The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML
ocaml-angstrom-0.15.0 Parser combinators for OCaml
ocaml-astring-0.8.5 Alternative string library for OCaml
ocaml-async-0.15.0 Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street
ocaml-async_extra-0.15.0 Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (extra)
ocaml-async_kernel-0.15.0 Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (core)
ocaml-async_rpc_kernel-0.15.0 Platform-independent core of Async RPC library
ocaml-async_unix-0.15.0 Asynchronous execution library from Jane Street (unix)
ocaml-base-0.15.0 Alternative standard library for OCaml
ocaml-base64-3.5.0 Base64 encoding and decoding in OCaml
ocaml-base_bigstring-0.15.0 OCaml string type based on Bigarray, for use in I/O and C bindings
ocaml-base_quickcheck-0.15.0 Randomised testing framework compatible with ocaml-base
ocaml-batteries-3.5.1 Alternative standard library for OCaml
ocaml-bigarray-compat-1.1.0 Compatibility package for the BigArray library in OCaml
ocaml-bigstringaf-0.9.0nb1 Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmmove
ocaml-bin_prot-0.14.1 Binary protocol generator for OCaml
ocaml-biniou-1.2.1nb2 Extensible binary data format, like JSON but faster
ocaml-bos-0.2.1 Basic OS interaction for OCaml
ocaml-bz2-0.7.0 OCaml library to manipulate bz2 archives
ocaml-cairo-0.6.5nb1 Bindings for OCaml to the cairo library
ocaml-calendar-2.04nb12 OCaml library managing dates and times
ocaml-checkseum-0.3.3 Library for Adler-32, CRC32 and CRC32-C algorithms
ocaml-cmdliner-1.1.1 Module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces
ocaml-cohttp-5.0.0 OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers
ocaml-compiler-libs-0.12.4 Repackaging of OCaml compiler libraries
ocaml-conduit-5.1.0 Dereference URIs into OCaml communication channels
ocaml-core-0.15.0 Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street
ocaml-core_kernel-0.15.0 OCaml standard library overlay (kernel)
ocaml-core_unix-0.15.0nb1 Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street (unix-specific)
ocaml-cppo-1.6.8nb1 C-style preprocessor for OCaml
ocaml-cryptokit-1.17 Cryptographic primitives library for Objective Caml
ocaml-csexp-1.5.2 Canonical S-expressions library for OCaml
ocaml-cstruct-6.1.0 Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs
ocaml-csv-2.4nb1 CSV library for OCaml
ocaml-cudf-0.9nb7 OCaml library for the Common Upgradeability Description Format
ocaml-curl-0.5.3nb49 OCaml bindings to the CURL library
ocaml-dbm-1.3 OCaml binding to the NDBM and GDBM database library
ocaml-decompress-1.4.3 Pure OCaml implementation of Zlib
ocaml-digestif-1.1.0nb2 Simple hash algorithms in OCaml
ocaml-domain-name-0.4.0 RFC 1035 Internet domain name library for OCaml
ocaml-duff-0.5 Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders
ocaml-dune-3.11.1 Composable build system for OCaml
ocaml-dune-configurator-3.11.1nb1 Configuration test library for Dune
ocaml-easy-format-1.3.2nb2 Pretty-printing library for OCaml
ocaml-encore-0.4nb2 Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders
ocaml-eqaf-0.2nb2 Constant time equal function to avoid timing attacks
ocaml-expat-1.0.0nb7 OCaml bindings for the expat library
ocaml-expect_test_helpers_core-0.15.0 Helper library for writing expectation tests
ocaml-extlib-1.7.8nb1 Alternative standard library for OCaml
ocaml-fieldslib-0.15.0 OCaml record fields as first-class values
ocaml-findlib-1.9.6 Library finder for OCaml
ocaml-fmt-0.9.0 OCaml combinators for pretty-printing functions
ocaml-fpath-0.7.3 System-independent file path for OCaml
ocaml-git-2.0.0nb3 Pure-language git bindings for OCaml
ocaml-graphics-2.0.0nb3 OCaml graphics library
ocaml-hex-1.5.0 Hexadecimal converter for OCaml
ocaml-hmap-0.8.1 Heterogeneous value map library
ocaml-hxd-0.3.2 Hexdump in OCaml
ocaml-int_repr-0.15.0 Integers of various widths in OCaml
ocaml-intrinsics-0.15.2 Library of intrinsics for OCaml
ocaml-ipaddr-5.3.0 Library for manipulation of IP and MAC addresses
ocaml-jane-street-headers-0.15.0 Jane Street header files for OCaml
ocaml-js-build-tools-113.33.06nb8 OCaml build helper tools from Jane Street
ocaml-jsonm-1.0.1nb7 OCaml streaming codec for JSON
ocaml-jst-config-0.15.1 Compile-time configuration for Jane Street libraries
ocaml-ke-0.4nb2 Fast implementation of queue in OCaml
ocaml-lablgtk-2.18.13nb16 GTK+ 2.x bindings for Objective Caml
ocaml-lablgtk3-3.1.3nb18 GTK+ 3.x bindings for OCaml
ocaml-ldap-2.4.2nb1 OCamL implementation of the LDAP protocol
ocaml-logs-0.7.0nb3 Logging infrastructure for OCaml
ocaml-lru-0.3.0 Scalable LRU caches for OCaml
ocaml-lwt-5.7.0 Cooperative threading library for OCaml
ocaml-lwt_glib-1.1.1nb3 SSL module for ocaml-lwt
ocaml-lwt_log-1.1.1nb3 Lwt-friendly logging library
ocaml-lwt_ppx-2.0.3 PPX module for ocaml-lwt
ocaml-lwt_react-1.1.5 Reactive programming module for ocaml-lwt
ocaml-lwt_ssl-1.1.3nb3 SSL module for ocaml-lwt
ocaml-magic-mime-1.2.0 Convert file extensions to MIME types
ocaml-markup-1.0.3 Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers for OCaml
ocaml-migrate-parsetree-2.3.0 Migrate parse trees between versions of OCaml
ocaml-mimic-0.0.5 Dynamic instantiation of transmission protocols
ocaml-mirage-clock-4.2.0 Portable clock implementation
ocaml-mirage-flow-3.0.0 Flow implementations for Mirage
ocaml-mmap-1.2.0 File mapping for Ocaml
ocaml-mtime-1.1.0nb2 Monotonic wall-clock time for OCaml
ocaml-mysql-1.2.4 Ocaml library for MySQL database access
ocaml-num-1.4nb1 Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
ocaml-oasis-0.4.10nb7 Build system for OCaml projects
ocaml-ocplib-endian-1.2 Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64
ocaml-opaline-0.3.3nb1 Lightweight OCaml/opam installer
ocaml-opam-2.1.3nb5 OCaml package manager
ocaml-opam-file-format-2.1.6 Parser and printer for the opam file syntax
ocaml-optint-0.2.0 Library to provide fast integer (x64) or allocated int32 (x84)
ocaml-parsexp-0.14.2 S-expression parsing library for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_assert-0.15.0 Assert-like extension nodes that raise useful errors on failure
ocaml-ppx_base-0.15.0 Base set of PPX rewriters
ocaml-ppx_bench-0.15.0 Syntax extension for writing in-line benchmarks in OCaml code
ocaml-ppx_bin_prot-0.15.0 Generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types
ocaml-ppx_cold-0.15.0 Cold path annotation translator for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_compare-0.15.0 Generation of comparison functions from types
ocaml-ppx_custom_printf-0.15.0 Printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion
ocaml-ppx_derivers-1.2.1nb2 Interoperation package for ocaml-ppx_deriving and ocaml-ppx_type_conv
ocaml-ppx_deriving-5.2.1 Type-driven code generation for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_disable_unused_warnings-0.15.0 Extension to simplify disabling unused warnings
ocaml-ppx_enumerate-0.15.0 Generate a list containing all values of a finite type
ocaml-ppx_expect-0.15.0 Cram-like framework for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_fail-0.14.0 PPX rewriter to add location to calls to failwiths
ocaml-ppx_fields_conv-0.14.2nb2 Generation of access and iteration functions for OCaml records
ocaml-ppx_fixed_literal-0.15.0 Extension for simpler notation for fixed point literals
ocaml-ppx_hash-0.15.0 Rewriter that generates hash functions from types
ocaml-ppx_here-0.15.0 PPX rewriter that defines an extension to find source position
ocaml-ppx_ignore_instrumentation-0.15.0 Removes AST nodes for instrumentation extensions
ocaml-ppx_import-1.10.0 Ocaml syntax extension to pull in types from compiled interface files
ocaml-ppx_inline_test-0.15.0 Syntax extension for writing inline tests in OCaml code
ocaml-ppx_jane-0.15.0 Standard Jane Street PPX rewriters for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_let-0.15.0 Monadic let-bindings for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_log-0.15.0 Extension nodes for lazily rendering log messages
ocaml-ppx_module_timer-0.15.0 PPX rewriter that records top-level module startup times
ocaml-ppx_optcomp-0.15.0 Optional compilation for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_optional-0.15.0 PPX rewriter for pattern matching on flat options
ocaml-ppx_pipebang-0.15.0 PPX rewriter that inlines reverse application operators
ocaml-ppx_sexp_conv-0.15.1 Generation of S-expression conversion functions from type definitions
ocaml-ppx_sexp_message-0.15.0 PPX rewriter for easy construction of s-expressions
ocaml-ppx_sexp_value-0.15.0 PPX rewriter that simplifies building s-expressions from OCaml values
ocaml-ppx_stable-0.15.0 Stable type conversions generator for OCaml
ocaml-ppx_string-0.15.0 Extension for string interpolation
ocaml-ppx_tools-6.5 Tools for authors of OCaml ppx rewriters
ocaml-ppx_typerep_conv-0.15.0 Generation of runtime types from type declarations in OCaml
ocaml-ppx_variants_conv-0.15.0 Generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variant types
ocaml-ppxlib-0.26.0 Base library and tools for ppx rewriters
ocaml-protocol_version_header-0.15.0 Protocol-aware version negotiation for OCaml
ocaml-psq-0.2.0 Priority search queues for OCaml
ocaml-re-1.10.4nb1 Pure OCaml regular expression library
ocaml-react-1.2.2 OCaml module for functional reactive programming
ocaml-reactiveData-0.3 Functional reactive programming library
ocaml-resource-pooling-1.1nb2 Library for pooling resources like connections and threads
ocaml-result-1.5nb2 OCaml compatibility library for Result module
ocaml-rresult-0.7.0 Declarative handling of results and errors in OCaml
ocaml-safepass-3.1 Safe storage library for user passwords in web applications
ocaml-seq-0.2.2 Ocaml seq library compatibility package
ocaml-sexp_pretty-0.15.0 Pretty printer for S-Expressions
ocaml-sexplib-0.15.0 S-Expressions with Type Converters for OCaml
ocaml-sexplib0-0.15.0 Library with definition of S-expressions and some base converters
ocaml-spawn-0.15.1 Spawn sub-processes
ocaml-splittable_random-0.15.0 PRNG that can be split into independent streams
ocaml-sqlite3-5.1.0nb7 Sqlite bindings for OCaml
ocaml-ssl-0.5.10nb1 SSL library for OCaml
ocaml-stdio-0.15.0 Standard IO library for OCaml
ocaml-stdlib-shims-0.3.0 OCaml stdlib compatibility module
ocaml-stringext-1.6.0nb2 Extra string functions for OCaml
ocaml-text-0.8nb11 OCaml Unicode library
ocaml-textutils-0.15.0 Utility functions for dealing with text
ocaml-textutils_kernel-0.15.0 Utility functions for dealing with text (kernel)
ocaml-time_now-0.15.0 Library that reports the current time
ocaml-timezone-0.15.0 Library for time zone handling
ocaml-topkg-1.0.7 Transitory OCaml software packager
ocaml-typerep-0.15.0 Runtime types for OCaml
ocaml-tyxml-4.5.0nb1 OCaml XML typing library
ocaml-uchar-0.0.2nb2 Compatibility library for the OCaml UChar module
ocaml-uri-4.2.0 RFC3986 URI parsing library for OCaml
ocaml-uutf-1.0.3 Unicode library for OCaml
ocaml-variantslib-0.15.0 OCaml variants as first-class values
ocaml-xml-light-2.4nb2 Minimal Xml parser and printer
ocaml-yojson-1.7.0nb2 JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml
ocaml-zarith-1.12nb1 OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers
ocaml-zip-1.11 OCaml library to manipulate ZIP/GZIP/JAR archives
ocamlbuild-0.14.2 Build system for OCaml
ocamlgraph-1.8.8nb44 Graph library for OCaml
ocamlify-0.0.2nb12 Allows embedding external resources as OCaml code
ocamlmod-0.0.8nb7 Generate OCaml modules from source files
ocamlnet-4.1.9nb18 Library focusing on application-level network protocols (OCaml)
occt-7.7.0nb2 Boundary Representation modeling toolkit and 3D geometry library
ocl-icd-2.3.2 OpenCL ICD Loader
oclock-1.0.6 Simple analog clock to make a round window
ocp-0.2.109nb1 Music visualizer for tracker music (TUI version)
ocrad-0.21 GNU OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
ocsigen-5.0.1nb1 Web programming framework for OCaml
ocsigen-i18n-4.0.0 I18n package for Ocsigen
ocsigen-ppx-rpc-1.0 OCaml PPX extension for Ocsigen RPCs
ocsigen-start-6.1.0 Application skeleton for Eliom
ocsigen-toolkit-3.2.0 User interface widgets for Ocsigen applications
ocsinventory-agent- Keep track of the computers configuration and software
ocsipersist-1.1.0 Key/value storage libraries for OCaml
ocsync-0.90.4nb35 File synchronization program for OwnCloud
octave-9.2.0nb4 High-level language, intended for numerical computations
oculante-0.9.1nb2 Minimalistic crossplatform image viewer written in rust
odbc-postgresql-9.0.200nb7 ODBC interface to PostgreSQL
ode-0.13 Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics
odepack-20001130nb2 Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers
odt2tex-0.0.13nb20 Convert ODT (Libre/OpenOffice text documents) to LaTeX input files
odt2txt-0.5 Simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
oe2mbx-1.21nb1 Outlook Express messages to the Unix mailbox format converter
offlineimap-7.3.4nb5 Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
oggasm-1.4.0nb13 Perform batch conversion of mp3s into oggs
ogle-0.9.2nb21 DVD player with menus
ogle_gui-0.9.2nb61 GUI for the Ogle DVD player
ogmtools-1.5nb3 Ogg Media files manipulation tools
oh-my-posh-24.13.1 Prompt theme engine for any shell
ohruri-ttf-20150606 Ohruri Japanese TrueType fonts
oidentd-2.0.7nb4 Configurable IDENT server that supports NAT/IP masq
oinkmaster-2.0nb10 Manage snort rule updates
oksh-7.4 Portable OpenBSD ksh(1)
okteta-0.26.13nb10 Hex Editor
okular-23.08.4nb10 KDE universal document viewer
olive-editor-0.2.0pre20230924nb17 Non-linear video editor
olm-3.2.16 Implementation of the Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet
olvwm-4.4nb5 Open Look Virtual Window Manager
omake-0.10.3nb5 Build system designed for scalability and portability
omega-0.90.4nb5 Complex rogue-like game of exploration with a sense of humor
omm-0.3.1nb2 Terminal-based task manager
omniNotify-2.1nb1 CORBA Notification Service
omniORB-4.1.7nb5 CORBA ORB
omxplayer-20170112nb27 Raspberry Pi video player
onefetch-2.22.0 Git repository summary on your terminal
oneko-1.2nb2 Like xneko except on the desktop and with other animals
oniguruma-6.9.9 Regular expressions library
onscripter-20230825nb1 Interpreter to execute a script for NScripter
oo2c-2.0.11nb21 Optimizing Oberon-2 Compiler
oorexx-5.0.0 Powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language
op_panel-0.30nb5 Flash Operator Panel for Asterisk
opa-0.70.0 Open source, general-purpose policy engine
open-cobol-ce-1.1.59nb1 OpenCOBOL CE compiler
open-simh- Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
open-vcdiff-0.8.3 RFC 3284 encoder/decoder for VCDIFF Differencing and Compression
open-vm-tools-12.4.5nb5 Open source VMware tools
open2300-1.10nb1 WS 23xx weather station support software
open2300-mysql-1.10nb1 WS 23xx weather station MySQL support
open2300-pgsql-1.10nb1 WS 23xx weather station PostgesSQL support
openFPGALoader-0.12.1 A universal utility for programming FPGAs
open_jtalk-1.11 Japanese text-to-speech system
open_jtalk-HTS_voice-1.05 NIT ATR503 M001 Japanese speech database (male)
open_jtalk-MMDAgent_voice-1.8 Open JTalk voice data from MMDAgent project (female and male)
openafs-1.8.13 File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration
openag-1.1.1nb2 Open Audio Galaxy client
openal-soft-1.24.1 Software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API
openarc-20180921nb2 Open source ARC library, MTA filter implementation and tools
openarena-0.8.8nb2 Community-produced deathmatch FPS
openaxiom-1.4.1nb5 Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
openbabel-3.1.1nb32 Chemistry file translation program
openblas-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas)
openblas64-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64)
openblas64_openmp-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_openmp)
openblas64_pthread-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas64_pthread)
openblas_openmp-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_openmp)
openblas_pthread-0.3.26 Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 (variant openblas_pthread)
openbox-3.6.1nb35 Standards compliant, light-weight, and extensible window manager
opencc-1.1.3nb1 Convertion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
opencdk-0.6.6nb3 Open Crypto Development Kit
opencl-clang-18.1.0nb3 OpenCL-oriented wrapper library around clang
opencl-clhpp-2.0.14 OpenCL C++ header files
opencl-headers-2024.05.08 C language headers for the OpenCL API
openclonk-8.1nb5 Open source successor of the Clonk gaming series
opencobol-1.1nb3 Open-source COBOL compiler
opencolorio-2.4.0 Color management solution
openconnect-9.12nb8 Open source VPN client
opencore-amr-0.1.6 Adaptive Multi-Rate speech codec libraries
opencpn-5.0.0nb39 Concise ChartPlotter/Navigator
opencpn-plugin-debugger-20170414nb23 Shows the messages on OpenCPN's plugin interface
opencpn-plugin-draw-1.6.8nb14 place georeferenced objects/items on the OpenCPN interface
opencpn-plugin-gshhs-2.2.4 complete OpenCPN shoreline database
opencpn-plugin-plots-2.2.12nb12 visualizes sailing performance data
opencpn-plugin-statusbar-20180405nb21 statusbar to display various info to users in OpenCPN
opencpn-plugin-watchdog-2.4.6nb15 Various configurable alarms in OpenCPN
opencpn-plugin-weather_routing-20180827nb17 creates optimized weather routes using grib data in OpenCPN
opencsg-1.3.2nb6 Image based CSG rendering library using OpenGL
openct-0.6.20nb1 Smart Card Reader drivers and middleware
opencv-3.4.20nb10 Library for computer vision problems
opencv-contrib-face-3.4.20nb5 OpenCV face recognition contributed module
opendis-0.0.3 Download images from Flashpoint Digita-based cameras
opendkim-2.10.3nb12 Open source DKIM library, MTA filter implementation and tools
opendmarc-1.4.2nb2 Open source DMARC library, MTA filter implementation and tools
opendnssec-1.4.14nb16 OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
opendnssec2-2.1.14nb4 OSS for a fast and easy DNSSEC deployment
opendoas-6.8.2 Execute commands as another user
openexr-3.3.2 High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools
openfodder-1.9.2 Action-strategy 2D military shooting game
openfst-1.8.2 Library for manipulating transducers
opengrok- Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
openh264-2.5.0 H.264 encoder/decoder library from Cisco
openh323-1.15.2nb8 Open H.323 library
openhexagon-2.0nb6 Open-source clone of the game "Super Hexagon by Terry Cavanagh"
openimageio- C++ library for reading and writing images
openipmi-2.0.32nb4 User-level library that provides a higher-level abstraction of IPMI
openjade-1.3.2nb20 SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine, successor to "jade"
openjazz-20190106 Open source reimplementation of the Jazz Jackrabbit games
openjdk-bin-21.0.1 Official OpenJDK Java binary distribution
openjdk11- Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
openjdk17- Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
openjdk21- Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, 21 LTS
openjdk8-1.8.432 Open-source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition
openjk- Community version of the Star Wars: Jedi Academy game engine
openjpeg-2.5.3 JPEG 2000 library
openldap-2.6.9 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol meta-package
openldap-autogroup-2.6.9 Hide specific attributes unless explicitely requested for OpenLDAP
openldap-client-2.6.9 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol libraries and client programs
openldap-cloak-2.6.9 Hide specific attributes unless explicitely requested for OpenLDAP
openldap-doc-2.6.9 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol documentation
openldap-extra-schemas-4.3 Extra schemas for OpenLDAP
openldap-nops-2.6.9 Remove null-ops for OpenLDAP
openldap-server-2.6.9 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol server suite
openldap-smbk5pwd-2.6.9 Samba and Kerberos password sync for OpenLDAP
openmortal-0.7nb35 Parody of Mortal Kombat with real characters
openmp-18.1.8nb1 Support for the OpenMP language
openmpi-4.1.6 Open source MPI-3.1 implementation
openmsx-17.0nb12 MSX emulator that aims for perfection
openmw-0.47.0nb53 Recreation of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind game engine
openntpd-6.8p1 Free implementation of the Network Time Protocol
openobex-1.7.2nb3 Implementation of the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol
openocd-0.12.0 Open On-Chip Debugger
openpa-1.0.4 Atomic primitives for high performance software
openpam-20190224nb4 Open-source PAM library
openquicktime-1.0nb14 Portable library for handling QuickTime(TM) media files
openrcs-20110824192219 OpenRCS is RCS clone from OpenBSD project
openrct2-0.4.17 Open source reimplementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
openresolv-3.13.2 Framework for managing /etc/resolv.conf
openrrcp-0.2.1 RealTek Remote Control Protocol tools
openrsync-0.20220508 BSD-licensed implementation of rsync
opensaml-3.1.0nb18 Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
opensbi-sun20i-d1-1.4 RISC-V Open Source Supervisor Binary Interface (OpenSBI)
opensbi-visionfive2-1.4 RISC-V Open Source Supervisor Binary Interface (OpenSBI)
opensc-0.25.1nb4 Smart Card drivers and middleware
openscad-2021.01nb33 OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
openslp-1.2.1nb11 Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
opensmtpd-7.6.0p1 The OpenSMTPD mail transfer agent, a replacement for sendmail
opensmtpd-extras-6.7.1_20241022 Addons for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.6nb2 OpenSMTPD filter integration for signing mail with DKIM
opensmtpd-filter-dnsbl-0.3nb2 OpenSMTPD filter integration for DNSBL lists
opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.8nb13 OpenSMTPD filter integration for the Rspamd daemon
opensmtpd-filter-senderscore-0.1.2nb13 OpenSMTPD filter integration for SenderScore
opensmtpd-filter-spfgreylist-1.0.0 SPF-aware greylisting filter integration for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-filters-1.1 OpenSMTPD filters collection
opensmtpd-table-ldap-1.0 OpenSMTPD LDAP table add-on
opensmtpd-table-mysql-1.2.1 OpenSMTPD MySQL table add-on
opensmtpd-table-passwd-1.0.2 OpenSMTPD passwd table add-on
opensmtpd-table-postgres-1.1.1 OpenSMTPD PostgreSQL table add-on
opensmtpd-table-redis-1.0.1 OpenSMTPD Redis table add-on
opensmtpd-table-socketmap-1.1.1 OpenSMTPD socketmap table add-on
opensmtpd-table-sqlite-1.0.1 OpenSMTPD SQLite3 table add-on
opensmtpd-tables-1.1 OpenSMTPD extra tables collection
opensource-cobol-1.5.1J UTF-8 version of opensource COBOL, OpenCOBOL with Japanese extensions
opensp-1.5.2nb11 SGML parser, successor to "sp"
openssh-9.9p1 Open Source Secure shell client and server (remote login program)
openssl-3.3.2 Secure Socket Layer and cryptographic library
openstack_init-1.0nb5 Autoconfigure NetBSD VM on OpenStack
opentofu-1.6.2nb6 Free infrastructure orchestration tool
opentracker-0.0.20180526nb2 Bittorrent tracker
openttd-14.1nb4 Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe
openttd-data-7.1 Free data files for OpenTTD
openvmps-1.3nb2 GPL implementation of the VMPS protocol
openvpn-2.6.12nb3 Easy-to-use SSL VPN daemon
openvpn-acct-wtmpx-20130210nb6 Log OpenVPN logins and logouts to wtmpx
openvpn-nagios-20130210nb6 OpenVPN certificate checks for Nagios
optipng-0.7.7 Advanced PNG Optimizer
opus-tools-0.2nb3 Opus encode, inspect, and decode command-line tools
opusfile-0.12nb3 Decoding and seeking API for opus files
oqs-provider-0.7.0nb2 Open Quantum Safe provider for OpenSSL
or1ksim-0.2.0rc2nb1 OpenRISC emulator
oracle-jdk17-17.0.12 Oracle Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit
oracle-jdk8-8.0.202nb1 Oracle Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Development Kit (JDK) 8u202
oracle-jre8-8.0.202 Oracle Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8u202
oraedit-0.1.4nb9 Editor of PL/SQL source stored in Oracle database
orbital_eunuchs_sniper-1.30nb6 Overhead shooting game
orc-0.4.40 Compiler for vector operations
orca-46.2nb1 Screen reader
orcus-0.19.2nb1 Import filter library for spreadsheet documents (0.16 branch)
ordCalc-0.2nb8 Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool
ori-0.8.2nb13 Secure distributed file system
ormolu- Formatter for Haskell source code
oroborox-0.9.8nb51 The lightweight Window Manager for the ROX Desktop
oroborus-2.0.12nb1 Small and simple window manager for X
ortp-0.16.1nb11 Real-time Transport Protocol stack
osabi-NetBSD-10.0_STABLE Operating System version dummy-package
osbf-lua-2.0.4nb6 Lua C module for text classification
osf1_lib-1.1nb11 DEC/Compaq OSF-1/Tru64 compatibility package for netscape
osg-3.6.5nb61 High performance 3D graphics toolkit
oshu-2.0.2nb11 Fast osu! port
osm-gps-map-1.2.0nb20 Gtk+ Widget for Displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
osm2pgsql-1.3.0nb22 OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter
osmo-sdr-0.1nb7 Small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio)
osname-2.0 Print canonical name of operating system
ossinfo-4.2.build2019nb1 Command line program to display OSSv4 device information
ossmix-4.2.build2019 Command line audio mixer from OSSv4
ossp-js-1.6.20070208nb13 Sanitized distribution of Mozilla's JavaScript implementation
ossp-uuid-1.6.2nb11 C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs
ossplay-4.2.build2019 Command line programs for playing/recording from OSSv4 devices
osstest-4.2.build2019 Command line program for testing OSSv4 sound devices
ossxmix-4.2.build2019nb10 Audio mixer GUI from OSSv4
osv-scanner-1.9.1 Vulnerability scanner written using the OSV project
otf2bdf-3.1nb5 OpenType to BDF font converter
oto-0.5 List and modify OpenType font files
otpCalc-0.97 OTP and S/Key calculator for X
ots-0.5.0nb13 Tool and library for auto-summarizing text
otter-3.0.6 Automated Deduction System
otter-browser-1.0.03nb17 Project aiming to recreate classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
ottomatic-4.0.1nb4 Pangea Software's Otto Matic
overnet-1.0.1nb2 Peer-to-peer file sharing client (binary pkg)
owl-lisp-0.2.2 Purely functional dialect of Scheme
owncloudclient- Synchronization program for ownCloud
oxipng-9.1.3 Multithreaded PNG optimizer
oxygen-fonts-5.4.3 The Oxygen font family
oxygen-icons-5.114.0 Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
p0f-2.0.8nb1 Passive OS fingerprinting tool
p11-2.10i PDP11 emulator
p11-kit-0.25.5 PKCS#11 module manager
p2c-1.20nb1 Pascal to C compiler (translates Pascal to C)
p5-Acme-Damn-0.08nb8 Perl5 module for 'unblessing' perl objects
p5-Acme-Padre-PlayCode-0.13nb15 Acme::PlayCode Plugin for Padre
p5-Acme-PlayCode-0.12nb15 Perl5 module for code transforming to avoid typical typing mistakes
p5-AddressBook-0.16nb21 Perl5 module for unified access to addressbook databases
p5-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10nb20 Perl module that provides cvs-annotate-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-Backoff-0.010nb1 Various backoff strategies for retry
p5-Algorithm-BloomFilter-0.02nb7 Simple bloom filter data structure
p5-Algorithm-C3-0.11nb4 Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits-1.3.6nb2 Perl extension to generate and test check digits
p5-Algorithm-Cluster-1.59nb5 Perl interface to the C Clustering Library
p5-Algorithm-Dependency-1.112nb5 Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.2010nb2 Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
p5-Algorithm-HowSimilar-0.01nb14 Perl module for computation of similarity amongst values
p5-Algorithm-LUHN-1.02nb8 Calculate the Modulus 10 Double Add Double checksum
p5-Algorithm-Merge-0.08nb16 Perl module providing diff3(1)-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-Munkres-0.08nb11 Munkres Assignment for square and rectangular matrices
p5-Algorithm-Permute-0.17nb2 Perl module for generating permutations with object oriented interface
p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild-1.17nb2 Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules and libraries
p5-Alien-Build-2.84nb1 Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
p5-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab-0.01nb1 Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab
p5-Alien-GMP-1.16nb4 Alien package for the GNU Multiple Precision library
p5-Alien-GvaScript-1.45nb7 Gva extension to the prototype javascript framework
p5-Alien-Hunspell-0.17nb3 Perl5 module providing Hunspell
p5-Alien-LibGumbo-0.05nb4 Gumbo parser library
p5-Alien-Libxml2-0.19nb5 Perl interface to libxml2
p5-Alien-Packages-0.003nb11 Find information of installed packages
p5-Alien-SDL-1.446nb23 Alien::SDL - building, finding and using SDL binaries
p5-Alien-wxWidgets-0.69nb27 Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
p5-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc-0.10nb15 Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldoc
p5-Any-Moose-0.27nb8 Perl extension to check dependencies on Moose or Mouse
p5-Any-URI-Escape-0.01nb10 Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::Escape
p5-AnyEvent-7.17nb5 Simple API for io, timer and completion callbacks
p5-AnyEvent-AIO-1.1nb15 Perl 5 module providing truly asynchronous file and directory I/O
p5-AnyEvent-BDB-1.1nb15 Perl 5 module providing truly asynchronous berkeley db access
p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.25nb4 Perl 5 module providing simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD-0.93nb14 Perl 5 simple lightweight event based web (application) server
p5-AnyEvent-I3-0.19 Perl module to communicate with the i3 window manager
p5-AnyEvent-IRC-0.97nb11 Perl 5 event based IRC protocol client API
p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ-1.22nb4 RabbitMQ interface with AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP-0.05nb15 Perl 5 module providing reversehttp for AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-SCGI-1.1nb16 Perl 5 module providing a event based SCGI server
p5-AnyEvent-XMPP-0.55nb11 Implementation of the XMPP Protocol
p5-Apache-ASP-2.63nb7 Perl5/Apache module of Perl-coded Active Server Pages
p5-Apache-DBI-1.12nb10 DBI support for Apache+mod_perl
p5-Apache-DBILogConfig-0.02nb18 Database-independent Apache database logger
p5-Apache-DBILogger-0.93nb18 Database-independent httpd database logging module
p5-Apache-Filter-1.024nb16 Perl5 module to alter the output of previous Apache handlers
p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36nb4 Compile a log format string to perl-code
p5-Apache-SSI-2.19nb16 Perl5 module to implement Server Side Includes
p5-Apache-Session-1.94nb4 Perl5 module to provide persistent storage
p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem-0.6nb11 Apache::Session module that stores session data in shared memory
p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper-0.34nb10 Perl5 module doing a wrapper around Apache::Session
p5-Apache-Test-1.43nb1 Wrapper for to test an Apache server
p5-Apache2-AuthCASSimple-0.10nb16 Apache2 module to authenticate through a CAS server
p5-Apache2-AuthCookie-3.32 Perl5 module for Authentication and Authorization via cookies
p5-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI-2.19nb4 Perl5 module AuthCookie backed by a DBI database
p5-App-CLI-0.52nb3 Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
p5-App-Cache-0.37nb15 Perl 5 module providing easy application-level caching
p5-App-ClusterSSH-4.16nb1 Cluster administration tool
p5-App-Cmd-0.336nb1 Perl 5 module to write command line apps with less suffering
p5-App-FatPacker-0.010008nb5 Perl5 module to pack your dependencies onto your script file
p5-App-MrShell-2.0207nb15 Mr. Shell runs a command on multiple hosts
p5-App-Nopaste-1.013nb5 Perl 5 module providing easy access to any pastebin
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar-0.01nb12 Progress bar for Perl prove(1)
p5-App-Prove-Plugin-ProgressBar-Each-0.01nb10 Per-test-script progress bar for Perl prove(1)
p5-App-Siesh-0.21nb14 Sieve Shell
p5-App-Sqitch-1.4.1nb1 Sensible database change management
p5-App-cpanminus-1.7047nb1 Perl5 script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
p5-App-cpanoutdated-0.24nb11 Detect outdated CPAN modules in your environment
p5-App-perlbrew-1.00nb1 Manage perl installations in your $HOME
p5-AppConfig-1.71nb10 Perl5 module for parsing config files and command line arguments
p5-AppConfig-Std-1.10nb9 AppConfig::Std Perl module
p5-Archive-Any-0.0946nb7 Perl5 module with single interface to deal with archives
p5-Archive-Any-Lite-0.11nb8 Simple CPAN package extractor
p5-Archive-Extract-0.88nb1 Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Archive-Peek-0.37nb2 Perl5 module to peek into archives without extracting them
p5-Archive-Tar-Wrapper-0.41nb1 API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
p5-Archive-Zip-1.68nb4 Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files
p5-Array-Compare-3.0.8nb3 Perl extension for comparing arrays
p5-Array-Diff-0.09nb5 Perl 5 module to diff two arrays
p5-Array-PrintCols-2.6nb11 Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
p5-Array-RefElem-1.00nb16 Set up array elements as aliases
p5-Asterisk-1.08nb7 Collection of perl modules to be used with Asterisk
p5-Async-Interrupt-1.26nb5 Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
p5-AtExit-2.05nb3 Provides an ANSI C style atexit() function to Perl programs
p5-Attribute-Lexical-0.005nb7 Sane scoping of function/variable attributes
p5-Audio-CD-0.05nb19 Audio-CD perl module for use with disc-cover
p5-Audio-Scan-1.01nb7 XS parser for MP3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, etc
p5-Audio-Wav-0.14nb10 Perl modules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files
p5-AuthCAS-1.7nb8 AuthCAS - Client library for CAS 2.0 authentication server
p5-Authen-CAS-Client-0.08nb8 Perl 5 module providing an interface for JA-SIG's CAS
p5-Authen-Htpasswd-0.171nb13 Interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
p5-Authen-PAM-0.16nb17 Authentication via PAM
p5-Authen-PluggableCaptcha-0.05nb15 Perl5 module implementing a pluggable Captcha framework
p5-Authen-SASL-2.1700nb1 Perl module to handle SASL authentication
p5-Authen-SASL-Authd-0.04nb10 Perl module to handle SASL auth via Cyrus saslauthd or Dovecot
p5-Authen-SASL-Cyrus-0.13nb13 Perl module to handle Cyrus protocol for SASL authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-0.5nb12 Simple and consistent framework for authentication
p5-Authen-TacacsPlus-0.28nb4 Perl extension for authentication using tacacs+ server
p5-AutoXS-Header-1.02nb15 Perl 5 module container for the AutoXS header files
p5-Autodia-2.14nb13 Create documentation through templates
p5-B-COW-0.007nb1 Some naive additional B helpers to check the COW status of one SvPV
p5-B-Compiling-0.06nb10 Expose PL_compiling to perl
p5-B-Debug-1.26nb5 Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.28nb1 Perl 5 module to execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation-0.44nb14 Perl 5 module to annotate and delegate hooked OPs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.22nb7 Perl 5 module to wrap OP check callbacks
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV-0.10nb7 Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange-0.06nb16 Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes
p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr-0.06nb7 Hook into opcode execution
p5-B-Hooks-Parser-0.21nb6 Interface to perls parser variables
p5-B-Keywords-1.27nb1 Perl 5 module providing lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-B-Utils-0.27nb9 Perl 5 module providing op tree manipulation helper functions
p5-BDB-1.92nb7 Perl 5 module providing asynchronous Berkeley DB access
p5-BSD-Resource-1.29.11nb8 Perl interface to BSD process resources library
p5-BSD-arc4random-1.50nb13 Perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
p5-BackPAN-Index-0.42nb10 Perl 5 module providing an interface to the BackPAN index
p5-BackupPC-XS-0.62nb5 Perl utility functions for sysutils/backuppc
p5-Barcode-Code128-2.21nb9 Generate CODE 128 bar codes
p5-Benchmark-Timer-0.7112nb8 Benchmarking with statistical confidence
p5-BerkeleyDB-0.65nb2 Access Berkeley DB
p5-Biblio-EndnoteStyle-0.06nb8 Reference formatting using Endnote-like templates
p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.73nb4 Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
p5-Bit-Vector-7.4nb10 Efficient base class implementing bit vectors
p5-Browser-Open-0.04nb6 Open a browser in a given URL
p5-Business-CreditCard-0.39nb1 Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
p5-Business-Hours-0.13nb6 Calculate business hours in a time period
p5-Business-ISBN-3.009nb1 Perl5 module to work with International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs)
p5-Business-ISBN-Data-20240523.001nb1 Data for the p5-Business-ISBN package
p5-Business-ISMN-1.204nb1 Perl5 module to work with ISMNs
p5-Business-ISSN-1.005nb1 Perl5 extention for International Standard Serial Numbers
p5-Business-UPS-2.02nb3 Perl5 module to handle UPS rate calculation and package tracking
p5-Bytes-Random-Secure-0.29nb8 Perl extension to generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
p5-CAM-PDF-1.60nb12 Perl 5 PDF manipulation library
p5-CDB_File-1.05nb3 Perl5 module to use CDB files
p5-CDDB-1.222nb11 High-level interface to the Compact Disc Database
p5-CDDB-File-1.05nb16 Parses a CDDB/freedb data file
p5-CDDB_get-2.28nb13 Perl interface to query for CDDB information
p5-CGI-4.66nb1 Perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI-Ajax-0.707nb15 Call perl asynchronously from javascript
p5-CGI-Application-4.61nb7 Perl5 module to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications
p5-CGI-Application-PSGI-1.00nb15 Perl 5 module PSGI adapter for CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH-4.04nb10 Easy DBI access from CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session-1.05nb9 Add CGI::Session support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.52nb1 Help validate CGI::Application run modes using Data::FormValidator
p5-CGI-Compile-0.26nb1 Perl 5 module to compile .cgi scripts to a code reference
p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter-0.05nb9 Perl5 module for splitting big cookies into smaller ones
p5-CGI-Cookie-XS-0.18nb11 HTTP Cookie parser in pure C
p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.23nb8 Perl 5 module prodiving PSGI adapter for CGI
p5-CGI-Fast-2.17nb1 CGI Interface for Fast CGI
p5-CGI-FastTemplate-1.09nb18 Perl5 extension for managing templates
p5-CGI-FormBuilder-3.2000 Perl5 module for building HTML forms
p5-CGI-Kwiki-0.18nb19 Quickie Wiki that is not too Tricky
p5-CGI-Lite-3.03nb3 Simple perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs
p5-CGI-Minimal-1.30nb4 Perl5 module for simple CGI scripts
p5-CGI-PSGI-0.15nb13 Perl 5 module to adapt to the PSGI protocol
p5-CGI-ProgressBar-0.05nb14 sub-class with a progress bar object
p5-CGI-Session-4.48nb13 Perl5 module providing session management across HTTP requests
p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached-0.04nb14 CGI::Session driver for memcached
p5-CGI-Session-Plugin-Redirect-1.01nb12 Perl5 module extension adding a redirect method for CGI::Session
p5-CGI-Session-Serialize-yaml-4.26nb14 Serializer for CGI::Session
p5-CGI-Simple-1.281nb1 Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant
p5-CGI-Struct-1.21nb11 Build structures from CGI data
p5-CHI-0.61nb1 Unified cache handling interface
p5-CLASS-1.1.8nb1 Alias for __PACKAGE__
p5-CLI-Osprey-0.08nb5 MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity
p5-CPAN-Changes-0.500004nb1 Read and write Changes files
p5-CPAN-Checksums-2.14nb1 Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
p5-CPAN-Common-Index-0.010nb7 Library for searching CPAN modules, authors and distributions
p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12nb13 Perl 5 module to extract distname and version from distfile
p5-CPAN-FindDependencies-3.13nb1 Perl 5 module to find dependencies for modules on the CPAN
p5-CPAN-Inject-1.14nb10 Inject a distribution for installation via the CPAN shell
p5-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.018nb1 Perl module to verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.143nb1 Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
p5-CPAN-Mini-1.111017nb1 Create a minimal mirror of CPAN
p5-CPAN-ParseDistribution-1.54nb8 Index a file from the BackPAN to give name and version of the distr'n
p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases-5.20231230nb1 Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
p5-CPAN-Reporter-1.2019nb1 Adds CPAN Testers reporting to p5-CPAN
p5-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic-0.001nb1 Dynamic prerequisites in meta files
p5-CPAN-Uploader-0.103018nb1 Perl 5 module to upload things to the CPAN
p5-CPANPLUS-0.9914nb3 Ameliorated interface to the CPAN
p5-CSS-1.09nb13 Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets
p5-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.13nb3 XS based CSS minifier
p5-CSS-Squish-0.10nb13 Compact many CSS files into one big file
p5-CSS-Tiny-1.20nb9 Perl 5 module to read/write .css files with as little code as possible
p5-Cache-2.11nb10 The Cache interface
p5-Cache-Cache-1.08nb10 The Cache interface
p5-Cache-FastMmap-1.57nb3 Shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file
p5-Cache-LRU-0.04nb9 Simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache
p5-Cache-Memcached-1.30nb12 Perl API for distributed memory cache daemon memcached
p5-Cache-Memcached-Fast-0.28nb1 Perl client for memcached, in C language
p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27nb16 Perl module providing a lightweight cache with timed expiration
p5-Calendar-Simple-2.1.0nb1 Perl extension to create simple calendars
p5-Canary-Stability-2013nb5 Canary to check Perl compatibility
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.97nb9 Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide-0.94nb14 Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
p5-Capture-Tiny-0.48nb7 Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
p5-Carp-1.50nb6 Alternative warn and die for modules
p5-Carp-Always-0.16nb7 Perl5 module which warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces
p5-Carp-Assert-0.22nb1 Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
p5-Carp-Assert-More-2.4.0nb1 Perl5 module providing convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
p5-Carp-Clan-6.08nb5 Report errors from perspective of a "clan" of modules
p5-Carp-REPL-0.18nb9 Perl 5 read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
p5-Carton-1.0.35nb1 Perl module dependency manager (aka Bundler for Perl)
p5-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.21nb7 Automated REST Method Dispatching
p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.17 Catalyst render action target
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-1.018nb7 HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-Proxy-0.06nb15 HTTP Proxy authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.1506nb10 Storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-1.006nb7 Authen::Htpasswd based user storage/authentication
p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT-0.07nb17 Make current Catalyst request context available in Models and Views
p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001nb16 Return a new instance a component on each request
p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex-0.05nb19 Put lexicals on the catalyst stash
p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-0.06nb14 Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-2.04nb7 Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu
p5-Catalyst-Devel-1.42nb4 Development tool kit for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex-5.90035nb9 Deprecated Catalyst Regex DispatchType
p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork-0.51nb11 High-performance pre-forking Catalyst engine
p5-Catalyst-Engine-JobQueue-POE-0.0.4nb11 Implementing a Catalyst job queue with POE
p5-Catalyst-Engine-PSGI-0.14nb7 Perl 5 PSGI engine for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Manual-5.9013nb1 Manual for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10nb14 Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.65nb10 DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
p5-Catalyst-Model-File-0.10nb11 File based storage model for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-RDBO-0.07nb16 Rose::DB::Object model class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.100240 Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-RDBO-0.002nb17 Authentication and authorization against a Rose::DB::Object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.16nb10 ACL support for Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09nb13 Role based authorization for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart-0.96nb11 Restart Catalyst when specified memory threshold reached
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.35nb4 Load Catalyst config from YAML file
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10nb15 I18N for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-RequireSSL-0.07nb11 Force SSL mode on select pages
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Server-0.28nb13 Base Server plugin for RPC-able protocols
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.43nb1 Generic Catalyst Session plugin
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie-0.18nb4 Maintain session IDs using cookies
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC-0.14nb9 DBIC session storage backend
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate-0.06nb16 Delegate session storage to an application model object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap-0.16nb13 FastMmap session storage backend
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.18nb16 File storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.12nb11 Display a stack trace on the debug screen
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.37nb3 Serve static files with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StatusMessage-1.002000nb10 Handle passing of status messages between screens of a web application
p5-Catalyst-Runtime-5.90132 The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
p5-Catalyst-View-Email-0.36nb8 Send Templated Email from Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus-0.04nb9 Catalyst View for Excel::Template::Plus
p5-Catalyst-View-JSON-0.37nb5 JSON view for your data in Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate-0.06nb17 Jemplate view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19nb10 HTML::Mason view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-0.46nb1 Template Toolkit view class for Catalyst
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-0.57nb8 CRUD framework for Catalyst applications
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-REST-0.005nb9 Catalyst::Controller::REST with CRUD
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-RHTMLO-0.20nb15 Rose::HTML::Objects CRUD controller
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Model-RDBO-0.30.2nb10 Rose::DB::Object CRUD
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-ModelAdapter-DBIC-0.15nb8 CRUD for Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-View-Excel-0.07nb15 View CRUD search/list results in Excel format
p5-CatalystX-CRUD-YUI-0.031nb10 YUI for your CatalystX::CRUD view
p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.19nb12 Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.06nb14 Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
p5-Chart-2.4.10nb9 Perl5 charting library
p5-Chart-ThreeD-0.01nb20 Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting
p5-Check-ISA-0.09nb9 DWIM, correct checking of an object's class
p5-Cisco-Abbrev-0.03nb15 Perl 5 module to translate to/from Cisco interface abbbreviations
p5-ClamAV-Client-0.11nb1 Client class for the ClamAV clamd virus scanner
p5-Class-Accessor-0.51nb7 Automated accessor generation
p5-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01nb16 Make chained accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10014nb7 Lets you build groups of accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08nb9 Minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
p5-Class-Accessor-Named-0.009nb15 Perl 5 module providing better profiling output for Class::Accessor
p5-Class-Adapter-1.09nb7 Perl 5 module implementing the adapter design pattern
p5-Class-Autouse-2.01nb13 Run-time class loading on first method call
p5-Class-Base-0.09nb7 Useful base class for deriving other modules
p5-Class-C3-0.35nb4 Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.14nb9 Perl5 module to make NEXT suck less
p5-Class-C3-Componentised-1.001002nb7 Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
p5-Class-C3-XS-0.15nb8 XS speedups for Class::C3
p5-Class-Container-0.13nb7 Glues object frameworks together transparently
p5-Class-DBI-3.0.17nb19 Perl5 module for Simple Database Abstraction
p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch-0.07nb17 Abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN-1.22nb12 DSN sensitive base class
p5-Class-DBI-Pg-0.09nb17 Class::DBI extension for Postgres
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-0.03nb15 Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch-0.08nb15 Implement deep_search_where() for Class::DBI
p5-Class-Data-Accessor-0.04004nb16 Inheritable and overridable class and instance data accessors
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.10nb1 Inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04nb10 Perl base class for error handling
p5-Class-Factory-1.06nb16 Base class for dynamic factory classes
p5-Class-Factory-Util-1.7nb16 Perl module to help factory classes
p5-Class-Field-0.24nb6 Perl 5 class field accessor generator
p5-Class-Fields-0.204nb13 Set of modules to operate with class fields and members access
p5-Class-Gomor-1.03nb10 Another class and object builder
p5-Class-ISA-0.36nb15 Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
p5-Class-Inner-0.200.001nb15 Perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
p5-Class-InsideOut-1.14nb8 Perl 5 safe and simple inside-out object construction kit
p5-Class-Inspector-1.36nb5 Provides information about Classes
p5-Class-Load-0.25nb7 Provide a working (require "Class::Name") and more
p5-Class-Load-XS-0.10nb8 XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
p5-Class-Loader-2.03nb16 Perl5 module for module loading and on-demand object creation
p5-Class-MakeMethods-1.010nb17 Getter/setter OO method maker for class elements
p5-Class-Measure-0.10nb2 Create, compare, and convert units of measurement
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.15nb2 Perl module providing Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-MethodMaker-2.24nb10 Getter/setter OO method maker for class elements
p5-Class-Mix-0.006nb7 Perl 5 module providing dynamic class mixing
p5-Class-OOorNO-0.011nb15 Give your module classic *AND* OO interfaces
p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-0.7nb18 Perl extension for optimized template builder base class
p5-Class-Refresh-0.07nb5 Perl5 module for refreshing classes during runtime
p5-Class-ReturnValue-0.55nb16 Perl5 module for return-value object
p5-Class-Singleton-1.6nb4 Perl module to implement Singleton classes
p5-Class-Std-0.0.13nb9 Perl 5 module to support creation of standard inside-out classes
p5-Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8nb2 Faster but less secure than Class::Std
p5-Class-Throwable-0.13nb10 Minimal lightweight exception class
p5-Class-Tiny-1.008nb4 Perl extension for minimalist class construction
p5-Class-Trigger-0.15nb5 Mixin to add/call inheritable triggers
p5-Class-Unload-0.11nb7 Perl 5 module to unload a class
p5-Class-Virtual-0.08nb8 Base class for virtual base classes
p5-Class-WhiteHole-0.04nb18 Perl5 module to ensure error on unhandled method calls
p5-Class-XML-0.06nb16 Perl 5 module providing a simple XML abstraction
p5-Class-XPath-1.4nb17 Perl5 module for XPath-style matching in object trees
p5-Class-XSAccessor-1.19nb10 Perl 5 module to generate fast XS accessors
p5-Clipboard-0.26nb4 Copy and paste with any OS
p5-Clone-0.47nb1 Perl module for recursively copying datatypes
p5-Clone-Choose-0.010nb7 Perl5 module to choose appropriate clone utility
p5-Clone-Fast-0.96nb13 Natively copying Perl data structures
p5-Clone-PP-1.08nb3 Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Commandable-0.14nb1 Perl module for utilities for commandline-based programs
p5-Compiler-Lexer-0.23nb5 Lexical Analyzer for Perl5
p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.28nb4 Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-LZMA-Simple-0.2nb17 Perl interface of lzmalib
p5-Compress-PPMd-0.11nb16 Perl 5 module interface to the Dmitry Shkarin PPMd compression library
p5-Config-Any-0.33nb1 Perl extension for handling config files
p5-Config-Any-Merge-0.08nb11 Overrinding of configuration variables based on file order
p5-Config-Augeas-1.000nb22 Edit configuration files through Augeas C library
p5-Config-Auto-0.44nb10 Perl 5 module providing a magical config file parser
p5-Config-AutoConf-0.320nb3 Perl 5 module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl
p5-Config-File-1.54nb4 Parse a simple configuration file
p5-Config-Find-0.31nb9 Perl module for finding configuration files in the native OS fashion
p5-Config-General-2.65nb3 Perl Generic Config module
p5-Config-GitLike-1.18nb5 Perl 5 module providing a git-compatible config file parser
p5-Config-Grammar-1.13nb6 Grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
p5-Config-INI-0.029nb1 Perl 5 module to handle simple .ini-file format
p5-Config-INI-Reader-Ordered-0.022nb2 Perl .ini-file parser that returns sections in order
p5-Config-IniFiles-3.000003nb5 Perl module for reading .ini-style configuration files
p5-Config-MVP-2.200013nb1 Perl5 module for multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
p5-Config-MVP-Reader-INI-2.101465nb1 Perl5 module providing an MVP config reader for .ini files
p5-Config-Onion-1.007nb5 Layered configuration, because configs are like ogres
p5-Config-Properties-1.80nb10 Read and write property files
p5-Config-Simple-4.59nb11 Simple configuration file class
p5-Config-Std-0.903nb7 Perl 5 module providing a simple configuration-file system
p5-Config-Tiny-2.30nb1 Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
p5-Const-Fast-0.014nb11 Perl5 facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
p5-Context-Preserve-0.03nb7 Perl 5 module to run code after a subroutine call
p5-Contextual-Return-0.004.014nb8 Perl 5 module to create context-senstive return values
p5-ControlX10-CM11-2.09nb18 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM11A controller
p5-ControlX10-CM17-0.07nb18 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM17A controller
p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4nb20 Perl5 module to convert binary octets into ASCII armour
p5-Convert-ASN1-0.34nb1 Perl5 module to encode/decode ASN.1 data
p5-Convert-BER-1.3200nb15 Perl class to encode/decode objects using Basic Encoding Rules
p5-Convert-Bencode-1.03nb8 Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings
p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125nb9 Read and write Macintosh BinHex streams
p5-Convert-Binary-C-0.84nb3 Binary Data Conversion using C Types
p5-Convert-Color-0.18nb1 Color space conversions and named lookups
p5-Convert-Color-XTerm-0.06nb2 Indexed colors used by XTerm
p5-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT-0.06nb8 Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime Format Strings
p5-Convert-PEM-0.13 Perl5 module to read/write ASN.1-encoded PEM files
p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18nb11 Perl5 module interface to read TNEF files
p5-Convert-Translit-1.03nb15 Perl5 module to transliterate various character sets
p5-Convert-UU-0.5201nb7 Perl5 module interface to uuencode and uudecode
p5-Convert-UUlib-1.8nb2 Perl5 module interface to the uulib library
p5-Cookie-Baker-0.12nb1 Perl extension for cookie string generator/parser
p5-Cookie-XS-0.11nb11 HTTP Cookie parser in C (deprecated)
p5-Coro-6.57nb6 Perl module for threads
p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.32nb2 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast (cPanel fork)
p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14nb11 Perl5 Blowfish implementation
p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12nb11 Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04nb16 The CAST5 block cipher, implemented in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-CBC-3.04nb3 Perl5 cipher block chaining mode for various crypto algorithms
p5-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.01nb10 Perl5 module for the CipherSaber encryptions
p5-Crypt-Curve25519-0.07nb1 Perl5 module for the elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange
p5-Crypt-DES-2.07nb11 XS-based DES implementation for Perl
p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.03nb1 Perl5 module for Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
p5-Crypt-DH-0.07nb11 Perl5 module for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
p5-Crypt-DH-GMP-0.00012nb10 Crypt::DH Using GMP Directly
p5-Crypt-DSA-1.19 Perl5 module for the DSA public key algorithm
p5-Crypt-ECB-2.23nb1 Perl5 Electronic Codebook mode for various crypto algorithms
p5-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009nb13 Perl5 Eksblowfish block cipher
p5-Crypt-GPG-1.64nb9 Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG
p5-Crypt-GeneratePassword-0.05nb8 Generate secure random pronounceable passwords
p5-Crypt-HSXKPasswd-3.6nb5 Generate secure, memorable, and easy to share passwords
p5-Crypt-IDEA-1.10nb11 Perl5 module for the IDEA symmetric key algorithm
p5-Crypt-JWT-0.035nb1 Perl5 module for JSON Web Tokens
p5-Crypt-Juniper-0.02nb3 Perl5 module to decode type-9 Juniper scrambling
p5-Crypt-OpenPGP-1.18nb1 Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.21nb1 Perl5 wrapper module for the OpenSSL AES functions
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09nb9 Perl5 wrapper module for the OpenSSL Bignum functions
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.20nb4 Perl5 wrapper module for the OpenSSL DSA functions
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.15nb5 Guess OpenSSL include path
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.33nb3 Perl5 wrapper module for the OpenSSL RSA functions
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.17nb1 Perl5 wrapper module for OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520nb4 PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
p5-Crypt-PWSafe3-1.22nb10 Perl module interface to Passwordsafe v3 files
p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.42nb2 MD5-based crypt() function
p5-Crypt-Primes-0.50nb19 Perl5 module for provable prime number generation
p5-Crypt-RC4-2.02nb16 Perl5 module for the "alleged" RC4 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.08nb3 Perl5 module of the RIPEMD160 hash function
p5-Crypt-RSA-1.99nb16 Perl5 module of the RSA public key algorithm
p5-Crypt-RandPasswd-0.07nb3 Random password generator based on FIPS-181
p5-Crypt-Random-1.54nb3 Perl5 interface to /dev/random
p5-Crypt-Random-Seed-0.03nb11 Simple method to get strong randomness
p5-Crypt-Random-TESHA2-0.01nb12 Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
p5-Crypt-Rijndael-1.16nb4 Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module
p5-Crypt-SMIME-0.30nb1 Perl5 S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72nb14 Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
p5-Crypt-SmbHash-0.12nb16 Perl5 module for generating LM/NT hashes
p5-Crypt-Twofish-2.18nb4 Perl5 module for the Twofish symmetric key algorithm
p5-Crypt-URandom-0.40nb1 Perl5 module to provide non blocking randomness
p5-Crypt-X509-0.55nb1 Perl 5 module to parse a X.509 certificate
p5-CryptX-0.084nb1 Crypto toolkit (self-contained no external libraries needed)
p5-Cucumber-TagExpressions-6.1.1nb1 Cucumber tag expression parser
p5-Curses-1.44nb1 Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
p5-Curses-UI-0.9609nb14 Curses based user user interface framework
p5-Curses-UI-POE-0.04000nb10 Subclass for Curses::UI that enables it to work with POE
p5-Cwd-Guard-0.05nb7 Perl module for changing the working directory
p5-DBD-CSV-0.60nb1 Access CSV files via DBI
p5-DBD-DB2-1.78nb15 Perl DBI/DBD driver for DB2 databases
p5-DBD-MariaDB-1.23nb1 MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-Mock-1.59nb3 Perl5 module with mock database driver for testing
p5-DBD-ODBC-1.61nb4 Perl DBI/DBD driver for ODBC
p5-DBD-Oracle-1.74nb8 Perl DBI/DBD driver for Oracle databases
p5-DBD-PgPP-0.08nb13 DBD::PgPP - Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
p5-DBD-SQLite-1.76nb4 Perl DBI/DBD driver for sqlite databases (self contained)
p5-DBD-SQLite2-0.38nb6 Perl DBI/DBD driver for sqlite v2 databases
p5-DBD-Sybase-1.15nb31 Perl DBI/DBD driver for Sybase/MS-SQL databases
p5-DBD-XBase-1.08nb8 Perl DBI/DBD driver for XBase (dBase/FoxPro) databases
p5-DBD-mysql-4.050nb7 Perl DBI/DBD driver for MySQL databases
p5-DBD-postgresql-3.14.2nb4 Perl DBI/DBD driver for PostgreSQL databases
p5-DBI-1.645nb1 The database-independent Perl database access API
p5-DBI-Shell-11.98 Interactive command Shell for the Perl DBI
p5-DBICx-Deploy-0.02nb16 Perl 5 module to deploy a a DBIx::Class schema
p5-DBICx-MapMaker-0.03nb14 Perl 5 module to automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table
p5-DBICx-Sugar-0.0200nb7 Just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
p5-DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05nb12 Perl 5 module to create temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
p5-DBIWrapper-0.20nb21 Perl extension for generic DBI database access
p5-DBIx-Abstract-1.0400nb10 SQL Database access functions
p5-DBIx-Class-0.082843nb2 Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
p5-DBIx-Class-Candy-0.005003nb7 Perl5 modules to simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached-1.1.4nb8 Cursor class with built-in caching support
p5-DBIx-Class-DigestColumns-0.06000nb17 Automatic digest columns for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.04nb11 DBIx::Class component to automatically set and update fields
p5-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-0.00020nb5 DBIx::Class component to automatically encode columns
p5-DBIx-Class-Fixtures-1.001039nb7 Perl 5 module to handle databases fixtures using DBIx::Class schema
p5-DBIx-Class-Helpers-2.036000nb4 Perl5 modules to simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007nb11 Inflate/deflate columns to Path::Class::File objects
p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP-0.02003nb11 DBIx::Class component to auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.001002nb9 Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
p5-DBIx-Class-Loader-0.21nb16 Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes
p5-DBIx-Class-RDBOHelpers-0.12nb9 DBIC compat with Rose::DBx::Object::MoreHelpers
p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07049nb7 Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14nb15 DBIx::Class component to automatically handle timestamp fields
p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns-0.02006nb13 Implicit uuid columns for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-Validation-0.02005nb16 Validate all data before submitting to database
p5-DBIx-Connector-0.59nb1 Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03nb16 Perl5 module adding contextual fetches to DBI
p5-DBIx-DBSchema-0.47nb1 Database-independent schema objects
p5-DBIx-DataSource-0.02nb18 Create and drop functions for databases
p5-DBIx-Introspector-0.001005nb9 Detect what database you are connected to
p5-DBIx-Schema-0.07nb16 Simpler SQL Join interface
p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.82nb1 Extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation
p5-DBIx-Simple-1.37nb1 Very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
p5-DBM-Deep-2.0019nb1 Pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
p5-DB_File-Lock-0.05nb17 Perl5 module providing locking with flock wrapper for DB_File
p5-DNS-LDNS-0.06nb13 Perl5 bindings for the LDNS library
p5-DNS-ZoneParse-1.10nb13 Perl5 module for parsing DNS zone files
p5-Daemon-Generic-0.85nb8 Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
p5-Dancer-1.3521nb2 Perl 5 lightweight yet powerful web application framework
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Auth-RBAC-1.110.720nb11 Dancer Authentication, Security and Role-Based Access Control Framework
p5-Dancer-Plugin-DBIC-0.2104nb9 DBIx::Class interface for Dancer applications
p5-Dancer-Session-Cookie-0.30nb7 Encrypted cookie-based session backend for Dancer
p5-Dancer2-1.1.2 Lightweight yet powerful web application framework
p5-Danga-Socket-1.62nb4 Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
p5-Data-AMF-0.09nb13 Serialise/deserialise AMF Packets
p5-Data-Alias-1.28nb2 Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
p5-Data-Binary-0.01nb6 Simple detection of binary versus text in strings
p5-Data-Buffer-0.06nb1 Perl5 module for low-level binary buffer
p5-Data-Compare-1.29nb2 Perl5 module comparing arbitrary data structures
p5-Data-Currency-0.06000nb12 Container class for currency conversion/formatting
p5-Data-Denter-0.15nb16 (deprecated) alternative Perl 5 module to Data::Dumper and Storable
p5-Data-Dump-1.25nb3 Pretty printing of data structures
p5-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.42nb2 Perl 5 module to serialize a data structure as Perl
p5-Data-Dumper-2.183nb3 Stringified perl data structures
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.023nb8 Perl 5 module to dump references with concision and deparsing
p5-Data-Dumper-Names-0.03nb15 Dump variables with names (no source filter)
p5-Data-Entropy-0.007nb1 Perl module to manage entropy sources
p5-Data-Float-0.013nb1 Perl module for floating point data
p5-Data-FormValidator-4.88nb7 Validates user input based on input profile
p5-Data-GUID-0.051nb2 Perl 5 module for globally unique identifiers
p5-Data-HexDump-0.04nb4 Hexadecial Dumper
p5-Data-Hexify-1.00nb12 Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
p5-Data-Hierarchy-0.34nb16 Perl module for handling data in a hierarchical structure
p5-Data-ICal-0.24nb4 Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
p5-Data-ICal-DateTime-0.82nb7 Convenience methods for using Data::ICal with DateTime
p5-Data-IEEE754-0.02nb6 Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
p5-Data-Integer-0.006nb7 Details of the native integer data type
p5-Data-MessagePack-1.02nb2 MessagePack serialising/deserialising
p5-Data-Munge-0.10nb1 Various utility functions
p5-Data-ObjectDriver-0.22nb2 Simple and generic abstraction to databases
p5-Data-OptList-0.114nb2 Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
p5-Data-Page-2.03nb6 Pager utility for Class::DBI
p5-Data-Page-Pageset-1.02nb8 Change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
p5-Data-Pageset-1.06nb15 Page numbering and page sets
p5-Data-Password-passwdqc-0.09nb7 Perl5 check password strength and generate password using passwdqc
p5-Data-Peek-0.52nb2 Perl 5 collection of low-level debug functions
p5-Data-Perl-0.002011nb5 Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
p5-Data-Printer-1.002001nb1 Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
p5-Data-Random-0.13nb8 Perl module to generate random data
p5-Data-Record-0.02nb11 Perl5 module for "split" on steroids
p5-Data-Section-0.200.008nb2 Perl 5 module to read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
p5-Data-Section-Simple-0.07nb11 Extract data from __DATA__ section of the file
p5-Data-Serializer-0.65nb5 Perl 5 module to serialize data structures
p5-Data-ShowTable-4.6nb10 Perl module to print arrays of data in nicely formatted listings
p5-Data-SimplePassword-0.11nb8 Simple random password generator
p5-Data-Stag-0.14nb11 Structured Tags datastructures
p5-Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11nb13 N at a time iteration API for data transfers
p5-Data-Structure-Util-0.16nb8 Change nature of data within a structure
p5-Data-Table-1.78nb5 Data type related to database tables, spreadsheets, etc
p5-Data-Taxi-0.96nb13 Perl 5 module providing taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization
p5-Data-TemporaryBag-0.09nb16 Handle long size data using temporary file
p5-Data-URIEncode-0.11nb15 Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
p5-Data-UUID-1.227nb1 Perl module for generating UUIDs
p5-Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe-0.35nb8 URL-safe UUIDs
p5-Data-Uniqid-0.12nb12 Perl extension for simple generaion of unique ids
p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.31nb2 IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
p5-Data-Visitor-0.32nb2 Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
p5-Date-Business-1.2nb18 Perl5 module for fast calendar and business date calculations
p5-Date-Calc-6.4nb10 Perl5 module for Gregorian calendar date calculations
p5-Date-Calc-XS-6.4nb10 XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc
p5-Date-Extract-0.07nb2 Perl 5 module to extract probable dates from strings
p5-Date-ICal-2.682nb1 Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
p5-Date-Leapyear-1.72nb14 Is a particular year a leap year?
p5-Date-Manip-6.95nb1 Perl5 module for date calculations
p5-Date-Range-1.41nb2 Date::Range - deal with a range of dates
p5-Date-Simple-3.03nb15 Simple date object
p5-DateTime-1.6500nb1 Perl module for date/time sets and ranges
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian-1.0nb11 Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian-0.107nb3 Dates in the Julian calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.06.01nb15 The Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars
p5-DateTime-Event-Cron-0.09nb8 DateTime extension to handle crontab entries
p5-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.13nb9 DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
p5-DateTime-Event-Random-0.03nb15 DateTime extension for creating random datetimes
p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence-0.19nb8 DateTime::Set extension to create basic recurrence sets
p5-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.8300nb4 Create DateTime parser classes and objects
p5-DateTime-Format-CLDR-1.19nb7 Parse and format CLDR, Common Locale Date Repository, time patterns
p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.04nb15 Convert Date::Manip dates and durations to/from DateTimes
p5-DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.05nb15 Parses Date::Parse compatible formats
p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.16nb9 Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.36 Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.43 Deal with date formats used by HTTP
p5-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09nb16 Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.1600nb4 Parses ISO8601 formats
p5-DateTime-Format-Mail-0.4030nb8 Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.08nb1 Parse and format MySQL dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.18nb1 Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic
p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06nb11 Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
p5-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16014nb4 Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11nb15 Parse and format SQLite dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.7900nb3 Perl 5 module to parse and format strp and strf time patterns
p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.08nb3 Convert between DateTime and W3CDTF date/time format
p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.04nb2 Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
p5-DateTime-Incomplete-0.08nb8 DateTime::Incomplete - An incomplete datetime, like January 5
p5-DateTime-Locale-1.44nb1 Localization data for p5-DateTime
p5-DateTime-Precise-1.05nb16 Perl module for common time and date operations with GPS ops
p5-DateTime-Set-0.3900nb8 Perl module for date/time sets and ranges
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.63nb1 Perl module to handle time zone manipulation
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-HPUX-1.04nb15 Handles timezones defined at the operating system level on HP-UX
p5-DateTimeX-Easy-0.091nb2 Parse a date/time string using the best method available
p5-Debug-Client-0.31nb7 Client side code for perl debugger
p5-Debug-ShowStuff-1.16nb9 Collection of handy debugging routines to display values of variables
p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03nb16 Perl 5 module for declarative validation of data structures
p5-Devel-Autoflush-0.06nb10 Perl module to set autoflush from the command line
p5-Devel-CallChecker-0.009nb1 Custom op checking attached to subroutines
p5-Devel-CallParser-0.002nb5 Custom parsing attached to subroutines
p5-Devel-Caller-2.07nb2 Meatier versions of caller
p5-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces-1.1nb7 Provide caller that ignores specific namespaces
p5-Devel-CheckBin-0.04nb9 Perl extension to check that a command is available
p5-Devel-CheckCompiler-0.07nb8 Check the compiler availability
p5-Devel-CheckLib-1.16nb4 Perl extension to check that a library is available
p5-Devel-CheckOS-2.04nb1 Perl extension to check what OS we are running on
p5-Devel-Confess-0.009004nb7 Include stack traces on all warnings and errors
p5-Devel-Cover-1.44nb1 Perl 5 module providing code coverage metrics
p5-Devel-Cycle-1.12nb10 Perl5 module to find memory cycles in objects
p5-Devel-Declare-0.006022nb5 Declarator magic for perl
p5-Devel-Dumpvar-1.06nb15 Perl 5 module providing a pure-OO reimplementation of
p5-Devel-EvalContext-0.09nb16 Perl 5 module to save lexicals and hints between calls to eval
p5-Devel-Events-0.09nb7 Perl 5 module providing an extensible instrumentation framework
p5-Devel-Events-Objects-0.05nb18 Perl 5 module providing object tracking support for Devel::Events
p5-Devel-FindPerl-0.016nb2 Perl 5 module providing the path of the running perl
p5-Devel-FindRef-1.460nb7 Perl 5 module to track down references
p5-Devel-Gladiator-0.08nb5 Perl 5 module to walk Perl's arena
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14nb8 Perl 5 package exposing the flag which marks global destruction
p5-Devel-Hide-0.0015nb3 Meatier versions of caller
p5-Devel-Leak-0.04nb7 Perl module to look for objects that are not reclaimed
p5-Devel-Leak-Object-1.02nb5 Perl module to detect leaks of objects
p5-Devel-LexAlias-0.05nb11 Alias lexical variables
p5-Devel-MAT-0.53nb1 Perl Memory Analysis Tool
p5-Devel-MAT-Dumper-0.50nb1 Write a heap dump file for later analysis
p5-Devel-NYTProf-6.14nb1 Powerful feature-rich Perl 5 source code profiler
p5-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007nb3 Perl 5 module for introspect overloaded operators
p5-Devel-OverrideGlobalRequire-0.001nb7 Perl 5 package that overrides CORE::GLOBAL::require safely
p5-Devel-PartialDump-0.20nb7 Perl 5 module to make partial dumps of data structures
p5-Devel-PatchPerl-2.08nb4 Perl 5 module to patch a perl source tree
p5-Devel-Pragma-1.1.0nb8 Perl5 helper functions for developers of lexical pragmas
p5-Devel-Profile-1.05nb17 Perl5 module for profiling perl programs
p5-Devel-REPL-1.003029nb2 Modern Perl interactive shell
p5-Devel-Refactor-0.05nb15 Perl 5 extension for refactoring Perl code
p5-Devel-Refcount-0.10nb9 Perl 5 module to obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
p5-Devel-Size-0.84nb1 Perl 5 module for finding the memory usage of variables
p5-Devel-SmallProf-2.02nb17 Perl5 module for line-by-line profiling perl programs
p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.05nb1 Perl5 module for stack trace and stack trace frame objects
p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15nb9 Perl5 module to displays stack trace in HTML
p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-2.01nb10 Perl 5 module combining Devel::StackTrace and PadWalker
p5-Devel-Symdump-2.1800nb8 Perl5 module for inspecting perl's symtable/class hiers
p5-Devel-Trace-0.12nb13 Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
p5-Devel-TraceUse-2.097nb2 Show the modules your Perl program loads, recursively
p5-Devel-ebug-0.64nb3 Simple, extensible Perl 5 debugger
p5-Device-Gsm-1.61nb8 Perl module to interface GSM cellular / modems
p5-Device-Modem-1.59nb4 Perl module to talk to modem devices connected via serial port
p5-Device-SerialPort-1.04nb16 POSIX-based Perl module to control your serial port
p5-Device-XBee-API-0.8nb8 Object-oriented Perl interface to Digi XBee module API mode
p5-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02nb14 Perl5 module for bubble babble fingerprints
p5-Digest-CRC-0.24nb2 Perl5 extension interface for cyclic redundancy check algorithms
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.05nb1 Perl5 module for HMAC
p5-Digest-Hashcash-1.1nb8 Perl5 extension module for hashcash hashes
p5-Digest-JHash-0.10nb8 Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm
p5-Digest-MD2-2.04nb10 Perl5 module for MD2
p5-Digest-MD4-1.9nb11 Perl5 module for MD4 hash algorithm
p5-Digest-MD5-File-0.08nb13 Perl5 extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls
p5-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06nb18 Perl5 extension module for Nilsimsa signatures
p5-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9nb10 Perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13nb16 Perl5 module for SHA1
p5-Digest-SHA3-1.05nb2 Perl5 module for SHA-3
p5-Dir-Self-0.11nb10 Perl 5 __DIR__ constant for source file's directory
p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11nb10 Perl 5 module to declare version conflicts for your dist
p5-Dist-Zilla-6.032nb1 Perl 5 module distribution builder; installer not included
p5-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver-4.010nb1 Weave your Pod together from configuration and Dist::Zilla
p5-Dist-Zooky-0.24nb8 Perl 5 module to convert a distribution to Dist::Zilla
p5-DublinCore-Record-0.03nb14 Container for Dublin Core metadata elements
p5-Dumbbench-0.111nb7 More reliable benchmarking with the least amount of thinking
p5-DynaLoader-Functions-0.004nb3 Deconstructed dynamic C library loading
p5-EV-4.34nb1 Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
p5-Email-Abstract-3.010nb1 Perl5 module for writing representation-independent mail handling code
p5-Email-Address-1.913nb2 RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
p5-Email-Address-List-0.06nb6 RFC close address list parsing
p5-Email-Address-XS-1.05nb2 Parse and format RFC 2822 email addresses and groups
p5-Email-Date-1.104nb12 Find and Format Date Headers
p5-Email-Date-Format-1.008nb2 Perl Module to produce RFC 2822 date strings
p5-Email-Find-0.10nb15 Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
p5-Email-Folder-0.860nb9 Perl 5 module to read all the messages from a folder
p5-Email-FolderType-0.814nb12 Perl 5 module to determine the type of a mail folder
p5-Email-LocalDelivery-1.201nb2 Perl 5 module to deliver a piece of email - simply
p5-Email-MIME-1.954nb1 Perl module for easy MIME message parsing
p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317nb11 Strip the attachments from a mail
p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.028nb2 Perl module for parsing a MIME Content-Type header
p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.317nb2 Unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
p5-Email-MIME-RFC2047-0.97nb7 Encoding of non-ASCII MIME headers
p5-Email-MessageID-1.408nb2 Generate world unique message-ids
p5-Email-Outlook-Message-0.921nb2 Read Outlook .msg files
p5-Email-Reply-1.204nb9 Reply to a Message
p5-Email-Send-2.202nb1 Email::Send - Simply Sending Email
p5-Email-Sender-2.601nb1 Email::Sender - a library for sending email
p5-Email-Simple-2.218nb2 Perl5 module for simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
p5-Email-Stuff-2.105nb10 More casual approach to creating and sending emails
p5-Email-Valid-1.204nb1 Perl5 module for testing validity of an email address
p5-Email-Valid-Loose-0.05nb16 Email::Valid which allows dot before at mark
p5-Encode-Detect-1.01nb16 Perl module that detects the encoding of data
p5-Encode-EUCJPASCII-0.03nb8 eucJP-ascii - An eucJP-open mapping
p5-Encode-HanExtra-0.23nb8 Extra sets of Chinese encodings
p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.05nb3 Perl extension to deal with UTF-7 modification for IMAP
p5-Encode-JIS2K-0.05nb1 JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05nb10 Determine the locale encoding for Encode
p5-Env-Path-0.19nb10 Advanced operations on path variables
p5-Error-0.17029nb5 Perl extension module for try/throw/catch exception handling
p5-Eval-Closure-0.14nb9 Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
p5-Eval-LineNumbers-0.1nb8 Add line numbers to heredoc blocks that contain perl source code
p5-Event-1.28nb3 Event library for Perl
p5-Event-ExecFlow-0.64nb16 High level API for event-based execution flow control
p5-Event-RPC-1.10nb9 Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
p5-Excel-Template-0.34nb9 Perl module for templating Excel files
p5-Excel-Template-Plus-0.06nb9 Extension to the Excel::Template module
p5-Exception-Class-1.45nb3 Perl5 module implementing real exception classes
p5-Exception-Handler-1.004nb15 Report exceptions with formatted text call-stack
p5-Expect-1.38nb1 Perl version of the TCL "expect" tool
p5-Expect-Simple-0.04nb15 Perl 5 module providing a wrapper around the Expect module
p5-Exporter-Declare-0.114nb4 Exporting done right
p5-Exporter-Lite-0.09nb2 Perl 5 module providing lightweight exporting of variables
p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.006002nb2 Exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
p5-ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.64nb8 Lets Makefile.PL automatically install dependencies
p5-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.12nb1 Perl5 configure-check utilities
p5-ExtUtils-Config-0.010nb1 Wrapper for configuration of Perl
p5-ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.26nb2 Perl5 module for guess C++ compiler and flags
p5-ExtUtils-Depends-0.8001nb3 Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
p5-ExtUtils-F77-1.24nb4 Perl module for determining how to link Fortran and C
p5-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.028nb1 Various portability utilities for Perl5 module builders
p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.014nb1 Build.PL install path logic made easy
p5-ExtUtils-LibBuilder-0.08nb9 Perl5 module for building C libraries
p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09nb6 Loads CPANfile & modifies parameters for WriteMakefile (Makefile.PL)
p5-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker-0.63nb8 Perl extension for creating modules (better than h2xs)
p5-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker-TT-0.94nb10 Makes skeleton modules with Template Toolkit templates
p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.16nb8 Simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28nb16 Perl5 module for automatic XS glue code generation
p5-ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18nb10 XS for C++
p5-FCGI-0.82nb3 Perl5 library for FastCGI, a fast startup alternative to CGI
p5-FCGI-Client-0.09nb7 Perl 5 client library for fastcgi protocol
p5-FCGI-ProcManager-0.28nb7 Functions for managing FastCGI applications
p5-FFI-CheckLib-0.31nb2 Check that a library is available for FFI
p5-Feature-Compat-Try-0.05nb2 Perl module to make try/catch syntax available
p5-Feed-Find-0.13nb2 Perl module to perform autodiscovery of syndication feeds
p5-Fennec-Lite-0.004nb4 Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits
p5-File-BOM-0.18nb5 Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
p5-File-BaseDir-0.09nb2 Perl module for the XDG Base Directory Specification
p5-File-Binary-1.7nb13 Binary file reading module
p5-File-ChangeNotify-0.31nb6 Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style
p5-File-ConfigDir-0.021nb7 Get directories of configuration files
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.45nb5 Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced-0.008nb1 Recursive copying of files and directories
p5-File-DesktopEntry-0.22nb9 Perl module for handling .desktop files
p5-File-DirCompare-0.7nb11 Perl module to compare two directories using callbacks
p5-File-DirSync-1.22nb16 Perl5 module to synchronize two directories rapidly
p5-File-FcntlLock-0.22nb1 File locking with fcntl(2)
p5-File-Find-Object-0.3.8nb1 Object-oriented and iterative replacement for File::Find
p5-File-Find-Rule-0.34nb9 Alternative interface to File::Find
p5-File-Find-Rule-Age-0.302nb10 Rule to match on file age
p5-File-Find-Rule-PPI-1.07nb2 Add support for PPI queries to File::Find::Rule
p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.16nb2 Common File::Find::Rule rules for searching for Perl things
p5-File-Find-Rule-Permissions-2.04nb6 Rule to match on file permissions and user access
p5-File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.09nb2 File::Find::Rule extension to Exclude files/directories for VCS's
p5-File-Flat-1.07nb4 Implements a flat file system
p5-File-Flock-2014.01nb8 File::Flock - file locking with flock
p5-File-FlockDir-1.02nb18 FlockDir - override perl flock() for network or portability purposes
p5-File-HomeDir-1.006nb4 Get the home directory for yourself or other users
p5-File-Inplace-0.20nb11 Perl module for in-place editing of files
p5-File-KeePass-2.03nb12 Perl module interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
p5-File-LibMagic-1.23nb4 Perlwrapper for libmagic
p5-File-Listing-6.16nb1 Perl 5 module providing a directory parser
p5-File-MMagic-1.30nb10 Perl5 module to guess file types
p5-File-MMagic-XS-0.09008nb10 File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
p5-File-MimeInfo-0.35nb1 Perl module for the freedesktop shared MIME database
p5-File-Modified-0.10nb9 Perl module for checking intelligently if files have changed
p5-File-Mork-0.4nb9 Module to read Mozilla URL history files
p5-File-NFSLock-1.29nb6 NFS (or not) locking
p5-File-Next-1.18nb5 Perl 5 module providing a file-finding iterator
p5-File-Path-Expand-1.02nb16 Perl 5 module to expand filenames
p5-File-Path-Tiny-1.0nb4 Perl 5 module providing recursive mkdir and rmdir
p5-File-PathConvert-0.9nb18 Convert paths and URLs from absolute to relative and vice versa
p5-File-Policy-1.005nb16 Perl 5 module to provide site policy for file I/O functions
p5-File-ReadBackwards-1.06nb4 Perl 5 module to read a file backwards by lines
p5-File-Remove-1.61nb2 Remove files and directories
p5-File-Rsync-0.49nb10 Perl module interface to rsync(1)
p5-File-RsyncP-0.76nb3 Perl Rsync client
p5-File-Save-Home-0.11nb7 Place file safely under user home directory
p5-File-Scan-ClamAV-1.95nb1 Library for sending commands to a local clamd
p5-File-Share-0.27nb2 Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries
p5-File-ShareDir-1.118nb7 Get a generic path to the share directory
p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.14nb2 Perl 5 module to install shared files
p5-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir-1.000009nb8 Perl extension for set-and-forget using a directory in projects root
p5-File-Slurp-9999.32nb5 Read/write/append files quickly
p5-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004nb9 Simple, sane and efficient file slurper
p5-File-Slurper-0.014nb2 Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
p5-File-Tail-1.3nb9 Perl5 module for reading from continuously updated files
p5-File-Tempdir-0.02nb16 Object interface for tempdir() from Perl module File::Temp
p5-File-Touch-0.12nb4 Perl 5 module to "touch" files
p5-File-TreeCreate-0.0.1nb2 Recursively create a directory tree
p5-File-Type-0.22nb18 Perl module for determining file type
p5-File-Util-4.201720nb5 Perl extension for easy, versatile, portable file handling
p5-File-Valet-1.11nb1 Perl5 file utilities
p5-File-Which-1.27nb3 Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
p5-File-chdir-0.1011nb2 Perl module with a more sensible way to change directories
p5-File-chmod-0.42nb9 Perl API-Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
p5-File-pushd-1.016nb7 Perl module to change directory temporarily for a limited scope
p5-FileHandle-Fmode-0.14nb10 Perl 5 module to determine how a filehandle is opened
p5-FileHandle-Unget-0.1634nb7 Perl5 module providing an improved filehandle
p5-Filesys-Df-0.92nb15 Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-DfPortable-0.85nb15 Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14nb5 Perl5 module providing a simple and dumb file system watcher
p5-Filesys-Statvfs-0.82nb15 Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Filter-1.64nb2 Perl5 classes representing a number of source filters
p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX-0.07001nb16 Lightweight currency conversion using WebserviceX.NET
p5-Finance-Quote-1.61nb2 Perl module to get stock quotes from various exchanges
p5-Find-Lib-1.04nb10 Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
p5-FindBin-libs-4.0.4nb1 Locate and a 'use lib' or export directories based on FindBin::Bin
p5-Font-AFM-1.20nb16 Perl5 modules for parsing PostScript font metrics files
p5-Font-FreeType-0.16nb7 Read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2
p5-Font-TTF-1.06nb8 Perl module for TrueType font hacking
p5-Font-TTFMetrics-0.1nb16 Perl parser for the True type font metric (TTF) files
p5-FormValidator-Simple-0.29nb10 Validation with simple chains of constraints
p5-Format-Human-Bytes-0.06nb14 Perl 5 module to format a bytecount and make it human readable
p5-FreezeThaw-0.50.01nb15 Converting Perl structures to strings and back
p5-Fsdb-2.69nb4 Commands for manipulating flat-ASCII databases
p5-Function-Parameters-2.002004nb1 Perl5 subroutine definitions with parameter lists
p5-FusionInventory-Agent-2.6nb6 Fusion Inventory agent
p5-Future-0.51nb1 Represent an operation awaiting completion
p5-Future-IO-0.16nb1 Future-returning IO methods
p5-GD-2.76nb8 Perl5 interface to gd graphics library
p5-GD-Barcode-1.15nb14 Create barcode image with GD
p5-GD-Graph-sparklines-0.2nb16 Perl module for creating sparklines
p5-GD-Graph3d-0.63nb15 GDGraph3d is a pkg to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's
p5-GD-SVG-0.33nb15 Enables SVG output from scripts written using GD
p5-GD-SecurityImage-1.75nb6 Perl5 security image (CAPTCHA) generator
p5-GDGraph-1.54nb7 GDGraph is a package to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's
p5-GDGraph-boxplot-1.00nb15 Boxplot - Box and Whisker Graph Module for Perl 5
p5-GDTextUtil-0.86nb19 Perl 5 text utilities for use with the GD drawing package
p5-GIFgraph-1.20nb21 GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph
p5-GIS-Distance-0.20nb2 Calculate geographic distances
p5-GMail-IMAPD-0.94nb16 IMAP gateway for the GMail web service
p5-GSSAPI-0.28nb16 Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
p5-GTop-0.18nb11 Perl interface to libgtop
p5-Geo-Coordinates-Transform-0.10nb2 Transform Lat/Long between various different coordinate functions
p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11nb10 Perl extension for Latitude Longitude conversions
p5-Geo-Distance-0.25nb3 Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
p5-Geo-Ellipsoid-1.15nb4 Longitude and latitude calculations using an ellipsoid model
p5-Geo-Gpx-1.11nb1 Geo::Gpx - Create and parse GPX files
p5-Geo-IP-1.51nb7 Gets country name by IP or hostname
p5-Geo-IPfree-1.160000nb3 Gets country name by IP or hostname
p5-Geo-Mercator-1.01nb16 Perl5 module computing Mercator Projection into meters
p5-Geo-ShapeFile-3.03nb2 Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles
p5-Geo-Weather-1.41nb16 Perl5 weather retrieval module
p5-GeoIP2-2.006002nb5 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301nb15 Perl5 module for mapping country names and codes
p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11nb16 Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array
p5-Getopt-Euclid-0.4.8nb1 Perl 5 module to create command-line parser from documentation
p5-Getopt-Long-2.57nb1 Extended processing of command line options
p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.114nb1 Perl 5 module providing Getopt::Long with usage text
p5-Getopt-Mixed-1.12nb10 Mixed Getopt wrapper
p5-Getopt-Simple-1.52nb14 Simple Getopt wrapper
p5-Getopt-Tabular-0.3nb10 Table-driven getopt wrapper
p5-Git-CPAN-Patch-2.5.0nb1 Patch CPAN modules using Git
p5-Git-Repository-1.325nb1 Perl interface to Git repositories
p5-Git-Repository-Plugin-AUTOLOAD-1.003nb9 Git subcommands as Git::Repository methods
p5-Git-Version-Compare-1.005nb1 Functions to compare Git versions
p5-Git-Wrapper-0.048nb7 Wrap git(7) command-line interface
p5-GitLab-API-v3-1.05nb6 Complete GitLab API v3 client
p5-GitLab-API-v4-0.26nb2 Complete GitLab API v4 client
p5-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.051nb2 Dynamically create Perl language bindings
p5-GnuPG-Interface-1.04nb1 Perl interface to GnuPG
p5-Graph-0.9732nb1 Perl module for graph operations
p5-Graph-Easy-0.76nb6 Convert or render graphs as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz
p5-Graph-ReadWrite-2.10nb3 Perl module for reading and writing directed graphs
p5-GraphViz-2.24nb7 Perl interface to the Graphviz tools set
p5-GraphViz2-2.66nb3 Wrapper for AT&T\'s Graphviz
p5-GraphicsMagick-1.3.42nb6 Object-oriented Perl interface to GraphicMagick
p5-Gravatar-URL-1.07nb8 Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67nb13 Introduction into the FormFactory framework
p5-Gtk3-SimpleList-0.21nb14 Easy-to-use Gtk3 list widget
p5-Guard-1.023nb10 Perl5 module to safe cleanup blocks
p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26nb3 Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
p5-HTML-Clean-1.4nb5 Perl5 module that cleans up HTML code for web browsers
p5-HTML-Display-0.40nb10 Display HTML locally in a browser
p5-HTML-Element-Extended-1.18nb15 Perl5 modules for managing HTML::Element based objects
p5-HTML-Email-Obfuscate-1.00nb15 Perl5 module for obfuscating HTML email addresses
p5-HTML-Entities-Interpolate-1.10nb8 Call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string
p5-HTML-Escape-1.11nb3 Extremely fast HTML escape
p5-HTML-FillInForm-2.22nb3 Perl5 module that populates HTML Forms with CGI data
p5-HTML-Form-6.12nb1 HTML Form Class that represents an HTML form element
p5-HTML-FormFu-2.07nb6 HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework
p5-HTML-Format-2.12nb9 Perl5 modules for converting HTML to other text formats
p5-HTML-FormatExternal-26nb3 HTML to text formatting using external programs
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.15nb10 HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.07nb8 Converts HTML to Text with tables in tact
p5-HTML-Gumbo-0.18nb4 HTML5 parser based on gumbo C library
p5-HTML-LinkExtractor-0.13nb16 Extract links from an HTML document
p5-HTML-Lint-2.32nb7 Perl 5 module to check for HTML errors in a string or file
p5-HTML-Mason-1.60nb2 Perl-based web site development and delivery system
p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler-0.53nb11 PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
p5-HTML-Parser-3.83nb1 Perl5 module to parse HTML text documents
p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter-0.03nb18 Perl5 module for pretty-printing HTML
p5-HTML-Prototype-1.48nb16 Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Prototype-Useful-0.05nb16 Some useful additions for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-Quoted-0.05nb1 Perl5 module to extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
p5-HTML-Restrict-3.0.2nb2 Perl5 module for stripping unwanted HTML tags and attributes
p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.06 Perl module for concise attribute rewriting
p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.19nb5 Extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
p5-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.28nb1 Perl 5 CSS Selector to XPath compiler
p5-HTML-SimpleParse-0.12nb18 Perl5 module implementing a bare-bones HTML parser
p5-HTML-StickyQuery-0.13nb13 Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
p5-HTML-Stream-1.60nb16 Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
p5-HTML-Strip-2.12nb2 Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
p5-HTML-StripScripts-1.06nb8 Perl5 module to strip scripting constructs out of HTML
p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.03nb15 Perl5 module XSS filter using HTML::Parser
p5-HTML-Table-2.08anb16 Perl5 module to simplify creating HTML tables
p5-HTML-TableExtract-2.15nb8 Perl5 module to simplify extracting HTML tables
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.24nb1 Perl5 module of data tables useful in parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Template-2.97nb8 Perl5 module to create HTML templates with simple tags
p5-HTML-Template-Compiled-1.003nb6 Template System Compiles HTML::Template files to Perl code
p5-HTML-Template-Expr-0.07nb13 Perl5 module to create HTML templates with simple expressions
p5-HTML-Template-Pro-0.9524nb2 Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
p5-HTML-Tiny-1.08nb2 Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation in Perl
p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.16nb11 Perl 5 module prodiving an easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface
p5-HTML-Tree-5.07nb7 Perl5 modules for manipulating HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML-0.28nb1 Perl 5 HTML::TreeBuilder and XPath compatible interface with libxml
p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.14nb13 Perl 5 module adding XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-0.68nb15 Convert HTML to wiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-DokuWiki-0.53nb15 DokuWiki dialect module for converting HTML to wiki markup
p5-HTMLObject-2.30nb5 Perl5 module to quickly and easily create Dynamic HTML pages
p5-HTTP-Async-0.33nb8 Lightweight HTTP client implementation
p5-HTTP-Body-1.23nb1 HTTP Body Parser
p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent-1.4nb7 Cache the result of http get-requests persistently
p5-HTTP-CookieJar-0.014nb2 Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
p5-HTTP-CookieMonster-0.11nb5 Easy read/write access to your jar of HTTP::Cookies
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.11nb1 HTTP cookie jars
p5-HTTP-DAV-0.50 HTTP::DAV interface and 'dave'
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.16nb2 Simple http server class
p5-HTTP-Daemon-SSL-1.04nb1 Simple http server class with SSL support
p5-HTTP-Date-6.06nb1 Perl 5 module providing date conversion routines
p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.25nb4 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
p5-HTTP-GHTTP-1.07nb16 Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
p5-HTTP-HeaderParser-XS-0.20nb11 XS extension for processing HTTP headers
p5-HTTP-Headers-ActionPack-0.09nb3 HTTP Action, Adventure and Excitement
p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.22nb6 Perl extension for faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
p5-HTTP-Lite-2.4.4nb9 Lightweight HTTP client implementation
p5-HTTP-Message-7.00nb1 Construct HTTP style messages
p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02nb7 HTTP MultiPart Parser
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01nb13 Negotiate HTTP service parameters
p5-HTTP-OAI-4.13nb2 API for the OAI-PMH
p5-HTTP-Parser-0.06nb13 Perl 5 module to parse HTTP request into HTTP::Request/Response object
p5-HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17nb10 Perl 5 module providing a fast, primitive HTTP request parser
p5-HTTP-Proxy-0.304nb9 Perl5 module providing a simple HTTP proxy daemon
p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI-1.2nb15 Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request
p5-HTTP-Request-Form- Construct HTTP::Request objects for form processing
p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding-0.06nb15 Perl5 module to add encoding() to HTTP::Response
p5-HTTP-Server-EV-0.69nb7 Asynchronous HTTP server using EV event loop
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.52nb8 Perl5 module providing a simple standalone HTTP daemon
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen-0.04nb12 Authentication plugin for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki-0.29nb16 Standalone HTTP server for Kwiki
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14nb14 Perl5 module providing a simple mason server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.16nb10 PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder-0.03nb15 Perl 5 module mixin to record HTTP::Server::Simple's sockets
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static-0.14nb7 Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Thin-0.006nb9 Thin Wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to play nice with HTTP::Message
p5-HTTP-Tiny-0.090 Small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
p5-HTTP-Tiny-Mech-1.001002nb5 Wrap a WWW::Mechanize instance in an HTTP::Tiny compatible interface
p5-HTTP-Tiny-Multipart-0.08nb7 Add post_multipart to HTTP::Tiny
p5-HTTP-Tinyish-0.19nb1 HTTP::Tiny compatible HTTP client wrappers
p5-HTTPD-User-Manage-1.66nb15 Perl script/modules for managing web access control
p5-Handel-1.00014nb10 Simple commerce framework with AxKit/TT/Catalyst support
p5-Hash-Case-1.050nb5 Perl module that implements case-insensitive hashes
p5-Hash-FieldHash-0.15nb8 Lightweight field hash for inside-out objects
p5-Hash-Flatten-1.19nb13 Perl 5 module to flatten/unflatten complex data hashes
p5-Hash-Merge-0.302nb5 Perl 5 module to merges arbitrarily deep hashes
p5-Hash-Merge-Simple-0.051nb13 Perl 5 module to simply merge two or more hashes recursively
p5-Hash-MoreUtils-0.06nb7 Provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util
p5-Hash-MultiValue-0.16nb10 Perl5 module to store multiple values per key
p5-Hash-Ordered-0.014nb1 Fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class
p5-Hash-SafeKeys-0.04nb1 Perl5 module to get hash contents without resetting each iterator
p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.11nb8 Perl 5 module to user Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties
p5-Heap-0.80nb16 Perl collection of routines for managing a heap data structure
p5-Hijk-0.28nb6 Hijk - Fast & minimal low-level HTTP client
p5-Hook-LexWrap-0.26nb8 Perl5 module providing lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
p5-I18N-AcceptLanguage-1.04nb16 Matches language preference to available languages
p5-IMAP-Admin-1.6.8nb9 Perl5 module for administration of RFC-2060 IMAP servers
p5-IMAP-Client-0.13nb17 Perl5 module for IMAP manipulation
p5-IMDB-Film-0.53nb10 Perl module for accessing IMDB (Internet Movie Database)
p5-IO-AIO-4.81nb1 Perl 5 module implementing asynchronous input/output
p5-IO-All-0.87nb7 Spiffy OO interface to Perl IO
p5-IO-Async-0.803nb1 Asynchronous event-driven programming
p5-IO-BufferedSelect-1.0nb13 Perl buffered version of select interface that operates on lines
p5-IO-Capture-0.05nb16 Perl modules to capture output to stdout and stderr
p5-IO-CaptureOutput-1.1105nb5 Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses, or XS
p5-IO-Digest-0.11nb12 Perl module to calculate digests while reading or writing
p5-IO-Event-0.813nb8 Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks
p5-IO-HTML-1.004nb4 Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
p5-IO-Handle-Util-0.02nb6 Perl 5 module providing for working with IO::Handle like objects
p5-IO-InSitu-0.0.2nb17 Perl 5 module to do in-situ processing on a file
p5-IO-Interactive-1.025nb1 Perl 5 module prodiving utilities for interactive I/O
p5-IO-Interface-1.09nb9 IO-Interface - get and set interface characteristics
p5-IO-KQueue-0.39nb4 Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
p5-IO-LockedFile-0.23nb18 Supply object methods for locking files
p5-IO-Multiplex-1.16nb10 Perl module to manage IO on many file handles
p5-IO-Null-1.01nb16 Perl module for null filehandles
p5-IO-Pager-2.10nb3 Perl module for paged I/O to the terminal
p5-IO-Pipeline-0.9.2nb15 Perl 5 module providing map and grep for filehandles, unix pipe style
p5-IO-Pipely-0.006nb2 Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another
p5-IO-Prompt-0.997004nb8 Interactively prompt for user input
p5-IO-Prompter-0.005001nb1 Prompt for, read, vet, chomp, and encapsulate input
p5-IO-SessionData-1.03nb10 Supporting module for SOAP::Lite
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.73nb3 Perl object interface for AF_INET/AF_INET6 domain sockets
p5-IO-Socket-Multicast-1.12nb14 Perl multicast socket IO
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.089nb1 Perl5 SSL socket interface class
p5-IO-Socket-Timeout-0.32nb9 IO::Socket with read/write timeout
p5-IO-String-1.08nb16 Perl module for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
p5-IO-Stty-0.04nb5 Perl class for I/O on tty devices
p5-IO-Tee-0.66nb4 Multiplex output to multiple output handles
p5-IO-TieCombine-1.005nb9 Perl 5 module to produce tied separate but combined variables
p5-IO-Util-1.50nb16 Selection of general-utility IO function
p5-IO-stringy-2.111nb10 Perl class for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
p5-IO-tty-1.20nb1 Another Perl class for I/O on tty and pseudo-tty devices
p5-IP-Country-2.28nb10 Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
p5-IPC-Cache-0.02nb12 Perl module that implements an object storage space
p5-IPC-DirQueue-1.0nb16 Disk-based many-to-many task queue
p5-IPC-PubSub-0.29nb15 Perl 5 module providing interprocess publish/subscribe channels
p5-IPC-Run-20231003.0nb1 Perl module for interacting with child processes
p5-IPC-Run3-0.049nb1 IPC::Run3 - run a subprocess in batch mode
p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17nb15 Light-weight interface to shared memory
p5-IPC-Shareable-1.13nb1 Tie a variable to shared memory
p5-IPC-SharedCache-1.3nb18 Cache data in shared memory
p5-IPC-Signal-1.00nb15 Perl5 extension to deal with signals
p5-IPC-System-Simple-1.30nb5 Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
p5-IRC-Utils-0.12nb13 Common utilities for IRC-related tasks
p5-Ima-DBI-0.35nb16 Perl5 module for DB connection caching and organization
p5-Image-BMP-1.26nb1 Read BMP file information
p5-Image-ExifTool-13.00nb1 Perl module and program to read EXIF information
p5-Image-Imlib2-2.03nb25 Interface to the Imlib2 image library
p5-Image-Info-1.45 Perl module to extract meta information from images
p5-Image-JpegTran-AutoRotate-0.04nb7 Losslessly fix JPEG orientation
p5-Image-Sane-5nb5 Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
p5-Image-Size-3.300nb10 Read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
p5-Import-Into-1.002005nb9 Perl5 module to import packages into other packages
p5-Importer-0.026nb4 Perl5 module for exporting symbols
p5-Inline-0.86nb5 Perl5 module for writing Perl subroutines in other languages
p5-Inline-C-0.82nb2 Write Perl Subroutines in C
p5-InlineX-C2XS-0.27nb2 Convert from Inline C code to XS
p5-Internals-1.1nb15 Write-protect Perl variables, manipulate refcounts
p5-JSON-4.10nb2 Perl module converts between JSON and Perl data structure
p5-JSON-Any-1.39nb8 Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
p5-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004004nb2 Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::PP
p5-JSON-Parse-0.62nb2 Read JSON into a Perl variable
p5-JSON-RPC-1.06nb10 JSON RPC 2.0 Server implementation for Perl
p5-JSON-XS-4.03nb4 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo-0.31nb16 Support versions 1 and 2 of JSON::XS
p5-JSONSchema-Validator-0.011nb1 Perl module to validate JSONSchema and openapi
p5-JavaScript-Minifier-XS-0.15nb3 XS based JavaScript minifier
p5-JavaScript-Value-Escape-0.07nb9 Avoid XSS with JavaScript value interpolation
p5-Jcode-2.07nb17 Perl5 module for handling various Japanese charsets
p5-Jemplate-0.30nb7 Javascript Templating with Template Toolkit
p5-Jifty-DBI-0.78nb10 Perl 5 object-relational persistence framework
p5-Kwalify-1.23nb4 Perl implementation of Kwalify parser, validator and data binding tool
p5-Kwiki-0.39nb16 Extensible, modular, Perl-based Wiki
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Cvs-0.104nb15 Kwiki page archive using CVS
p5-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs-0.16nb10 Kwiki page archive using RCS
p5-Kwiki-BreadCrumbs-0.12nb17 Kwiki breadcrumbs plugin
p5-Kwiki-Edit-RequireUserName-0.02nb16 Kwiki plugin to require a user name to edit
p5-Kwiki-Favorites-0.13nb17 Kwiki plugin to bookmark favorite pages
p5-Kwiki-HtmlBlocks-0.11nb17 Kwiki plugin to display blocks of HTML markup
p5-Kwiki-Icons-Gnome-0.15nb16 Kwiki GNOME icons plugin
p5-Kwiki-ModPerl-0.09nb17 Kwiki integration with ModPerl
p5-Kwiki-NewPage-0.12nb17 Kwiki plugin to create a new Wiki page
p5-Kwiki-Notify-Mail-0.04nb16 Kwiki email notification plugin
p5-Kwiki-PagePrivacy-0.10nb17 Kwiki page-level privacy plugin
p5-Kwiki-ParagraphBlocks-0.12nb17 Kwiki plugin to display paragraphs with embedded whitespace
p5-Kwiki-PreformattedBlocks-0.11nb17 Kwiki plugin to display preformatted text
p5-Kwiki-RecentChanges-0.14nb16 Kwiki plugin to display recent changes
p5-Kwiki-Revisions-0.15nb17 Kwiki revisions plugin
p5-Kwiki-Scode-0.03nb18 Kwiki Scode plugin to protect against wiki spammers
p5-Kwiki-Search-0.12nb17 Kwiki search plugin
p5-Kwiki-Simple-Server-HTTP-0.03nb16 Kwiki plugin to start a standalone Kwiki HTTP server
p5-Kwiki-UserName-0.14nb17 Kwiki user name plugin
p5-Kwiki-UserPreferences-0.13nb17 Kwiki user preferences plugin
p5-Kwiki-Users-Remote-0.04nb17 Kwiki plugin to automatically set user name from HTTP authentication
p5-Kwiki-Weather-0.05nb16 Weather button and WAFL for your Kwiki
p5-Kwiki-Wikiwyg-0.13nb16 Kwiki plugin for WYSIWYG editing
p5-Kwiki-Zipcode-0.12nb16 Kwiki Zipcode Plugin
p5-LEOCHARRE-CLI2-1.16nb14 Some quick help for writing cli scripts
p5-LEOCHARRE-Debug-1.03nb14 Leo Charre's debug sub
p5-LEOCHARRE-Dir-1.09nb3 Subs for general directory needs
p5-LWP-Authen-Negotiate-0.08nb16 Library for enabling GSSAPI authentication in LWP
p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse-0.05nb17 Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
p5-LWP-ConsoleLogger-1.000000nb2 LWP tracing and debugging
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04nb5 Guess media type for a file or a URL
p5-LWP-Online-1.08nb13 Does your process have access to the web
p5-LWP-Protocol-Net-Curl-0.026nb5 Provide Curl support for LWP::UserAgent
p5-LWP-Protocol-PSGI-0.11nb5 Perl extension to override LWP HTTP/HTTPS backend with your PSGI app
p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.14nb1 Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined-1.07nb10 Perl5 virtual browser that retries errors
p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent-1.12nb7 Subclass of module LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
p5-LWPx-TimedHTTP-1.8nb13 Perl 5 module to time the different stages of an HTTP request
p5-LaTeX-Driver-1.2.0nb3 Perl module encapsulates the details of invoking the Latex programs
p5-LaTeX-Encode-0.092.0nb7 Encode characters for LaTeX formatting
p5-LaTeX-Table-1.0.6nb14 Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables
p5-Lchown-1.01nb15 Perl5 module interface to the lchown() system call
p5-Lexical-Persistence-1.023nb11 Perl 5 module providing persistent lexical variables
p5-Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.012nb1 Perl5 module to prevent leakage of lexical hints
p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.27nb1 Measure readability of English text
p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.32nb9 Inflect short English Phrases
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.905nb2 Perl module for inflection of english words and a/an selection
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.12nb9 Force number of words to singular or plural
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase-0.20nb7 Inflect short English Phrases
p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal-0.05nb10 Perl module to detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.05nb2 Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd")
p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.34nb2 Perl module for splitting English text into sentences
p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.31nb2 Routine for estimating syllable count in words
p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.31nb5 Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing
p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18nb11 Perl module to convert English text to numbers
p5-Lingua-Identify-0.56nb11 Language identification
p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.02nb8 Perl5 modules for Galician and Portuguese language stemming
p5-Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4nb17 Choose a preferred language from a selection
p5-Lingua-Stem-2.31nb2 Stemming of words
p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02nb15 Perl French Stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02nb15 Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian
p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.04nb8 Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-0.952nb15 Lingua::Stem::Snowball - Perl interface to Snowball stemmers
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01nb15 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
p5-Lingua-Translit-0.29nb2 Transliterates text between writing systems
p5-Linux-Inotify2-2.2nb4 Scalable directory/file change notification
p5-List-AllUtils-0.19nb4 Combines List::Util and List::SomeUtils
p5-List-Compare-0.55nb4 Compare elements of two or more lists
p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430nb4 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430nb4 Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions
p5-List-Pairwise-1.03nb10 (Perl Module) List::Pairwise - map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise
p5-List-SomeUtils-0.59nb2 Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-SomeUtils-XS-0.58nb7 XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
p5-List-UtilsBy-0.12nb2 Higher-order list utility functions
p5-Locale-Codes-3.79nb1 Perl5 module for ISO 3166, 639, 4217 and 15924 codes
p5-Locale-Currency-Format-1.35nb8 Perl functions for formatting monetary values
p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11nb11 Maketext from already interpolated strings
p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.32nb3 Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00nb10 Use other catalog formats in Maketext
p5-Locale-Msgfmt-0.15nb13 Perl 5 module to compile .po files to .mo files
p5-Locale-PO-0.27nb10 Perl 5 module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
p5-Locale-US-3.04nb9 Perl 5 module to maps US two-letter codes to states and vice versa
p5-Locale-libintl-1.33nb2 Perl internationalization library
p5-Log-Agent-1.005nb3 General logging framework aimed at reusable modules
p5-Log-Any-1.71.7nb1 Perl5 module to bring loggers and listeners together
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback-0.102nb1 Perl5 module to send Log::Any logs to a subroutine
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch-0.08nb8 Log::Any adapter uses Log::Dispatch for logging
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl-0.09nb7 Adapter to use Log::Log4perl with Log::Any
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Screen-0.141nb1 Send logs to screen, with colors and some other features
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-TAP-0.003003nb8 Logging adapter suitable for use in TAP testcases
p5-Log-Dispatch-2.71nb2 Perl module for logging messages to multiple outputs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Array-1.005nb2 Perl 5 module to log events to an array
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04nb14 Configure Log::Dispatch with a config file, a la Java's log4j
p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI-0.02nb18 Perl module for logging messages via the DBI interface
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-1.38nb3 Perl5 module to log to files which archive/rotate themselves
p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl-0.05nb4 Logging alternative using standard Perl core functions
p5-Log-Dispatchouli-3.007nb1 Perl 5 wrapper module around Log::Dispatch
p5-Log-Handler-0.90nb4 Log messages to several outputs
p5-Log-Log4perl-1.57nb1 Log4j implementation for Perl
p5-Log-LogLite-0.82nb18 Simple logging class for Perl
p5-Log-Message-0.08nb10 Log::Message - A generic message storing mechanism
p5-Log-Message-Simple-0.10nb10 Simple - Simplified interface to Log::Message
p5-Log-Report-1.39nb1 Report a problem, pluggable handlers, and language support
p5-Log-Report-Optional-1.07nb3 Log::Report or ::Minimal
p5-Log-Trace-1.070nb16 Perl 5 module providing a unified approach to tracing
p5-MARC-1.15nb17 Perl5 module for manipulating MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) data
p5-MARC-Charset-1.35nb11 Convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
p5-MARC-Crosswalk-DublinCore-0.02nb14 Convert data between MARC and Dublin Core
p5-MARC-Record-2.0.7nb7 MARC record handling package
p5-MARC-XML-1.0.4nb7 Work with MARC data encoded as XML, SAX handler for parsing MARCXML
p5-MIME-Base32-1.303nb8 Perl5 module for Base32 encoding
p5-MIME-Base64-URLSafe-0.01nb17 Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
p5-MIME-Charset-1.013.1nb2 Perl5 module containing charset Informations for MIME
p5-MIME-EncWords-1.015.0nb1 Perl5 modules for decoding RFC 2047 encoded words (improved)
p5-MIME-Lite-3.033nb3 Perl5 module for simple creation of MIME email messages
p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24nb10 Perl5 module to transform a HTML page into a MIME-Lite mail
p5-MIME-Types-2.26nb1 Definition of MIME types
p5-MIME-tools-5.515nb1 Perl5 modules for encoding and decoding MIME messages
p5-MLDBM-2.05nb11 Store multi-level Perl hash structure in single level tied hash
p5-MLDBM-Serializer-JSON-0.002nb10 DBM serializer uses JSON for language interoperability
p5-MLDBM-Sync-0.30nb17 Perl5 module for safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
p5-MP3-Info-1.26nb7 Manipulate/fetch info from MP3 audio files
p5-MP3-Tag-1.15nb4 This is a perl module to read/write tags of mp3-files
p5-MPEG-Audio-Frame-0.10nb4 Class for weeding out MPEG audio frames out of a file handle
p5-MRO-Compat-0.15nb2 MRO::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
p5-Mac-AppleScript-0.04nb15 Perl 5 module to execute applescript commands on OS X
p5-Mac-AppleScript-Glue-0.03nb15 Perl 5 module allowing AppleScript to be written in Perl
p5-Mac-Carbon-0.82nb15 Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
p5-Mac-Macbinary-0.06nb16 Perl5 module for decoding Macbinary files
p5-Mac-PropertyList-1.601nb1 Work with Mac plists at a low level
p5-Mac-SystemDirectory-0.10nb7 Locate Mac OS X Standard System Directories
p5-Mail-Alias-1.15nb3 Perl 5 module to manipulate mail alias files
p5-Mail-Audit-2.228nb10 Perl5 module for filtering mail
p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20231031nb1 Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers
p5-Mail-Box-3.010nb1 Set of packages which implement methods to handle e-mail
p5-Mail-Box-IMAP4-3.008nb1 Handle IMAP4 folders as client
p5-Mail-Box-POP3-3.006nb1 Handle POP3 folders as client
p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20240619nb1 Perl5 module for DKIM-based mail-signing and -verifying
p5-Mail-DMARC-1.20240314nb1 Perl implementation of DMARC
p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser-1.543nb3 Perl extension to analyze bounce messages
p5-Mail-Ezmlm-0.08.2nb11 Perl5 module for managing ezmlm mailing lists
p5-Mail-IMAPClient-3.43nb3 Perl5 module for talking to RFC-2060 IMAP servers
p5-Mail-ListDetector-1.04nb13 Perl5 module to detect messages from a mailing lists
p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5111nb7 Perl5 module for parsing mail messages
p5-Mail-Message-3.015nb1 Object container for MIME-encoded message
p5-Mail-Milter-0.07nb16 Sendmail::Milter enhancement API modules
p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.21nb3 Perl 5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
p5-Mail-Qmail-Filter-1.32nb1 Modules for filtering between qmail-smtpd and qmail-queue
p5-Mail-Qmail-Queue-0.02nb1 Modules to talk to and/or help replace qmail-queue
p5-Mail-RFC822-Address-0.3nb16 Perl extension for validating email addresses according to RFC822
p5-Mail-SPF-3.20240617nb1 Perl implementation of the Sender Policy Framework
p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1nb7 Perl module for Sender-Policy-Framework queries
p5-Mail-SRS-0.31nb20 SMTP envelope sender rewriting for SPF-compliant forwarding
p5-Mail-Sender-0.903nb8 Sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
p5-Mail-Sender-Easy-0.0.5nb17 Simplified interface to Mail::Sender
p5-Mail-Sendmail-0.80nb7 Perl5 module dedicated to Sendmail
p5-Mail-Transport-3.005nb5 Use Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)
p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail-1.09nb16 Interface to Google's webmail service
p5-MailTools-2.22 Perl5 modules related to mail applications
p5-Make-2.011nb3 Perl5 module implementing 'make' in Perl
p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession-0.31nb16 Perl5 module adding a session to the Mason Request obj
p5-Math-Base-Convert-0.11nb9 Very fast base to base conversion
p5-Math-Base36-0.14nb9 Perl 5 module to encode and decode base36 strings
p5-Math-Base85-0.5nb3 Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
p5-Math-BaseCnv-1.14nb8 Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
p5-Math-Bezier-0.01nb18 Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
p5-Math-BigInt-2.003003nb1 Arbitrary size integer math perl package
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.7001nb1 Perl module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari-1.3014nb1 Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
p5-Math-BigInteger-1.0nb18 Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl
p5-Math-Calc-Units-1.07nb7 Human-readable unit-aware calculator
p5-Math-Derivative-1.01nb7 Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
p5-Math-FFT-1.36nb3 Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
p5-Math-GMP-2.25nb2 Perl 5 module for high speed arbitrary size integer math
p5-Math-Int128-0.22nb6 Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
p5-Math-Int64-0.57nb1 Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
p5-Math-Matrix-0.94nb2 Math::Matrix - Multiply and invert Matrices
p5-Math-MatrixReal-2.13nb8 Perl module for performing operations on real matrices
p5-Math-Pari-2.030523nb2 Perl5 interface to the pari math library
p5-Math-Permute-List-1.007nb9 Permute a list
p5-Math-Prime-Util-0.73nb6 Perl5 utilities related to prime numbers
p5-Math-Random-0.72nb8 Random number generators
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004nb11 Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS-1.004nb11 C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm for Perl modules
p5-Math-Random-MT-1.17nb8 The Mersenne Twister PRNG
p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.23nb4 Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl-1.15nb8 Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator
p5-Math-Round-0.08nb1 Perl extension for rounding numbers
p5-Math-Spline-0.02nb11 Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
p5-Math-Utils-1.14nb4 Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
p5-Math-VecStat-0.08nb15 Some basic numeric stats on vectors
p5-MaxMind-DB-Common-0.040001nb7 Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.000014nb8 Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer-0.300004nb1 Create MaxMind DB database files
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.56nb8 Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Memoize-Memcached-0.04nb10 Use a memcached cache to memoize functions
p5-Menlo-1.9019nb7 A CPAN client
p5-Menlo-Legacy-1.9022nb7 Legacy internal and client support for Menlo
p5-Meta-Builder-0.004nb4 Tools for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics
p5-MetaCPAN-API-0.51nb7 Comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN for Perl5
p5-MetaCPAN-Client-2.031000nb1 Comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
p5-Method-Signatures-20170211nb7 Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter
p5-Method-Signatures-Simple-1.07nb10 Basic signatures method declarations, without source filters
p5-Metrics-Any-0.10nb1 Abstract collection of monitoring metrics
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields-0.140.003nb1 Perl 5 module to add extra stashes of data to your objects
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields-Param-0.022nb1 Perl 5 module to make your class provide a familiar "param" method
p5-Mixin-Linewise-0.111nb1 Perl 5 linewise readers and writers for strings and filenames
p5-Mo-0.40nb8 Micro Objects. Mo is less
p5-Mock-Quick-1.111nb4 Quickly mock objects and classes, even temporarily replace them
p5-Modern-Perl-1.20240115nb1 Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one command
p5-Module-Build-0.42340nb2 Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-Tiny-0.051nb1 Tiny replacement for Module::Build to build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-WithXSpp-0.14nb10 Build and install Perl XS++ modules
p5-Module-Build-XSUtil-0.19nb7 Module::Build class for building XS modules
p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse-1.02nb1 Perl5 module to generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
p5-Module-CPANfile-1.1004nb7 Parse cpanfile
p5-Module-Compile-0.38nb5 Perl Module Compilation
p5-Module-Dependency-1.86nb15 Build perl program/module dependency graph
p5-Module-ExtractUse-0.345nb1 Perl 5 module to find out what modules are used
p5-Module-Find-0.16nb1 Lets you find and use modules in categories
p5-Module-FromPerlVer-0.030000nb7 Install modules compatible with the running perl
p5-Module-Implementation-0.09nb10 Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations
p5-Module-Install-1.21nb1 Perl5 module for building and installing Perl modules
p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires-0.02nb10 Module::Install::AuthorRequires - declare author-only dependencies
p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002nb11 Perl 5 module for specifying author-only tests
p5-Module-Install-GithubMeta-0.30nb10 Module::Install extension to include GitHub meta info in META.yml
p5-Module-Install-ManifestSkip-0.24nb10 Module::Install::ManifestSkip - Generate a MANIFEST.SKIP file
p5-Module-Install-PadrePlugin-0.01nb15 Module::Install support for Padre plugins
p5-Module-Install-RTx-0.43nb1 Perl5 module for building and installing RT extensions
p5-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod-0.30nb8 Module::Install extension to automatically convert POD to a README
p5-Module-Install-Repository-0.06nb11 Perl 5 module for finding the repository root
p5-Module-Install-Substitute-0.03nb16 Perl5 module to substitute values into files before install
p5-Module-Install-XSUtil-0.45nb10 Perl 5 module providing utility functions for XS modules
p5-Module-Manifest-1.09nb7 Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
p5-Module-Manifest-Skip-0.23nb11 Module::Manifest::Skip - MANIFEST.SKIP Manangement for Modules
p5-Module-Path-0.19nb9 Perl5 module to get the full path to a locally installed module
p5-Module-Pluggable-6.2nb1 Automatically adds the ability to have plugins to modules
p5-Module-Refresh-0.18nb2 Perl5 module providing %INC files refreshing when updated on disk
p5-Module-Runtime-0.016nb7 Deal with runtime handling of Perl modules
p5-Module-Runtime-Conflicts-0.003nb8 Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
p5-Module-ScanDeps-1.37 Perl 5 module to recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
p5-Module-Signature-0.89nb1 Perl 5 module for module signature file manipulation
p5-Module-Starter-1.770nb4 Perl 5 module acting as a simple starter kit for any module
p5-Module-Starter-PBP-0.0.3nb17 Perl 5 module plugin for Module::Starter module
p5-Module-Util-1.09nb11 Module name tools and transformations
p5-Module-Versions-0.02nb15 Perl 5 module to handle versions of loaded modules
p5-Module-Versions-Report-1.06nb15 Extension to report versions of all modules in memory
p5-Mojo-IOLoop-Delay-8.76nb2 Promises/A+ and flow-control helpers (deprecated)
p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall-0.21nb3 Execute a code block asynchronously by forking
p5-Mojo-JWT-0.09nb2 JSON Web Token the Mojo way
p5-Mojolicious-9.38nb1 Perl web framework: The Web In A Box!
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2-Server-0.51nb2 OAuth2 Authorization Server with Mojolicious
p5-Monitoring-Plugin-0.40nb7 Family of perl modules for monitoring plugins
p5-Moo-2.005005nb2 Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatiblity)
p5-MooX-ClassAttribute-0.011nb8 Declare class attributes Moose-style... but without Moose
p5-MooX-Cmd-0.017nb7 Easy Moo style way to make command organized CLI apps
p5-MooX-ConfigFromFile-0.009nb7 Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
p5-MooX-File-ConfigDir-0.008nb3 Moo eXtension for File::ConfigDir
p5-MooX-HandlesVia-0.001009nb4 NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
p5-MooX-Locale-Passthrough-0.001nb7 Provide API used in translator modules without translating
p5-MooX-Log-Any-0.004004nb9 Role to add Log::Any
p5-MooX-Options-4.103nb9 Perl module to add option keywords to your object (Mo/Moo/Moose)
p5-MooX-Roles-Pluggable-0.003nb9 Moo eXtension for pluggable roles
p5-MooX-StrictConstructor-0.011nb5 Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
p5-MooX-TypeTiny-0.002003nb4 Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.29nb9 Some Moosish types and a type builder
p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric-1.03nb8 Moo types for numbers
p5-MooX-late-0.100nb6 Easily translate Moose code to Moo
p5-Moos-0.30nb10 Moo s{imple,peedy,ingle}
p5-Moose-2.2207nb1 Postmodern object system for Perl 5
p5-Moose-Autobox-0.16nb9 Perl 5 module providing autoboxed wrappers for native datatypes
p5-Moose-Policy-0.05nb8 Moose-mounted police
p5-MooseX-Aliases-0.11nb11 Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
p5-MooseX-App-1.43nb3 Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
p5-MooseX-App-Cmd-0.34nb3 Perl 5 module providing MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd mashup
p5-MooseX-ArrayRef-0.005nb5 Blessed arrayrefs with Moose
p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3nb8 Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers-0.25nb9 Perl 5 module providing extensions to Moose attributes interface
p5-MooseX-Attributes-Curried-0.03nb16 Perl 5 module to define curried versions of "has" in Moose
p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute-0.29nb9 Perl 5 module to declare class attributes Moose-style
p5-MooseX-CompileTime-Traits-1.102570nb13 Allow compile time traits for classes/roles
p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.14nb9 Abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
p5-MooseX-Daemonize-0.22nb5 Role for daemonizing your Moose based applicationoose
p5-MooseX-Declare-0.43nb9 Perl 5 module providing declarative syntax for Moose
p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast-0.009032nb7 Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
p5-MooseX-FollowPBP-0.05nb13 Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-Getopt-0.76nb1 Moose role for processing command line options
p5-MooseX-Has-Options-0.003nb11 Succinct options for Moose
p5-MooseX-InsideOut-0.106nb13 Perl 5 module providing inside-out objects with Moose
p5-MooseX-LazyRequire-0.11nb10 Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods-0.15nb13 Mark overload code symbols as methods
p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion-0.01nb16 Perl 5 module providing forced coercion validating type constraints
p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.49nb9 Perl 5 module for method declarations with type constraints
p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.32nb4 Perl5 module for code attribute introspection
p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg-0.02nb10 Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments
p5-MooseX-NonMoose-0.26nb10 Perl 5 module to subclass non-Moose classes with Moose
p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable-0.0014nb10 Perl 5 module to add plugin support to Moose classes via roles
p5-MooseX-OneArgNew-0.007nb2 Moose role to teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
p5-MooseX-POE-0.215nb11 Moose wrapper around a POE::Session
p5-MooseX-Param-0.02nb16 Simple role to provide a standard param method
p5-MooseX-Params-Validate-0.21nb10 Extension of Params::Validate for using Moose's types
p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.11nb5 Roles with composition parameters
p5-MooseX-Role-Tempdir-0.101nb6 (Perl Module) Moose role to provide temporary directories
p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading-0.17nb9 Moose extension for roles which support overloading
p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.10nb10 Perl 5 module to name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-SetOnce-0.203nb1 Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig-0.11nb10 Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
p5-MooseX-Singleton-0.30nb8 Perl 5 module to turn Moose class into a singleton
p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.21nb8 Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
p5-MooseX-Traits-0.13nb9 Automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.12nb11 Extension to MooseX::Traits
p5-MooseX-Types-0.50nb8 Organise your Moose types in libraries
p5-MooseX-Types-Common-0.001014nb8 Commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with Moose by default
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.13nb9 DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained-0.16nb12 DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions-0.15nb7 Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX-0.10nb16 Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
p5-MooseX-Types-JSON-1.01nb2 Perl 5 module providing JSON datatype for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass-0.015nb7 Moose ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class
p5-MooseX-Types-LogAny-0.001003nb10 Moose Types for Log::Any
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.09nb8 Path::Class type library for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny-0.012nb7 Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Perl-0.101344nb2 Moose types that check against Perl syntax
p5-MooseX-Types-Stringlike-0.003nb10 Commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with Moose by default
p5-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.36nb7 Perl 5 module providing structured type constraints for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-URI-0.09nb3 URI related types and coercions for Moose
p5-Mouse-2.5.11nb1 Perl module implementing an extension of the perl object system
p5-MouseX-Getopt-0.38nb6 Mouse role for processing command line options
p5-MouseX-NativeTraits-1.09nb12 Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
p5-MouseX-Types-0.06nb13 Perl 5 module to organize Mouse types in libraries
p5-MouseX-Types-Path-Class-0.07nb12 Path::Class type library for Mouse
p5-Mozilla-CA-20240924nb1 Mozilla's CA cert bundle for Perl
p5-Msgcat-1.03nb16 Perl5 module to use the message catalog functions
p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.06nb5 Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
p5-Net-3.15nb2 Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-AMQP-0.06nb11 Advanced Message Queue Protocol (de)serialization and representation
p5-Net-Akismet-0.05nb15 Perl 5 interface to Akismet - comment and trackback spam fighter
p5-Net-Amazon-0.62nb11 Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
p5-Net-Amazon-S3-0.99nb3 Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
p5-Net-Bind-0.05nb18 Perl5 module to grovel DNS resolver information
p5-Net-Bonjour-0.96nb15 Module for DNS service discovery (Apple's Bonjour/Rendezvous)
p5-Net-CIDR-0.21nb3 Perl5 module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22nb3 Perl extension for merging IPv4/v6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-CIDR-Set-0.13nb10 Perl 5 module to manipulate sets of IP addresses
p5-Net-CUPS-0.64nb36 Common Unix Printing System Interface
p5-Net-Cassandra-0.35nb15 Perl5 module for accessing the Cassandra database
p5-Net-Curl-0.56nb2 Perl binding interface for curl
p5-Net-DBus-1.2.0nb5 Perl extension for the DBus message system
p5-Net-DHCP-0.70.0nb1 Object methods to create a DHCP packet
p5-Net-DNS-1.48nb1 Perl5 module for DNS resolution
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20230216nb1 Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.009nb7 Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class for offline emulation of DNS
p5-Net-DNS-SEC-1.26nb1 DNSSEC extension to Net::DNS Perl DNS Resolver Module
p5-Net-DNS-SEC-Maint-Key-0.013nb17 DNSSEC key and key-set maintenance classes and tool
p5-Net-DNS-Zone-Parser-0.02nb14 Perl5 module for normalizing zone files
p5-Net-DNSServer-0.11nb19 Perl5 module to be used as a domain name server
p5-Net-DRI-0.96nb8 Perl5 module to access DNS registries/registrars w/EPP
p5-Net-Daemon-0.49nb3 Perl5 module for writing networking daemons
p5-Net-Dev-MIBLoadOrder-1.1.0nb17 Perl5 module to determine MIB files load order
p5-Net-Dict-2.22nb3 Client API for the DICT protocol defined in RFC2229
p5-Net-Domain-TLD-1.75nb8 Work with TLD names
p5-Net-FTPSSL-0.42nb5 Perl FTP over SSL/TLS class
p5-Net-FastCGI-0.14nb11 Perl 5 module to build and parse FastCGI messages
p5-Net-FileMaker-0.064nb8 Perl Module to interact with FileMaker services
p5-Net-Frame-1.21nb5 The base framework for frame crafting
p5-Net-Frame-Device-1.12nb7 Get network device information and gateway
p5-Net-Frame-Dump-1.18nb4 Base class for a tcpdump-like implementation
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6-1.11nb5 Internet Control Message Protocol v6 layer object
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6-1.08nb7 Internet Protocol v6 layer object
p5-Net-Frame-Simple-1.09nb7 Frame crafting made easy
p5-Net-GitHub-1.05nb1 Perl 5 interface for
p5-Net-Goofey-1.5nb18 Perl module for communicating with a Goofey server
p5-Net-Google-AuthSub-0.5nb14 Perl module for interacting with sites using Google-style AuthSub
p5-Net-Google-Code-0.19nb15 Perl 5 simple client library for google code
p5-Net-HTTP-6.23nb1 Perl 5 module for low-level HTTP connections (client)
p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500nb6 IDN, Internationalized Domain Names (Encode, UTS46, Punycode)
p5-Net-IMAP-Simple-1.2212nb1 Perl extension for simple IMAP account handling
p5-Net-INET6Glue-0.6.4nb3 Make common Perl modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
p5-Net-IP-1.26nb12 Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10nb16 Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
p5-Net-IPv6Addr-1.02nb3 Check the validity of IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-Ident-1.25nb5 Perl module implementing the client side of the ident protocol
p5-Net-Interface-1.016nb8 Perl extension to access network interfaces
p5-Net-Jabber-2.0nb16 Provide a Perl Developer access to the Jabber protocol
p5-Net-Jifty-0.14nb15 Interface to online Jifty applications
p5-Net-LDAP-Batch-0.02nb16 Perl 5 module to perform a batch of LDAP actions
p5-Net-LDAP-Class-0.27nb7 Perl 5 module providing an object-relational mapper for Net::LDAP
p5-Net-LDAP-SID-0.001nb8 Active Directory Security Identifier manipulation
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-0.43nb13 LDAP server side protocol handling
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test-0.22nb7 Perl 5 module to test Net::LDAP code
p5-Net-LMTP-0.02nb17 Local Mail Transfer Protocol Client
p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12nb16 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
p5-Net-LibIDN2-1.02nb1 Perl bindings for GNU libidn2
p5-Net-Libdnet-0.99nb6 Perl interface to libdnet
p5-Net-Libdnet6-0.28nb5 Adds IPv6 support to Net::Libdnet
p5-Net-MAC-2.103622nb13 Perl 5 module for representing and manipulating MAC addresses
p5-Net-ManageSieve-0.13nb7 ManageSieve Protocol Client
p5-Net-MySQL-0.11nb13 Net::MySQL - Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface
p5-Net-NBName-0.26nb17 Perl extension to perform simple NetBIOS Name Service Requests
p5-Net-Netmask-2.0002nb1 Perl5 module to parse and manipulate IP network blocks
p5-Net-OAuth-0.28nb10 Perl5 extension for OAuth protocol support
p5-Net-OAuth2-0.67nb1 OAuth 2.0 implementation in Perl
p5-Net-OAuth2-AuthorizationServer-0.28nb2 Easier implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server
p5-Net-OpenID-Common-1.20nb8 Common - Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and ::Server
p5-Net-OpenID-Consumer-1.18nb8 Perl library for consumers of OpenID identities
p5-Net-OpenSSH-0.80nb3 Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
p5-Net-Packet-3.28nb10 Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets
p5-Net-Patricia-1.22nb7 Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
p5-Net-Pcap-0.18nb8 Perl interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
p5-Net-RawIP-0.25nb16 Perl extension to manipulate raw ip packets with interface to libpcap
p5-Net-SFTP-0.12nb7 Module implementing a client for the Secure File Transfer Protocol
p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.93nb3 SSH File Transfer Protocol client
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04nb8 Perl5 module providing SSL support for Net::SMTP
p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-0.12nb15 Perl5 SMTP client module supporting TLS and AUTH
p5-Net-SMTPS-0.10nb1 SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
p5-Net-SMTP_auth-0.08nb16 Perl module adding SMTP AUTH support to Net::SMTP module
p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1nb14 Perl5 module for SNMP queries
p5-Net-SNMP-Mixin-0.14nb8 Perl 5 module providing a mixin framework for Net::SNMP
p5-Net-SSH-2.14nb8 Perl implementations of SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
p5-Net-SSH-Expect-1.09nb10 Perl5 module implementing expect-like functions over SSH
p5-Net-SSH2-0.73nb3 Perl implementations of the SSH2 protocol
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.94nb1 Perl5 module for using OpenSSL
p5-Net-Server-2.014nb1 Perl5 modules for network services engine
p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05nb16 Hot-deployable variant of Perl 5 module Net::Server::PreFork
p5-Net-Stomp-0.61nb3 Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
p5-Net-TFTP-0.1901nb7 Perl5 module for TFTP transfers
p5-Net-Telnet-3.05nb3 Perl5 module to use telnet
p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.12nb3 Perl5 module for communicating with Cisco routers via telnet
p5-Net-Trac-0.16nb10 Perl 5 module to interact with a remote Trac instance
p5-Net-Twitter-4.01043nb7 Perl interface to the Twitter API
p5-Net-Works-0.22nb6 Sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
p5-Net-Write-1.10nb10 Portable interface to open and send raw data to network
p5-Net-XMPP-1.05nb10 Provide a Perl Developer access to the XMPP protocol
p5-Net-XWhois-0.90nb18 Perl5 module for Whois Client Interface
p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM-1.30nb37 Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers
p5-Net-eBay-0.62nb1 Perl Interface to XML based eBay API
p5-Net-validMX-2.5.2nb1 Use DNS and/or regular expressions to verify a email address
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079nb9 Perl5 module for managing IP addresses
p5-NetAddr-MAC-0.97nb4 Perl5 module handling hardware MAC Addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64)
p5-NetPacket-1.7.2nb5 Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets
p5-Netpgp-Verify-20160814nb8 Perl5 bindings for libnetpgpverify
p5-Nmap-Parser-1.370nb6 Parse nmap scan data with perl
p5-Number-Bytes-Human-0.11nb2 Convert byte count to human readable format
p5-Number-Compare-0.03nb13 Compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine
p5-Number-Format-1.76nb2 Perl extension for formatting numbers
p5-Number-Latin-1.01nb18 Perl module for "lower/upper-latin" numbering system
p5-Number-Range-0.12nb8 Define ranges and test if number is in range
p5-Number-Spell-0.04nb15 Perl extension for spelling out numbers
p5-Number-Tolerant-1.710nb1 Perl5 module for tolerance ranges for inexact numbers
p5-Number-WithError-1.01nb7 Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
p5-ODF-lpOD-2.001nb1 OpenDocument management interface
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.22nb2 Module for reading and writing OLE-Structured files
p5-OOTools-2.41nb5 Perl module collection to easily create constructors methods
p5-ORLite-2.00nb1 Perl 5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
p5-ORLite-Migrate-1.10nb13 Perl 5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
p5-Object-Accessor-0.48nb10 Module that allows per Object accessors (as opposed to per Class ..)
p5-Object-Declare-0.25nb3 Perl 5 module providing declarative object constructor
p5-Object-Event-1.23nb13 Perl 5 class that provides an event callback interface
p5-Object-InsideOut-4.05nb6 Perl 5 module providing comprehensive inside-out object support
p5-Object-Pluggable-1.29nb13 Base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
p5-Object-Realize-Later-0.21nb7 Delayed creation of objects
p5-Object-Signature-1.08nb6 Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
p5-Olson-Abbreviations-0.04nb11 Perl extension for globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
p5-Ouch-0.0501nb6 Exceptions that don't hurt
p5-Overload-FileCheck-0.013nb1 Override/mock perl file check -X
p5-PAR-1.020nb1 Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
p5-PAR-Dist-0.53nb1 Perl module toolkit to create and manipulate PAR distributions
p5-PAR-Packer-1.063nb1 Perl5 module to create stand-alone executables and archives
p5-PDF-1.11nb18 Perl5 module for pdf document manipulation
p5-PDF-API2-2.047nb1 Perl5 module for next generation api for pdf
p5-PDF-Create-1.46nb5 Perl5 module for creating pdf documents
p5-PDF-Reuse-0.39nb8 Reuse and mass produce PDF documents
p5-PDF-Reuse-Barcode-0.07nb9 Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse
p5-PDF-Table-1.006nb1 Utility class for building table layouts in a Perl5 PDF::API2 object
p5-PHP-Serialization-0.34nb14 Perl 5 module providing PHP-like (de)serialization
p5-POD2-Base-0.043nb14 Base module for translations of Perl documentation
p5-POE-1.370nb3 Perl Object Environment
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.054nb8 Non-blocking, concurrent DNS requests
p5-POE-Component-Client-Ident-1.16nb14 Non-blocking ident lookups to your sessions
p5-POE-Component-Cron-0.021nb14 Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
p5-POE-Component-IRC-6.93nb1 Fully event-driven IRC client module
p5-POE-Component-Pluggable-1.28nb8 Perl base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
p5-POE-Component-SNMP-1.1006nb15 Event-driven SNMP interface
p5-POE-Component-Schedule-0.95nb14 Schedule POE events using DateTime::Set iterators
p5-POE-Component-Server-PSGI-0.6nb11 PSGI Server implementation for POE
p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP-1.14nb11 SOAP Server implementation for POE
p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-2.30nb1 Simple HTTP Server implementation for POE
p5-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06nb13 POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
p5-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.08nb9 HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
p5-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44nb11 POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
p5-POE-Test-Loops-1.360nb10 Perl module providing reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
p5-POEx-Types-1.100910nb13 Exported Types for use within POEx modules
p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.46nb1 Perl extension for glibc compatible strftime for loggers/servers
p5-PPI-1.279nb1 Perl 5 module to parse, analyze and manipulate Perl (without perl)
p5-PPI-HTML-1.08nb15 Perl 5 module to generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl
p5-PPI-PowerToys-0.14nb15 Handy collection of small PPI-based utilities
p5-PPI-XS-0.910nb7 Perl 5 XS acceleration for the PPI perl parser
p5-PPIx-EditorTools-0.21nb7 Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
p5-PPIx-QuoteLike-0.023nb2 Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
p5-PPIx-Regexp-0.088nb1 Represent a regular expression of some sort
p5-PPIx-Utilities-1.001.000nb13 Extensions to PPI
p5-PPIx-Utils-0.003nb3 Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
p5-PSGI-1.102nb11 Perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification
p5-PV-1.5nb15 Perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
p5-Package-Constants-0.06nb10 Lists all the constants defined in a Perl package
p5-Package-DeprecationManager-0.18nb2 Perl 5 module to manage deprecation warnings
p5-Package-Generator-1.106nb10 Perl 5 module to generate new packages
p5-Package-Stash-0.40nb2 Perl 5 module providing routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.30nb2 Perl 5 module providing a better correct Package::Stash implementation
p5-Package-Variant-1.003002nb9 Perl5 module wrapper for parameterizable packages
p5-PadWalker-2.5nb4 Play with other peoples' lexical variables
p5-Padre-1.00nb27 Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
p5-Padre-Plugin-Autoformat-1.22nb7 Reformat text within Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-Catalyst-0.13nb7 Catalyst helper interface for Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-DataWalker-0.04nb7 Simple Perl data structure browser Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-Debugger-0.3nb15 Debug Perl code from Padre editor
p5-Padre-Plugin-Ecliptic-0.23nb7 Padre plugin that provides Eclipse-like useful features
p5-Padre-Plugin-Encrypt-0.12nb7 Padre plugin to encrypt/decrypt file
p5-Padre-Plugin-Git-0.12nb7 Simple Git interface for Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-HG-0.17nb7 Mecurial interface for Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-Kate-0.06nb7 Padre plugin using the Kate syntax highlighter
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlCritic-0.12nb13 Analyze perl files in Padre with Perl::Critic
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy-0.22nb13 Format perl files in Padre using Perl::Tidy
p5-Padre-Plugin-SVN-0.05nb14 Simple SVN interface for Padre
p5-Padre-Plugin-XS-0.12nb7 Padre support for perl XS (and perlapi)
p5-Palm-1.12.0nb15 Access Palm .pdb and .prc database files
p5-Parallel-ForkManager-2.02nb6 Simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Parallel-Prefork-0.18nb8 Perl 5 simple prefork server framework
p5-Parallel-Pvm-1.4.0nb16 Perl module for PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)
p5-ParallelUserAgent-2.62nb8 CPAN Bundle for the LWP Parallel User Agent extension
p5-Params-Classify-0.015nb7 Perl5 module for argument type classification
p5-Params-Coerce-0.15nb4 Perl 5 module allowing classes to do coercion of parameters
p5-Params-Util-1.102nb2 Simple standalone param-checking functions
p5-Params-Validate-1.31nb2 Validate method/function parameters
p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.31nb2 Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.40nb10 Perl 5 module to parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
p5-Parse-Dia-SQL-0.31nb4 Perl module to convert Dia diagrams to SQL
p5-Parse-Distname-0.05nb3 Parse a distribution name
p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl-0.27nb7 Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags-1.02nb14 Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
p5-Parse-MIME-1.006nb2 Parse mime-types, match against media ranges
p5-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003019nb8 Perl 5 module providing Perl 6 like method signature parser
p5-Parse-PMFile-0.47nb1 Parses .pm files as PAUSE does
p5-Parse-RecDescent-1.967.15nb8 Perl5 module to generate recursive-descent parsers
p5-Parse-Syslog-1.10nb16 Perl5 module for parsing Unix syslog files
p5-Parse-Win32Registry-1.1nb3 Parse Windows Registry Files
p5-Parse-Yapp-1.21nb7 Perl5 LALR parser
p5-PatchReader-0.9.6nb13 Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
p5-Path-Class-0.37nb8 Cross-platform path specification manipulation
p5-Path-Class-File-Stat-0.05nb10 Cache and compare stat() calls on a Path::Class::File object
p5-Path-Dispatcher-1.08nb4 Perl 5 module providing flexible and extensible dispatch
p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative-0.03nb13 Perl 5 module providing a sugary dispatcher
p5-Path-FindDev-0.5.3nb8 Find a development path in an upper hierarchy
p5-Path-IsDev-1.001003nb8 Perl extension to determine if path resembles dev source tree
p5-Path-Iter-0.2nb7 Perl module for simple efficient path iteration
p5-Path-Tiny-0.146nb1 Perl5 file path utility
p5-PathTools-3.75nb6 Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
p5-Pegex-0.75nb5 Create equivalent parsers in lots of programming languages
p5-Perl-APIReference-0.22nb8 Programmatically query the perlapi
p5-Perl-Critic-1.152nb1 Perl 5 module providing a static Perl source code analysis engine
p5-Perl-LanguageServer-2.6.2nb1 Language Server for the Perl language
p5-Perl-MinimumVersion-1.40nb3 Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.100nb2 Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite-0.9917nb1 Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
p5-Perl-Tidy-20240903 Parses and beautifies perl source
p5-Perl-Version-1.017nb1 Perl 5 module to parse and manipulate Perl version strings
p5-Perl4-CoreLibs-0.005nb1 Libraries historically supplied with Perl 4
p5-Perl6-Export-0.009nb8 Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs-0.000006nb7 Perl 5 module implementing Perl 6 symbol export mechanism
p5-Perl6-Junction-1.60000nb10 Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-Perl6-Slurp-0.051005nb10 Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
p5-PerlIO-eol-0.19nb1 Perl module for normalizing line endings
p5-PerlIO-gzip-0.20nb7 Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010nb1 Perl extension to provide fast and correct UTF-8 I/O
p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2-0.02nb14 PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32nb9 PerlIO layer to add read and write timeouts to a handle
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14nb12 Perl module for dynamic PerlIO layers
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05nb16 PerlIO layers to create symlinks
p5-PerlMagick- Object-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick
p5-PerlX-Maybe-1.202nb1 Perl 5 module returning a pair only if they are both defined
p5-Perlbal-1.80nb12 Very configurable load balancer in perl
p5-PkgConfig-0.25026nb4 Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
p5-Plack-1.0051nb1 PSGI toolkit and servers
p5-Plack-App-Proxy-0.29nb11 Plack middleware proxy application
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-HTTPD-0.03nb11 Plack handler to run PSGI apps on AnyEvent::HTTPD
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP-0.04nb15 Reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-SCGI-0.03nb10 PSGI handler on AnyEvent::SCGI
p5-Plack-Handler-SCGI-0.02nb15 PSGI handler on SCGI daemon
p5-Plack-Middleware-Auth-Digest-0.05nb9 Plack middleware enabling digest authentication
p5-Plack-Middleware-ConsoleLogger-0.05nb9 Plack middleware to write logs to Firebug or Webkit Inspector
p5-Plack-Middleware-CrossOrigin-0.014nb2 Adds headers to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
p5-Plack-Middleware-Debug-0.18nb4 Plack middleware to display information on request/response
p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater-0.14nb1 Plack middleware to compress response body with Gzip or Deflate
p5-Plack-Middleware-File-Sass-0.03nb13 Sass support for all Plack frameworks
p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect-0.12nb10 Sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set
p5-Plack-Middleware-Header-0.04nb14 Plack middleware to modify HTTP response headers
p5-Plack-Middleware-JSConcat-0.29nb15 Plack middleware to concatenate javascripts
p5-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride-0.20nb7 Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST
p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody-0.09nb5 Removes body for HTTP response if it's not required
p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.16nb5 Plack middleware to support reverse proxy
p5-Plack-Middleware-Session-0.33nb5 Plack middleware for session management
p5-Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings-0.08nb10 Plack middleware component to record warnings
p5-Plack-Test-Agent-1.5nb2 OO interface for testing low-level Plack/PSGI apps
p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.02nb9 Run HTTP tests on external live servers
p5-Playwright-1.460nb1 Perl client for Playwright
p5-Pod-Abstract-0.20nb15 Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
p5-Pod-Coverage-0.23nb11 Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod-0.100006nb2 Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints
p5-Pod-Elemental-0.103006nb2 Perl5 module to work with nestable Pod elements
p5-Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger-0.200007nb2 Perl5 module that takes a string of Perl and rewrites its Pod
p5-Pod-Eventual-0.094.003nb2 Read a POD document as a series of trivial events
p5-Pod-Markdown-3.400nb1 Convert POD to Markdown
p5-Pod-POM-2.01nb9 Perl module to format POD into an object format
p5-Pod-POM-Web-1.27nb2 Perl 5 module providing a HTML Perldoc server
p5-Pod-Parser-1.67nb1 POD filters and translators
p5-Pod-Readme-1.2.3nb6 Convert POD to README file
p5-Pod-Spell-1.26nb2 Formatter for spellchecking Pod
p5-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes-1.002nb10 Catches common typos in POD
p5-Pod-Strip-1.100nb3 Perl5 module to remove POD from Perl code
p5-Pod-Tests-1.20nb6 Perl5 module that extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
p5-Pod-Tree-1.31nb6 Create a static syntax tree for a POD
p5-Pod-Weaver-4.020nb1 Weave together a Pod document from an outline
p5-PostScript-0.06nb12 Produce PostScript files from Perl
p5-PostScript-MailLabels-2.32nb10 Create PostScript for printing on mailing label stock
p5-PostScript-Simple-0.09nb10 Produce PostScript files from Perl
p5-Probe-Perl-0.03nb10 Information about the currently running perl
p5-Proc-Background-1.32nb1 Perl 5 module prodiving an interface to background process management
p5-Proc-Daemon-0.23nb9 Provide capability for a Perl program to run as a daemon
p5-Proc-InvokeEditor-1.13nb7 Perl 5 module for starting a text editor
p5-Proc-PID-File-1.29nb7 Perl module to manage process-ID files
p5-Proc-Pidfile-1.10nb1 Perl module for maintaining a pid file
p5-Proc-ProcessTable-0.636nb1 Perl extension to access the UNIX process table
p5-Proc-Queue-1.23nb15 Limit the number of child processes running
p5-Proc-Simple-1.32nb9 Launch and control background processes
p5-Proc-Wait3-0.05nb8 Perl5 extension for wait3 system call
p5-Proc-WaitStat-1.00nb15 Perl5 extension to interpret wait status values
p5-Publican-4.3.1nb10 Single source publishing tool based on DocBook XML
p5-Python-Serialise-Marshal-0.02nb13 Module for reading and writing marshalled Python files
p5-Qmail-Deliverable-1.09nb1 Deliverability check daemon for qmail
p5-Quota-1.8.1nb5 Perl interface to filesystem quotas
p5-RADIUS-1.0nb18 Perl5 module for RADIUS queries
p5-RPC-XML-0.82nb3 XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
p5-RRD-Simple-1.44nb60 RRD::Simple implementation for Perl
p5-RRDTool-OO-0.36nb8 Object-oriented interface to RRDTool
p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.17nb13 RT extension for external authentication methods
p5-RT-Client-REST-0.60nb4 Perl 5 module to talk to RT using REST protocol
p5-RT-Extension-ArticleTemplates-1.02nb5 Perl extension for RT
p5-RadiusPerl-0.22nb10 Provide simple Radius client facilities
p5-Raisin-0.94nb2 A REST API microframework for Perl5
p5-Reaction-0.2.5nb13 Perl 5 extended MVC framework based on Catalyst
p5-Readonly-2.05nb8 Perl 5 module for creating read-only scalars, arrays and hashes
p5-Readonly-XS-1.05nb15 Perl 5 companion module to the Readonly module
p5-Redis-1.998nb4 Perl binding for Redis database
p5-Ref-Util-0.204nb7 Utility functions for checking references
p5-Ref-Util-XS-0.117nb7 XS implementation for Ref::Util
p5-Regexp-Assemble-0.38nb7 Perl 5 module to assemble multiple regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Common-2024080801nb1 Provide commonly requested regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03nb9 Provide patterns for CIDR blocks
p5-Regexp-Copy-0.06nb15 Perl5 module to copy Regexp objects
p5-Regexp-IPv6-0.03nb12 Regular expression for IPv6 addresses
p5-Regexp-MatchContext-0.0.2nb17 Perl 5 module prodiving replacements for regexp related variables
p5-Regexp-Parser-0.23nb5 Perl 5 base class for parsing regexes
p5-Regexp-Shellish-0.93nb18 Perl module for shell-like regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Trie-0.02nb6 Builds trie-ized regexp
p5-Reply-0.42nb13 Perl read, eval, print, loop, yay!
p5-Return-MultiLevel-0.08nb3 Perl module to enable returning from a nested call stack
p5-Return-Value-1.666.005nb8 Polymorphic Return Values
p5-Role-Basic-0.13nb12 Just roles. Nothing else
p5-Role-HasMessage-0.007nb1 Perl 5 role with a message method
p5-Role-Identifiable-0.009nb1 Perl 5 role with an ident attribute
p5-Role-REST-Client-0.23nb6 REST Client Role
p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004nb4 Roles. Like a nouvelle cuisine portion size slice of Moose
p5-Roman-1.24nb8 Conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic
p5-Rose-DB-0.783nb4 DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
p5-Rose-DB-Object-0.820nb2 Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
p5-Rose-DBx-AutoReconnect-0.04nb11 Perl5 module for Rose::DB with auto-reconnect to server
p5-Rose-DBx-Garden-0.193nb8 Bootstrap Rose::DB::Object and Rose::HTML::Form classes
p5-Rose-DBx-Garden-Catalyst-0.180nb10 Create Catalyst components that use RDBO and RHTMLO
p5-Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers-0.100nb10 More mixin helpers for RDBO
p5-Rose-DBx-TestDB-0.05nb15 Test Rose::DB::Object modules
p5-Rose-DateTime-0.540nb11 DateTime helper functions and objects for Rose
p5-Rose-HTML-Objects-0.626nb1 Object-oriented interfaces for HTML
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete-0.02nb16 Ajax autocompletion for text fields
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Boolean-0.03nb16 Extend Rose::HTML::Objects RadioButtonGroup
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-PopUpMenuNumeric-0.001nb15 Extend Rose::HTML::Objects with popup menu for numeric values
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Serial-0.002nb16 Represent auto-increment columns in a form
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Related-0.24nb10 RHTMLO forms, living together
p5-Rose-Object-0.860nb11 Very simple class base class used by Rose objects
p5-Rose-URI-1.02nb9 URI class for easy and efficient manipulation of URI components
p5-Router-Simple-0.17nb10 Simple HTTP router for web applications
p5-SCGI-0.6nb15 Perl 5 module to implement SCGI interface
p5-SDL-2.548nb17 SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
p5-SGMLS-1.03.2nb16 Class for postprocessing the output from the sgmls and nsgmls parsers
p5-SHA-2.01nb17 Perl5 interface to the SHA1 algorithm
p5-SMS-Send-1.06nb15 Driver-based API for sending SMS messages
p5-SNMP-Info-3.97nb1 Perl5 object oriented interface to SNMP informations
p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler-0.06nb19 MIB Compiler supporting SMIv1 and SMIv2
p5-SNMP_Session-1.13nb14 Perl5 module providing rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
p5-SOAP-Lite-1.27nb7 Perl5 module providing a lightweight interface to SOAP
p5-SOAP-WSDL-3.004nb2 SOAP with WSDL support (deprecated)
p5-SQL-Abstract-2.000001nb4 Generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Classic-1.91nb5 Generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.14.3nb3 Generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-ReservedWords-0.8nb11 Reserved SQL words by standard and vendors
p5-SQL-Statement-1.414nb4 Small, abstract SQL engine
p5-SQL-Translator-1.65nb1 Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)
p5-SSH-Batch-0.030nb9 Cluster operations based on parallel SSH, set and interval arithmetic
p5-SUPER-1.20190531nb5 Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch
p5-SVG-2.85nb4 Perl module for generation of SVG images
p5-SVG-Graph-0.04nb11 Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
p5-SVN-Class-0.18nb10 Manipulate Subversion workspaces with Perl objects
p5-SVN-Dump-0.08nb5 Perl interface to Subversion dumps
p5-SVN-Mirror-0.75nb15 Mirrors one Subversion repository to another
p5-SVN-Notify-2.87nb7 Perl module for mailing messages for Subversion repository activity
p5-SVN-Simple-0.28nb15 Simple interface to the Subversion delta editor interface
p5-SVN-Web-0.63nb7 Unstable snapshot of Subversion repository browser
p5-SWF-File-0.42nb18 Manipulating Flash movie (SWF) files
p5-Safe-Hole-0.14nb7 Exec subs in the original package from within a Safe object
p5-Safe-Isa-1.000010nb7 Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
p5-Scalar-Defer-0.23nb15 Perl 5 module providing lazy evaluation
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.68nb1 Common Scalar and List utility subroutines
p5-Scalar-Util-Refcount-1.0.2nb15 Perl module to show an object's reference count
p5-Schedule-At-1.15nb10 OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command
p5-Schedule-Cron-Events-1.96nb4 Perl module to find when crontab events will occur
p5-Schedule-RateLimiter-0.01nb19 Perl5 module to schedule tasks with rate limiting
p5-Scope-Guard-0.21nb9 Lexically scoped resource management
p5-Scope-Upper-0.34nb2 Perl5 module to act on upper scopes
p5-Search-0.2nb18 Perl5 module to provide framework for multiple searches
p5-Search-Elasticsearch-8.00nb1 Search::Elasticsearch - The official client for Elasticsearch
p5-Search-Indexer-1.01nb2 Perl 5 module providing a full-text indexer
p5-Search-QueryParser-0.94nb15 Parses a query string into a data suitable for search engines
p5-Search-QueryParser-SQL-0.010nb8 Perl module to turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
p5-Search-Xapian- Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
p5-Sendmail-AccessDB-1.04nb9 Perl5 module for manipulating the sendmail accessdb
p5-Sendmail-PMilter-1.27nb1 Pure-Perl Milter protocol API
p5-Sereal-5.004nb1 Fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
p5-Sereal-Decoder-5.004nb1 Perl5 module for fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
p5-Sereal-Encoder-5.004nb1 Perl5 module for fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
p5-Server-Starter-0.35nb5 Perl 5 superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
p5-Session-Storage-Secure-1.000nb3 Encrypted, expiring, compressed, serialized session data with integrity
p5-Set-Array-0.30nb11 Arrays as objects with lots of handy methods
p5-Set-Crontab-1.03nb14 Perl module to parse crontab(5)-like lists of integers
p5-Set-Infinite-0.65nb15 Perl module for sets of integers and objects
p5-Set-IntSpan-1.19nb11 Perl5 module for managing sets of integers
p5-Set-Object-1.42nb2 Perl module to manage sets of objects
p5-Set-Scalar-1.29nb10 Perl5 module for basic set operations
p5-Shell-Config-Generate-0.34nb5 Portably generate config for any shell
p5-Shell-Guess-0.09nb6 Make an educated guess about the shell in use
p5-Shell-Perl-0.004nb7 Read-eval-print loop in Perl
p5-ShipIt-0.60nb10 Perl software release tool
p5-Signal-Mask-0.008nb10 Signal::Mask - Signal masks made easy
p5-Smart-Comments-1.06nb8 Perl 5 module to insert debugging and tracking code easily
p5-Snowball-Norwegian-1.2nb15 Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian
p5-Snowball-Swedish-1.2nb15 Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish
p5-Socket6-0.29nb6 Perl5 module to support getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo()
p5-Software-License-0.104.006nb1 Perl 5 module which provide templated software licenses
p5-Sort-Key-1.33nb7 Sort arrays by one or multiple calculated keys
p5-Sort-Maker-0.06nb16 Perl 5 module providing a simple way to make efficient sort subs
p5-Sort-Naturally-1.03nb12 Perl5 module for sorting numerical parts numerically, rest lexically
p5-Sort-SQL-0.08nb15 Manipulate SQL sort strings
p5-Sort-Versions-1.62nb9 Perl5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Specio-0.48nb2 Type constraints and coercions for Perl
p5-Spiffy-0.46nb10 Object-oriented Perl framework
p5-Spoon-0.24nb17 Spiffy Application Building Framework
p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.6600nb1 Perl module to get information from an Excel file
p5-Spreadsheet-Read-0.90nb1 Perl 5 module to read the data from a spreadsheet
p5-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC-0.24nb4 Perl 5 module to extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40nb9 Create Excel data files
p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.18nb1 Perl 5 module to read MS Excel 2007 files
p5-Starlet-0.31nb7 Perl 5 Plack based standalone HTTP/1.0 server
p5-Starman-0.4015nb5 High-performance preforking PSGI web server
p5-Statistics-Basic-1.6611nb4 Collection of very basic statistics modules
p5-Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15nb7 Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
p5-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0801nb1 Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions
p5-Statistics-Distributions-1.02nb10 Perl module of computations with distributions
p5-Statistics-TTest-1.1.0nb10 Perl module of confidence interval computation using T-Tests
p5-Stream-Buffered-0.03nb10 Perl extension for temporary buffer to save bytes
p5-String-Approx-3.28nb8 Approximate (fuzzy) string matching library for Perl
p5-String-BufferStack-1.16nb10 Perl 5 module for nested buffers for templating systems
p5-String-CRC32-2.100nb4 Perl module to generate cksums from strings and from files
p5-String-CamelCase-0.04nb7 Convert string to camelcase and vice versa
p5-String-Compare-ConstantTime-0.321nb5 Perl5 module for timing side-channel protected string compare
p5-String-Errf-0.009nb2 Perl 5 module providing a simple string formatter
p5-String-Escape-2010.002nb15 Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes
p5-String-Expand-0.04nb9 Functions to expand variables in self-referential sets
p5-String-Flogger-1.101246nb2 Perl 5 module for string munging for loggers
p5-String-Format-1.18nb7 Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capabilities
p5-String-Formatter-1.235nb2 Perl 5 module to build sprintf-like functions of your own
p5-String-Interpolate-0.33nb4 Wrapper for the builtin Perl interpolation engine
p5-String-Koremutake-0.30nb16 Perl 5 module to convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
p5-String-PerlIdentifier-0.06nb8 Generate a random name for a Perl variable
p5-String-Print-0.94nb5 Perl 5 module providing a printf alternative
p5-String-Random-0.32nb3 Perl module to generate random strings based on a pattern
p5-String-RewritePrefix-0.009nb2 Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
p5-String-ShellQuote-1.04nb14 Quote strings for passing through the shell
p5-String-Similarity-1.04nb11 Calculate the similarity of two strings
p5-String-Tagged-0.24nb1 Perl string buffers with value tags on extents
p5-String-Tagged-Terminal-0.08nb1 Format terminal output using String::Tagged
p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN-0.12nb7 Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers
p5-String-Trim-0.005nb9 Perl5 module to trim whitespace from your strings
p5-String-Truncate-1.100603nb2 Perl5 module for when strings are too long to be displayed
p5-String-Util-1.34nb2 String processing utilities
p5-Struct-Dumb-0.14nb2 Make simple lightweight record-like structures
p5-Sub-Exporter-0.991nb1 Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100055nb2 Perl 5 helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
p5-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter-0.006nb2 Perl 5 module to export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors
p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013nb8 Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
p5-Sub-HandlesVia-0.016nb4 Alternative handles_via implementation
p5-Sub-Identify-0.14nb8 Perl 5 module to retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Info-0.002nb8 Tool to inspect subroutines
p5-Sub-Install-0.929nb2 Install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Installer-0.0.3nb17 Perl 5 module prodiving a clean way to install package subroutines
p5-Sub-Name-0.27nb2 Perl 5 module to (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Override-0.12nb1 Perl 5 module for easily overriding subroutines
p5-Sub-Quote-2.006008nb2 Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2800nb8 Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-Swim-0.1.48nb5 Plain text markup language that converts to many formats
p5-Switch-2.17nb8 Switch statement for Perl
p5-Symbol-Global-Name-0.05nb10 Finds name and type of a global variable
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate-0.14nb7 Perl port of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Junction-0.003008nb10 Perl5 module to provide keywords for any, all, none, or one
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Match-0.15nb1 Perl5 module to provide a match/case syntax
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.29nb1 Add try/catch/finally syntax to Perl
p5-Syntax-SourceHighlight-2.1.3nb4 Perl binding to GNU source-highlight
p5-Sys-CPU-0.61nb11 Perl 5 module for getting CPU information
p5-Sys-CpuLoad-0.31nb4 Module to retrieve system load averages
p5-Sys-Filesystem-1.406nb9 Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.5nb9 Try to get the full hostname in Perl
p5-Sys-MemInfo-0.99nb3 Perl 5 module for querying physical memory usage
p5-Sys-Mmap-0.20nb3 Uses mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
p5-Sys-SigAction-0.23nb7 Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
p5-Sys-Syscall-0.25nb10 Access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to
p5-Sys-Utmp-1.8nb7 Object(ish) Interface to UTMP files
p5-System-Command-1.122nb1 Object for running system commands
p5-TAP-Formatter-HTML-0.13nb1 TAP Test Harness output delegate for html output
p5-TAP-Harness-Archive-0.18nb8 Create an archive of TAP test results
p5-Taint-Util-0.08nb8 Perl5 test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
p5-Task-CatInABox-0.04nb5 Catalyst and related modules for exploring Catalyst
p5-Task-Catalyst-Tutorial-0.06nb15 Tutorial to learn everything about Catalyst
p5-Task-Weaken-1.06nb7 Perl 5 module to ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tatsumaki-0.1013nb14 Perl 5 non-blocking web framework based on Plack and AnyEvent
p5-TeXLive-TLConfig-0.66420nb1 TeXLive Install Utilities
p5-TeXLive-TLUtils-0.66420nb1 TeXLive Install Utilities
p5-Tee-0.14nb13 Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
p5-Template-DBI-2.65nb15 Template interface to the DBI module
p5-Template-Declare-0.47nb10 Perl 5 module to make Perlish declarative templates
p5-Template-Extract-0.41nb18 Perl5 module for extracting data structure from TT2-rendered documents
p5-Template-GD-2.66nb17 GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Generate-0.04nb24 Perl5 module for generating TT2 templates from TT2-rendered documents
p5-Template-Multilingual-1.00nb15 Subclass of Template Toolkit supporting multilingual templates
p5-Template-Plugin-Autoformat-2.77nb10 Interface to Text::Autoformat module for TT2
p5-Template-Plugin-CSV-0.04nb16 Template::Toolkit plugin for generating CSV
p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-0.06nb15 TT2 plugin to make URLs clickable in HTML
p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-Email-0.01nb15 TT2 plugin to transform email addresses in to HTML links
p5-Template-Plugin-DateTime-0.06.002nb10 Template plugin to use DateTime objects
p5-Template-Plugin-Handy-0.003nb15 Handy virtual methods for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-HashMerge-0.01nb15 TT2 plugin to use Hash::Merge
p5-Template-Plugin-Latex-3.12nb7 Latex support for the Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-ListMoreUtils-0.03nb9 TT2 plugin to use List::MoreUtils
p5-Template-Plugin-ListUtil-0.02nb15 List::Util functions for TT
p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format-1.06nb10 Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
p5-Template-Plugin-Subst-0.02nb15 Substitution functionality for Template Toolkit templates
p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods-0.03nb16 Install virtual methods into the Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-YAML-1.23nb15 Plugin interface to YAML
p5-Template-Provider-Encoding-0.10nb15 Explicitly declare encodings of your templates
p5-Template-Stash-EscapeHTML-0.02nb15 Escape HTML automatically in Template-Toolkit
p5-Template-Stash-HTML-Entities-1.3.1nb16 Encode Template toolkit stash values using HTML::Entities
p5-Template-Timer-1.00nb15 Rudimentary profiling for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Tiny-1.14nb4 Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
p5-Template-Toolkit-3.102nb1 Perl5 text template and dynamic web page integration toolkit
p5-Template-Toolkit-Simple-0.31nb10 Perl 5 module providing a simple Interface to Template Toolkit
p5-Term-ANSIColor-5.01nb3 Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
p5-Term-Animation-2.6nb13 ASCII sprite animation package
p5-Term-Encoding-0.03nb6 Detect encoding of the current terminal
p5-Term-ProgressBar-2.23nb2 Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
p5-Term-ProgressBar-Quiet-0.31nb10 Provide a progress meter if run interactively
p5-Term-ProgressBar-Simple-0.03nb10 Simpler progress bars
p5-Term-Prompt-1.04nb17 Perl extension for prompting a user for information
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.38nb6 Change terminal modes and perform non-blocking reads
p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.46nb1 Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0303nb15 Perl 5 module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries
p5-Term-ReadLine-TTYtter-1.4nb12 Perl 5 module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries
p5-Term-ReadPassword-0.11nb15 Asking the user for a password
p5-Term-Screen-1.06nb8 Term::Cap based screen positioning module
p5-Term-Shell-0.13nb2 Write command-line shells in Perl
p5-Term-ShellUI-0.92nb11 Fully-featured shell-like command line environment for Perl
p5-Term-Size-0.211nb3 Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Term-Size-Any-0.002nb11 Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Term-Size-Perl-0.031nb7 Perl extension for retrieving terminal size in perl
p5-Term-Table-0.023nb1 Format a header and rows into a table
p5-Term-UI-0.50nb2 Methods to ask both elaborate questions and simple yes/no
p5-Test-API-0.010nb7 Test a list of subroutines provided by a module
p5-Test-Aggregate-0.375nb8 Aggregate *.t tests to make them run faster
p5-Test-Alien-CPP-1.03nb1 Testing tools for Alien modules for projects that use C++
p5-Test-Approx-0.03nb14 Perl module for testing approximate equality of values
p5-Test-Assertions-1.054nb16 Perl 5 module prodiving building blocks for unit and runtime testing
p5-Test-BDD-Cucumber-0.86nb1 Feature-complete Cucumber-style testing in Perl
p5-Test-Base-0.89nb7 Perl 5 module providing a data driven testing framework
p5-Test-Bits-0.02nb7 Provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25nb9 Validate your CPAN META.yml files
p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON-0.16nb6 Validate a META.json file within a CPAN distribution
p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.25nb10 Perl 5 module to validate the META.yml file in a distribution
p5-Test-Carp-0.2nb1 Test your code for calls to Carp functions
p5-Test-CheckDeps-0.010nb10 Perl 5 module to check for presence of dependencies
p5-Test-CheckManifest-1.43nb2 Check if MANIFEST of perl module matches it's distro
p5-Test-Class-0.52nb3 Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
p5-Test-ClassAPI-1.07nb7 Provide basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-CleanNamespaces-0.24nb6 Check for uncleaned imports
p5-Test-Cmd-1.09nb9 Perl5 module for testing of external commands and scripts
p5-Test-Command-Simple-0.05nb9 Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules
p5-Test-Compile-3.3.3nb1 Perl 5 module to check whether Perl module files compile correctly
p5-Test-Continuous-0.76nb10 Run your Perl test suite continuously when developing
p5-Test-DNS-0.203nb5 Perl 5 module to test DNS queries and zone configuration
p5-Test-Deep-1.204nb2 Perl5 module to test deep structures
p5-Test-DependentModules-0.27nb6 Test all modules which depend on your module
p5-Test-Differences-0.7100nb1 Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
p5-Test-Dir-1.16nb8 Test directory attributes
p5-Test-DistManifest-1.014nb10 Author test that validates a package MANIFEST
p5-Test-Distribution-2.00nb17 Perl5 module testing all modules of a distribution
p5-Test-EOL-2.02nb3 Check the correct line endings in your project
p5-Test-Email-0.07nb12 Test Email contents and POP3 delivery
p5-Test-Exception-0.43nb9 Test exception based code
p5-Test-Exit-0.11nb6 Test that some code calls exit() without terminating testing
p5-Test-Expect-0.34nb8 Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs with Perl 5
p5-Test-ExpectAndCheck-0.07 Expect/check-style unit testing with object methods
p5-Test-FailWarnings-0.008nb10 Add test failures if warnings are caught
p5-Test-Fatal-0.017nb2 Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
p5-Test-File-1.993nb2 Test file attributes
p5-Test-File-Contents-0.242nb2 Perl5 module for test routines examining the contents of files
p5-Test-File-ShareDir-1.001002nb8 Perl5 module to create a fake ShareDir for module testing
p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema-0.04nb11 Perl 5 module providing a DBIx::Class::Schema fixture data loader
p5-Test-Future-IO-Impl-0.14nb1 Acceptance tests for Future::IO implementations
p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer-0.76nb1 Perl module for spawning a local HTTP server for testing
p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.11nb15 Perl 5 module providing Test::More functions for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-Test-HexDifferences-1.001nb7 Test binary as hexadecimal string
p5-Test-HexString-0.03nb11 Perl5 module to test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
p5-Test-Identity-0.01nb11 Assert the referential identity of a reference
p5-Test-InDistDir-1.112071nb13 Test environment setup for development with IDE
p5-Test-Inline-2.214nb4 Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-Inter-1.11nb1 Perl 5 framework for more readable interactive tests
p5-Test-Kwalitee-1.28nb6 Perl5 module to test the Kwalitee of a distribution
p5-Test-LWP-UserAgent-0.036nb2 LWP::UserAgent suitable for simulating and testing network calls
p5-Test-LeakTrace-0.17nb4 Perl 5 module to trace memory leaks
p5-Test-LectroTest-0.5001nb7 Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
p5-Test-Lib-0.003nb2 Use libraries from a t/lib directory
p5-Test-LoadAllModules-0.022nb6 Run use_ok() on all modules in the search path
p5-Test-Log4perl-0.1001nb18 Perl 5 module to test Log::Log4perl
p5-Test-LongString-0.17nb10 Perl5 module to test strings for equality
p5-Test-Manifest-2.024nb1 Perl5 module to choose test order
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.06nb9 Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
p5-Test-Metrics-Any-0.01nb4 Assert that code produces metrics via Metrics::Any
p5-Test-MinimumVersion-0.101.083nb2 Test to prove a module requires newer perl than expected
p5-Test-Mock-Cmd-0.7nb1 Mock system(), exec(), and qx() for testing
p5-Test-Mock-Guard-0.10nb3 Simple Perl5 mock test library using RAII
p5-Test-Mock-LWP-0.08nb10 Perl 5 package providing easy mocking of LWP packages
p5-Test-MockFile-0.036nb1 Validate file-interaction code that without touching the file system
p5-Test-MockModule-0.178.0nb1 Perl 5 module to override subroutines in a module for unit testing
p5-Test-MockObject-1.20200122nb5 Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
p5-Test-MockTime-0.17nb7 Replaces actual time with simulated time
p5-Test-MockTime-HiRes-0.08nb2 Replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
p5-Test-Modern-0.013nb9 Precision testing for modern perl
p5-Test-More-Behaviour-1.0.1nb13 BDD module for Perl modeled after Rspec
p5-Test-More-UTF8-0.05nb7 Enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
p5-Test-Most-0.38nb2 Most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-Needs-0.002010nb2 Skip tests when modules not available
p5-Test-NiceDump-1.0.1nb5 Let's have a nice and human readable dump of our objects!
p5-Test-NoTabs-2.02nb7 Check the presence of tabs in your project
p5-Test-NoWarnings-1.06nb3 Make sure tests of Perl5 modules did not emit any warnings
p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.06nb10 Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance
p5-Test-Object-0.08nb7 Perl 5 module to thoroughly test objects
p5-Test-Output-1.034nb1 Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.26nb6 POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.20nb8 POE Component providing TCP server services for tests
p5-Test-Perl-Critic-1.04nb7 Perl 5 module providing a Perl::Critic interface for test programs
p5-Test-Pod-1.52nb7 Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10nb11 Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Pod-Spelling-CommonMistakes-1.001nb10 Checks POD for common spelling mistake
p5-Test-Refcount-0.10nb6 Assert reference counts on objects
p5-Test-Reporter-1.6200nb10 Perl module which sends test results to
p5-Test-Requires-0.11nb4 Perl 5 module to test if a module can be loaded
p5-Test-Requires-Git-1.008nb8 Check your test requirements against the available version of Git
p5-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05nb9 Test::RequiresInternet - Easily test network connectivity
p5-Test-Roo-1.004nb10 Composable, reusable tests with roles and Moo
p5-Test-Script-1.29nb3 Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-Script-Run-0.08nb10 Perl 5 module to test scripts
p5-Test-SharedFork-0.35nb9 Perl 5 module to make forking test
p5-Test-Snapshot-0.06nb3 Test against data stored in automatically-named file
p5-Test-Spec-0.54nb7 Perl5 module for writing tests in a declarative specification style
p5-Test-Spelling-0.25nb5 Test::Spelling - check for spelling errors in POD files
p5-Test-Stream-1.302027nb9 Successor to Test::More and Test::Builder
p5-Test-Strict-0.54nb1 Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
p5-Test-SubCalls-1.10nb7 Perl5 module to track the number of times subs are called
p5-Test-TCP-2.22nb5 Perl 5 module to test TCP program
p5-Test-Taint-1.08nb5 Tools to test taintedness
p5-Test-TempDir-0.11nb4 Temporary files support for testing
p5-Test-TempDir-Tiny-0.018nb8 Temporary directories that stick around when tests fail
p5-Test-Time-0.092nb2 Override time()/sleep() core functions for testing
p5-Test-TinyMocker-0.05nb10 Very simple Perl5 tool to mock external modules
p5-Test-Toolbox-0.4nb8 Test::Toolbox - tools for testing
p5-Test-Trap-0.3.5nb2 Perl extension to trap exit codes, exceptions, output
p5-Test-Unit-0.25nb16 Perl extension module for Unit Tests
p5-Test-UseAllModules-0.17nb10 Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
p5-Test-Version-2.09nb8 Check to see that version's in modules are sane
p5-Test-WWW-Declare-0.02nb16 Perl 5 module for declarative testing of web app
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.60nb2 Perl5 module providing testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.62nb5 Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI-0.39nb5 Perl 5 module to test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize
p5-Test-WWW-Selenium-1.36nb11 Perl 5 module to test applications using Selenium Remote Control
p5-Test-Warn-0.37nb2 Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Test-Warnings-0.033nb1 Test for warnings and the lack of them
p5-Test-Weaken-3.022000nb12 Test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
p5-Test-Without-Module-0.23nb1 Perl 5 module to fallback test behaviour in absence of modules
p5-Test-YAML-1.07nb7 Testing Module for YAML Implementations
p5-Test-YAML-Meta-0.22nb10 Perl 5 module to validate the META.yml file in a distribution
p5-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04nb15 Perl 5 module to test for valid YAML
p5-Test-utf8-1.02nb5 Handy UTF-8 tests
p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.10nb1 Perl5 module for testing for warnings
p5-Test2-Suite-0.000163nb1 Perl5 module with a rich set of tools for testing
p5-Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02nb5 Explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework
p5-Text-Affixes-0.09nb9 Prefixes and suffixes analysis of text
p5-Text-Aligner-0.16nb4 Perl module to align text
p5-Text-Aspell-0.09nb17 Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
p5-Text-Autoformat-1.75nb6 Perl module for text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-Balanced-2.06nb2 Extract delimited text sequences from strings
p5-Text-BibTeX-0.89nb2 Perl library for reading, parsing, and processing BibTeX files
p5-Text-Brew-0.02nb14 Perl module for configurable and analyzable edit distances
p5-Text-CSV-2.04nb1 Comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
p5-Text-CSV-Encoded-0.25nb9 Encoding aware Text::CSV
p5-Text-CSV-Hash-0.18nb18 Perl5 module for hash based CSV usage
p5-Text-CSV-Simple-1.00nb9 Simpler parsing of CSV files
p5-Text-CSV_XS-1.57 Routines for composition and decomposition of comma-separated values
p5-Text-ChaSen-1.04nb16 Perl5 module to use ChaSen
p5-Text-CharWidth-0.04nb16 Perl5 wrappers around wcwidth(3) and family
p5-Text-Context-EitherSide-1.4nb15 Get n words either side of search keywords
p5-Text-DHCPLeases-1.0nb11 Perl 5 module to parse DHCP leases file from ISC dhcpd
p5-Text-DelimMatch-1.06anb18 Find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting
p5-Text-Diff-1.45nb7 High-level text diffing module for Perl
p5-Text-Diff-HTML-0.08nb6 HTML formatting class for Text::Diff
p5-Text-Diff-Parser-0.10.01nb15 Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.07nb15 Double Metaphone "sounds like" algorithm
p5-Text-Emoticon-0.04nb16 Emoticon filter class
p5-Text-Emoticon-MSN-0.04nb16 Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger
p5-Text-FindIndent-0.11nb8 Heuristically determine the indent style
p5-Text-Format-0.62nb4 Provide perl5 formatting functions on plain text
p5-Text-German-0.06nb15 German grundform reduction
p5-Text-Glob-0.11nb8 Match globbing patterns against text
p5-Text-Hunspell-2.16nb2 Perl module to interface with GNU Hunspell
p5-Text-Iconv-1.7nb15 Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
p5-Text-Kakasi-2.04nb15 Perl5 module to use Kakasi
p5-Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03nb16 XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
p5-Text-Markdown-1.0.31nb16 Convert Markdown to HTML
p5-Text-Markdown-Discount-0.16nb2 Convert Markdown to (X)HTML
p5-Text-MicroTemplate-0.24nb9 Perl 5 module providing a template engine
p5-Text-Microformat-0.04nb15 Perl 5 Microformat parser
p5-Text-Morse-0.07nb3 Encoding and decoding Morse code
p5-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.002000nb1 Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
p5-Text-Ngram-0.15nb10 Ngram analysis of text
p5-Text-Nimble-0.002001nb11 Elegant markup language for a more civilized age
p5-Text-PDF-0.31nb8 Perl 5 module for manipulating PDF files
p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30nb15 Generate pronounceable passwords
p5-Text-Patch-1.8nb13 Perl5 module patches text with given patch
p5-Text-Quoted-2.10nb7 Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-RecordParser-1.6.5nb10 Perl5 extension to read record-oriented files
p5-Text-Reflow-1.17nb7 Reflowing of text using Knuth's paragraphing algorithm
p5-Text-Reform-1.20nb15 Manual text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-RewriteRules-0.25nb11 Perl 5 module to rewrite text using regexp-based rules
p5-Text-Roman-3.5nb9 Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarisms
p5-Text-Sass-1.0.4nb8 Perl 5 module implementing Sass
p5-Text-Shellwords-1.08nb16 Wrapper around package
p5-Text-SimpleTable-2.07nb7 Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
p5-Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth-0.09nb9 Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables with auto-width selection
p5-Text-Soundex-3.05nb9 Phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound
p5-Text-SpellChecker-0.14nb10 Perl5 OO interface for spell-checking a block of text
p5-Text-Table-1.135nb2 Perl module to generate formatted text tables
p5-Text-TabularDisplay-1.38nb10 Display text in formatted table output
p5-Text-Template-1.61nb2 Perl5 library for generating form letters
p5-Text-Textile-2.13nb10 Perl implementation of the Textile formatting language
p5-Text-Trac-0.24nb6 Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style
p5-Text-Transliterator-1.03nb2 Wrapper around Perl tr/../../ operator
p5-Text-Typography-0.01nb14 Markup ASCII text with correct typography for HTML
p5-Text-Unaccent-1.08nb16 Perl5 module that removes accents from a string
p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30nb8 Perl5 module that transliterates Unicode to US-ASCII
p5-Text-VisualWidth-PP-0.05nb7 Trimming text by the number of the columns for terminals etc
p5-Text-WagnerFischer-0.04nb14 Perl module for configurable edit distance calculations
p5-Text-WikiCreole-0.07nb15 Translate Wiki Creole markup into XHTML
p5-Text-WikiFormat-0.81nb10 Translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
p5-Text-WordDiff-0.09nb3 Track changes between documents
p5-Text-WrapI18N-0.06nb18 Perl5 module to wrap internationalized text
p5-Text-Wrapper-1.05nb10 Perl5 module that provides simple word wrapping
p5-Text-Xslate-3.5.9nb2 Scalable template engine for Perl5
p5-Text-vCard-3.09nb9 Parse, edit and create vCards (RFC 2426)
p5-Text-vFile-asData-0.08nb12 Parse vFile formatted files into data structures
p5-Text-xSV-0.21nb9 Read character separated files
p5-TheSchwartz-1.17nb2 Reliable job queue system
p5-Throwable-1.001nb2 Perl 5 role for classes that can be thrown
p5-Tie-Array-AsHash-0.200nb11 Perl module to access array(s) like hashes
p5-Tie-Array-Sorted-1.41nb16 Array which is kept sorted
p5-Tie-CPHash-2.000nb4 Case preserving but case insensitive hash table
p5-Tie-Cache-0.21nb10 LRU Cache in Memory
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-20150301nb10 Least-Recently Used cache
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires-0.55nb10 Extends Tie::Cache::LRU with expiring
p5-Tie-Cycle-1.227nb2 Perl5 module to cycle through a list of values
p5-Tie-DBI-1.08nb4 Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
p5-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24nb16 Perl5 module for hashes with encrypting fields
p5-Tie-Function-0.02nb13 Wrap functions in tied hash sugar
p5-Tie-Handle-Offset-0.004nb7 Tied handle that hides the beginning of a file
p5-Tie-IxHash-1.23nb10 Perl module that implements ordered in-memory associative arrays
p5-Tie-LLHash-1.004nb10 Ordered hashes
p5-Tie-RefHash-Weak-0.09nb16 Perl 5 Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys
p5-Tie-RegexpHash-0.17nb10 Use regular expressions as hash keys
p5-Tie-Simple-1.04nb7 Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier
p5-Tie-ToObject-0.03nb16 Tie to an existing object
p5-Time-Clock-1.03nb10 Twenty-four hour clock object with nanosecond precision
p5-Time-Duration-1.21nb6 Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations
p5-Time-Duration-Parse-0.16nb3 Perl5 module to parse string that represents time duration
p5-Time-Elapsed-0.33nb6 Displays the elapsed time as a human readable string
p5-Time-Format-1.16nb4 Easy-to-use date/time formatting
p5-Time-Format_XS-1.03nb15 Companion module for Time::Format, to speed up time formatting
p5-Time-Interval-1.234nb7 Converts time intervals of days, hours, minutes, and seconds
p5-Time-Period-1.20nb18 Perl5 module to deal with time periods
p5-Time-Progress-2.14nb1 Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting
p5-Time-TAI64-2.11nb17 Convert TAI64 strings into standard unix timestamps
p5-Time-Warp-0.55nb2 Perl 5 module to control the flow of time
p5-Time-modules-2013.0912nb10 Miscellaneous date parsing and formatting
p5-TimeDate-2.33nb4 Perl5 TimeDate distribution
p5-Tk-804.035nb4 Perl5 interface to Tk
p5-Tree-DAG_Node-1.32nb3 Class for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Tree-R-0.072nb8 Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms
p5-Tree-Simple-1.34nb3 Simple extension to manipulate tree objects
p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.16nb3 Collection of visitor objects for use with Tree::Simple
p5-Try-Tiny-0.32nb1 Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
p5-TryCatch-1.003002nb11 First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters
p5-Twiggy-0.1026nb2 AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI
p5-Type-Tiny-2.006000nb1 Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
p5-Type-Tiny-XS-0.025nb2 XS boost for some of Type::Tiny's type constraints
p5-Types-Path-Tiny-0.006nb2 Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose and Moo
p5-Types-Serialiser-1.01nb4 Simple data types for common serialisation formats
p5-UNIVERSAL-can-1.20140328nb10 Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20171012nb7 Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::isa() as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08nb18 Perl module for assigning user-friendly names to classes
p5-UNIVERSAL-require-0.19nb3 Perl module to require() from a variable
p5-UPS-Nut-2.8.2nb1 Network UPS Tools perl binding
p5-URI-5.31nb1 Perl5 Uniform Resource Identifiers class (URI, RFC 2396)
p5-URI-Escape-XS-0.14nb8 Escape and unescape unsafe characters in URIs
p5-URI-Fetch-0.15nb3 Perl module to intelligently fetch syndication feeds
p5-URI-Find-20160806nb8 Perl5 module to find URIs in arbitrary text
p5-URI-FromHash-0.05nb8 Build a URI from a set of named parameters
p5-URI-Nested-0.10nb11 Perl extension to provide nested URIs
p5-URI-Query-0.16nb8 Perl5 module providing URI query string manipulation
p5-URI-db-0.22nb1 Perl extension to provide database URIs
p5-URI-imap-1.01nb16 Perl5 module for support of "imap" URI scheme objects
p5-URI-ws-0.03nb8 WebSocket support for URI package
p5-UUID-Tiny-1.04nb11 Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
p5-Unburden-Home-Dir-0.4.2nb3 Automatically unburden HOME directory from caches etc
p5-Unicode-CaseFold-1.01nb7 Unicode case-folding for case-insensitive lookups
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-12.0nb4 Perl5 module that provides properties of East Asian characters
p5-Unicode-IMAPUtf7-2.01nb13 Perl extension to deal with IMAP UTF7
p5-Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001nb6 Text::LineFold, Unicode::GCString and Unicode::LineBreak
p5-Unicode-Map-0.112nb16 Perl5 module that maps charsets from and to utf16 unicode
p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13nb15 Perl5 module providing mapping tables between charsets
p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.14nb4 Provides conversions for arbitrary character sets and UTF8
p5-Unicode-String-2.10nb8 Perl5 modules to handle various Unicode issues
p5-Unicode-UTF8simple-1.06nb16 Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to charactersets
p5-Unix-ConfigFile-0.06nb16 Simple interfaces to various Unix configuration files
p5-Unix-Process-1.3101nb7 Perl extension to get pid info from ps(1)
p5-Unix-Processors-2.046nb6 Interface to processor (CPU) information
p5-Unix-Statgrab-0.112nb7 Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1nb16 Perl5 module interface to the UNIX system logger
p5-User-Identity-1.02nb1 Helps maintaining user information from various sources
p5-VRML-1.10nb16 Set of VRML classes for Perl
p5-Variable-Magic-0.64nb1 Perl 5 module to associate user-defined magic to variables
p5-Vroom-0.42nb1 Slide Shows in Vim
p5-WWW-Amazon-Wishlist-2.019nb7 Perl5 module to get details from your Amazon wishlist
p5-WWW-CSRF-1.00nb10 Generate and check tokens to protect against CSRF attacks
p5-WWW-Facebook-API-0.4.18nb17 Facebook API implementation
p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.26nb5 Parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
p5-WWW-Mechanize-2.18nb1 Automates web page form & link interaction
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Cached-1.56nb2 Cache response to be polite
p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller-0.13nb2 Framework to automate HTML forms
p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.14nb7 Perl 5 module to fetch webpages with gzip-compression
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.59nb6 Interactive shell for WWW::Mechanize
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Timed-0.44nb13 Perl 5 module for timing Mechanize requests
p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create-1.003nb10 Paste to from Perl
p5-WWW-Pastebin-RafbNet-Create-0.001nb15 Create new pastes on from Perl
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02nb13 Perl 5 module database of robots.txt-derived permissions
p5-WWW-Shorten-3.094nb3 Perl 5 module interface to URL shortening sites
p5-Want-0.29nb9 Perl module providing a generalisation of wantarray
p5-WeakRef-0.01nb18 Provide weak references in Perl
p5-Weather-PurpleAir-API-0.08nb2 Perl5 library for PurpleAir API
p5-Web-Machine-0.17nb3 Perl port of Webmachine
p5-Web-Scraper-0.38nb10 Perl 5 Web Scraping Toolkit inspired by Scrapi
p5-WebService-Google-Reader-0.23nb9 Perl 5 module providing an interface to Google Reader
p5-WebService-MusicBrainz-1.0.5nb5 Perl 5 module providing an interface to MusicBrainz
p5-Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001nb7 Quote argument lists for Win32
p5-WordPress-XMLRPC-2.13nb1 Perl 5 API to WordPress XML-RPC services
p5-Wx-0.9932nb28 Perl5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
p5-Wx-Perl-DataWalker-0.02nb61 Shows a relatively simple Perl data structure browser
p5-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.32nb48 Access IO of external processes via events from WxWidgets
p5-X11-Protocol-0.56nb16 Interface to the X11 protocol
p5-X11-Protocol-Other-0.31nb1 Interface to the X11 protocol
p5-X500-DN-0.29nb16 Handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse and format them
p5-XML-Atom-0.43nb4 Atom feed and API implementation
p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.905nb2 Generate simple Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-Atom-Stream-0.11nb16 Client interface for AtomStream
p5-XML-AutoWriter-0.40nb15 DOCTYPE-driven valid XML output
p5-XML-Bare-0.53nb11 Minimal XML parser implemented via a C state engine
p5-XML-Catalog-1.0.3nb10 Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
p5-XML-Checker-0.13nb21 Perl module for validating XML
p5-XML-Clean-1.06nb16 Ensure, that *(HTML)* text pass throught an XML parser
p5-XML-Compile-1.63nb5 Perl module for compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Compile-Cache-1.06nb7 Perl module for caching compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-3.28nb2 SOAP 1.1 implementation for perl
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP12-3.06nb7 SOAP 1.2 implementation for perl
p5-XML-Compile-Tester-0.91nb7 Perl module for testing compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-DOM-1.46nb8 Extend XML::Parser to build DOM Level 1 compliant data structure
p5-XML-Descent-1.04nb9 Recursive descent XML parsing
p5-XML-Dumper-0.81nb16 Perl to XML structure input/output engine
p5-XML-Elemental-2.1.1nb15 Simplistic and perlish handling of XML data
p5-XML-Encoding-2.11nb3 Perl module for parsing XML encoding maps
p5-XML-Entities-1.0002nb9 Decode strings with XML entities
p5-XML-Feed-0.65nb1 Perl syndication feed parser for both RSS and Atom feeds
p5-XML-FeedPP-0.95nb7 Perl 5 module to parse/write/merge/edit RSS/RDF/Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01nb18 Perl5 module XML parser filter to put all characters() in one event
p5-XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML-0.04nb9 Perl5 module SAX filter allowing DOM processing
p5-XML-Filter-DetectWS-0.01nb18 PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
p5-XML-Filter-Reindent-0.03nb18 Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
p5-XML-Filter-SAXT-0.01nb18 Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
p5-XML-Generator-1.13nb2 Perl 5 module for generating XML
p5-XML-Grove- Perl 5 module providing simple objects for parsed XML documents
p5-XML-Handler-Trees-0.02nb16 PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures
p5-XML-Handler-YAWriter-0.23nb21 Another Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-XML-LibXML-2.0210nb5 Perl interface to the libxml2 library
p5-XML-LibXML-Iterator-1.06nb4 Iterator for XML::LibXML parsed documents
p5-XML-LibXML-Simple-1.01nb4 XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple
p5-XML-LibXSLT-2.002001nb7 Perl interface to the libxslt library
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12nb8 Perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
p5-XML-Node-0.11nb16 Node-based XML parsing: an simplified interface to XML::Parser
p5-XML-NodeFilter-0.01nb21 Object that know how to "filter out" nodes
p5-XML-Parser-2.47nb1 Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-0.722nb6 Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-0.14nb13 Perl extension for a lightweight XML tree builder
p5-XML-RAI-1.3031nb15 Maps RSS tags to one common simplified interface
p5-XML-RPC-1.1nb7 Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
p5-XML-RSS-1.62nb4 XML-RSS helps to create and update RSS files
p5-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0nb17 Liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
p5-XML-Rabbit-0.4.1nb9 Perl 5 module to consume XML with Moose and xpath queries
p5-XML-RegExp-0.04nb11 Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens
p5-XML-SAX-1.02nb4 Perl interface to the SAX2 XML Parser
p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09nb8 Perl base class SAX Drivers and Filters
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.51nb10 Perl SAX2 XML driver sitting on top of Expat (XML::Parser)
p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.33nb11 Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser
p5-XML-SAX-Writer-0.57nb7 SAX2 (XML) Writer
p5-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0007nb7 Perl extension for comparing XML documents
p5-XML-Simple-2.25nb7 Easy Perl API to read/write XML
p5-XML-Stream-1.24nb10 XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream
p5-XML-Tidy-1.20nb7 Tidy indenting of XML documents
p5-XML-Tiny-2.07nb7 Simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML
p5-XML-TokeParser-0.05nb9 Simplified interface to XML::Parser
p5-XML-TreeBuilder-5.4nb10 Perl 5 parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects
p5-XML-TreePP-0.43nb10 Pure Perl 5 implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
p5-XML-Twig-3.52nb9 Efficient XML document interface
p5-XML-UM-0.01nb20 Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding
p5-XML-Writer-0.900nb4 Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-XML-Writer-String-0.1nb18 Perl module for writing XML documents based on XML::Writer
p5-XML-XPath-1.48nb2 XML XPath software
p5-XML-XPathEngine-0.14nb11 Perl 5 re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
p5-XML-XQL-0.68nb21 Perl module to perform XQL queries on XML object trees
p5-XML-XSLT-0.48nb20 Perl5 module for processing XSLT
p5-XML-XUpdate-LibXML-0.6.0nb16 Simple implementation of XUpdate format based on and XML::LibXML
p5-XMLRPC-Lite-0.717nb8 Client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocol
p5-XS-Parse-Keyword-0.47 XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
p5-XString-0.005nb3 Isolated String helpers from B
p5-XXX-0.38nb3 Perl function to die with a YAML dump of its arguments
p5-Xapian-1.4.27 Perl bindings for Xapian search engine
p5-YAML-1.30nb4 YAML implementation for Perl
p5-YAML-LibYAML-0.89nb1 Perl XS binding to libyaml
p5-YAML-MLDBM-0.10nb16 Use tied hash db-s with Python and Ruby
p5-YAML-PP-0.036nb2 Modern, modular YAML processor
p5-YAML-Syck-1.34nb4 Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
p5-YAML-Tiny-1.74nb2 Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
p5-Zabbix-Sender-0.07nb7 Pure-perl implementation of zabbix-sender
p5-accessors-1.01nb15 Perl module - create accessor methods in caller's package
p5-accessors-fast-0.03nb12 Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast
p5-ack-3.7.0nb2 Grep-like text finder
p5-aliased-0.34nb10 Perl 5 module for use of shorter versions of class names
p5-ap24-libapreq2-2.17nb2 Lots of Apache specific httpd handling modules
p5-asa-1.04nb4 Perl 5 module to overload isa functions
p5-autobox-3.0.2nb1 Perl 5 module to add methods on native types
p5-autobox-Core-1.33nb8 Perl 5 module adding core built-in functions in primitive types
p5-autovivification-0.18nb7 Perl5 module to lexically disable autovivification
p5-bareword-filehandles-0.007nb6 Perl 5 module which disables bareword filehandles
p5-biblatex-biber-2.20nb2 Replacement of bibtex for users of BibLaTeX
p5-boolean-0.46nb8 Boolean support for Perl
p5-cabocha-0.69nb8 CaboCha perl module
p5-cairo-1.109nb7 Perl bindings to the cairo graphics library
p5-cairo-gobject-1.005nb9 Perl module to integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
p5-capitalization-0.03nb17 Perl module for no capitalization on method names
p5-chkjis-0.18nb18 Filter library substituting vendor's own characters
p5-circular-require-0.12nb7 Perl5 module to detect circularity in use/require statements
p5-clutter-1.110nb11 Perl interface to the 1.x series of the Clutter toolkit
p5-collectd-5.12.0nb7 Statistics collection daemon - perl plugin
p5-common-sense-3.75nb5 Save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!
p5-constant-def-0.01nb13 Perl pragma to declare previously undeclared constants
p5-constant-defer-6nb3 constant subs with deferred value calculation
p5-curry-2.000001nb3 Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object
p5-enum-1.120nb3 Enumerations for Perl
p5-ex-lib-0.90nb15 Perl 5 module to add in @INC absolute paths from relative ones
p5-forks-0.36nb10 Drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork()
p5-gdbm-5.40.0 Perl interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
p5-gds2-3.35nb7 Modules to read, write, and manipulate GDS2 (GDSII) stream files
p5-gettext-1.07nb9 Perl5 module interface to C I18N functions
p5-glib2-1.3293nb5 Perl bindings for Glib 2
p5-goocanvas2-0.06nb14 Perl bindings for goocanvas2
p5-gtk3-0.038nb14 Perl bindings for Gtk3
p5-highlight-4.14nb1 Converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting (Perl bindings)
p5-iCal-Parser-1.21nb7 Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
p5-inc-0.06nb9 Smart @INC Processing
p5-inc-latest-0.500nb9 Use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones
p5-indirect-0.39nb5 Lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax
p5-lib-abs-0.95nb5 Perl 5 module to add in @INC absolute paths from relative ones
p5-libwww-6.77nb2 Perl5 library for WWW access
p5-libxml-0.08nb20 Perl module collection for working with XML
p5-local-lib-2.000029nb1 Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
p5-marisa-0.2.6nb3 MARISA perl module
p5-match-simple-0.012nb1 Clone of smartmatch operator
p5-mecab-0.996nb13 MeCab perl module
p5-meta-0.012nb1 Perl module for meta-programming
p5-mobiperl-0.0.43nb17 Tools for generating and manipulating MobiPocket files
p5-multidimensional-0.014nb7 Perl 5 module to disable multidmensional array emulation
p5-namespace-autoclean-0.31nb1 Keep imports out of your namespace
p5-namespace-clean-0.27nb8 Perl module to keep imports and functions out of your namespace
p5-native-hyperestraier- Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier
p5-nkf-2.15nb6 Perl library for Network Kanji code conversion Filter
p5-pango-1.227nb22 Perl bindings to the pango library
p5-pcsc-1.4.14nb8 Allows communication with a smart card from a Perl script
p5-perl-headers-10.0_STABLEnb19 Perl header files
p5-perl-ldap-0.66nb4 Perl class to access LDAP servers
p5-pgFormatter-5.2nb3 PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier
p5-pilot-link-0.12.5nb20 Perl bindings for pilot-link
p5-pip-1.19nb13 Perl Installation Program
p5-pkgsrc-Dewey-1.1nb15 Perl module to compare pkgsrc Dewey numbers
p5-podlators-5.01nb2 Collection of pod related perl modules
p5-postgresql-1.9.0nb27 Perl interface class for PostgreSQL
p5-prefork-1.05nb6 Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenarios
p5-qdbm- Perl interface of QDBM
p5-razor-agents-2.85nb16 Distributed and collaborative spam detection network
p5-rlib-0.02nb4 Perl module to manipulate @INC at compile time with relative paths
p5-sdf-2.001nb5 Simple Document Format to generate multiple output formats
p5-signatures-0.14nb6 Subroutine signatures with no source filter
p5-sqlrelay-1.9.3nb10 Perl module for SQL Relay
p5-strictures-2.000006nb6 Perl 5 pragma to turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
p5-subversion-1.14.4nb4 Perl bindings for Subversion
p5-sybperl-2.19nb24 Perl modules for using Sybase/MS-SQL databases
p5-syntax-0.004nb13 Perl 5 pragma to activate syntax extensions
p5-thrift-0.15.0nb3 Perl bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
p5-tokyocabinet-1.34nb12 Perl binding of Tokyo Cabinet
p5-tokyotyrant-1.16nb17 Pure Perl Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
p5-xmltv-0.5.69nb9 Set of utilities to manage your TV viewing
p5-zinnia-0.06nb15 Zinnia perl module
p7zip-16.02nb2 File archiver with high compression
p8-platform- Platform support library used by libCEC
packer-1.9.5nb8 Tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms
packit-1.0nb4 Network auditing tool with the ability to manipulate IP traffic
packr-2.8.1nb35 Tool for bundling static assets inside Go binaries
paexec-1.1.6 Distributes tasks over network or CPUs
pag-0.92nb4 Platform Arcade Game
pakchois-0.4nb1 PKCS#11 wrapper library
pakemon-0.3.1nb12 Packet monster, an Open Source Intrusion Detection System
palapeli-23.08.4nb6 Jigsaw puzzle game based on KDE technology
palemoon-33.5.0 Customizable web browser (unofficial distribution of Pale Moon)
palm-db-tools-0.3.6nb1 Conversion utilities for PalmOS flat-file database programs
palmosemulator-3.5nb26 Palm OS Emulator
palmpower-1.0.2 Assembler, disassembler and other tools for PalmOS binaries
pam-af-1.0.2nb5 Anti-bruteforce PAM module
pam-fprint-0.2nb2 PAM module to provide authentication using fingerprint readers
pam-krb5-4.6nb1 Very flexible kerberos module for the PAM framework
pam-ldap-186nb8 Pluggable authentication module for LDAP directories
pam-mkhomedir-1nb1 Pluggable authentication module for automatic homedir creation
pam-mysql-0.7rc1nb11 PAM module for authenticating with MySQL
pam-passwdqc-1.1.4 Password strength checker
pam-pgsql- PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
pam-pwauth_suid-1.2nb1 PAM authentication module for unprivileged users
pam-radius-1.4.0 PAM module for authentication against a RADIUS server
pam-saml-1.11nb16 Crude SAML assertion validator for bridging WebSSO and PAM
pam-tacplus-1.3.6nb1 TACACS+ client library and PAM module
pam-u2f-1.2.0nb1 PAM module for U2F over FIDO2 authentication
pam-yubico-2.27nb8 Pluggable Authentication Module for Yubikey validation
pam_p11-0.3.1nb2 Smart card PAM module
pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.4nb1 PAM module which permits authentication via ssh-agent
pan-0.160nb5 Newsreader for GTK3
pandoc-3.1.13 Conversion between documentation formats
pandoc-cli-3.1.13nb2 Conversion between documentation formats
pango-1.54.0 Library for layout and rendering of text
pangomm-2.46.3nb4 C++ bindings for pango (1.4 API)
pangomm2.48-2.52.0 C++ bindings for pango (2.48 API)
pangox-compat-0.0.2nb15 Backwards compatibility library for pango X support
panomatic-0.9.4nb7 Tool that automates the creation of control points in Hugin
papaya-0.1.7nb17 Simple scripts for software development
paper-icon-theme-1.5.0nb15 Modern freedesktop icon theme
paperkey-1.6 Extract essence of OpenPGP secret key for printing
papersize-1.0.8 Manipulate the default papersize in certain packages
papirus-folders-1.5.0 Script for modifying the Papirus Icon Theme
papirus-icon-theme-20200301 SVG icon theme based on the Paper Icon Set
paps-0.6.8nb27 Pango to PostScript converter
par-1.53.0 Paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better
par2-0.8.1 PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
parallel-20230822 Build and execute shell commands in parallel
parallel-disk-usage-0.11.0 Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer
paranoia-960101nb1 Highly paranoid test of IEEE 754 conformance
paratype-ttf-20140616 Public Fonts for Minority Languages of Russia
parchive-1.1nb1 Create or use "Parity Volume Set" (PAR and Pnn) files
pardiff-0.9.4 Converts diff output to paralleled (side-by-side) format
pari-2.15.3nb1 Software package for computer-aided number theory
pari-2.3.5nb30 Software package for computer-aided number theory (2.3 version)
pari-galdata-2.2 Galois group data for pari
pari-seadata-0.0a20090618 Schoof/Atkins/Elkies data for pari
pari-seadata-small-0.0a20090618 Schoof/Atkins/Elkies data for pari
paris-traceroute-0.92 Traceroute-like network diagnosis and measurement tool
parlatype-4.0nb1 GNOME audio player for transcription
parley-23.08.4nb6 KDE vocabulary trainer
paros-3.2.13nb1 HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerabilities
parpd-2.3.0 RFC1027 compliant Proxy ARP Daemon
parrot-5.7.0nb36 Virtual machine made to run Perl 6 and other languages
partysip-2.2.3nb1 SIP proxy server
passphrase-1.8.1nb2 Zero-dependency passphrase generator
password-store-1.7.4 Standard UNIX password manager
pastel-0.10.0 Command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors
patch-2.7.6nb1 Patch files using diff output
patchelf-0.18.0nb1 Modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF binaries
patchutils-0.4.2nb4 Some programs for manipulating patch files
pavucontrol-4.0nb38 Volume control tool ("mixer") for the PulseAudio sound server
pavucontrol-qt-2.1.0 Pulseaudio mixer implemented in Qt
pax-20210219 POSIX standard archiver with many extensions
pax-utils-1.3.7nb2 ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries
pbc-0.5.14 Pair-based cryptographic library based on Gap Diffie Helman groups
pbosh-20230112 The Schily Bourne Shell
pbulk-0.73 Modular bulk build framework
pbulk-base-0.57 Core components of the modular bulk build framework
pbzip2-1.1.13 Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor
pc-lisp-6.0 Franz Lisp dialect Lisp system
pcal-4.11.0 PostScript calendar program
pcaudiolib-1.2 Provides a C API to different audio devices
pcb-4.1.3nb16 Printed circuit board layout system
pcc-1.0.0nb1 Portable C compiler
pcc-current-20230506 Portable C compiler
pcc-libs-1.1.0 Runtime libraries for the Portable C Compiler
pccts-1.33.33nb1 Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pce-0.2.2 PC Emulator
pcemu-1.01anb3 8086 PC emulator, by David Hedley
pcf2bdf-1.07 Convert X font from PCF to BDF
pcg-0.94 Random number generator
pchar-1.5nb7 Tool for measuring Internet path characteristics
pciids-20200222 Repository of PCI IDs (pci.ids database)
pciutils-3.11.1 PCI bus manipulation utility similar to NetBSD pcictl(8)
pcl-1.14.1nb9 2D/3D image and point cloud processing
pcl-cvs-2.9.9nb4 Front-end to CVS for emacs
pclock-0.13.1nb2 Simple analog clock designed for Window Maker
pcmanfm-1.3.2nb10 Extremly fast and lightweight file manager
pcmanfm-qt-2.1.0 LXQt pcmanfm Qt frontend
pconsole-1.0nb2 Parallel console tool to access several host via one input tty
pcps-8.40nb1 Converts text files to PostScript(tm)
pcre++-0.9.5nb2 Wrapper class around the pcre library
pcre-8.45 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcre-ocaml-7.5.0 Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
pcre2-10.44 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library (major version 2)
pcsc-lite-2.3.0 Middleware to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)
pcsc-tools-1.7.2 Tools useful for a PC/SC user
pcsx-rearmed-23 Sony PlayStation emulator with optimizations for ARM
pcvt-utils-20000611nb3 Useful leftovers from pcvt: playvt and two font editors
pd-0.43.0nb1 Real-time graphical programming environment for audio+video
pdal-lib-2.7.1nb11 Point Data Abstraction Library
pdbalign-20030812 Prediction of Protein Secondary Structure and Active Sites
pdbar-0.5.1 Palm database archiver
pdcurses-3.4nb1 Public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard
pdf-redact-tools-0.1nb5 Strip metadata from documents before publishing
pdf2djvu-0.9.19nb3 Creates DjVu files from PDF files
pdf2svg-0.2.3nb50 Small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files
pdfgrep-2.1.2nb32 Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files
pdfjam-2.08nb2 Small collection of PDF utilities
pdflib-4.0.3nb28 C library to produce PDF files
pdflib-lite-7.0.5nb10 C library to produce PDF files
pdfpc-4.4.0nb35 Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files
pdiff-1.0.1nb9 Image comparison through perceptually based image metric
pdksh-5.2.14nb7 Free clone of the AT&T Korn shell
pdmenu-1.2.65nb13 Simple console menu program
pdsh-2.31nb5 High-performance, parallel remote shell utility
pdumpfs-1.3nb2 Simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
pdvipsk-5.98pl1.7b DVI-to-PostScript translator with Japanese support
peak-classifier- Classify ChIP/ATAC-Seq peaks based on features provided in a GFF
pearpc-0.5nb1 PowerPC emulator
pedisassem-0.23nb1 Disassembler for Win32 code
pekwm-0.3.1 Light, unobtrusive, and configurable window manager
pen-0.34.1nb2 Load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols
percona-toolkit-3.0.12nb6 Advanced command-line tools for open-source databases (MySQL)
perdition-1.18nb7 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (main program)
perdition-bdb-1.18nb4 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (Berkeley DB user database module)
perdition-gdbm-1.18nb5 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (GDBM user database module)
perdition-ldap-1.18nb7 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (LDAP user database module)
perdition-mysql-1.18nb5 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (MySQL user database module)
perdition-odbc-1.18nb2 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (UnixODBC user database module)
perdition-postgresql-1.18nb4 IMAP/POP3 proxy redirector (PostgreSQL user database module)
perfuse-20190222 PUFFS Enabled Relay to FUSE
perl-5.40.0nb1 Practical Extraction and Report Language
perlsh-1.8.1nb7 The Perl Shell
pev-0.81nb1 The PE analysis toolkit
pfe-0.33.71nb17 Portable FORTH Environment
pfetch-1.7.0 Pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh
pflogsumm-1.1.5nb3 Produce summaries from Postfix syslog data
pfnet-1.4nb11 Minimal FNET-like ICB client written in Perl
pforth-27 Portable ANS-like Forth
pfqueue-0.5.6nb15 Real-time queue scanner for postfix
pfstat-2.5nb18 Utility to render graphical statistics for PF
pfstools-2.2.0nb13 Tools for manipulating HDR images and video frames
pftop-0.7nb2 Utility for real-time display of statistics for PF
pg_top-4.0.0 Monitoring program similar to top for PostgreSQL
pgadmin3-1.22.2nb32 Graphical PostgreSQL client and administration tool
pgbouncer-1.22.1 Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgbuildfarm-4.15.1nb6 PostgreSQL Build Farm client
pgocaml-4.3.0nb1 Native PostgreSQL binding for OCaml
pgp-2.6.3ianb1 Public-key encryption and digital signature utility (v2)
pgp5-5.0inb11 Public-key encryption and digital signature utilities (v5)
pgpdump-0.31 PGP packet visualizer
pgpenvelope-2.10.2nb20 GnuPG and Pine/Procmail integration tool
pgpool-3.4.1 Connection pooling/replication server for PostgreSQL
pgraf-20010131nb1 Portable graphics system
pgtcl-1.5nb9 TCL interface to PostgreSQL
pgtclng-1.5.3nb8 Next Generation TCL interface to PostgreSQL
phabricator-20170609nb3 Open software engineering platform
phetch-1.2.0nb1 Quick lil gopher client for your terminal
phone-2.0nb4 Multi-person chat program, like VMS phone
phonon-4.10.3nb17 Multimedia API for KDE and QT
phonon-backend-gstreamer-shared-4.10.0 Multimedia API for KF5 - GStreamer backend shared files
phonon-qt5-4.11.1nb23 Multimedia API for KF5
phonon-qt5-backend-gstreamer-4.10.0nb17 Multimedia API for KF5 - GStreamer backend
phonon-qt5-backend-vlc-0.11.2nb16 Multimedia API for KF5 - VLC backend
phoon-20050629 Show phase of the moon on ASCII terminal
phoronix-test-suite-8.8.1nb3 Phoronix Benchmarking Suite
photopc-3.07 Manipulate digital cameras on Fujitsu chipset
php-5.6.40nb16 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 5.6
php-7.4.33nb9 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.4
php-8.1.31 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.1
php-8.2.26 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.2
php-8.3.14 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.3
php-mode-1.13.1nb1 PHP editing mode for Emacs
php-vmailmgr- Virtual domain manager for qmail (PHP bindings)
php56-apcu-4.0.11 APCu - APC User Cache
php56-collectd-cgp-1 Graphical web-based front-end for visualizing RRD collected
php56-dbx-1.1.2 PHP database abstraction layer extension
php56-extensions-5.6.40nb2 "meta-package" for the PHP 5.6 HTML-embedded scripting language
php56-geoip-1.1.1 PHP module to map IP address to geographic places
php56-json-5.6.40 PHP extension for JSON serialization support
php56-matcha-sns-1.3.7 Social Networking Service software that supports Timeline
php56-mcrypt-5.6.40 PHP extension for the mcrypt crypto algorithms library
php56-mecab-0.6.0nb1 PHP extension for MeCab Morphological Analyzer
php56-memcache-2.2.7 PHP extension for memcached
php56-memcached-2.2.0nb1 PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
php56-ming-0.4.8nb3 PHP extension for Ming library
php56-mongo-1.6.16 MongoDB database driver
php56-mssql-5.6.40nb16 PHP extension for MS SQL databases
php56-mysql-5.6.40nb1 PHP extension for MySQL databases
php56-oauth-1.2.3nb30 PHP oauth consumer extension
php56-orangehrm-4.10.1 Open source Human Resource Management (HRM) solution
php56-pdflib-4.1.4 PHP extension for PDFlib on-the-fly PDF generation
php56-pear-MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0b4 Mysql MDB2 driver
php56-phalcon-3.4.5 Web framework implemented as a C extension offering high performance
php56-phrasea2-3.1.4nb3 Digital asset management
php56-propro-1.0.2 Reusable split-off of pecl_http's property proxy API
php56-pthreads-2.0.10 PHP extension for POSIX threads support
php56-raphf-1.1.2 Resource and persistent handles factory
php56-recode-5.6.40 PHP extension for recode support
php56-redis-4.3.0 PHP extension for Redis
php56-rrd-1.1.3nb25 PHP extension provides bindings to the RRDtool C library
php56-sphinx-1.3.3 Client extension for Sphinx
php56-sqlrelay-1.9.3nb8 PHP extension for SQL Relay
php56-ssdeep-1.1.0 PHP extension for ssdeep
php56-ssh2-0.13nb2 PHP bindings to the functions of libssh2
php56-suhosin-0.9.38 Advanced protection system for PHP installations
php56-tiki6-6.8nb1 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware web-based application
php56-typo3-6.2.31 The TYPO3 content management system, 6.2 LTS release
php56-wddx-5.6.40nb12 PHP extension for WDDX support
php56-xcache-3.2.0nb1 Fast and stable PHP opcode cacher
php56-xmlrpc-5.6.40nb12 PHP extension for XML-RPC support
php56-yaz-1.2.3nb11 PHP extension for YAZ
php74-apcu_bc-1.0.5 APCu Backwards Compatibility Module
php74-drupal-9.3.22 Open source content management system
php74-extensions-7.4.33 "meta-package" for the PHP 7.4 HTML-embedded scripting language
php74-geeklog-2.2.2 PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content
php74-http-3.3.0nb10 PHP extension for extended HTTP support
php74-memcache- PHP extension for memcached
php74-phalcon-4.1.0 Web framework implemented as a C extension offering high performance
php74-propro-2.1.0 Reusable split-off of pecl_http's property proxy API
php74-stats-2.0.3 PHP extension for statistical computation
php81-extensions-8.1.31 "meta-package" for the PHP 8.1 HTML-embedded scripting language
php82-apcu-5.1.24 APCu - APC User Cache
php82-baikal-0.9.3nb1 Lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server
php82-base58-1.0.2 PHP extension for base58 encoding and decoding
php82-basercms-3.0.16 Easy to use Content Management System for Japan/Japanese
php82-bcmath-8.2.26 PHP extension for bc-style arbitrary precision math
php82-bz2-8.2.26 PHP extension for bzip2 compression
php82-calendar-8.2.26 PHP extension for calendar conversion support
php82-composer-2.2.18 Dependency Manager for PHP
php82-concrete-cms-9.3.3 Concrete CMS, Open sourece Content Management System
php82-contao-manager-1.8.9 Management tool for Contao Open Source CMS
php82-curl-8.2.26nb21 PHP extension for curl functions
php82-davical-1.1.11 Simple CalDAV server using a PostgreSQL backend
php82-dba-8.2.26 PHP extension for DBM database access
php82-dmarc-srg-2.2.1 Viewer and summary report generator for DMARC reports
php82-dotclear-2.25.3 Open-source web publising software
php82-drupal-7.99 Open source content management system
php82-enchant-8.2.26nb3 PHP extension for ENCHANT (spelling) support
php82-excel-1.8.1 Pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
php82-exif-8.2.26 PHP extension to extract information from EXIF headers
php82-extensions-8.2.26 "meta-package" for the PHP 8.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
php82-ffi-8.2.26nb1 PHP extension for Foreign Function Interface
php82-fpm-8.2.26nb11 FPM interface for PHP8.2
php82-ftp-8.2.26nb3 PHP extension for FTP access
php82-gd-8.2.26nb9 PHP extension for GD graphics library
php82-gearman-2.1.0nb17 PHP extension for Gearman
php82-gettext-8.2.26 PHP extension for gettext support
php82-gmp-8.2.26 PHP extension for arbitrary precision math
php82-gnupg-1.5.1nb1 PHP module for interacting with gnupg
php82-http-4.2.4nb5 PHP extension for extended HTTP support
php82-iconv-8.2.26nb1 PHP extension for character set conversion
php82-igbinary-3.2.16 Binary serialization for PHP
php82-imagick-3.7.0nb25 PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library
php82-imap-8.2.26nb4 PHP extension for IMAP (Internet Mailbox Access Protocol)
php82-intl-8.2.26nb15 PHP extension for i18n
php82-ja-wordpress-6.4.3 Blogging tool written in php (Localized for Japanese)
php82-jpgraph-4.4.2 Object Oriented class library for PHP
php82-ldap-8.2.26nb2 PHP extension for LDAP database access
php82-libawl-0.65 PHP Andrew's Web Libraries
php82-mailparse-3.1.3 PHP extension for email message manipulation
php82-mantis-2.25.3 PHP/MySQL/web based bugtracking system
php82-mbstring-8.2.26 PHP extension for multibyte characters support
php82-memcache-8.0 PHP extension for memcached
php82-mongodb-1.17.2 MongoDB database driver
php82-mrbs-1.11.4 Meeting Room Booking System
php82-msgpack-2.2.0 PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack
php82-mysqli-8.2.26nb2 PHP5 extension for MySQL 4.1 and later databases
php82-nextcloud-29.0.8 File sharing web service server, 29 release branch
php82-nextcloud-30.0.2 File sharing web service server
php82-oauth-2.0.7nb12 PHP oauth consumer extension
php82-oci8-8.2.26 PHP extension for Oracle 8 (and above) databases
php82-opcache-8.2.26 PHP extension for opcode caching
php82-owncloud-10.9.1nb3 Web services under your control
php82-pcntl-8.2.26 PHP extension for Process Control functions
php82-pdo-8.2.26 PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (base)
php82-pdo_dblib-8.2.26nb16 PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (FreeTDS/Sybase/MS SQL)
php82-pdo_mysql-8.2.26nb2 PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (MySQL)
php82-pdo_odbc-8.2.26 PHP ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO
php82-pdo_pgsql-8.2.26 PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (PostgreSQL)
php82-pdo_sqlite-8.2.26nb15 PHP extension for PHP Data Objects (SQLite v3)
php82-pear-1.10.16 PEAR Base System for PHP
php82-pear-Auth_SASL-1.2.0 Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
php82-pear-Console_CommandLine-1.2.2 Managing command-line options and arguments
php82-pear-Console_Table-1.3.1 Class that makes it easy to build console style tables
php82-pear-Crypt_GPG-1.6.9 Object oriented interface to GNU Privacy Guard
php82-pear-DB-1.12.2 PHP Database Abstraction Layer
php82-pear-Date-1.5.0a4 PHP Date and Time Zone Classes
php82-pear-File_Find-1.3.3 Class that facilitates the search of filesystems
php82-pear-HTML_Common-1.2.5 Base PHP class for other HTML classes
php82-pear-HTML_Select-1.3.1 PHP class for generating HTML form select elements
php82-pear-HTML_TreeMenu-1.2.2 PHP class for generating tree menus
php82-pear-HTTP-1.4.1 PHP support for miscellaneous HTTP functions
php82-pear-HTTP_Request-1.4.4 PHP classes to provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php82-pear-HTTP_Request2-2.6.0 PHP classes to provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php82-pear-I18N_UnicodeNormalizer-1.0.0nb1 PHP classes to provide Unicode Normalization
php82-pear-Image_Canvas-0.4.0 Common interface to image drawing, making image source code
php82-pear-Image_Color-1.0.7 Manage and handles color data and conversions
php82-pear-Image_Graph-0.8.0 Package for displaying (numerical) data as a graph/chart/plot
php82-pear-Log-1.13.3 PHP Log framework provides an abstracted logging system
php82-pear-MDB2-2.5.0b5 Merge of PEAR DB and Metabase database abstraction layers
php82-pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0b4 Mysqli MDB2 driver
php82-pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0b4 Pgsql MDB2 driver
php82-pear-Mail-2.0.0 PHP Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails
php82-pear-Mail_Mime-1.10.12 PHP classes to create and manipulation of mime messages
php82-pear-Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6 PHP classes to deal with decoding/interpreting of mime messages
php82-pear-Math_BigInteger-1.0.3 Provides base-2, base-10, base-16, and base-256 numbers
php82-pear-Net_DIME-1.0.2 PHP classes that implements DIME encoding
php82-pear-Net_IDNA2-0.2.0 Punycode encoding and decoding
php82-pear-Net_LDAP2-2.2.0 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
php82-pear-Net_LDAP3-1.0.5 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
php82-pear-Net_SMTP-1.12.1 PHP classes to provide SMTP Interface
php82-pear-Net_Sieve-1.4.7 PHP classes that handles talking to timsieved
php82-pear-Net_Socket-1.2.2 PHP classes to provide Network Socket Interface
php82-pear-Net_URL-1.0.15 PHP classes to easy parsing of URLs
php82-pear-Net_URL2-2.2.1 PHP class for parsing and handling URL
php82-pear-Numbers_Roman-1.0.2 Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
php82-pear-Numbers_Words-0.18.2 Provides methods for spelling numerals in words
php82-pear-SOAP-0.13.0 SOAP Client/Server for PHP
php82-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.7 Bindings for the libmcrypt library
php82-pecl-zip-1.22.4nb3 Zip management extension with libzip
php82-pgsql-8.2.26 PHP extension for PostgreSQL databases
php82-phpldapadmin- Set of PHP-scripts to administer an LDAP directory over the WWW
php82-phpmyadmin-4.9.10 Set of PHP-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the WWW
php82-phpmyadmin-5.1.3 Set of PHP-scripts to adminstrate MySQL over the WWW
php82-phppgadmin-7.13.0nb1 Set of PHP scripts to administer PostgreSQL over the WWW
php82-piwigo-2.9.1 Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web
php82-posix-8.2.26 PHP extension for POSIX-like functions
php82-pspell-8.2.26 PHP extension for pspell support
php82-psr-1.0.1 Provide the accepted PSR interfaces for other extensions
php82-raphf-2.0.1 Resource and persistent handles factory
php82-redis-5.3.7 PHP extension for Redis
php82-roundcube-1.6.9 Browser-based multilingual IMAP client
php82-roundcube-plugin-carddav-4.4.3 CardDAV adapter for Roundcube
php82-roundcube-plugin-enigma-1.6.9 Enigma Plugin for Roundcube
php82-roundcube-plugin-password-1.6.9nb1 Password change plugin for roundcube
php82-roundcube-plugin-zipdownload-1.6.9 Roundcube Webmail ZipDownload plugin
php82-rrd-2.0.3nb3 PHP extension provides bindings to the RRDtool C library
php82-shmop-8.2.26 PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations
php82-snmp-8.2.26nb2 PHP extension for SNMP
php82-soap-8.2.26nb12 PHP extension for SOAP functions
php82-sockets-8.2.26 PHP extension for sockets support
php82-sodium-8.2.26 PHP extension for the sodium crypto algorithms library
php82-soycms-1.4.0cnb1 Flexible and pluggable CMS
php82-sqlite3-8.2.26nb15 PHP extension for SQLite databases
php82-squirrelmail-1.4.23pre15028 PHP webmail package
php82-squirrelmail-decode-1.2 Extra decoding library for SquirrelMail
php82-squirrelmail-locales-1.4.18 Locale package for SquirrelMail
php82-ssh2-1.3.1nb1 PHP bindings to the functions of libssh2
php82-sysvmsg-8.2.26 PHP extension for SysV IPC Message Queues support
php82-sysvsem-8.2.26 PHP extension for SysV semaphore support
php82-sysvshm-8.2.26 PHP extension for SysV shared memory support
php82-tidy-8.2.26 PHP extension for tidy functions
php82-tt-rss-1.12nb1 Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based RSS feed reader
php82-tt-rss-fever-plugin-1.2 Fever emulation plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS
php82-uploadprogress-2.0.2 PHP extension to track progress of a file upload
php82-wordpress-6.6.2 Blogging tool written in php
php82-xapian-1.4.27 PHP bindings for Xapian search engine
php82-xdebug-3.4.0 PHP extension for debugging
php82-xsl-8.2.26nb12 PHP extension for XSLT functions
php82-yaml-2.2.2 YAML-1.1 parser and emitter
php82-zip-8.2.26nb16 PHP extension for ZIP archive handling
php82-zlib-8.2.26nb2 PHP extension for zlib compression
php83-extensions-8.3.14 "meta-package" for the PHP 8.2 HTML-embedded scripting language
phpstorm-bin-2018.3.4nb4 JetBrain\'s PHP IDE
phraseanet-3.1.4nb7 Digital asset management
phraseanet-indexer-3.1.4nb16 Digital asset management
phylip-3.69 Phylogeny Inference Package
physfs-3.0.2 Library providing abstract access to various archives
pianobar-2022.04.01nb3 Console client for Pandora
picard-2.3.2nb4 Audio file tagger
picasm-114nb1 Assembler for Microchip PIC16Cxx microcontrollers
picat-0.1.0 Converts images to sixel graphics and outputs them to stdout
pick-3.0.1 Fuzzy search tool for the command-line
picmi-23.08.4nb6 Nonogram puzzle game for KDE
pico-4.10nb2 Text editor (ships with Pine), and Pine's text editing lib
picoc-2.1nb1 C interpreter
picocom-2.1 Minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
picodrive-1.93 Fast Sega Mega Drive/MegaCD/32X emulator
picom-11.2 Lightweight compositor for X11 (fork of Compton)
picopb-20150628 Small implementation of Google protocol buffers in C
picotrace-20200318 System call process tracer
picp-0.6.7 Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer
picprg-2.3dnb2 Parallel port PIC programmer
pict-4.1nb18 Concurrent language based on Milner's pi calculus
pidgin-2.14.13nb5 Multi-protocol GTK instant messaging client
pidgin-facebookchat-1.69nb33 Plugin for pidgin to support Facebook IM
pidgin-icb-20070505nb69 ICB protocol plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger
pidgin-latex-1.2.1nb70 Plugin for pidgin to render LaTeX as images
pidgin-libnotify-0.14nb78 Pidgin plugin that adds popup support
pidgin-otr-4.0.2nb41 Plugin for pidgin to add OTR (Off-The-Record) encryption
pidgin-sametime-2.14.13nb3 Lotus Sametime plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger
pidgin-silc-2.14.13nb3 SILC plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger
pidof-2.96 Linux pidof(8) command
piewm-1.04 Minimalist window manager based on tvtwm with pie menus
pigz-2.8 Parallel implementation of gzip
pijul-1.0.0.beta2nb1 Distributed version control system
pikchr-1.0.20230526 PIC-like markup language for diagrams
pilot-link-0.12.5nb17 Tools to talk to the 3Com Pilot PDA
pilot-link-libs-0.12.5nb5 Libraries for talking to the 3Com Pilot PDA
pilotmgr-1.109nb11 Synchronize databases on any 3Com Palm device
pilrc-3.2nb2 Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description
pim-data-exporter-23.08.4nb6 Import and export KDE PIM settings
pim-sieve-editor-23.08.4nb6 Mail sieve editor
pim6dd-20031021anb1 IPv6 PIM dense mode daemon
pim6sd-20031021anb1 IPv6 PIM sparse mode daemon
pimcommon-23.08.4nb6 Common libraries for KDE PIM
pinball-0.3.20201218 Pinball simulator for Unix systems
pine-4.64nb16 Program for Internet News and E-mail
pine-pgp-filters-1.8 Filters to integrate Pine with gnupg or pgp
pinentry-1.3.1nb1 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases
pinentry-fltk-1.3.1nb1 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, FLTK enabled
pinentry-gnome3-1.3.1nb3 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, GNOME 3 enabled
pinentry-gtk2-1.3.1nb3 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, GTK+ enabled
pinentry-mac-0.9.4nb1 Application for entering PINs or Passphrases under Mac OS
pinentry-qt5-1.3.1nb4 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, Qt5 enabled
pinentry-qt6-1.3.1nb4 Applications for entering PINs or Passphrases, Qt6 enabled
pinepgp-0.18.0nb5 PGP display and sending filters for pine
pinfo-0.6.1nb8 Przemek's Info Viewer
pingus-0.7.6nb15 Lemmings(TM) Clone
pioneers-15.6nb18 GNOME version of the Settlers of Catan board game
pipebench-0.40 Measures the speed of a pipe
pipestatus-0.6.0 UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
piratebay-0.1.9 CLI tool to search for torrents on piratebay
pircbot-1.5.0 Java IRC Bot Framework
pitivi-0.999nb21 Video editor using GStreamer/GTK
pius-3.0.0nb8 PGP Individual User Signer
pixd-1.0.0 Colourful visualization tool for binary files
pixels-sagas-startrek-201404nb2 Star Trek fonts from Pixel Sagas (Neale Davidson)
pixman-0.44.2 Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines
pixmap-2.6.4nb9 Pixmap editor based on XPM library
pixz-1.0.7 Parallel, indexed xz compressor
pkcs11-helper-1.30.0nb5 Library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11
pkg- Package management tool for FreeBSD
pkg-config-0.29.2nb2 System for managing library compile/link flags
pkg_alternatives-1.7 Generic wrappers for programs with similar interfaces
pkg_chk-2.0.12 Check installed package versions against pkgsrc
pkg_comp-2.1nb1 Automates builds of packages and manages pkgsrc trees
pkg_comp-cron-1.0 Configures periodic pkgsrc binary package builds
pkg_comp1-1.39 Build packages inside a chroot jail
pkg_developer-1.2.2 Meta-package for pkgsrc package development
pkg_distinst-0.02nb10 Remove any distfiles not belonging to an installed package
pkg_filecheck-0.4nb12 Check for files not owned by any package
pkg_install-20241101 Package management and administration tools for pkgsrc
pkg_install-info-4.5nb3 Standalone GNU info file installation utility
pkg_leaves-1.2 Print leaf packages
pkg_notify-0.4.8nb2 Notifies package maintainer when a new version is available
pkg_online-client-0.13.2 Client/Server package searcher for pkgsrc (client tools)
pkg_online-server-0.13.2 Client/Server package searcher for pkgsrc (server tools)
pkg_p5up2date-0.08 Check p5-* pkgsrc packages requiring updates
pkg_regress-0.6 Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkg_rolling-replace-0.24.14 Replace/upgrade packages in-place
pkg_select-20090308nb8 Curses based pkgsrc system browser / manager
pkg_summary-utils-0.69.0 Utilities for manipulating pkg_summary(5) files
pkg_tarup-1.9.1 Generates binary package(s) from installed pkg(s)
pkgchkxx-0.2.1 Complete rewrite of pkg_chk and pkg_rolling-replace in C++
pkgclean-20200119 Quickly clean up all work directories in pkgsrc
pkgconf-2.3.0 API-driven pkg-config replacement
pkgdep-1.0nb11 Script for displaying dependence information on software packages
pkgdepgraph-2.8nb11 Visual representation of installed NetBSD packages
pkgdiff-1.12 Tools to create, maintain, and send back patches for pkgsrc
pkgfind-20111022 Find packages by package name in pkgsrc
pkgin-24.12.0 Apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages
pkglint-23.10.0 Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkglint4-4.193.2nb3 Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgse-0.3nb11 Fetch informations about a NetBSD package from
pkgsrc-guide-tools-1.0nb1 Packages required to build the pkgsrc Guide
pkgsrc-todo-1.4nb2 Tools for maintaing pkgsrc/doc/TODO
pkgsurvey-1.0 Utility to collate pkg information, and mail to central census site
pkgtasks-1-1.15 Package tasks
pks-0.9.4nb5 PGP Public Key Server
plan-1.9nb1 Schedule planner based on X/Motif
plan9port-20240717 Plan 9 from User Space
plasma-framework-5.116.0nb4 Plasma library and runtime components based upon KF5 and Qt5
plasma-wayland-protocols-1.13.0 Plasma Specific Protocols for Wayland
plasma6-kwayland-6.0.5nb3 Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
plasma6-layer-shell-qt-6.0.5nb3 Qt component to allow applications to use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol
plasma6-libkscreen-6.0.5nb3 KDE screen management software
playitslowly-1.5.1nb8 Play back audio files at a different speed or pitch
pleaser-0.5.6 Sudo like program with regex support
plib-1.8.5nb5 Libraries for writing portable games/realtime interactive apps
plink-1.07nb1 Whole-genome association analysis toolset
plinkseq-0.08nb12 C/C++ library for working with human genetic variation data
plist-utils-20240207 Utility to facilitate management of PLIST files
pload-0.9.5nb3 Network interface monitor for X11, monitoring totals and in/out rates
ploticus-2.42nb14 Versatile data visualization engine
ploticus-examples-2.00 Examples for the ploticus data plotting suite
plotmtv-1.4.1nb3 Multipurpose X11 plotting program
plotutils-2.6nb4 Programs and library for plotting scientific data
plp-1.8nb2 Tools to talk to the PSION organiser
pluged-0.1 USB plug/unplug monitoring daemon
pluma-1.26.1nb14 Small and lightweight UTF-8 text editor for MATE
plumed-2.8.0nb2 Molecular dynamics support library
ply-3.9nb5 Python Lex-Yacc
plzip-1.11 Multi-threaded data compressor based on lzlib
pmars-0.9.2 The official Core Wars simulator
pmccabe-2.5 Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++
pmw-4.51 High quality music typesetting program
png-1.6.44 Library for manipulating PNG images
png2html-1.1nb28 Takes a PNG image and transforms it to a web page
pngcheck-3.0.3 Verify the integrity of PNG, JNG, and MNG files
pngcrush-1.8.13nb1 Optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files
pngquant-3.0.1 Command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images
pnm2ppa-1.12 Filter to convert PNM file to PPA used by some HP DJ printer
pnut-0.0.20240724 C compiler written in POSIX shell and generating POSIX shell scripts
po-mode-2.2nb2 PO(Portable Object) file editing mode for GNU emacs
po4a-0.73nb4 Tool for using gettext where it was not intended to be used
pocketsphinx-0.8nb8 CMUSphinx speech recognition C library
pocl-6.0nb3 Portable implementation of the OpenCL standard
poco-1.6.1nb4 POCO C++ Foundation libraries
poco-data-1.6.1nb3 POCO C++ RDBMS Master Accessor libraries
poco-data-mysql-1.6.1nb5 POCO C++ MySQL RDBMS Accessor libraries
poco-data-odbc-1.6.1nb3 POCO C++ ODBC RDBMS Accessor libraries
poco-data-sqlite-1.6.1nb25 POCO C++ SQLite RDBMS Accessor libraries
pod2mdoc-0.2nb7 Convert perl documentation (POD) into man pages (mdoc)
podcastdl-0.3.3nb17 CLI podcast client
podman-5.0.3nb4 Tool for managing OCI containers and pods
podofo-0.9.8nb4 Library to work with the PDF file format
poedit-2.3nb35 Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
poink-1.6 Nosuid, absolutely secure version of ping utility
pointfree- Convert Haskell expressions to pointfree form
poke-3.3 Extensible editor for structured binary data
polclock-1.11nb2 Digital clock with some nice graphics effects
policyd-1.82nb5 Policy daemon for Postfix with greylisting and throttling
policyd-weight- Weighted policy daemon for postfix
polkit-121 Authorization Manager
polkit-qt-0.112.0nb9 Qt Wrapper around PolicyKit
polkit-qt5-0.200.0nb4 Qt5 Wrapper around PolicyKit
polkit-qt6-0.200.0nb4 Qt6 Wrapper around PolicyKit
polly-18.1.8 Polyhedral optimizations for LLVM
polyglot-1.4 UCI to WB adapter (for chess engines)
polyml-5.9 Implementation of Standard ML
polysh-0.4nb6 Aggregate several remote shells into one
popa3d-1.0.3 Secure, reliable, performant, and small pop3 server
poppassd-4.1.0 Qualcomm's password change server mainly for Eudora
poppler-24.10.0nb3 PDF rendering library
poppler-cpp-24.10.0nb3 PDF rendering library (cpp wrapper)
poppler-data-0.4.12 Support files for poppler
poppler-includes-24.10.0nb3 Poppler Xpdf includes (unsupported)
poppler-qt5-24.10.0nb3 PDF rendering library (Qt5 wrapper)
poppler-qt6-24.10.0nb3 PDF rendering library (Qt6 wrapper)
poppler-utils-24.10.0nb3 PDF utilities (from poppler)
poppy-4.01nb9 Client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
popt-1.19 Command line option parsing library
poptop-1.3.4nb1 PPTP server with support for Microsoft VPN clients
port2pkg-1.15nb9 Convert from a FreeBSD port to a NetBSD package
portaudio-190700.20210406 Portable cross-platform audio API
portmap-4nb3 RPC portmapper with access control
portsentry-1.2 Detects and respond to port scans against a target host in real-time
posh-0.12.6nb2 Debian Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell
postal-0.70nb6 Tool for benchmarking SMTP/POP servers
postcodes-20040515nb1 UK national postcode information
poster-20060221nb1 Resize a ps image to print on larger media and/or multiple sheets
postfix-3.9.1 Fast, easy to administer, and secure mail transfer agent
postfix-cdb-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server cdb backend module
postfix-ldap-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server LDAP backend module
postfix-lmdb-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server LMDB backend module
postfix-mysql-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server MySQL backend module
postfix-pcre-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server PCRE map module
postfix-pgsql-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server PostgreSQL backend module
postfix-sqlite-3.9.1 Postfix SMTP server SQLite backend module
postforward-1.1.1nb9 Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme forwarding agent
postgres_exporter-0.15.0nb8 PostgresSQL metric exporter for Prometheus
postgresql13-13.18 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql13-client-13.18 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql13-contrib-13.18 Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql13-docs-13.18 PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql13-plperl-13.18 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql13-plpython-13.18 PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql13-pltcl-13.18 PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql13-server-13.18 PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql14-14.15 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql14-client-14.15 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql14-contrib-14.15 Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql14-docs-14.15 PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql14-pg_repack-1.5.1 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
postgresql14-pgpool2-4.3.2nb1 Middleware between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client
postgresql14-pgroonga-2.3.6 Fast full text search for PostgreSQL for all languages
postgresql14-plperl-14.15 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql14-plpython-14.15 PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql14-pltcl-14.15 PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql14-postgis-3.5.0nb6 Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql14-redislog-0.2 Shipping PostgreSQL logs to Redis
postgresql14-repmgr-5.5.0 Replication Manager for PostgreSQL clusters
postgresql14-server-14.15 PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql14-timescaledb-2.17.2 The timescaledb extension for PostgreSQL
postgresql14-wal2json-2.6 Plugin to decode PostgreSQL WAL to JSON
postgresql15-15.10 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql15-client-15.10 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql15-contrib-15.10 Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql15-docs-15.10 PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql15-plperl-15.10 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql15-plpython-15.10 PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql15-pltcl-15.10 PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql15-server-15.10 PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql16-16.6 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql16-client-16.6 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql16-contrib-16.6 Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql16-docs-16.6 PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql16-plperl-16.6 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql16-plpython-16.6 PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql16-pltcl-16.6 PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql16-server-16.6 PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql17-17.2 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
postgresql17-client-17.2 PostgreSQL database client programs
postgresql17-contrib-17.2 Contrib subtree of tools and plug-ins
postgresql17-docs-17.2 PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql17-plperl-17.2 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql17-plpython-17.2 PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql17-pltcl-17.2 PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql17-server-17.2 PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql_autodoc-1.30nb11 Generate HTML, DOT, and XML description of database structure
postgrey-1.37nb1 Postfix Greylist Policy Server
postmark-1.5 NetApps file system benchmark
postsrsd-1.11 Postfix Sender Rewriting Scheme daemon
potrace-1.16 Utility for transforming bitmaps into vector graphics
pound-2.8nb3 Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end
povray-3.6.1nb17 Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
powder-118 Multiplatform roguelike game with graphics
powder-toy-95.0nb21 Desktop version of the 'falling sand' physics sandbox
powerdns-4.6.4nb13 Modern, advanced and high performance nameserver
powerdns-geoip-4.6.4 GeoIP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-ldap-4.6.4nb1 LDAP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-mysql-4.6.4 MySQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-odbc-4.6.4 ODBC backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-pgsql-4.6.4 PostgreSQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-recursor-4.7.3nb1 PowerDNS resolver/recursing nameserver
powermanga-0.93.1 Arcade 2D shoot-em-up game
powwow-1.2.5nb1 Client to play MUDs
poxml-23.08.4nb5 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files
ppc-morphos-binutils-2.40 Binutils for ppc-morphos
ppc-morphos-gcc-10-10.2.0nb1 GCC 10 for ppc-morphos
ppc-morphos-gcc-11-11.3.0 GCC 11 for ppc-morphos
ppc-morphos-sdk-20230510 SDK for ppc-morphos-gcc
ppl-1.2nb4 The Parma Polyhedra Library
ppmd-9.1 PPM file compressor
ppower-0.1.5nb1 X10 controller software for the CM11A interface
pppd-2.4.3nb2 PPP Daemon
pptp-1.7.1nb1 PPTP client package for Microsoft VPN servers
ppunpack-1.0 Decompresses Amiga PowerPacker files
prag-1.0.2 Replacement to "grap" graph generator backend to pic
pragha-1.3.4nb37 Lightweight music player based on GTK and SQLite
prayer-1.3.5nb9 Small, fast, web mail interface
prboom-2.5.0nb2 Multiplayer-capable and modified version of DOOM
prboom-plus-2.6.66nb2 Multiplayer-capable and modified version of DOOM
prcs-1.3.3nb17 Project Revision Control System
predict-2.2.6 Curses satellite tracking/orbital prediction program
preftools-0.9 Command line utilities for ballot counting
premake5-5.0.0.b2nb8 Build script generator
prettyping-1.0.1 Wrapper to colorize and simplify ping's output
primer3-2.3.6 Design PCR primers
prison-5.116.0nb3 Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes
priv-1.0beta2nb5 Execute commands as a different user
privoxy-3.0.29nb3 Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
prng-3.0.2 Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
prngd-0.9.29nb1 Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon
procmail-3.24 Local mail delivery agent
profanity-0.14.0nb12 Console based XMPP client inspired by irssi
profit-2.2nb1 Performs least squares fits of two protein structures
profont-1.0nb2 Monospaced bitmap font readable in very small sizes
proftpd-1.3.8b Highly configurable FTP server software
proftpd-geoip-1.3.8b Geolocation module for proftpd
proftpd-ldap-1.3.8b LDAP module for ProFTPD
proftpd-memcache-1.3.8b Memcache module for ProFTPD
proftpd-mysql-1.3.8b MySQL module for proftpd
proftpd-odbc-1.3.8b ODBC module for ProFTPD
proftpd-postgresql14-1.3.8b PostgreSQL module for ProFTPD
proftpd-sqlite-1.3.8bnb4 SQLite module for ProFTPD
proggy-fonts-1nb1 Set of monospaced bitmap programming fonts
progman-1.0nb6 Window manager resembling Windows 3's Program Manager
proj-9.5.1 Cartographic projection software
proj-data-1.20 Cartographic projection software data files
proj-doc-9.1.0 PDF documentation for the PROJ cartographic projection software
projectable-1.3.0nb1 TUI file manager built for projects
projectlibre-1.9.3 Project management software
prometheus-2.55.1 The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database
prometheus-cpp-1.1.0nb8 Prometheus Client Library for Modern C++
prose-0.4.7 Reformat text pleasantly
prosody-0.12.4nb4 Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua
protobuf-28.3 Google protocol buffers
protobuf-c-1.5.0nb7 Protocol Buffers implementation in C
protobuf-go-1.34.1nb2 Protocol Buffers implementation in Go
proxsmtp-1.10 SMTP proxy content filter
proxycheck-0.49a Tester for open (promiscuous) proxy systems
proxytunnel-1.9.0nb7 Connect stdin/stdout to a remote host through a standard HTTPS proxy
ps2eps-1.68nb10 Tool for generating EPS Format files from one-page PS documents
ps2pkm-1.8nb8 Tool to convert PostSCript fonts into TeX PK fonts
pscal-1.16 Produces simple, nice-looking PostScript calendars
pscan-1.3 Security C code scanner for misuse of format strings
pscpug-0.3.5nb3 Graph a given process's CPU usage
psftools-1.1.1 Tools for manipulating fixed-width, [typically] console fonts
psgml-mode-1.3.2nb7 SGML/XML mode for Emacs
psi-1.5nb25 Psi XMPP/Jabber Client
psiconv-0.9.9nb1 PSION 5 file format data conversion utilities
psify-19980216 Pretty print C, CLU, SCHEME, Java and ARGUS source files
psjoin-0.3nb10 Concatenate PostScript files
pslib-0.4.5nb8 C-library to create PostScript files
psmisc-20.1nb4 Miscellaneous procfs tools: killall, pidof, and pstree
pspp-0.6.2nb70 Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
pst-utils-0.6.76nb15 Tools for reading and converting Outlook PST files
pstoedit-3.78nb26 Convert PostScript / PDF into various vector graphic formats
pstotext-1.9nb2 Postscript to text converter
pstreams-1.0.3 POSIX Process Control in C++
pstree-2.40 Display processes in a tree
psutils-3.0.3nb1 Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents (compatibility package)
psybnc-2.4.3 Easy-to-use, multi-user, IRC-Bouncer with many features
pt2-clone-1.49nb5 ProTracker 2 clone
ptex-2.4.2 Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering
ptexenc-1.4.6 Library for Japanese pTeX and its tools
pth-2.0.7nb5 GNU Portable Thread library
pthread-sem-1.0nb2 Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads
pty-redir-0.1 Attach a program's stdio to a pty
public-sans-2.001 Strong, neutral typeface for text or display
publicfile-0.52nb3 Secure read-only HTTP and FTP servers
publicfile-run-20180730 Configures publicfile to serve public files
puddletag-2.0.1nb1 Simple, powerful audio tag editor
pueue-3.4.1 Manage your shell commands
puf-1.0.0 Parallel URL fetcher
pugixml-1.14 Light-weight C++ XML processing library
pulledpork-0.7.4nb2 Script for Snort and Suricata rule management
pulsar-0.1.1nb11 Small, secure POP3 daemon, featuring native SSL support
pulseaudio-17.0nb1 Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems
pup-0.4.0nb71 Parsing HTML at the command line
pure-ftpd-1.0.49nb2 Secure FTP daemon with optional SQL support
purescript-0.15.15nb1 Strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript
purpose-5.116.0nb4 Providing abstractions to get the developer's purposes fulfilled
pushover-0.0.5nb2 Remake of Pushover, a fun puzzle game
putty-0.82 Free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms
puzzle-5.2 Maximum likelihood analysis of molecular sequence data
puzzles-20220127nb9 Collection of small one-player puzzle games by Simon Tatham
pv-1.9.0 Monitor the progress of data through a pipeline
pvm-3.4.6nb2 Parallel Virtual Machine libraries and environment
pvs-3.2nb5 The PVS Specification and Verification System
pwgen-2.08 Generate pronounceable passwords
pwlib-1.8.3nb14 Portable Windows Library
pwm-20070720 Window manager that frames multiple client windows in a single frame
pwsafe-0.2.0nb11 CLI based PasswordSafe compatible password manager
pxe-1.4.2 Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) daemon
pxtools-0.0.20nb3 Paradox database export/info utilities
pxz-4.999.9beta Parallel LZMA compressor using liblzma
py-cairo-shared-1.27.0 Non version specific parts of py-cairo
py-gobject-shared-2.28.7nb11 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py-gobject3-common-3.50.0 Python version independent files for glib2 gobject bindings
py-twisted-24.10.0 Framework for writing networked applications (documentation)
py-vmailmgr- Virtual domain manager for qmail (Python bindings)
py27-ClientForm-0.2.10nb1 Python module for handling HTML forms on the client side
py27-Excelerator- Python library for generating Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files
py27-HTMLgen-2.2.2nb1 Class library for the generation of HTML documents
py27-HappyDoc-2.1nb3 Python tool to generate Python API documents
py27-InlineEgg-1.08nb5 Python module for writing inline assembler programs
py27-ORBit-2.24.0nb7 Python bindings for ORBit2
py27-Optik-1.5.3nb2 Command line parsing library for Python
py27-PgSQL-2.4nb10 Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL
py27-SimpleTAL-4.1nb2 Stand alone implementation of the Zope TAL
py27-adns-1.2.1nb3 Python interface to the GNU asynchronous DNS resolver library
py27-ao-0.82nb2 Python bindings for libao
py27-attrs-21.4.0nb1 Attributes without boilerplate
py27-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0nb2 Backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil
py27-backports.ssl_match_hostname- Python SSL support module for Python 2
py27-basicproperty-0.6.9anb1 Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases
py27-beanstalkc-0.4.0nb1 Simple beanstalkd client library for Python
py27-beautifulsoup-3.2.2nb1 HTML/XML Parser for Python, version 3
py27-blosxom-1.5.3nb5 Lightweight file-based weblog system
py27-bonjour-0.3nb3 Python interface to interact with Bonjour
py27-bz2file-0.98nb1 Read and write bzip2-compressed files
py27-cabocha-0.69nb1 CaboCha python module
py27-cairo-1.18.2nb6 Python bindings for cairo (Python 2.x version)
py27-cassa-0.3.0nb1 Python client library for Cassandra
py27-cdb-0.35nb1 Python extension module for cdb
py27-cddb-1.4nb3 Python module to access the CDDB online database
py27-cdecimal-2.3nb1 Arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic
py27-chart-1.39nb1 Create high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, or PNG charts
py27-checker-0.8.19nb1 Python code checker
py27-ckanclient-0.10nb1 Open-source data portal software
py27-clearsilver-0.10.5nb4 Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
py27-cmTemplate-0.3.2 Simple and fast Python template engine
py27-compizconfig-0.8.4nb84 Python bindings for libcompizconfig
py27-cryptkit-0.9nb4 Python Cryptographic Toolkit
py27-cyordereddict-1.0.0nb1 Cython implementation of Python's collections.OrderedDict
py27-daap-0.7nb3 Python binding for DAAP
py27-datapkg-0.9nb2 Tool for distributing, discovering, and installing data packages
py27-dbus-1.2.18nb2 Python bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
py27-dns-1.16.0nb2 Python DNS toolkit (v1)
py27-easyAI- Easy-to-use game AI algorithms
py27-empy-3.3nb2 Powerful and robust templating system for Python
py27-enum34-1.1.10nb1 Python 3.4 Enum backported
py27-fpconst-0.7.2nb1 IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python
py27-funcsigs-1.0.2nb1 Python function signatures package for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
py27-functools32- Backport of the functools module from Python 3.2.3
py27-futures-3.4.0 Library brings asynchronous computations from Python 3.x
py27-game-1.9.6nb4 Set of Python modules designed for writing games
py27-gdchart-0.6nb28 Python interface to GDChart
py27-gdmodule-0.59nb11 Python interface to gd graphics library
py27-gdsCAD-0.4.5nb1 Package for creating, reading, and manipulating GDSII layout files
py27-gnosis-utils-1.2.2nb2 Classes for working with XML
py27-gobject-2.28.7nb5 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py27-google-apputils-0.4.2nb2 Google Application Utilities for Python
py27-gtk2-2.24.0nb54 Python bindings for GTK+2
py27-hatop-0.7.7nb1 Interactive client and monitoring tool for HAProxy
py27-hsm-1.2.1nb2 Python package that talk to a YubiHSM
py27-html-docs-2.7.18 HTML Documentation for Python 2.7
py27-html2text-2019.8.11nb2 Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py27-hypothesis-4.57.1nb1 Python library for property based testing
py27-id3-1.2nb2 Python module to manipulate ID3 tags in MP3 files
py27-id3lib-0.5.1nb3 Python module for editing ID3v2 tags of MP3 audio files
py27-idna-2.10nb2 Python module for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
py27-imaging-1.1.7nb13 PIL, the Python Imaging Library
py27-input-pad-1.0.3nb37 Python wrapper for Input Pad
py27-ipaddr-2.2.0nb1 Google open source IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python
py27-ipaddress-1.0.23nb1 Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7
py27-jonpy-0.06nb2 Tools for FastCGI/CGI Python programs
py27-jpCodecs-1.4.11nb3 Python Unicode codecs for Japanese charsets
py27-kenosis-0.96nb3 P2P RPC system
py27-kjbuckets-2.2nb3 Fast set, graph and mapping operations
py27-lasso-2.7.0nb24 Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
py27-libdnet-1.12nb2 Python wrapper for libdnet
py27-libpcap-0.6.4nb1 Python wrapper for libpcap
py27-mad-0.6nb2 Python bindings for libmad
py27-marisa-0.2.6nb1 MARISA python module
py27-mcrypt-1.1nb3 Python interface to mcrypt library
py27-mecab-0.996nb1 MeCab python module
py27-medusa-0.5.4nb2 Framework for writing asynchronous socket-based servers
py27-metakit- Embedded database library
py27-metar-0.21nb1 Downloads weather reports
py27-ming-0.4.8nb4 Python bindings for Ming library
py27-moin-1.9.11nb2 MoinMoin, a Python clone of WikiWiki
py27-more-itertools-5.0.0nb1 More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (for Python 2.x)
py27-mssql-1.0.2nb24 Python interface to MS SQL
py27-mxDateTime-3.2.9nb1 Python extension that provides types and conversions for dates
py27-newt-0.52.16nb2 Windowing toolkit based on libslang2
py27-notify-0.3.1nb1 Python package providing tool for observer programming pattern
py27-ode-1.2.1nb2 Python wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine
py27-omniORBpy-3.5nb1 Python interface to omniORB
py27-open-vcdiff-0.1pre06d46e3de6f7nb1 Python binding for open-vcdiff
py27-pathlib-1.0.1nb1 Object-oriented filesystem paths
py27-pcap-1.1nb2 Simplified object-oriented python module for libpcap
py27-piddle-1.0.15nb4 Python Plug In Drawing, Does Little Else
py27-pip-20.3.4nb2 Installs Python packages as an easy_install replacement (for Python 2.x)
py27-pqueue-0.2nb1 Priority-queues using fibonacci heaps
py27-pyparsing-2.4.7nb1 Parsing module for Python (Python 2.x)
py27-pyrex-0.9.9nb3 Language for Writing Python Extension Modules
py27-pytemplate-1.5.1nb2 Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework
py27-pythonz-1.2.2nb2 Installation manager supporting CPython, Stackless, PyPy and Jython
py27-quixote-2.9.1nb1 Framework for writing Python web application
py27-recaptcha-1.0.6nb1 Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
py27-scandir-1.10.0nb1 Better directory iterator and faster os.walk()
py27-scgi-1.15nb1 Simple Common Gateway Interface
py27-scons-3.1.2nb7 Python-based, open-source build system (old version 3)
py27-setuptools-44.1.1nb1 New Python packaging system (python 2.x version)
py27-sk1libs-0.9.1nb8 Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project
py27-slowaes-0.1a1nb1 Implementation of AES in pure Python
py27-socketpool-0.5.3nb1 Simple Python socket pool
py27-sqlite2-2.8.3nb18 SQLite database adapter for Python
py27-subprocess32-3.5.4nb1 Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x
py27-subvertpy-0.9.2nb28 Alternative Python bindings for Subversion
py27-swish-e-0.5nb3 Simple Python binding for Swish-E
py27-sybase-0.36nb30 Sybase interface for Python using FreeTDS
py27-table-0.8.3anb5 Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases
py27-tokyocabinet-0.5nb1 Python wrapper to tokyocabinet database
py27-typing- Type Hints for Python
py27-uniconvertor-1.1.5nb3 Universal vector graphics translator
py27-unit-1.4.1nb4 Unit testing framework for python
py27-unitgui-1.4.1nb4 Unit testing framework for python tk
py27-uuid-1.30nb2 UUID object and generation functions
py27-xml-0.8.4nb6 Collection of libraries to process XML with Python
py27-xmlsec-0.3.1nb18 Python bindings for XMLSec Library
py27-yamcha-0.33nb2 YamCha python module
py27-yenc-0.4.0nb1 Python module for yenc decoding module in C
py27-yubiauth-0.3.9nb1 YubiAuth authentication backend
py27-zhCodecs-1.2.0nb2 Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
py27-zinnia-0.06nb1 Zinnia python module
py310-backports-datetime-fromisoformat-2.0.2 Backport of Python 3.11's datetime.fromisoformat
py310-backports.strenum-1.3.1 Base class for creating enums that are also subclasses of str
py310-cookies-2.2.1nb1 RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py310-deepstate-0.1nb2 Augments C/C++ Test-Driven Development with Symbolic Execution
py310-html-docs-3.10.16 HTML Documentation for Python 3.10
py310-manticore-0.3.7 Symbolic execution tool for analysis of binaries and smart contracts
py310-pysha3-1.0.2nb1 SHA-3 wrapper (keccak) for Python
py311-behave-1.2.6nb3 Behaviour-driven development
py311-boto-2.49.0nb4 Python interface to Amazon web services
py311-gdbm-3.11.11nb1 Python interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
py311-guppy3-3.1.4 Python programming environment and heap analysis toolset
py311-html-docs-3.11.11 HTML documentation for Python 3.11
py311-idle-3.11.11 IDLE - The Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
py311-onionbalance-0.2.1 Tor onion service load balancer
py312-BrowserID-0.14.0 Python library for the BrowserID Protocol
py312-CppHeaderParser-2.7.4nb1 Python library to parse C++ header files
py312-DPainter-1.2.2 Usable pixel art paint program written in Python
py312-Flask-SSLify-0.1.5nb1 Force SSL on your Flask app
py312-Flask-Testing-0.8.1 Unit testing for Flask
py312-FormEncode-2.1.0 HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
py312-FxA-0.7.9 Firefox Accounts client library for Python
py312-GeoIP-1.3.2nb1 GeoIP Legacy Python API
py312-Glances-4.2.1 Cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
py312-ICU-2.14nb1 Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ libraries
py312-IP-1.01nb1 Python module to handle IPv4 and IPv6 address
py312-JWT-2.10.1 JSON Web Token implementation in Python
py312-Keras-Applications-1.0.8nb1 Reference implementations of popular deep learning models
py312-Keras-Preprocessing-1.1.0nb1 Data preprocessing and augmentation for deep learning models
py312-Levenshtein-0.26.1 Python extension for computing string edit distances
py312-MechanicalSoup-1.3.0nb1 Library for automating interaction with websites
py312-MyHDL-0.11 Hardware description in Python
py312-OTXv2-1.2nb1 Python SDK for AlienVault OTX
py312-OpenGL-3.1.7 Python bindings for OpenGL
py312-OpenGL-accelerate-3.1.7 Acceleration code for PyOpenGL
py312-OpenSSL-21.0.0nb3 Python interface to the OpenSSL library (non-Rust version)
py312-OpenSSL-24.3.0 Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py312-PDF2-1.26.0nb2 PDF library for python
py312-ParamUnittest-0.2nb1 Simple extension to have parametrized unit tests
py312-PasteDeploy-3.1.0 Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
py312-PasteScript-3.6.0 Pluggable command-line frontend for setting up package file layouts
py312-Pillow-11.0.0 Python Imaging Library (Fork)
py312-PyRTL-0.11.2 Register-transfer-level hardware design and simulation
py312-Pympler-1.0.1 Python memory analysis tool
py312-Pyro4-4.82 Distributed Object Technology system in Python
py312-Routes-2.5.1 Python re-implementation of the Rails routes system for mapping URLs
py312-SDL2-0.9.16nb3 Python SDL2 bindings
py312-SQLAlchemy-i18n-1.1.0 Internationalization extension for SQLAlchemy models
py312-Send2Trash-1.8.3 Send file to trash
py312-Socks-1.7.1nb1 Python SOCKS client module
py312-SocksiPy-branch-1.01nb1 Python SOCKS module
py312-Spans-1.0.1nb1 Continuous set support for Python
py312-Tempita-0.5.2nb1 Small Python templating language
py312-Tk-3.12.8nb9 Tkinter -- Python interface to Tcl/Tk
py312-URLObject-2.4.3nb1 Utility class for manipulating URLs
py312-Unidecode-1.3.8 ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
py312-WSGIProxy2-0.5.1 WSGI Proxy with various http client backends
py312-WebOb-1.8.9 Python module providing WSGI request and response objects
py312-WebTest-3.0.0 Helper to test WSGI applications
py312-Whoosh-2.7.4nb2 Fast, featureful full-text indexing and searching library implemented
py312-Willow-1.9.0 Wrapper library for Pillow, OpenCV and Wand
py312-X-0.15nb1 Package for the creation of PostScript, PDF, and SVG files
py312-Xlib-0.33 XLib in pure Python
py312-aafigure-0.6nb2 ASCII art to image converter
py312-absl-py-2.1.0 Abseil Python Common Libraries
py312-acme-3.0.1 ACME protocol implementation in Python
py312-acme-tiny-5.0.1nb3 Tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
py312-acora-2.5 Fast multi-keyword search engine for text strings in Python
py312-acoustid-1.3.0 Audio fingerprinting
py312-actdiag-2.0.0nb2 Simple activity-diagram image generator
py312-adb-1.3.0nb2 Pure Python implementation of the Android ADB and Fastboot protocols
py312-aenum-3.1.15 Advanced Enumerations, NamedTuples, and NamedConstants
py312-aes-1.6.1nb1 Pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher
py312-agate-1.10.2 Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans
py312-agate-dbf-0.2.3 DBF read/write support to agate
py312-agate-excel-0.4.1 EXCEL read/write support to agate
py312-agate-sql-0.7.2 SQL read/write support to agate
py312-ailment-9.2.98 The angr intermediate language
py312-aio-pika-9.5.3 Wrapper for the aiormq for asyncio and humans
py312-aiodns-3.2.0 Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
py312-aiofiles-24.1.0 File support for asyncio
py312-aiohappyeyeballs-2.4.4 Happy Eyeballs for Python
py312-aiohttp-3.11.10 Async http client/server framework
py312-aiohttp-cors-0.7.0nb1 CORS support for aiohttp
py312-aiohttp-oauthlib-0.1.0 oauthlib for aiohttp clients
py312-aiohttp-remotes-1.2.0 Library of useful tools for aiohttp.web server
py312-aiohttp-socks-0.9.1 SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
py312-aioquic-1.2.0 Fork of aioquic with adjustments for mitmproxy
py312-aioresponses-0.7.7 Mock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package
py312-aiormq-6.8.1 Pure python AMQP asynchronous client library
py312-aiorpcX-0.22.1nb1 Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
py312-aiosignal-1.3.1 List of registered asynchronous callbacks
py312-aiosmtpd-1.4.6 Asyncio based SMTP server
py312-aiosqlite-0.20.0 Async bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
py312-aiostream-0.6.4 Generator-based operators for asynchronous iteration
py312-aiounittest-1.4.2 Test asyncio code more easily
py312-alabaster-1.0.0 Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
py312-alembic-1.13.2 Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
py312-allpairspy-2.5.1 Pairwise test combinations generator
py312-almost-0.1.5nb1 Python module to compare two numbers generously
py312-alpha_vantage-2.1.3nb1 Python wrapper for Alpha Vantage API for financial data
py312-alphalens-0.4.0 Performance analysis of predictive stock factors
py312-altgraph-0.17.4 Graph (network) package for constructing graphs
py312-amaranth-0.5.3 Toolchain for developing hardware based on synchronous digital logic
py312-amqp-5.3.1 Low-level AMQP client for Python
py312-ana-0.6nb1 Easy distributed data storage
py312-angr-9.2.98 Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework
py312-aniso8601-9.0.1nb1 Library for parsing ISO 8601 strings
py312-anita-2.15 Automated NetBSD Installation and Test Application
py312-annotated-types-0.7.0 Reusable constraint types to use with typing.Annotated
py312-ansi-0.3.7 ANSI cursor movement and graphics
py312-ansible-compat-24.10.0 Ansible compatibility goodies
py312-antlr4-4.7.1nb1 AntLR 4 bindings for Python
py312-anyascii-0.3.2 Intelligent Unicode to ASCII conversion
py312-anyio-4.7.0 High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loops
py312-anytree-2.12.1 Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure
py312-ap24-mod_wsgi-4.9.4 WSGI module for apache
py312-apache-libcloud-3.8.0 Python library for interacting with cloud service providers
py312-apipkg-3.0.2 Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
py312-appdirs-1.4.4nb1 Module for determining appropriate, platform-specific dirs
py312-appnope-0.1.4 Disable App Nap on macOS
py312-approval-utilities-8.3.1 Utilities for your production code that work well with approvaltests
py312-approvaltests-8.3.1 Assertion/verification library to aid testing
py312-apsw- Python wrapper for SQLite
py312-arabic-reshaper-3.0.0 Reconstruct Arabic sentences
py312-archinfo-9.2.98 Classes with architecture-specific information
py312-argcomplete-3.5.1 Bash and other shells tab completion for argparse
py312-argon2-cffi-23.1.0nb1 Secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm
py312-argon2-cffi-bindings-21.2.0 Low-level CFFI bindings for Argon2
py312-argparse-1.4.0nb1 Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools
py312-argparse-addons-0.12.0 Additional argparse types and actions
py312-argparse-manpage-4.6 Build manual page from python's ArgumentParser object
py312-args-0.1.0nb1 Command Arguments for Humans
py312-arrow-1.3.0nb1 Better dates and times for Python
py312-arviz-0.19.0 Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
py312-asciinema-2.4.0nb1 Terminal session recorder
py312-asdf-3.5.0 Advanced Scientific Data Format
py312-asdf-standard-1.1.1 ASDF Standard schemas
py312-asdf-transform-schemas-0.5.0 ASDF schemas for transforms
py312-asdf_astropy-0.6.1 ASDF serialization support for astropy objects
py312-asdf_coordinates_schemas-0.3.0 ASDF schemas for validating coordinates tags
py312-asdf_wcs_schemas-0.4.0 ASDF schemas for validating WCS tags
py312-asgiref-3.8.1 Contains various reference ASGI implementations
py312-asn1-0.6.1 ITU Abstract Syntax Notification for Python
py312-asn1-modules-0.4.1 Modules for ITU Abstract Syntax Notification for Python
py312-asn1crypto-1.5.1 Fast, pure Python library for parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures
py312-asteval-1.0.5 Safe, minimalistic expression evaluator using ast module
py312-astor-0.8.1nb2 Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs
py312-astroML-1.0.2.post1 Astropy affiliated module for machine learning and data mining
py312-astroid-3.3.6 Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast
py312-astropy-6.1.4 Python module for astronomical calculations and data analysis
py312-astropy-iers-data-0.2024. IERS Earth Rotation and Leap Second tables for astropy
py312-astropy-sphinx-theme-1.1 Sphinx theme for Astropy and affiliated packages
py312-asttokens-2.4.1nb1 Annotate AST trees with source code positions
py312-astunparse-1.6.3nb1 AST unparser for Python
py312-async-lru-2.0.4 Simple LRU cache for asyncio
py312-async-timeout-5.0.1 Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
py312-async_generator-1.10nb1 Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+
py312-asyncio-nats-client-0.11.5 NATS client for Python asyncio
py312-asyncpg-0.30.0 Asyncio PosgtreSQL driver
py312-asyncssh-2.18.0 Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library
py312-at-spi2-2.38.1nb1 Python Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
py312-atomicwrites-1.4.1nb1 Python module for atomic file writes on POSIX
py312-atpublic-5.0 @public decorator for Python
py312-attrs-24.2.0 Attributes without boilerplate
py312-audio-0.2.14 Python bindings for PortAudio
py312-audioread-3.0.1nb1 Audio file decoder
py312-augeas-1.1.0nb14 Python bindings for Augeas
py312-authheaders-0.16.3 Library for email authentication header verification and generation
py312-authlib-1.3.2 Ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers
py312-authres-1.2.0nb1 Python implementation of RFC 5451/7001
py312-autobahn-24.4.2 WebSocket client and server library, WAMP real-time framework
py312-autocommand-2.2.2nb1 Create a command-line program from a function
py312-automat-24.8.1 Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go
py312-autopep8-2.3.1 Automatic formatter of Python code to conform to PEP 8
py312-aws-error-utils-2.7.0 Error-handling functions for boto3/botocore
py312-aws-sso-lib-1.14.0 Library to make AWS SSO easier
py312-aws-sso-util-4.33.0 Smooth out the rough edges of AWS SSO
py312-awscli-1.36.10 Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
py312-axolotl-0.2.3nb1 Python port of the ratcheting forward secrecy protocol
py312-axolotl-curve25519- Python wrapper for curve25519 with ed25519 signatures
py312-babel-2.16.0 Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py312-babelfish-0.6.1 Python library to work with countries and languages
py312-backcall-0.2.0nb3 Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API
py312-backports-1.0nb2 Namespace for backported Python features
py312-backports_abc-0.5nb1 Backport of recent additions to the '' module
py312-backtrader- Python Backtesting library for trading strategies
py312-bandit-1.7.10 Security oriented static analyser for Python code
py312-barman-3.11.1 Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
py312-base58-2.1.1nb2 Base58 and Base58Check implementation
py312-bashlex-0.18 Python parser for bash
py312-bcbio-gff-0.7.0 Read and write Generic Feature Format (GFF) with Biopython integration
py312-bcrypt-4.2.1 Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
py312-beancount-2.3.5 Command-line double-entry bookkeeping
py312-beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 HTML/XML Parser for Python, version 4
py312-bech32-1.2.0 Bech32 reference implementation
py312-beniget-0.4.2.post1 Extract semantic information about static Python code
py312-betamax-0.9.0 VCR imitation for python-requests
py312-bidi-0.4.2nb2 Pure Python implementation of the BiDi layout algorithm
py312-billiard-4.2.1 Python multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes
py312-binaryornot-0.4.4nb1 Guess whether a file is binary or text
py312-biopython-1.81 Python libraries for computational molecular biology
py312-biplist-1.0.3nb2 Library for reading/writing binary plists
py312-bitarray-2.9.3 Efficient arrays of booleans
py312-bitcoinlib-0.11.0nb1 Python bitcoin library
py312-bitcoinrpc-1.0nb1 Enhanced version of python-jsonrpc for use with Bitcoin
py312-bitstring-4.2.3 Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data
py312-black-24.10.0 Uncompromising Python code formatter
py312-bleach-6.2.0 Easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool
py312-blessed-1.20.0nb2 Wrapper around terminal styling, screen positioning, and input
py312-blinker-1.9.0 Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
py312-blockdiag-2.0.1nb2 Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
py312-blurhash-1.1.4nb2 Implementation of the blurhash algorithm in pure python
py312-boltons-24.1.0 Functionality that should be in the standard library Define boolean algebras, create and parse boolean expressions and create custom boolean DSL
py312-boost-1.86.0 Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library)
py312-borgbackup-1.2.8nb1 Deduplicating backup program with compression and encryption
py312-borgmatic-1.8.5 Configuration-driver backup software
py312-botan3-3.6.1nb1 Python bindings for botan3
py312-boto3-1.35.69 Amazon Web Services SDK for Python
py312-botocore-1.35.69 Low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
py312-bottle-0.13.2 Fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python
py312-bottleneck-1.4.2 Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in C
py312-bracex-2.5 Bash style brace expander
py312-braintree-4.31.0 Braintree Python Library
py312-breathe-4.35.0 Sphinx plugin providing integrated Doxygen output
py312-brewer2mpl-1.4.1nb1 Connect color maps to Python and matplotlib
py312-brotli-1.1.0 Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm (Python module)
py312-brotlicffi- Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
py312-bsddb3-6.2.9nb1 Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
py312-build-1.2.2.post1 Simple, correct PEP517 package builder
py312-buildbot-2.6.0nb4 Continuous integration system
py312-buildbot-badges-2.6.0nb1 Badges Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-console-view-2.6.0nb1 Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-grid-view-2.6.0nb1 Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-pkg-2.6.0nb2 Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-waterfall-view-2.6.0nb1 Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-worker-2.6.0nb2 Worker for the buildbot CI system
py312-buildbot-www-2.6.0nb1 Web frontend for the buildbot CI system
py312-bump2version-1.0.1nb2 Version-bump software with a single command
py312-bumpver-2024.1130 Bump version numbers in project files
py312-byterun-20160218nb2 Python implementation of a python interpreter
py312-cachecontrol-0.14.1 Port of httplib2's caching to requests
py312-cached-property-2.0.1 Decorator for caching properties in classes
py312-cachelib-0.13.0 Collection of cache libraries in the same API interface
py312-cachetools-5.5.0 Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
py312-cachy-0.3.0nb1 Cachy provides a simple yet effective caching library
py312-cairo-1.27.0 Python bindings for cairo
py312-cairocffi-1.7.1 CFFI-based Cairo bindings for Python
py312-cairosvg-2.7.1 Simple SVG Converter for Cairo
py312-calver-2022.6.26 Setuptools extension for CalVer package versions
py312-canonicaljson-2.0.0nb1 Encodes objects and arrays as RFC 7159 JSON
py312-canvasapi-3.3.0 API wrapper for the Canvas LMS
py312-capstone-5.0.3 Python bindings for capstone
py312-capturer-3.0 Easily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses
py312-cares-4.4.0 Python interface for c-ares
py312-cassandra-driver-3.28.0 DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
py312-cattrs-24.1.2 Composable complex class support for attrs and dataclasses
py312-cbor2-5.6.5 CBOR (de)serializer with extensive tag support
py312-cddl-0.6.3 Deserialize CBOR and/or do CDDL schema validation
py312-celery-5.4.0 Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
py312-certbot-3.0.1 Client for the Let's Encrypt CA
py312-certbot-apache-3.0.1 Apache plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-cloudflare-3.0.1 Cloudflare DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-digitalocean-3.0.1 DigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-dnsimple-3.0.1 DNSimple DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy-3.0.1 DNS Made Easy DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-gehirn-3.0.1 Gehirn Infrastracture Service DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-google-3.0.1 Google Cloud DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-linode-3.0.1 Linode DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-luadns-3.0.1 LuaDNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-nsone-3.0.1 NS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-ovh-3.0.1 OVH DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-rfc2136-3.0.1 RFC 2136 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-route53-3.0.1 Amazon Web Services Route 53 API plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-dns-sakuracloud-3.0.1 Sakura Cloud DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
py312-certbot-nginx-3.0.1 Nginx plugin for Certbot
py312-certifi-2024.8.30 Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
py312-cffi-1.17.1 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
py312-cfscrape-2.1.1 Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection
py312-cftime-1.6.4 Time-handling functionality
py312-channels-4.2.0 Brings event-driven capabilities to Django with a channel system
py312-characteristic-14.3.0nb1 Python attributes without boilerplate
py312-chardet-5.2.0nb1 Universal encoding detector for Python 3
py312-charset-normalizer-3.4.0 Universal Charset Detector
py312-checkdmarc-5.7.9 Python module and command line parser for SPF and DMARC records
py312-cheetah-3.2.6nb2 Template engine and code generation tool
py312-cheroot-10.0.1 High-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy
py312-cherrypy-18.9.0 Pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
py312-ciso8601-2.3.2 Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C
py312-claripy-9.2.98 Abstraction layer for constraint solvers
py312-class-doc-0.2.6 Extract attributes docstrings defined in various ways
py312-cle-9.2.98 CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!)
py312-cleo-2.1.0 Create beautiful and testable command-line interfaces
py312-click-8.1.7 Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities
py312-click-aliases-1.0.4 Add (mutiple) aliases to a click group or command
py312-click-default-group-1.2.4nb1 Extends click.Group to invoke a command without explicit subcommand name
py312-click-didyoumean-0.3.1 Enable git-like did-you-mean feature in click
py312-click-log-0.4.0 Logging integration for Click
py312-click-plugins-1.1.1nb2 CLI command extension for click
py312-click-repl-0.3.0 REPL plugin for Click
py312-click-threading-0.5.0nb1 Multithreaded Click apps made easy
py312-clickclick-20.10.2nb1 Click utility functions
py312-cloudflare-2.18.1 Python wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API
py312-cloudpickle-3.1.0 Extend the standard pickle.Pickler functionality
py312-cmake-language-server-0.1.10 CMake Language Server Protocol Implementation
py312-cmarkgfm-2022.10.27 Minimal bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark
py312-cmudict-1.0.31 Versioned Python wrapper package for cmudict
py312-codespell-2.3.0 Check code for common misspellings
py312-codestyle-2.12.1 Python style guide checker
py312-cogapp-3.4.1 Code generator for executing Python snippets in source files
py312-collectd-5.12.0nb4 Statistics collection daemon - python plugin
py312-collectd-haproxy-1.2.1nb3 Plugin for collectd to gather HAProxy metrics
py312-collections-extended-2.0.2 Python Collections (Bag, setlist, IndexedDict, etc.)
py312-color-0.3.0nb1 Very small color printing module
py312-colorama-0.4.6nb1 Cross-platform coloured terminal text
py312-colored-2.2.4 Python library for coloring terminal text
py312-coloredlogs-15.0.1 Colored terminal output for Python's logging module
py312-colorlog-6.9.0 Log formatting with colors
py312-colormath-3.0.0 Module that spares the user from directly dealing with color math
py312-comm-0.2.2 Jupyter Python Comm implementation
py312-commonmark-0.9.1nb2 Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
py312-configargparse-1.7 Argparse-like with config files or environment variables support
py312-configobj-5.0.9nb1 Config file reading, writing and validation
py312-configupdater-3.2 Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
py312-confusable_homoglyphs-3.3.1 Detect confusable usage of unicode homoglyphs
py312-confuse-2.0.1nb1 Painless YAML configuration
py312-constantly-23.10.4 Symbolic constants in Python
py312-constants-0.6.0nb1 Simple way to deal with environment constants
py312-construct-2.10.70 Powerful declarative parser for binary data
py312-construct-classes-0.1.2 Parse your binary structs into dataclasses
py312-contextlib2-21.6.0 Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module
py312-contourpy-1.3.1 Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
py312-cookiecutter-2.6.0 Command-line utility that creates projects from project templates
py312-cooldict-1.4nb1 Some useful dict-like structures
py312-country-24.6.1 ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script
py312-covdefaults-2.3.0 Coverage plugin to provide sensible default settings
py312-coverage-7.6.9 Python module that measures code coverage for Python
py312-coverage-enable-subprocess-1.0nb1 Enable Python coverage for subprocesses
py312-coveralls-4.0.1 Python interface to API
py312-cparser-2.22nb1 C parser in Python
py312-cpplint-1.6.1nb1 Static code checker for C++
py312-cppy-1.3.0 C++ headers for C extension development
py312-cpuinfo-9.0.0 Get CPU info with pure Python
py312-crack-0.01nb3 Python interface to cracklib
py312-cram-0.7nb1 Simple testing framework for command line applications
py312-cramjam-2.8.4 Extremely thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust
py312-crashtest-0.4.1 Manage Python errors with ease
py312-crayons-0.4.0nb1 Colored string formatting for the terminal
py312-crcmod-1.7nb1 Cyclic Redundancy Checksums in Python
py312-creole-1.4.10 Markup converter in pure Python
py312-cron-descriptor-1.4.3 Converts cron expressions into human readable strings
py312-crontab-3.2.0 Python Crontab API
py312-cryptodome-3.21.0 Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
py312-cryptography-3.3.2nb6 Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python (non-Rust version)
py312-cryptography-44.0.0 Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
py312-cryptography_vectors-44.0.0 Cryptographic test vectors
py312-crytic-compile-0.3.7 Abstraction layer for smart contract build systems
py312-css-parser-1.0.10 Cascading Style Sheets parser and library for Python
py312-cssselect-1.2.0 Parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
py312-cssselect2-0.7.0nb1 CSS selectors for Python ElementTree
py312-cssutils-2.11.1 Cascading Style Sheets parser and library for Python
py312-cups-1.9.73nb29 Python bindings for the CUPS API
py312-curl-7.45.4 Python module interface to the cURL library
py312-curtsies-0.4.2nb1 Curses-like terminal wrapper, with colored strings
py312-cutadapt-4.7 Find and remove adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails, etc
py312-cwcwidth-0.1.9 Python bindings for wc(s)width
py312-cx_Oracle-5.0.2nb1 Oracle binding for Python
py312-cxfreeze-6.13.1 Freezing python scripts into executables
py312-cybox- Python library for manipulating CybOX content
py312-cycler-0.12.1 Composable style cycles
py312-cyclonedx-bom-4.5.0 Creates CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials for Python projects
py312-cyclonedx-python-lib-8.5.0 Python library for generating CycloneDX SBOMs
py312-cykhash-2.0.1nb1 Cython equivalent to khash-sets/maps
py312-cymruwhois-1.6nb3 Client for the service
py312-cython-3.0.11 C-Extensions for Python
py312-cytoolz-1.0.0 Cython Toolz High performance functional utilities
py312-d2to1-0.2.12nb1 Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files package's metadata
py312-daemon-3.0.1 Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
py312-daemonize-2.5.0nb1 Library for writing system daemons in Python
py312-daphne-4.1.2 HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI
py312-dash-8.0.3 Python utility libraries for doing stuff in a functional way
py312-dateparser-1.2.0 Date parsing library designed to parse dates from HTML pages
py312-dateutil- Extensions to the standard datetime module
py312-dbf-0.99.9 Pure python package for reading/writing dBase, FoxPro, and Visual FoxPro .dbf files
py312-dbfread-2.0.7nb1 Reads DBF files and returns the data as native Python data types
py312-dbus-1.3.2nb1 Python bindings for the D-BUS message bus system
py312-ddt-1.7.2 Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
py312-debugpy-1.8.9 Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
py312-decorator-5.1.1 Generic Python decorator utilities
py312-deepdiff-7.0.1 Deep Difference and Search of any Python object/data
py312-defusedxml-0.7.1nb1 XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules
py312-demjson3-3.0.6 Encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON compliant with RFC 7159
py312-denyhosts-3.0nb3 Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
py312-dep-logic-0.0.4nb1 Python dependency specifications supporting logical operations
py312-deprecat-2.1.3 @deprecat decorator for old python classes, functions or methods
py312-deprecated-1.2.15 Python decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods
py312-deprecation-2.1.0nb1 Library to handle automated deprecations
py312-dialog-3.5.3nb1 Python wrapper for the dialog utility
py312-dict2xml-1.7.6 Small utility to convert Python dict to XML string
py312-dictdiffer-0.9.0 Library that helps you to diff and patch dictionaries
py312-dictpath-0.1.3nb1 Object-oriented dictionary paths
py312-dicttoxml-1.7.16 Library for simple XML serialization
py312-diff-match-patch-20241021 Robust algorithms for synchronizing plain text
py312-diffoscope-268 In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
py312-digitalocean-1.17.0 Python module to manage Digital Ocean droplets
py312-dill-0.3.9 Serialize all of Python
py312-dirty-equals-0.8.0 Core functionality for pydantic
py312-discogs-client-2.3.0nb1 Python Client for the Discogs API
py312-distlib-0.3.9 Distribution utilities
py312-distorm3-3.5.2nb1 Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
py312-distro-1.9.0 OS platform information API
py312-django-3.2.25 Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py312-django-4.2.17 Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py312-django-5.1.4 Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py312-django-admin-rangefilter-0.13.2 Add the filter by a custom date range on the admin UI
py312-django-admin-sortable2-2.2.4 Generic drag-and-drop sorting for Views in the Django Admin
py312-django-allauth-0.63.6 Authentication, registration, account mgmt and 3rd party account auth
py312-django-appconf-1.0.6 Helper class for handling configuration defaults of Django
py312-django-binary-database-files-1.0.18 In-database file storage backend for Django
py312-django-bootstrap5-24.3 Bootstrap 5 for Django
py312-django-celery-beat-2.7.0 Database-backed Periodic Tasks
py312-django-classy-tags-4.1.0 Class based template tags for Django
py312-django-cms-4.1.3 Django content management system
py312-django-cmsplugin_gallery-2.0.3 DjangoCMS image gallery plugin
py312-django-cogwheels-0.3nb2 Setting framework for Django
py312-django-compressor-4.5.1 Compresses linked and inline javascript or CSS into single cached file
py312-django-contrib-comments-2.2.0 Framework to attach comments to any Django model
py312-django-cors-headers-4.6.0 Django application for handling headers required for CORS
py312-django-countries-7.6.1 Provides a country field for Django models
py312-django-debug-toolbar-4.4.6 Debugging toolbar for Django
py312-django-extensions-3.2.3 Extensions for Django
py312-django-filer-3.3.0 File management application for Django
py312-django-filter-24.3 Generic dynamic filtering support for Django
py312-django-formtools-2.5.1 Collection of assorted utilities for specific form use cases
py312-django-gravatar2-1.4.4nb1 Essential Gravatar support for Django
py312-django-haystack-3.3.0 Modular search for Django
py312-django-import-export-4.1.1 Django application and library for importing and exporting data
py312-django-inline-ordering-1.0.2nb2 Django app to ease ordering of related data
py312-django-js-asset-2.2.0 Script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
py312-django-kronos-1.0nb2 Django application to define and schedule tasks with cron
py312-django-localflavor-4.0 L18N support for Django
py312-django-mailman3-1.3.15nb1 Django library for Mailman UIs
py312-django-modelcluster-6.3 Django extension for offline model instances
py312-django-mptt-0.16.0 Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
py312-django-permissionedforms-0.1 Django extension for offline model instances
py312-django-phonenumber-field-8.0.0 Django library for managing phone numbers
py312-django-photologue-3.17 Plug-in photo management application for the Django framework
py312-django-picklefield-3.2 Pickled object field for Django
py312-django-polymorphic-3.1.0 Simplifies using inherited models in Django projects
py312-django-q-1.3.9nb1 Multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
py312-django-registration-3.4 User-registration application for Django
py312-django-rest-framework-proxy-1.6.0nb1 Easy proxying of incoming REST requests
py312-django-reversion-5.1.0 Version control facilities for Django
py312-django-sekizai-4.1.0 Django Template Blocks with extra functionality
py312-django-sortedm2m-3.1.1 Drop-in replacement for Django's many to many field
py312-django-sql-explorer-4.3 Pluggable app that allows to execute SQL, view, and export the results
py312-django-sslserver-0.20nb1 SSL-enabled development server for Django
py312-django-tagging-0.5.0 Generic tagging application for Django
py312-django-taggit-6.1.0 Generic tagging application for Django
py312-django-tastypie-0.15.0 Flexible and capable API layer for Django
py312-django-timezone-field-7.0 Database and form fields for pytz timezone objects
py312-django-treebeard-4.7.1 Efficient tree implementations for the Django Web Framework
py312-djangocms-admin-style-3.3.1 Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface
py312-djangocms-attributes-field-3.0.0 Implementation of JSONField for arbitrary HTML element attributes
py312-djangocms-audio-2.1.1 Django CMS plugin that inserts an icon (font or svg)
py312-djangocms-column-2.1.0 Multi Column Plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-file-3.0.1 File plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-flash-0.3.0nb1 Flash plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-googlemap-2.2.0 Google Maps plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-icon-2.1.0 Django CMS plugin that inserts an icon (font or svg)
py312-djangocms-inherit-0.2.2nb1 Flash plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-link-4.0.0 Django CMS plugin that allows to add links
py312-djangocms-picture-4.1.1 Django CMS plugin that allows you to add images
py312-djangocms-style-3.1.0 Plugin for django CMS to add CSS classes to other plugins
py312-djangocms-teaser-0.2.0nb1 Teaser plugin for django CMS
py312-djangocms-text-ckeditor-5.1.6 Text Plugin for Django CMS with CK-Editor
py312-djangocms-video-3.1.0 Django CMS plugin that allow you to publish video content
py312-djangorestframework-3.15.2 Lightweight REST framework for Django
py312-dkim-1.1.6nb1 DKIM, ARC, and TLSRPT email signing and verification
py312-dm-tree-0.1.8 Library for working with nested data structures
py312-dna-features-viewer-3.1.3 Python library to visualize DNA features, e.g. GenBank or Gff files
py312-dnaio-1.2.0 Read and write FASTQ and FASTA files
py312-dns-2.7.0 Python DNS toolkit
py312-dnsdiag-2.5.0 DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools
py312-doc8-1.1.2 Opinionated style checker for rst styles of documentation
py312-docopt-0.6.2nb1 Helps creating command-line interfaces
py312-docstring-to-markdown-0.15 On-the-fly conversion of Python docstrings to Markdown
py312-docstyle-6.3.0 Python docstring style checker
py312-doctor-24.3.3 Python API document generator
py312-docutils-0.21.2 Python tool to generate documents
py312-docx-1.1.2 Python library for Microsoft Word (.docx) files
py312-dogpile-cache-1.3.3 Caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock
py312-domdf-python-tools-3.8.0.post2 Helpful functions for Python
py312-dominate-2.9.1 Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents
py312-dot-2.0.0 Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language
py312-dotenv-1.0.1 Add .env support to your django/flask apps
py312-dpkt-1.9.8 Fast, simple packet creation/parsing
py312-draftjs_exporter-5.0.0 Library to convert Draft.js raw ContentState to HTML
py312-drf-nested-routers-0.94.1 Nested resources for the Django Rest Framework
py312-dropbox-12.0.2 Dropbox Python API
py312-dsinternals-1.2.4 Directory Services Internals Library
py312-dulwich-0.22.6 Python implementation of Git
py312-dynampd-1.1.0nb1 Dynamic playlist generator for MPD
py312-easy-thumbnails-2.10 Easy thumbnails for Django
py312-ec2instanceconnectcli-1.0.2nb1 AWS EC2 Instance Connect Client
py312-ecdsa-0.19.0 Easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography
py312-editables-0.5nb1 Editable installations
py312-editor-1.0.4nb1 Module to open an editor programmatically
py312-editorconfig-core-0.12.4 Editorconfig python library
py312-elastic-transport-8.15.1 Transport classes and utilities shared among Python Elastic libraries
py312-elasticsearch-8.15.1 Python client for Elasticsearch
py312-elementpath-4.6.0 XPath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
py312-eliot-1.16.0 Logging library that tells you why it happened
py312-email_validator-2.2.0 Robust email syntax and deliverability validation library
py312-emoji-2.12.1 ASCII<->Emoji conversion library for Python
py312-empty-files-0.0.9 Null Object pattern for files
py312-empyrical-0.5.5 Common financial risk and performance metrics
py312-enchant-3.2.2nb1 Spellchecking library for Python
py312-entrypoints-0.4nb1 Discover and load entry points from installed packages
py312-enzyme-0.5.2 Python module to parse video metadata
py312-ephem- Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
py312-ephemeral_port_reserve-1.1.4 Bind to ephemeral port, force it into TIME_WAIT state, and unbind it
py312-epr-reader-2.4.15nb2 Terminal/CLI Epub Reader
py312-eradicate-2.3.0 Removes commented-out code
py312-esptool-4.8.0 Firmware tool for ESP8266/ESP32
py312-eth-abi-5.1.0 Python utilities for working with Ethereum ABI definitions
py312-eth-account-0.11.0 Sign Ethereum transactions and messages with local private keys
py312-eth-hash-0.7.0 Ethereum keccak256 hashing function
py312-eth-keyfile-0.8.1 Library for handling the encrypted keyfiles
py312-eth-keys-0.5.1 Common API for Ethereum key operations
py312-eth-rlp-2.1.0 RLP definitions for common Ethereum objects in Python
py312-eth-typing-4.2.3 Common type annotations for ethereum python packages
py312-eth-utils-4.1.1 Common utility functions for ethereum codebases
py312-exceptiongroup-1.2.2 Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups)
py312-execjs-1.5.1nb1 Run JavaScript code from Python
py312-execnet-2.1.1 Rapid multi-Python deployment
py312-executing-2.1.0 Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information
py312-exifread-3.0.0 Read Exif metadata from TIFF and JPEG files
py312-expandvars-0.12.0 Expand system variables Unix style
py312-expiringdict-1.2.2 Dictionary with auto-expiring values for caching purposes
py312-extension-helpers-1.2.0 Utilities for building and installing packages with extensions
py312-extras-1.0.0nb2 Useful extra bits for Python
py312-extratools- Extra functional tools beyond standard libraries
py312-factory_boy-3.3.1 Versatile test fixtures replacement
py312-fakefs-5.7.2 Fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules
py312-faker-33.0.0 Python package that generates fake data for you
py312-falcon-4.0.2 Unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends
py312-fann2-1.0.7nb1 Python bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN)
py312-fastbencode-0.3.1 Implementation of bencode with optional fast C extensions
py312-fasteners-0.19nb1 Python package providing useful locks
py312-fastimport-0.9.14nb2 Fastimport parser and generator in Python
py312-fastjsonschema-2.21.1 Fastest Python implementation of JSON schema
py312-fastprogress-1.0.3 Nested progress with plotting options for fastai
py312-fecon235-5.17.0722 Computational tools for financial economics
py312-feed2exec-0.20.0 The programmable feed reader
py312-feedgen-1.0.0 Feed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts)
py312-feedgenerator-2.1.0 Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator, compatible with Py3k
py312-feedparser-5.2.1nb2 Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
py312-feedparser-6.0.11 Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python
py312-fido2-1.1.3 Yubico FIDO U2F and FIDO 2.0 USB Python library
py312-fields-5.0.0 Container class boilerplate killer
py312-filebrowser_safe-1.1.1 Permanent fork of FileBrowser asset manager for Mezzanine
py312-filebytes-0.9.10nb1 Library to read and edit ELF, PE, MachO and OAT files
py312-filechunkio-1.8nb1 Chunck files for input/output
py312-filelock-3.16.1 Platform independent file lock
py312-filetype-1.2.0 Infer binary file types checking the magic numbers signature
py312-findpython-0.6.2 Utility to find Python versions on your system
py312-fire-0.7.0 Python DFU tool for updating Nitrokeys' firmware
py312-fixtures-4.1.0 Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more
py312-flake8-7.1.1 Modular source code checker for Python programs
py312-flake8-docstrings-1.7.0 Extension for flake8 using pydocstyle to check docstrings
py312-flake8-import-order-0.18.2 Flake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements
py312-flake8-polyfill-1.0.2nb1 Polyfill package for Flake8 plugins
py312-flakes-3.2.0 Passive checker of Python programs
py312-flaky-3.8.1 Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests
py312-flasgger- Extract swagger specs from your Flask project
py312-flask-3.1.0 Python web microframework
py312-flask-admin-1.6.1 Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask
py312-flask-api-3.1 Browsable web APIs for Flask
py312-flask-assets-2.1.0 Flask webassets integration
py312-flask-babel-4.0.0 Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
py312-flask-babelex-0.9.4nb2 Adds i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz
py312-flask-caching-2.3.0 Caching support to your Flask application
py312-flask-cors-5.0.0 Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
py312-flask-debugtoolbar-0.16.0 Port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
py312-flask-flatpages-0.8.2 Provides flat static pages to a Flask application
py312-flask-jwt-extended-4.6.0 Extended JWT integration with Flask
py312-flask-limiter-3.8.0 Rate limiting for flask applications
py312-flask-login-0.6.3 User session management for Flask
py312-flask-mail-0.9.1nb1 Flask extension for sending email
py312-flask-principal-0.4.0nb1 Identity management for Flask
py312-flask-rest-1.3nb1 Simple REST toolkit for Flask
py312-flask-restful-0.3.10 Simple framework for creating REST APIs
py312-flask-script-2.0.6nb1 Scripting support for Flask
py312-flask-security-3.0.0nb3 Simple security for Flask apps
py312-flask-security-too-5.4.3 Simple security for Flask apps
py312-flask-sendmail-0.1nb3 Flask extension to send mails with sendmail
py312-flask-session-0.8.0 Adds server-side session support to your Flask application
py312-flask-sqlalchemy-3.1.1 Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application
py312-flask-static-digest-0.4.1 Flask extension for md5 tagging and gzipping static files
py312-flask-uploads-0.2.1nb1 Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
py312-flask-user- Customizable user account management for Flask
py312-flask-webpack-0.1.0nb1 Flask extension to manage assets with Webpack
py312-flask-wtf-1.2.1 Simple integration of Flask and WTForms
py312-flexmock-0.12.1 Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python
py312-flit-3.10.1 Simple packaging tool for simple packages
py312-flit_core-3.10.1 Distribution-building parts of Flit
py312-flit_scm-1.7.0nb1 PEP 518 build backend that uses setuptools_scm
py312-flower-2.0.1 Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery task queue
py312-flufl.bounce-4.0 Email bounce detectors
py312-flufl.i18n-4.1.1nb3 High level API for Python internationalization
py312-flufl.lock-7.1.1nb4 NFS-safe file locking with timeouts for POSIX systems
py312-flufl.testing-0.7nb1 Small collection of test tool plugins
py312-flup-1.0.3nb1 WSGI support modules
py312-fonttools-4.55.3 Library for manipulating fonts
py312-foolscap-23.11.0 RPC protocol for Twisted
py312-freezegun-1.5.1 Let your Python tests travel through time
py312-fritz_exporter-2.3.1 Prometheus exporter for Fritz!Box home routers
py312-fritzconnection-1.13.2 Communicate with the AVM FRITZ!Box
py312-frozen-flask-1.0.2 Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
py312-frozendict-2.4.6 Immutable wrapper around dictionaries
py312-frozenlist-1.5.0 List-like structure which implements
py312-fs-2.4.16nb1 Python's filesystem abstraction layer
py312-fsspec-2024.10.0 File-system specification
py312-ftfy-6.2.3 Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact
py312-funcparserlib-1.0.1 Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
py312-furl-2.1.3nb1 URL manipulation made simple
py312-fuse-bindings-1.0.4nb2 Python bindings for FUSE and refuse
py312-future-0.18.3 Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2
py312-fuzzywuzzy-0.18.0nb1 Fuzzy String Matching in Python
py312-fx2-0.13nb2 Library for interacting with Cypress EZ-USB FX2 series microcontrollers
py312-game-2.6.1 Set of Python modules designed for writing games
py312-gammu-2.12nb1 Python bindings for gammu
py312-gast-0.6.0 Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
py312-gcovr-4.1nb4 Generate GCC code coverage reports
py312-gdal-3.10.0nb1 Translator library for raster geospatial data formats, Python binding
py312-gds-1.6.13 Python module for creating GDSII stream files
py312-gdstk-0.9.50 C++/Python library for GDSII and OASIS files
py312-generate-2.8nb1 Python interface to Generate
py312-generateDS-2.43.3 Python XML data binding library
py312-genshi-0.7.9 Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
py312-geoip2-4.8.1 MaxMind GeoIP2 API
py312-geojson-3.1.0nb1 Python bindings and utlities for GeoJSON
py312-geomet-1.1.0 Pure Python conversion library for common geospatial data formats
py312-gevent-24.2.1 Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library
py312-geventhttpclient-2.3.1 HTTP client library for gevent
py312-gflags-3.1.2nb4 Python equivalent of gflags, a commandline flag implementation
py312-ggplot-0.11.5nb1 Python implementation of the grammar of graphics
py312-ghp-import-2.1.0 Copy your docs directly to the gh-pages branch
py312-gi-docgen-2024.1 Documentation tool for GObject-based libraries
py312-gidgethub-5.3.0 Async GitHub API library
py312-gitdb-4.0.11 Git Object Database
py312-gitinspector-0.4.4nb3 The statistical analysis tool for git repositories
py312-gitinspector-0.5.0.dev0nb2 The statistical analysis tool for git repositories
py312-gitlint-0.18.0 Git commit message linter
py312-gitpython-3.1.43 Python Git Library
py312-glad2-2.0.8 Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
py312-gmpy2-2.2.1 Interface to GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC for Python
py312-gnupg-0.5.3 Wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard
py312-gobject3-3.50.0 Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py312-goocalendar-0.8.0nb1 Calendar widget using GooCanvas
py312-google-api-core-2.23.0 Python support library for multiple Google libraries
py312-google-api-python-client-2.154.0 Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs
py312-google-auth-2.36.0 Google Authentication Library
py312-google-auth-httplib2-0.2.0 Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport
py312-google-auth-oauthlib-1.2.1 Google Authentication Library
py312-google-cloud-sdk-319.0.0nb2 Google Cloud SDK (for Compute Engine etc.)
py312-google-compute-engine-20170829nb2 Packages for Google Compute Engine images
py312-google-i18n-address-3.1.1 Python library for internationalized address formatting
py312-googleapis-common-protos-1.66.0 Python support for Public interface definitions of Google APIs
py312-googlemaps-4.10.0 Python client library for Google Maps Platform
py312-graphviz-0.20.3 Create and render graph descriptions in DOT language
py312-grappelli_safe-1.1.1 Permanent fork of Grapelli admin skin for Mezzanine
py312-greenlet-3.1.1 Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
py312-grequests-0.7.0nb1 Requests + Gevent
py312-grpcio-1.67.1 HTTP/2-based RPC framework
py312-grpcio-testing-1.67.1 gRPC Python testing package
py312-grpcio-tools-1.67.1 Protobuf code generator for gRPC
py312-gssapi-1.9.0 Low-level and high-level wrappers around GSSAPI C libraries
py312-gstreamer1-1.24.10 Python bindings for gstreamer1
py312-guessit-3.8.0 Extracts as much information as possible from a video filename
py312-gunicorn-23.0.0 Python WSGI HTTP server
py312-gwcs-0.21.0 Generalized World Coordinate System
py312-gyp-0.1pre20210830.d6c5dd51dc3a60bf4ff32a5256713690a1a10376nb2 GYP can Generate Your Projects
py312-h11-0.14.0 Pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
py312-h2-4.1.0nb1 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation
py312-h5netcdf-1.3.0 netCDF4 via h5py
py312-h5py-3.11.0 Python interface to the HDF5 library
py312-hamcrest-2.1.0 Framework for writing matcher objects
py312-hangups-0.4.13nb2 Third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts
py312-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme-24.1.0 Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch
py312-hatch-jupyter-builder-0.9.1 Hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages
py312-hatch-nodejs-version-0.3.2nb1 Hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file
py312-hatch-vcs-0.4.0 Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS
py312-hatchling-1.26.3 Modern, extensible Python build backend
py312-hawkauthlib-2.0.0 Hawk Access Authentication protocol
py312-hexbytes-1.2.1 Python bytes subclass that decodes hex
py312-hg-cinnabarclone-0.7.0beta2 Mercurial extension to accelerate git-cinnabar clone
py312-hg-evolve-11.1.6 Experimental Mercurial extensions from Facebook
py312-hg-fastimport-0.1.1nb4 Mercurial extension for importing from a git fast-import stream
py312-hg-git-1.1.4 Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial
py312-hglib-2.6.2nb1 Python library for interfacing with mercurial's CommandServer
py312-hkdf-0.0.3nb2 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF; RFC 5869)
py312-hmmlearn-0.3.2 Algorithms for inference of Hidden Markov Models
py312-hpack-4.0.0nb2 Pure-Python HPACK header compression
py312-hsaudiotag3k-1.1.3nb1 Read metdata (tags) of mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, flac and aiff files
py312-html-docs-3.12.8 HTML documentation for Python 3.12
py312-html-sanitizer-2.4.4 White-list based HTML sanitizer
py312-html2text-2024.2.26 Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py312-html5-parser-0.4.12nb4 Fast, standards-compliant, C-based HTML5 parser
py312-html5lib-1.1nb2 HTML5 parser and tokenizer
py312-html5tagger-1.3.0 Pythonic HTML generation/templating (no template files)
py312-http_ece-1.0.5nb2 Python support for the encryped Content-Encoding (RFC 8188)
py312-httpbin-0.10.2 HTTP Request and Response Service
py312-httpcore-1.0.7 Minimal low-level HTTP client
py312-httpie-3.2.4 Human-friendly command line HTTP client
py312-httplib2-0.22.0 Comprehensive http client library for Python
py312-httpretty-1.1.4 HTTP client mock for Python
py312-httptools-0.6.4 Collection of framework independent HTTP protocol utils
py312-httpx-0.28.1 The next generation HTTP client
py312-httpx-socks-0.9.2 Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx
py312-humanfriendly-10.0nb1 Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
py312-humanize-4.11.0 Convert numbers into easily readable format
py312-hupper-1.12.1 Integrated process monitor for developing and reloading daemons
py312-hy-0.29.0 Lisp and Python love each other
py312-hyperframe-6.0.1nb2 HTTP/2 framing layer for Python
py312-hyperkitty-1.3.9nb1 Web interface to access GNU Mailman v3 archives
py312-hyperlink-21.0.0nb3 Featureful, correct URL for Python
py312-hyperscan-0.0.2nb2 CPython extension for hyperscan
py312-hypothesis-6.122.3 Python library for property based testing
py312-hypothesmith-0.3.3 Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, like CSmith
py312-icalendar-6.1.0 Python parser/generator for iCalendar files, as per RFC2445
py312-icecream-2.1.3 Never use print() to debug again
py312-idna-3.10 Python module for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
py312-ifaddr-0.2.0 Enumerates all IP addresses on all network adapters of the system
py312-ijson-3.3.0 Iterative JSON parser with standard Python iterator interfaces
py312-imageio-2.36.1 Python library to read and write images
py312-imagesize-1.4.1 Parses image files' header and returns image size
py312-imapclient-3.0.1 Convience IMAP client for Python
py312-immutabledict-4.2.1 Immutable wrapper around dictionaries for Python 3
py312-immutables-0.21 Immutable collections
py312-impacket-0.12.0 Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py312-importlab-0.8.1 Library to calculate python dependency graphs
py312-importlib-metadata-8.5.0 Read metadata from Python packages
py312-importlib-resources-6.4.5 Read resources from Python packages
py312-incremental-24.7.2 Small library that versions your Python projects
py312-infinity-1.5nb1 All-in-one infinity value for Python
py312-inflect-7.4.0 Correctly generate plurals, ordinals, indefinite articles for English
py312-inflection-0.5.1 Port of Ruby on Rails inflector to Python
py312-ini2toml-0.15 Automatically conversion of .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
py312-iniconfig-2.0.0nb1 Brain-dead simple config-ini parsing
py312-iniparse-0.5nb1 Better INI parser for Python
py312-inline-snapshot-0.14.0 Golden master/snapshot/approval testing library
py312-inquirer-1.0.3nb1 Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces
py312-installer-0.7.0nb1 Library for installing Python wheels
py312-intelhex-2.3.0nb1 Python library for Intel HEX files manipulations
py312-intervals-0.9.2nb1 Tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects)
py312-intervaltree-3.1.0nb1 Editable interval tree data structure
py312-invoke-2.2.0 Pythonic task execution
py312-iowait-0.2nb1 Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
py312-ipcalc-1.99.0nb1 IP subnet calculator
py312-ipykernel-6.29.5 IPython Kernel for Jupyter
py312-ipyparallel-9.0.0 Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython
py312-ipython-8.29.0 Interactive computing environment for Python
py312-ipython_genutils-0.2.0nb3 Vestigial utilities from IPython
py312-ipywidgets-8.1.5 IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
py312-irclib-20.5.0 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library
py312-isc_dhcp_leases-0.10.0 Python module for parsing ISC dhcpd lease files
py312-iso-639-0.4.5nb1 Library for working with ISO-639 language codes
py312-iso3166-2.1.1 Self-contained ISO 3166-1 country definitions
py312-iso8601-2.1.0nb1 Simple Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates
py312-isodate-0.7.2 ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
py312-isort-5.13.2 Python utility/library to sort imports
py312-itanium_demangler-1.1 Python parser for the Itanium C++ ABI symbol mangling language
py312-itemadapter-0.9.0 Wrapper providing a common interface for objects of different types
py312-itemloaders-1.3.2 Python library that helps to collect data from HTML and XML sources
py312-itsdangerous-2.2.0 Helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back
py312-jade-4.0.0nb2 Jade syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado
py312-jaraco.classes-3.4.0 Utility functions for Python class constructs
py312-jaraco.collections-5.1.0 Collection objects similar to those in stdlib
py312-jaraco.context-6.0.1 Context managers
py312-jaraco.develop-8.15.1 Development utilities by jaraco
py312-jaraco.env-1.0.0 Facilities for environment variables
py312-jaraco.envs-2.6.0nb1 Classes for orchestrating Python (virtual) environments
py312-jaraco.functools-4.1.0 Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools
py312-jaraco.itertools-6.4.1 Additional itertools in the spirit of stdlib's itertools
py312-jaraco.logging-3.3.0 Quickly solicit log level info from command-line parameters
py312-jaraco.packaging-10.1.0 Tools to supplement packaging Python releases
py312-jaraco.path-3.7.1 Miscellaneous path functions Routines for dealing with data streams
py312-jaraco.test-5.5.1 Testing support by jaraco
py312-jaraco.text-4.0.0 Module for text manipulation
py312-jaraco.vcs-2.4.0 Facilities for working with VCS repositories
py312-jaraco.versioning-1.1.0 More sophisticated version manipulation (than packaging)
py312-jdcal-1.4.1nb2 Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars
py312-jedi-0.19.2 Autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors
py312-jeepney-0.8.0nb1 Low-level pure Python DBus protocol wrapper
py312-jellyfish-1.1.0 Python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings
py312-jinja2-3.1.4 Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
py312-jinja2-time-0.2.0nb2 Jinja2 extention for dates and times
py312-jmespath-1.0.1 Query language for JSON
py312-joblib-1.4.2 Set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining
py312-josepy-1.14.0 JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography
py312-jplephem-2.21 Python module to load a JPL ephemeris for dynamical calculations
py312-jrnl-4.2 Command line journal application
py312-js2py-0.74 Pure Python JavaScript Translator/Interpreter
py312-jsbeautifier-1.15.1 JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier
py312-jschon-0.11.1nb1 JSON toolkit for Python developers
py312-json-logger-2.0.7 Python library adding a JSON log formatter
py312-json5-0.9.28 Python implementation of the JSON5 data format
py312-jsonlib-1.6.1nb1 JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-3.x version)
py312-jsonlines-4.0.0 Library with helpers for the jsonlines file format
py312-jsonpickle-3.0.4 Python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON
py312-jsonref-1.1.0nb1 JSON References for Python
py312-jsonrpc-server-0.4.0nb2 Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python
py312-jsonrpclib-0.2.1nb1 Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py312-jsonrpclib-pelix- Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py312-jsonschema-4.23.0 Implementation of JSON Schema for Python
py312-jsonschema-path-0.3.3 JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths
py312-jsonschema-spec-0.2.4nb1 JSONSchema Spec with object-oriented paths
py312-jsonschema-specifications-2024.10.1 JSON Schema meta-schemas and vocabularies
py312-jsparser-2.7.1nb1 Fast JavaScript parser
py312-juliandate-1.0.4 Python module for Julian date conversions
py312-junos-eznc-2.7.2 Python library to manage JunOS devices
py312-jupyter-console-6.6.3 Jupyter terminal console
py312-jupyter-lsp-2.2.5 Multi-Language Server WebSocket proxy for Jupyter Notebook/Lab server
py312-jupyter_client-8.6.3 Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
py312-jupyter_core-5.7.2 Jupyter core package
py312-jupyter_events-0.10.0 Jupyter Event System library
py312-jupyter_packaging-0.12.3nb1 Jupyter Packaging Utilities
py312-jupyter_server-2.14.2 Backend for Jupyter web applications
py312-jupyter_server_terminals-0.5.3 Jupyter Server Extension Providing Terminals
py312-jupyterlab-4.2.5 Next-generation user interface for Project Jupyter
py312-jupyterlab-pygments-0.3.0 Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables
py312-jupyterlab-server-2.27.3 Server components for JupyterLab and JupyterLab like applications
py312-jupyterlab-widgets-3.0.13 Jupyter interactive widgets for JupyterLab
py312-jwcrypto-1.5.6 Implementation of JOSE Web standards
py312-jxmlease-1.0.3nb1 Module for converting XML to Python data structures
py312-kafka-python-1.4.4nb1 Pure Python client for Apache Kafka
py312-kaitaistruct-0.10nb2 Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data
py312-kazoo-2.10.0 Higher level Zookeeper client
py312-kb-0.1.7nb1 Minimalist command line knowledge base manager
py312-keyring-25.5.0 Store and access your passwords safely
py312-keyrings.alt-5.0.2 Alternate keyring implementations
py312-keystone-0.9.2nb1 Python bindings for keystone
py312-kitchen-1.2.6nb1 Kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
py312-kivy-2.2.1nb4 Library for rapid development of multitouch applications
py312-kivy-garden-0.1.5 Garden tool for kivy flowers
py312-kiwisolver-1.4.7 Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
py312-klein-24.8.0 Micro-framework for developing web services
py312-kombu-5.3.7 Messaging framework for Python
py312-krb5-0.7.0 Kerberos API bindings for Python
py312-kubernetes-30.1.0 Kubernetes Python client
py312-l18n-2021.3 Translations for pytz names
py312-laces-0.1.0 Django components that know how to render themselves
py312-lama-8.4.1 Code audit tool for Python
py312-lama-quotes-0.1.0 Simple quote checker for pylama
py312-landslide-2.0.0 Generate HTML5 slideshows from markdown, ReST, or textile
py312-lark-parser-0.12.0 Parsing toolkit for Python
py312-last-5.3.0 Python interface to and
py312-latexcodec-3.0.0 Lexer and codec for LaTeX
py312-lazr.config-2.2.3nb1 Create configuration schemas, and process and validate configurations
py312-lazr.delegates-2.0.4nb2 Easily write objects that delegate behavior
py312-lazy-object-proxy-1.10.0 Fast and thorough lazy object proxy
py312-lazy_loader-0.4 Load subpackages and functions on demand
py312-ldap-3.4.4 LDAP client API for Python
py312-ldap3-2.9.1nb1 Strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
py312-ldapdomaindump-0.9.4nb1 Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
py312-leather-0.4.0 Python charting for 80% of humans
py312-lexicon-3.19.0 Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers
py312-lexid-2021.1006 Variable width build numbers with lexical ordering
py312-lhafile-0.3.0nb1 LHA(.lzh) file extract interface
py312-lib3to6-202107.1047 Compile Python 3.6+ code to Python 2.7+
py312-libagent-0.15.0 Hardware-based SSH/GPG/age agent
py312-libarchive-c-5.1 Python interface to libarchive
py312-libcst-1.5.1 Concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python
py312-libevent-rpcgen-2.1.12 Python libevent rpcgen script
py312-libixion-0.19.0nb2 General purpose formula parser & interpreter
py312-libmc-1.6.3 Quick and small memcached client for Python
py312-libnacl-1.6.1nb1 Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
py312-libtaxii-1.1.119nb2 Python library for handling TAXII Messages and Services
py312-libusb1-3.1.0 Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1
py312-libxml2-2.12.9nb3 Python wrapper for libxml2
py312-libxslt-1.1.42nb3 Python wrapper for libxslt
py312-license-expression-30.4.0 Library to parse, compare, simplify and normalize license expressions
py312-lieer-1.6 Email synchronization between notmuch and GMail
py312-ligotimegps-2.0.1nb2 Pure-python version of lal.LIGOTimeGPS
py312-limits-3.13.0 Rate limiting utilities
py312-line_profiler-4.1.3 Python line-by-line profiler
py312-linecache2-1.0.0nb2 Backport of the linecache module to older Python versions
py312-link-grammar-5.12.3 Python binding of syntactic parsing library
py312-linkify-it-py-2.0.3 Links recognition library with FULL unicode support
py312-littleutils-0.2.4 Small personal collection of Python utility functions
py312-livereload-2.7.0 Python web server for developers
py312-llvmlite-0.43.0 Lightweight LLVM Python binding for writing JIT compilers
py312-lmdb-1.5.1 Universal Python binding for the LMDB
py312-lmfit-1.3.2 Least-squares minimization with bounds and constraints
py312-lockfile-0.12.2nb2 Platform-independent file locking module
py312-logan-0.7.2nb2 Toolkit for building standalone Django applications
py312-logbook-1.7.0 Logging replacement for Python
py312-logilab-common-1.8.1nb2 Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
py312-loguru-0.7.2 Python logging made (stupidly) simple
py312-looseversion-1.3.0nb1 Python extension for comparing version strings
py312-loremipsum-1.0.5nb1 Lorem Ipsum text generator
py312-lru-dict-1.3.0 Dict-like LRU container
py312-lsp-jsonrpc-1.1.2 Asynchronous JSON RPC server for Python (fork of python-jsonrpc-server)
py312-lsp-server-1.12.0 Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Python
py312-lsprotocol-2023.0.1 Python implementation of the Language Server Protocol
py312-lti1p3-2.0.0 LTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python
py312-lunr-0.7.0.post1 Python implementation of Lunr.js
py312-lupa-2.2 Python wrapper around Lua and LuaJIT
py312-lxml-5.3.0nb3 Python binding for libxml2 and libxslt
py312-lxml-html-clean-0.4.1 HTML cleaner from lxml project
py312-lz4-4.3.3 Python LZ4 binding
py312-lzstring-1.0.4 LZ-based in-memory string compression
py312-m3u8-6.0.0 Parser for M3U8 playlists
py312-macaroons-0.13.0nb1 Python implementation of Macaroons
py312-macholib-1.16.3 Mach-O header analysis and editing
py312-macs2- Algorithm for identifying transcription factor binding sites
py312-macs3-3.0.2 Peak caller aimed at transcription factor binding sites
py312-magic-0.4.27 File type identification using libmagic
py312-magic-wormhole-0.15.0 Securely transfer data between computers
py312-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server-0.4.1nb2 Main server for Magic Wormhole
py312-magic-wormhole-transit-relay-0.2.1nb3 Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
py312-mail-parser-4.1.2 Wrapper for email standard library
py312-mailman-3.3.9nb1 GNU mailing list manager
py312-mailman-hyperkitty-1.2.1 Mailman archiver plugin for HyperKitty
py312-mailman-web-0.0.9 Mailman 3 Web interface
py312-mailmanclient-3.3.5 Official Python bindings for the GNU Mailman 3 REST API
py312-mailsuite-1.9.18 Python package for retrieving, parsing, and sending emails
py312-makefun-1.15.6 Small library to dynamically create Python functions
py312-mako-1.3.6 Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
py312-mando-0.7.1 Create Python CLI apps with little to no effort at all
py312-manuel-1.13.0 Build tested documentation
py312-markdown-3.7 XHTML generator using a simple markup
py312-markdown-it-py-3.0.0nb2 Python port of markdown-it
py312-markdown-math-0.8nb1 Python extension adding math formula support to py-markdown
py312-markdown2-2.5.1 Fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
py312-markovify-0.9.4 Simple and extensible Markov chain generator
py312-markups-4.0.0nb1 Python text markup language wrapper module
py312-markupsafe-3.0.2 Implements a unicode subclass that supports HTML strings
py312-mastodon-1.8.1 Python wrapper for the Mastodon API
py312-matplotlib-3.9.3 Matlab-style plotting package for Python
py312-matplotlib-inline-0.1.7 Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
py312-matplotlib-venn-1.1.1 Routines for plotting area-weighted venn diagrams
py312-matrix-common-1.3.0nb1 Common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal
py312-matrix-nio-0.24.0 Matrix client library for Python
py312-maturin-1.7.8 Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings
py312-mautrix-0.20.3 Python 3 asyncio Matrix framework
py312-maxminddb-2.6.2 Reader for the MaxMind DB format
py312-mccabe-0.7.0 Mccabe plugin for the Python program checker flake8
py312-mcomix-2.1.0nb5 GTK+ comic book viewer
py312-mdit-py-plugins-0.4.2 Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py
py312-mdurl-0.1.2nb1 Markdown URL utilities
py312-mechanize-0.4.10 Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
py312-mediafile-0.12.0 Handles low-level interfacing for files' tags. Wraps Mutagen to
py312-meinheld-1.0.2nb1 Python WSGI HTTP server
py312-memcached-1.62 Python memcached client
py312-memory-profiler-0.61.0 Monitors memory usage of a Python program
py312-mercurial-6.9 Fast, lightweight source control management system
py312-merge3-0.0.15 Python implementation of 3-way merge
py312-mergedeep-1.3.4 Deep merge function for Python
py312-meson_python-0.17.1 Meson Python build backend (PEP 517)
py312-mezzanine-6.0.0 Open source content management platform on Django
py312-minidump-0.0.24 Python library to parse and read Microsoft minidump file format
py312-minimock-1.2.8nb1 Simplest possible mock library
py312-minio-7.2.11 MinIO Python SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
py312-mistune-3.0.2nb1 Sane Markdown parser with useful plugins and renderers
py312-mitmproxy_rs-0.5.2 Mitmproxy's Rust bits
py312-mixbox-1.0.5nb1 Utility library for cybox, maec, and stix packages
py312-mkdocs-1.6.1 Fast and simple static site generator for documentation
py312-mkdocs-get-deps-0.2.0 MkDocs extension that lists all dependencies
py312-mmh3-5.0.1 Python wrapper for MurmurHash3
py312-mnemonic-0.21 Reference implementation of BIP-0039
py312-mock-5.1.0 Python testing framework
py312-mocket-3.12.9 Socket Mock Framework
py312-modbus_cli-0.1.9 Command line tool to access Modbus devices
py312-model_mommy-2.0.0nb2 Smart object creation facility for Django
py312-modulegraph-0.19.6 Python module dependency analysis tool
py312-mohawk-1.1.0nb2 Library for Hawk HTTP authorization
py312-mongo-4.6.3 Python driver for MongoDB
py312-more-itertools-10.5.0 More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools
py312-moto-4.1.14 Mock-up of the boto library
py312-mox-0.5.3nb1 Mock object framework for Python
py312-mpd-0.3.0nb1 Python mpd client library
py312-mpd2-3.1.1 Python mpd client library
py312-mpegdash-0.1.5nb1 MPEG-DASH MPD(Media Presentation Description) Parser
py312-mpmath-1.3.0 Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic
py312-msgpack-1.1.0 MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
py312-msgspec-0.18.6 Fast serialization and validation library
py312-mulpyplexer-0.09 Python module to multiplex interactions with lists of objects
py312-multidict-6.1.0 Multidict implementation
py312-multipart-1.2.1 Parser for multipart/form-data
py312-multipledispatch-1.0.0 Efficient, mostly complete implementation of multiple dispatch
py312-multiqc-1.25.2 Aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across samples and tools
py312-munkres-1.1.4 Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem
py312-music21-9.3.0 Python toolkit for computer-aided musical analysis
py312-musicbrainz-ngs-0.6nb2 Python bindings for Musicbrainz' NGS service
py312-mutagen-1.47.0nb1 Audio metadata handling for Python
py312-mypy-1.13.0 Optional static typing for Python
py312-mypy_extensions-1.0.0 Experimental type system extensions
py312-mysql-connector-2.2.1nb2 Standardized mysql database driver for Python development
py312-mysqlclient-2.2.6 MySQL database connector for Python
py312-myst-parser-4.0.0 Extended CommonMark compliant parser
py312-nacl-1.5.0 Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
py312-namecheap-0.0.3nb1 Namecheap API client in Python
py312-nampa-0.1.1 FLIRT signatures for Python
py312-natsort-8.4.0 Natural sorting for python
py312-nbclassic-1.1.0 Jupyter Notebook as a Jupyter Server extension
py312-nbclient-0.10.0 Client library for executing notebooks
py312-nbconvert-7.16.4 Converting Jupyter Notebooks
py312-nbformat-5.10.4 Jupyter Notebook format
py312-nbxmpp-2.0.6 Asynchronous Python library for XMPP
py312-ncclient-0.6.15 NETCONF Python client
py312-ndg_httpsclient-0.5.1 HTTPS client implementation for httplib and urllib2 based on PyOpenSSL
py312-nest-asyncio-1.6.0 Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops
py312-netCDF4-1.7.1.post1nb3 Object-oriented python interface to netCDF version 4
py312-netaddr-1.3.0 Python library for manipulating network addresses
py312-netifaces-0.11.0nb1 Portable access to network interfaces from Python
py312-netsnmp-5.9.4 Python bindings to extensible SNMP implementation
py312-networkx-3.4.2 Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
py312-nh3-0.2.19 Python bindings for Ammonia HTML cleaner
py312-nihtest-1.8.0 Testing tool for command line utilities
py312-ninja- Python bindings for the ninja build tool
py312-nkdfu-0.2nb1 Python DFU tool for updating Nitrokeys' firmware
py312-nltk-3.8.1nb1 Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
py312-nodemcu-uploader-1.0.0 Tool to upload files to a nodemcu/ESP8266 device
py312-noise-1.2.2nb1 Perlin noise for Python
py312-nose-1.3.7nb4 Unittest-based testing framework for python
py312-nose2-0.15.1 Next generation of nicer testing for Python
py312-notebook-7.2.2 Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
py312-notebook_shim-0.2.4 For switching to Jupyter Server
py312-notify2-0.3.1 Python interface to DBus notifications
py312-notmuch2-0.38.3nb1 Pythonic bindings for the notmuch mail database using CFFI
py312-nptyping-2.5.0 Type hints for NumPy
py312-ntc_templates-1.5.0 Repository of TextFSM Templates for Network Devices
py312-numba-0.60.0 NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
py312-numexpr-2.10.1 Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
py312-numpy-2.1.3 Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects
py312-numpydoc-1.8.0 Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
py312-nvdlib-0.7.7 National Vulnerability Database CPE/CVE API Library for Python
py312-nwdiag-2.0.0nb2 Simple network-diagram image generator
py312-nyx-2.1.0nb1 Command-line monitor for the tor daemon
py312-oath-1.4.4nb1 Python implementation of OATH (HOTP, TOTP, OCRA)
py312-oauth2client-4.1.3nb1 Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0
py312-oauthlib-3.2.2 Generic implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
py312-objgraph-3.6.2 Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz
py312-obspy-1.4.1 Python framework for seismological observatories
py312-octoprint-1.10.2 Snappy web interface for 3D printers
py312-octoprint-filecheck-2024.3.27 Checks for common issues in uploaded files
py312-octoprint-firmwarecheck-2021.10.11 Checks for unsafe or broken printer firmwares
py312-octoprint-pisupport-2023.10.10 OctoPrint plugin providing information about your Pi in the UI
py312-odfpy-1.4.1nb3 Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
py312-ofxparse-0.21nb1 Tools for working with the OFX file format
py312-olefile-0.47 Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
py312-olm-3.2.16 Olm bindings for Python
py312-openapi-core-0.19.4 Client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI Specification v3
py312-openapi-schema-validator-0.6.2nb1 OpenAPI schema validation for Python
py312-openapi-spec-validator-0.7.1 OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3.0 spec validator
py312-openapi3-1.8.2 Client and Validator of OpenAPI 3 Specifications
py312-openexr-1.3.9nb5 Python module for ILM's OpenEXR image format and library
py312-openid-3.2.0 Python module for OpenID
py312-openpyxl-3.1.5 Python library to read/write Excel xlsx/xlsm files
py312-orca-1.8 Python library for task orchestration
py312-ordered-set-4.1.0nb1 MutableSet that remembers its order
py312-orderedmultidict-1.0.1nb1 Ordered Multivalue Dictionary - omdict
py312-orjson-3.10.12 Fast, correct Python JSON library
py312-otherside-1.6.0nb11 Python Bindings for Qt
py312-otp-2.9.0 Python One-Time Password Library
py312-outcome-1.3.0.post0 Capture the outcome of Python function calls
py312-overrides-7.7.0 Ddecorator to automatically detect mismatch when overriding a method
py312-owslib-0.32.0 OGC Web Service utility library
py312-packageurl-0.16.0 Purl aka. Package URL parser and builder
py312-packaging-24.2 Core utilities for Python packages
py312-paho-mqtt-2.1.0 MQTT version 3.1.1 client class
py312-pallets-sphinx-themes-2.1.3 Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects
py312-pamqp-3.3.0 RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
py312-pandas-2.2.3 Python Data Analysis Library
py312-pandas-datareader-0.10.0nb1 Remote data access for pandas
py312-pandocfilters-1.5.1 Utilities for writing pandoc filters in Python
py312-parameterized-0.9.0nb1 Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
py312-paramiko-3.5.0 SSH2 protocol library
py312-parse-1.20.2 Parse strings using a specification based on format()
py312-parse_type-0.6.4 Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module
py312-parsedatetime-2.6nb1 Python module for parsing human-readable date/time text
py312-parsel-1.9.1 Library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS
py312-parsimonious-0.10.0 The fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster
py312-parso-0.8.4 Python Parser
py312-passlib-1.7.4nb2 Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
py312-paste-3.10.1 Middleware for Python WSGI applications
py312-pastel-0.2.1 Bring colors to your terminal
py312-path-17.0.0 Python module wrapper for os.path Module wrapper for os.path
py312-pathable-0.4.3 Object-oriented paths
py312-pathlib2- Object-oriented filesystem paths
py312-pathspec-0.12.1 Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths
py312-pathvalidate-3.2.1 Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames
py312-patiencediff-0.2.15 Python implementation of the patiencediff algorithm
py312-patsy-0.5.6 Python package for describing statistical models
py312-paver-1.3.4nb2 Easy Scripting for Software Projects
py312-pbkdf2-1.3nb1 PKCS #5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module
py312-pbr-6.1.0 Python Build Reasonableness
py312-pdf-5.1.0 Pure-python PDF library
py312-pdf-parser-0.6.8 Parse PDF document to identify the fundamental elements
py312-pdfrw-0.4nb4 PDF file reader/writer pure Python library
py312-pdm-2.12.4 Modern Python package and dependency manager
py312-pdm_backend-2.4.3 Build backend used by PDM that supports latest packaging standards
py312-pebble-5.0.7 Threading and multiprocessing eye-candy
py312-peewee-3.17.8nb1 Small, expressive ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
py312-pefile-2024.8.26 Python module to read and work with PE files
py312-peg2-2.15.2nb2 Intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
py312-pelican-4.9.1 Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax
py312-pem-23.1.0 PEM file parsing in Python
py312-pep440-0.1.2nb1 Check whether versions number match PEP 440
py312-pep517-0.13.1 Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
py312-pep621-0.4.0nb1 PEP 621 metadata parsing
py312-pep8-1.7.1nb2 Python style guide checker (obsolete, use py-codestyle)
py312-pexpect-4.9.0 Pure Python Expect-like module
py312-pgnotify-0.1nb5 Python interface to PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
py312-phonenumbers-8.13.50 Library for formatting, storing and validating phone numbers
py312-photutils-1.0.1nb2 Astropy coordinated module for astronomical photometry
py312-pickleshare-0.7.5nb1 Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support
py312-pid-3.0.4nb2 Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking
py312-piexif-1.1.3nb1 Exif manipulation with pure python script
py312-pika-1.3.2nb1 Python AMQP Client Library
py312-pikepdf-9.4.2 Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
py312-pilkit-3.0 Collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Libary
py312-pillow_heif-0.21.0 Python interface for libheif library
py312-pip-24.3.1 Installs Python packages as an easy_install replacement
py312-pip-api-0.0.34 Unofficial, importable pip API
py312-pip-audit-2.7.3nb1 Scan Python environments for known vulnerabilities
py312-pip-requirements-parser-32.0.1 pip requirements parsing library
py312-pip-run-13.0.0 Install packages and run Python with them
py312-pip2pi-0.8.2nb1 Build a PyPI-compatible package repository from pip
py312-pkgconfig-1.5.5nb2 Python wrapper for pkg-config
py312-pkginfo-1.12.0 Query metadata from sdists / bdists / installed packages
py312-plaster-1.1.2 Loader interface around multiple config file formats
py312-plaster_pastedeploy-1.0.1 Loader implementing the PasteDeploy syntax to be used by plaster
py312-platformdirs-4.3.6 Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs
py312-plotly-5.24.1 Interactive graphing library for Python
py312-pluggy-1.5.0 Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python
py312-plumbum-1.9.0 Plumbum: shell combinators library
py312-ply-3.11nb1 Lex an yacc parsing tools for Python
py312-poetry-1.8.5 Python dependency management and packaging made easy
py312-poetry-core-1.9.1 Poetry PEP 517 build backend
py312-poetry-plugin-export-1.8.0 Poetry plugin to export the dependencies to various formats
py312-polib-1.1.1nb1 Library to manipulate gettext files
py312-policyd-spf-2.0.2nb2 Python based policy daemon for Postfix SPF checking
py312-pooch-1.8.2 Manages Python library's sample data files
py312-pook-2.1.2 HTTP traffic mocking and expectations made easy
py312-portend-3.2.0 TCP port monitoring utilities
py312-postfix-mta-sts-resolver-1.4.0 Daemon providing TLS client policy for Postfix based on MTA-STS policy
py312-postgresql-5.1nb1 Python interface to PostgreSQL
py312-posting-2.3.0 Modern API client that lives in your terminal
py312-postorius-1.3.10 The New Mailman Web UI
py312-powerlaw-1.4.6nb1 Toolbox for analysis of heavy-tailed distributions
py312-poyo-0.5.0nb2 YAML Parser for Python
py312-precis-i18n-1.1.1 PRECIS-i18n: Internationalized Usernames and Passwords
py312-prefixspan-0.5.2nb1 PrefixSpan in Python 3
py312-pretend-1.0.9nb1 Library for stubbing in Python
py312-prettytable-3.12.0 Display tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
py312-priority-2.0.0 Pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree
py312-process-tests-3.0.0 Tools for testing processes
py312-progress-1.6nb1 Easy to use progress bars
py312-progressbar2-4.5.0 Text progress bar library for Python
py312-proj-3.7.0nb3 Python interface to PROJ.4 library
py312-project-api-1.8.0 API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects
py312-project-metadata-0.9.0 PEP 621 metadata parsing
py312-prometheus_client-0.21.1 Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
py312-prompt_toolkit-3.0.48 Library for building powerful interactive command lines
py312-propcache-0.2.1 Accelerated property cache
py312-protego-0.3.1 Pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions
py312-proteus-6.2.0nb2 Library to access Tryton's models like a client
py312-proto-plus-1.25.0 Beautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers
py312-protobuf-5.28.3 Python bindings for protobuf
py312-pslib-0.2.0nb4 Python bindings for pslib
py312-pspdfutils-3.3.6 Manipulate PDF and PostScript documents
py312-psutil-6.1.0 Cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
py312-psycopg2-2.9.10 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
py312-ptt-1.19.6 Twitter API, command-line tool, and IRC bot
py312-ptyprocess-0.7.0nb2 Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
py312-publicsuffix2-2.20191221 Public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List
py312-publicsuffixlist- Public Suffix List parser implementation
py312-pure-eval-0.2.3 Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects
py312-puremagic-1.28 Pure python implementation of magic file detection
py312-purl-1.5nb1 Immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation
py312-py-1.11.0nb1 Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
py312-py2app-0.28.8 Create standalone macOS applications with Python
py312-py3c-1.4 Python compatibility headers
py312-pyaml-24.9.0 YAML pretty printer for human readable output
py312-pybind11-2.13.6 Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
py312-pybtex-0.24.0nb2 BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in Python
py312-pybtex-docutils-1.0.3 Docutils backend for pybtex
py312-pycha-0.8.1nb3 Library for making charts with Python
py312-pychromecast-4.1.0nb1 Python module to talk to Google Chromecast
py312-pycnite-2024.7.31 Python bytecode utilities
py312-pycotap-1.3.1 Tiny test runner that outputs TAP results to standard output
py312-pydantic-2.10.3 Data validation and settings management using python type hints
py312-pydantic-core-2.27.1 Core functionality for pydantic
py312-pydantic-settings-2.6.1 Settings management using Pydantic
py312-pydeep-0.4nb1 Python bindings for ssdeep
py312-pydicom-2.4.4 Pure python package for working with DICOM files
py312-pydispatcher-2.0.7 Multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism
py312-pydyf-0.11.0 Low-level PDF generator
py312-pyelftools-0.31 Library for analyzing ELF files and DWARF debugging information
py312-pyerfa- Python wrapper for ERFA library
py312-pyevmasm-0.2.3nb2 Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) assembler and disassembler
py312-pyfolio-0.9.2nb1 Performance and risk analysis of financial portfolios
py312-pyformlang-1.0.10 Python framework for formal grammars
py312-pyftpdlib-1.5.10 Very fast asynchronous FTP server library
py312-pygal-3.0.5 Python SVG graph plotting library
py312-pygccxml-2.2.1nb1 Python package for easy C++ declarations navigation
py312-pygit2-1.16.0 Python bindings to libgit2
py312-pygls-1.3.1 Pythonic generic implementation of the Language Server Protocol
py312-pygments-2.18.0 Python syntax highlighter
py312-pygraphviz-1.14 Python interface to the Graphviz package
py312-pyinotify-0.9.6nb1 Python inotify library
py312-pykka-4.1.1 Python implementation of the actor model
py312-pyleri-1.4.3 Python Left-Right Parser
py312-pylev-1.4.0 Pure Python Levenshtein implementation
py312-pylint-3.3.2 Python source code analyzer
py312-pylint-celery-0.3nb1 Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognising the Celery library
py312-pylint-django-2.6.1 Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognising the Django framework
py312-pylint-plugin-utils-0.8.2nb1 Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins
py312-pylru-1.2.1 Implementation of a least recently used (LRU) cache
py312-pylsqpack-0.3.18 Python wrapper for the ls-qpack QPACK library
py312-pymc3-3.11.6 Bayesian modeling and probabilistic machine learning
py312-pymysql-1.1.1 Pure-Python MySQL driver
py312-pynng-0.8.0 Ergonomic bindings for nanomsg next generation (nng) in Python
py312-pyobjc-10.3.1 Bridge between Python and Objective-C
py312-pyobjc-core-10.3.1 Bridge between Python and Objective-C
py312-pyobjc-framework-AVFoundation-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AVFoundation on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AVKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AVKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AVRouting-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AVRouting on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Accessibility-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Accessibility on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Accounts-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Accounts on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AdServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AdServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AdSupport-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AdSupport on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AddressBook-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AddressBook on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AppTrackingTransparency-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AppTrackingTransparency on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AppleScriptKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AppleScriptObjC on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ApplicationServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ApplicationServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AudioVideoBridging-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AudioVideoBridging on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AuthenticationServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AuthenticationServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Automator-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Automator on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-BackgroundAssets-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework BackgroundAssets on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-BusinessChat-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework BusinessChat on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CFNetwork on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CalendarStore-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CalendarStore on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CallKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CallKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ClassKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ClassKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CloudKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CloudKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Cocoa-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Cocoa on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Collaboration-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Collaboration on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ColorSync-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ColorSync on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Contacts-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Contacts on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ContactsUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ContactsUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreAudio-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreAudio on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreAudioKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreAudioKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreBluetooth-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreBluetooth on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreData-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreData on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreHaptics-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreHaptics on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreLocation on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreMIDI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreMIDI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreML-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreML on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreMedia-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreMedia on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreMediaIO-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreMediaIO on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreMotion-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreMotion on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreSpotlight-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreSpotlight on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreText-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreText on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CoreWLAN-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CoreWLAN on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-CryptoTokenKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework CryptoTokenKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DVDPlayback-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DVDPlayback on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DataDetection-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DataDetection on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DeviceCheck-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DeviceCheck on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DictionaryServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DiscRecording-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DiscRecording on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DiscRecordingUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DiscRecordingUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-DiskArbitration-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework DiskArbitration on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-EventKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework EventKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ExceptionHandling on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ExecutionPolicy-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ExecutionPolicy on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ExtensionKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ExtensionKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ExternalAccessory-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ExternalAccessory on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-FSEvents-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework FSEvents on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-FileProvider-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework FileProvider on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-FileProviderUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework FileProviderUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-FinderSync-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework FinderSync on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-GameCenter-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework GameCenter on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-GameController-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework GameController on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-GameKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework GameKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-GameplayKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework GameplayKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-HealthKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework HealthKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-IOBluetooth-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework IOBluetooth on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-IOBluetoothUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework IOBluetoothUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-IOSurface-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework IOSurface on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ImageCaptureCore-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ImageCaptureCore on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework InputMethodKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework InstallerPlugins on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework InstantMessage on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Intents-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Intents on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-IntentsUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework IntentsUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-KernelManagement-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework KernelManagement on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework LatentSemanticMapping on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework LaunchServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-LinkPresentation-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework LinkPresentation on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-LocalAuthentication-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework LocalAuthentication on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MLCompute-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MLCompute on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MailKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MailKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MapKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MapKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MediaAccessibility-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MediaAccessibility on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MediaLibrary-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MediaLibrary on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MediaPlayer-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MediaPlayer on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MediaToolbox-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MediaToolbox on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Metal-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Metal on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MetalFX-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MetalFX on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MetalKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MetalKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShaders-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShaders on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShadersGraph-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShadersGraph on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MetricKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MetricKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ModelIO-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ModelIO on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-MultipeerConnectivity-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework MultipeerConnectivity on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-NaturalLanguage-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework NaturalLanguage on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-NetFS-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework NetFS on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Network-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Network on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-NetworkExtension-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework NetworkExtension on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-NotificationCenter-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework NotificationCenter on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-OSAKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework OSAKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-OSLog-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework OSLog on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework OpenDirectory on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PHASE-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PHASE on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PassKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PassKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PencilKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PencilKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Photos-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Photos on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PhotosUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PhotosUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PreferencePanes on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PubSub-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PubSub on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-PushKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework PushKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Quartz-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Quartz on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-QuickLookThumbnailing-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework QuickLookThumbnailing on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ReplayKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ReplayKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SafariServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SafariServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SafetyKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SafetyKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SceneKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SceneKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ScreenCaptureKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ScreenCaptureKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ScreenSaver on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ScreenTime-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ScreenTime on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ScriptingBridge on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SearchKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SearchKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Security-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Security on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SecurityFoundation-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SecurityFoundation on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SecurityInterface-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SecurityInterface on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ServiceManagement on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SharedWithYou-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SharedWithYou on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SharedWithYouCore-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SharedWithYouCore on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ShazamKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ShazamKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Social-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Social on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SoundAnalysis-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SoundAnalysis on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Speech-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Speech on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SpriteKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SpriteKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-StoreKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework StoreKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SyncServices-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SyncServices on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SystemConfiguration on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-SystemExtensions-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework SystemExtensions on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-ThreadNetwork-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework ThreadNetwork on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-UniformTypeIdentifiers-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework UniformTypeIdentifiers on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-UserNotifications-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework UserNotifications on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-UserNotificationsUI-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework UserNotificationsUI on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-VideoSubscriberAccount-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework VideoSubscriberAccount on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-VideoToolbox-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework VideoToolbox on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Virtualization-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Virtualization on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-Vision-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework Vision on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-WebKit-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework WebKit on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-iTunesLibrary-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework iTunesLibrary on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-libdispatch-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework libdispatch on macOS
py312-pyobjc-framework-libxpc-10.3.1 Wrappers for the framework libxpc on macOS
py312-pyparsing-3.2.0 Parsing module for Python
py312-pyperclip-1.9.0 Python module for cross-platform clipboard functions
py312-pyphen-0.17.0 Pure Python module to hyphenate text
py312-pypi-cli-0.4.1 Command-line interface to the Python Package Index
py312-pypika-0.48.9nb1 SQL query builder API for Python
py312-pypika-tortoise-0.3.2 Forked from pypika and streamline just for tortoise-orm
py312-pypiserver-2.2.0 Minimal PyPI server for use with pip/easy_install
py312-pypng-0.20220715.0 Pure Python library for saving and loading PNG images
py312-pyproject_hooks-1.2.0 Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks
py312-pyquery-2.0.1 Python jquery-like library
py312-pyrsistent-0.20.0 Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
py312-pysaml2-7.1.2 Python implementation of SAML Version 2
py312-pysendfile-2.0.1nb1 Python interface to sendfile(2)
py312-pysol_cards-0.14.3 Deal PySol FC Cards
py312-pyspnego-0.11.2 Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server
py312-pysrt-1.1.2nb2 Python parser for SubRip (srt) files
py312-pystache-0.6.5 Mustache for Python
py312-pysvn-1.9.22nb3 Python interface to Subversion
py312-pyte-0.8.2nb1 VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator library
py312-python-bugzilla-3.2.0nb1 Bugzilla XMLRPC access module
py312-python-digest-1.8b4nb2 Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication
py312-python-lua-20170109nb1 Simple python to lua translator
py312-python-mimeparse-2.0.0 Module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names
py312-python-multipart-0.0.19 Streaming multipart parser for Python
py312-python-socks-2.5.3 Core proxy (SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTP tunneling) functionality for Python
py312-python-sql-1.5.2 Python library to write SQL queries
py312-pythran-0.17.0 Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels
py312-pytimeparse-1.1.8nb1 Time expression parser
py312-pytoml-0.1.21nb1 TOML-0.4.0 parser/writer for Python
py312-pytype-2024.9.13 Static type analyzer for Python code
py312-pytz-2024.2 World timezone definitions, modern and historical
py312-pytz_deprecation_shim- Shims to make deprecation of pytz easier
py312-pyutil-3.3.6nb1 Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
py312-pyvcd-0.4.1 Package to write Value Change Dump (VCD) files
py312-pyvex-9.2.98 Python bindings for Valgrind's VEX IR
py312-pywavelets-1.7.0 Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python
py312-pyyaml_env_tag-0.1 Custom YAML tag for referencing environment variables
py312-qrcode-8.0 QR Code image generator
py312-qt-builder-1.16.4 PyQt-world build tool (sip extension)
py312-qt5-5.15.11nb4 Python binding for Qt5
py312-qt5-qscintilla-2.14.1nb5 QScintilla -- Python bindings
py312-qt5-webengine-5.15.6nb13 Python module for QtWebEngine (Chromium-based)
py312-qt6-6.8.0pre1nb3 Python binding for Qt6
py312-qt6-qscintilla-2.14.1nb5 QScintilla -- Python bindings
py312-qtgraph-qt5-0.13.7 Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
py312-quadprog-0.1.12 Solver for a strictly convex quadratic program
py312-queuelib-1.7.0 Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues
py312-quickbooks-0.6.0nb1 Python library for accessing the Quickbooks API
py312-qwt-qt5-1.02.02nb16 Python PyQt wrapper for Qwt6
py312-radon-6.0.1 Code Metrics in Python
py312-ramlfications-0.2.2 Python RAML parser
py312-random2-1.0.2 Python 3 compatible port of Python 2 random module
py312-ranking-0.3.2nb1 Library for ranking collection
py312-rapidfuzz-3.10.1 Rapid fuzzy string matching
py312-rapidjson-1.20 Python wrapper around rapidjson
py312-rarfile-4.2 RAR archive reader for Python
py312-rauth-0.7.3nb2 Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
py312-rcssmin-1.2.0 Fast CSS minifier for Python
py312-rdflib-7.1.1 Python library for working with RDF
py312-re-assert-1.1.0 Show where your regex match assertion failed
py312-readlike-0.1.3nb1 GNU Readline-like line editing module
py312-readme_renderer-44.0 Library for rendering "readme" descriptions for Warehouse
py312-rebulk-3.2.0 Performs advanced searches in strings
py312-redis-5.0.8 Redis Python client
py312-rednose-1.2.2nb1 Coloured output for nosetests
py312-reedsolo-1.7.0 Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
py312-referencing-0.35.1 JSON Referencing in Python
py312-regex-2024.11.6 Alternative regular expression module, to replace re
py312-relativetimebuilder-3.0.0nb1 Dateutil relativedeltas for calendar precision with aniso8601
py312-relatorio-0.10.2 Templating library able to output odt and pdf files
py312-reparser-1.4.3nb1 Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup
py312-reportlab-3.6.12nb3 Powerful PDF-generating toolkit for Python
py312-repoze.lru-0.7nb1 Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
py312-reprotest-0.7.28 Build packages and check them for reproducibility
py312-requestbuilder-0.7.1nb1 Command line-driven HTTP request builder
py312-requests-2.32.3nb1 HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
py312-requests-file-2.1.0 Transport adapter for file:// URLs with the requests python lib
py312-requests-futures-1.0.2 Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans
py312-requests-gssapi-1.3.0 Python requests GSSAPI authentication library
py312-requests-kerberos-0.15.0 Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
py312-requests-mock-1.12.1 Mock out responses from the requests package
py312-requests-ntlm-1.3.0 NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
py312-requests-oauthlib-2.0.0 OAuthlib support for Python-Requests
py312-requests-toolbelt-1.0.0 Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
py312-requests-unixsocket-0.3.0 Use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
py312-requests-wsgi-adapter-0.4.1 WSGI Transport Adapter for Requests
py312-requirements-parser-0.11.0 Parses Pip requirement files
py312-resolvelib-1.1.0 Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
py312-responses-0.25.3 Utility library for mocking out the requests Python library
py312-respx-0.21.1 Utility for mocking out the Python HTTPX library
py312-restructuredtext_lint-1.4.0 reStructuredText linter
py312-rfc3339-2.0.1 Library for generating and parsing RFC 3339-compliant timestamps
py312-rfc3339-validator-0.1.4nb1 Pure Python RFC3339 validator
py312-rfc3986-2.0.0 Validating URI References per RFC 3986
py312-rfc3986-validator-0.1.1nb1 Pure Python RFC3986 validator
py312-rfc3987-1.3.8nb1 Parsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
py312-rfc6555-0.1.0 Implementation of the Happy Eyeballs Algorithm described in RFC 6555
py312-rich-13.9.4 Render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting
py312-rich-click-1.6.1 Format click help output nicely with rich
py312-rjsmin-1.2.3 Fast Javascript minifier for Python
py312-rlp-4.0.1 Package for Recursive Length Prefix encoding and decoding
py312-robobrowser-0.5.3nb2 Your friendly neighborhood web scraper
py312-robot-detection-0.4 Detect web crawlers using HTTP User Agent
py312-roman-4.2 Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python
py312-rope-1.13.0 Python refactoring library
py312-rpds-py-0.22.3 Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
py312-rply-0.7.8nb1 Pure Python Lex/Yacc that works with RPython
py312-rpy-3.4.5nb2 R interface for Python
py312-rpyc-6.0.1 Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
py312-rrdtool-1.9.0nb3 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
py312-rsa-4.9 Pure-Python RSA implementation
py312-rss2gen-1.1nb1 Python module to generate RSS feeds
py312-rst2pdf-0.102 Convert restructured text to PDF via reportlab
py312-rstr-3.2.2nb1 Generate random strings in Python
py312-rt-2.1.1nb1 Python interface to Request Tracker API
py312-ruamel-base-1.0.0nb1 Common routines for ruamel packages
py312-ruamel-yaml-0.18.6 YAML parser/emitter
py312-ruamel-yaml-clib-0.2.12 C version of reader, parser and emitter for ruamel.yaml
py312-ruff-0.8.2 Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
py312-ruff-lsp-0.0.53nb1 Language Server Protocol implementation for Ruff
py312-s3cmd-2.4.0 Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
py312-s3transfer-0.10.4 Amazon S3 Transfer Manager
py312-salt-pepper-0.7.6nb3 CLI front-end to a running salt-api system
py312-sanic-24.6.0 Microframework based on uvloop, httptools, and learnings of flask
py312-sanic-routing-23.12.0 Core routing component for Sanic
py312-sarge-0.1.7nb1 Wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality
py312-sbws-0.8.0nb1 Tor simple bandwidth scanner
py312-scard-2.1.1 Python library for smart cards
py312-scikit-build-0.18.1 Build system generator for Python C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions
py312-scikit-build-core-0.10.7 Build backend for CMake based projects
py312-scikit-image-0.24.0 Image processing routines for SciPy
py312-scikit-learn-1.5.2 Machine learning algorithms for Python
py312-scipy-1.14.1 Scientific Algorithms Library for Python
py312-scons-4.8.1 Python-based, open-source build system
py312-scour-0.38.2nb3 Scour SVG Optimizer
py312-scp-0.15.0 Send and receive files with scp
py312-scrapy-2.12.0 High-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
py312-seaborn-0.13.2 Statistical data visualization
py312-secretstorage-3.3.3 Module for securely storing passwords and secrets
py312-selectors2-2.0.2nb1 Back-ported, durable, and portable selectors
py312-selenium-4.14.0 Python bindings for Selenium
py312-semantic_version-2.10.0 Semantic version comparison for Python
py312-semver-3.0.2 Python package to work with Semantic Versioning
py312-sendmail-admin-1.0nb3 Mailqs and rmmq, two scripts that ease Sendmail administration
py312-sentencepiece-0.1.97 Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
py312-sentry-sdk-2.14.0 Python SDK for
py312-seqdiag-2.0.0nb2 Simple sequence-diagram image generator
py312-serial-3.5nb2 Python Serial Port Extension
py312-serializable-1.1.2 Library for (de)serializing Python Objects to and from JSON and XML
py312-serpent-1.41 Simple serialization library
py312-service_identity-24.2.0 Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
py312-setconf-0.7.7nb2 Small utility to change settings in configuration textfiles
py312-setproctitle-1.3.4 Python module to customize the process title
py312-setuptools-75.6.0 New Python packaging system
py312-setuptools-rust-1.10.2 Setuptools plugin for Rust support
py312-setuptools_scm-8.1.0 Manage your versions by scm tags
py312-setuptools_trial-0.6.0nb3 Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests
py312-sgmllib3k-1.0.0nb1 Py3k port of sgmllib
py312-sh-2.1.0 Python subprocess replacement
py312-shellingham-1.5.4 Tool to detect surrounding shell
py312-sigal-2.4nb2 Simple static gallery generator
py312-signedjson-1.1.4 Signs JSON objects with ED25519 signatures
py312-simpleeval-1.0.3 Simple, safe single expression evaluator library
py312-simplegeneric-0.8.1nb1 Simple generic functions for Python
py312-simplejson-3.19.3 Simple, fast, complete and extensible JSON encoder/decoder
py312-simplesha3-2015.09.22.post1nb1 Simple SHA-3 implementation for Python
py312-simplesoap-1.16.2nb1 Python Simple SOAP Library
py312-simpy-3.0.11nb1 Discrete event simulation framework
py312-sip-qt5-12.15.0 Qt5 support for sip
py312-sip-qt6-13.8.0 Qt6 support for sip
py312-sip5-5.5.0 Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries (v5)
py312-sip6-6.8.6 Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py312-six-1.16.0nb1 Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py312-sklearn-pandas-2.2.0 Pandas integration with sklearn
py312-slugify-8.0.4 Slugify (non-ASCII to ASCII) application that handles Unicode
py312-smartypants-2.0.1nb1 Python with the SmartyPants
py312-smb-1.2.10 Experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python
py312-smbc-1.0.24nb9 Python bindings for libsmbclient
py312-smbpasswd-1.0.1nb1 Python SMB Password Hash Generator
py312-smmap-5.0.1 Git implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
py312-smt-0.9.6 Library for SMT formula manipulation and solving
py312-snappy-0.7.3 Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
py312-snaptime-0.2.4nb1 Transform timestamps with a simple DSL
py312-sniffio-1.3.1 Sniff out which async library your code is running under
py312-snowballstemmer-2.2.0nb1 Python module with stemmer algorithms for multiple natural languages
py312-soaplib-0.8nb1 Implementation of the SOAP 1.1 protocol
py312-soapy-sdr-0.8.1 Python bindings for SoapySDR
py312-softlayer-6.2.3 SoftLayer API bindings for Python
py312-solc-select-1.0.4 Manage multiple Solidity compiler versions
py312-solo1-0.1.1nb1 Tool for managing SoloKeys Solo 1
py312-sortedcontainers-2.4.0nb1 Sorted collections library written in pure-Python
py312-soundfile-0.12.1nb1 Audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI and NumPy
py312-soupsieve-2.6 CSS4 selector implementation for Beautiful Soup
py312-spake2-0.9 Pure-Python SPAKE2
py312-spark-parser-1.9.0 Earley-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser Toolkit
py312-sparqlwrapper-2.0.0 SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
py312-speaklater-1.3nb1 Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
py312-spectra-0.0.11 Color scales and color conversion made easy for Python
py312-spf-2.0.14nb3 SPF (Sender Policy Framework) implemented in Python
py312-sphinx-8.1.3 Python documentation generator
py312-sphinx-astropy-1.9.1 Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project
py312-sphinx-autoapi-3.4.0 Autodoc style documentation for multiple languages
py312-sphinx-autodoc-typehints-2.5.0 Type hints support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
py312-sphinx-automodapi-0.18.0 Sphinx extension for auto-generating API documentation for modules
py312-sphinx-basic-ng-1.0.0b2 Modern skeleton for Sphinx themes
py312-sphinx-copybutton-0.5.2 Sphinx module to add a copy button to code cells
py312-sphinx-gallery-0.18.0 Sphinx extension that builds an HTML version of any Python script
py312-sphinx-inline-tabs-2023.4.21 Sphinx module to add inline tabbed content
py312-sphinx-issues-4.1.0 Sphinx extension for linking to an issue tracker
py312-sphinx-lv2-theme-1.4.2 Minimal static theme for Sphinx
py312-sphinx-rtd-theme-3.0.2 Sphinx theme
py312-sphinx-theme-cloud-1.10.0nb1 Sphinx cloud theme
py312-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-2.0.0 Sphinx API for Apple help books
py312-sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.6.3 Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
py312-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-2.0.0 Sphinx API for Devhelp document
py312-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.1.0 Sphinx API for HTML help
py312-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.8.1 Sphinx domain for documenting HTTP APIs
py312-sphinxcontrib-jquery-4.1nb1 Extension to include jQuery on newer Sphinx releases
py312-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1nb1 Sphinx API for math in HTML via JavaScript
py312-sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet-1.0.1nb1 Organize changelog directives in Sphinx docs
py312-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed-0.1.4nb1 News Feed extension for Sphinx
py312-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-2.0.0 Sphinx API for QtHelp document
py312-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-2.0.0 Sphinx API for "serialized" HTML files
py312-sphinxcontrib-spelling-8.0.0nb1 Sphinx spelling extension
py312-sphinxcontrib-websupport-2.0.0 Sphinx API for Web Apps
py312-sphinxygen-1.0.4 Script to generate Sphinx ReST from Doxygen XML
py312-sphobjinv- Toolkit for manipulation and inspection of Sphinx objects.inv files
py312-sqlalchemy-2.0.36 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
py312-sqlalchemy-migrate-0.13.0nb3 Schema migration tool for SQLAlchemy
py312-sqlalchemy-utils-0.41.2 Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy
py312-sqlparse-0.5.3 Non-validating SQL parser
py312-sqlrelay-1.9.3nb8 Python extension for SQL Relay
py312-stack-data-0.6.3 Extract data from Python stack frames and tracebacks
py312-starlette-0.42.0 Little ASGI library that shines
py312-statsmodels-0.14.3 Statistical computations and models for Python
py312-stdio-mgr-1.0.1 Context manager for mocking/wrapping stdin/stdout/stderr
py312-stdnum-1.20 Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes
py312-stem-1.8.2nb1 Python controller library for the tor daemon
py312-stevedore-5.4.0 Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
py312-stix- Python library for manipulating STIX content
py312-stone-3.3.8 Interface description language (IDL) for APIs
py312-strich-0.9 1D and 2D barcode generator
py312-strict-rfc3339-0.7 Strict, simple, lightweight RFC3339 functions
py312-stripe-9.11.0 Stripe python bindings
py312-structlog-24.4.0 Painless structural logging
py312-subprocess-tee-0.4.2 Subprocess-tee
py312-subunit-1.4.4 Python implementation of subunit test streaming protocol
py312-subversion-1.14.4nb3 Python bindings and tools for Subversion
py312-supervisor-4.2.5nb1 System for controlling process state under UNIX
py312-sure-2.0.1nb1 Python testing tool
py312-swiftclient-3.11.0nb2 Python bindings to the OpenStack Object Storage API
py312-sydent-2.6.1 Matrix Identity Servers
py312-sympy-1.13.3 Python library for symbolic mathematics
py312-syrupy-4.7.2 Pytest Snapshot Test Utility
py312-sysctl-0.1nb4 Python interface to sysctl(3)
py312-tables-3.10.1 Database package for large amounts of data
py312-tablib-3.7.0 Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV)
py312-tabulate-0.9.0nb1 Pretty-print tabular data
py312-telepath-0.3.1 Data exchange library between Django and browser
py312-telethon-1.36.0 Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3
py312-tempora-5.7.0 Objects and routines pertaining to date and time
py312-tenacity-8.5.0 Retry code until it succeeds
py312-tensorboard-1.7.0nb2 Web applications for inspecting TensorFlow runs and graphs
py312-term-background-1.0.1 Determine if shell has a light or dark background
py312-termcolor-2.5.0 ANSI color output for terminals
py312-terminado-0.18.1 Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
py312-terminator-2.1.4 Terminator, multiple terminals in one window
py312-terminator-plugins-1.0 Set of plugins for terminator
py312-termstyle-0.1.11nb1 Console colouring for python
py312-test-8.3.4 Python testing tool
py312-test-aiohttp-1.0.5 Pytest plugin for aiohttp support
py312-test-assume-2.4.3nb2 Py.test plugin that allows multiple failures per test
py312-test-astropy-header-0.2.2 Pytest plugin to add diagnostic information to the test output header
py312-test-asyncio-0.25.0 Pytest support for asyncio
py312-test-benchmark-5.1.0 Pytest support for benchmarking
py312-test-celery-0.0.0 Shim pytest plugin to enable celery.contrib.pytest
py312-test-check-2.4.1 Pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test
py312-test-checkdocs-2.13.0 Check the README when running tests
py312-test-codspeed-3.1.0 Pytest plugin to create CodSpeed benchmarks
py312-test-console-scripts-1.4.1 Pytest plugin for testing console scripts
py312-test-cov-6.0.0 Pytest plugin for measuring coverage
py312-test-datadir-1.5.0 Pytest plugin for test data directories and files
py312-test-datafiles-3.0.0 py.test plugin to create a 'tmp_path' containing predefined files/directories
py312-test-django-4.9.0 Django plugin for pytest
py312-test-doctestplus-1.2.1 Pytest plugin with advanced doctest features
py312-test-env-1.1.5 Plugin for py.test that allows you to add environment variables
py312-test-examples-0.0.15 Pytest plugin for testing examples in docstrings and markdown files
py312-test-expect-1.1.0 Py.test plugin storing test expectations by saving the set of failing tests
py312-test-fixture-config-1.8.0 Fixture configuration utils for py.test
py312-test-flake8-1.3.0 Plugin plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
py312-test-forked-1.6.0 Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses
py312-test-freezer-0.4.8 Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for freezegun
py312-test-home-0.6.0 Home directory fixtures
py312-test-httpbin-2.1.0 Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin
py312-test-httpserver-1.1.0 HTTP server for pytest
py312-test-httpx-0.35.0 Send responses to httpx
py312-test-isort-4.0.0 Pytest plugin to perform isort checks (import ordering)
py312-test-jupyter-0.10.1 Pytest plugin for testing Jupyter libraries and extensions
py312-test-lazy-fixture-0.6.3nb2 Helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
py312-test-lazy-fixtures-1.0.5 Allows you to use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize
py312-test-localserver-0.9.0 Py.test plugin to test server connections locally
py312-test-mock-3.14.0 Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test
py312-test-mypy-0.10.3 Mypy static type checker plugin for Pytest
py312-test-mypy-plugins-3.1.2 Pytest plugin for writing cmd for mypy plugins
py312-test-mypy-testing-0.1.3 Pytest plugin to check mypy output
py312-test-perf-0.13.1 Run performance tests against the mainline code
py312-test-pylint-0.21.0nb1 Pytest plugin to check source code with Pylint
py312-test-pythonpath-0.7.4nb1 Pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH
py312-test-random-order-1.1.1 Randomise the order in which pytest tests are run
py312-test-randomly-3.16.0 Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed
py312-test-relaxed-2.0.2 Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest
py312-test-remotedata-0.4.1 Pytest plugin for controlling remote data access
py312-test-rerunfailures-15.0 Pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures
py312-test-sanic-1.9.1 Pytest plugin for Sanic
py312-test-shutil-1.8.1 Unix shell and environment tools for py.test
py312-test-snapshot-0.9.0 Plugin for snapshot testing with pytest
py312-test-subprocess-1.5.2 Pytest plugin to fake subprocess
py312-test-subtests-0.14.1 Unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture
py312-test-sugar-1.0.0 Py.test plugin that changes the default look and feel
py312-test-testmon-2.1.1 Selects tests affected by changed files and methods
py312-test-textual-snapshot-1.0.0 Snapshot testing for Textual apps
py312-test-timeout-2.3.1 Py.test plugin to abort hanging tests
py312-test-trio-0.8.0 Python testing tool for trio
py312-test-utils-0.1.0nb1 Utility functions for py.test
py312-test-virtualenv-1.8.1 Virtualenv fixture for py.test
py312-test-watch-4.2.0nb2 Continuous pytest runner
py312-test-xdist-3.6.1 Plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
py312-test-xprocess-1.0.2 Pytest plugin to manage external processes across test runs
py312-test_socket-0.7.0 Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests
py312-testpath-0.3.1nb2 Test utilities for code working with files and commands
py312-testrepository-0.0.21 Repository of test results
py312-testresources-2.0.1nb1 Pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
py312-testscenarios-0.5.0nb1 Pyunit extension for dependency injection
py312-testtools-2.7.2 Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
py312-text-unidecode-1.3nb1 Most basic Text::Unidecode port
py312-textfsm-1.1.3 Template based state machine for parsing semi-formatted text
py312-textile-4.0.3 XHTML generator using a simple markup
py312-textual-0.89.1 Modern Text User Interface framework
py312-textual-autocomplete-3.0.0a13 Easily add autocomplete dropdowns to your Textual apps
py312-textual-dev-1.7.0 Development tools for working with Textual
py312-theano-pymc-1.1.2 Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
py312-threadpoolctl-3.5.0 Helpers to limit the number of threads used
py312-thrift-0.15.0nb2 Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
py312-tifffile-2024.9.20 Read and write TIFF(r) files
py312-time-machine-2.16.0 Travel through time in your tests
py312-timeout-decorator-0.5.0 Timeout decorator
py312-tinycss2-1.4.0 Low-level CSS parser for Python
py312-tinydb-4.8.2 Tiny, document oriented database optimized for your happiness
py312-tldextract-5.1.3 Accurately separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains
py312-tlsh-4.7.2 TLSH C++ extension for Python
py312-tlslite-0.4.9nb1 SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 in Python
py312-tlv8-0.10.0nb1 Type-Length-Value8 (TLV8) for Python
py312-tokenlib-2.0.0nb1 Generic library for managing signed authentication tokens
py312-toml-0.10.2nb3 Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
py312-tomli-2.2.1 Lil' TOML parser
py312-tomli_w-1.1.0 Lil' TOML writer
py312-tomlkit-0.13.2 Style preserving TOML library
py312-toolconfig-1.3.1nb1 Python tool configuration
py312-toolz-1.0.0 List processing tools and functional utilities
py312-tornado-6.4.2 Fast and non-blocking web framework
py312-tortoise-orm-0.22.2 Easy async ORM for Python, built with relations in mind
py312-tortoisehg-6.6.3nb3 GUI for Mercurial
py312-tox-4.23.2 Virtualenv-based automation of test activities
py312-tqdm-4.67.1 Fast, extensible progress bar for Python
py312-traceback2-1.4.0nb1 Backport of the traceback module to older Python versions
py312-tracerite-1.1.1 Human-readable HTML tracebacks for Python exceptions
py312-trading-calendars-2.1.1 Securities exchange calendars used by Zipline
py312-traitlets-5.14.3 Traitlets Python config system
py312-transifex-client-0.14.4nb4 Transifex Command-line Client
py312-transitions-0.9.0 Lightweight object-oriented state machine with extensions
py312-tree-sitter-0.23.2 Python bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library
py312-treq-24.9.1 HTTP library for Twisted
py312-trezor-0.13.9 Python library for communicating with Trezor hardware wallets
py312-trezor-agent-0.15.0 Hardware-based SSH/GPG/age agent
py312-trio-0.27.0 Friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
py312-trove-classifiers-2024.10.21.16 Canonical source for classifiers on PyPI (
py312-trueskill-0.4.5nb1 Python module implementing the TrueSkill rating system
py312-trustme-1.2.0 Number on quality TLS certs while you wait
py312-truststore-0.10.0 Verify certificates using native system trust stores
py312-tryton-6.2.0nb20 Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform
py312-tryton-platform-6.2 Install complete tryton client/server platform
py312-trytond-6.2.2nb3 Tryton server
py312-trytond-account-6.2.1nb1 Account module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-asset-6.2.0nb1 Account_asset module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-be-6.2.0nb1 The account_be module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-credit-limit-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account_credit_limit module
py312-trytond-account-de-skr03-6.2.0nb1 The account_de_skr03 module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-deposit-6.2.0nb1 The account_deposit module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-dunning-6.2.0nb1 The account_dunning module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-dunning-fee-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account_dunning_fee module
py312-trytond-account-dunning-letter-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account_dunning_letter module
py312-trytond-account-fr-6.2.0nb1 The account_fr module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-invoice-6.2.1nb1 Account invoice module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-invoice-history-6.2.0nb1 Account invoice history module of the Tryton platform
py312-trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone-6.2.0nb1 Account invoice line standalone module of the Tryton platform
py312-trytond-account-invoice-stock-6.2.0nb1 Account invoice stock module of the Tryton platform
py312-trytond-account-payment-6.2.0nb1 Account_payment module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-payment-clearing-6.2.0nb1 Account payment clearing module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-payment-sepa-6.2.1nb1 Account payment SEPA module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-payment-sepa-cfonb-6.2.0nb1 Account payment SEPA CFONB module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-product-6.2.0nb1 Account product module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-statement-6.2.0nb1 Account statement module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account stock anglo saxon continental module
py312-trytond-account-stock-continental-6.2.0nb1 Account stock continental module of the Tryton platform
py312-trytond-account-stock-landed-cost-6.2.1nb1 Tryton's account stock landed cost module
py312-trytond-account-stock-landed-cost-weight-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account stock landed cost weight module
py312-trytond-account-tax-rule-country-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's account_tax_rule_country module
py312-trytond-analytic-account-6.2.0nb1 The analytic_account module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-analytic-invoice-6.2.0nb1 The analytic invoice module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-analytic-purchase-6.2.0nb1 The analytic purchase module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-analytic-sale-6.2.0nb1 The analytic sale module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-authentication-sms-6.2.0nb1 The authentication_sms module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-bank-6.2.0nb1 Bank module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-carrier-6.2.0nb1 Carrier module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-carrier-percentage-6.2.0nb1 Carrier percentage module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-carrier-weight-6.2.0nb1 Carrier weight module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-commission-6.2.0nb1 Commission module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-commission-waiting-6.2.0nb1 Commission waiting module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-company-6.2.0nb1 Company module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-company-work-time-6.2.0nb1 Company work time module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-country-6.2.0nb2 Country module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-currency-6.2.0nb2 Currency module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-customs-6.2.0nb1 Customs module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-dashboard-6.2.0nb1 Dashboard module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-google-maps-6.2.0nb1 Google Maps module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-ldap-authentication-6.2.0nb1 LDAP authentication module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-party-6.2.0nb2 Party module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-party-relationship-6.2.0nb1 Party relationship module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-party-siret-6.2.0nb1 The party_siret module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-6.2.0nb1 Product module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-attribute-6.2.0nb1 Product attribute module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-classification-6.2.0nb1 Product classification module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-classification-taxonomic-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's product classification taxonomic module
py312-trytond-product-cost-fifo-6.2.0nb1 The product cost FIFO module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-cost-history-6.2.0nb1 The product cost history module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-measurements-6.2.0nb1 Product measurements module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-product-price-list-6.2.0nb1 The product price list module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-production-6.2.0nb1 Production module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-production-routing-6.2.0nb1 Production routing module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-production-split-6.2.0nb1 Production split module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-production-work-6.2.0nb1 Production work module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-production-work-timesheet-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's production work timesheet module
py312-trytond-project-6.2.0nb1 Project module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-project-invoice-6.2.0nb1 Project invoice module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-project-plan-6.2.0nb1 Project plan module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-project-revenue-6.2.0nb1 Project revenue module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-purchase-6.2.0nb1 Purchase module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone-6.2.0nb1 Purchase invoice line standalone module of the Tryton platform
py312-trytond-purchase-request-6.2.0nb1 Purchase request module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-purchase-requisition-6.2.0nb1 Purchase requisition module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-purchase-shipment-cost-6.2.0nb1 Purchase shipment cost module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-6.2.0nb1 Sale module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-complaint-6.2.0nb1 Sale complaint module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-credit-limit-6.2.0nb1 Sale credit limit module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-extra-6.2.0nb1 Sale extra module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-invoice-grouping-6.2.0nb1 Sale invoice grouping module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-opportunity-6.2.0nb1 Sale opportunity module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-price-list-6.2.0nb1 Sale price list module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-promotion-6.2.0nb1 Sale promotion module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-shipment-cost-6.2.0nb1 Sale shipment cost of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-shipment-grouping-6.2.0nb1 Sale shipment grouping of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-stock-quantity-6.2.0nb1 Sale stock quantity of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-supply-6.2.0nb1 Sale supply module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-sale-supply-drop-shipment-6.2.0nb1 Sale supply drop shipment of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-6.2.0nb1 Stock module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-forecast-6.2.0nb1 Stock forecast module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-inventory-location-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's stock inventory location module
py312-trytond-stock-location-sequence-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's stock location sequence module
py312-trytond-stock-lot-6.2.0nb1 Stock lot module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-lot-sled-6.2.0nb1 Stock lot sled module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-package-6.2.0nb1 Stock package module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-package-shipping-6.2.0nb1 Stock package shipping module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-package-shipping-dpd-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's stock package shipping DPD module
py312-trytond-stock-package-shipping-ups-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's stock package shipping UPS module
py312-trytond-stock-product-location-6.2.0nb1 Stock product location module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-split-6.2.0nb1 Stock split module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-supply-6.2.0nb1 Stock supply module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-supply-day-6.2.0nb1 Stock supply day module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-supply-forecast-6.2.0nb1 Stock supply forecast module of the Tryton application platform
py312-trytond-stock-supply-production-6.2.0nb1 Tryton's stock supply production module
py312-trytond-timesheet-6.2.0nb1 Timesheet module of Tryton's application platform
py312-trytond-timesheet-cost-6.2.0nb1 Timesheet cost module of Tryton's application platform
py312-trytond-web-user-6.2.0nb1 The web_user module of the Tryton application platform
py312-tubes-0.2.1 Flow control and backpressure for event-driven applications
py312-tulir-telethon-1.25.0a7 Full-featured Telegram client library for Python 3
py312-tweepy-3.10.0nb1 Basic Python API for Twitter
py312-twill-3.3 Simple scripting language for web browsing
py312-twine-6.0.1 Collection of utilities for publishing packages on PyPI
py312-twisted-24.10.0 Framework for writing networked applications
py312-twython-3.9.1 Python wrapper for the Twitter API
py312-txaio-23.1.1 Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
py312-txamqp-0.8.2nb1 Python library for communicating with AMQP using Twisted
py312-txrequests-0.9.6nb1 Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans
py312-txtorcon-24.8.0 Twisted Python library for controlling tor daemon
py312-typeguard-4.4.1 Python run-time type checking library
py312-types-python-dateutil- Typing stubs for python-dateutil
py312-types-setuptools- Typing stubs for setuptools
py312-types-toml- Typing stubs for toml
py312-types-ujson- Typing stubs for ujson
py312-types-yaml- Typing stubs for PyYAML
py312-typing-extensions-4.12.2 Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
py312-typing-inspect-0.9.0 Runtime inspection utilities for typing module
py312-typogrify-2.0.7nb1 Filters to enhance web typography
py312-tzdata-2024.2 Provider of IANA time zone data
py312-tzlocal-5.2nb1 Python tzinfo object for the local timezone
py312-u-msgpack-2.8.0 MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python
py312-u2f-0.1.5nb1 U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device
py312-uModbus-1.0.4 Implementation of the Modbus protocol in pure Python
py312-uc-micro-py-1.0.3 Micro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py project
py312-ujson-5.10.0 Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python
py312-ukpostcodeparser-1.1.2nb1 UK Postcode parser
py312-uncertainties-3.2.2 Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved
py312-uncompyle6-3.9.2 Python cross-version byte-code decompiler
py312-unearth-0.17.2 Utility to fetch and download python packages
py312-unicode-slugify-0.1.5 Slug generator that turns strings into unicode slugs
py312-unicodecsv-0.14.1nb1 Drop-in replacement for Python's csv module with unicode support
py312-unicorn-2.1.1 Python bindings for unicorn
py312-unique-log-filter-0.1.0 Log filter that removes duplicate log messages
py312-unittest-mixins-1.6nb1 Helpful mixins for unittest classes
py312-unittest2pytest-0.4nb2 Tool to rewrite Python unittest into pytest test cases
py312-unpaddedbase64-2.1.0nb1 Encode and decode Base64 without "=" padding
py312-unrardll-0.1.7 Python bindings for libunrar
py312-uritemplate-4.1.1nb1 Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template
py312-urllib3-2.2.3 HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling
py312-urwid-2.6.16 Curses-based Python user interface library
py312-urwid_readline-0.15.1 Textbox edit widget for urwid that supports readline shortcuts
py312-urwidgets-0.2.1 Collection of widgets for urwid
py312-usb-1.2.1 Python interface to USB via libusb
py312-utils-3.9.1 Some convenient utilities not included with standard Python
py312-uvicorn-0.32.1 The lightning-fast ASGI server
py312-uvloop-0.21.0 Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv
py312-uwsgi-2.0.28nb3 Feature-rich WSGI server
py312-uwsgitop-0.12 Command to interface with the uWSGI stats server
py312-validate-email-address-1nb1 Verify if an email address is valid and really exists
py312-validate-pyproject-0.23 Validation library and CLI tool for checking on pyproject.toml files
py312-validators-0.34.0 Python data validation for humans
py312-vcrpy-6.0.1 simplifies and speeds up tests that make HTTP requests
py312-vcversioner- Use version control tags to discover version numbers
py312-vdirsyncer-0.19.3 Synchronization tool for vdir
py312-verboselogs-1.7nb1 Extend Python logging module to add the log levels
py312-versioneer-0.29 Version-string management for VCS-controlled trees
py312-versioningit-3.1.2 Use version control tags to discover version numbers
py312-vine-5.1.0 Special implementation of promises
py312-virtualenv-20.28.0 Virtual Python Environment builder
py312-visitor-0.1.3nb2 Tiny pythonic visitor implementation
py312-vobject-0.9.8 Python iCalendar (ics) and vCard library
py312-vulture-2.13 Find dead code
py312-w3lib-2.2.1 Python library of web-related functions
py312-wagtail-6.0.1 Django-based Content Management System
py312-wagtailmenus-3.1.9 Menu system for the Wagtail CMS
py312-wagtailnews-5.2.0 News system for the Wagtail CMS
py312-waitress-3.0.0 Production-quality pure-Python WSGI server
py312-wand-0.6.13 Ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python
py312-wasm-1.2nb3 WebAssembly decoder & disassembler
py312-wat-inspector-0.4.3 Deep inspection of Python objects
py312-watchdog-6.0.0 Filesystem events monitoring
py312-watchfiles-1.0.0 Simple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload
py312-wcag-contrast-ratio-0.9 Library for computing contrast ratios as required by WCAG 2.0
py312-wcmatch-10.0 Wildcard/glob file name matcher
py312-wcwidth-0.2.13nb1 Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
py312-weasyprint-62.3 Converts HTML/CSS documents to PDF Simple, public domain web publishing system
py312-webassets-2.0nb3 Asset management for Python web development
py312-webcolors-24.11.1 Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS
py312-webdav-1.1.7nb1 WebDAV client library
py312-webencodings-0.5.1nb2 Character encoding for the web
py312-websocket-client-1.8.0 WebSocket client module
py312-websockets-14.1 Implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)
py312-werkzeug-3.1.3 Python WSGI Utility Library
py312-werkzeug-docs-3.1.3 Python WSGI Utility Library (HTML documentation)
py312-whatthepatch-1.0.7 Patch parsing and application library
py312-wheel-0.45.1 Tool for manipulating Python wheel files
py312-whichcraft-0.6.1nb1 Cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality
py312-whisper-1.1.10 Fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
py312-whitenoise-6.7.0 Simplified static file serving for WSGI applications
py312-widgetsnbextension-4.0.13 IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
py312-wrapt-1.17.0 Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
py312-wsproto-1.2.0nb1 Pure Python, pure state-machine WebSocket implementation
py312-wstools-0.4.8nb2 WSDL parsing services package for Web Services
py312-wtforms-3.1.2 Flexible forms validation and rendering library
py312-wtforms-alchemy-0.18.0nb1 Generates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models
py312-wtforms-appengine-0.1 Appengine tools for WTForms
py312-wtforms-components-0.10.4nb1 Additional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms
py312-wtforms-dateutil-0.1 WTForms fields using dateutil
py312-wtforms-django-0.1nb1 Django tools for WTForms
py312-wtforms-recaptcha-0.3.2nb1 Custom WTForms field that handles reCaptcha display and validation
py312-wtforms-sqlalchemy-0.4.1 WTForms integration for SQLAlchemy
py312-wtforms-test-0.1.1nb1 Various unit test helpers for WTForms based forms
py312-wxPython-4.2.1nb7 GUI Toolkit for Python
py312-xandikos-0.2.12 Lightweight CalDAV/CardDAV server
py312-xapian-1.4.27 Python bindings for Xapian search engine
py312-xarray-2024.9.0 N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
py312-xarray-einstats-0.7.0 Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray
py312-xattr-1.1.0 Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes
py312-xbe-1.0.3 Library to work with XBE files
py312-xcbgen-1.17.0 XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
py312-xdg-0.28 Python library for XDG
py312-xdg-base-dirs-6.0.2 Variables defined by the XDG Base Directory Specification
py312-xdis-6.1.2 Python cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines
py312-xdist-0.0.2 Python library of pairwise distance computation
py312-xgboost-2.1.1 XGBoost Python Package
py312-xhtml2pdf-0.2.8 PDF generator using HTML and CSS
py312-xlrd-2.0.1nb1 Python library to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
py312-xlsxwriter-3.2.0 Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
py312-xlwt-1.3.0nb1 Writing data and formatting information from Excel files
py312-xml2rfc-3.25.0 IETF RFC 7749 XML-to-RFC conversion tool
py312-xmldiff-2.7.0 Creates diffs of XML files
py312-xmlschema-3.4.3 XML Schema validator and decoder
py312-xmltodict-0.14.2 Simplified XML parser library
py312-xmm7360-0.20200727 Network initialization for L850-GL / Intel XMM7360 driver
py312-xmpppy-0.7.1nb6 XMPP (Jabber) library for Python
py312-xopen-1.9.0nb1 Open compressed files transparently
py312-yaml-6.0.2 Collection of libraries to process YAML with Python
py312-yamllint-1.35.1 Linter for YAML files
py312-yamlordereddictloader-0.4.0 Module providing ordered loading and dumping of PyYAML
py312-yapf-0.43.0 Python files formatter
py312-yara-4.5.1 Yara Python bindings
py312-yarl-1.18.3 Yet another URL library
py312-yattag-1.15.1 Generate HTML or XML in a pythonic way
py312-yubikey-manager-5.4.0 Yubico YubiKey manager library
py312-z3-4.13.0 Efficient SMT solver library
py312-zanata-python-client-1.5.3 Zanata translation service client written in Python
py312-zc.lockfile-1.3.0nb1 Basic inter-process locks
py312-zconfig-4.1 Configuration library
py312-zeep-4.3.1 Fast and modern Python SOAP client
py312-zeroconf-0.136.2 Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library
py312-zfec- Efficient, portable erasure coding tool
py312-zim-0.74.3nb12 Zim brings the concept of a wiki to your desktop
py312-zipp-3.21.0 Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
py312-zipstream-1.1.8nb1 Zipfile generator
py312-zipstream-ng-1.8.0 Modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
py312-zmq-26.2.0 Python bindings for zeromq
py312-zope.component-6.0 Zope Component Architecture
py312-zope.configuration-5.0.1 Zope Configuration Markup Language
py312-zope.deferredimport-5.0 Imports names that will only be resolved when used in the code
py312-zope.deprecation-5.0 Zope hookable
py312-zope.event-5.0 Very basic event publishing system
py312-zope.exceptions-5.2 Zope testing helpers
py312-zope.hookable-7.0 Zope hookable
py312-zope.i18nmessageid-7.0 Zope Message Identifiers for internationalization
py312-zope.interface-7.2 Zope interfaces for Python
py312-zope.proxy-6.1 Generic Transparent Proxies
py312-zope.schema-7.0.1 Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas
py312-zope.testing-5.0.1 Zope testing helpers
py312-zope.testrunner-6.6 Zope testrunner script
py312-zopfli-0.2.3 Zopfli module for Python
py312-zstandard-0.23.0 Zstandard bindings for Python
py312-zulip-0.9.0 Bindings for the Zulip message API
py312-zulip-term-0.7.0 Zulip's official terminal client
py313-flask-bootstrap- Flask extension for Twitter's Bootstrap
py313-game_sdl2- Set of Python modules designed for writing games for RenPy
py313-html-docs-3.13.1 HTML documentation for Python 3.13
py313-legacy-cgi-2.6.1 Fork of the standard library cgi and cgitb modules, being deprecated in PEP-594
py313-mkdocs-bootstrap-1.1.1 Bootstrap theme for MkDocs
py313-mkdocs-bootswatch-1.1 Bootswatch themes for MkDocs
py313-renpy-8.1.3nb3 Visual Novel Engine written in Python
py313-syslog-ng-3.38.1nb1 Syslog-ng Python module
py39-html-docs-3.9.21 HTML Documentation for Python 3.9
pyca- Administration tools for X.509/PKIX CA
pycharm-bin-2023.2.1 JetBrain\'s python IDE
pygopherd-2.0.16nb9 Gopher server
pymsgauth-2.1.0nb16 Automatically process qsecretary confirmation requests
pynvim-0.5.0 Python client for Neovim
pysolfc-2.21.0 Over 1000 solitaire games
pystring-1.1.4 Pythons string methods for C++ std::string
python-versions-check-1.6 Tool for checking Python versions in dependencies
python27-2.7.18nb19 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python310-3.10.16 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python311-3.11.11nb1 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python312-3.12.8nb1 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python313-3.13.1nb1 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python39-3.9.21 Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
pythontidy-1.20nb5 Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts
pyzy-0.1.0nb27 Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
q5go-1.1.1nb26 Tool for Go players
qDecoder-9.0.1 Web Application Interface for C/C++ (CGI Library)
qadsl-1.2 Login software for Swedish Telia ADSL/Comhem cable Internet users
qalculate-5.1.1nb3 Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version)
qalculate-gtk-5.0.0nb7 Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GTK version)
qbe-1.2 Compiler backend
qbittorrent-5.0.2 BitTorrent client in Qt
qbrew-0.4.1nb11 Homebrewer's recipe calculator
qca2-2.2.1nb7 Cross-platform crypto API for QT
qca2-gnupg-2.2.1nb7 Cross-platform crypto API for QT - GnuPG plugin
qca2-ossl-2.2.1nb7 Cross-platform crypto API for QT - OpenSSL plugin
qca2-qt5-2.3.8nb4 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5
qca2-qt5-gnupg-2.3.8nb4 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5 - GnuPG plugin
qca2-qt5-ossl-2.3.8nb4 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt5 - OpenSSL plugin
qca2-qt6-2.3.8nb4 Cross-platform crypto API for Qt6
qcad- 2D CAD system
qcad-partlibrary-20160819 Parts libraries for the QCad 2D CAD system
qcalc-0.15.2 Terminal GUI calculator
qcheck-1.0nb1 Text-only biff with Maildir support
qconf-2.4nb23 Configure script generator for qmake
qconfirm-0.14.3 Request delivery confirmation for mail
qdbm-1.8.78 Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
qdbm-cgi- CGI scripts of QDBM
qdbm-plus- C++ API for QDBM
qdirstat-1.9nb5 Qt-based directory statistics
qemacs-6.3.2 Quick Emacs
qemu-9.1.2nb1 CPU emulator using dynamic translation
qgis-3.34.13 Geographic Information System (GIS)
qgpgme-1.23.2nb6 Qt bindings for GPGme
qgreylist-0.3nb12 Simple greylisting for qmail
qhull-2020.2nb1 Computing the convex hull
qident-1.2 Small program to query an ident protocol server (rfc1413)
qimageblitz-0.0.6nb28 Interm graphical effect and filter library for KDE4.0
qiv-2.3.2nb11 Quick Image Viewer
qjackctl-0.4.2nb55 JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI
qjson-0.8.1nb10 Qt library for handling JSON data
qkc-1.0nb1 Quick Kanji code Converter
qlogtools-3.1 Tools useful in analyzing logs from qmail and other pkgs
qmHandle-1.3.2nb10 Tool to view and manage the qmail message queue
qmail-1.03nb54 Community-driven open-source successor to qmail
qmail-acceptutils-20230511 TLS and AUTH for qmail without patching
qmail-autoresponder-2.0nb1 Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail
qmail-conf-0.60nb6 Collection of tools for setting up qmail services
qmail-dkim-wrappers-0.0.20211012 Sign and verify DKIM without patching qmail
qmail-dovecot-checkpassword-0.0.20141125nb1 DJB-style checkpassword for Dovecot auth socket
qmail-lint-0.55nb11 Examine the qmail configuration for common errors
qmail-qfilter-2.1nb7 Multi-filter front end for qmail-queue
qmail-rejectutils-20201215nb1 Configurable SMTP rejection for qmail without patching
qmail-run-20240206 Configures qmail to receive and deliver mail
qmail-server-1.0nb4 Ingredients for typical qmail-based mail server
qmail-spp-spf-20091020 Plugin for qmail-spp that performs SPF lookups
qmailanalog-0.70nb2 Collection of tools to help analyze qmail's activity
qmediamanager- GUI tool for managing removable media
qmmp-1.6.5nb12 Audio player similar to Winamp/XMMS using Qt5
qmqtool-1.15nb6 View and safely modify qmail queue
qoauth-1.0.1nb19 OAuth library for Qt
qodem-1.0.1nb1 Re-implementation of the DOS-era Qmodem serial communications package
qonk-0.3.1nb13 Small space build-and-conquer strategy game
qore-1.19.2 Embeddable multithreaded scripting language
qore-freetds-module-1.2nb11 Freetds DB driver for qore
qore-json-module-1.8.2nb6 JSON module for Qore
qore-magic-module-1.0.1nb4 File type identification module for Qore
qore-msgpack-module-1.0.1nb4 Msgpack module for Qore
qore-mysql-module-2.1nb8 MySQL DB driver for Qore
qore-odbc-module-1.2.0nb4 ODBC driver for Qore
qore-openldap-module-1.2.3nb6 Openldap module for Qore
qore-pgsql-module-3.1.1nb8 PostgreSQL driver for Qore
qore-process-module-1.0.5nb6 Qore module for process handling
qore-sqlite3-module-1.0.2nb16 SQLite module for Qore
qore-ssh2-module-1.4.2nb4 SSH2 module for Qore
qore-uuid-module-1.4.1nb6 UUID module for Qore
qore-xml-module-1.8.1nb10 XML module for Qore
qore-xmlsec-module-1.0.0nb16 XMLSec module for Qore
qore-yaml-module-0.7.3nb6 Yaml module for Qore
qore-zmq-module-1.0.2nb4 Qore ZeroMQ module
qpage-3.3 Simple and efficient paging (SNPP) client and server
qpasswd-0.5 Password-checking tools for many authentication schemes
qpdf-11.9.1 Structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files
qpdfview-0.4.18nb48 Tabbed PDF viewer
qpopper-4.1.0nb7 Qualcomm's POP server for Eudora
qprint-1.1 Encode and decode quoted-printable files
qqc2-desktop-style-5.116.1nb3 Style for Qt Quick Controls 2 to make it follow your desktop theme
qqwing-1.3.4 Sudoku puzzle generator and solver
qr-code-generator-1.6.0 High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++ (1.6 API)
qr-code-generator-1.8.0 High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++
qrcp-0.11.3nb1 Transfer files over Wi-Fi via a QR Code
qremote-20131231nb2 Experimental qmail-remote replacement with CurveCP support
qrencode-4.1.1 QR Code generator
qrrs-0.1.10 CLI tool for working with qr-codes
qrupdate-1.1.2 Library for fast updating of QR and Cholesky decompositions
qstat-2.14 Program that gathers real-time statistics from game servers
qsubst-20010422 Query-replace strings in files
qsynth-0.6.3nb23 Qt GUI Interface to FluidSynth
qt4-4.8.7 "meta-package" for the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt4-docs-4.8.7nb9 Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-libs-4.8.7nb46 C++ X GUI toolkit
qt4-mng-4.8.7nb11 QT MNG image format plugin
qt4-mysql-4.8.7nb12 QT mysql driver
qt4-pgsql-4.8.7nb12 QT postgresql driver
qt4-qdbus-4.8.7nb11 QT DBus support
qt4-sqlite3-4.8.7nb33 Qt4 sqlite3 driver
qt4-tiff-4.8.7nb13 QT TIFF image format plugin
qt4-tools-4.8.7nb12 QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools
qt5-5.15.16 "meta-package" for version 5 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt5-mysql-5.15.16 Qt5 MySQL plugin
qt5-odbc-5.15.16 Qt5 odbc plugin
qt5-psql-5.15.16 Qt5 PostgreSQL plugin
qt5-qscintilla-2.14.1nb5 Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt5
qt5-qtbase-5.15.16 C++ X GUI toolkit
qt5-qtcharts-5.15.16 Qt5 module for charts framework
qt5-qtconnectivity-5.15.16 Qt5 module for connectivity framework
qt5-qtdeclarative-5.15.16 Qt5 module for declarative framework
qt5-qtdoc-5.15.16 Qt5 documentations
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Graphics effects
qt5-qtimageformats-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Image formats
qt5-qtkeychain-0.9.1nb33 Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely
qt5-qtlocation-5.15.16 Qt5 module for qtlocation
qt5-qtmacextras-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Mac extras
qt5-qtmultimedia-5.15.16 Qt5 module for multimedia
qt5-qtnetworkauth-5.15.16 Qt5 module for networkauth framework
qt5-qtquickcontrols-5.15.16 Qt5 module for QuickControls
qt5-qtquickcontrols2-5.15.16 Next generation user interface controls based on Qt Quick
qt5-qtscript-5.15.16 Qt5 module for script
qt5-qtscxml-5.15.16 Qt5 module for scxml framework
qt5-qtsensors-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Sensors
qt5-qtserialport-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Serial Port
qt5-qtspeech-5.15.16 Qt5 module to make text to speech and speech recognition easy
qt5-qtsvg-5.15.16 Qt5 module for SVG
qt5-qttools-5.15.16 Qt5 tools
qt5-qttranslations-5.15.16 Qt5 translations
qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard-5.15.16 Qt5 module for virtualkeyboard framework
qt5-qtwayland-5.15.16 Qt5 module for Wayland support
qt5-qtwebchannel-5.15.16 Qt5 WebChannel module
qt5-qtwebengine-5.15.16 Chromium-based web engine for Qt5
qt5-qtwebsockets-5.15.16 Qt5 module for websockets
qt5-qtx11extras-5.15.16 Qt5 module for X11 extras
qt5-qtxmlpatterns-5.15.16 Qt5 module for XML Patterns
qt5-styleplugins- Qt 5 extra widget styles
qt5ct-1.8nb3 Tool for customizing Qt5-apps outside KDE
qt6-6.8.0nb1 "meta-package" for version 6 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit
qt6-odbc-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 odbc SQL driver
qt6-psql-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 PostgreSQL driver
qt6-qscintilla-2.14.1nb5 Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt5
qt6-qt3d-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 3d
qt6-qt5compat-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for Qt5 portability
qt6-qtbase-6.8.0nb4 C++ X GUI toolkit
qt6-qtcharts-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for visualising data as charts
qt6-qtconnectivity-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 connectivity
qt6-qtdatavis3d-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for data visualization
qt6-qtdeclarative-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for the QML language
qt6-qtgrpc-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 gRPC and Protobuf module
qt6-qthttpserver-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 classes for creating http servers
qt6-qtimageformats-6.8.0nb3 Additional image handlers for Qt6
qt6-qtlanguageserver-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 language server implementation
qt6-qtlocation-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 location module
qt6-qtlottie-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for lottie animations
qt6-qtmultimedia-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module with multimedia
qt6-qtnetworkauth-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module with auth libraries
qt6-qtpositioning-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 positioning module
qt6-qtquick3d-6.8.0nb3 3d engine for Qt6 quick
qt6-qtquicktimeline-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 quick controls for keyframe animation
qt6-qtremoteobjects-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for easier IPC
qt6-qtscxml-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for scxml language support
qt6-qtsensors-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 sensors
qt6-qtserialport-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for Serial Port
qt6-qtshadertools-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 shadertools
qt6-qtspeech-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for text to speech
qt6-qtsvg-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for SVG
qt6-qttools-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 development tools
qt6-qttranslations-6.8.0nb1 Qt6 translations
qt6-qtvirtualkeyboard-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 virtual keyboard
qt6-qtwayland-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 wayland
qt6-qtwebchannel-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 webchannel module
qt6-qtwebsockets-6.8.0nb3 Qt6 module for websockets communication
qt6ct-0.9nb9 Qt6 configuration tool
qt6gtk2-0.3 GTK+2.0 integration plugins for Qt6
qtcreator-5.0.3nb23 Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++
qterm-1.0nb1 Utility to recognise terminal type automatically
qterminal-2.1.0 Terminal emulator for Qt5
qtermwidget-2.1.0 Terminal emulator widget for Qt5
qtools-0.56nb1 Utilities for filtering via .qmail
qtplay-1.3.1 QuickTime command-line player
qtraceaddr-20061202nb1 Illustrates how qmail would deliver to an address
qtxdg-tools-4.1.0 User tools for LXQt components
quadpack-20001130nb2 Fortran subroutines for the solution of definite univariate integrals
quadrupleback-0.1.1 Game where intruders must be circled
quagga-1.2.4nb6 Free multithreaded routing daemon software
quake2forge-0.3nb5 Enhanced Quake II engine
quake6-0.0nb4 Quake over IPv6
quakedata-1.0nb2 Game data files for Quake
quakeforge-0.7.2nb27 Improved Quake engine
quakespasm-0.96.1nb2 Enhanced Quake engine using SDL
quarry-0.2.0nb55 Multi-purpose GUI for several board games
quarto-0.2.0 Your friendly Quarto game
quartz-wm-1.3.1nb2 Aqua Window Manager for the X Window System on OS X
quasi88-0.6.4 NEC PC-8801 Emulator
quassel-0.14.0nb20 Modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client
quazip-0.9nb19 Qt/C++ wrapper for Minizip
queequeg-0.91nb5 Tiny English grammar checker for non-native speakers
queryperf-2.1 DNS performance and load tester
quesoglc-0.7.1nb15 Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC)
queue-fix-1.4nb1 Check and repair the qmail queue structure
queue-repair-0.9.0nb11 Check or correct most corruptions of the queue in qmail
quickjs-20210327nb2 Quick JavaScript interpreter
quicklist-0.8.6nb6 Simple database like AppleWorks & MS Works
quilt-0.66nb4 Tools to manage series of patches
quirc-0.9.84nb13 Stable and powerful graphical IRC client
quodlibet-4.6.0nb5 Ex Falso / Quod Libet - Music Library / Editor / Player
qutebrowser-1.13.1nb26 Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5
quvi-0.4.2nb35 Command line tool for parsing video links
qvplay-0.95 Software for use with CASIO QV digital cameras
qvwm-1.1.12 Windows 95-like window manager for X11
qwt6-qt5-6.2.0nb4 Qt widget library for technical purposes
ra-rtsp-proxy- Proxy server for the RealAudio RTSP protocol
rabbitmq-3.13.7 Implementation of AMQP that provides robust messaging for applications
rabbitmq-c-0.14.0 C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers
racket-8.15 Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
racket-minimal-8.15 Scheme-based dialect of Lisp
racon-1.4.3 Genomic consensus builder
racoon2-20180701nb10 IPsec key management system (IKEv2, IKEv1, and KINK)
radamsa-0.5 General-purpose fuzzer
radare2-5.9.6nb1 Reverse engineering framework
radeontool-1.5nb5 Toggle backlight and external video output on Radeon cards
radiance-3.6.1nb22 Physically-based, image-generating, backward raytracer
radiusclient-ng- Client library and basic utilities for Radius authenticated login
radmind-1.14.1nb13 Remote file administration and integrity tool
radsecproxy-1.10.0nb1 Secure radius proxy
ragel-6.10 State machine compiler
rainbow-delimiters-1.3.5nb1 Emacs mode for colorful parentheses highlighting
raine-0.96.7nb6 680x0 Arcade Emulator
rakudo-2024.10nb1 Perl 6 reference implementation
raleigh-reloaded-1.6 GTK-3.20 theme aiming to revive the classic Raleigh theme
raleway-ttf-0.0.20161116 Elegant sans-serif typeface family
ramspeed-2.6.0 RAMspeed, a cache and memory benchmarking tool
rancid-3.6.2nb5 Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
randlib-1.3nb1 Library of C Routines for Random Number Generation
randread-0.2 Program to help benchmark random disk read performance
range-v3-0.10.0nb1 Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for std::ranges in C++20
ranger-0.4.2 Fast Implementation of Random Forests
rapidcheck- QuickCheck clone for C++
rapidjson-1.1.0nb2 Fast JSON parser/generator with SAX/DOM style API
rapidsvn-0.12.1nb67 Cross-platform Subversion GUI
raptor2-2.0.16nb8 RDF Parser Toolkit written in C
raqm-0.10.2 Library for complex text layout
rar-6.23 RAR file archiver (binary)
rarian-0.8.5nb3 Documentation metadata library
rasmol-2.7.3nb2 Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool
raspberrypi-userland-20170109nb3 Various libraries for the Raspberry Pi
rasqal-0.9.33nb36 Library that handles RDF query syntaxes
rat-3.0.28nb12 Robust Audio Tool - multicast audioconferencing
ratfor-1.0nb1 Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran
ratman-0.3.1nb7 Decentralised peer-to-peer routing daemon
ratmen-2.2.3 Allows you to create X menus from the shell
ratpoison-1.4.9nb6 Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies
rav1e-0.6.3nb2 Fastest and safest AV1 encoder by Xiph
rawtherapee-5.9nb8 Powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program
raylib-5.0nb1 Simple library to enjoy videogames programming
rayshade-4.0.6nb7 Extensible system for creating ray-traced images
rblcheck-1.5nb1 Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
rbldnsd-0.998 Efficient DNS daemon to serve DNSBL zones
rbw-1.10.0 Unofficial bitwarden cli
rc-1.7.4 Unix incarnation of the plan9 shell
rc.d-boot-20240415 Run package rc.d scripts at boot on any supported OS
rc.subr-20210830 Portable NetBSD rc.subr implementation for pkgsrc
rc5des-0.4nb1 Binaries for taking part in the rc5des challenge
rcfunge-2.02nb2 Funge interpreter
rclock-2.7.10 Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
rclone-1.68.2 Rsync for cloud storage
rcm-1.3.6 Tools for rc file (dotfile) management
rconfig-0.47nb10 Manage configurations for many machines via rdist trees
rcorder-20120310 Print a dependency ordering of interdependent files
rcs-5.9.4nb1 GNU Revision Control System - version control software
rdb-2.6.4nb11 Relational database system that uses standard filters via pipes
rdesktop-1.9.0nb19 Open-source Remote Desktop Protocol client
rdfind-1.5.0 Redundant data find
rdiff-backup-1.2.8nb13 Remote incremental backup utility
rdigest-20220214 Recursive message digest wrapper utility
rdp-1.5nb2 Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers
re2-20240702 Regular expression library
re2c-3.1 Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
read-edid-3.0.2 Read EDID from monitor
reader-0.4.5nb2 Lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages on the CLI
readline-8.2nb2 GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
realboy-0.2.2nb1 Complete, fast, yet accurate Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator
rebar-2.6.4nb1 Rebar is an Erlang build tool
rebar21-2.6.4nb1 Rebar is an Erlang build tool
rebar3-3.24.0 Erlang build tool
recode-3.7.14nb1 Convert files between character sets and usages
recoll-1.40.3nb1 Full text desktop search engine
recursive-ttf-1.085 Variable font family for code & UI
redeclipse-2.0.0nb13 Free casual arena shooter
redeclipse16-1.6.0nb4 Free casual arena shooter (older version)
redis-7.2.5 Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
redland-1.0.17nb44 Libraries supporting the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
redlib-0.35.1 Private front-end for Reddit
redshift-1.12nb4 Adjust screen color temperature based on the position of the sun
reed-5.4nb14 Auto-scrolling file viewer
refi-3.2.1 Rename files in numberic order
refinecvs-0.86.1251nb15 Convert CVS repository to SVN dump
refocus-it-2.0.0nb4 Refocus images
reftools-0.0.20201119nb43 Go refactoring tools
regal-0.29.2 Linter for Rego
regexx-0.98.1nb3 C++ regular expression library
regionset-0.1 Read and modify DVD drive region code
regxml-0.0.20100901 Command line utilities for XML stream manipulation
relay-ctrl-3.2 Allows relaying via POP/IMAP-before-SMTP
rem2ics-0.93nb12 Convert remind output into RFC2445 iCalendar format
remake-4.3.1+dbg-1.6 GNU make with comprehensible tracing and a debugger
remind-3.2.0nb3 Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language
remmina-1.4.35nb8 Remote desktop client based on GTK+
remserial-1.4 Serial port over LAN through TCP/IP
rename-1.3nb3 Rename recursively with regex patterns
renameutils-0.12.0 Rename files faster and more easily
rendercheck-1.6 XRender test application
rep-gtk2- GTK2 librep bindings (used by wm/sawfish)
replex- Remultiplexes transport streams from a DVB source
reposurgeon-3.41nb4 Tool for editing version-control repository history
resize_image-0.6nb5 Fast image resizing tool
restclient-ui-3.7.2 Java application to test RESTful webservices
restic-0.17.3 Fast, secure, efficient backup program
restic-rest-server-0.13.0nb2 REST server for restic
restish-0.20.0nb8 CLI for interacting with REST-ish HTTP APIs
retext-8.0.2 Simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
retrie-1.2.3nb1 Powerful, easy-to-use codemodding tool for Haskell
retroarch-1.9.0nb29 Official reference frontend for the libretro API
revbump-3.6 Tool for bumping PKGREVISIONs (for pkgsrc developers)
rex-0.1.18nb3 TUI for keeping track of incomes and expenses
rexima-1.4nb3 Curses-based interactive mixer
rexx-imc-1.76nb2 Implementation of IBM's REXX scripting language
rexx-regina-3.9.5nb1 Implementation of the REXX language
rfcutil-3.2nb17 Search for RFCs and do ports, services & protocol lookups
rfstool-0.14nb1 Tools to access ReiserFS partitions
rftg-0.9.5nb2 AI opponent(s) for the card game Race for the Galaxy
rgb-1.1.0 RGB color database
rgbds-0.5.1 Assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color
rhash-1.4.5 Calculate/check CRC32, MD5, SHA1, GOST, TTH, BTIH or other hash sums
rhythmbox-3.4.6nb20 Music management application for GNOME
ricty-ttf-4.1.1 Migu 1M and Inconsolata based TrueType fonts for programming
rid-1.11nb2 Remote Intrusion Detection to track down compromised hosts
riece-9.0.0nb5 IRC client for Emacs
riemann-client-2.2.0nb5 C client library for the Riemann monitoring system
rime-array- Rime input method engine data, array
rime-bopomofo- Rime input method engine data, bopomofo
rime-cangjie- Rime input method engine data, cangjie
rime-cantonese- Rime input method engine data, cantonese
rime-combo-pinyin- Rime input method engine data, combo-pinyin
rime-data-0.0.1 Provides RIME inputmethod schema and data
rime-double-pinyin- Rime input method engine data, double-pinyin
rime-emoji- Rime input method engine data, emoji
rime-ipa- Rime input method engine data, ipa
rime-jyutping- Rime input method engine data, jyutping
rime-luna-pinyin- Rime input method engine data, luna-pinyin
rime-middle-chinese- Rime input method engine data, middle-chinese
rime-pinyin-simp- Rime input method engine data, pinyin-simp
rime-prelude- Rime input method engine data, prelude
rime-quick- Rime input method engine data, quick
rime-scj- Rime input method engine data, scj
rime-soutzoe- Rime input method engine data, soutzoe
rime-stenotype- Rime input method engine data, stenotype
rime-terra-pinyin- Rime input method engine data, terra-pinyin
rime-wubi- Rime input method engine data, wubi
rime-wugniu- Rime input method engine data, wugniu
rinetd-0.73 Internet redirection server
rinutils-0.10.1 C11 / gnu11 utilities C library
rip-1.07nb10 Command-line based audio CD ripper and encoder
ripdrag-0.4.10nb2 Drag and Drop utilty written in Rust and GTK4
ripgrep-14.1.1 Line-oriented search tool
ripmime- Extract the attached files out of a MIME encoded email package
ristretto-0.13.2nb4 Xfce image viewer
rkdeveloptool-1.32 Rockchip RockUSB development tool
rkflashtool-20160324 Tools for flashing Rockchip ARM devices
rlpr-2.06nb3 Work-alike of lpr to print directly to remote printer
rlwrap-0.46.1 Provides command line editing and history for other commands
rmail-mime-1.13.0nb4 MIME-capabilities for RMAIL in Emacs
rman-3.2nb1 Produces HTML from formatted and unformatted man pages
rmtrash-1.11 Put files into OS X' trash when deleting them
rna-seq-1.3.0 Core tools needed for RNA-Seq analysis
rna-star-2.7.10b Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference
rnnoise-0.2 Recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction
robin-map-1.3.0 C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set
robodoc-4.99.6nb1 Tool to support project documentation within source code
robotfindskitten-2.7182818.701 Yet another zen simulation
roboto-fonts-20150923 Roboto font family from Google's Android
rocksndiamonds- Game like Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, or Sokoban
rocksndiamonds-levels-1.0nb3 DX, Emerald Mine, and Sokoban levels for Rocks'N'Diamonds
rocs-23.08.4nb8 KDE graph theory IDE
rofi-1.7.0nb16 Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
roller-1.21nb3 Roll log files
root-tail-0.0.10nb3 Allows printing of text directly to the X11 root window
rootprobe-200301 Root DNS server performance analysis
ropper-1.11.6nb6 Display information about executables and search for gadgets
rosegarden-2.1.4nb7 Notation editor & MIDI sequencer
roundup-1.4.19nb7 Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients
routeplanner-cli-0.11nb8 Highway trip planner written in Python
routinator-0.13.2 Validate RPKI ROA against routing announcements
rox-2.11nb21 RISC OS-like filer for X
rox-archive-2.0nb9 Simple archiver
rox-edit-2.0nb9 Simple text editor for ROX
rox-lib-2.0.2nb19 Shared code for ROX applications
rox-memo-1.9.5nb9 Reminds you about things
rox-session-0.28nb64 Very simple session manager
rox-wallpaper-2.0nb9 For setting the backdrop
roxirc-1.8nb1 Graphical IRC client written in tcl/tk
rp-l2tp-0.3nb1 User-space implementation of layer 2 tunnelling protocol
rp-pppoe-3.8nb2 Roaring Penguin's PPP over Ethernet client
rpc2-2.10nb11 CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package
rpcemu-0.9.3nb28 Emulator of classic Acorn computer systems
rpm- The Red Hat Package Manager
rpm2cpio-1.3nb7 Convert .rpm files for extraction with cpio, needs just perl
rpm2pkg-3.3.0 Convert RPM archives to NetBSD packages
rrdtool-1.2.30nb23 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rrdtool-1.9.0nb4 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rsaref-2.0p3nb1 Encryption/authentication library, RSA/MDX/DES
rsclock-0.1.11 Simple terminal clock
rscode-1.0 Reed Solomon error correction code library
rsftch-0.7.7 Lightning fast hardware fetch
rsibreak-0.12.15nb10 RSI management tool
rsltc-2.4nb4 RAISE Specification Language Type Checker
rsnapshot-1.4.3nb3 Filesystem snapshot utility
rspamd-3.10.2nb4 Fast, free and open-source spam filtering system
rss2email-3.14nb2 Get RSS feeds emailed to you
rss2html-0.8.2nb34 RSS to HTML converter
rssh-2.3.4nb2 Restricted shell allowing only scp and/or sftp
rsync-3.3.0nb1 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
rsynth-2.0nb6 Public Domain Speech Synthesis System
rsyslog-8.38.0nb23 The enhanced syslogd for Unix
rsyslog-dbi-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the dbi module
rsyslog-elasticsearch-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the elasticsearch module
rsyslog-gnutls-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the gnutls module
rsyslog-gssapi-8.38.0nb23 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the gssapi module
rsyslog-kafka-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the kafka module
rsyslog-libgcrypt-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the libgcrypt module
rsyslog-mysql-8.38.0nb23 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the mysql module
rsyslog-omprog-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the omprog module
rsyslog-pgsql-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the pgsql module
rsyslog-rabbitmq-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the rabbitmq module
rsyslog-relp-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the relp module
rsyslog-snmp-8.38.0nb22 Enhanced syslogd for Unix - the snmp module
rt-mysql-2.0.15nb21 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt-pgsql-2.0.15nb11 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt4-4.2.16nb9 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt4-cli-4.4.4nb5 Command-line interface to RT 3.0 or newer
rt5-5.0.5nb1 Industrial-grade ticketing system
rterm-0.0.8nb3 Port of suckless terminal to rust
rtf-tools-1.10nb3 RTF to troff/groff/text converter
rtf2html-1.1 Rich Text to HTML file converter
rtf2latex-1.5 Filter that converts RTF (MS's Rich Text Format) into LaTeX
rtf2latex2e-1.0fc2 RTF to LaTeX2e converter
rtfm-1.0 NetBSD documentation and GNU Texinfo files search mechanism
rtl-sdr-2.0.2 Turns your Realtek RTL2832 based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
rtmpdump- Tools for handling RTMP stream
rtorrent-0.10.0nb3 Ncurses based torrent client with support for sessions
rtptools-1.22 Tools for processing RTP data
rttr-0.9.6nb1 C++ Reflection Library
rtty-3.2nb4 Multiuser "tip"/"cu" replacement with logging
rtunes-0.8nb2 Stream audio to an AirTunes device
ru-d1489-1.5.1 CP866<->KOI8-R, CP1251<->KOI8-R and font converters acc. to RFC1489
rubber-1.1nb9 Automated system for building LaTeX documents
rubberband-3.1.2nb2 Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
ruby-3.2.6 Wrapper package for Ruby programming language
ruby-byaccr-0.1nb2 Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java'
ruby-doc-stdlib-0.10.1 Ruby Standard Library Documentation
ruby-rd-mode-0.6.22nb3 Editing mode for RD (Ruby Document Format)
ruby31-3.1.6 Ruby programming language 3.1.6 meta package
ruby31-base-3.1.6 Ruby 3.1.6 release minimum base package
ruby31-mail27-2.7.1 Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails version 2.7.x
ruby31-net-pop-0.1.2 Ruby client library for POP3
ruby31-redcarpet35-3.5.1 Markdown that smells nice
ruby31-redmine50-5.0.10 Flexible project management web application
ruby31-roadie30-rails61-3.0.0 Hooks Roadie into your Rails application version 3.0.x
ruby32-3.2.6 Ruby programming language 3.2.6 meta package
ruby32-Ascii85-2.0.1 Ascii85 encoder/decoder
ruby32-RMagick-6.0.1nb8 Ruby binding to ImageMagick
ruby32-ZenTest-4.12.2 Testing utilities for Ruby
ruby32-abstract-1.0.0 Abstract methods for Ruby
ruby32-actioncable61- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actioncable70- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actioncable71- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actioncable72- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-actionmailbox61- Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actionmailbox70- Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actionmailbox71- Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actionmailbox72- Inbound email handling framework (for Rails 7.2)
ruby32-actionmailer61- Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actionmailer70- Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actionmailer71- Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actionmailer72- Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.2)
ruby32-actionpack61- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actionpack61-xml_parser-2.0.1 XML parameters parser for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
ruby32-actionpack70- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actionpack71- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actionpack72- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-actiontext61- Rich text framework (for Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actiontext70- Rich text framework (for Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actiontext71- Rich text framework (for Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actiontext72- Rich text framework (for Rails 7.2)
ruby32-actionview61- Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-actionview70- Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-actionview71- Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-actionview72- Rendering framework putting the V in MVC (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-activejob61- Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby32-activejob70- Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby32-activejob71- Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby32-activejob72- Job classes that can be run by a variety of queueing backends
ruby32-activeldap61-7.0.0 Object oriented interface to LDAP
ruby32-activemerchant-1.137.0 Ruby library for credit card processing
ruby32-activemodel61- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-activemodel70- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-activemodel71- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-activemodel72- Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-activerecord-odbc-2.0nb4 ActiveRecord ODBC adapter
ruby32-activerecord61- Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-activerecord70- Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-activerecord71- Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-activerecord72- Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-activestorage61- Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-activestorage70- Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-activestorage71- Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-activestorage72- Local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-activesupport61- Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 6.1)
ruby32-activesupport70- Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.0)
ruby32-activesupport71- Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.1)
ruby32-activesupport72- Toolkit of support libraries (part of Rails 7.2)
ruby32-addressable-2.8.7 Replacement for the URI Implementation of standard librrary
ruby32-afm-0.2.2 Reading Adobe Font Metrics (afm) files
ruby32-airbrussh-1.5.3 Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output
ruby32-albino-1.3.3 Ruby wrapper for the Pygments syntax highlighter
ruby32-algorithms-1.0.1 Useful algorithms and data structures for Ruby
ruby32-amq-client-1.0.4 Fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client
ruby32-amq-protocol-2.3.2 AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
ruby32-amqp-1.8.0 AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
ruby32-amrita-1.0.2nb3 HTML/XHTML template library for Ruby
ruby32-amstd-2.0.0nb2 Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby32-ansi-1.5.0 Collection of ANSI escape code related libraries
ruby32-approvaltests-0.0.26 Assertion/verification library to aid testing
ruby32-arel-9.0.0 Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
ruby32-arel-helpers-2.15.0 Tools to help construct database queries
ruby32-asciidoctor-2.0.23 Convert AsciiDoc to HTML and more
ruby32-assistance-0.1.5nb1 Lightweight replacement for ActiveSupport
ruby32-async-2.21.1 Concurrency framework for Ruby
ruby32-atk-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
ruby32-awesome_nested_set-3.8.0 Awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
ruby32-aws-eventstream-1.3.0 AWS Event Stream Library
ruby32-aws-partitions-1.1023.0 Information about AWS partitions, regions, and services
ruby32-aws-sdk-core-3.214.0 AWS SDK for Ruby - Core
ruby32-aws-sdk-kms-1.96.0 AWS SDK for Ruby - KMS
ruby32-aws-sdk-s3-1.176.1 AWS SDK for Ruby - Amazon S3
ruby32-aws-sdk-secretsmanager-1.110.0 AWS SDK for Ruby - AWS Secrets Manager
ruby32-aws-sigv4-1.10.1 AWS Signature Version 4 library
ruby32-backports-3.25.0 Backports of Ruby features for older ruby
ruby32-base-3.2.6 Ruby 3.2.6 release minimum base package
ruby32-bcrypt-3.1.20 OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm for Ruby
ruby32-bcrypt_pbkdf-1.1.1 Ruby implementation of bcrypt_pbkdf from OpenBSD
ruby32-benchmark-0.4.0 Performance benchmarking library
ruby32-bindata-2.5.0 Declarative way to read and write structured binary data
ruby32-bit-struct-0.17 Library for packed binary data stored in ruby Strings
ruby32-blankslate-3.1.3 Provides Blank Slate base class
ruby32-bluecloth-2.2.0nb4 Markdown library for Ruby
ruby32-bond-0.5.1 Improve autocompletion in Ruby
ruby32-borges-1.1.0nb2 Ruby web application framework
ruby32-braintree-4.23.0 Braintree Gateway Ruby Client Library
ruby32-bsearch-1.5nb2 Binary search library for Ruby
ruby32-builder-3.3.0 Programatic generation of XML markup in Ruby
ruby32-byebug-11.1.3 Ruby 2.0 fast debugger - base + CLI
ruby32-bz2-0.2.2nb2 Ruby interface to the library libbzip2
ruby32-c21e-2.0.0 CrossPlatformExecutable library for Ruby
ruby32-cabocha-0.69 CaboCha ruby module
ruby32-cairo-1.17.12nb3 Ruby bindings for cairo
ruby32-cairo-gobject-4.2.3 Ruby binding of cairo-gobject
ruby32-capistrano-3.19.2 Tool for parallel execution of commands across multiple machines
ruby32-capistrano-harrow-0.5.3 plugin to improve the UX for users of Capistrano and Harrow
ruby32-capistrano-stats-1.1.1 Official metrics to help developing direction of Capistrano
ruby32-capybara-3.40.0 Integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby32-celluloid-0.18.0 Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
ruby32-celluloid-essentials-0.20.5 Superstructural dependencies of Celluloid
ruby32-celluloid-extras-0.20.5 Celluloid expansion, testing, and example classes
ruby32-celluloid-fsm-0.20.5 Celluloid Finite State Machines
ruby32-celluloid-pool-0.20.5 Implementation of an actor pool based on the Celluloid framework
ruby32-celluloid-supervision-0.20.6 Celluloid Supervision
ruby32-certified-1.0.0 Verify SSL certificates and provides certificate bundle
ruby32-chef-18.2.7 Configuration management tool for infrastructure automation
ruby32-chef-config-18.2.7 Chef's default configuration and config loading
ruby32-chef-telemetry-1.1.1 Send user actions to the Chef telemetry system
ruby32-chef-utils-18.2.7 Basic utility functions for Core Chef development
ruby32-chef-vault-4.1.11 Data encryption support for Chef Infra using data bags
ruby32-chef-zero-15.0.11nb1 Simple fast-start in-memory Chef server
ruby32-childprocess-5.1.0 Simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs
ruby32-chunky_png-1.3.15 Pure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG
ruby32-classifier-reborn-2.3.0 General classifier module for Bayesian and other classificaions
ruby32-classy_hash-1.0.0 Classy Hash: Keep your Hashes classy; a Hash schema validator
ruby32-clearsilver-0.10.5nb4 Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
ruby32-clutter-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of Clutter
ruby32-clutter-gdk-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter
ruby32-clutter-gstreamer-4.2.3 Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer
ruby32-clutter-gtk-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK
ruby32-cmd-0.7.2nb1 Library for building line-oriented command interpreters
ruby32-coderay-1.1.3 Syntax highlighter for Ruby and other languages
ruby32-coffee-rails61-5.0.0 Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
ruby32-coffee-script-2.4.1 Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
ruby32-coffee-script-source-1.12.2 Little language that compiles into JavaScript
ruby32-color-1.8 Color value conversion and manipulation library
ruby32-color-japanese-1.0.0 Defines RGB value for Japanese color names
ruby32-color-tools-1.3.0 Provides colour space definition and manpiulation
ruby32-colorator-1.1.0 Colorize your text in the terminal
ruby32-columnize-0.9.0 Format an Array as an Array of String aligned in columns
ruby32-commander-5.0.0 The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
ruby32-commonmarker-0.23.10 CommonMark parser and renderer written in C, wrapped in Ruby
ruby32-compass-1.0.3nb1 Stylesheet authoring framework based on Sass
ruby32-compass-core-1.0.3nb1 Compass core stylesheet library
ruby32-compass-import-once-1.0.5nb1 Speed up your Sass compilation by making @import file once
ruby32-compass-susy-plugin-0.9 Compass plugin grid system
ruby32-concurrent-ruby-1.3.4 Modern concurrency tools for Ruby
ruby32-concurrent-ruby11-1.1.10 Modern concurrency tools for Ruby
ruby32-configuration-1.3.4 Library for loading Ruby configuration files
ruby32-connection_pool-2.4.1 Generic connection pool for Ruby
ruby32-console-1.29.2 Beautiful logging for Ruby
ruby32-contracts-0.17.2 Contracts for Ruby
ruby32-cookiejar-0.3.4 Client-side HTTP Cookie library
ruby32-corefoundation-0.3.13 Ruby wrapper for macOS Core Foundation framework
ruby32-crass-1.0.6 CSS parser based on the CSS Syntax Level 3 spec
ruby32-css-parser-1.21.0 Ruby CSS parser
ruby32-cssmin-1.0.3 Ruby library for minifying CSS
ruby32-csspool-4.0.5 CSSPool is a CSS parser
ruby32-csv-3.3.1 CSV Reading and Writing
ruby32-cucumber-core-13.0.3 Core library for the Cucumber BDD app
ruby32-cucumber-cucumber-expressions-17.1.0 Cucumber Expressions for Ruby
ruby32-cucumber-gherkin-27.0.0 Gherkin parser/compiler for Ruby
ruby32-cucumber-messages-22.0.0 Cucumber Messages for Ruby (Protocol Buffers)
ruby32-cucumber-tag-expressions-6.1.0 Cucumber Tag Expressions for Ruby
ruby32-cucumber-wire-7.0.0 Wire protocol for Cucumber
ruby32-curses-1.4.7 Ruby binding for curses, ncurses, and PDCurses
ruby32-daemon_controller-1.2.0 Library for robust daemon management
ruby32-daemons-1.4.1 Toolkit to convert Ruby scripts to a daemon
ruby32-data_objects-0.10.17 DataObjects basic API and shared driver specifications
ruby32-data_uri-0.1.0 URI::Data class for parsing RFC2397 data URIs
ruby32-datamapper-1.2.0 Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
ruby32-dbd-mysql-0.4.4nb2 MySQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby32-dbd-odbc-0.2.5nb1 ODBC support for Ruby/DBI
ruby32-dbd-pg-0.3.9 PostgreSQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby32-dbd-sqlite-0.1.2nb1 SQLite support for Ruby/DBI
ruby32-dbd-sqlite3-1.2.5nb1 SQLite version 3 support for Ruby/DBI
ruby32-dbi-0.4.5nb3 Database independent interface for Ruby
ruby32-dbm-1.1.0 Wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library
ruby32-deckar01-task_list-2.3.4 Markdown TaskList components
ruby32-deep_merge-1.2.2 Merge Deeply Nested Hashes
ruby32-delayer-1.2.1 Ruby module to delay the processing
ruby32-delayer-deferred-2.2.0 Deferred for Delayer
ruby32-deprecated-2.0.1nb1 Aid developers working with deprecated code
ruby32-dhaka-2.2.1 Lexer and LALR(1) parser generators for context-free grammars
ruby32-diff-lcs-1.5.1 Diff library for Ruby
ruby32-differ-0.1.2 Simple gem for generating string diffs
ruby32-directory-watcher-1.5.1 FAM-like facility for Ruby
ruby32-div-1.3.2 Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
ruby32-diva-2.0.1 Implementation of expression for handling things
ruby32-dm-adjust-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin to increment and decrement properties
ruby32-dm-aggregates-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for aggregates on collections
ruby32-dm-ar-finders-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders
ruby32-dm-cli-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI
ruby32-dm-constraints-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin constraining relationships
ruby32-dm-core-1.2.1 Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
ruby32-dm-do-adapter-1.2.0 DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dm-ferret-adapter-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for Ferret
ruby32-dm-is-list-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists
ruby32-dm-is-nested_set-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for creating nested sets from data models
ruby32-dm-is-remixable-1.2.0 Allow you to create reusable data functionality
ruby32-dm-is-searchable-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for searching
ruby32-dm-is-state_machine-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for creating state machines
ruby32-dm-is-tree-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures
ruby32-dm-is-versioned-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models
ruby32-dm-migrations-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
ruby32-dm-mysql-adapter-1.2.0nb3 MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dm-observer-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for observing Resources
ruby32-dm-postgres-adapter-1.2.0 PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dm-rest-adapter-1.2.0 REST Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dm-serializer-1.2.2nb2 DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
ruby32-dm-sqlite-adapter-1.2.0 Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dm-sweatshop-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
ruby32-dm-tags-1.2.0 This package brings tagging to DataMapper
ruby32-dm-timestamps-1.2.0 DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
ruby32-dm-transactions-1.2.0 Adds transaction support to datamapper
ruby32-dm-types-1.2.2nb2 DataMapper plugin providing extra data types
ruby32-dm-validations-1.2.0 Library for validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
ruby32-dm-yaml-adapter-1.2.0 YAML Adapter for DataMapper
ruby32-dnsruby-1.72.3 Ruby DNS client library
ruby32-do_mysql-0.10.17nb1 MySQL driver for DataObjects
ruby32-do_postgres-0.10.17nb1 PostgreSQL driver for DataObjects
ruby32-do_sqlite3-0.10.17nb22 Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
ruby32-docile-1.4.1 Keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved
ruby32-domain_name-0.6.20240107 Domain name manipulation library for Ruby
ruby32-dotenv-2.8.1 Loads environment variables from .env
ruby32-ed25519-1.3.0 Library providing the Ed25519 algorithm
ruby32-eet-0.1.4nb11 Ruby module to read and write EET files
ruby32-em-http-request-1.1.7 EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client
ruby32-em-socksify-0.3.3 Transparent SOCKS support for any EventMachine protocol
ruby32-em-websocket-0.5.3 EventMachine based WebSocket server
ruby32-enumerable-statistics-2.0.8 Statistics features for Enumerable
ruby32-equatable-0.7.0 Extends equality comparison and inspection methods
ruby32-erubi-1.13.0 Small ERB Implementation
ruby32-erubis-2.7.0nb1 Fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language
ruby32-escape-0.2 HTML/URI/shell escaping utilities for Ruby
ruby32-ethon-0.16.0 Very lightweight libcurl wrapper
ruby32-eventmachine-1.2.7nb2 Ruby event-driven I/O using the Reactor pattern
ruby32-excon-1.2.2 EXtended http(s) CONnections
ruby32-execjs-2.10.0 Run JavaScript code from Ruby
ruby32-extlib-0.9.16 Support library for DataMapper and Merb
ruby32-ezcrypto-0.7.2 Ruby object-oriented wrapper for OpenSSL libraries
ruby32-facade-1.2.1 Module that helps implement the facade pattern
ruby32-facter-4.10.0 Cross-platform Ruby library for retrieving facts from OS
ruby32-faraday-2.12.2 HTTP/REST API client library
ruby32-faraday-em_http-1.0.0 Faraday adapter for Em::Http
ruby32-faraday-em_synchrony-1.0.0 Faraday adapter for EM::Synchrony
ruby32-faraday-excon-2.3.0 Faraday adapter for Excon
ruby32-faraday-excon1-1.1.0 Faraday adapter for Excon
ruby32-faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0 FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects for Faraday 2.x
ruby32-faraday-httpclient-2.0.1 Faraday adapter for HTTPClient
ruby32-faraday-httpclient1-1.0.1 Faraday adapter for HTTPClient
ruby32-faraday-multipart-1.0.4 Perform multipart-post requests using Faraday
ruby32-faraday-net_http-3.4.0 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP
ruby32-faraday-net_http1-1.0.2 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP
ruby32-faraday-net_http_persistent-2.3.0 Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent
ruby32-faraday-net_http_persistent1-1.2.0 Faraday adapter for NetHttpPersistent
ruby32-faraday-patron-2.0.1 Faraday adapter for Patron
ruby32-faraday-patron1-1.0.0 Faraday adapter for Patron
ruby32-faraday-rack-2.0.0 Faraday adapter for Rack
ruby32-faraday-rack1-1.0.0 Faraday adapter for Rack
ruby32-faraday-retry-2.2.1 Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited times
ruby32-faraday-retry1-1.0.3 Catches exceptions and retries each request a limited times
ruby32-faraday1-1.10.4 HTTP/REST API client library
ruby32-faraday_middleware-1.2.0 Various middleware for Faraday
ruby32-fast-stemmer-1.0.2 Ruby library for Porter stemming algorithm
ruby32-fast_gettext-2.3.0 Simple, fast, memory-efficient and threadsafe GetText
ruby32-fastercsv-1.5.5 Replacement to Ruby standard CSV library
ruby32-faye-websocket-0.11.2 Standards-compliant WebSocket server and client
ruby32-fcgi- FastCGI interface for Ruby
ruby32-feed-normalizer-1.5.2nb1 Extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers
ruby32-ferret- Text search engine library written for Ruby
ruby32-ffi-1.17.0 Loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them
ruby32-ffi-compiler-1.3.2 Ruby FFI Rakefile generator
ruby32-ffi-libarchive-1.1.14 Ruby FFI binding to libarchive
ruby32-ffi-rzmq-2.0.7 FFI bindings for ZeroMQ
ruby32-ffi-rzmq-core-1.0.7 FFI wrapper around the zeromq libzmq C API
ruby32-ffi-yajl-2.5.0 Ruby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x
ruby32-fiber-annotation-0.2.0 Mechanism for annotating fibers
ruby32-fiber-local-1.1.0 Provides a class-level mixin to make fiber local state easy
ruby32-fiber-storage-1.0.0 Provides a compatibility shim for fiber storage
ruby32-filesize-0.2.0 Class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes
ruby32-flexmock-3.0.1 Flexible mock object library for Ruby unit testing
ruby32-forwardable-extended-2.6.0 Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions
ruby32-fromcvs- CVS repository conversion tool
ruby32-fssm-0.2.10 File System State Monitor
ruby32-fuzzyurl-0.9.0 Library for non-strict parsing, construction, and wildcard-matching of URLs
ruby32-gd-0.8.0nb26 Ruby extension to drive the GD library
ruby32-gdbm-2.1.0 Ruby extension for GNU dbm
ruby32-gdk3-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of GDK3
ruby32-gdk_pixbuf2-4.2.3 Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby32-gem_plugin-0.2.3 Gem-based plugin system
ruby32-gemcutter-0.7.1 Commands to interact with
ruby32-generator-0.0.1 Help to create and use generators like rails 3
ruby32-getopt-1.6.0 Another option parsers for Ruby
ruby32-gettext-3.4.1 Ruby localization library like as GNU gettext
ruby32-gettext-activerecord-2.1.0nb4 Localization for ActiveRecord using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby32-gettext-rails-2.1.0nb3 Localization for Ruby on Rails using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby32-gettext_i18n_rails-1.13.0 Simple FastGettext Rails integration
ruby32-gio2-4.2.3 Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
ruby32-git-1.19.1 API to create, read, and manipulate Git repositories
ruby32-glib2-4.2.3 Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
ruby32-globalid-1.2.1 Reference models by URI
ruby32-gnome-4.2.3 Set of Ruby language bindings for GNOME
ruby32-gnuplot-2.6.2 Ruby interface to a gnuplot process
ruby32-gobject-introspection-4.2.3 Ruby binding of Gobject Introspection
ruby32-gssapi-1.3.1 FFI wrapper around the system GSSAPI library
ruby32-gstreamer-4.2.3 Ruby binding of GStreamer 1.0.x or later
ruby32-gtk3-4.2.3nb2 Ruby binding of GTK+-3.x
ruby32-gtksourceview3-4.2.3nb5 Ruby binding of gtksourceview3
ruby32-gyoku-1.4.0 Translates Ruby Hashes to XML
ruby32-haml-6.3.0 XHTML & CSS markup language & template engine
ruby32-hashery-2.1.2 Facets-bread collection of Hash-like classes
ruby32-hashie-4.1.0 Small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
ruby32-heckle-1.4.3nb3 Code mutation tester for Ruby
ruby32-heel-4.0.1 Static file web server based on Rack and Thin
ruby32-hiera-3.12.0 Light weight hierarchical data store
ruby32-highline-3.1.1 High-level console IO library
ruby32-hike-2.1.3 Find files in a set of paths
ruby32-hikidoc-0.1.0 Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
ruby32-hitimes-3.0.0 Fast, high resolution timer library
ruby32-hmac-0.4.0 Common interface to HMAC functionality
ruby32-hocon-1.4.0 Ruby port of the Typesafe Config library
ruby32-hoe-4.2.2 Rake extension to provide full project automation
ruby32-hpricot-0.8.6 Fast, enjoyable HTML parser for Ruby
ruby32-html-parser-19990912p2nb1 HTML-parser package for Ruby
ruby32-html-pipeline-2.14.3nb1 Helpers for processing content through a chain of filters
ruby32-html-proofer-5.0.9 Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate
ruby32-htmlentities-4.3.4 Encoding and decoding (X)HTML entities
ruby32-htmlsplit-1.0.2nb3 Ruby HTML split/join library
ruby32-htree-0.8 Tree data structure which represent HTML and XML data for Ruby
ruby32-http-4.4.1 Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
ruby32-http-accept-2.2.1 Parse Accept and Accept-Language HTTP headers
ruby32-http-cookie-1.0.8 Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265
ruby32-http-form_data-2.3.0 Build form data request bodies
ruby32-http-parser-1.2.3 Ruby bindings to joyent/http-parser
ruby32-http_parser.rb-0.8.0 Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
ruby32-http_router-0.11.2 Kick-ass HTTP router for use in Rack
ruby32-httpclient-2.8.3nb1 HTTP accessing library for Ruby
ruby32-i18n-1.14.6 New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
ruby32-icmp-0.2.2nb3 Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
ruby32-image_size-3.4.0 Measure image size using pure Ruby
ruby32-imlib2-0.5.2nb23 Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
ruby32-inifile-3.0.0 INI file reader and writer
ruby32-iniparse-1.5.0 Pure Ruby library for parsing INI documents
ruby32-inline-3.14.1 Embed C/C++ code directly in Ruby
ruby32-innate-2023.01.06 Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
ruby32-inspec-core-5.22.3 Core library for Infrastructure and compliance testing
ruby32-instance_storage-1.0.0 Manage class instances with dictionary
ruby32-io-console-0.8.0 Add console capabilities to IO instances
ruby32-io-event-1.7.5 Provides low level cross-platform primitives
ruby32-io-like-0.3.1 Functionality of an IO object to any class
ruby32-ipaddress-0.8.3 Library to handle IP addresses in a modern and productive way
ruby32-irb-1.14.2 Interactive Ruby command-line tool
ruby32-iruby-0.7.4nb1 Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython frontends
ruby32-iso8601-0.13.0 Ruby parser to work with ISO 8601 dateTimes and durations
ruby32-itex2MML-1.5.5 Ruby binding for itex2MML
ruby32-jekyll-4.3.4 Blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
ruby32-jekyll-archives-2.3.0 Automatically generates post archives by dates, tags, and categories
ruby32-jekyll-coffeescript-2.0.0 CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll
ruby32-jekyll-feed-0.17.0 Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Jekyll posts
ruby32-jekyll-gist-1.5.0nb1 Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites
ruby32-jekyll-minima-2.5.2 Beautiful, minimal and default theme for Jekyll
ruby32-jekyll-paginate-1.1.0 Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll
ruby32-jekyll-sass-converter-2.2.0 Basic Sass converter for Jekyll
ruby32-jekyll-seo-tag-2.8.0 Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for SEO
ruby32-jekyll-watch-2.2.1 Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes
ruby32-jirametrics-2.7.3 Export Jira data and generate reports
ruby32-jmespath-1.6.2 JMESPath - Ruby Edition
ruby32-jquery-rails-4.6.0nb1 Rails jQuery support
ruby32-jsmin-1.0.1 Ruby library for minifying JavaScript
ruby32-jsobfu-0.4.2 Javascript code obfuscator
ruby32-kgio-2.11.4 Provides non-blocking I/O methods for Ruby
ruby32-kramdown-2.4.0nb3 Pure-Ruby Markdown-superset parser and converter
ruby32-kramdown-parser-gfm-1.1.0 Kramdown parser for the GFM dialect of Markdown
ruby32-kramdown-rfc2629-1.7.21 IETF RFC 2629 back end for kramdown
ruby32-launchy-2.5.2 Ruby class for launching applications
ruby32-lazy_priority_queue-0.1.1 Priority queue implemented using a lazy binomial heap
ruby32-ldap-0.9.20nb2 LDAP extension module for Ruby
ruby32-levenshtein-0.2.2 Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two byte strings
ruby32-libarchive-0.1.2nb2 Ruby bindings for Libarchive
ruby32-libxml-5.0.3nb4 Support module for libxml2 library
ruby32-libyajl2-2.1.0 Vendored copy of libyajl2
ruby32-license-acceptance-2.1.13 Chef End User License Agreement Acceptance
ruby32-liquid-4.0.4 Ruby library for rendering safe templates
ruby32-listen-3.9.0 Listen to file modifications
ruby32-little-plugger-1.1.4 Module that provides Gem based plugin management
ruby32-locale-2.1.4 Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
ruby32-locale-rails-2.0.5 Rails localized functions using ruby-locale
ruby32-lockfile-2.1.3 Ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
ruby32-log4r-1.1.10 Flexible logging library
ruby32-logging-2.4.0 Flexible logging library for Ruby based on log4j
ruby32-lolcat-100.0.1nb3 Rainbows and unicorns!
ruby32-loofah-2.23.1 HTML sanitizer for Rails applications
ruby32-loquacious-1.9.1 Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby
ruby32-mab-0.0.3 Markup as Ruby, write HTML in plain Ruby
ruby32-mail-2.8.1 Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
ruby32-mailfactory-1.4.0nb1 MIME email message generator for Ruby
ruby32-manpages-0.6.1nb2 Adds support for man pages to rubygems
ruby32-marcel-1.0.4 Simple mime type detection using magic numbers and more
ruby32-marisa-0.2.6 MARISA ruby module
ruby32-markaby-0.9.4 HTML Markup as Ruby
ruby32-maruku-0.7.3nb1 Markdown-superset interpreter
ruby32-mcollective-2.1.1nb2 Framework to build server orchestration
ruby32-mecab-0.996 MeCab ruby module
ruby32-mechanize-2.12.2 Library to automate interaction with websites
ruby32-memcache-0.1.0nb2 Ruby wrapper for memcache
ruby32-memoist-0.16.2 Replacement of memoizable, memoize methods invocation
ruby32-mercenary-0.4.0 Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps
ruby32-metaid-1.0nb1 Ruby metaprogramming helpers
ruby32-metasm-1.0.5 Cross-architecture assembler, disassembler, linker, and debugger
ruby32-metasploit-concern-5.0.3 Automatically include concern modules
ruby32-metasploit-model-5.0.2 Models shared between metasploit-framework and metasploit_data_models
ruby32-metasploit-payloads-2.0.189 Compiled binaries for Metasploit\'s Meterpreter
ruby32-metasploit_payloads-mettle-1.0.36 Compiled binaries for Metasploit\'s next-gen Meterpreter
ruby32-method_source-1.1.0 Return the source code for a method
ruby32-middleware-0.1.0 Generalized implementation of the middleware abstraction
ruby32-migemo-0.40nb2 Japanese text search tool/library
ruby32-mikutter-5.0.8 Simple, powerful, and moeful twitter client
ruby32-mime-types-3.6.0 Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby32-mime-types-data-3.2024.1203 Registry for information about MIME media type definitions
ruby32-mime-types1-1.25.1 Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby32-ming-0.2.1nb14 Ruby extension to drive the Ming SWF library
ruby32-mini-magick-5.0.1 Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line
ruby32-mini_mime-1.1.5 Lightweight mime type lookup toy
ruby32-mini_portile2-2.8.8 Simple autoconf builder for developers
ruby32-minitar-1.0.2 Pure-Ruby library to deal with POSIX tar(1) archive files
ruby32-minitar-cli-1.0.0 Pure-Ruby command-line tool that uses minitar library
ruby32-minitest-5.25.4 Complete suite of testing facilities for Ruby
ruby32-mixlib-archive-1.1.7 Simple interface to various archive formats
ruby32-mixlib-authentication-3.0.10 Mixin for AuthN signing and verification
ruby32-mixlib-cli-2.1.8 Mixin for creating command line applications
ruby32-mixlib-config-3.0.27 Class based configuration library
ruby32-mixlib-log-3.1.1 Mixin for simple class-based loggers
ruby32-mixlib-shellout-3.3.4 Mixin library for subprocess management
ruby32-mkrf-0.2.3nb1 Library for generating Rakefiles
ruby32-mocha-2.7.1 Ruby library for mocking and stubbing
ruby32-moneta-1.6.0 Unified interface to key/value stores
ruby32-mp3info-0.8.10 Pure-ruby library for informations and tags on mp3 files
ruby32-msgpack-1.7.5 MessagePack implementation for Ruby
ruby32-multi_json-1.15.0 General-purpose swappable JSON backend library
ruby32-multi_test-1.1.0 Ruby module to help control rogue test/unit/autorun
ruby32-multipart-post-2.4.1 Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
ruby32-mustache-1.1.1nb3 Logic-less Ruby templates
ruby32-mustermann-3.0.3 Use patterns like regular expressions
ruby32-mysql-3.0.1 Ruby extension for MySQL
ruby32-mysql2-0.5.6 Simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
ruby32-narray- N-dimensional Numerical Array class for Ruby
ruby32-native-hyperestraier- Ruby native interface of Hyper Estaier
ruby32-native-package-installer-1.1.9 Helper to install native packages on "gem install"
ruby32-necromancer-0.7.0 Conversion from one object type to another
ruby32-needle-1.3.0 Dependency injection for Ruby
ruby32-nenv-0.3.0 Convenience wrapper for Ruby's ENV
ruby32-neovim-0.10.0 Ruby client to Neovim
ruby32-nessus_rest-0.1.6 Ruby library for Nessus JSON/REST interface
ruby32-net-dhcp-1.3.3 Net::DHCP Library for ruby
ruby32-net-http-digest_auth-1.4.1 Implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication
ruby32-net-http-persistent-4.0.5 Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
ruby32-net-imap-0.5.1 Ruby client api for Internet Message Access Protocol
ruby32-net-irc-0.0.9 Ruby IRC library
ruby32-net-ldap-0.19.0 Client access for the LDAP
ruby32-net-ping-2.0.8 Ping interface for Ruby
ruby32-net-scp-4.0.0 Secure copy for Ruby
ruby32-net-sftp-4.0.0 Secure FTP for Ruby
ruby32-net-smtp-0.5.0 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client library for Ruby
ruby32-net-ssh-7.3.0 Secure shell for Ruby
ruby32-net-ssh-gateway-2.0.0 Simple way to connect to servers behind a firewall or NAT
ruby32-net-ssh-multi-1.2.1 SSH connection multiplexing
ruby32-netaddr-2.0.6 Ruby package for working with network addresses
ruby32-netrc-0.11.0 Library to read and write netrc files
ruby32-network_interface-0.0.4 Tool to get information on network interfaces
ruby32-newfile-1.0.14nb4 Tool for creating starter files in various languages
ruby32-nexpose-7.3.0 Rapid7 Nexpose API client library written in Ruby
ruby32-nio4r-2.7.4 Cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives for scalable network
ruby32-nokogiri-1.16.8 HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support
ruby32-nokogumbo-2.0.5nb6 Gumbo HTML5 parser to parse with Nokogiri
ruby32-nori-2.7.1 XML to Hash translator
ruby32-notify-0.5.2 Ruby notification function for cross platfoms
ruby32-nqxml- XML parser written in pure Ruby
ruby32-ntlm-http-0.1.1 NTLM authentication over HTTP
ruby32-oauth-1.1.0 OAuth Core Ruby implementation
ruby32-oauth-tty-1.0.5 OAuth 1.0 TTY CLI
ruby32-observer-0.1.2 Implementation of the Observer object-oriented design pattern
ruby32-octokit-6.1.1 Ruby toolkit for working with the GitHub API
ruby32-octokit4-4.25.1 Ruby toolkit for working with the GitHub API
ruby32-odbc-0.999992 ODBC binding for Ruby
ruby32-ohai-18.1.3 Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
ruby32-oily_png-1.2.1 Native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNG
ruby32-ole- Ruby library for read/write access to OLE compound documents
ruby32-open4-1.3.4 Ruby library to manage child processes
ruby32-opengl-0.60.1nb6 Ruby bindings for OpenGL, GLU and GLUT
ruby32-openid-0.0.1 OpenID support for Ruby
ruby32-openssl-ccm-1.2.3 Ruby Gem for RFC 3610 - Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)
ruby32-openssl-cmac-2.0.2 RFC 4493, 4494, 4615 - The AES-CMAC Algorithm
ruby32-openvas-omp-0.0.4 Ruby library for communication with OpenVAS manager
ruby32-optimist-3.0.1 Commandline option parser for Ruby
ruby32-padrino-0.15.3 Padrino Ruby Web framework
ruby32-padrino-admin-0.15.3 Admin Dashboard for Padrino
ruby32-padrino-cache-0.15.3 Page and fragment caching for Padrino
ruby32-padrino-contrib-0.2.0nb1 Contributed plugins and utilities for Padrino Framework
ruby32-padrino-core-0.15.3 Padrino framework core
ruby32-padrino-gen-0.15.3 Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications
ruby32-padrino-helpers-0.15.3 Helpers for padrino
ruby32-padrino-mailer-0.15.3 Mailer system for padrino
ruby32-padrino-support-0.15.3 Support for padrino
ruby32-paint-2.3.0 Terminal painter with RGB and 256 (fallback) color
ruby32-pairing_heap-3.1.0 Performant priority queue in pure ruby
ruby32-pango-4.2.3 Ruby binding of pango-1.x
ruby32-parallel-1.26.3 Run any kind of code in parallel processes
ruby32-parseconfig-1.1.2 Provides simple parsing of standard *nix style config files
ruby32-parser-3.21.1 Ruby parser written in pure ruby
ruby32-parsetree-3.0.9 Extract and enumerate Ruby parse trees
ruby32-parslet-2.0.0 Parser construction library with great error reporting
ruby32-passenger-5.3.7nb22 Web and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js
ruby32-password-0.5.3nb2 Suite of password handling methods for Ruby
ruby32-pastel-0.8.0 Terminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API
ruby32-patch_finder-1.0.2 Toolkit to find software patches
ruby32-pathname2-1.8.4 Alternate implementation of the Pathname library
ruby32-pathutil-0.16.2 Almost like Pathname but just a little less insane
ruby32-patron-0.13.3nb14 Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl
ruby32-pcaprub-0.13.3 Ruby libpcap bindings
ruby32-pdf-core-0.10.0 PDF::Core is used by Prawn to render PDF documents
ruby32-pdf-reader-2.13.0 Library for accessing the content of PDF files
ruby32-pdf-writer-1.1.8nb1 PDF generation library
ruby32-pg-1.5.9 Ruby extension for PostgreSQL
ruby32-pg_array_parser-0.0.9 Library to parse PostgreSQL arrays into a array of strings
ruby32-pkg-config-1.5.8 Pure Ruby implementation of pkg-config
ruby32-plist-3.7.1 Manipulate Property List files
ruby32-pluggaloid-1.7.0 Extensible plugin system for mikutter
ruby32-polyglot-0.3.5 Registry of file types to load with its improved version of 'require'
ruby32-poppler-4.2.3nb4 Ruby binding of poppler-glib
ruby32-posix-spawn-0.3.15 Ruby wrapper for the posix_spawn() system call
ruby32-powerbar-2.0.1 The last progressbar-library you'll ever need
ruby32-prawn-2.5.0 Fast and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
ruby32-priority-queue-0.1.2nb4 Fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation for Ruby
ruby32-progressbar-1.13.0 Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby
ruby32-protobuf-cucumber-3.10.8nb2 Google Protocol Buffers serialization and RPC implementation
ruby32-proxifier2-1.1.0 Proxifier forces ruby to use a proxy
ruby32-pry-0.15.0 IRB alternative and runtime developer console
ruby32-public_suffix-6.0.1 Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
ruby32-puma-6.5.0 Modern concurrent web server for Ruby
ruby32-puppet-7.24.0nb1 Configuration management framework written in Ruby
ruby32-puppet-resource_api-1.9.0 Simple way to write new native resources for puppet
ruby32-pure-hyperestraier- Ruby pure interface of Hyper Estaier
ruby32-pycall-1.5.2 Calling Python functions from Ruby
ruby32-pygments.rb-3.0.0 Ruby wrapper for Pygments syntax highlighter
ruby32-qdbm- Ruby interface of QDBM
ruby32-quickml-0.7nb4 Easy-to-use mailing list system
ruby32-quota-0.5.1nb11 Quota interface for Ruby
ruby32-rabbit-3.0.3nb7 RD-document-based presentation application
ruby32-rabbiter-2.0.1nb2 Twitter client for Rabbit
ruby32-rack-3.1.8 Modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby32-rack-cache-1.17.0 HTTP Caching for Rack
ruby32-rack-contrib-2.5.0 Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
ruby32-rack-openid-1.4.2 Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid library
ruby32-rack-protection-3.1.0 Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application
ruby32-rack-rewrite-1.5.1 Rack middleware for enforcing rewrite rules
ruby32-rack-session-2.0.0 Session implementation for Rack
ruby32-rack-test-2.1.0 Simple testing API built on Rack
ruby32-rack2-2.2.10 Modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby32-rackup-2.2.1 General server command for Rack applications
ruby32-rails-dom-testing-2.2.0nb1 Ruby module to compare DOMs
ruby32-rails-html-sanitizer-1.6.2 HTML sanitizer for Rails applications
ruby32-rails61- Full-stack web application framework, Rails 6.1
ruby32-rails70- Full-stack web application framework, Rails 7.0
ruby32-rails71- Full-stack web application framework, Rails 7.1
ruby32-rails72- Full-stack web application framework, Rails 7.2
ruby32-railties61- Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 6.1
ruby32-railties70- Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 7.0
ruby32-railties71- Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 7.1
ruby32-railties72- Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails 7.2
ruby32-rainbow-3.1.1 Extends ruby String class enabling coloring text on ANSI terminals
ruby32-raindrops-0.20.1 Real-time statistics for Rack HTTP servers
ruby32-rake-compiler-1.2.8 Rake-based Ruby Extension (C, Java) task generator
ruby32-ramaze-2023.01.06 Ruby lightweight, modular, web application framework
ruby32-randexp-0.1.7 Library for generating random strings
ruby32-random-word-2.1.1 Random word generator for test data factories
ruby32-rb-appscript-0.6.1nb1 Ruby Apple event bridge
ruby32-rb-fsevent-0.11.2 Ruby interface to the Mac OS X FSEvents API
ruby32-rb-inotify-0.11.1 Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify, using FFI
ruby32-rb-kqueue-0.2.8 Ruby wrapper for BSD's kqueue, using FFI
ruby32-rbnacl-7.1.2 Ruby binding to the Networking and Cryptography library
ruby32-rbpdf-1.21.3 Ruby on Rails TCPDF plugin
ruby32-rbpdf-font-1.19.1 RBPDF font files
ruby32-rbtree-0.4.6 Sorted associative collection using Red-Black Trees for Ruby
ruby32-rc4-0.1.5 Pure Ruby implementation of the RC4 algorithm
ruby32-rchardet-1.8.0 Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby
ruby32-rcsparse- RCS parsing library for Ruby
ruby32-rdiscount- Converts documents in Markdown syntax to HTML
ruby32-rdtool-0.6.38nb2 RD (Ruby Document) converter to HTML/man/etc
ruby32-readline-3.2.6 Ruby extension to readline library
ruby32-recog-3.1.11 Framework to send network probes for identification
ruby32-red-colors-0.4.0 Wide array of features for dealing with colors
ruby32-red-datasets-0.1.7 Provide common datasets such as iris dataset
ruby32-redcarpet-3.6.0 Markdown that smells nice
ruby32-redcloth-4.3.4 Textile library for Ruby
ruby32-redmine51-5.1.5nb1 Flexible project management web application
ruby32-redmine51-code_review-1.2.1 Redmine plugin to annotate source code within the repo browser
ruby32-redmine51-flatly-light-theme-0.2.4 Flatly light theme for Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-gitmike-theme-1.2.1 Github-like theme for Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-lightbox2-0.5.1 Lightbox for image attachments in Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-minimalflat-theme-1.0.2 Minimal and flat design Redmine theme
ruby32-redmine51-minimalflat2-theme-1.9.0 Minimal and flat design theme for Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-plugins-1.3.0 Redmine plugins meta package
ruby32-redmine51-purplemine2-theme-2.16.2 Free Redmine theme for modern browsers
ruby32-redmine51-red-andy-theme-1.00 First responsive theme for Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-theme_changer-0.7.0 Redmine plugin to allow each user to select the theme of Redmine
ruby32-redmine51-themes-1.4.0 Redmine themes meta package
ruby32-redmine51-work_time-0.4.1 Redmine plugin to view and update Spent time by each user
ruby32-redmine51-yh-theme-1.6 Modern Redmine theme used in YeniHayat
ruby32-redmine60-6.0.2 Flexible project management web application
ruby32-ref-2.0.0 Weak reference implementation for Ruby
ruby32-regexp_parser-2.9.3 Scanner, lexer, parser for ruby's regular expressions
ruby32-reline-0.5.12 Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby
ruby32-repofetch-0.5.2 Plugin-based stat fetcher
ruby32-request_store-1.5.1 Per-request global storage for Rack
ruby32-require_all-3.0.0 Wonderfully simple way to load your code
ruby32-rest-client-2.1.0 Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby inspired by Sinatra
ruby32-review-5.10.0 Re:VIEW: a easy-to-use digital publishing system
ruby32-rex-arch-0.1.16 Rex Library which contains architecture specific information
ruby32-rex-bin_tools-0.1.9 Ruby Exploitation Library for binary manipulation
ruby32-rex-core-0.1.32 Core libraries required for the Ruby Exploitation Suite
ruby32-rex-encoder-0.1.7 Polymorphic encoders that Metasploit uses for payload encoding
ruby32-rex-exploitation-0.1.40 Rex library for various exploitation helpers
ruby32-rex-java-0.1.7 Ruby Exploitation library for parsing Java serialized streams
ruby32-rex-mime-0.1.9 Rex Library for creating and parsing MIME messages
ruby32-rex-nop-0.1.3 Rex library for dynamic generation of x86 multi-byte NOPs
ruby32-rex-ole-0.1.8 Rex Library for reading/writing OLE files and streams
ruby32-rex-powershell-0.1.100 Ruby Exploitation library for generating Powershell scripts
ruby32-rex-random_identifier-0.1.14 Ruby Exploitation library for generating random identifiers
ruby32-rex-registry-0.1.5 Ruby Exploitation library for parsing Windows registry files
ruby32-rex-rop_builder-0.1.5 Ruby Exploitation Library for building ROP chains
ruby32-rex-socket-0.1.59 Rex socket abstraction library
ruby32-rex-sslscan-0.1.10 Rex socket abstraction library
ruby32-rex-struct2-0.1.4 Ruby Exploitation library for generating C-style structs
ruby32-rex-text-0.2.59 Ruby Exploitation methods for text manipulation
ruby32-rex-zip-0.1.5 Ruby Exploitation library for working with zip files
ruby32-rexml-3.4.0 XML toolkit for Ruby
ruby32-rgl-0.6.6 Framework for graph data structures and algorithms
ruby32-rison-2.1.0 Ruby implementation of Rison - Compact Data in URIs
ruby32-rkelly-remix-0.0.7 JavaScript parser
ruby32-roadie-5.2.1 Making HTML emails comfortable for the Ruby rockstars
ruby32-roadie-rails61-3.2.0 Hooks Roadie into your Rails application
ruby32-roadie31-rails61-3.1.0 Hooks Roadie into your Rails application version 3.1.x
ruby32-robots-0.10.1 Parser for robots.txt
ruby32-romkan-0.4nb3 Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby
ruby32-ronn-0.7.3nb5 Manual authoring tool
ruby32-roo-2.10.1 Ruby library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
ruby32-rotp-6.3.0 Library for generating and verifying one time passwords
ruby32-rouge-4.5.1 Pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments
ruby32-rqrcode-2.2.0 Ruby library for QR codes in various formats
ruby32-rqrcode_core-1.2.0 Ruby library to encode QR Codes
ruby32-rrdtool-1.9.0nb3 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
ruby32-rspec-3.13.0 Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
ruby32-rspec-core-3.13.2 Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby, core part
ruby32-rspec-expectations-3.13.3 Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby, expectations
ruby32-rspec-its-1.3.1 Provides "its" method formerly part of rspec-core
ruby32-rspec-logsplit-0.1.3 New logger for each example
ruby32-rspec-mocks-3.13.2 This is test-double framework for rspec
ruby32-rspec-rails-6.1.5 Test-double framework for rspec
ruby32-rspec-support-3.13.2 Support utilities for RSpec gems
ruby32-rspec_junit_formatter-0.6.0 RSpec JUnit XML formatter
ruby32-rsvg2-4.2.3nb3 Ruby binding of librsvg
ruby32-rttool- RT to HTML (and hopefully LaTeX in future) table converter
ruby32-ruby-openid-2.9.2 Library for consuming and serving OpenID identities
ruby32-ruby2_keywords-0.0.5 Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
ruby32-ruby2ruby-2.5.1 Pure Ruby code from Ruby S-expressions
ruby32-ruby_smb-3.3.13 Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family
ruby32-rubyntlm-0.6.5 Message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication
ruby32-rubysdl-2.2.0nb3 Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby32-rubytter-1.5.1 Simple twitter library
ruby32-rugged-1.7.2 Ruby bindings to libgit2
ruby32-safe_yaml-1.0.5 Parse YAML safely
ruby32-sanitize-6.1.3 Allowlist-based HTML and CSS sanitizer
ruby32-sary-1.2.0nb8 Ruby Binding of Sary
ruby32-sass-3.7.4 Powerful, but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
ruby32-sass-listen-4.0.0nb1 listens to file modifications and notifies
ruby32-sass-rails-6.0.0 Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
ruby32-sass34-3.4.25 Powerful, but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
ruby32-sassc-2.4.0 Use libsass with Ruby
ruby32-sassc-rails-2.1.2 Integrate SassC-Ruby into Rails
ruby32-sawyer-0.9.2nb1 Secret User Agent of HTTP
ruby32-scanf-1.0.0 Implementation of the C function scanf(3)
ruby32-screengif-0.0.3nb2 Create animated gif screencasts
ruby32-securerandom-0.4.1 Interface for secure random number generator
ruby32-selenium-webdriver-4.27.0 Tool for writing automated tests of websites
ruby32-semantic_puppet-1.1.0 Useful tools for working with Semantic Versions
ruby32-semverse-3.0.2 Representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints
ruby32-sequel-5.87.0 Model classes for the Sequel Database Toolkit
ruby32-serverspec-2.42.3 RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet and more
ruby32-setup-3.4.1nb1 Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby32-sexp-processor-4.17.3 Generic sexp processing tools
ruby32-shadow-2.5.1 Access to shadow passwords on Linux and Solaris
ruby32-shoulda-4.0.0nb1 Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby32-shoulda-context-2.0.0 Context framework extracted from Shoulda
ruby32-shoulda-matchers-6.4.0 Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby32-simple-rss-1.3.3 Simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader
ruby32-simple_oauth-0.3.1 Simple builds and verifies OAuth headers
ruby32-simple_uuid-0.4.0 Simple, scalable UUID generation for Ruby
ruby32-simplecov-0.22.0 Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+
ruby32-simplecov-html-0.13.1 Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
ruby32-simplecov_json_formatter-0.1.4 JSON formatter for SimpleCov
ruby32-simpleidn-0.2.3 Punycode ACE to unicode UTF-8 (and vice-verse) string conversion
ruby32-sinatra-3.1.0 Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
ruby32-sinatra-contrib-3.1.0 Collection of useful Sinatra extensions
ruby32-slack-api-1.6.1nb1 Ruby wrapper for the Slack API
ruby32-slop-4.10.1 Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
ruby32-snaky_hash-2.0.1 Hashie::Mash joint to make
ruby32-snmp-1.3.2 SNMP library in pure Ruby
ruby32-soap4r-2.0.5nb1 Implementation of SOAP 1.1 for Ruby
ruby32-specinfra-2.91.0 Common layer for serverspec and itamae
ruby32-spreadsheet-1.3.3 Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
ruby32-sprockets-4.2.1 Rack-based asset packaging system
ruby32-sprockets-rails-3.5.2 Sprockets Rails integration
ruby32-spruz-0.2.13 Some miscellaneous libraries
ruby32-sqlite-2.2.3nb1 Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
ruby32-sqlite3-2.4.1 Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine
ruby32-sqlrelay-1.9.3nb8 Ruby extension for SQL Relay
ruby32-squib-0.19.0 Tool for prototyping card and board games
ruby32-sshkey-3.0.0 Pure Ruby SSH key generator
ruby32-sshkit-1.23.2 Makes it easy to write structured, testable SSH commands
ruby32-sslshake-1.3.1 Ruby library for pure SSL/TLS handshake testing
ruby32-stomp-1.4.10 Ruby library for the Stomp protocol
ruby32-stompserver-1.0.0nb3 Stomp messaging server
ruby32-stream-0.5.5 Interface for external iterators
ruby32-stringex-2.8.6 Some (hopefully) useful extensions to Rubys String class
ruby32-stringex1-1.5.1 Some (hopefully) useful extensions to Rubys String class
ruby32-strings-0.2.1 Set of useful functions for transforming strings
ruby32-strings-ansi-0.2.0 Methods for processing ANSI escape codes in strings
ruby32-subexec-0.2.3 Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout
ruby32-subversion-1.14.4nb3 Ruby bindings for Subversion
ruby32-sync-0.5.0 Module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter
ruby32-syntax-1.2.2 Ruby lexical analysis framework
ruby32-syslog-logger-1.6.8 Improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog
ruby32-systemu-2.6.5 Capture of stdout/stderr and handling of child processes
ruby32-tag-1.0.4nb3 Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI
ruby32-taglib-2.0.0 Ruby library for reading and writing meta-data of many audio formats
ruby32-tcpwrap-0.6nb6 TCP wrappers library for Ruby
ruby32-templater-1.0.0 Tool copy files and render templates using ERB
ruby32-temple-0.10.3 Template compilation framework in Ruby
ruby32-term-ansicolor-1.11.2 Ruby library colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
ruby32-termcolor-1.2.2 ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
ruby32-terminal-table-3.0.2 Simple, feature rich ascii table generation library
ruby32-termios-1.1.0 Ruby extension to termios library
ruby32-test-spec-0.10.0 BDD interface over Test::Unit
ruby32-test-unit-notify-1.0.4nb1 Test result notify extension for Ruby Test::Util
ruby32-text-1.3.1 Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
ruby32-textpow-1.4.0nb1 Library to parse and process Textmate bundles
ruby32-thin-1.8.2 Fast and very simple Ruby web server
ruby32-thor-1.2.2 Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
ruby32-thread_safe-0.3.6nb1 Thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby
ruby32-thrift-0.15.0 Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
ruby32-thrift_client-0.11.0 Thrift client wrapper for Ruby
ruby32-tilt-2.4.0 Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
ruby32-timeout-0.4.3 Auto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby
ruby32-timers-4.3.5 Pure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers
ruby32-tins-1.37.1 Not good/big enough for a real library
ruby32-tiny_tds-2.1.7nb5 Modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library
ruby32-tk-0.5.0 Tk interface module using tcltklib
ruby32-tmail- Mail manipulating library for Ruby including MIME multipart support
ruby32-tokyocabinet-1.31 Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet
ruby32-tokyotyrant-1.13 Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant
ruby32-toml-0.3.0 Parser for a sane configuration format
ruby32-tomlrb-1.3.0 Racc based toml parser
ruby32-train-core-3.12.7 Transport interface to talk to a selected set of backends
ruby32-train-rest-0.5.0 Train transport for REST
ruby32-train-winrm-0.2.13 Windows WinRM API Transport for Train
ruby32-transaction-simple- Mixin library for adding transaction support to objects
ruby32-treetop-1.6.12 Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
ruby32-ttfunk-1.8.0 TrueType Font Metrics Parser
ruby32-tty-box-0.7.0 Draw various frames and boxes in terminal interface
ruby32-tty-color-0.6.0 Terminal color capabilities detection
ruby32-tty-cursor-0.7.1 Terminal cursor positioning, visibility and text manipulation
ruby32-tty-logger-0.6.0 Readable, structured and beautiful terminal logging
ruby32-tty-prompt-0.23.1 Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt
ruby32-tty-reader-0.9.0 Set of methods for processing keyboard input
ruby32-tty-screen-0.8.2 Terminal screen size detection
ruby32-tty-table-0.12.0 Flexible and intuitive table generator
ruby32-turn-0.9.7 Test::Unit Reporter (New) -- new output format for Test::Unit
ruby32-twitter-stream-0.1.16nb2 Twitter realtime API client
ruby32-twitter_oauth-0.4.94 Ruby client for the Twitter API using OAuth
ruby32-typed-array-0.1.2 Provides methods for creating type-enforced Arrays
ruby32-typhoeus-1.4.1 Wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests
ruby32-tzinfo-2.0.6 Daylight savings aware timezone library
ruby32-tzinfo-data-1.2024.2 Daylight-savings-aware timezone library data
ruby32-tzinfo1-1.2.11 Daylight savings aware timezone library
ruby32-uconv-0.6.1 Unicode conversion library with Japanese codesets support
ruby32-uglifier-2.7.2 Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
ruby32-ultraviolet-1.0.1 Syntax highlighting engine based on Textpow
ruby32-unf-0.2.0 Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support
ruby32-unf_ext- Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
ruby32-unicode-blocks-1.10.0 Return Unicode blocks of a string
ruby32-unicode-display_width-3.1.2 Monospace Unicode character width in Ruby
ruby32-unicode-emoji-4.0.4 Emoji data and regex
ruby32-unicode-name-1.13.5 Returns name/aliases/label of a Unicode codepoint
ruby32-unicode-scripts-1.11.0 Which script(s) does a Unicode string belong to?
ruby32-unicode_plot-0.0.5 Plot your data by Unicode characters
ruby32-unicode_utils-1.4.0 Additional Unicode aware functions
ruby32-unicorn-6.1.0nb3 Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix
ruby32-uri-1.0.2 Providing classes to handle Uniform Resource Identifiers
ruby32-url_mount-0.2.1 Universal mounting points for rack applications
ruby32-useragent-0.16.11 HTTP User Agent parser
ruby32-uuidtools-2.2.0 Simple universally unique ID generation library
ruby32-validatable-1.6.7 Library for adding database/object validations
ruby32-vapor-0.81nb11 Ruby transparent persistence to postgresql
ruby32-vault-0.18.2 Ruby API client for interacting with a Vault server
ruby32-version_gem-1.1.4 Sugar for Version modules
ruby32-webby-0.9.4nb1 Static web page generator
ruby32-webrick-1.9.1 HTTP server toolkit
ruby32-webrobots-0.1.2 Ruby library to help write robots.txt compliant web robots
ruby32-websocket-1.2.11 Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol
ruby32-websocket-driver-0.7.5 WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O
ruby32-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
ruby32-webunit-20040429++nb3 HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby
ruby32-will-paginate-4.0.1 Pagination for views of model queries
ruby32-windows_error-0.1.5 Reference for standard Windows API error codes
ruby32-winrm-2.3.9 Ruby library for Windows Remote Management
ruby32-winrm-elevated-1.2.3 Ruby library for running commands as elevated
ruby32-winrm-fs-1.3.5 WinRM File System
ruby32-wisper-2.0.1nb1 Providing objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
ruby32-wmi-lite-1.0.7 Lightweight, low-dependency wrapper for basic WMI functionality
ruby32-xapian-1.4.27 Ruby bindings for Xapian search engine
ruby32-xdr-3.0.3nb1 XDR helper library for Ruby
ruby32-xhtmldiff-1.2.2 Tool for generating valid XHTML redline documents
ruby32-xmlparser-0.7.3 Ruby bindings to the Expat XML parsing library
ruby32-xpath-3.2.0 Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions
ruby32-xslt-0.9.10nb12 Ruby wrapper classes for libxslt
ruby32-xz-1.0.3 Ruby bindings for liblzma
ruby32-yajl-1.4.3 Ruby C binding to YAJL JSON library
ruby32-yamcha-0.33nb1 YamCha ruby module
ruby32-yard-0.9.37 Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language
ruby32-yell-2.2.2 Your Extensible Logging Library
ruby32-youplot-0.4.6 Command line tool that draws plots on the terminal
ruby32-zeitwerk-2.6.18 Efficient and thread-safe constant autoloader
ruby32-zinnia-0.06nb1 Zinnia ruby module
ruby32-zip-2.3.2 Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
ruby32-zookeeper-1.5.5 Zookeeper bindings for Ruby
ruby33-3.3.6 Ruby 3.3.6 release package
rubymine-bin-2018.3.5nb4 JetBrain\'s ruby IDE
rudiments-1.4.2nb8 C++ class library for client/server/daemon applications
runas-0.2.0 Wrapper around su for running a command as another user
runawk-1.6.1 AWK wrapper that provides support for modules
runit-2.1.2 UNIX init scheme with service supervision
rust-1.76.0nb6 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust-1.81.0 Safe, concurrent, practical language
rust-bin-1.76.0 Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
rust-bin-1.81.0 Safe, concurrent, practical language (pre-built distribution)
rust-bindgen-0.69.4 Automatically generate Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++) libraries
rust-kanban-0.10.5 Kanban board for the terminal
rusti-cal-1.1.0 Minimal calendar command line
rvault-0.3nb16 Secure and authenticated store for secrets and small documents
rvm-1.17 Recoverable Virtual Memory
rw-1.0 Sortix dd(1) replacement
rxvt-2.7.10nb10 Low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
rxvt-unicode-9.26nb5 Clone of rxvt supporting Xft fonts and Unicode
rzip-2.1 Create or extract .rz files, like gzip but smaller
s-nail-14.9.25 BSD mail utility with MIME extensions
s10sh-0.2.0nb3 USB/serial userspace driver for Canon PowerShot cameras
s6- The s6 supervision suite
s6-dns- Suite of DNS client programs and libraries
s6-networking- Suite of small networking utilities
s6-portable-utils- Tiny portable generic utilties
sablecc-3.7 Java based Compiler Compiler
sablevm-1.13nb7 SableVM free Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath-1.13nb1 Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine
sablevm-classpath-gui-1.13nb43 Class libraries for the SableVM Java virtual machine (GUI libraries)
sablotron-1.0.2nb14 XML toolkit implementing XSLT, DOM, and XPath
sacc-1.07nb1 Console gopher client
safecat-1.13nb1 Write data safely to a maildir
safetynet-1.15nb10 Safetynet is a perl script intended to monitor system services
sais-1.6.3nb3 Strange Adventures in Infinite Space
sakura-3.8.8nb2 Terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE that supports tab
salt-3006.7nb1 Remote execution and configuration management system
salt-docs-3006.7 Documentation for salt
sam-4.3nb4 Unix version of Rob Pike's editor for plan9
samba-3.6.25nb44 SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
samba-4.21.2nb1 SMB/CIFS protocol server suite
same-1.8 Find identical files and link(2) them to save disk space
sameboy-0.15.8nb3 Highly accurate Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator
samtools-1.21 Tools for manipulating sequence alignment maps
samurai-1.2 Ninja-compatible build tool written in C
sandboxctl-1.1nb2 Manages chroot-based sandboxes
sandy-0.4nb3 Sandy is an ncurses text editor
sane-airscan-0.99.27nb8 SANE backend for Apple AirScan (eSCL) and WSD
sane-backends-1.3.1nb5 API for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers, etc
sane-frontends-1.0.14nb68 Frontends for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers etc
sarab-1.0.0 Schedule And Rotate Automatic Backups
sarah-0.9.1bnb10 Syslog automated Rotation and Archive Handler
sarien-0.7.0nb8 Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) for Sierra On-Line Titles
sary-1.2.0nb6 Suffix array library and tools
sasm-3.10.1nb23 Simple crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM
sassc-3.6.2 Wrapper around libsass
sather-1.2.3nb21 Compiler for the Sather object oriented programming language
saturn-cli-0.4.5 Calendar for CLI nerds
sauerbraten-2020_12_27nb8 First-person shooter game based on Cube 2
sauerbraten-server-2020_12_27 First-person shooter game based on Cube 2 (server)
sawfish-1.13.0nb9 Extensible window manager that is fully configurable in Lisp
saxon- Michael H. Kay's Java XSLT processor
sayaka-3.8.1 Terminal specific Misskey client
saytime-20150127nb1 Talking clock
sbcl-2.4.11 SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation
sbd-0.5 HMAC & one-time pad-based remote login program
sc-7.16_1.1.2 Curses-based spreadsheet program
sc-im-0.8.3nb8 Curses-based spreadsheet program based on sc
scala-2.13.10 Multi-paradigm programming language
scala-sbt-1.2.8 Interactive build tool for Scala language
scalapack-2.2.0 Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage
scaleway-cli-2.30.0nb5 Command Line Interface for Scaleway
scamper-20141211d Tool for parallelised IPv4 and IPv6 measurement
scanssh-2.1nb17 SSH remote version scanner
scapy-2.6.1 Interactive packet manipulation program
scdoc-1.11.3 Simple man page generator
scdp-1.0.2nb2 Program to send Cisco Discovery Protocol packets
scew-0.3.1nb3 Light-weight DOM-like object model API for Expat
sch-20010224 Curses-based schedule management tool
schemastore-0.20231122 Collection of JSON schema files
scheme48-1.9.2 The Scheme Underground implementation of R5RS
schismtracker-20221201nb4 Clone of the good old Impulse Tracker
schroedinger-1.0.11 Dirac video compression library
sci-0.5.6nb2 Curses based data entry via templates
sci-wcalc-1.0nb3 Scilab Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
scid-3.6.1nb17 Shane's Chess Information Database
scilab-4.1nb30 High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics
scim-1.4.17nb14 Smart Common Input Method
scim-anthy-1.2.7nb45 SCIM IMEngine module for anthy
scim-array-1.0.1nb44 Array 30 Input Method Engine for SCIM
scim-canna-1.0.1nb44 SCIM IMEngine module for Canna
scim-ccinput-0.3.1nb45 SCIM IMEngine module for CCInput
scim-chewing-0.3.5nb52 SCIM IMEngine module for Chewing input method
scim-fcitx-3.1.1nb44 Fcitx ported to SCIM
scim-hangul-0.4.0nb35 SCIM IMEngine module for inputing korean scripts
scim-input-pad-0.1.3nb39 SCIM onscreen input pad
scim-m17n-0.2.3nb64 SCIM IMEngine module for m17n-lib
scim-pinyin-0.5.92nb35 SCIM IMEngine module for smart pinyin
scim-sinhala-0.1.0nb44 SCIM IMEngine module for Sinhala
scim-skk-0.5.2nb44 SCIM IMEngine module for skk
scim-tables- Data files for SCIM Generic Table Input Method module
scim-tables-vietnamese-ext-0.5.6pl17 Scim table for Telex/VNI Vietnamese Input Method
scim-thai-0.1.3nb27 SCIM IMEngine module for Thai
scim-uim-0.2.0nb46 SCIM IMEngine module for UIM
scim-unikey-0.3.1nb44 Vietnamese Input Method Engine for SCIM using Unikey IME
scintilla-3.3.9nb22 Source code editing component
scite-3.3.9nb22 Source code editor
scli-0.3.1nb21 SNMP command line interface
scm-5.5.3nb2 Portable scheme interpreter
scm-blackbox-1.20181219 Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
scmxx-0.9.0nb1 Data exchange utility for Siemens mobile phones
scponly-4.8nb2 Shell that only permits sftp
screen-4.9.1 Multi-screen window manager
screenbrightness-1.1 Command-line display brightness control for OS X
screenfetch-3.9.9 Fetches system/theme information in terminal for screenshots
screengrab-2.9.0 Crossplatform tool for grabbing screenshots of your desktop
screentest-2.0nb52 CRT/LCD screen testing utility using GTK+
screws-0.56nb29 SCRipt Enhanced Web Server
scribus-1.6.2nb9 Publishing layout with graphical interface (Qt5 port)
scriptisto-2.2.0 Language-agnostic interpreter to write scripts in compiled languages
scrollkeeper-dtd-1.0 DTD from the Scrollkeeper package
scrollz-2.2.3nb21 Advanced IRC client based on ircII client
scrot-1.11.1 Command line screen capture util like "import", but using imlib2
scrub-2.5.2nb10 Utility to overwrite disks and scrub the data on them
scrypt-1.3.1nb1 Encrypt and decrypt files
scsh-0.6.7nb1 Unix shell embedded into Scheme, with access to all Posix calls
scsiinfo-4.7 Displays information about SCSI devices attached to a system
scummvm-2.8.1nb5 LucasArts Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
scummvm-bass-0nb1 Beneath a Steel Sky
scummvm-fotaq-0nb1 Flight Of The Amazon Queen
scummvm-tools-2.1.0nb25 Conversion and compression tools for ScummVM
sd-1.0.0nb1 Intuitive find and replace CLI
sd-mux-ctrl-0.0.20200217 Control software for sd-mux devices
sdbm-90.12.1nb2 Substitute DBM, an implementation of the "real" ndbm library
sdcc-2.8.0nb14 Cross compile 8051 code
sdcc-3.9.0nb16 Cross compile microcontroller code
sdig-0.30nb5 Switch Digger finds port assignment for hosts on a switched Ethernet
sdist-1.9 Invoke rdist to distribute files to a set of hosts
sdl12-compat-1.2.52nb5 SDL-1.2 compatibility layer that uses SDL 2.0 behind the scenes
sdlpop-1.22nb8 Open-source port of Prince of Persia
sdop-0.80 Simple DocBook processor
sdorfehs-1.6 Tiling window manager descended from ratpoison
sds-2.2 Simple dynamic strings library for C
se-3.0.1nb1 Screen oriented version of ed
seahorse- GNOME encryption interface
seamonkey- All-in-one Internet application suite
seamonkey-l10n- Language packs for www/seamonkey
seaward-1.0.3 Crawler which searches for links or a specified word in a website
seccure-0.4nb3 SECCURE Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
secpanel-0.6.1 GUI front-end for SSH
see-3.0.1376nb16 JavaScript interpreter and runtime library in C
seetexk-20200908nb3 Utilities for manipulating DVI files
selawik-ttf-1.01 Open source replacement for Segoe UI
selectwm-0.4.1nb46 Simple GTK2 application to select window manager
semantic-1.4.4nb3 Lexer, parser-generator, and parser written for Emacs
semi-1.14.6nb8 Emacs lisp library to provide MIME feature
send-pr-3.113.1 GNATS problem reporting tool
sendfile-2.1bnb4 Implementation of the Simple asynchronous file transfer protocol
sendmail- The well known Mail Transport Agent
sendmail-8.18.1nb6 The well known Mail Transport Agent
sendmail-cidrexpand-8.18.1 CIDR pre-parser for Sendmail access maps
sendmail-qtool-8.18.1 Perl script to manage sendmail queue entries
sendymail-0.5.8nb11 Send emails through Yahoo using your favorite email client
senpai-0.3.0nb8 Modern terminal IRC client
sentencepiece-0.1.97 Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation
seqtk-1.4 Tool for processing sequences in FASTA/FASTQ format
sequoia-sq-0.39.0 Sequoia-PGP command line tool
ser-0.8.14nb5 SIP express router
serd-0.32.2 Lightweight C library for RDF syntax
serf-1.3.10nb2 High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
serialmail-0.75nb3 Tools for passing mail across serial links
serie-0.4.0 Rich git commit graph in your terminal
service-config-0.51 Utility to create and configure svscan service directories
sessreg-1.1.3 Manage utmp/wtmp entries for xdm
setquota-0.1nb2 Command line quota tools
sets2rootfs-0.2.0 Create a rootfs from distribution sets
setxkbmap-1.3.4 Set the keyboard map using the X Keyboard Extension
sewer-2.6nb2 SEquence Analysis using WEb Resources
sex-1.0nb1 Yet another program for spouting silly, random phrases
sfeed-2.0 RSS and Atom parser
sfml-2.5.1nb6 Free multimedia C++ API
sformat-3.7 SCSI disk maintainance, formating, and ultimative repair tool
sfsexp-1.4.1 Small Fast S-Expression Library
sfxr-1.2.1nb35 Sound generator for 8-bit game sounds
sgb-20070328nb1 The Stanford GraphBase
sge-8.1.6nb12 Son of Grid Engine distributed resource management system
sgi-fonts-1.0.457nb4 Linux compatibility package for SGI fonts
sgrep-1.94a Tool for searching and indexing text, SGML,XML and HTML files
sha3sum-1.2.0 Compute and check sha3xxx message digest
shairport-sync-3.3.9nb6 AirPlay audio player with multi-room audio synchronisation capability
shapelib-1.6.1 Library for reading, writing and updating (limited) ESRI Shapefiles
shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0 Ontologies for Semantic Desktop
shared-mime-info-2.4nb4 Core database of common types
sharity-light-1.3 Userland smbfs -- SMB to NFS protocol converter
sharness-1.2.1 Shell library to test your tools like Git does
shc-3.8.9 Shell script to C compiler
sheldon-0.8.0nb3 Fast, configurable shell plugin manager
shellcheck-0.10.0nb1 Shell script analysis tool
shelldap-1.5.1nb4 Shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers
shellspec-0.28.1 Full-featured BDD unit testing for POSIX shells
shfmt-3.7.0nb14 Shell formatter with bash support
shibari- Collection of DNS tools for Unix systems
shibboleth-sp-3.1.0nb18 Shibboleth2 Service Provider
shine-3.1.1 Fast fixed-point mp3 encoding
shlock-20080529 Shell utility to perform dot-locking
shmux-1.0.3 Shell Multiplexor
shntool-3.0.10 Lossless audio compressor wrapper tool
shod-2.6.2nb1 Hybrid (floating and tiling) tabbed window manager
shoebill-0.0.5nb18 Macintosh II emulator that runs A/UX
shorten-3.6.1 Lossless audio compressor
shotwell-0.30.8nb47 Photo organizer for the GNOME desktop
shoutrrr-0.8.0nb14 Notification library and CLI for gophers and their furry friends
shtk-1.7 Application toolkit for POSIX-compliant shell scripts
shunit2-2.1.8 Unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts
siag-3.6.1nb9 Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc
sickgear-3.30.5nb3 Management of TV shows and/or Anime
sid-milter-1.0.0nb7 Open source SPF/SenderID filter software from Sendmail, Inc
sidplay-1.0.9nb3 Tools for playing sidtunes
sidplay2-2.0.9 Tool for playing sidtunes
siege-4.1.6nb2 Website/webserver regression testing utility
sienna-1.0c One button platformer
sieve-connect-0.90nb3 Command line client for the ManageSieve protocol
sift-0.9.0nb24 Fast and powerful open source alternative to grep
signify-0.13 Cryptographically sign and verify files, from OpenBSD
sigrot-1.2nb1 Signature file rotation program
sigscheme-0.8.5 R5RS Scheme interpreter for embedded use
silc-client-1.1.8nb16 Client for the Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol
silc-client-icb-0.14nb14 Plugin for accessing ICB networks via silc-client
silc-server-1.1.18nb2 Server for the Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol
silc-toolkit-1.1.10nb1 Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol Toolkit
sile-0.14.8nb8 Modern Layout Engine with Lua based scripting
silgraphite-2.3.1 Font engine for complex non-Roman writing systems
silgraphite-ft-2.3.1nb5 FreeType wrapper for SIL Graphite
silgraphite-xft-2.3.1nb8 Xft wrapper for SIL Graphite
simage-1.8.3 Library for image format loaders and front-ends
simde-0.8.2 Header-only library for SIMD intrinsics
simgear-2020.3.11nb47 Simulator Construction Tools
simh- Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
simh3-3.12.5nb1 Bob Supnik's simulator for historic computer systems
simp-3.9.0nb1 Fast and simple GPU-accelerated image manipulation program
simulavr-1.0.0nb7 Simulator for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
simutrans-121.0nb10 Transportation simulation game
simutrans-pak128-2.8.1 High resolution graphics set for Simutrans
since-1.1 Utility to monitor log files
singularity-0.30cnb11 Endgame: Singularity game
siod-3.0nb2 Small-footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
sipcalc-1.1.6 IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator
siproxd-0.8.3nb9 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application-Level Gateway
sipsak- Sipsak is a command-line SIP testing utility
sitecopy-0.16.6nb26 Utility for synchronizing remote and local web sites
sitescooper-2.2.8nb13 Retrieve stories from websites and convert to Palm readable format
sj3- SJ3 Japanese input method
sj3-client- SJ3 Japanese input method client & library
sj3-server- SJ3 Japanese input method server
sjeng-11.0nb6 Engine for chess variations (bughouse, suicide, etc.)
skalibs- The C system programming library
skampi- MPI (Message Passing Interface) benchmarks
skencil-0.6.17nb21 Interactive drawing program
skey-1.1.5nb14 Port of OpenBSD s/key implementation
skf-2.00.4nb6 Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
skhd-0.3.2 Simple hotkey daemon for macOS
ski-1.3.2nb36 The ia64 instruction set simulator
skill-4.1.4 Signal processes given user names, ttys, commands, or pids
skippy-0.5.0nb22 Fullscreen task switcher for X11
skk-17.1nb2 Japanese input methods for Emacs
skk-jisyo-20200809 Dictionary collection for SKK
skk-jisyo-cdb-20240117 Dictionary collection for SKK
skkfep-0.86cnb2 Terminal based SKK-like Kana-to-Kanji FrontEnd Processor
skkinput-2.06.4 X11 frontend for SKK
skkserv-3.9.4nb8 Dictionary server for Simple Kana-Kanji conversion programs
skktools-1.3.1nb9 SKK dictionary manipulation tools
skopeo-1.14.3nb1 Tool for manipulating OCI containers
skypeweb-purple-1.7nb10 Skype (HTTP) plugin for libpurple messengers
sl-5.02nb4 Animated SL that runs across the terminal when you type `sl'
slatec-4.1nb3 Library of mathematical and statistical Fortran 77 subroutines
slay-1.2 Kills a login shell and process(es) of a user
sleepto-1.1 Sleep command with at-style time specification
sleepwatcher-2.2.1 Run a Unix command on macOS sleep or wake events
sleuthkit-4.1.3nb10 The Sleuth Kit (TSK) opensource forensic toolkit
slib-3.3.1 Portable Scheme library of compatibility and utility functions
slibtool-0.5.34 Surrogate libtool implementation, written in C
slim-1.4.0nb3 Simple login manager
slim-themes-20180214 Beautiful Collection Of SLiM Themes
slocate-3.1nb1 Secure Locate
sloccount-2.26nb7 Counting physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
slock-1.5 Simple X11 screen locker
slony1-2.2.11 Replication system for PostgreSQL
slop-7.5nb12 X display selection tool
slrn-1.0.3anb2 Highly customizable threaded newsreader
slumber-2.3.0nb1 Terminal-based REST client
slurm-0.3.3nb2 Realtime traffic statistics
slurm-wlm-19.05.5nb26 Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
sma-1.4nb1 Sendmail log analyser
smaSHeM-0.4 System V shared memory segment manipulator
smake-1.7nb4 Highly portable UNIX make implementation
smalltalk-3.2.5nb39 GNU Smalltalk: A smalltalk-80 implementation
smartmontools-7.3 Control and monitor storage systems using SMART
smath-studio-0.99.7822 Tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor
smbchartool-2.3anb13 File name conversion tool for Samba
smbldap-tools-0.9.6nb11 Set of ldap administration scripts for samba
sml-mode-3.9.5nb4 Emacs mode for editing Standard ML source code
smlnj-110.72nb1 Popular functional language from Bell Labs
smlnj- Popular functional language from Bell Labs
smokeping-2.7.3nb4 Latency/packet loss monitoring/graphing tool
smpeg-0.4.5 SDL MPEG Player Library
smpeg2-2.0.0nb13 Free MPEG1 video player library with sound support
smtp-delay-0.20 Introduce SMTP banner delays for qmail
smtp-vilter-1.3.8nb4 milter to scan messages for viruses and spam
smtpd-starttls-proxy- STARTTLS implementation for inetd-like mail servers
smtpfeed-1.23nb1 SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer for Sendmail
snac-2.66 Simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance
snallygaster-0.0.12nb1 Tool to scan for secret files on HTTP servers
snapcast-0.26.0nb6 Multiroom client-server audio player
snappy-1.2.1 General purpose data compression library
snappy-java- Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java
snarf-7.0 Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
snd-20.4nb23 Sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs
sndfile-tools-1.5nb8 Small collection of programs that use libsndfile
snes9x-1.63 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (CLI version)
snes9x-gtk-1.63nb6 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator (GUI version)
sniff-2.0nb1 Program to sniff logins and passwords
sniffit-0.3.5nb7 Packet sniffer program
sniffnet-1.3.1 Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic
sniproxy-0.6.1 Proxy that routes based on TLS server name extension
snmp_exporter-0.26.0nb5 SNMP Exporter for Prometheus
snmptt-1.4.2nb3 SNMP trap handler written in Perl
snns-4.3nb2 Software simulator for neural networks
snobol-1.3nb1 Macro implementation of SNOBOL4 in C
snooper-19991202nb5 Serial line protocol analyzer (need two serial interfaces)
snoopy-2.1.0 Log every executed command to syslog
snort- The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
snortsnarf-20050314.1nb10 Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
snow-20130616 Whitespace steganography program
snowflake-2.8.1nb7 Pluggable Transport for tor using WebRTC, inspired by Flashproxy
snownews-1.9nb12 Small, curses based RSS feed reader
so-0.4.10 Terminal interface for Stack Overflow
soapy-sdr-0.8.1 Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
socat- "netcat++" (extended design, new implementation)
soci-4.0.3nb9 C++ database access library
socket++-1.12.10nb2 C++ class library for UNIX Sockets with exception handling
socket-1.1 Create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
socks4-2.2nb1 Old library, server and client for using proxy firewall software
sofia-sip-1.12.11nb7 Open-source SIP User-Agent library
softether-5.02.5181nb1 Powerful and easy-to-use multi-protocol VPN software
softhsm-1.3.7nb28 Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
softhsm2-2.6.1nb21 Cryptographic store accessible through a PKCS#11 interface
softvms-1.10nb1 Emulator capable of running some Sega VMS games
soju-0.8.2 User-friendly IRC bouncer
solaris-tap-1.1.0 Solaris kernel module for virtual Ethernet devices
solarus-1.6.5nb3 Open-source Zelda-like 2D game engine licensed under GPL
solfege-3.23.4nb10 Practice several musical ear training exercises
solid-5.116.0nb3 Hardware integration and detection
solid-pop3d-0.15 Flexible POP3 server
sollya-8.0nb7 Environment and library for safe floating-point code development
solvespace-3.0nb17 Parametric 2D/3D CAD
sonata-1.7b1nb5 Elegant GTK3 client for the Music Player Daemon
sonic- Simple library to speed up or slow down speech
sonnet-5.116.0nb3 Spelling framework for Qt5
sops-3.8.1nb8 Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets
sord-0.16.16 Lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory
sound-juicer-3.24.0nb33 CD ripping tool
sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8nb2 Set of audio files for FreeDesktop
soundtouch-2.3.1 Library for changing the tempo, pitch, and playback rates of audio
source-highlight-3.1.9nb8 Highlight syntax of various languages source into HTML document
sourcecodepro-fonts-1.050nb1 Set of monospaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments
sourcehansans-fonts-2.004 Set of Pan-CJK fonts from Adobe
sourcesans-fonts-3.046R Set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces from Adobe
sowm-1.6 Itsy bitsy floating window manager
sox-14.4.2nb7 SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
space_dapp-20060717 Tiny dock app to create an empty space
spaceracer-0.2.4nb7 3D car racing game
spago-0.21.0nb2 PureScript package manager and build tool
spamass-milter-0.4.0nb1 Milter interface to Spamassassin
spamassassin-4.0.1nb1 Mail filter to identify spam
spamd-20060330nb2 OpenBSD spam deferral daemon
spamdyke-5.0.1nb5 Filters incoming SMTP connections to qmail
spamprobe-1.4dnb10 Spam detector using Bayesian analysis of word counts
spandsp-0.0.6pre21nb19 Library of DSP functions for telephony
sparse-0.6.4 Semantic parser for C
sparsehash-2.0.3 Extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
spatialindex-1.9.3 Robust spatial indexing methods
spawn-fcgi-1.6.5 FastCGI deployment tool
spcaview-0.6bnb16 USB Cameras based SPCA5xx Utilities
spdlog-1.15.0 Fast C++ logging library
spdylay-1.4.0nb14 Experimental SPDY protocol version 2, 3 and 3.1 implementation in C
spectacle-22.08.1nb17 KDE screenshot capture utility
spectro-edit-0.4 Graphically view and edit WAV files
spectrwm-3.6.0 Small dynamic tiling window manager for X11
speech-dispatcher-0.11.5 Common interface to speech synthesis library
speedbar-0.14rc4nb5 Directory and code browser for emacs
speedcrunch-0.12.0nb33 Calculator
speedtest-cli-2.1.3nb5 Command line client for use with
speedtouch-1.3.1nb4 Alcatel SpeedTouch USB ADSL modem driver
speex-1.2.1 Open-source, patent-free voice codec
speexdsp-1.2.1 Open-source, patent-free voice codec DSP library
spegla-1.1p4nb1 Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
spek-0.8.5nb8 Acoustic Spectrum Analyzer
spellcast-1.2nb1 Game of dueling wizards for two players
speyes-1.2.0nb1 South Park XEyes clone
sphinx3-0.8nb4 CMUSphinx speech recognition frontend
sphinxbase-0.8nb12 CMUSphinx speech recognition support library
sphinxsearch-2.2.11nb2 Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
sphinxtrain-1.0.8nb15 CMUSphinx speed recognition acoustic model training tools
spice-3f5.1nb6 General-purpose circuit simulation program
spice-gtk-0.41nb14 GTK+ widget for SPICE clients
spice-protocol-0.14.4nb1 Headers defining protocols for SPICE server code
spice-server-0.15.2 Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments
spiceprm-0.11nb10 Spice preprocessor for parameterized subcircuits
spider-1.1nb3 Solitaire card game from xcontrib
spidermonkey-1.8.0rc1nb5 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spidermonkey185-1.8.5nb8 Standalone JavaScript implementation in C
spiff-1.0nb2 Make controlled approximate comparisons between files
spim-8.0nb2 MIPS R2000 Simulator
spin-6.5.2 Tool for formal verification of multi-threaded software applications
spiped-1.6.1nb1 Tool for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes
spiralloops-2.0.0nb14 Loop based sampler
spiralsynth-2.0.0nb12 Polyphonic analogue softsynth
spirv-headers- Headers for translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR
spirv-llvm-translator-18.1.6 Tool and library for translation between SPIR-V and LLVM IR
spl-1.0pre3nb36 The SPL Programming Language
splay-0.8.2 Audio player/decoder that decodes MPEG Layer I,II,III and WAV files
spleen-2.0.1 Monospaced bitmap fonts
splint-3.1.2nb2 Statically check C programs
split-thai-2.38 Emacs library to split UTF-8 Thai text into words and more
splitvt-1.6.6 Run two shells in a split window/terminal
spotify-player-0.20.3 Command driven spotify player
spotify-qt-3.12 Lightweight Spotify client using Qt
spotifyd-0.3.5nb2 Open source Spotify client running as a UNIX daemon
spread-3.17.3nb13 Group communication system providing a number of messaging services
spreadlogd-2.0.0nb29 Daemon to log to file, messages from spread toolkit clients
sptk-3.9 Suite of speech signal processing tools
sptui-0.1.2nb7 Spotify TUI player
sql-workbench-130 JDBC-based cross-platform SQL query tool
sqlc-1.26.0nb1 Generate type-safe code from SQL
sqlgrey-1.8.0nb10 Postfix greylisting policy daemon
sqlite-2.8.17nb3 SQL Database Engine in a C Library
sqlite3-3.47.2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library
sqlite3-docs-3.47.2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library (docs package)
sqlite3-tcl-3.47.2 SQL Database Engine in a C Library (TCL extension)
sqlitebrowser-3.13.1nb3 Qt5 lightweight GUI editor/viewer for SQLite Databases
sqlmap-1.7.10nb1 Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
sqlrelay-1.9.3nb9 Database connection pooling middleware and API
sqlrelay-freetds-1.9.3nb8 FreeTDS support for SQL Relay
sqlrelay-mysql-1.9.3nb8 MySQL support for SQL Relay
sqlrelay-nodejs-1.9.3nb9 node.js API for SQL Relay
sqlrelay-odbc-1.9.3nb8 ODBC support for SQL Relay
sqlrelay-pgsql-1.9.3nb8 PostgreSQL support for SQL Relay
sqlrelay-sqlite-1.9.3nb8 SQLite support for SQL Relay
sqsh-2.1nb33 SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers
sqsh-motif-2.1 SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers (Motif GUI)
sqsh-x11-2.1 SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers (Athena GUI)
sqtop-20170416 Display active client connections for Squid
squashfs-4.6.1 Tools for squashfs archives
squeak-4.5 Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squeak-vm- Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squid-4.17nb13 Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
squid-5.9nb8 Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
squid-6.11nb3 Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
squidGuard-1.4nb18 Ultrafast and free filter, redirector and access controller for Squid
squidanalyzer-6.6nb7 Squid proxy native log analyser and reports generator
squidclamav-6.16nb7 Clamav ICAP service and redirector for Squid
squidview-0.86nb2 Program which monitors and displays squid logs
squirm-1.0betaB Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
squirrelsql-3.7 Java SQL client for any JDBC compliant database
squsq-3.3 Compressor/decompressor for CP/M Squeeze compressed files
sqwebmail-6.2.5 Webmail CGI for access to maildir-style mailboxes
sr-2.3.3nb10 The SR language compiler and run time system
sr-examples-2.3.3nb1 The SR language compiler and run time system
sra-tools-3.1.1 NCBI's toolkit for handling data in INSDC Sequence Read Archives
srain-1.7.0nb5 Modern IRC client written in GTK
sratom-0.6.16nb1 Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF
srb2-2.2.4nb9 Sonic the Hedgehog fan game built using the Doom Legacy engine
sredird-2.0.0 RFC2217 compliant serial port redirector
srm-1.2.15 Secure replacement for rm(1)
srs-milter-20141121nb11 Sender Rewriting Scheme milter
srsh-1.3 Emulate rsh client behavior using ssh
srtp-2.6.0 Secure Real-time Transport Protocol library
ssam-1.9nb1 UTF-8-aware stream editor like sed(1), using the sam command set
ssdeep-2.14.1 Program computing context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH)
ssh-agent-switcher-0.0.20231117nb9 SSH agent proxy for tmux
ssh-askpass-1.0nb1 X11-based passphrase dialog for OpenSSH
ssh-audit-3.1.0nb1 Tool for SSH server & client configuration auditing
ssh-chat-1.10nb17 Chat over SSH
sshfp-1.2.2nb3 Print ssh host key fingerprint resource records
sshguard-2.4.2 Protect networked hosts from brute force attacks
sshpass-1.06 Non-interactive ssh password auth
sshping-0.1.4nb1 Measure character-echo latency and bandwidth for ssh session
sshsh-1.0 Run a new shell with an SSH identity
ssldump-0.9b3nb18 SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslh-1.22c Multiplex ssl, ssh, and other connections on the same port
sslproxy-1.1.2nb4 Small SSL proxy
sslsplit-0.5.5nb3 Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
ssmping-0.9 Ping for Any- and Single-Source Multicast
ssmtp-2.64nb5 Extremely simple MTA to forward mail to a mail hub
ssr-0.4.4nb3 SimpleScreenRecorder, a screen recorder
ssss-0.5nb2 Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
ssync-1.9.1 Invoke rsync to distribute files to a set of hosts
ssystem-1.6nb9 Solar System Flyby Simulator
st-1.9nb1 Non-preemptive thread library for Internet applications
st-term-0.9.2nb1 Simple terminal implementation for X
stacks-2.60nb3 Software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences
stagit-1.2 Static git page generator
stagit-gopher-1.2 Static git page generator for gopher
stalin-0.9nb10 Aggressively optimizing Scheme compiler
stalonetray-0.8.3 Stand-alone system tray
stan- Haskell STatic ANalyser
stan-math-2.18.1 Stan Math library
standalone-tcsh-6.24.14 Standalone version of the Extended C-shell
star-1.7.0nb2 Unique standard tape archiver
starbug1-1.6.01nb34 Light weight Bug Tracking System written in C and Perl
stardic-1.31nb8 English-Chinese dictionary
starplot-0.95.5nb22 3-dimensional star chart viewer
starship-1.21.1 Fast, customizable cross-shell prompt
starttls-0.10nb11 Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on emacsen
startup-notification-0.12nb3 X11 application startup notification library
static-ast-ksh-20120801nb1 Statically-linked version of the Official AT&T release of KornShell 93
static-tcsh-6.24.14 Statically-linked version of the Extended C-shell
statist-1.0.1nb3 Small and portable statistics program
statzone-1.1.1 DNS zone file analyzer targeted at TLD zones
stava-0.6.2 CLI spell checker
stdio-wcalc-1.0nb2 Stdio Based Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
stegavorto-2011.05.26nb1 Discover secret messages embedded in the works of great authors
steghide-0.5.1nb7 Hides data (steganography) in audio or graphics files
stegtunnel-0.4nb1 Provides a covert channel in the IPID and sequence number
stella-6.7nb6 Multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator
stellarium-24.3nb3 Generate photorealistic skies with OpenGL
step-23.08.4nb7 KDE interactive physical simulator
stern-1.30.0nb1 Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes
stfl-0.24nb8 Library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals
stgit-2.4.7 Stacked GIT
stitchy-0.1.7 Simple command line tool to stitch multiple images into one
stixfonts-2.13b171 OpenType Unicode maths fonts
stlink-1.2.0 STM32 Discovery STLINKv1/v2 programming tool
stockfish-9 Strong open source chess engine
stone-soup-0.31.0nb3 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - roguelike adventure (text-only version)
stone-soup-sdl-0.31.0nb3 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - roguelike adventure (tileset version)
stow-2.3.1 Maps several separate packages into a tree without merging them
strace-4.5.15nb16 Trace system calls
stratagus-2.1nb22 Real-time strategy engine
strawberry-1.0.23nb6 Music player and music collection organizer (based on Clementine)
streamlink-5.5.1nb2 Tool that pipes video streams into a video player
streamripper-1.64.6nb2 Splits SHOUTcast stream into tracks
streamtuner-0.99.99nb90 Stream directory browser
stride-20030804 Protein secondary structure assignment from atomic coordinates
strigi-0.7.8nb61 Small fast desktop searching program
stringtie-2.1.1 Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-seq
stund-0.97 STUN Client and Server
stunnel-5.73 Universal SSL tunnel
stylewriter-0.9.9nb6 Apple StyleWriter driver for un*x
stylish-haskell- Haskell code prettifier
stylua-0.17.1 Opinionated Lua code formatter
su2-1.3 Enhanced su, users su with own password + more
sub2srt-0.5.5nb2 Simple tool to convert 2 common subtitle formats to subviewer format
subfinder-2.6.7 Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool
sublib-0.9nb36 Library that eases the development of subtitling applications
subliminal-2.1.0nb5 Video subtitles downloader
subtitleeditor-0.54.0nb30 GTK+ tool to create or edit subtitles
subtitleripper-0.3.4nb10 Subtitle ripping program
subversion-1.14.4 Version control system, meta-package
subversion-base-1.14.4nb3 Version control system, base programs and libraries
suck-4.3.2nb15 Feed a local news server without a dedicated newsfeed
suckit-0.2.0nb1 Suck the InTernet
sudo-1.9.16nb1 Allow others to run commands as root
sudoku-cli-1.0.1nb2 Commandline version of sudoku board game
suil-0.10.12nb13 Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
suitesparse-7.8.2 Set of packages for sparse matrices calculation
sun-jdk7-7.0.80nb3 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Development Kit (JDK) 7u80
sun-jre7-7.0.80 Sun's Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7u80
sunclock-3.57 Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
sundials-4.1.0nb2 Suite of nonlinear and differential/algrbraic equation solvers
sunifdef-3.1.3nb10 Tool for eliminating superfluous C preprocessor conditionals
sunwait-0.8nb1 Calculate sunrise, sunset and twilight
sunxi-tools-20170823 Tools to help hacking Allwinner A10 (and successors) devices
sup-0.3 Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
super_pi-20030927 Pi calculation program, used for stability testing (binary)
superdiff-2.2.0 Find duplicate code blocks in a file
superfile-1.1.2nb5 Pretty fancy and modern terminal file manager
superlu-6.0.1nb1 Library for solving large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
supermodel-0.2a Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator
superscript-shttpd-0.53 HTTP daemons designed to complement publicfile
supertux-0.6.3nb13 2D jump and run game in the style of the Super Mario ones
supertuxkart-1.4nb12 Free 3D kart racing game
surf-2.1nb21 Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit2/GTK+
surfraw-2.3.0nb6 Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
surgescript-0.5.5 Scripting language for games
suse-10.0nb5 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
suse-12.1nb2 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
suse-13.1nb6 SUSE-based Linux binary emulation environment
suse32_alsa-10.0 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for ALSA
suse32_alsa-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for ALSA
suse32_alsa-13.1nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for ALSA
suse32_aspell-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for aspell
suse32_aspell-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for aspell
suse32_aspell-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for aspell
suse32_base-10.0nb12 Linux 32-bit compatibility package
suse32_base-12.1nb11 Linux 32-bit compatibility package
suse32_base-13.1nb17 Linux 32-bit compatibility package
suse32_compat-10.0nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse32_compat-12.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse32_compat-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse32_cyrus-sasl-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Cyrus SASL
suse32_dbus-glib-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for dbus-glib
suse32_expat-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for expat
suse32_expat-12.1nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for expat
suse32_expat-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for expat
suse32_fontconfig-10.0nb7 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for fontconfig
suse32_fontconfig-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for fontconfig
suse32_fontconfig-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for fontconfig
suse32_freetype2-10.0nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse32_freetype2-12.1nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse32_freetype2-13.1nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse32_glib2-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GLib-2.x
suse32_glx-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse32_glx-12.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse32_glx-13.1nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse32_gstreamer-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for gstreamer
suse32_gstreamer-13.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for gstreamer
suse32_gtk2-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse32_gtk2-12.1nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse32_gtk2-13.1nb9 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse32_krb5-10.0 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse32_krb5-12.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse32_krb5-13.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse32_libSDL-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for SDL
suse32_libaudiofile-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libaudiofile
suse32_libcups-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for CUPS
suse32_libcups-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for CUPS
suse32_libcups-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for CUPS
suse32_libcurl-12.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libcurl
suse32_libcurl-13.1nb7 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libcurl
suse32_libdbus-13.1nb8 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for DBus
suse32_libdrm-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libdrm
suse32_libdrm-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libdrm
suse32_libesd-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for esd/esound
suse32_libffi-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libffi
suse32_libgc-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Boehm-Demers-Weiser g/c libraries
suse32_libgc-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Boehm-Demers-Weiser g/c libraries
suse32_libidn-10.0 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libidn
suse32_libidn-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libidn
suse32_libjpeg-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for JPEG
suse32_libjpeg-12.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for JPEG
suse32_libjpeg-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for JPEG
suse32_libjson-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libjson
suse32_libpng-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for PNG
suse32_libpng-12.1nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for PNG
suse32_libpng-13.1nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for PNG
suse32_libsigc++2-10.0 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse32_libsigc++2-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse32_libsigc++2-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse32_libsndfile-13.1nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libsndfile
suse32_libssh-13.1nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libssh
suse32_libtiff-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for TIFF
suse32_libtiff-12.1nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for TIFF
suse32_libtiff-13.1nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for TIFF
suse32_libwebp-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libwebp
suse32_libwrap-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libwrap
suse32_libxml2-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libxml2
suse32_libxml2-12.1nb6 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libxml2
suse32_libxml2-13.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libxml2
suse32_libxslt-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libxslt
suse32_locale-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with locale files
suse32_locale-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with locale files
suse32_locale-13.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package with locale files
suse32_lsb-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Linux 32-bit Standard Base
suse32_motif-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Motif
suse32_mozilla-nspr-13.1nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Mozilla NSPR
suse32_mozilla-nss-13.1nb6 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Mozilla NSS
suse32_openal-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenAL
suse32_openldap-13.1nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenLDAP
suse32_openmotif-10.0nb2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenMotif
suse32_openmotif-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenMotif
suse32_openssl-10.0nb5 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse32_openssl-12.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse32_openssl-13.1nb14 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse32_pulseaudio-13.1nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Pulseaudio
suse32_qt4-12.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Qt4
suse32_qt4-13.1nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for Qt4
suse32_resmgr-10.0nb1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for resmgr
suse32_slang-10.0nb3 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for S-Lang
suse32_slang-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for S-Lang
suse32_slang-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for S-Lang
suse32_sqlite3-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for sqlite3
suse32_sqlite3-13.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for sqlite3
suse32_x11-10.0nb4 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for X11
suse32_x11-12.1 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for X11
suse32_x11-13.1nb7 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for X11
suse_alsa-10.0 Linux compatibility package for ALSA
suse_alsa-12.1 Linux compatibility package for ALSA
suse_alsa-13.1nb2 Linux compatibility package for ALSA
suse_alsa-15.5 Linux compatibility package for ALSA
suse_aspell-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package for aspell
suse_aspell-12.1 Linux compatibility package for aspell
suse_aspell-13.1 Linux compatibility package for aspell
suse_avahi-13.1 Linux compatibility package for avahi
suse_base-10.0nb12 Linux compatibility package
suse_base-12.1nb11 Linux compatibility package
suse_base-13.1nb17 Linux compatibility package
suse_base-15.5nb1 Linux compatibility package
suse_binutils-13.1 Linux compatibility package for binutils
suse_binutils-15.5 Linux compatibility package for binutils
suse_compat-10.0nb3 Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse_compat-12.1nb1 Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse_compat-13.1 Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse_cyrus-sasl-13.1 Linux compatibility package for Cyrus SASL
suse_dbus-glib-13.1 Linux compatibility package for dbus-glib
suse_expat-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package for expat
suse_expat-12.1nb2 Linux compatibility package for expat
suse_expat-13.1 Linux compatibility package for expat
suse_expat-15.5 Linux compatibility package for expat
suse_fontconfig-10.0nb7 Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
suse_fontconfig-12.1 Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
suse_fontconfig-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
suse_fontconfig-15.5 Linux compatibility package for fontconfig
suse_freetype2-10.0nb5 Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse_freetype2-12.1nb2 Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse_freetype2-13.1nb2 Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse_freetype2-15.5 Linux compatibility package for freetype-2.x
suse_glib2-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for GLib-2.x
suse_glib2-15.5 Linux compatibility package for GLib-2.x
suse_glx-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse_glx-12.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse_glx-13.1nb5 Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse_glx-15.5 Linux compatibility package for OpenGL/Mesa
suse_gstreamer-12.1 Linux compatibility package for gstreamer
suse_gstreamer-13.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for gstreamer
suse_gtk2-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse_gtk2-12.1nb5 Linux compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse_gtk2-13.1nb9 Linux compatibility package for GTK+-2.x
suse_gtk3-13.1 Linux compatibility package for GTK+-3.x
suse_gtk3-15.5nb1 Linux compatibility package for GTK+-3.x
suse_krb5-10.0 Linux compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse_krb5-12.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse_krb5-13.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for kerberos libraries
suse_libSDL-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for SDL
suse_libaudiofile-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libaudiofile
suse_libcups-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for CUPS
suse_libcups-12.1 Linux compatibility package for CUPS
suse_libcups-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for CUPS
suse_libcurl-12.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for libcurl
suse_libcurl-13.1nb7 Linux compatibility package for libcurl
suse_libdbus-13.1nb8 Linux compatibility package for DBus
suse_libdbus-15.5 Linux compatibility package for DBus
suse_libdrm-12.1 Linux compatibility package for libdrm
suse_libdrm-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libdrm
suse_libdrm-15.5 Linux compatibility package for libdrm
suse_libesd-13.1 Linux compatibility package for esd/esound
suse_libffi-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libffi
suse_libffi-15.5 Linux compatibility package for libffi
suse_libgc-12.1 Linux compatibility package for Boehm-Demers-Weiser g/c libraries
suse_libgc-13.1 Linux compatibility package for Boehm-Demers-Weiser g/c libraries
suse_libidn-10.0 Linux compatibility package for libidn
suse_libidn-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for libidn
suse_libjpeg-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package for JPEG
suse_libjpeg-12.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for JPEG
suse_libjpeg-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for JPEG
suse_libjpeg-15.5 Linux compatibility package for JPEG
suse_libjson-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for libjson
suse_libpng-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for PNG
suse_libpng-12.1nb3 Linux compatibility package for PNG
suse_libpng-13.1nb5 Linux compatibility package for PNG
suse_libpng-15.5 Linux compatibility package for PNG
suse_libsigc++2-10.0 Linux compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse_libsigc++2-12.1 Linux compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse_libsigc++2-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libsigc++2
suse_libsndfile-13.1nb3 Linux compatibility package for libsndfile
suse_libsndfile-15.5 Linux compatibility package for libsndfile
suse_libssh-13.1nb1 Linux compatibility package for libssh
suse_libsystemd-15.5 Linux compatibility package for libsystemd
suse_libtiff-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for TIFF
suse_libtiff-12.1nb3 Linux compatibility package for TIFF
suse_libtiff-13.1nb3 Linux compatibility package for TIFF
suse_libtiff-15.5 Linux compatibility package for TIFF
suse_libwebp-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libwebp
suse_libwrap-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libwrap
suse_libxml2-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package for libxml2
suse_libxml2-12.1nb6 Linux compatibility package for libxml2
suse_libxml2-13.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for libxml2
suse_libxml2-15.5 Linux compatibility package for libxml2
suse_libxslt-13.1 Linux compatibility package for libxslt
suse_locale-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package with locale files
suse_locale-12.1 Linux compatibility package with locale files
suse_locale-13.1nb4 Linux compatibility package with locale files
suse_locale-15.5 Linux compatibility package with locale files
suse_lsb-13.1 Linux compatibility package for Linux Standard Base
suse_motif-13.1 Linux compatibility package for Motif
suse_mozilla-nspr-13.1nb5 Linux compatibility package for Mozilla NSPR
suse_mozilla-nss-13.1nb6 Linux compatibility package for Mozilla NSS
suse_openal-13.1 Linux compatibility package for OpenAL
suse_openldap-13.1nb2 Linux compatibility package for OpenLDAP
suse_openmotif-10.0nb2 Linux compatibility package for OpenMotif
suse_openmotif-12.1 Linux compatibility package for OpenMotif
suse_openssl-10.0nb5 Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse_openssl-12.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse_openssl-13.1nb14 Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse_openssl-15.5 Linux compatibility package for OpenSSL
suse_pulseaudio-13.1nb3 Linux compatibility package for Pulseaudio
suse_pulseaudio-15.5 Linux compatibility package for Pulseaudio
suse_qt4-12.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for Qt4
suse_qt4-13.1nb4 Linux compatibility package for Qt4
suse_resmgr-10.0nb1 Linux compatibility package for resmgr
suse_slang-10.0nb3 Linux compatibility package for S-Lang
suse_slang-12.1 Linux compatibility package for S-Lang
suse_slang-13.1 Linux compatibility package for S-Lang
suse_sqlite3-12.1 Linux compatibility package for sqlite3
suse_sqlite3-13.1 Linux compatibility package for sqlite3
suse_x11-10.0nb4 Linux compatibility package for X11
suse_x11-12.1 Linux compatibility package for X11
suse_x11-13.1nb7 Linux compatibility package for X11
suse_x11-15.5 Linux compatibility package for X11
sux-1.0nb1 Set user id, preserving shell and environment, checking ssh agent
suxus-1.5 Readable bitmap font for low-res displays
svb-1.0nb2 Spy Vs. Bob, the timeless classic
svgpart-23.08.4nb6 KDE svg part
svmlin-1.0 Fast Linear SVM Solvers for Supervised and Semi-supervised Learning
svn-bisect-1.1nb8 Bisect SVN repositories to find a particular change
svnfs-0.4nb58 FUSE filesystem for accessing SVN repositories
svt-av1-2.3.0 Scalable Video Technology for AV1 (SVT-AV1 Encoder and Decoder)
swagger-codegen-3.0.64 Generate clients, server stubs, and docs from an OpenAPI spec
swaks-20240103.0 Featureful, flexible, scriptable SMTP test tool
swapd-1.0.3nb2 Swap daemon for POSIX-compliant operating systems
swarm-0.61 Software arm7M core emulator
swatch-3.2.3nb8 Simple log file watcher
swath-0.6.1nb3 Smart Word Analysis for THai
swc- Small Wayland compositor implemented as a library
sweep-0.9.3nb49 Full-featured digital sound editor
sweeper-16.12.0nb40 KDE system cleaner
swi-prolog-8.0.2 ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler suite
swi-prolog-jpl-8.0.2 JPL package for SWI Prolog
swi-prolog-lite-8.0.2nb3 ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
swi-prolog-packages-8.0.2nb5 Packages for SWI Prolog
swiftsurf-1.2.5nb21 Web proxy that can handle http and https
swig-1.3.38nb4 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 1)
swig2-2.0.12nb7 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2)
swig3-3.0.12nb5 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 3)
swig4-4.1.1 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 4)
swiggle-0.4nb3 Lightweight image gallery generator
swill-0.3nb2 The Simple Web Interface Link Library
swirc-3.4.7nb5 Console based ICB and IRC client
swish-e-2.4.5nb26 Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
swisswatch-0.06nb2 Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
sword-1.9.0nb17 Bible study software libraries and tools
swt-4.21nb7 Standard Widget Toolkit for Java
swtpm-0.10.0 Software TPM (Trusted Platform Module) emulator
sxhkd-0.6.2 Simple X hotkey daemon
sxiv-26nb4 Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer
syft-0.65.0nb20 Generate Software Bill of Materials from container images and file systems
sylpheed-3.7.0nb19 Gtk based e-mail and netnews client
symbola-ttf-9.17 Basic Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and many Symbol blocks from Unicode
sympa-6.2.56nb6 Mailing list manager
syncdir-1.1 Synchronous open, link, rename, and unlink
synce-librapi2-0.9.1nb1 Utilities/libraries to make RAPI calls on WinCE devices
synce-libsynce-0.9.1 Library to support communication with WinCE devices
synce-rra-0.9.1nb2 Remote Replication Agent Connection protocol library
synce-serial-0.9.1 Wrappers for pppd to initiate communications with WinCE devices
syncffsd-0.8 FFS file system mirroring using rsync
syncstorage-rs-0.18.2 Firefox Sync Storage server in Rust
syncterm-1.1nb8 ANSI-BBS terminal designed to connect to remote BBSs
syncthing-1.26.1nb8 Keeps directories in sync across hosts
syncthing-gtk- GTK3 & Python based GUI for Syncthing
syndication-5.116.0nb3 RSS/Atom parser library
synergy- Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
syntax-highlighting-5.116.0nb3 Syntax highlighting engine for structured text and code
sys161-2.0.8 System/161 MIPS emulator
sysbench-0.4.12nb18 Modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
sysbuild-2.7nb2 Automates builds of NetBSD and manages source trees
sysbuild-user-1.1nb1 Runs sysbuild periodically under a dedicated user
sysexits-1.1 Substitute for OS's lacking it
sysgen-20151230 Assign DEC Qbus or UNIBUS standard CSR and vector addresses
sysinfo-3.5.1 Displays system hardware and software information and configuration
syslog-ng-3.38.1nb2 Highly portable log management solution
syslog-ng-afamqp-3.38.1nb1 Syslog-ng RabbitMQ module
syslog-ng-geoip2-3.38.1 Syslog-ng GeoIP module
syslog-ng-http-3.38.1nb8 Syslog-ng curl module
syslog-ng-mongodb-3.38.1nb7 Syslog-ng MongoDB module
syslog-ng-redis-3.38.1 Syslog-ng Redis module
syslog-ng-smtp-3.38.1nb1 Syslog-ng SMTP module
syslog-ng-snmp-3.38.1nb1 Syslog-ng AFSNMP module
syslog-ng-sql-3.38.1 Syslog-ng SQL module
sysmon-0.93nb2 Small and fast network monitoring tool
systester-1.5.1nb10 Test system stability and performance by calculating Pi
sysupgrade-1.5nb10 Automate upgrades of NetBSD
szip-2.1.1 Extended-Rice lossless compression
szyszka-3.0.0nb12 Fast and powerful file renamer with gtk display
t-prot-3.4 TOFU enhancement to mutt for condensing quoted text
t-rec-0.7.6nb21 Terminal recorder
t1lib-5.1.2nb7 Library for generating bitmaps from Adobe Type 1 fonts
t1utils-1.42 Utility programs for dealing with Postscript Type 1 font files
tabbed-0.7nb2 Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications
tacacs- Cisco AAA protocol (tacacs+) daemon (Shrubbery Networks version)
tacacs- Cisco authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol daemon
tack-1.09.20230201nb1 Verify or refine a terminfo description of a terminal
tads-3.0.8nb5 TADS compiler and interpreter
tagainijisho-1.2.2nb13 Japanese dictionary and learning assistant
taglib-2.0.2 Library for accessing id tags in various media files
tahoe-lafs-1.19.0 Distributed fault-tolerant least-authority filesystem
tailor-0.9.35nb10 Tool to migrate changesets between various version control systems
tailspin-4.0.0 Log file highlighter
taisei-1.4.2 Open source Touhou Project fan game
takao-ex-fonts-ttf-002.01.01 Takao Ex Fonts are based on IPA Ex fonts, and includes some bug fix
takao-fonts-ttf-003.03.01 Takao fonts are based on IPA fonts, and includes some bug fix
talloc-2.4.2 Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors
tamago-20020909nb5 CJK characters inputting system for emacs + leim
tamago-tsunagi- IM(egg) for (Free)Wnn, Canna, sj3 and Anthy
tamsyn-font-1.11 Monospaced programming font
tamzen-font-1.11.5 Bitmapped programming font, based on Tamsyn
tango-icon-theme-0.8.90nb72 Tango desktop project icon theme
tanked-0.90nb3 Multiplayer internet tank game for X11
tap-plugins-0.7.2 Tom's Audio Processing plugins
taplo-cli-0.6.0nb1 Language server protocol (LSP) for TOML
tarlz-0.22 Combined implementation of tar archiver and lzip compressor
tarsnap-1.0.40nb1 Secure online backup service
tarsnap-gui-1.0.2nb35 Cross-platform GUI for the Tarsnap backup service
tartest-1.24nb1 Test tar archive for POSIX.1-1990 compliance
task-3.40.1 Task-runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
taskserver-1.1.0nb17 Lightweight, secure server providing access to task data
taskwarrior-2.6.2nb8 Open source, command-line, TODO list manager
tasp-vsipl-20030710nb2 Vector Signal Image Processing Library
tavrasm-1.22 Assembler for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers
tc-2.3.1nb5 T-Code driver for Emacs
tcd-2.2.0nb7 Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
tcl-8.5.19nb1 Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-8.6.14nb4 Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-cgi-1.3.0 Library of Tcl procedures to assist in writing CGI scripts
tcl-dom-1.6 DOM implementation for use with TclXML or TclExpat
tcl-expat-1.1nb7 XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tcl-expect-5.45.0nb6 Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
tcl-fbsql-1.06nb11 Tcl interface to MySQL
tcl-gdbm-0.10nb6 Tcl interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
tcl-hp-15c- Simulated HP-15C RPN calculator
tcl-otcl-1.14nb8 MIT Object Tcl
tcl-pdflib-4.0.3nb23 Tcl interface to PDFlib for generating PDF files
tcl-scotty-2.1.11nb19 Network management extensions to TCL
tcl-snack-2.2.10nb9 The Snack Sound Toolkit
tcl-tDOM-0.9.1 High performance XML data handling library for Tcl using Expat
tcl-tclcl-1.20nb5 Tcl/C++ interface used by ns and nam
tcl-theo-0.0.1nb1 theo.c implementation for Tcl
tcl-tls-1.7.16nb2 TLS (aka SSL) Channel for the Tcl language
tcl-xapian-1.4.27 Tcl bindings for Xapian search engine
tcl-xml-1.2 XML parser implemented entirely in Tcl
tclap-1.2.3 Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library
tcllib-1.20 Collection of utility modules for Tcl
tclreadline-2.1.0nb4 GNU Readline library for interactive tcl shells
tcltutor-30b7 Learn Tcl interactively
tclx-8.6.3 Extension to Tcl
tcp_wrappers-7.6.4nb2 Monitor and filter incoming requests for network services
tcpdmerge-1.0nb1 Merge two tcpdump output files
tcpdpriv-0.8nb1 Anonymize tcpdump traces
tcpdstat-0.8nb1 Analyze tcpdump output
tcpdump-4.99.5 Network monitoring tool
tcpexec-0.1.1 Minimal UCSPI inetd
tcpflow-1.6.1nb22 Captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections
tcpick-0.2.1nb1 Simple tcp sniffer with tcpdump-style rules
tcpillust-1.0anb14 Graphical TCP connection analysis tool
tcpreplay-4.4.4 Replay saved tcpdump or snoop files
tcpslice- Tool for extracting portions of tcpdump's packet trace files
tcptrace-6.6.7nb1 TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptraceroute-1.4nb5 Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptraceroute6-1.0.4 Traceroute6 implementation using TCP packets
tcsh-6.24.14 Extended C-shell with many useful features
tct-1.09nb14 Programs to aid post-mortem after a break-in
tcx-19940124 Transparently compress executables
tdb-1.4.12nb1 Small database system which uses files to store data
tdir-1.71nb4 Display directories with files ordered by ending "extension"
tdl-1.5.2nb1 Todo list manager with tons of features
tds-1.4.2nb12 Web diary system
tea-48.0.1nb44 Powerful, easy-to-use text editor
tealdeer-1.7.1 Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages
team-3.1nb1 Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
teamspeak-client- Teamspeak group VoIP client
teamspeak-server- Teamspeak group VoIP server
teapop-0.3.8nb24 Yet another RFC1939 compliant POP3 server
teapot-2.3.0nb3 Curses based spread sheet program
ted-2.23nb4 X11 based WordPad-like word processor
ted-bg-2.23 Bulgarian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-cs-2.23 Czech spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-da-2.23 Danish spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-de-2.23 German spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-en-gb-2.23 British English spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-es-2.23 Spanish spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-et-2.23 Estonian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-fr-2.23 French spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-hr-2.23 Croatian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-it-2.23 Italian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-nl-2.23 Dutch spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-no-2.23 Norwegian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-pl-2.23 Polish spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-pt-2.23 Portugese spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-ru-2.23 Russian spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-sk-2.23 Slovak spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-sl-2.23 Slovene spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
ted-sv-2.23 Swedish spelling dictionary for the Ted word processor
teem-1.8.0nb5 Libraries for manipulation of Structured Scientific Data
teeworlds-0.7.5nb13 Fast-paced retro multiplayer shooter
teg-0.12.0nb9 Round-based computer board game (similar to Risk)
tegaki-python-0.3.1nb7 Base Python library for the Tegaki project
tegaki-recognize- Tegaki project integration in the desktop
tegaki-tools-0.3.1nb6 Set of command-line tools for Tegaki
tegaki-train-0.3.1nb6 Train Tegaki with your own handwriting
tegaki-wagomu-0.3.1nb13 Simple handwriting recognition engine based on DTW
tegaki-wagomu-japanese-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (all)
tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (joyo)
tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Japanese (kyoiku)
tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Wagomu-Simplified-Chinese(all)
tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (all)
tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (joyo)
tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (kyoiku)
tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Japanese (light)
tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (all)
tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Simplified-Chinese (light)
tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-0.3 Tegaki project handwriting model for Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese (all)
tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light-0.3 Zinnia-Traditional-Chinese Tegaki project handwriting model (light)
tegra-firmware-20151018 Firmware binary images for NVIDIA Tegra SOCs
tei-4nb5 DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
tei-p5-schema-1.2.0nb1 TEI P5 schema files
tei-xsl-5.14 XSLT Stylesheets to convert TEI to FO, HTML, and LaTeX
tektoncd-cli-0.37.0nb1 Command line client for interacting with Tekton components
telegram-purple-1.3.1nb17 libpurple protocol plugin for the Telegram messenger
telepathy-farstream-0.6.2nb3 Farstream connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-glib-0.24.1nb37 GObject-based C binding for the Telepathy D-Bus API
telepathy-haze-0.8.0nb20 Libpurple connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-idle-0.1.8nb30 Full-featured IRC connection manager for Telepathy
telepathy-logger-0.2.7nb43 Logger module for telepathy
telepathy-mission-control5-5.7.9nb25 Telepathy component providing abstractions for "end-user" applications
telepathy-qt5-0.9.8nb25 Qt5 bindings for telepathy
tenshi-0.15nb8 Log monitoring program to watch and report on log files
tepl4-4.4.0nb22 GtkSourceView-based text editors and IDE helper library
termatrix-2.2.0nb1 Cli to simulate the display from The Matrix
termcolor-2.0.0 C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal
terminatorx-4.2.0nb13 Realtime audio synthesizer
terminus-font-4.49.1nb3 Clean, fixed-width font
termscp-0.16.1 Feature rich TUI file transfer and explorer
termtosvg-1.1.0nb4 Record terminal sessions as SVG animations
termusic-0.9.1nb1 Music Player TUI written in Rust
terraform-0.12.31nb41 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform-provider-archive-2.1.0nb42 Terraform archive provider
terraform-provider-aws-3.27.0nb42 Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services
terraform-provider-kubernetes-1.11.4nb48 Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S)
terraform-provider-local-1.4.0nb51 Terraform provider for local resources
terraform-provider-null-2.1.2nb50 Terraform provider for nothing
terraform-provider-random-2.3.0nb49 Terraform provider for randomness
terraform-provider-template-2.2.0nb42 Terraform template provider
terraform-provider-vultr-2.11.3nb27 Terraform provider for Vultr
terrapin-scanner-1.0.3nb8 Scan SSH servers and clients for Terrapin vulnerability
teseq-1.1.1nb6 Terminal control sequence analyzer
tesseract-5.5.0 Open Source OCR Engine
testdisk-7.0 Tool to check and undelete partitions
tet3-3.7nb12 The Open Group test harness
tetrinetx-1.13.16nb2 Server for an addictive 6 player tetris game
tetris-cli-23.96.1 Tetris in a terminal
tetris-tui-0.2.10 Tetris in the terminal
tevent-0.16.1 Event system based on the talloc
tex-2up-1.3a Macros to print two-up
tex-2up-doc-1.3a Documentation for tex-2up
tex-MemoirChapStyles-doc-1.7e Chapter styles in memoir class
tex-Type1fonts-doc-2.14 Font installation guide
tex-a0poster-1.22b Support for designing posters on large paper
tex-a0poster-doc-1.22b Documentation for tex-a0poster
tex-a2ping-2.84pnb3 Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
tex-a2ping-doc-2.84p Documentation for tex-a2ping
tex-a4wide-2010nb1 Wide a4 layout for LaTeX
tex-a4wide-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-a4wide
tex-a5comb-4 A5 paper sizes support for LaTeX
tex-a5comb-doc-4 Documentation for tex-a5comb
tex-abc-2.0b Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
tex-abc-doc-2.0b Documentation for tex-abc
tex-abntex2-1.9.7 Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
tex-abntex2-doc-1.9.7 Documentation for tex-abntex2
tex-abstract-1.2a Control the typesetting of the abstract environment.
tex-abstract-doc-1.2a Documentation for tex-abstract
tex-academicons-1.9.12 Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
tex-academicons-doc-1.9.12 Documentation for tex-academicons
tex-accanthis-2022 Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
tex-accanthis-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-accanthis
tex-accents-1.4 Multiple mathematical accents
tex-accents-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-accents
tex-accfonts-0.25nb7 Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones
tex-accfonts-doc-0.25 Documentation for tex-accfonts
tex-accsupp-0.6 Better accessibility support for PDF files
tex-accsupp-doc-0.6 Documentation for tex-accsupp
tex-acmconf-1.3nb1 Class for ACM conference proceedings
tex-acmconf-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-acmconf
tex-acronym-1.49 Expand acronyms at least once
tex-acronym-doc-1.49 Documentation for tex-acronym
tex-adforn-1.2 OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
tex-adforn-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-adforn
tex-adfsymbols-1.3 SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
tex-adfsymbols-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-adfsymbols
tex-adjustbox-1.3a Graphics package-alike macros for "general" boxes
tex-adjustbox-doc-1.3a Documentation for tex-adjustbox
tex-adobemapping-2020 Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
tex-adrconv-1.4 BibTeX styles to implement an address database
tex-adrconv-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-adrconv
tex-advdate-2010 LaTeX package to print a date relative to "today"
tex-advdate-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-advdate
tex-ae-1.4 Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts
tex-ae-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-ae
tex-aeguill-15878 Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
tex-aeguill-doc-15878 Documentation for tex-aeguill
tex-afm2pl-0.7.1 Convert an Adobe font metric file to a TeX font property list
tex-albatross-0.5.1 Find fonts that contain a given glyph
tex-albatross-doc-0.5.1 Documentation for tex-albatross
tex-alegreya-2022 Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
tex-alegreya-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-alegreya
tex-aleph-0.2.54276nb1 Extended TeX
tex-algorithm2e-5.2 Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
tex-algorithm2e-doc-5.2 Documentation for tex-algorithm2e
tex-algorithmicx-2009 Suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
tex-algorithmicx-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-algorithmicx
tex-algorithms-0.1 Suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
tex-algorithms-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-algorithms
tex-alkalami-1.000 Font for Arabic-based writing systems in Nigeria and Niger
tex-alkalami-doc-1.000 Documentation files for tex-alkalami
tex-allrunes-2.1.1nb1 Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
tex-allrunes-doc-2.1.1 Documentation for tex-allrunes
tex-almfixed-0.92 Add full Arabic Unicode support to TeX-Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10
tex-almfixed-doc-0.92 Documentation for tex-almfixed
tex-alpha-persian-1.3 Persian version of the alpha BibTeX style
tex-alpha-persian-doc-1.3 Documentation files for alpha-persian
tex-alphalph-2.6 Convert numbers to letters
tex-alphalph-doc-2.6 Documentation for tex-alphalph
tex-amiri-1.000 Classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
tex-amiri-doc-1.000 Documentation for tex-amiri
tex-amscls-2020 AMS document classes for LaTeX
tex-amscls-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-amscls
tex-amsfonts-3.04nb1 TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
tex-amsfonts-doc-3.04 Documentation for tex-amsfonts
tex-amslatex-primer-doc-2.3 Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX
tex-amsmath-2.17o AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
tex-amsmath-doc-2.17o Documentation for tex-amsmath
tex-amsrefs-2.14 LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX
tex-amsrefs-doc-2.14 Documentation for tex-amsrefs
tex-amstex-2.2.49810nb1 American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
tex-amstex-doc-2.2.49810 Documentation for tex-amstex
tex-animate-20230618 Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
tex-animate-doc-20230618 Documentation for tex-animate
tex-anonchap-1.1a LaTeX style to make chapters be typeset like sections
tex-anonchap-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-anonchap
tex-anonymouspro-2.2nb1 Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
tex-anonymouspro-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-anonymouspro
tex-answers-2.16 Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
tex-answers-doc-2.16 Documentation for tex-answers
tex-antiqua-001.003nb1 URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX
tex-antiqua-doc-001.003 Documentation for tex-antiqua
tex-antomega-0.8 Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda
tex-antomega-doc-0.8 Documentation for tex-antomega
tex-antt-2.08nb1 Antiqua of Torun font for TeX
tex-antt-doc-2.08 Documentation for tex-antt
tex-anyfontsize-1.6 Select any font size in LaTeX
tex-anysize-15878 A simple package to set up document margins
tex-anysize-doc-15878 Documentation for tex-anysize
tex-apa6-2.35 Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
tex-apa6-doc-2.35 Documentation for tex-apa6
tex-apacite-6.03 Citation style following the rules of the APA
tex-apacite-doc-6.03 Documentation for tex-apacite
tex-apalike-german-2022.65403 Copy of apalike.bst with German localization
tex-apalike-german-doc-2022.65403 Documentation for tex-apalike-german
tex-apnum-1.7 Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
tex-apnum-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-apnum
tex-appendix-1.2c Extra control of appendices
tex-appendix-doc-1.2c Documentation for tex-appendix
tex-appendixnumberbeamer-1.2 Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer
tex-appendixnumberbeamer-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-appendixnumberbeamer
tex-arabi-1.1pl44662nb1 (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
tex-arabi-add-1.0 Using hyperref and bookmark packages with arabic and farsi languages
tex-arabi-add-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-arabi-add
tex-arabi-doc-1.1pl44662 Documentation for tex-arabi
tex-arabic-book-1.0 Arabic book class
tex-arabic-book-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-arabic-book
tex-arabicfront-1.1 Frontmatter with arabic page numbers
tex-arabicfront-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-arabicfront
tex-arabluatex-1.20 ArabTeX for LuaLaTeX
tex-arabluatex-doc-1.20 Documentation for tex-arabluatex
tex-arabtex-3.17.63519 Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
tex-arabtex-doc-3.17.63519 Documentation for tex-arabtex
tex-arabxetex-1.2.1 ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
tex-arabxetex-doc-1.2.1 Documentation for tex-arabxetex
tex-aramaic-serto-1.0nb1 Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
tex-aramaic-serto-doc-1.0nb1 Documentation for tex-aramaic-serto
tex-archaic-2015nb1 Collection of archaic fonts
tex-archaic-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-archaic
tex-arev-2014nb1 Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans
tex-arev-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-arev
tex-arimo-2022 Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
tex-arimo-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-arimo
tex-around-the-bend-doc-2014 Typeset exercises in TeX, with answers
tex-arphic-2.11nb2 Arphic (Chinese) font packages
tex-arphic-doc-2.11 Documentation for tex-arphic
tex-arphic-ttf-2017 TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts
tex-arphic-ttf-doc-2017 Documentation for tex-arphic-ttf
tex-arsclassica-20171031 A different view of the ClassicThesis package
tex-arsclassica-doc-20171031 Documentation for tex-arsclassica
tex-arydshln-1.76 Draw dash-lines in array/tabular
tex-asana-math-000.958 Font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
tex-asana-math-doc-000.958 Documentation for tex-asana-math
tex-ascii-chart-doc-2014 ASCII wall chart
tex-ascii-font-2.0nb1 Use the ASCII "font" in LaTeX
tex-ascii-font-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-ascii-font
tex-ascmac-2.1 Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
tex-ascmac-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-ascmac
tex-askinclude-2.7 Interactive use of \includeonly
tex-askinclude-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-askinclude
tex-aspectratio-2.0nb1 Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio
tex-aspectratio-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-aspectratio
tex-asternote-1.1 Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
tex-asternote-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-asternote
tex-astro-2.20 Astronomical (planetary) symbols
tex-astro-doc-2.20 Documentation for tex-astro
tex-asyfig-0.1c Commands for using Asymptote figures
tex-asyfig-doc-0.1c Documentation for tex-asyfig
tex-atbegshi-1.19 Execute stuff at \shipout time
tex-atbegshi-doc-1.19 Documentation for tex-atbegshi
tex-atenddvi-1.5 Provides the \AtEndDvi command
tex-atenddvi-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-atenddvi
tex-attachfile2-2.12 Attach files into PDF
tex-attachfile2-doc-2.12 Documentation for tex-attachfile2
tex-atveryend-1.12 Hooks at the very end of a document
tex-atveryend-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-atveryend
tex-augie-2021 Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
tex-augie-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-augie
tex-auncial-new-2.0nb1 Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros
tex-auncial-new-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-auncial-new
tex-aurical-1.5nb1 Calligraphic fonts for use with LaTeX in T1 encoding
tex-aurical-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-aurical
tex-auto-pst-pdf-0.7 Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
tex-auto-pst-pdf-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-auto-pst-pdf
tex-automata-0.3 Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost
tex-automata-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-automata
tex-autonum-0.3.11 Automatic equation references
tex-autonum-doc-0.3.11 Documentation for tex-autonum
tex-autotype-0.5 A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography
tex-autotype-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-autotype
tex-auxhook-1.6 Hooks for auxiliary files
tex-auxhook-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-auxhook
tex-avantgar-2021 Avantgarde font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-b1encoding-1.0 LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
tex-b1encoding-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-b1encoding
tex-babel-24.2 Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
tex-babel-albanian-1.0d Support for Albanian within babel
tex-babel-basque-1.0f Babel contributed support for Basque
tex-babel-belarusian-1.5 Babel support for Belarusian
tex-babel-bosnian-1.1 Babel contrib support for Bosnian
tex-babel-breton-1.0h Babel contributed support for Breton
tex-babel-bulgarian-1.2g Babel contributed support for Bulgarian
tex-babel-catalan-2.2p Babel contributed support for Catalan
tex-babel-croatian-1.3l Babel contributed support for Croatian
tex-babel-czech-3.1a Babel support for Czech
tex-babel-danish-1.3s Babel contributed support for Danish
tex-babel-doc-24.2 Documentation for tex-babel
tex-babel-dutch-3.8l Babel contributed support for Dutch
tex-babel-english-3.3q Babel support for English
tex-babel-esperanto-1.4t Babel support for Esperanto
tex-babel-estonian-1.1a Babel support for Estonian
tex-babel-finnish-1.3s Babel support for Finnish
tex-babel-french-3.5s Babel contributed support for French
tex-babel-friulan-1.3 Babel/Polyglossia support for Friulan(Furlan)
tex-babel-galician-2017 Babel support for Galician
tex-babel-georgian-2.2 Babel support of documents written in Georgian
tex-babel-german-2.14 Babel support for documents written in German
tex-babel-greek-1.15 Babel support for the Greek language and script
tex-babel-hebrew-2.4a Babel support for Hebrew
tex-babel-hungarian-1.5c.49701 Babel support for Hungarian (Magyar)
tex-babel-icelandic-1.3 Babel support for Icelandic
tex-babel-interlingua-1.6 Babel support for Interlingua
tex-babel-irish-1.0h Babel support for Irish
tex-babel-italian-1.5.00 Babel support for Italian text
tex-babel-japanese-2020 Babel support for Japanese
tex-babel-kurmanji-1.1 Babel support for Kurmanji
tex-babel-latin-4.0 Babel support for Latin
tex-babel-latvian-2.0b Babel support for Latvian
tex-babel-norsk-2.0k Babel support for Norwegian
tex-babel-piedmontese-1.0 Babel support for Piedmontese
tex-babel-polish-1.3 Babel support for Polish
tex-babel-portuges-1.2t Babel support for Portuges
tex-babel-romanian-1.2m Babel support for Romanian
tex-babel-romansh-2014 Babel/Polyglossia support for the Romansh language
tex-babel-russian-1.3m Russian language module for Babel
tex-babel-samin-1.0d Babel support for Samin
tex-babel-scottish-1.0h Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
tex-babel-serbian-2.2a Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
tex-babel-serbianc-3.2a Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
tex-babel-slovak-3.1a Babel support for typesetting Slovak
tex-babel-slovenian-1.2o Babel support for typesetting Slovenian
tex-babel-sorbian-1.0j Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
tex-babel-spanish-5.0q Babel support for Spanish
tex-babel-swedish-2.3e Babel support for typesetting Swedish
tex-babel-thai-1.0.0 Support for Thai within babel
tex-babel-turkish-1.4 Babel support for Turkish documents
tex-babel-ukrainian-1.4e Babel support for Ukrainian
tex-babel-vietnamese-1.4 Babel support for typesetting Vietnamese
tex-babel-welsh-1.1a Babel support for Welsh
tex-babelbib-1.34 Multilingual bibliographies
tex-babelbib-doc-1.34 Documentation for tex-babelbib
tex-background-2.1 Placement of background material on pages of a document
tex-background-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-background
tex-baekmuk-2.2.1 Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts
tex-baekmuk-doc-2.2.1 Documentation for tex-baekmuk
tex-bagpipe-3.02 Support for typesetting bagpipe music
tex-bagpipe-doc-3.02 Documentation for tex-bagpipe
tex-barcodes-2014 Fonts for making barcodes
tex-barcodes-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-barcodes
tex-bartel-chess-fonts-2014 A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams
tex-bartel-chess-fonts-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-bartel-chess-fonts
tex-baskervaldadf-1.1 Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
tex-baskervaldadf-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-baskervaldadf
tex-baskervaldx-1.078 Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
tex-baskervaldx-doc-1.078 Documentation for tex-baskervaldx
tex-bbcard-2014 Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards
tex-bbcard-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-bbcard
tex-bbding-1.01 Symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
tex-bbding-doc-1.01 Documentation for tex-bbding
tex-bbm-2014 "Blackboard-style" cm fonts
tex-bbm-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-bbm
tex-bbm-macros-2014 LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
tex-bbm-macros-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-bbm-macros
tex-bbold-1.01 Sans serif blackboard bold
tex-bbold-doc-1.01 Documentation for tex-bbold
tex-bbold-type1-2014nb1 Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
tex-bbold-type1-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-bbold-type1
tex-bclogo-3.15 Creating colourful boxes with logos
tex-bclogo-doc-3.15 Documentation for tex-bclogo
tex-beamer-3.71 LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
tex-beamer-doc-3.71 Documentation for tex-beamer
tex-beamerposter-1.13 Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
tex-beamerposter-doc-1.13 Documentation for tex-beamerposter
tex-beamertheme-cuerna-2020 Beamer theme with 4 colour palettes
tex-beamertheme-detlevcm-1.02 Beamer theme designed for use in the University of Leeds
tex-beamertheme-epyt-1.0 Simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer class
tex-beamertheme-focus-3.4.0 Minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
tex-beamertheme-light-1.0 Minimal beamer style
tex-beamertheme-metropolis-1.2 Modern LaTeX beamer theme
tex-beamertheme-npbt-4.1 Collection of LaTeX beamer themes
tex-beamertheme-phnompenh-1.0 A simple beamer theme
tex-beamertheme-saintpetersburg-2020 Beamer theme incorporating colours and fonts of Saint Petersburg State University
tex-beamertheme-upenn-bc-1.0 Beamer themes for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania
tex-beamerthemejltree-1.1 Contributed beamer theme
tex-beamerthemenirma-0.1 Beamer theme for academic presentations
tex-belleek-2022 Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
tex-belleek-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-belleek
tex-bera-2010nb2 Bera fonts
tex-bera-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-bera
tex-berenisadf-2.1 Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
tex-berenisadf-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-berenisadf
tex-beton-2010 Use Concrete fonts
tex-beton-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-beton
tex-bguq-0.4nb1 Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages
tex-bguq-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-bguq
tex-biblatex-3.20 Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
tex-biblatex-apa-9.17 BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
tex-biblatex-apa-doc-9.17 Documentation for tex-biblatex-apa
tex-biblatex-doc-3.20 Documentation for tex-biblatex
tex-biblatex-ieee-1.3g IEEE style files for BibLaTeX
tex-biblatex-ieee-doc-1.3g Documentation for tex-biblatex-ieee
tex-biblatex-nature-1.3d BibLaTeX support for Nature
tex-biblatex-nature-doc-1.3d Documentation for tex-biblatex-nature
tex-bibleref-german-1.0a German adaptation of bibleref
tex-bibleref-german-doc-1.0a Documentation for tex-bibleref-german
tex-bibtex-0.99dnb2 Reference management software for LaTeX
tex-bibtex-doc-0.99dnb1 Documentation for tex-bibtex
tex-bibtopic-1.1a Include multiple bibliographies in a document
tex-bibtopic-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-bibtopic
tex-bibunits-2.2 Multiple bibliographies in one document
tex-bibunits-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-bibunits
tex-bidi-39.8 Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
tex-bidi-doc-39.8 Documentation for tex-bidi
tex-bidihl-0.1c Experimental bidi-aware text highlighting
tex-bidihl-doc-0.1c Documentation for tex-bidihl
tex-bigfoot-2.1 Footnotes for critical editions
tex-bigfoot-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-bigfoot
tex-bigintcalc-1.5 Integer calculations on very large numbers
tex-bigintcalc-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-bigintcalc
tex-bitset-1.3 Handle bit-vector datatype
tex-bitset-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-bitset
tex-blacklettert1-2014 T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
tex-blacklettert1-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-blacklettert1
tex-blindtext-2.0 Producing 'blind' text for testing
tex-blindtext-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-blindtext
tex-blkarray-0.07 Extended array and tabular
tex-blkarray-doc-0.07 Documentation for tex-blkarray
tex-block-2009 LaTeX block letter style for the letter class
tex-block-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-block
tex-blockdraw_mp-2014 Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost
tex-blockdraw_mp-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-blockdraw_mp
tex-boisik-0.5 Font inspired by Baskerville design
tex-boisik-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-boisik
tex-bold-extra-0.1 LaTeX package to use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
tex-bold-extra-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-bold-extra
tex-bookhands-2018nb1 Collection of book-hand fonts
tex-bookhands-doc-2018 Documentation for tex-bookhands
tex-bookman-2021 Bookman font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-bookmark-1.31 New bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
tex-bookmark-doc-1.31 Documentation for tex-bookmark
tex-booktabs-1.61803398nb1 Publication quality tables in LaTeX
tex-booktabs-de-doc-1.61803 German version of booktabs
tex-booktabs-doc-1.61803398 Documentation for tex-booktabs
tex-boondox-1.02dnb1 Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
tex-boondox-doc-1.02d Documentation for tex-boondox
tex-boxedminipage-1.1 LaTeX package for producing framed minipages
tex-boxedminipage-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-boxedminipage
tex-bpolynomial-0.5 Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3
tex-bpolynomial-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-bpolynomial
tex-braille-2014 Support for braille
tex-braille-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-braille
tex-braket-2009 Dirac bra-ket and set notations for LaTeX
tex-braket-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-braket
tex-breakcites-2010 LaTeX package to a line break in multiple citations
tex-breakcites-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-breakcites
tex-bredzenie-1.0 Polish version of "lorem ipsum..." in the form of a LaTeX package
tex-bredzenie-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-bredzenie
tex-breqn-0.98l Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
tex-brushscr-2014nb1 Handwriting script font
tex-brushscr-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-brushscr
tex-bussproofs-1.1 Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
tex-bussproofs-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-bussproofs
tex-bxbase-1.2a BX bundle base components
tex-bxbase-doc-1.2a Documentation for tex-bxbase
tex-bxcjkjatype-0.5 Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
tex-bxcjkjatype-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-bxcjkjatype
tex-bxghost-0.5.1 Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
tex-bxghost-doc-0.5.1 Documentation for tex-bxghost
tex-bxjaholiday-1.1.1 Support for Japanese holidays
tex-bxjaholiday-doc-1.1.1 Documentation for tex-bxjaholiday
tex-bxjalipsum-1.0a Dummy text in Japanese
tex-bxjalipsum-doc-1.0a Documentation for tex-bxjalipsum
tex-bxjaprnind-0.4a Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
tex-bxjaprnind-doc-0.4a Documentation for tex-bxjaprnind
tex-bxjatoucs-0.3a Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
tex-bxjatoucs-doc-0.3a Documentation for tex-bxjatoucs
tex-bxjscls-2.9c Japanese document class collection for all major engines
tex-bxjscls-doc-2.9c Documentation for tex-bxjscls
tex-bxorigcapt-1.0 To retain the original caption names when using Babel
tex-bxorigcapt-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-bxorigcapt
tex-bxwareki-0.7 Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
tex-bxwareki-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-bxwareki
tex-c90-2021 C90 font encoding for Thai
tex-c90-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-c90
tex-cabin-2023 Humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
tex-cabin-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-cabin
tex-caladea-2022 Support for the Caladea family of fonts
tex-caladea-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-caladea
tex-calligra-2014 Calligraphic font
tex-calligra-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-calligra
tex-calligra-type1-001.000nb1 Type 1 version of Calligra
tex-calligra-type1-doc-001.000 Documentation for tex-calligra-type1
tex-calrsfs-2014 Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX
tex-calrsfs-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-calrsfs
tex-cancel-2.2 LaTeX package to place lines through maths formulae
tex-cancel-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-cancel
tex-cantarell-3.2nb1 LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
tex-cantarell-doc-3.2 Documentation for tex-cantarell
tex-capt-of-2009 Captions on more than floats
tex-capt-of-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-capt-of
tex-captdef-2009 Declare free-standing \caption commands
tex-captdef-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-captdef
tex-caption-20230805 Customising captions in floating environments
tex-caption-doc-20230805 Documentation for tex-caption
tex-carlisle-2021 LaTeX packages created by David Carlisle
tex-carlisle-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-carlisle
tex-carlito-2022 Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
tex-carlito-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-carlito
tex-carolmin-ps-2014nb1 Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
tex-carolmin-ps-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-carolmin-ps
tex-cases-3.2 Numbered cases environment for LaTeX
tex-cases-doc-3.2 Documentation for tex-cases
tex-catchfile-1.8 Catch an external file into a macro
tex-catchfile-doc-1.8 Documentation for tex-catchfile
tex-cbfonts-2014nb2 Complete set of Greek fonts
tex-cbfonts-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-cbfonts
tex-cbfonts-fd-1.2 LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
tex-cbfonts-fd-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-cbfonts-fd
tex-cc-pl-1.02.3 Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
tex-cc-pl-doc-1.02.3 Documentation for tex-cc-pl
tex-ccaption-3.2c Continuation headings and legends for floats
tex-ccaption-doc-3.2c Documentation for tex-ccaption
tex-ccfonts-1.2 Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
tex-ccfonts-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-ccfonts
tex-ccicons-1.6nb1 LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
tex-ccicons-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-ccicons
tex-cellspace-1.9.0 Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
tex-cellspace-doc-1.9.0 Documentation for tex-cellspace
tex-cfr-initials-1.01 LaTeX packages for use of initials
tex-cfr-initials-doc-1.01 Documentation for tex-cfr-initials
tex-cfr-lm-1.7 Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
tex-cfr-lm-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-cfr-lm
tex-changebar-3.7e Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
tex-changebar-doc-3.7e Documentation for tex-changebar
tex-changepage-1.0c Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages
tex-changepage-doc-1.0c Documentation for tex-changepage
tex-changes-4.2.1nb2 Manual change markup
tex-changes-doc-4.2.1 Documentation for tex-changes
tex-chappg-2.1b Page numbering by chapter
tex-chappg-doc-2.1b Documentation for tex-chappg
tex-charter-2010 Charter fonts
tex-charter-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-charter
tex-chbibref-1.0 LaTeX package to change the Bibliography/References title
tex-chbibref-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-chbibref
tex-checkend-1.0nb4 Extend "improperly closed environment" messages
tex-checkend-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-checkend
tex-chemarrow-0.9nb2 Arrows for use in chemistry
tex-chemarrow-doc-0.9 Documentation for tex-chemarrow
tex-chemfig-1.66 Draw molecules with easy syntax
tex-chemfig-doc-1.66 Documentation for tex-chemfig
tex-chemgreek-1.1a Upright Greek letters in chemistry
tex-chemgreek-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-chemgreek
tex-cherokee-2014 Font for the Cherokee script
tex-cherokee-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-cherokee
tex-chess-1.2 Fonts for typesetting chess boards
tex-chess-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-chess
tex-chess-problem-diagrams-1.21 Package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
tex-chess-problem-diagrams-doc-1.21 Documentation for tex-chess-problem-diagrams
tex-chessboard-1.9 Print chess boards
tex-chessboard-doc-1.9 Documentation for tex-chessboard
tex-chessfss-1.2anb1 LaTeX package to handle chess fonts
tex-chessfss-doc-1.2a Documentation for tex-chessfss
tex-chngcntr-1.1a LaTeX package to change the resetting of counters
tex-chngcntr-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-chngcntr
tex-cinzel-2022 LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
tex-cinzel-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-cinzel
tex-circuitikz-1.6.7 Draw electrical networks with TikZ
tex-circuitikz-doc-1.6.7 Documentation for tex-circuitikz
tex-cite-5.5 Improved citation handling in LaTeX
tex-cite-doc-5.5 Documentation for tex-cite
tex-cjhebrew-0.2anb1 Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
tex-cjhebrew-doc-0.2a Documentation for tex-cjhebrew
tex-cjk-4.8.5 CJK language support
tex-cjk-doc-4.8.5 Documentation for tex-cjk
tex-cjk-gs-integrate-20210625.0nb1 Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
tex-cjk-gs-integrate-doc-20210625.0 Documentation for tex-cjk-gs-integrate
tex-cjk-ko-2.5 Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
tex-cjk-ko-doc-2.5 Documentation for tex-cjk-ko
tex-cjkpunct-4.8.4 Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
tex-cjkpunct-doc-4.8.4 Documentation for tex-cjkpunct
tex-cjkutils-4.8.5 CJK language support
tex-cjkutils-doc-4.8.5 Documentation for tex-cjkutils
tex-cjs-rcs-article-1.0 Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
tex-cjs-rcs-article-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-cjs-rcs-article
tex-classicthesis-4.6 "Classically styled" thesis package
tex-classicthesis-doc-4.6 Documentation for tex-classicthesis
tex-classpack-1.19 XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
tex-classpack-doc-1.19 Documentation for tex-classpack
tex-clearsans-2022 Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
tex-clearsans-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-clearsans
tex-cleveref-0.21.4 Intelligent cross-referencing
tex-cleveref-doc-0.21.4 Documentation for tex-cleveref
tex-clrscode-1.7 Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
tex-clrscode-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-clrscode
tex-cm-2018.49028nb1 Computer Modern fonts
tex-cm-doc-2018.49028 Documentation for tex-cm
tex-cm-lgc-0.5nb1 Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
tex-cm-lgc-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-cm-lgc
tex-cm-super-0.3.4nb2 CM-Super family of fonts
tex-cm-super-doc-0.3.4 Documentation for tex-cm-super
tex-cm-unicode-0.7.0 Computer Modern Unicode font family
tex-cm-unicode-doc-0.7.0 Documentation for tex-cm-unicode
tex-cmap-1.0j Make PDF files searchable and copyable
tex-cmarrows-0.9 MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style
tex-cmarrows-doc-0.9 Documentation for tex-cmarrows
tex-cmbright-8.1 Computer Modern Bright fonts
tex-cmbright.doc-8.1 Documentation for tex-cmbright
tex-cmcyr-2021 Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
tex-cmcyr-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-cmcyr
tex-cmexb-2016nb1 Compute modern exb font
tex-cmexb-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-cmexb
tex-cmextra-2021 Extra Computer Modern fonts
tex-cmll-2014nb1 Symbols for linear logic
tex-cmll-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-cmll
tex-cmpica-2014 Computer Modern Pica variant
tex-cmpica-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-cmpica
tex-cmsd-2010 Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
tex-cmsd-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-cmsd
tex-cmtiup-2.1 Upright punctuation with CM italic
tex-cmtiup-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-cmtiup
tex-cnbwp-2024.02 Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
tex-cnbwp-doc-2024.02 Documentation for tex-cnbwp
tex-cns-2018 CNS fonts for CJK LaTeX
tex-cns-doc-2018 Documentation for tex-cns
tex-collectbox-0.4c Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
tex-collectbox-doc-0.4c Documentation for tex-collectbox
tex-colorprofiles-20181105 Collection of free ICC profiles
tex-colorprofiles-doc-20181105 Documentation for tex-colorprofiles
tex-colortbl-1.0i Add colour to LaTeX tables
tex-colortbl-doc-1.0i Documentation for tex-colortbl
tex-comfortaa-3.2nb1 Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
tex-comfortaa-doc-3.2 Documentation for tex-comfortaa
tex-comicneue-1.2 Use Comic Neue with TeX(-alike) systems
tex-comicneue-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-comicneue
tex-comment-3.8 Allows selected environments to be included/excluded
tex-comment-doc-3.8 Documentation for tex-comment
tex-compare-2020 Compare two strings
tex-components-of-TeX-doc-2014 Components of TeX
tex-comprehensive-doc-11.0 Symbols accessible from LaTeX
tex-concmath-19990318 Concrete Math fonts
tex-concmath-doc-19990318 Documentation for tex-concmath
tex-concmath-fonts-2014 Concrete mathematics fonts
tex-concmath-fonts-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-concmath-fonts
tex-concprog-2014 Concert programmes
tex-concprog-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-concprog
tex-concrete-2021 Concrete Roman fonts
tex-concrete-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-concrete
tex-context-2024 The ConTeXt macro package
tex-context-calendar-examples-2023 Collection of calendars based on the PocketDiary-module
tex-context-calendar-examples-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-context-calendar-examples
tex-context-collating-marks-2023 Environment to place collating marks on the spine of a section
tex-context-collating-marks-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-context-collating-marks
tex-context-cyrillicnumbers-2015 Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs
tex-context-cyrillicnumbers-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-context-cyrillicnumbers
tex-context-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-context
tex-context-filter-2021.62070 Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment
tex-context-filter-doc-2021.62070 Documentation for tex-context-filter
tex-context-gnuplot-2015 Inclusion of Gnuplot graphs in ConTeXt
tex-context-gnuplot-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-context-gnuplot
tex-context-handlecsv-20231220 Data merging for automatic document creation
tex-context-handlecsv-doc-20231220 Documentation for tex-context-handlecsv
tex-context-legacy-2024 Legacy context components
tex-context-legacy-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-context-legacy
tex-context-letter-2021 ConTeXt package for writing letters
tex-context-letter-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-context-letter
tex-context-mathsets-2015 Set notation in ConTeXt
tex-context-mathsets-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-context-mathsets
tex-context-notes-zh-cn-doc-2015 Introductory tutorial for ConTeXt in Chinese
tex-context-pocketdiary-2023 A personal organiser
tex-context-pocketdiary-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-context-pocketdiary
tex-context-simpleslides-2023 ConTeXt presentation module
tex-context-simpleslides-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-context-simpleslides
tex-context-squares-2024 Typesetting Magic and Latin squares
tex-context-squares-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-context-squares
tex-context-sudoku-2023 Sudokus for ConTeXt
tex-context-sudoku-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-context-sudoku
tex-context-texlive-2024 TL-specific helpers for ConTeXt (caches, papersize)
tex-context-transliterator-2021 Transliterate text from 'other' alphabets
tex-context-transliterator-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-context-transliterator
tex-context-typescripts-2021 Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt
tex-context-typescripts-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-context-typescripts
tex-context-vim-2021.62071 Generate ConTeXt syntax highlighting code from vim
tex-context-vim-doc-2021.62071 Documentation for tex-context-vim
tex-context-visualcounter-2015 ConTeXt visual counter
tex-context-visualcounter-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-context-visualcounter
tex-continue-0.2 Prints 'continuation' marks on recto pages of multipage documents
tex-continue-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-continue
tex-contour-2.14 Print a coloured contour around text
tex-contour-doc-2.14 Documentation for tex-contour
tex-convbkmk-0.30nb2 Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
tex-convbkmk-doc-0.30 Documentation for tex-convbkmk
tex-cooking-0.9bnb1 Typeset recipes
tex-cooking-doc-0.9b Documentation for tex-cooking
tex-cookingsymbols-1.1 Symbols for recipes
tex-cookingsymbols-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-cookingsymbols
tex-countriesofeurope-0.23nb1 Font with the images of the countries of Europe
tex-countriesofeurope-doc-0.23 Documentation for tex-countriesofeurope
tex-courier-2021 Courier font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-courier-scaled-2014 Provides a scaled Courier font
tex-courier-scaled-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-courier-scaled
tex-crop-1.10.2 Support for cropmarks
tex-cryst-2014 Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
tex-cryst-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-cryst
tex-cs-2016.41553nb1 Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
tex-csbulletin-2022 LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
tex-csbulletin-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-csbulletin
tex-cslatex-2023 LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting
tex-csplain-202203 Plain TeX multilanguage support
tex-csquotes-5.2n Context sensitive quotation facilities
tex-csquotes-de-doc-1.01 German translation of csquotes documentation
tex-csquotes-doc-5.2n Documentation for tex-csquotes
tex-csvsimple-2.6.0 Simple CSV file processing
tex-csvsimple-doc-2.6.0 Documentation for tex-csvsimple
tex-ctable-1.31 Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
tex-ctablestack-1.0 Catcode table stable support
tex-ctablestack-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-ctablestack
tex-ctex-2.5.10 LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
tex-ctex-doc-2.5.10 Documentation for tex-ctex
tex-ctib-2014 Tibetan for TeX and LATeX2e
tex-ctib-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ctib
tex-cuisine-0.7 Typeset recipes in LaTeX
tex-cuisine-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-cuisine
tex-culmus-latex-0.7 Hebrew font family set for TeX
tex-currfile-1.0 Provide file name and path of input files
tex-currfile-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-currfile
tex-currvita-2016 Typeset a curriculum vitae
tex-currvita-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-currvita
tex-curves-1.55 Curves for LaTeX picture environment
tex-curves-doc-1.55 Documentation for tex-curves
tex-custom-bib-4.33 Customised BibTeX styles
tex-custom-bib-doc-4.33 Documentation for tex-custom-bib
tex-cutwin-0.2 Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
tex-cutwin-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-cutwin
tex-cweb-4.3.69586 CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers
tex-cweb-doc-4.3.69586 Documentation for tex-cweb
tex-cyklop-0.915nb1 Cyclop typeface
tex-cyklop-doc-0.915 Documentation for tex-cyklop
tex-cyrillic-20240603 Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
tex-cyrillic-bin-2020 Cyrillic bibtex and makeindex
tex-cyrillic-bin-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-cyrillic-bin
tex-cyrillic-doc-20240603 Documentation for tex-cyrillic
tex-cyrplain-2016 rusified Plain TeX
tex-dad-1.2 Simple typesetting system for mixed Arabic/Latin documents
tex-dad-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-dad
tex-dancers-2014 Font for Conan Doyle's "The Dancing Men"
tex-dantelogo-0.03nb1 Font for DANTE's logo
tex-dantelogo-doc-0.03 Documentation for tex-dantelogo
tex-dashbox-1.14 Draw dashed boxes
tex-dashbox-doc-1.14 Documentation for tex-dashbox
tex-dashrule-1.3 Draw dashed rules
tex-dashrule-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-dashrule
tex-datatool-2.32 Tools to load and manipulate data
tex-datatool-doc-2.32 Documentation for tex-datatool
tex-datenumber-0.03 Convert a date into a number and vice versa
tex-datenumber-doc-0.03 Documentation for tex-datenumber
tex-datetime-2.60 Change format of \today with commands for current time
tex-datetime-doc-2.60 Documentation for tex-datetime
tex-datetime2-1.5.7 Formats for dates, times and time zones
tex-datetime2-bahasai-1.01 Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-basque-1.2a Basque language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-breton-1.2 Breton language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-bulgarian-1.1 Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-catalan-1.1 Catalan language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-croatian-1.0 Croatian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-czech-1.1 Czech language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-danish-1.1 Danish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-doc-1.5.7 Documentation for tex-datetime2
tex-datetime2-dutch-1.1 Dutch language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-en-fulltext-1.0 English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-english-1.05 English language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-esperanto-1.1 Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-estonian-1.1 Estonian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-finnish-1.2 Finnish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-french-1.03 French language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-galician-1.0 Galician language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-german-3.0 German language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-greek-1.1 Greek language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-hebrew-1.1 Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-icelandic-1.2 Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-irish-1.1 Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
tex-datetime2-it-fulltext-1.6 Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-italian-1.3 Italian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-latin-1.0 Latin language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-lsorbian-1.1 Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-magyar-1.1 Magyar language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-norsk-1.1 Norsk language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-polish-1.1 Polish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-portuges-1.1 Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-romanian-1.02 Romanian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-russian-1.1 Russian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-samin-1.1 Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-scottish-1.1 Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
tex-datetime2-serbian-2.1.0 Serbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-slovak-1.1 Slovak language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-slovene-1.1 Slovene language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-spanish-1.1 Spanish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-swedish-1.0 Swedish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-turkish-1.1 Turkish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-ukrainian-1.2a Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-usorbian-1.1 Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-welsh-1.1 Welsh language module for the datetime2 package
tex-dblfloatfix-1.0a Fixes for twocolumn floats
tex-dblfloatfix-doc-1.0a Documentation for tex-dblfloatfix
tex-dehyph-2018 German hyphenation patterns for traditional orthography
tex-dehyph-exptl-1.0 Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
tex-dehyph-exptl-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-dehyph-exptl
tex-dejavu-2.34nb1 LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
tex-dejavu-doc-2.34 Documentation for tex-dejavu
tex-dhua-0.11 German abbreviations using thin space
tex-dhua-doc-0.11 Documentation for tex-dhua
tex-diagbox-2.4 Table heads with diagonal lines
tex-diagbox-doc-2.4 Documentation for tex-diagbox
tex-dice-2014 Font for die faces
tex-dice-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-dice
tex-dickimaw-doc-2014 Books and tutorials from the "Dickimaw LaTeX Series"
tex-dictsym-2023 DictSym font and macro package
tex-dictsym-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-dictsym
tex-dinbrief-2014 German letter DIN style
tex-dinbrief-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-dinbrief
tex-dingbat-1.0 Two dingbat symbol fonts
tex-dingbat-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-dingbat
tex-dk-bib-0.6 Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles
tex-dk-bib-doc-0.6 Documentation for tex-dk-bib
tex-dnp-2014 Relationship between JIS X 0208 and wadalab's DNP encodings
tex-doclicense-3.3.0 Support for putting documents under a license
tex-doclicense-doc-3.3.0 Documentation for tex-doclicense
tex-doi-20180909nb1 Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
tex-doi-doc-20180909 Documentation for tex-doi
tex-dosepsbin-1.2nb7 Deal with DOS binary EPS files
tex-dosepsbin-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-dosepsbin
tex-dotlessi-1.1 Provides dotless i's and j's for use in any math font
tex-dotlessi-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-dotlessi
tex-doublestroke-1.111nb1 Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
tex-doublestroke-doc-1.111 Documentation for tex-doublestroke
tex-dozenal-7.2 Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
tex-dozenal-doc-7.2 Documentation for tex-dozenal
tex-draftcopy-2.16 Identify draft copies
tex-draftcopy-doc-2.16 Documentation for tex-draftcopy
tex-draftwatermark-3.3 Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
tex-draftwatermark-doc-3.3 Documentation for tex-draftwatermark
tex-drm-4.4 Complete family of fonts written in Metafont
tex-drm-doc-4.4 Documentation for tex-drm
tex-droid-3.2nb1 LaTeX support for the Droid font families
tex-droid-doc-3.2 Documentation for tex-droid
tex-drv-0.97 Derivation trees with MetaPost
tex-drv-doc-0.97 Documentation for tex-drv
tex-dtxtut-doc-2014 Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
tex-duerer-2014 Computer Duerer fonts
tex-duerer-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-duerer
tex-duerer-latex-1.1 LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
tex-duerer-latex-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-duerer-latex
tex-dutchcal-1.0nb1 Reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version
tex-dutchcal-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-dutchcal
tex-dviincl-1.00 Include a DVI page into MetaPost output
tex-dviincl-doc-1.00 Documentation for tex-dviincl
tex-dvipdfmx-2021 Supplementary files for dvipdfmx
tex-dvipdfmx-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-dvipdfmx
tex-dvipng-doc-1.14 Documentation for dvipng
tex-dvips-2020 Files for a DVI to PostScript driver
tex-dvips-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-dvips
tex-dvipsconfig-1.6 Collection of dvips PostScript headers
tex-ean-2014 Macros for making EAN barcodes
tex-ean-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ean
tex-ean13isbn-2022 Print EAN13 for ISBN
tex-ean13isbn-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-ean13isbn
tex-easy-todo-20140101 To-do notes in a document
tex-easy-todo-doc-20140101 Documentation for tex-easy-todo
tex-ebgaramond-2024 LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
tex-ebgaramond-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-ebgaramond
tex-ebgaramond-maths-1.2nb1 LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
tex-ebgaramond-maths-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-ebgaramond-maths
tex-ebproof-2.1.1 Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
tex-ebproof-doc-2.1.1 Documentation for tex-ebproof
tex-ec-1.0 Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
tex-ec-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-ec
tex-ecc-2014 Sources for the European Concrete fonts
tex-ecc-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ecc
tex-eco-1.3 Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
tex-eco-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-eco
tex-ecv-0.3 Fancy Curriculum Vitae class
tex-ecv-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-ecv
tex-edmac-3.17 Typeset critical editions
tex-edmac-doc-3.17 Documentation for tex-edmac
tex-eepic-1.1e Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools
tex-eepic-doc-1.1e Documentation for tex-eepic
tex-eiad-2014 Traditional style Irish fonts
tex-eiad-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-eiad
tex-eiad-ltx-1.0 LaTeX support for the eiad font
tex-eiad-ltx-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-eiad-ltx
tex-eijkhout-2016 Victor Eijkhout's packages
tex-einfuehrung-doc-2014 Examples from the book Einfuhrung in LaTeX
tex-electrumadf-1.1 Electrum ADF fonts collection
tex-electrumadf-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-electrumadf
tex-ellipse-1.0 Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
tex-ellipse-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-ellipse
tex-ellipsis-1.8 Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode
tex-ellipsis-doc-1.8 Documentation for tex-ellipsis
tex-elocalloc-0.03 Local allocation macros for LaTeX 2015
tex-elocalloc-doc-0.03 Documentation for tex-elocalloc
tex-elsarticle-3.4 Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
tex-elsarticle-doc-3.4 Documentation for tex-elsarticle
tex-elvish-2014 Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
tex-elvish-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-elvish
tex-embedfile-2.12 Embed files into PDF
tex-embedfile-doc-2.12 Documentation for tex-embedfile
tex-emp-2014 "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document
tex-emp-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-emp
tex-enctex-2014 TeX extension for flexible input/output reencoding
tex-enctex-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-enctex
tex-endfloat-2.7 Move floats to the end with markers where they belong
tex-endfloat-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-endfloat
tex-endnotes-2020 LaTeX package to place footnotes at the end
tex-endnotes-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-endnotes
tex-endnotesj-3.0 Japanese-style endnotes
tex-endnotesj-doc-3.0 Documentation for tex-endnotesj
tex-enotez-0.10d Support for end-notes
tex-enotez-doc-0.10d Documentation for tex-enotez
tex-enumitem-3.9 Control layout of itemize, enumerate, and description
tex-enumitem-doc-3.9 Documentation for tex-enumitem
tex-environ-0.3 New interface for environments in LaTeX
tex-environ-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-environ
tex-envlab-1.2 Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
tex-envlab-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-envlab
tex-epigrafica-1.01nb1 Greek and Latin font
tex-epigrafica-doc-1.01 Documentation for tex-epigrafica
tex-epigraph-1.5e Package for typesetting epigraphs
tex-epigraph-doc-1.5e Documentation for tex-epigraph
tex-eplain-3.13 Extended plain TeX macros
tex-eplain-doc-3.13 Documentation for tex-eplain
tex-epsdice-2.1 Scalable dice "font"
tex-epsdice-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-epsdice
tex-epsf-2.7.4 Simple macros for EPS inclusion
tex-epsf-doc-2.7.4 Documentation for tex-epsf
tex-epsf-dvipdfmx-2014 Plain TeX file for using epsf.tex with (x)dvipdfmx
tex-epsf-dvipdfmx-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-epsf-dvipdfmx
tex-epsincl-0.2 Include EPS in MetaPost figures
tex-epsincl-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-epsincl
tex-epstopdf-2.33 Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using Ghostscript
tex-epstopdf-doc-2.33 Documentation for tex-epstopdf
tex-epstopdf-pkg-2.11 Call epstopdf "on the fly"
tex-epstopdf-pkg-doc-2.11 Documentation for tex-epstopdf-pkg
tex-eqparbox-4.1 Create equal-widthed parboxes
tex-eqparbox-doc-4.1 Documentation for tex-eqparbox
tex-erewhon-1.122 Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
tex-erewhon-doc-1.122 Documentation for tex-erewhon
tex-esint-1.2d Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
tex-esint-doc-1.2d Documentation for tex-esint
tex-eso-pic-3.0c Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
tex-eso-pic-doc-3.0c Documentation for tex-eso-pic
tex-esrelation-2015nb1 Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
tex-esrelation-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-esrelation
tex-esstix-1.0nb1 PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support
tex-esstix-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-esstix
tex-esvect-1.3nb1 Vector arrows
tex-esvect-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-esvect
tex-etdipa-doc-2.6 Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents
tex-etex-2.1.31600 TeX implementation filling the gap between TeX3 and NTS
tex-etex-doc-2.1.31600 Documentation for tex-etex
tex-etex-pkg-2.7 E-TeX support package
tex-etex-pkg-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-etex-pkg
tex-etexcmds-1.7 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands
tex-etexcmds-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-etexcmds
tex-etextools-3.1415926 e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers
tex-etextools-doc-3.1415926 Documentation for tex-etextools
tex-ethiop-0.7 LaTeX macros and fonts for typesetting Amharic
tex-ethiop-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-ethiop
tex-ethiop-t1-2014nb1 Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
tex-ethiop-t1-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ethiop-t1
tex-etoc-1.2d Completely customisable TOCs
tex-etoc-doc-1.2d Documentation for tex-etoc
tex-etoolbox-2.5k e-TeX tools for LaTeX
tex-etoolbox-de-doc-1 German translation of documentation of etoolbox
tex-etoolbox-doc-2.5k Documentation for tex-etoolbox
tex-euenc-0.1h Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
tex-euenc-doc-0.1h Documentation for tex-euenc
tex-euler-2.5 Use AMS Euler fonts for math
tex-euler-doc-2.5 Documentation for tex-euler
tex-eulervm-4.0 Euler virtual math fonts
tex-eulervm-doc-4.0 Documentation for tex-eulervm
tex-euro-1.1 Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
tex-euro-ce-2010 Euro and CE sign font
tex-euro-ce-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-euro-ce
tex-euro-doc-1.1pl22191 Documentation for tex-euro
tex-europasscv-2020.10.31.56829nb1 Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
tex-europasscv-doc-2020.10.31.56829 Documentation for tex-europasscv
tex-europecv-2023 Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
tex-europecv-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-europecv
tex-eurosym-1.4nb2 MetaFont and macros for Euro sign
tex-eurosym-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-eurosym
tex-euxm-2014 Euler Fonts for TeX
tex-evangelion-jfm-1.0.5c Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
tex-evangelion-jfm-doc-1.0.5c Documentation for tex-evangelion-jfm
tex-everyhook-1.2 Hooks for standard TeX token lists
tex-everyhook-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-everyhook
tex-everypage-2.0b LaTeX package for hooks to run on every page
tex-everypage-doc-2.0b Documentation for tex-everypage
tex-everysel-2.1 Provides hooks into \selectfont
tex-everysel-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-everysel
tex-everyshi-4.00 Take action at every \shipout
tex-everyshi-doc-4.00 Documentation for tex-everyshi
tex-exam-2.704 Package for typesetting exam scripts
tex-exam-doc-2.704 Documentation for tex-exam
tex-excludeonly-1.0 LaTeX package to prevent files being \include-ed
tex-excludeonly-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-excludeonly
tex-expressg-1.5 Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations
tex-expressg-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-expressg
tex-exteps-0.41 Include EPS figures in MetaPost
tex-exteps-doc-0.41 Documentation for tex-exteps
tex-extsizes-1.4a Extend the standard LaTeX classes' size options
tex-extsizes-doc-1.4a Documentation for tex-extsizes
tex-fancybox-1.4 Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
tex-fancybox-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-fancybox
tex-fancyhdr-4.3.1 Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
tex-fancyhdr-doc-4.3.1 Documentation for tex-fancyhdr
tex-fancyref-0.9c A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
tex-fancyvrb-4.5c Sophisticated verbatim text
tex-fancyvrb-doc-4.5c Documentation for tex-fancyvrb
tex-fandol-0.3 Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting
tex-fandol-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-fandol
tex-fbb-1.16 Free Bembo-like font
tex-fbb-doc-1.16 Documentation for tex-fbb
tex-fc-1.4 Fonts for African languages
tex-fc-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-fc
tex-fdsymbol-0.8.61719 Maths symbol font
tex-fdsymbol-doc-0.8.61719 Documentation for tex-fdsymbol
tex-featpost-0.8.8 MetaPost macros for 3D
tex-featpost-doc-0.8.8 Documentation for tex-featpost
tex-fetamont-20170415nb1 Extended version of Knuth's logo typeface
tex-fetamont-doc-20170415 Documentation for tex-fetamont
tex-feupphdteses-4.0 Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto
tex-feupphdteses-doc-4.0 Documentation for tex-feupphdteses
tex-feyn-0.4.3 Font for in-text Feynman diagrams
tex-feyn-doc-0.4.3 Documentation for tex-feyn
tex-feynmf-1.08 Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
tex-feynmf-doc-1.08 Documentation for tex-feynmf
tex-feynmp-auto-1.1 Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
tex-feynmp-auto-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-feynmp-auto
tex-fge-1.25nb1 Font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
tex-fge-doc-1.25 Documentation for tex-fge
tex-fifinddo-info-doc-1.1b German HTML beamer presentation on nicetext and morehype
tex-figflow-2014 Flow text around a figure
tex-figflow-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-figflow
tex-filecontents-1.5a Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
tex-filecontents-doc-1.5a Documentation for tex-filecontents
tex-filehook-0.8b Hooks for input files
tex-filehook-doc-0.8b Documentation for tex-filehook
tex-filemod-1.2 Provide file modification times, and compare them
tex-filemod-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-filemod
tex-fira-4.3.64422 Fira fonts with LaTeX support
tex-fira-doc-4.3.64422 Documentation for tex-fira
tex-first-latex-doc-doc-2014 Document for absolute LaTeX beginners
tex-firstaid-1.1c First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
tex-firstaid-doc-1.1c Documentation for tex-firstaid
tex-fix2col-2016 Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
tex-fix2col-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-fix2col
tex-fixjfm-0.8 Fix JFM (for *pTeX)
tex-fixjfm-doc-0.8 Documentation for tex-fixjfm
tex-fixme-4.5 Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents
tex-fixme-doc-4.5 Documentation for tex-fixme
tex-fixmetodonotes-0.2.2 Add notes on document development
tex-fixmetodonotes-doc-0.2.2 Documentation for tex-fixmetodonotes
tex-fixpdfmag-2014 Fix magnification in PDFTeX
tex-fiziko-0.2.0 A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
tex-fiziko-doc-0.2.0 Documentation for tex-fiziko
tex-float-1.3d Improved interface for floating objects
tex-float-doc-1.3d Documentation for tex-float
tex-floatflt-1.31 Wrap text around floats
tex-floatflt-doc-1.31 Documentation for tex-floatflt
tex-floatrow-0.3b Modifying the layout of floats
tex-floatrow-doc-0.3b Documentation for tex-floatrow
tex-flowfram-1.17 Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
tex-flowfram-doc-1.17 Documentation for tex-flowfram
tex-fmtcount-3.07 Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
tex-fmtcount-doc-3.07 Documentation for tex-fmtcount
tex-fncychap-1.34 Seven predefined chapter heading styles
tex-fncychap-doc-1.34 Documentation for tex-fncychap
tex-fncylab-1.1 LaTeX package to alter the format of \label references
tex-fncylab-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-fncylab
tex-fnpara-2012 LaTeX package to typeset footnotes in paragraphs
tex-fnpara-doc-2012 Documentation for tex-fnpara
tex-foekfont-2014nb1 Title font of the Mads Fok magazine
tex-foekfont-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-foekfont
tex-foiltex-2.1.4anb4 LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies
tex-fonetika-2014nb1 Support for the Danish "Dania" phonetic system
tex-fonetika-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-fonetika
tex-font-change-2015.2 Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX
tex-font-change-doc-2015.2 Documentation for tex-font-change
tex-fontawesome- Font containing web-related icons
tex-fontawesome-doc- Documentation for tex-fontawesome
tex-fontawesome5-5.15.4 Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
tex-fontawesome5-doc-5.15.4 Documentation for tex-fontawesome5
tex-fontaxes-1.0e Additional font axes for LaTeX
tex-fontaxes-doc-1.0e Documentation for tex-fontaxes
tex-fontch-2.2 Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX
tex-fontch-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-fontch
tex-fontinst-1.933.62517 Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX
tex-fontinst-doc-1.933.62517 Documentation for tex-fontinst
tex-fontmfizz-2017 Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX
tex-fontmfizz-doc-2017 Documentation for tex-fontmfizz
tex-fontname-2020 Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
tex-fontname-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-fontname
tex-fontools-2023 Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
tex-fontools-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-fontools
tex-fonts-tlwg-0.7.3 Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
tex-fonts-tlwg-doc-0.7.3 Documentation for tex-fonts-tlwg
tex-fontspec-2.9a Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-fontspec-doc-2.9a Documentation for tex-fontspec
tex-footbib-2.0.7 Bibliographic references as footnotes
tex-footbib-doc-2.0.7 Documentation for tex-footbib
tex-footmisc-6.0f Range of footnote options
tex-footmisc-doc-6.0f Documentation for tex-footmisc
tex-footnotebackref-1.0 Back-references from footnotes
tex-footnotebackref-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-footnotebackref
tex-footnotehyper-1.1e hyperref aware footnote.sty
tex-footnotehyper-doc-1.1e Documentation for tex-footnotehyper
tex-footnpag-2014 Per-page numbering of footnotes
tex-footnpag-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-footnpag
tex-forest-2.1.5 Drawing (linguistic) trees
tex-forest-doc-2.1.5 Documentation for tex-forest
tex-forloop-3.0 Iteration in LaTeX
tex-forloop-doc-3.0 Documentation for tex-forloop
tex-fourier-2.3 Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
tex-fourier-doc-2.3 Documentation for tex-fourier
tex-fouriernc-2014 Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
tex-fouriernc-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-fouriernc
tex-fp-2.1d Fixed point arithmetic
tex-fp-doc-2.1d Documentation for tex-fp
tex-fpl-1.003 SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
tex-fpl-doc-1.003 Documentation for tex-fpl
tex-framed-0.96 Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
tex-framed-doc-0.96 Documentation for tex-framed
tex-frcursive-2014nb1 French cursive hand fonts
tex-frcursive-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-frcursive
tex-ftcap-1.4 Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
tex-ftcap-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-ftcap
tex-fundus-calligra-1.2 Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
tex-fundus-calligra-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-fundus-calligra
tex-fvextra-1.6.1 Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
tex-fvextra-doc-1.6.1 Documentation for tex-fvextra
tex-fwlw-2010 Get first and last words of a page
tex-fwlw-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-fwlw
tex-g-brief-4.0.3 Letter document class
tex-g-brief-doc-4.0.3 Documentation for tex-g-brief
tex-garamond-libre-1.4 The Garamond Libre font face
tex-garamond-libre-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-garamond-libre
tex-garamond-math-2022 An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
tex-garamond-math-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-garamond-math
tex-garrigues-2014 MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram
tex-garrigues-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-garrigues
tex-garuda-c90-2021 TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
tex-gckanbun-1.2 Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-gckanbun-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-gckanbun
tex-genealogy-2014 Compilation genealogy font
tex-genealogy-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-genealogy
tex-gensymb-1.0.2 Symbol commands which work both in text and maths mode
tex-gentium-tug-1.102 Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
tex-gentium-tug-doc-1.102 Documentation for tex-gentium-tug
tex-gentle-doc-2014 Gentle Introduction to TeX
tex-gentombow-2022 Generate Japanese-style crop marks
tex-gentombow-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-gentombow
tex-geometry-5.9 Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
tex-geometry-de-doc-1.1 German translation of the geometry package
tex-geometry-doc-5.9 Documentation for tex-geometry
tex-german-2.5e LaTeX styles for German typography
tex-german-doc-2.5e Documentation for tex-german
tex-germbib-2014 German variants of standard BibTeX styles
tex-germbib-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-germbib
tex-germkorr-1.0 Change kerning for german quotation marks
tex-germkorr-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-germkorr
tex-getoptk-1.0 Define macros with sophisticated options
tex-getoptk-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-getoptk
tex-gettitlestring-1.6 Clean up title references
tex-gettitlestring-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-gettitlestring
tex-gfnotation-2.9 Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
tex-gfnotation-doc-2.9 Documentation for tex-gfnotation
tex-gfsartemisia-1.0nb1 Modern Greek font design
tex-gfsartemisia-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-gfsartemisia
tex-gfsbodoni-1.01nb1 Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
tex-gfsbodoni-doc-1.01 Documentation for tex-gfsbodoni
tex-gfscomplutum-1.0nb1 Greek font with a long history
tex-gfscomplutum-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-gfscomplutum
tex-gfsdidot-2023 Greek font based on Didot's work
tex-gfsdidot-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-gfsdidot
tex-gfsneohellenic-1.02 Greek font in the Neo-Hellenic style
tex-gfsneohellenic-doc-1.02 Documentation for tex-gfsneohellenic
tex-gfssolomos-1.0nb1 Greek-alphabet font
tex-gfssolomos-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-gfssolomos
tex-ghab-0.5 Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
tex-ghab-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-ghab
tex-gillcm-1.1 Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
tex-gillcm-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-gillcm
tex-gillius-2022 Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
tex-gillius-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-gillius
tex-gincltex-0.3 Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
tex-gincltex-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-gincltex
tex-glossaries-4.53 Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
tex-glossaries-doc-4.53 Documentation for tex-glossaries
tex-glyphlist-2016 Adobe glyph list
tex-gmp-1.0 Enable integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX
tex-gmp-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-gmp
tex-gnu-freefont-2014 Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
tex-gnu-freefont-doc-2014nb1 Documentation for tex-gnu-freefont
tex-go-2014 Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
tex-go-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-go
tex-gothic-2018 Collection of old German-style fonts
tex-gothic-doc-2018 Documentation for tex-gothic
tex-graphics-1.4e.66204 The LaTeX standard graphics bundle
tex-graphics-cfg-2016.41448 Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics
tex-graphics-cfg-doc-2016.41448 Documentation for tex-graphics-cfg
tex-graphics-def-2022.64487nb1 Colour and graphics option files
tex-graphics-def-doc-2022.64487 Documentation for tex-graphics-def
tex-graphics-doc-1.4e.66204 Documentation for tex-graphics
tex-graphics-pln-2023 LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
tex-graphics-pln-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-graphics-pln
tex-greek-fontenc-2.6 LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
tex-greek-fontenc-doc-2.6 Documentation for tex-greek-fontenc
tex-greek-inputenc-1.9 Greek encoding support for inputenc
tex-greek-inputenc-doc-1.9 Documentation for tex-greek-inputenc
tex-greenpoint-2014 Green Point logo
tex-greenpoint-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-greenpoint
tex-grfext-1.3 Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
tex-grfext-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-grfext
tex-grffile-2.1 Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package)
tex-grffile-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-grffile
tex-grotesq-2014nb1 URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
tex-grotesq-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-grotesq
tex-guide-to-latex-2011 Material presented in Guide To LaTeX
tex-gustlib-2010 Polish oriented macros
tex-gustlib-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-gustlib
tex-hacm-0.1nb1 Font support for the Arka language
tex-hacm-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-hacm
tex-hands-2014 Pointing hand font
tex-hang-2.1 Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
tex-hang-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-hang
tex-hanging-1.2b Hanging paragraphs
tex-hanging-doc-1.2b Documentation for tex-hanging
tex-happy4th-doc-20120102 Firework display in obfuscated TeX
tex-haranoaji-20231009 Harano Aji Fonts
tex-haranoaji-doc-20231009 Documentation for tex-haranoaji
tex-haranoaji-extra-20231009 Harano Aji Fonts
tex-haranoaji-extra-doc-20231009 Documentation for tex-haranoaji-extra
tex-hardwrap-0.2 Hard wrap text to a certain character length
tex-hardwrap-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-hardwrap
tex-harvard-2.0.5 Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e
tex-harvard-doc-2.0.5 Documentation for tex-harvard
tex-hatching-0.11 MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths
tex-hatching-doc-0.11 Documentation for tex-hatching
tex-hausarbeit-jura-2.1.0 Class for writing "juristische Hausarbeiten" at German Universities
tex-hausarbeit-jura-doc-2.1.0 Documentation for tex-hausarbeit-jura
tex-helvetic-2021 Helvetica fonts from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-here-2010 Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
tex-here-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-here
tex-hershey-mp-2022.1.0 MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
tex-hershey-mp-doc-2022.1.0 Documentation for tex-hershey-mp
tex-heuristica-1.093 Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
tex-heuristica-doc-1.093 Documentation for tex-heuristica
tex-hfbright-2014nb1 Hfbright fonts
tex-hfbright-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-hfbright
tex-hfoldsty-1.15 Old style numerals with EC fonts
tex-hfoldsty-doc-1.15 Documentation for tex-hfoldsty
tex-hitex-2024 TeX extension writing HINT output for on-screen reading
tex-hitex-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-hitex
tex-hobsub-2020 Construct package bundles
tex-hobsub-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-hobsub
tex-hologo-1.15 Collection of logos with bookmark support
tex-hologo-doc-1.15 Documentation for tex-hologo
tex-hopatch-1.5 Load patches for packages
tex-hopatch-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-hopatch
tex-huffman-0.1 Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ
tex-huffman-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-huffman
tex-hvarabic-0.02 Macros for RTL typesetting
tex-hvarabic-doc-0.02 Documentation for tex-hvarabic
tex-hycolor-1.10 Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
tex-hycolor-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-hycolor
tex-hypdestopt-2.7 Hyperref destination optimizer
tex-hypdestopt-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-hypdestopt
tex-hypdoc-1.19 Hyper extensions for doc.sty
tex-hypdoc-doc-1.19 Documentation for tex-hypdoc
tex-hyper-4.2d Hypertext cross referencing
tex-hyper-doc-4.2d Documentation for tex-hyper
tex-hypernat-1.0b Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
tex-hypernat-doc-1.0b Documentation for tex-hypernat
tex-hyperref-7.01h Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
tex-hyperref-doc-7.01h Documentation for tex-hyperref
tex-hyperxmp-5.12 Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
tex-hyperxmp-doc-5.12 Documentation for tex-hyperxmp
tex-hyph-utf8-2021 Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
tex-hyph-utf8-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-hyph-utf8
tex-hyphen-afrikaans-2021 Afrikaans hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-ancientgreek-2021 Hyphenation patterns for ancient Greek
tex-hyphen-arabic-2020nb1 Hyphenation patterns for Arabic
tex-hyphen-armenian-2021 Armenian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-base-2024 TeX hyphenation patterns for English
tex-hyphen-basque-2021 Hyphenation for Basque
tex-hyphen-belarusian-2021 Belarusian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-bulgarian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Bulgarian
tex-hyphen-catalan-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Catalan
tex-hyphen-chinese-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Chinese
tex-hyphen-churchslavonic-2021 Church Slavonic hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-coptic-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Coptic
tex-hyphen-croatian-2021 Croatian hyphenation
tex-hyphen-czech-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Czech
tex-hyphen-danish-2021 Danish hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-dutch-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Dutch
tex-hyphen-english-2021 English hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-esperanto-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Esperanto
tex-hyphen-estonian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Estonian
tex-hyphen-ethiopic-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Ethiopic scripts
tex-hyphen-farsi-2020nb1 Hyphenation patterns for Farsi
tex-hyphen-finnish-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Finnish language
tex-hyphen-french-2021 Hyphenation patterns for French
tex-hyphen-friulan-2021 Friulan hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-galician-2019.51186nb1 Hyphenation patterns for Galician
tex-hyphen-georgian-2021 Georgian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-german-2021 Hyphenation patterns for German
tex-hyphen-greek-2021 Hyphenation for Greek text
tex-hyphen-greek-doc-5nb1 Documentation for tex-hyphen-greek
tex-hyphen-hungarian-2021 New Hungarian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-hungarian-doc-2013 Documentation for tex-hyphen-hungarian
tex-hyphen-icelandic-2021 Icelandic hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-indic-2021 Indic hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-indonesian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Indonesian
tex-hyphen-interlingua-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Interlingua
tex-hyphen-irish-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Irish
tex-hyphen-italian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for the Italian language
tex-hyphen-kurmanji-2021 Kurmanji hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-latin-3.1.2021 Liturgical Latin hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-latvian-2021 Latvian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-lithuanian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Lithuanian
tex-hyphen-macedonian-2021 Macedonian hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-mongolian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Mongolian
tex-hyphen-norwegian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Norwegian
tex-hyphen-occitan-2021 Occitan hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-piedmontese-2021 Piedmontese hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-polish-3.0b Hyphenation for Polish
tex-hyphen-portuguese-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Portuguese
tex-hyphen-romanian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Romanian
tex-hyphen-romansh-2021 Romansh hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-russian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Russian
tex-hyphen-sanskrit-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Sanskrit
tex-hyphen-serbian-1.0a.2021 Hyphenation patterns for Serbian Cyrillic
tex-hyphen-slovak-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Slovak
tex-hyphen-slovenian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Slovenian
tex-hyphen-spanish-5.0.2021 Spanish hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-swedish-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Swedish
tex-hyphen-thai-2021 Thai hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-turkish-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Turkish
tex-hyphen-turkmen-2021 Turkmen hyphenation patterns
tex-hyphen-ukrainian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian
tex-hyphen-uppersorbian-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Upper Sorbian
tex-hyphen-welsh-2021 Hyphenation patterns for Welsh
tex-hyphenat-2.3c Disable/enable hypenation in LaTeX
tex-hyphenat-doc-2.3c Documentation for tex-hyphenat
tex-hyphenex-20210110 US English hyphenation exceptions file
tex-hyplain-1.0 Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX
tex-hyplain-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-hyplain
tex-ieeeconf-1.4 Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
tex-ieeeconf-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-ieeeconf
tex-ieeetran-1.8b LaTeX class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
tex-ieeetran-doc-1.8b Documentation for tex-ieeetran
tex-ieejtran-0.19 Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
tex-ieejtran-doc-0.19 Documentation for tex-ieejtran
tex-ifmtarg-1.2b If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
tex-ifmtarg-doc-1.2b Documentation for tex-ifmtarg
tex-ifnextok-0.3nb1 Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
tex-ifnextok-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-ifnextok
tex-ifoddpage-1.2 Determine if the current page is odd or even
tex-ifoddpage-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-ifoddpage
tex-ifplatform-0.4anb2 Conditionals to test which platform is being used
tex-ifplatform-doc-0.4a Documentation for tex-ifplatform
tex-ifptex-2.2c Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
tex-ifptex-doc-2.2c Documentation for tex-ifptex
tex-ifsym-2014 Collection of symbols
tex-ifsym-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ifsym
tex-iftex-1.0f TeX package to determine if running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX
tex-iftex-doc-1.0f Documentation for tex-iftex
tex-ifxptex-0.2 Detect pTeX and its derivatives
tex-ifxptex-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-ifxptex
tex-igo-0nb1 Fonts and macro to typeset Go diagrams
tex-imakeidx-1.3e Package for producing multiple indexes
tex-imakeidx-doc-1.3e Documentation for tex-imakeidx
tex-impatient-doc-2014 Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
tex-import-6.2 Establish input relative to a directory
tex-import-doc-6.2 Documentation for tex-import
tex-imsproc-0.1 Typeset IMS conference proceedings
tex-imsproc-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-imsproc
tex-incgraph-1.3.0 Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
tex-incgraph-doc-1.3.0 Documentation for tex-incgraph
tex-inconsolata-1.121nb1 Monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
tex-inconsolata-doc-1.121 Documentation for tex-inconsolata
tex-index-4.1beta Reimplementation of LaTeX's indexing macros
tex-index-doc-4.1beta Documentation for tex-index
tex-infwarerr-1.5 Complete set of information/warning/error message macros
tex-infwarerr-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-infwarerr
tex-initials-2014nb1 Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts
tex-initials-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-initials
tex-inlinedef-1.0 Inline expansions within definitions
tex-inlinedef-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-inlinedef
tex-inputenx-1.12 Enhanced input encoding handling
tex-inputenx-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-inputenx
tex-intcalc-1.3 Expandable arithmetic operations with integers
tex-intcalc-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-intcalc
tex-intro-scientific-doc-5th_edition Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX
tex-ipaex-2021 IPA and IPAex fonts for Kana and Kanji
tex-ipaex-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-ipaex
tex-ipaex-type1-0.5nb1 IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
tex-ipaex-type1-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-ipaex-type1
tex-iwona-0.995bnb1 Two-element sans-serif font
tex-iwona-doc-0.995b Documentation for tex-iwona
tex-jablantile-2014 Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan
tex-jablantile-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-jablantile
tex-jadetex-3.13.70002 Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output
tex-jadetex-doc-3.13.70002 Documentation for tex-jadetex
tex-jamtimes-1.12 Expanded Times Roman fonts
tex-jamtimes-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-jamtimes
tex-japanese-mathformulas-1.0.2 Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
tex-japanese-mathformulas-doc-1.0.2 Documentation for tex-japanese-mathformulas
tex-japanese-otf-20231010 Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
tex-japanese-otf-doc-20231010 Documentation for tex-japanese-otf
tex-jfmutil-1.3.3nb1 Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
tex-jfmutil-doc-1.3.3 Documentation for tex-jfmutil
tex-jieeetran-0.19 UnofficiaL BibTeX style for citing Japanese articles in IEEE format
tex-jieeetran-doc-0.19 Documentation for tex-jieeetran
tex-jknapltx-2014 Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
tex-jlreq-2023.69932 Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
tex-jlreq-deluxe-0.5.0 Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
tex-jlreq-deluxe-doc-0.5.0 Documentation for tex-jlreq-deluxe
tex-jlreq-doc-2023.69932 Documentation for tex-jlreq
tex-jmn-2015 Hans font for TeX
tex-jpneduenumerate-1.2 Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
tex-jpneduenumerate-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-jpneduenumerate
tex-jpnedumathsymbols-1.1 Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
tex-jpnedumathsymbols-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-jpnedumathsymbols
tex-js-misc-2014 Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod
tex-js-misc-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-js-misc
tex-jsclasses-20230224 Classes tailored for use with Japanese
tex-junicode-2.206 TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists
tex-junicode-doc-2.206 Documentation for tex-junicode
tex-jurabib-0.6 BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts
tex-jurabib-doc-0.6 Documentation for tex-jurabib
tex-kanbun-1.2 Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
tex-kanbun-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-kanbun
tex-kastrup-2010 Expansible conversion into binary-based number systems
tex-kastrup-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-kastrup
tex-keycommand-3.1415 Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
tex-keycommand-doc-3.1415 Documentation for tex-keycommand
tex-kix-2010 Typeset KIX codes
tex-kix-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-kix
tex-kixfont-2014 Font for KIX codes
tex-kixfont-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-kixfont
tex-knuth-doc-2014 Knuth's published errata
tex-knuth-lib-2021 Core TeX and Metafont sources from Knuth
tex-knuth-local-2021 Knuth's local information
tex-koma-script-3.41 Bundle of versatile classes and packages
tex-koma-script-examples-doc-2014 Examples from the KOMA-Script book
tex-kotex-oblivoir-3.3 LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
tex-kotex-oblivoir-doc-3.3 Documentation for tex-kotex-oblivoir
tex-kotex-plain-3.0.0 Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
tex-kotex-plain-doc-3.0.0 Documentation for tex-kotex-plain
tex-kotex-utf-3.0.0 Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
tex-kotex-utf-doc-3.0.0 Documentation for tex-kotex-utf
tex-kotex-utils-2.1.0nb6 Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean
tex-kotex-utils-doc-2.1.0 Documentation for tex-kotex-utils
tex-kpathsea-2024 Translation tables for TeX
tex-kpathsea-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-kpathsea
tex-kpfonts-3.35 Complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
tex-kpfonts-doc-3.35 Documentation for tex-kpfonts
tex-kurdishlipsum-1.1 'lipsum' package for the Kurdish language
tex-kurdishlipsum-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-kurdishlipsum
tex-kurier-0.995bnb1 Two-element sans-serif typeface
tex-kurier-doc-0.995b Documentation for tex-kurier
tex-kvdefinekeys-1.6 Define keys for use in the kvsetkeys package
tex-kvdefinekeys-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-kvdefinekeys
tex-kvoptions-3.15nb1 Key value format for package options
tex-kvoptions-doc-3.15 Documentation for tex-kvoptions
tex-kvsetkeys-1.19 Key value parser with default handler support
tex-kvsetkeys-doc-1.19 Documentation for tex-kvsetkeys
tex-l2picfaq-doc-1.50 LaTeX pictures "how-to" (German)
tex-l2tabu-doc-2.3 Obsolete packages and commands
tex-l2tabu-english-doc- English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands"
tex-l3backend-2024 LaTeX3 backend drivers
tex-l3backend-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-l3backend
tex-l3experimental-2024 Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
tex-l3kernel-2024.70637 LaTeX3 programming conventions
tex-l3kernel-doc-2024.70637 Documentation for tex-l3kernel
tex-l3packages-2024 High-level LaTeX3 concepts
tex-l3packages-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-l3packages
tex-labels-0.13 Print sheets of sticky labels
tex-labels-doc-0.13 Documentation for tex-labels
tex-lambda-2014 LaTeX for Omega
tex-lambda-lists-2014 LaTeX support for Lambda Calculus
tex-lastpage-2.0e Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
tex-lastpage-doc-2.0e Documentation for tex-lastpage
tex-latex-20231101.1 TeX macro package that defines LaTeX
tex-latex-base-dev-20240601pre1 Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
tex-latex-base-dev-doc-20240601pre1 Documentation for tex-latex-base-dev
tex-latex-bib-ex-doc-2014 Examples for the book Bibliografien mit LaTeX
tex-latex-bin-2024 LaTeX executables
tex-latex-bin-doc-2024nb1 Documentation for tex-latex-bin
tex-latex-brochure-doc-20130122 Publicity flyer for LaTeX
tex-latex-course-doc-2 LaTeX course as a projected presentation
tex-latex-doc-20231101.1 Documentation for tex-latex
tex-latex-doc-ptr-doc-20090324 Direction-finder for LaTeX documentation
tex-latex-firstaid-dev-1.1b Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
tex-latex-firstaid-dev-doc-1.1b Documentation for tex-latex-firstaid-dev
tex-latex-fonts-2013 Collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions
tex-latex-graphics-companion-doc-2014 Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion
tex-latex-lab-2023.68720 LaTeX laboratory
tex-latex-lab-doc-2023.68720 Documentation for tex-latex-lab
tex-latex-referenz-doc-2 Examples from the book "LaTeX Referenz"
tex-latex-tabellen-doc-2014 LaTeX Tabellen
tex-latex-veryshortguide-doc-2014nb1 The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
tex-latex-web-companion-doc-2014nb1 Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion
tex-latex2e-help-texinfo-doc-2014 Unoffical reference manual covering LaTeX2e
tex-latex4wp-doc-1.0.10 LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users
tex-latexbug-1.0n Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
tex-latexbug-doc-1.0n Documentation for tex-latexbug
tex-latexcheat-de-doc-2014 LaTeX cheat sheet, in German
tex-latexcheat-doc-1.13 LaTeX cheat sheet
tex-latexconfig-2023 Files used to generate LaTeX formats
tex-latexcourse-rug-doc-1.05 LaTeX course book
tex-latexdiff-1.3.3 Determine and mark up significant differences between LaTeX files
tex-latexdiff-doc-1.3.3 Documentation for tex-latexdiff
tex-latexfileinfo-pkgs-0.22 Comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information
tex-latexfileinfo-pkgs-doc-0.22 Documentation for tex-latexfileinfo-pkgs
tex-latexmp-1.2.1 Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
tex-latexmp-doc-1.2.1 Documentation for tex-latexmp
tex-lato-3.3nb1 Lato font family and LaTeX support
tex-lato-doc-3.3 Documentation for tex-lato
tex-layouts-2.6d Display various elements of a document's layout
tex-layouts-doc-2.6d Documentation for tex-layouts
tex-lazylist-1.0a Lists in TeX's "mouth"
tex-lazylist-doc-1.0a Documentation for tex-lazylist
tex-lcyw-1.1 Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
tex-lcyw-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-lcyw
tex-leading-0.3 Define leading with a length
tex-leading-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-leading
tex-leaflet-2.1c Create small handouts (flyers)
tex-leaflet-doc-2.1c Documentation for tex-leaflet
tex-leftidx-2014 Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode
tex-leftidx-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-leftidx
tex-letltxmacro-1.6 Let assignment for LaTeX macros
tex-letltxmacro-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-letltxmacro
tex-letterspacing-2020 Letter spacing
tex-lettrine-2.60 Typeset dropped capitals
tex-lettrine-doc-2.60 Documentation for tex-lettrine
tex-lfb-1.0 Greek font with normal and bold variants
tex-lfb-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-lfb
tex-lh-3.5g Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings
tex-lh-doc-3.5g Documentation for tex-lh
tex-libertine- Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
tex-libertine-doc- Documentation for tex-libertine
tex-libertinus-0.02 Wrapper to use the correct libertinus package according to the used TeX engine
tex-libertinus-doc-0.02 Documentation for tex-libertinus
tex-libertinus-fonts-7.051 The Libertinus font family
tex-libertinus-fonts-doc-7.051 Documentation for tex-libertinus-fonts
tex-libertinus-otf-0.32 Support for Libertinus OpenType
tex-libertinus-otf-doc-0.32 Documentation for tex-libertinus-otf
tex-libertinus-type1-2024 Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
tex-libertinus-type1-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-libertinus-type1
tex-libertinust1math-2.0.6 A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
tex-libertinust1math-doc-2.0.6 Documentation for tex-libertinust1math
tex-librebaskerville-2022 The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with LaTeX support
tex-librebaskerville-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-librebaskerville
tex-librecaslon-2022 Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
tex-librecaslon-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-librecaslon
tex-libris-1.007nb1 Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
tex-libris-doc-1.007 Documentation for tex-libris
tex-lineara-2022 Linear A script fonts
tex-lineara-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-lineara
tex-lineno-5.3 Line numbers on paragraphs
tex-lipsum-2.7 Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
tex-lipsum-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-lipsum
tex-listing-1.2 Produce formatted program listings
tex-listing-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-listing
tex-listings-1.10a Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
tex-listings-doc-1.10a Documentation for tex-listings
tex-listingsutf8-1.5 Allow UTF-8 in listings input
tex-listingsutf8-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-listingsutf8
tex-listofitems-1.65 Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
tex-listofitems-doc-1.65 Documentation for tex-listofitems
tex-lkproof-3.1 LK Proof figure macros
tex-lkproof-doc-3.1 Documentation for tex-lkproof
tex-lm-2.005 Latin modern fonts in outline formats
tex-lm-doc-2.005 Documentation for tex-lm
tex-lm-math-1.959 OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern
tex-lm-math-doc-1.959 Documentation for tex-lm-math
tex-lobster2-2022 Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
tex-lobster2-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-lobster2
tex-localloc-1.1b.56496 Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
tex-localloc-doc-1.1b.56496 Documentation for tex-localloc
tex-logreq-1.0 Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow
tex-logreq-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-logreq
tex-lollipop-1.07nb2 TeX made easy
tex-lollipop-doc-1.07 Documentation for tex-lollipop
tex-longfbox-1.0 Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
tex-longfbox-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-longfbox
tex-ltabptch-1.74d Bug fix for longtable
tex-ltabptch-doc-1.74d Documentation for tex-ltabptch
tex-ltxcmds-1.26 Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
tex-ltxcmds-doc-1.26 Documentation for tex-ltxcmds
tex-ltxmisc-2010.21927 Miscellaneous LaTeX packages
tex-lua-ul-0.2.1 Underlining for LuaLaTeX
tex-lua-ul-doc-0.2.1 Documentation for tex-lua-ul
tex-lua-uni-algos-0.4.1 Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
tex-lua-uni-algos-doc-0.4.1 Documentation for tex-lua-uni-algos
tex-luabidi-0.6 Bidi functions for LuaTeX
tex-luabidi-doc-0.6 Documentation for tex-luabidi
tex-luacode-1.2anb1 Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
tex-luacode-doc-1.2a Documentation for tex-luacode
tex-luacolor-1.18 Color support based on LuaTeX's node attributes
tex-luacolor-doc-1.18 Documentation for tex-luacolor
tex-luafindfont-0.13 Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
tex-luafindfont-doc-0.13 Documentation for tex-luafindfont
tex-luahbtex-1.18.0 LuaTeX with HarfBuzz library for glyph shaping
tex-luahbtex-doc-1.18.0 Documentation for tex-luahbtex
tex-luajittex-1.18.0 LuaTeX with just-in-time (jit) compiler, with and without HarfBuzz
tex-luajittex-doc-1.18.0 Documentation for tex-luajittex
tex-lualatex-doc-de-doc-1.0 Guide to LuaLaTeX (German translation)
tex-lualatex-math-1.12 Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
tex-lualatex-math-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-lualatex-math
tex-lualibs-2.76 Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
tex-lualibs-doc-2.76 Documentation for tex-lualibs
tex-luaotfload-3.28 OpenType layout system for Plain TeX and LaTeX
tex-luaotfload-doc-3.28 Documentation for tex-luaotfload
tex-luatex-1.18.0 LuaTeX basic definition package
tex-luatex-doc-1.18.0 Documentation for tex-luatex
tex-luatex85-1.4 pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
tex-luatex85-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-luatex85
tex-luatexbase-1.3nb2 Basic resource management for LuaTeX code
tex-luatexbase-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-luatexbase
tex-luatexja-20240219.0 Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
tex-luatexja-doc-20240219.0 Documentation for tex-luatexja
tex-lwarp-0.916 Converts LaTeX to HTML
tex-lwarp-doc-0.916 Documentation for tex-lwarp
tex-lxfonts-2.0bnb1 Set of slide fonts based on CM
tex-lxfonts-doc-2.0b Documentation for tex-lxfonts
tex-ly1-2022 Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
tex-ly1-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-ly1
tex-macros2e-doc-0.4 List of internal LaTeX2e macros
tex-magaz-0.4 Magazine layout
tex-magaz-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-magaz
tex-magicnum-1.7 Access TeX systems' "magic numbers"
tex-magicnum-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-magicnum
tex-make4ht-0.4 A build system for tex4ht
tex-make4ht-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-make4ht
tex-makecell-0.1e Tabular column heads and multilined cells
tex-makecell-doc-0.1e Documentation for tex-makecell
tex-makecmds-1.0a The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command
tex-makecmds-doc-1.0a Documentation for tex-makecmds
tex-makeindex-2.15nb1 Style files for makeindex
tex-makeindex-doc-2.15 Documentation for tex-makeindex
tex-makerobust-2.0 Making a macro robust (legacy package)
tex-makerobust-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-makerobust
tex-manfnt-2014 LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
tex-manfnt-font-2014nb1 Font for LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
tex-marginfix-1.2 Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
tex-marginfix-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-marginfix
tex-marginnote-1.4b Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
tex-marginnote-doc-1.4b Documentation for tex-marginnote
tex-marvosym-2.2anb1 Martin Vogel's Symbols font
tex-marvosym-doc-2.2a Documentation for tex-marvosym
tex-math-e-doc-2014 Examples from the book Typesetting Mathematics with LaTeX
tex-mathabx-2014 Three series of mathematical symbols
tex-mathabx-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-mathabx
tex-mathabx-type1-2014nb1 Outline version of the mathabx fonts
tex-mathabx-type1-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-mathabx-type1
tex-mathalpha-1.143 General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
tex-mathalpha-doc-1.143 Documentation for tex-mathalpha
tex-mathcomp-0.1f Text symbols in maths mode
tex-mathcomp-doc-0.1f Documentation for tex-mathcomp
tex-mathdesign-2.31nb1 Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
tex-mathdesign-doc-2.31 Documentation for tex-mathdesign
tex-mathdots-0.9 Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
tex-mathdots-doc-0.9 Documentation for tex-mathdots
tex-mathpartir-1.3.2 Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
tex-mathpartir-doc-1.3.2 Documentation for tex-mathpartir
tex-mathpazo-1.003.52663 Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
tex-mathpazo-doc-1.003.52663 Documentation for tex-mathpazo
tex-mathspec-0.2bnb1 Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
tex-mathspec-doc-0.2b Documentation for tex-mathspec
tex-mathtools-1.30 Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
tex-mcf2graph-5.12 Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
tex-mcf2graph-doc-5.12 Documentation for tex-mcf2graph
tex-mdframed-1.9b Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
tex-mdframed-doc-1.9b Documentation for tex-mdframed
tex-mdputu-1.2 Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic
tex-mdputu-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-mdputu
tex-mdsymbol-0.5nb1 Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
tex-mdsymbol-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-mdsymbol
tex-mdwtools-1.05.4 Miscellaneous LaTeX tools by Mark Wooding
tex-mdwtools-doc-1.05.4 Documentation for tex-mdwtools
tex-media9-1.25 Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
tex-media9-doc-1.25 Documentation for tex-media9
tex-memdesign-doc-2014 Notes on book design
tex-memoir-3.8.2 Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
tex-memoir-doc-3.8.2 Documentation for tex-memoir
tex-merriweather-2022 Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
tex-merriweather-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-merriweather
tex-metafont-2021 METAFONT system for specifying fonts
tex-metafont-beginners-doc-2014 Introductory tutorial for Metafont
tex-metago-0.9 MetaPost output of Go positions
tex-metago-doc-0.9 Documentation for tex-metago
tex-metalogo-0.12nb1 Extended TeX logo macros
tex-metalogo-doc-0.12 Documentation for tex-metalogo
tex-metaobj-0.93 MetaPost package providing high-level objects
tex-metaobj-doc-0.93 Documentation for tex-metaobj
tex-metaplot-0.91 Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost
tex-metaplot-doc-0.91 Documentation for tex-metaplot
tex-metapost-2023 Development of Metafont for creating graphics
tex-metapost-colorbrewer-2018 Implementation of the colours for MetaPost
tex-metapost-colorbrewer-doc-2018 Documentation for tex-metapost-colorbrewer
tex-metapost-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-metapost
tex-metapost-examples-doc-2014 Example drawings using MetaPost
tex-metauml-0.2.6 MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
tex-metauml-doc-0.2.6 Documentation for tex-metauml
tex-mex-1.05a Polish formats for TeX
tex-mex-doc-1.05a Documentation for tex-mex
tex-mf2pt1-2.7nb1 Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
tex-mf2pt1-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-mf2pt1
tex-mfirstuc-2.08 Uppercase the first letter of a word
tex-mfirstuc-doc-2.08 Documentation for tex-mfirstuc
tex-mflogo-2016 LaTeX support for MetaFont logo fonts
tex-mflogo-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-mflogo
tex-mflogo-font-1.002pl36898nb1 Metafont logo font
tex-mflogo-font-doc-1.002pl36898 Documentation for tex-mflogo-font
tex-mfnfss-2018 Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
tex-mfnfss-doc-2018 Documentation for tex-mfnfss
tex-mfpic-1.10 Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands
tex-mfpic-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-mfpic
tex-mfpic4ode-0.4 Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
tex-mfpic4ode-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-mfpic4ode
tex-mfware-2024 Supporting tools for use with Metafont
tex-mhchem-4.10 Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
tex-mhchem-doc-4.10 Documentation for tex-mhchem
tex-microtype-3.1a Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
tex-microtype-de-doc-2.4 Translation into German of the documentation of microtype
tex-microtype-doc-3.1a Documentation for tex-microtype
tex-midpage-1.1a Environment for vertical centring
tex-midpage-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-midpage
tex-mil3-doc-2014 Samples from Math into LaTeX, third edition
tex-milog-1.0 Fulfilling the documentation duties according to the German minimum wage law
tex-milog-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-milog
tex-minifp-0.96 Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals
tex-minifp-doc-0.96 Documentation for tex-minifp
tex-minim-hatching-20221.1 Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
tex-minim-hatching-doc-20221.1 Documentation for tex-minim-hatching
tex-minitoc-62 Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
tex-minitoc-doc-62 Documentation for tex-minitoc
tex-minted-2.9 Highlighted source code for LaTeX
tex-minted-doc-2.9 Documentation for tex-minted
tex-mintspirit-2022 LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
tex-mintspirit-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-mintspirit
tex-mkpattern-1.2 Utility for making hyphenation patterns
tex-mkpattern-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-mkpattern
tex-mleftright-1.2 Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close
tex-mleftright-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-mleftright
tex-mltex-2.2.70002 The MLTeX system
tex-mltex-doc-2.2.70002 Documentation for tex-mltex
tex-mnsymbol-1.4nb1 Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
tex-mnsymbol-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-mnsymbol
tex-moderncv-2.3.1nb1 Modern curriculum vitae class
tex-moderncv-doc-2.3.1 Documentation for tex-moderncv
tex-modes-4.3 Collection of Metafont mode_def's
tex-modes-doc-4.3 Documentation for tex-modes
tex-moreenum-1.03 More enumeration options
tex-moreenum-doc-1.03 Documentation for tex-moreenum
tex-morefloats-1.0h Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
tex-morefloats-doc-1.0h Documentation for tex-morefloats
tex-moreverb-2.3a Extended verbatim
tex-moreverb-doc-2.3a Documentation for tex-moreverb
tex-morewrites-20240202 Always room for a new write stream
tex-morewrites-doc-20240202 Documentation for tex-morewrites
tex-morisawa-2020 Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
tex-morisawa-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-morisawa
tex-mp3d-1.34 3D animations
tex-mp3d-doc-1.34 Documentation for tex-mp3d
tex-mparhack-1.5 Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars
tex-mparhack-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-mparhack
tex-mparrows-0.1 MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads
tex-mparrows-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-mparrows
tex-mpattern-2014 Patterns in MetaPost
tex-mpattern-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-mpattern
tex-mpchess-0.7 Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost
tex-mpchess-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-mpchess
tex-mpcolornames-0.20 Extend list of predefined colour names for MetaPost
tex-mpcolornames-doc-0.20 Documentation for tex-mpcolornames
tex-mpgraphics-0.3 Process and display MetaPost figures inline
tex-mpgraphics-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-mpgraphics
tex-mptopdf-2024 Script to convert mpost to PDF
tex-mptopdf-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-mptopdf
tex-mptrees-24.02 Probability trees with MetaPost
tex-mptrees-doc-24.02 Documentation for tex-mptrees
tex-ms-2020 Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder
tex-ms-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-ms
tex-multibib-1.4 Multiple bibliographies within one document
tex-multibib-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-multibib
tex-multido-1.42 Loop facility for Generic TeX
tex-multido-doc-1.42 Documentation for tex-multido
tex-multirow-2.8 Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
tex-multirow-doc-2.8 Documentation for tex-multirow
tex-musixtex-1.37 TeX macros for sophisticated music typesetting
tex-musixtex-doc-1.37 Documentation for tex-musixtex
tex-musixtex-fonts-2022 Fonts used by MusixTeX
tex-musixtex-fonts-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-musixtex-fonts
tex-mwcls-0.75 Polish-oriented document classes
tex-mwcls-doc-0.75 Documentation for tex-mwcls
tex-mwe-0.5 Packages and image files for MWEs
tex-mwe-doc-0.5 Documentation for tex-mwe
tex-mweights-20170330 Support for multiple-weight font packages
tex-mweights-doc-20170330 Documentation for tex-mweights
tex-mxedruli-3.3cnb1 A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets
tex-mxedruli-doc-3.3c Documentation for tex-mxedruli
tex-na-box-1.0 Arabic-aware version of pas-cours package
tex-na-box-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-na-box
tex-nanumtype1-3.0nb2 Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts
tex-nanumtype1-doc-3.0 Documentation for tex-nanumtype1
tex-natbib-8.31b Flexible bibliography support for BibTeX
tex-natbib-doc-8.31b Documentation for tex-natbib
tex-ncctools-3.5.3 Collection of general packages for LaTeX
tex-ncctools-doc-3.5.3 Documentation for tex-ncctools
tex-ncntrsbk-2021 New Century Schoolbook fonts from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-needspace-1.3d Insert pagebreak if not enough space
tex-needspace-doc-1.3d Documentation for tex-needspace
tex-newcomputermodern-6.0.0 Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
tex-newcomputermodern-doc-6.0.0 Documentation for tex-newcomputermodern
tex-newfloat-1.2 Define new floating environments
tex-newfloat-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-newfloat
tex-newlfm-9.4 Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
tex-newlfm-doc-9.4 Documentation for tex-newlfm
tex-newpx-1.536 Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
tex-newpx-doc-1.536 Documentation for tex-newpx
tex-newsletr-2014 Macros for making newsletters with Plain TeX
tex-newsletr-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-newsletr
tex-newtx-1.742 Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
tex-newtx-doc-1.742 Documentation for tex-newtx
tex-newtxsf-1.056 Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
tex-newtxsf-doc-1.056 Documentation for tex-newtxsf
tex-newtxtt-1.059 Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
tex-newtxtt-doc-1.059 Documentation for tex-newtxtt
tex-newunicodechar-1.2 Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
tex-newunicodechar-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-newunicodechar
tex-newverbs-1.6a Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
tex-newverbs-doc-1.6a Documentation for tex-newverbs
tex-nextpage-1.1a Generalisations of the page advance commands
tex-nfssext-cfr-2019 Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
tex-nfssext-cfr-doc-2019 Documentation for tex-nfssext-cfr
tex-ninecolors-2022D High-contrast color palette
tex-nkarta-0.2 "New" version of the karta cartographic fonts
tex-nkarta-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-nkarta
tex-nolbreaks-1.2 No line breaks in text
tex-nolbreaks-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-nolbreaks
tex-nomencl-5.6 Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
tex-nomencl-doc-5.6 Documentation for tex-nomencl
tex-nopageno-2009 No page numbers in LaTeX documents
tex-nopageno-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-nopageno
tex-norasi-c90-2021 TeX support (from CJK) for the norasi font
tex-noto-2022 Support for Noto fonts
tex-noto-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-noto
tex-noto-emoji-2.034 Noto Emoji fonts
tex-noto-emoji-doc-2.034 Documentation for tex-noto-emoji
tex-notoccite-2009 Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc
tex-notoccite-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-notoccite
tex-notomath-1.03 Math support for Noto fonts
tex-notomath-doc-1.03 Documentation for tex-notomath
tex-ntgclass-2.1f European versions of standard classes
tex-ntgclass-doc-2.1f Documentation for tex-ntgclass
tex-nth-2020 Generate English ordinal numbers
tex-ntheorem-1.31 Enhanced theorem environment for LaTeX
tex-ntheorem.doc-1.31 Documentation for tex-ntheorem
tex-numberpt-1.0 Counters spelled out in Portuguese
tex-numberpt-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-numberpt
tex-numprint-1.39 Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
tex-numprint-doc-1.39 Documentation for tex-numprint
tex-oberdiek-2023 Bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
tex-oberdiek-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-oberdiek
tex-obnov-0.11 Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts
tex-obnov-doc-0.11 Documentation for tex-obnov
tex-ocgx2-0.56 Drop-in replacement for 'ocgx' and 'ocg-p'
tex-ocgx2-doc-0.56 Documentation for tex-ocgx2
tex-ocherokee-2014nb1 LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language
tex-ocherokee-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ocherokee
tex-ocr-b-2011 Fonts for OCR-B
tex-ocr-b-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-ocr-b
tex-ocr-b-outline-2014nb1 OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType
tex-ocr-b-outline-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ocr-b-outline
tex-octavo-1.2 Typeset books following classical design and layout
tex-octavo-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-octavo
tex-ogham-2014 Fonts for typesetting Ogham script
tex-ogham-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-ogham
tex-oinuit-2014nb1 LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language
tex-oinuit-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-oinuit
tex-oldlatin-1.00 Compute Modern-like font with long s
tex-oldlatin-doc-1.00 Documentation for tex-oldlatin
tex-oldstandard-2.7a.70421 OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
tex-oldstandard-doc-2.7a.70421 Documentation for tex-oldstandard
tex-omega-2014nb1 A wide-character-set extension of TeX
tex-omega-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-omega
tex-onlyamsmath-0.20 Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
tex-onlyamsmath-doc-0.20 Documentation for tex-onlyamsmath
tex-opensans-2.2nb1 Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
tex-opensans-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-opensans
tex-optional-2.2b Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
tex-optional-doc-2.2b Documentation for tex-optional
tex-options-1.0 Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
tex-options-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-options
tex-orcidlink-1.0.5 Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
tex-orcidlink-doc-1.0.5 Documentation for tex-orcidlink
tex-ordinalpt-2.1 Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
tex-ordinalpt-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-ordinalpt
tex-orkhun-2014 Font for orkhun script
tex-orkhun-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-orkhun
tex-otibet-2014 Tibetan package for omega
tex-otibet-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-otibet
tex-oubraces-2010 Braces over and under a formula
tex-oubraces-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-oubraces
tex-outerhbox-1.2 Collect horizontal material for contributing to a paragraph
tex-outline-2019 List environment for making outlines
tex-outline-doc-2019 Documentation for tex-outline
tex-outlines-1.1 Produce "outline" lists
tex-outlines-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-outlines
tex-overlock-2022 Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
tex-overlock-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-overlock
tex-overpic-2.1 Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
tex-pacioli-2014 Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
tex-pacioli-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-pacioli
tex-pagenote-1.1a Notes at end of document
tex-pagenote-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-pagenote
tex-pagesel-1.10 Select pages of a document for output
tex-pagesel-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-pagesel
tex-pageslts-1.2fnb1 Provide labels for the last page in each page numbering group
tex-palatino-2021 Palatino font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-paracol-1.35 Multiple columns with texts "in parallel"
tex-paracol-doc-1.35 Documentation for tex-paracol
tex-paralist-2.7 Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
tex-paralist-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-paralist
tex-paratype-2014nb1 LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
tex-paratype-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-paratype
tex-parskip-2.0h Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
tex-parskip-doc-2.0h Documentation for tex-parskip
tex-passivetex-1.25nb2 Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
tex-patgen2-tutorial-doc-2014 Tutorial on the use of Patgen 2
tex-path-3.05 LaTeX package to typeset paths
tex-path-doc-3.05 Documentation for tex-path
tex-pb-diagram-5.0 A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
tex-pb-diagram-doc-5.0 Documentation for tex-pb-diagram
tex-pbibtex-base-2022 Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
tex-pbibtex-base-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-pbibtex-base
tex-pbox-1.2 A variable-width \parbox command
tex-pdfcol-1.7 Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
tex-pdfcol-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-pdfcol
tex-pdfcolfoot-1.4 Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
tex-pdfcolfoot-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-pdfcolfoot
tex-pdfcolmk-2.0 Improved colour support under pdfTeX (legacy stub)
tex-pdfcolmk-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-pdfcolmk
tex-pdfcomment-2.4a User-friendly interface to pdf annotations
tex-pdfcomment-doc-2.4a Documentation for tex-pdfcomment
tex-pdfcrop-1.42 Crop PDF graphics
tex-pdfcrop-doc-1.42 Documentation for tex-pdfcrop
tex-pdfescape-1.15 Implements pdfTeX's escape features using TeX or e-TeX
tex-pdfescape-doc-1.15 Documentation for tex-pdfescape
tex-pdflscape-0.13 Make landscape pages display as landscape
tex-pdflscape-doc-0.13 Documentation for tex-pdflscape
tex-pdfmanagement-testphase-0.96f LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
tex-pdfmanagement-testphase-doc-0.96f Documentation for tex-pdfmanagement-testphase
tex-pdfpages-0.5y Include PDF documents in LaTeX
tex-pdfpages-doc-0.5y Documentation for tex-pdfpages
tex-pdfrender-1.8 Control rendering parameters
tex-pdfrender-doc-1.8 Documentation for tex-pdfrender
tex-pdftex-2022 TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
tex-pdftex-doc-2022nb1 Documentation for tex-pdftex
tex-pdftexcmds-0.33 LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
tex-pdftexcmds-doc-0.33 Documentation for tex-pdftexcmds
tex-persian-bib-0.9 Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles
tex-persian-bib-doc-0.9 Documentation for tex-persian-bib
tex-pgf-3.1.10 Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
tex-pgf-doc-3.1.10 Documentation for tex-pgf
tex-pgf-umlsd-0.7 Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
tex-pgf-umlsd-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-pgf-umlsd
tex-pgfgantt-5.0 Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
tex-pgfgantt-doc-5.0 Documentation for tex-pgfgantt
tex-pgfopts-2.1a LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
tex-pgfopts-doc-2.1a Documentation for tex-pgfopts
tex-pgfplots-1.18.1nb1 LaTeX package to create normal/logarithmic plots
tex-pgfplots-doc-1.18.1 Documentation for tex-pgfplots
tex-phaistos-1.0nb1 Disk of Phaistos font
tex-phaistos-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-phaistos
tex-phonetic-2014 Metafont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
tex-phonetic-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-phonetic
tex-physics-1.3 Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
tex-physics-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-physics
tex-picinpar-1.3 Insert pictures into paragraphs
tex-picinpar-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-picinpar
tex-pict2e-0.4b New implementation of picture commands
tex-pict2e-doc-0.4b Documentation for tex-pict2e
tex-pictex-1.1b Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
tex-pictex-doc-1.1b Documentation for tex-pictex
tex-pictexsum-doc-2014 Summary of PicTeX commands
tex-picture-1.6 Dimens for picture macros
tex-picture-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-picture
tex-piechartmp-0.3.0 Draw pie-charts using MetaPost
tex-piechartmp-doc-0.3.0 Documentation for tex-piechartmp
tex-pigpen-0.3 Font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
tex-pigpen-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-pigpen
tex-pitex-2014 Documentation macros
tex-pitex-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-pitex
tex-pkfix-1.7nb7 Script to replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
tex-pkfix-doc-1.7 Documentation for tex-pkfix
tex-pl-1.09a Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
tex-pl-doc-1.09a Documentation for tex-pl
tex-placeins-2.2 TeX command to control float placement
tex-placeins-doc-2.2nb1 Documentation for tex-placeins
tex-placeins-plain-2.0 Insertions that keep their place
tex-plain-3.141592653.57963 The Plain TeX format
tex-plain-doc-doc-2014 List of plain.tex cs names
tex-platex-2024 pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
tex-platex-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-platex
tex-platex-tools-2022 pLaTeX standard tools bundle
tex-platex-tools-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-platex-tools
tex-plautopatch-0.9q Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
tex-plautopatch-doc-0.9q Documentation for tex-plautopatch
tex-playfair-2022 Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
tex-playfair-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-playfair
tex-plex-2023 Support for IBM Plex fonts
tex-plex-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-plex
tex-plipsum-4.3 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
tex-plipsum-doc-4.3 Documentation for tex-plipsum
tex-plnfss-1.1 Font selection for Plain TeX
tex-plnfss-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-plnfss
tex-plstmary-0.5c St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
tex-plstmary-doc-0.5c Documentation for tex-plstmary
tex-pmboxdraw-1.4 Poor man's box drawing characters
tex-pmboxdraw-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-pmboxdraw
tex-pmhanguljamo-1.0.2 Poor man's Hangul Jamo input method
tex-pmhanguljamo-doc-1.0.2 Documentation for tex-pmhanguljamo
tex-polski-1.3.6 Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
tex-polski-doc-1.3.6 Documentation for tex-polski
tex-poltawski-1.101nb1 Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
tex-poltawski-doc-1.101 Documentation for tex-poltawski
tex-polyglossia-2.1 An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-polyglossia-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-polyglossia
tex-polytable-0.8.6 Tabular-like environments with named columns
tex-polytable-doc-0.8.6 Documentation for tex-polytable
tex-powerdot-1.7 A presentation class
tex-prelim2e-2.00 Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document
tex-prelim2e-doc-2.00 Documentation for tex-prelim2e
tex-preprint-2011 Bundle of LaTeX packages provided as-is
tex-preprint-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-preprint
tex-present-2.2.1 Presentations with Plain TeX
tex-present-doc-2.2.1 Documentation for tex-present
tex-presentations-doc-2014 Examples from the book Presentationen mit LaTeX
tex-presentations-en-doc-2014nb1 Examples from the book Presentations with LaTeX
tex-preview-13.3 Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
tex-preview-doc-13.3 Documentation for tex-preview
tex-printlen-1.1a Print lengths using specified units
tex-printlen-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-printlen
tex-probsoln-3.05 Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
tex-probsoln-doc-3.05 Documentation for tex-probsoln
tex-prodint-2014nb1 Font that provides the product integral symbol
tex-prodint-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-prodint
tex-program-3.3.14 Typesetting programs and algorithms
tex-program-doc-3.3.14 Documentation for tex-program
tex-prosper-1.5 LaTeX class for high quality slides
tex-prosper-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-prosper
tex-przechlewski-book-2016 Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book
tex-przechlewski-book-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-przechlewski-book
tex-psfrag-3.04 Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
tex-psfrag-doc-3.04 Documentation for tex-psfrag
tex-psgo-0.17 Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks
tex-psgo-doc-0.17 Documentation for tex-psgo
tex-psizzl-0.35 TeX format for physics papers
tex-psizzl-doc-0.35 Documentation for tex-psizzl
tex-pslatex-1.3 Use PostScript fonts by default
tex-psnfss-9.3nb1 Font support for common PostScript fonts
tex-psnfss-doc-9.3 Documentation for tex-psnfss
tex-pspicture-2009 PostScript picture support
tex-pspicture-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-pspicture
tex-pst-2dplot-1.5 PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves
tex-pst-2dplot-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-pst-2dplot
tex-pst-3d-1.10 PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks
tex-pst-3d-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-pst-3d
tex-pst-3dplot-2.09 Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
tex-pst-3dplot-doc-2.09 Documentation for tex-pst-3dplot
tex-pst-barcode-0.19 Print barcodes using PostScript
tex-pst-barcode-doc-0.19 Documentation for tex-pst-barcode
tex-pst-blur-2.0 PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows
tex-pst-blur-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-pst-blur
tex-pst-circ-2.19 PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
tex-pst-circ-doc-2.19 Documentation for tex-pst-circ
tex-pst-coil-1.07 PSTricks package for coils, etc
tex-pst-coil-doc-1.07 Documentation for tex-pst-coil
tex-pst-eps-1.0 Create EPS files from PSTricks figures
tex-pst-eps-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-pst-eps
tex-pst-fill-1.02 Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
tex-pst-fill-doc-1.02 Documentation for tex-pst-fill
tex-pst-geo-2.07 Geographical Projections
tex-pst-geo-doc-2.07 Documentation for tex-pst-geo
tex-pst-gr3d-1.34 Three dimensional grids with PSTricks
tex-pst-gr3d-doc-1.34 Documentation for tex-pst-gr3d
tex-pst-grad-1.06 Filling with colour gradients, using PStricks
tex-pst-grad-doc-1.06 Documentation for tex-pst-grad
tex-pst-hsb-0.03 Curves with continuous colours
tex-pst-hsb-doc-0.03 Documentation for tex-pst-hsb
tex-pst-lens-1.02 Lenses with PSTricks
tex-pst-lens-doc-1.02 Documentation for tex-pst-lens
tex-pst-math-0.67 Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
tex-pst-math-doc-0.67 Documentation for tex-pst-math
tex-pst-node-1.43 Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
tex-pst-node-doc-1.43 Documentation for tex-pst-node
tex-pst-osci-2.82b Oscgons with PSTricks
tex-pst-osci-doc-2.82b Documentation for tex-pst-osci
tex-pst-ovl-0.07b Create and manage graphical overlays
tex-pst-ovl-doc-0.07b Documentation for tex-pst-ovl
tex-pst-pdf-1.2f Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
tex-pst-pdf-doc-1.2f Documentation for tex-pst-pdf
tex-pst-plot-1.94 Plot data using PSTricks
tex-pst-plot-doc-1.94 Documentation for tex-pst-plot
tex-pst-poly-1.63 Polygons with PSTricks
tex-pst-poly-doc-1.63 Documentation for tex-pst-poly
tex-pst-slpe-1.31 Sophisticated colour gradients
tex-pst-slpe-doc-1.31 Documentation for tex-pst-slpe
tex-pst-text-1.02 Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
tex-pst-text-doc-1.02 Documentation for tex-pst-text
tex-pst-tools-0.12 PSTricks support functions
tex-pst-tools-doc-0.12 Documentation for tex-pst-tools
tex-pst-tree-1.14 Trees, using PSTricks
tex-pst-tree-doc-1.14 Documentation for tex-pst-tree
tex-pst-uml-0.83 UML diagrams with PSTricks
tex-pst-uml-doc-0.83 Documentation for tex-pst-uml
tex-pstricks-3.19c PostScript macros for TeX
tex-pstricks-add-3.94 Collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
tex-pstricks-add-doc-3.94 Documentation for tex-pstricks-add
tex-pstricks-doc-3.19c Documentation for tex-pstricks
tex-pstricks-examples-doc-2014 PSTricks examples
tex-pstricks-examples-en-doc-2014 Examples from PSTricks book (English edition)
tex-ptex-3.2.70058 TeX system for publishing in Japanese
tex-ptex-base-2021 Plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX
tex-ptex-base-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-ptex-base
tex-ptex-fontmaps-20210625.0nb1 Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
tex-ptex-fontmaps-doc-20210625.0 Documentation for tex-ptex-fontmaps
tex-ptex-fonts-2022 Fonts for use with pTeX
tex-ptex-fonts-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-ptex-fonts
tex-ptex2pdf-20200520.0.58632 Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
tex-ptex2pdf-doc-20200520.0.58632 Documentation for tex-ptex2pdf
tex-ptlatexcommands-0.1 LaTeX to commands in Portuguese
tex-ptlatexcommands-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-ptlatexcommands
tex-punk-2014 Donald Knuth's punk font
tex-punk-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-punk
tex-punk-latex-1.1 LaTeX support for punk fonts
tex-punk-latex-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-punk-latex
tex-punknova-1.003 OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font
tex-punknova-doc-1.003 Documentation for tex-punknova
tex-pxbase-1.4 Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
tex-pxbase-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-pxbase
tex-pxchfon-2.0 Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
tex-pxchfon-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-pxchfon
tex-pxcjkcat-1.4 LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
tex-pxcjkcat-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-pxcjkcat
tex-pxfonts-2010nb2 Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics
tex-pxfonts-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-pxfonts
tex-pxjahyper-1.3 Hyperref support for pLaTeX
tex-pxjahyper-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-pxjahyper
tex-pxjodel-0.3 Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
tex-pxjodel-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-pxjodel
tex-pxrubrica-1.3e Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
tex-pxrubrica-doc-1.3e Documentation for tex-pxrubrica
tex-pxtatescale-0.4 Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
tex-pxtatescale-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-pxtatescale
tex-pxtxalfa-2 Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
tex-pxtxalfa-doc-2 Documentation for tex-pxtxalfa
tex-pxufont-0.7 Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
tex-pxufont-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-pxufont
tex-qpxqtx-2016 typesetting math with TeX Gyre Pagella and pxfonts
tex-qpxqtx-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-qpxqtx
tex-qrcode-1.51 Generate QR codes in LaTeX
tex-qrcode-doc-1.51 Documentation for tex-qrcode
tex-qtree-3.1b TeX package to print a simple trees
tex-quattrocento-2022 Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
tex-quattrocento-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-quattrocento
tex-quoting-0.1c Consolidated environment for displayed text
tex-quoting-doc-0.1c Documentation for tex-quoting
tex-quran-2.2 An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
tex-quran-de-0.2 German translations to the quran package
tex-quran-de-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-quran-de
tex-quran-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-quran
tex-quran-en-0.1 English translation extension to the quran package
tex-quran-en-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-quran-en
tex-r_und_s-1.3i Chemical hazard codes
tex-r_und_s-doc-1.3i Documentation for tex-r_und_s
tex-ragged2e-3.6 Alternative versions of "ragged"-type commands
tex-ragged2e-doc-3.6 Documentation for tex-ragged2e
tex-raleway-1.4nb1 Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems
tex-raleway-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-raleway
tex-random-0.2 Generating "random" numbers in TeX
tex-rcs-2.10 Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents
tex-rcsinfo-1.11 Support for the revision control system
tex-rcsinfo-doc-1.11 Documentation for tex-rcsinfo
tex-readarray-3.1nb1 Read, store and recall array-formatted data
tex-readarray-doc-3.1 Documentation for tex-readarray
tex-realboxes-0.2 Variants of common box-commands
tex-realboxes-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-realboxes
tex-realscripts-0.3d Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
tex-realscripts-doc-0.3d Documentation for tex-realscripts
tex-recycle-2014nb1 Font providing the "recyclable" logo
tex-recycle-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-recycle
tex-refcount-3.6 Counter operations with label references
tex-refcount-doc-3.6 Documentation for tex-refcount
tex-regexpatch-0.2f Extending etoolbox patching commands
tex-regexpatch-doc-0.2f Documentation for tex-regexpatch
tex-relsize-4.1 Set the font size relative to the current font size
tex-repere-23.05.b MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
tex-repere-doc-23.05.b Documentation for tex-repere
tex-rerunfilecheck-1.10 Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
tex-rerunfilecheck-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-rerunfilecheck
tex-resume-20010823nb1 Resume document style
tex-resumemac-2014 Plain TeX macros for resumes
tex-resumemac-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-resumemac
tex-revtex-4.2f Styles for various Physics Journals
tex-revtex-doc-4.2f Documentation for tex-revtex
tex-revtex4-4.0a Styles for various Physics Journals (old version)
tex-revtex4-doc-4.0a Documentation for tex-revtex4
tex-roboto-2022.64350 Support for the Roboto family of fonts
tex-roboto-doc-2022.64350 Documentation for tex-roboto
tex-roex-0.56 Metafont definitions for `remove overlap' and `expand stroke'
tex-romandeadf-2.1 Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support
tex-romandeadf-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-romandeadf
tex-romanneg-2011 LaTeX package to make negative page numbers
tex-romanneg-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-romanneg
tex-rotating-2.16b Rotation tools including rotated full-page floats
tex-rotating-doc-2.16b Documentation for tex-rotating
tex-rotfloat-1.2 Rotate floats
tex-rotfloat-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-rotfloat
tex-roundrect-2.2 Metapost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles
tex-roundrect-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-roundrect
tex-rsfs-2009nb2 Ralph Smith's Formal Script font
tex-rsfs-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-rsfs
tex-rsfso-1.03 Mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs
tex-rsfso-doc-1.03 Documentation for tex-rsfso
tex-ruhyphen-1.6 Russian hyphenation
tex-ruler-1.1 Typographic ruler for TeX
tex-sansmath-1.1 Maths in a sans font
tex-sansmath-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-sansmath
tex-sansmathaccent-2020nb1 Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
tex-sansmathaccent-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-sansmathaccent
tex-sansmathfonts-2023 Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts
tex-sansmathfonts-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-sansmathfonts
tex-sauerj-2013 Bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer
tex-sauerj-doc-2013 Documentation for tex-sauerj
tex-sauter-2.4 Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts
tex-sauterfonts-2014 Use Sauter's fonts in LaTeX
tex-sauterfonts-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-sauterfonts
tex-savesym-1.2 Redefine symbols where names conflict
tex-scale-1.1.2 Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2)
tex-scale-doc-1.1.2 Documentation for tex-scale
tex-scalerel-1.8 Constrained scaling and stretching of objects
tex-scalerel-doc-1.8 Documentation for tex-scalerel
tex-schulmathematik-1.6 Commands, document classes for German-speaking teachers of maths and physics
tex-schulmathematik-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-schulmathematik
tex-schulschriften-5 German "school scripts" from Suetterlin to the present day
tex-schulschriften-doc-5 Documentation for tex-schulschriften
tex-schwalbe-chess-2.12 Typeset the German chess magazine "Die Schwalbe"
tex-schwalbe-chess-doc-2.12 Documentation for tex-schwalbe-chess
tex-secdot-1.0 Section numbers with trailing dots
tex-secdot-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-secdot
tex-section-2011 Modifying section commands in LaTeX
tex-section-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-section
tex-sectsty-2.0.2 Control sectional headers
tex-sectsty-doc-2.0.2 Documentation for tex-sectsty
tex-selectp-1.0 Select pages to be output
tex-selinput-1.6 Semi-automatic detection of input encoding
tex-selinput-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-selinput
tex-semantic-2.0 Help for writing programming language semantics
tex-semantic-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-semantic
tex-semaphor-2014nb1 Semaphore alphabet font
tex-semaphor-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-semaphor
tex-seminar-1.63a Make overhead slides
tex-seminar-doc-1.63a Documentation for tex-seminar
tex-sepnum-2.0 Print numbers in a "friendly" format
tex-sepnum-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-sepnum
tex-setspace-6.7b Set space between lines
tex-sexam-1 Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts
tex-sexam-doc-1 Documentation for tex-sexam
tex-sfmath-0.8 Sans-serif mathematics
tex-shadethm-20120818 Theorem environments that are shaded
tex-shadow-1.3 Shadow boxes
tex-shadow-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-shadow
tex-shadowtext-0.3 Produce text with a shadow behind it
tex-shadowtext-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-shadowtext
tex-shapepar-2.2 A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
tex-shapepar-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-shapepar
tex-shapes-1.1 Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with Metapost
tex-shapes-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-shapes
tex-showdim-1.2 Variants on printing dimensions
tex-showdim-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-showdim
tex-showexpl-0.3s Typesetting LaTeX source code
tex-showexpl-doc-0.3s Documentation for tex-showexpl
tex-showlabels-1.9.2 Show label commands in the margin
tex-showlabels-doc-1.9.2 Documentation for tex-showlabels
tex-showtags-1.05 Print the tags of bibliography entries
tex-showtags-doc-1.05 Documentation for tex-showtags
tex-sidecap-1.7a Typeset captions sideways
tex-sidecap-doc-1.7a Documentation for tex-sidecap
tex-sidenotes-1.00a Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin
tex-sidenotes-doc-1.00a Documentation for tex-sidenotes
tex-silence-1.5b Selective filtering of error messages and warnings
tex-silence-doc-1.5b Documentation for tex-silence
tex-simplekv-0.2c A simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX
tex-simplekv-doc-0.2c Documentation for tex-simplekv
tex-simplified-latex-doc-2014 Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
tex-simurgh-0.01b Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX
tex-simurgh-doc-0.01b Documentation for tex-simurgh
tex-sistyle-2.3a Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
tex-sistyle-doc-2.3a Documentation for tex-sistyle
tex-siunits-1.36 International System of Units
tex-siunits-doc-1.36 Documentation for tex-siunits
tex-siunitx-3.3.12 Comprehensive (SI) units package
tex-siunitx-doc-3.3.12 Documentation for tex-siunitx
tex-sjtutex-2.1 LaTeX classes for Shanghai Jiao Tong University
tex-sjtutex-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-sjtutex
tex-skak- LaTeX fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
tex-skak-doc- Documentation for tex-skak
tex-skaknew-2010nb2 LaTeX skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
tex-skaknew-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-skaknew
tex-skull-0.1.51907 Font to draw a skull
tex-slideshow-1.0 Generate slideshow with MetaPost
tex-slideshow-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-slideshow
tex-smartdiagram-0.3b Generate diagrams from lists
tex-smartdiagram-doc-0.3b Documentation for tex-smartdiagram
tex-snapshot-2.14 List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document
tex-snapshot-doc-2.14 Documentation for tex-snapshot
tex-soul-3.1 Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more
tex-soul-doc-3.1 Documentation for tex-soul
tex-soulpos-1.2 Fancy means of underlining
tex-soulpos-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-soulpos
tex-sourcecodepro-2.7nb1 Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems
tex-sourcecodepro-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-sourcecodepro
tex-sourcesanspro-2.8 Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
tex-sourcesanspro-doc-2.8 Documentation for tex-sourcesanspro
tex-sourceserifpro-1.4nb1 Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems
tex-sourceserifpro-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-sourceserifpro
tex-spath3-2.7 Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF
tex-spath3-doc-2.7 Documentation for tex-spath3
tex-sphack-1.0 Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros
tex-sphack-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-sphack
tex-splines-0.2 MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants
tex-splines-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-splines
tex-splitbib-1.17 Split and reorder your bibliography
tex-srcltx-1.6 Jump between DVI and TeX files
tex-srcltx-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-srcltx
tex-stackengine-4.11 Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc
tex-stackengine-doc-4.11 Documentation for tex-stackengine
tex-standalone-1.3b Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document
tex-standalone-doc-1.3b Documentation for tex-standalone
tex-starfont-1.2nb1 StarFont Sans astrological font
tex-starfont-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-starfont
tex-startex-1.04 An XML-inspired format for student use
tex-startex-doc-1.04 Documentation for tex-startex
tex-statex-1.6 Statistics style
tex-statex-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-statex
tex-staves-2014nb1 Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters
tex-staves-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-staves
tex-stdclsdv-1.1a Provide sectioning information for package writers
tex-stdclsdv-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-stdclsdv
tex-stix-1.1.3nb1 OpenType Unicode maths fonts
tex-stix-doc-1.1.3 Documentation for tex-stix
tex-stix2-otf-2.12 OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts
tex-stix2-otf-doc-2.12 Documentation for tex-stix2-otf
tex-stix2-type1-2.0.2 Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts
tex-stix2-type1-doc-2.0.2 Documentation for tex-stix2-type1
tex-stmaryrd-2010nb2 St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
tex-stmaryrd-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-stmaryrd
tex-stringenc-1.12 Converting a string between different encodings
tex-stringenc-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-stringenc
tex-stringstrings-1.24 String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
tex-stringstrings-doc-1.24 Documentation for tex-stringstrings
tex-sttools-3.0 Various LaTeX tools and macros
tex-sttools-doc-3.0 Documentation for tex-sttools
tex-suanpan-2014 MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
tex-suanpan-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-suanpan
tex-subdocs-0.1 Multifile documents
tex-subdocs-doc-0.1 Documentation for tex-subdocs
tex-subfig-1.3 Figures broken into subfigures
tex-subfig-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-subfig
tex-subfigmat-1.0 Automates layout when using the subfigure package
tex-subfigmat-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-subfigmat
tex-subfigure-2.1.5 Figures divided into subfigures (obsoleted by tex-subfig)
tex-subfigure-doc-2.1.5 Documentation for tex-subfigure
tex-subfiles-2.2 Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document
tex-subfiles-doc-2.2 Documentation for tex-subfiles
tex-substr-1.2 Deal with substrings in strings
tex-substr-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-substr
tex-superiors-2.0 Attach superior figures to a font family
tex-superiors-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-superiors
tex-supertabular-4.1g Multi-page tables package
tex-supertabular-doc-4.1g Documentation for tex-supertabular
tex-svg-2.02k Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents
tex-svg-inkscape-doc-2014 How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape
tex-svn-prov-3.1862 Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
tex-svn-prov-doc-3.1862 Documentation for tex-svn-prov
tex-svninfo- Typeset Subversion keywords
tex-svninfo-doc- Documentation for tex-svninfo
tex-swrule-2020 Lines thicker in the middle than at the ends
tex-symbol-2021 Symbol font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-t2-2018.47870 Support for using T2 encoding
tex-t2-doc-2018.47870 Documentation for tex-t2
tex-tabls-3.5 Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
tex-tabls-doc-3.5 Documentation for tex-tabls
tex-tabu-2.9nb1 Flexible LaTeX tabulars
tex-tabu-doc-2.9 Documentation for tex-tabu
tex-tabularray-2024A Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
tex-tabulars-e-doc-1.0 Examples from the book "Typesetting tables with LaTeX"
tex-tabulary-0.10 Tabular with variable width columns balanced
tex-tabulary-doc-0.10 Documentation for tex-tabulary
tex-tagpdf-0.98x Tools for experimenting with tagging using pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-tagpdf-doc-0.98x Documentation for tex-tagpdf
tex-tamethebeast-doc-1.4 Manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX
tex-tap-0.77 TeX macros for typesetting complex tables
tex-tap-doc-0.77 Documentation for tex-tap
tex-tapir-0.2 Simple geometrical font
tex-tapir-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-tapir
tex-tcolorbox-6.2.0 Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
tex-tcolorbox-doc-6.2.0 Documentation for tex-tcolorbox
tex-tds-doc-1.1 The TeX Directory Structure standard
tex-templates-fenn-doc-2014 Templates for TeX usage
tex-templates-sommer-doc-2014 Templates for TeX usage
tex-tengwarscript-1.3.1 LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts
tex-tengwarscript-doc-1.3.1 Documentation for tex-tengwarscript
tex-tensind-1.1 Typeset tensors
tex-tensind-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-tensind
tex-termcal-1.8 Print a class calendar
tex-termcal-de-2.0 German localization for termcal
tex-termcal-de-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-termcal-de
tex-termcal-doc-1.8 Documentation for tex-termcal
tex-testhyphens-0.7 Testing hyphenation patterns
tex-testhyphens-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-testhyphens
tex-tex-3.141592653 Plain TeX format
tex-tex-font-errors-cheatsheet-doc-0.1 Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors
tex-tex-gyre-2.501nb3 TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
tex-tex-gyre-doc-2.501 Documentation for tex-tex-gyre
tex-tex-gyre-math-2016 Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
tex-tex-gyre-math-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-tex-gyre-math
tex-tex-ini-files-2023 Model TeX format creation files
tex-tex-ini-files-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-tex-ini-files
tex-tex-overview-doc-0.1f Overview of the development of TeX
tex-tex-ps-2010 TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
tex-tex-ps-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-tex-ps
tex-tex-refs-doc-0.4.8 References for TeX and Friends
tex-tex4ebook-0.4 Converter from LaTeX to ebook formats
tex-tex4ebook-doc-0.4 Documentation for tex-tex4ebook
tex-tex4ht-2024 Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML
tex-tex4ht-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-tex4ht
tex-texbytopic-doc-2014 Freed version of the book TeX by Topic
tex-texdoc-4.1 Documentation access for TeX Live
tex-texdoc-doc-4.1 Documentation for tex-texdoc
tex-texdoctk- Easy access to package documentation
tex-texdoctk-doc- Documentation for tex-texdoctk
tex-texdraw-2.3 Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
tex-texdraw-doc-2.3 Documentation for tex-texdraw
tex-texinfo-6.8.69818 Texinfo documentation system
tex-texlive-common-doc-2014 TeX Live manual (common elements)
tex-texlive-en-doc-2014 TeX Live manual (English)
tex-texlive-scripts-2024.70742 TeX Live infrastructure programs
tex-texlive-scripts-doc-2024.70742 Documentation for tex-texlive-scripts
tex-texlive-scripts-extra-2020nb3 More TeXLive scripts
tex-texlive-scripts-extra-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-texlive-scripts-extra
tex-texlive.infra-2024 Basic TeX Live infrastructure
tex-texmate-2nb1 Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX
tex-texmate-doc-2 Documentation for tex-texmate
tex-texnegar-0.1e Kashida justification in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tex-texnegar-doc-0.1e Documentation for tex-texnegar
tex-texpower-0.2 Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
tex-texpower-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-texpower
tex-texsis-2.18nb2 Plain TeX macros for Physicists
tex-texsis-doc-2.18 Documentation for tex-texsis
tex-textcase-1.04 Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
tex-textcase-doc-1.04 Documentation for tex-textcase
tex-textfit-5 Fit text to a desired size
tex-textfit-doc-5 Documentation for tex-textfit
tex-textmerg-2.01 Merge text in TeX and LaTeX
tex-textmerg-doc-2.01 Documentation for tex-textmerg
tex-textpath-1.6 Setting text along a path with MetaPost
tex-textpath-doc-1.6 Documentation for tex-textpath
tex-textpos-1.10.1 Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page
tex-textpos-doc-1.10.1 Documentation for tex-textpos
tex-tfrupee-1.02nb1 Font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol
tex-tfrupee-doc-1.02 Documentation for tex-tfrupee
tex-thmtools-76 Extensions to theorem environments
tex-thmtools-doc-76 Documentation for tex-thmtools
tex-threeddice-1.0 Create images of dice with faces showing, using MetaPost
tex-threeddice-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-threeddice
tex-threeparttable-2009 LaTeX tables with captions and notes all the same width
tex-threeparttable-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-threeparttable
tex-threeparttablex-0.3 Notes in longtables
tex-threeparttablex-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-threeparttablex
tex-thumbpdf-3.17nb4 Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf
tex-tikz-3dplot-2015 Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
tex-tikz-3dplot-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-tikz-3dplot
tex-tikz-cd-1.0 Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
tex-tikz-cd-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-tikz-cd
tex-tikz-feynhand-1.1.0 Feynman diagrams with TikZ
tex-tikz-feynhand-doc-1.1.0 Documentation for tex-tikz-feynhand
tex-tikzinclude-1.0 Import TikZ images from colletions
tex-tikzinclude-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-tikzinclude
tex-tikzmark-1.15 Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
tex-tikzmark-doc-1.15 Documentation for tex-tikzmark
tex-tikzorbital-2015 Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ
tex-tikzorbital-doc-2015 Documentation for tex-tikzorbital
tex-tikzpagenodes-1.1 A single TikZ node for the whole page
tex-tikzpagenodes-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-tikzpagenodes
tex-tikzpfeile-1.0 Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
tex-tikzpfeile-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-tikzpfeile
tex-tikzposter-2.0 Create scientific posters using TikZ
tex-tikzposter-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-tikzposter
tex-tikzscale-0.2.6 Resize pictures while respecting text size
tex-tikzscale-doc-0.2.6 Documentation for tex-tikzscale
tex-tikzsymbols-4.12a Some symbols created using TikZ
tex-tikzsymbols-doc-4.12a Documentation for tex-tikzsymbols
tex-times-2021 Times font from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-timetable-2014 Generate timetables
tex-tinos-2022 Tinos fonts with LaTeX support
tex-tinos-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-tinos
tex-tipa-1.3pl29349nb1 Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters
tex-tipa-de-doc-1.3 German translation of tipa documentation
tex-tipa-doc-1.3pl29349 Documentation for tex-tipa
tex-titlepages-doc-20100714 Sample titlepages, and how to code them
tex-titleref-2.0 \\titleref command to cross-reference section titles
tex-titleref-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-titleref
tex-titlesec-2.16 Select alternative section titles
tex-titlesec-doc-2.16 Documentation for tex-titlesec
tex-titling-2.1d Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command
tex-titling-doc-2.1d Documentation for tex-titling
tex-tkz-base-4.21c Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
tex-tkz-base-doc-4.21c Documentation for tex-tkz-base
tex-tkz-fct-1.7c Tools for drawing graphs of functions
tex-tkz-fct-doc-1.7c Documentation for tex-tkz-fct
tex-tlc2-doc-2014 Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition
tex-tlshell-2024 GUI frontend (tcl/tk-based) for tlmgr
tex-tlshell-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-tlshell
tex-tocbibind-1.5k Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents
tex-tocbibind-doc-1.5k Documentation for tex-tocbibind
tex-tocloft-2.3j Control table of contents, figures, etc
tex-tocloft-doc-2.3j Documentation for tex-tocloft
tex-todo-2.142 Make a to-do list for a document
tex-todo-doc-2.142 Documentation for tex-todo
tex-todonotes-1.1.7 Marking things to do in a LaTeX document
tex-todonotes-doc-1.1.7 Documentation for tex-todonotes
tex-tools-20231101c The LaTeX standard tools bundle
tex-tools-doc-20231101c Documentation for tex-tools
tex-toptesi-6.4.06 Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses
tex-toptesi-doc-6.4.06 Documentation for tex-toptesi
tex-totpages-2.00 Count pages in a document, and report last page number
tex-totpages-doc-2.00 Documentation for tex-totpages
tex-tpslifonts-0.6d LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
tex-tpslifonts-doc-0.6d Documentation for tex-tpslifonts
tex-tracklang-1.6.1 Language and dialect tracker
tex-tracklang-doc-1.6.1 Documentation for tex-tracklang
tex-trajan-1.1nb1 Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome
tex-trajan-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-trajan
tex-tram-0.2 Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX
tex-tram-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-tram
tex-translation-arsclassica-de-doc-2014 German version of arsclassica
tex-translation-biblatex-de-doc-1.0 German translation of the documentation of biblatex
tex-translation-chemsym-de-doc-2014 German version of chemsym
tex-translation-ecv-de-doc-2014 German version of evc
tex-translation-enumitem-de-doc-2014 Enumitem documentation, in German
tex-translation-europecv-de-doc-2014 German version of europecv
tex-translation-filecontents-de-doc-2014 German version of filecontents
tex-translation-moreverb-de-doc-2014 German version of moreverb
tex-translations-1.12 Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages
tex-translations-doc-1.12 Documentation for tex-translations
tex-translator-1.12d Easy translation of strings in LaTeX
tex-translator-doc-1.12d Documentation for tex-translator
tex-transparent-1.5 Using a color stack for transparency with pdfTeX
tex-transparent-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-transparent
tex-treetex-2014 Draw trees
tex-treetex-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-treetex
tex-trimspaces-1.1 Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro
tex-trimspaces-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-trimspaces
tex-truncate-3.6 Truncate text to a specified width
tex-truncate-doc-3.6 Documentation for tex-truncate
tex-ttfutils-2024 Data files for TeX Live TTF utilities
tex-ttfutils-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-ttfutils
tex-tufte-latex-3.5.2nb1 Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
tex-tufte-latex-doc-3.5.2 Documentation for tex-tufte-latex
tex-twoinone-2009 LaTeX style to print two pages on a single page
tex-twoinone-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-twoinone
tex-txfonts-2009nb2 Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
tex-txfonts-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-txfonts
tex-txfontsb-1.1.1nb1 Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
tex-txfontsb-doc-1.1.1 Documentation for tex-txfontsb
tex-type1cm-0.03 Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX
tex-type1cm-doc-0.03nb1 Documentation for tex-type1cm
tex-typehtml-2009 Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX
tex-typehtml-doc-2009 Documentation for tex-typehtml
tex-typicons-2.0.7 Font containing a set of web-related icons
tex-typicons-doc-2.0.7 Documentation for tex-typicons
tex-ucharcat-0.03 Implementation of the (new in 2015) XeTeX \Ucharcat command in lua, for LuaTeX
tex-ucharcat-doc-0.03 Documentation for tex-ucharcat
tex-ucs-2.4 Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX
tex-ucs-doc-2.4 Documentation for tex-ucs
tex-udesoftec-1.7.1 Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
tex-udesoftec-doc-1.7.1 Documentation for tex-udesoftec
tex-uhc-2011nb2 Fonts for the Korean language
tex-uhc-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-uhc
tex-uhrzeit-0.2c Time printing, in German
tex-uhrzeit-doc-0.2c Documentation for tex-uhrzeit
tex-ukrhyph-2010 Hyphenation pattern files for Ukrainian
tex-ukrhyph-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-ukrhyph
tex-ulem-2020 Package for underlining
tex-ulem-doc-2020 Documentation for tex-ulem
tex-umlaute-2.1 German input encodings in LaTeX
tex-umlaute-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-umlaute
tex-umtypewriter-1.1 Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
tex-underscore-2010 Control the behaviour of "_" in text
tex-underscore-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-underscore
tex-undolabl-1.0m Override existing labels
tex-unfonts-core-2022 TrueType version of Un-fonts
tex-unfonts-core-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-unfonts-core
tex-unfonts-extra-2022 TrueType version of Un-fonts
tex-unfonts-extra-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-unfonts-extra
tex-unicode-data-1.17 Unicode data and loaders for TeX
tex-unicode-data-doc-1.17 Documentation for tex-unicode-data
tex-unicode-math-0.8r Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
tex-unicode-math-doc-0.8r Documentation for tex-unicode-math
tex-uniquecounter-1.4 Provides unlimited unique counter
tex-uniquecounter-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-uniquecounter
tex-units-0.9b Typeset units
tex-units-doc-0.9b Documentation for tex-units
tex-universa-2.1 Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font
tex-universa-doc-2.1 Documentation for tex-universa
tex-universalis-2022 Universalis font, with support
tex-universalis-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-universalis
tex-updmap-map-2020 auto-generated tex font map files
tex-uplatex-2024 pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for upTeX
tex-uplatex-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-uplatex
tex-upquote-1.3 Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
tex-upquote-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-upquote
tex-uptex-2023 Unicode version of pTeX
tex-uptex-base-2021 Plain TeX formats and documents for upTeX
tex-uptex-base-doc-2021 Documentation for tex-uptex-base
tex-uptex-fonts-2023 Fonts for use with upTeX
tex-uptex-fonts-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-uptex-fonts
tex-url-3.4 Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
tex-url-doc-3.4 Documentation for tex-url
tex-urlbst-0.9.1 Web support for BibTeX
tex-urlbst-doc-0.9.1 Documentation for tex-urlbst
tex-urwchancal-1 Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet
tex-urwchancal-doc-1 Documentation for tex-urwchancal
tex-utf8mex-2016 Tools to produce formats that read Polish language input
tex-utf8mex-doc-2016 Documentation for tex-utf8mex
tex-utopia-2010 Adobe Utopia fonts
tex-utopia-doc-2010 Documentation for tex-utopia
tex-varisize-2014 Change font size in Plain TeX
tex-varisize-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-varisize
tex-varwidth-0.92nb1 A variable-width minipage
tex-varwidth-doc-0.92 Documentation for tex-varwidth
tex-venndiagram-1.2 Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
tex-venndiagram-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-venndiagram
tex-venturisadf-2.0 Venturis ADF fonts collection
tex-venturisadf-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-venturisadf
tex-verbasef-1.1 VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files
tex-verbasef-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-verbasef
tex-verbatimbox-3.2 Deposit verbatim text in a box
tex-verbatimbox-doc-3.2 Documentation for tex-verbatimbox
tex-verbdef-0.2 Define commands which expand to verbatim text
tex-verbdef-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-verbdef
tex-verse-2.4c Aids for typesetting simple verse
tex-verse-doc-2.4c Documentation for tex-verse
tex-version-2.0 Conditionally include text
tex-version-doc-2.0 Documentation for tex-version
tex-vertbars-1.0c Mark vertical rules in margin of text
tex-vhistory-1.8.0 simplifies the creation of a history of versions of a document
tex-vhistory-doc-1.8.0 Documentation for tex-vhistory
tex-visualfaq-doc-2014 Visual LaTeX FAQ
tex-vmargin-2.5 Set various page dimensions
tex-vmargin-doc-2.5 Documentation for tex-vmargin
tex-vntex-3.2.2 Support for Vietnamese
tex-vntex-doc-3.2.2 Documentation for tex-vntex
tex-voss-mathcol-doc-0.1 Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX
tex-voss-mathmode-doc-2.47 Comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX
tex-vruler-2.3nb1 Numbering text
tex-vruler-doc-2.3 Documentation for tex-vruler
tex-wadalab-2011nb2 Wadalab (Japanese) font packages
tex-wadalab-doc-2011 Documentation for tex-wadalab
tex-wallpaper-1.10nb1 Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents
tex-wallpaper-doc-1.10 Documentation for tex-wallpaper
tex-was-2022 Collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt
tex-was-doc-2022 Documentation for tex-was
tex-wasy-2.5 The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts)
tex-wasy-doc-2.5 Documentation for tex-wasy
tex-wasy-type1-001.002nb1 Type 1 versions of wasy fonts
tex-wasysym-2.4 LaTeX support for the wasy fonts
tex-wasysym-doc-2.4 Documentation for tex-wasysym
tex-webguide-doc-2014 Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing
tex-worldflags-2023 Drawing flags with TikZ
tex-worldflags-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-worldflags
tex-wrapfig-3.6nb1 LaTeX package to produce figures which text can flow around
tex-wrapfig-doc-3.6nb1 Documentation for tex-wrapfig
tex-wsuipa-2014 International Phonetic Alphabet fonts
tex-wsuipa-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-wsuipa
tex-xargs-1.1 Define commands with many optional arguments
tex-xargs-doc-1.1 Documentation for tex-xargs
tex-xcharter-1.25 Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts
tex-xcharter-doc-1.25 Documentation for tex-xcharter
tex-xcjk2uni-1.0 Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX
tex-xcjk2uni-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-xcjk2uni
tex-xcolor-3.01 Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
tex-xcolor-doc-3.01 Documentation for tex-xcolor
tex-xcomment-1.3 Allows selected environments to be included/excluded
tex-xcomment-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-xcomment
tex-xdvi-22.87.03 Configuration file for xdvik
tex-xecjk-3.9.1nb1 Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
tex-xecjk-doc-3.9.1 Documentation for tex-xecjk
tex-xepersian-25.0 Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX
tex-xepersian-doc-25.0 Documentation for tex-xepersian
tex-xepersian-hm-1.1a Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package
tex-xepersian-hm-doc-1.1a Documentation for tex-xepersian-hm
tex-xetex-2024 Unicode and OpenType-enabled TeX engine
tex-xetex-doc-2024 Documentation for tex-xetex
tex-xetexconfig-2016 Configuration files for XeTeX
tex-xetexref-doc-2014 Reference documentation of XeTeX
tex-xfor-1.05 Reimplimentation of the LaTeX for-loop macro
tex-xfor-doc-1.05 Documentation for tex-xfor
tex-xfrac-2023 Split-level fractions
tex-xfrac-doc-2023 Documentation for tex-xfrac
tex-xifthen-1.4.0 Extended conditional commands
tex-xifthen-doc-1.4.0 Documentation for tex-xifthen
tex-xii-doc-2014 Documentation for tex-xii
tex-xindy- General-purpose index processor
tex-xindy-doc- Documentation for tex-xindy
tex-xits-1.302 Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting
tex-xits-doc-1.302 Documentation for tex-xits
tex-xkeyval-2.9 Extension of the keyval package
tex-xkeyval-doc-2.9 Documentation for tex-xkeyval
tex-xltxtra-0.7nb1 Extras files for LaTeX users of XeTeX
tex-xltxtra-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-xltxtra
tex-xmltex-1.9nb11 Non-validating XML parser implemented in TeX
tex-xmltex-doc-0.8nb3 Documentation for tex-xmltex
tex-xmltexconfig-2023 Files used to generate xmltex formats
tex-xpatch-0.3 Extending etoolbox patching commands
tex-xpatch-doc-0.3 Documentation for tex-xpatch
tex-xpinyin-3.1 Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
tex-xpinyin-doc-3.1 Documentation for tex-xpinyin
tex-xskak-1.5 Extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
tex-xskak-doc-1.5 Documentation for tex-xskak
tex-xstring-1.86 String manipulation for (La)TeX
tex-xstring-doc-1.86 Documentation for tex-xstring
tex-xtab-2.3f Break tables across pages
tex-xtab-doc-2.3f Documentation for tex-xtab
tex-xunicode-0.981 Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
tex-xunicode-doc-0.981 Documentation for tex-xunicode
tex-xypic-3.8.9nb1 Flexible diagramming macros
tex-xypic-doc-3.8.9 Documentation for tex-xypic
tex-yagusylo-1.2 Symbol loader
tex-yagusylo-doc-1.2 Documentation for tex-yagusylo
tex-ydoc-0.7alpha Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
tex-ydoc-doc-0.7alpha Documentation for tex-ydoc
tex-yfonts-1.4 Support for old German fonts
tex-yfonts-doc-1.4 Documentation for tex-yfonts
tex-yfonts-t1-1.0nb1 Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format
tex-yfonts-t1-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-yfonts-t1
tex-zapfchan-2021 Zapf Chancery fonts from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-zapfding-2021 Dingbat typeface from URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
tex-zhmetrics-206 TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX
tex-zhmetrics-doc-206 Documentation for tex-zhmetrics
tex-zhmetrics-uptex-1.0 Chinese font metrics for upTeX
tex-zhmetrics-uptex-doc-1.0 Documentation for tex-zhmetrics-uptex
tex-zhnumber-3.0 Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
tex-zhnumber-doc-3.0 Documentation for tex-zhnumber
tex-zitie-1.4.0 Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
tex-zitie-doc-1.4.0 Documentation for tex-zitie
tex-zlmtt-1.032 Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
tex-zlmtt-doc-1.032 Documentation for tex-zlmtt
tex-zref-2.35 New reference scheme for LaTeX
tex-zref-doc-2.35 Documentation for tex-zref
tex-zxjafbfont-0.2 Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
tex-zxjafbfont-doc-0.2 Documentation for tex-zxjafbfont
tex-zxjafont-1.3 Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
tex-zxjafont-doc-1.3 Documentation for tex-zxjafont
tex-zxjatype-0.7 Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
tex-zxjatype-doc-0.7 Documentation for tex-zxjatype
tex4ht-20180703nb4 Converter from *TeX to HTML, XML, and similar formats
texdrive-0.0.20081126.171834nb4 Emacs mode for creating inline formulae for HTML
texi2html-5.0nb11 Texinfo-to-HTML direct translator
texi2mdoc-0.1.2 Convert texinfo documentation (texi) into man pages (mdoc)
texi2roff-2.0 Texinfo-to-ROFF direct translator
texlab-5.16.0 Implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX
texlive-collection-all-2024pre1 All texlive collections
texlive-collection-basic-2024 Essential programs and files for TeX
texlive-collection-basic-doc-2018nb3 Documentation for texlive-collection-basic
texlive-collection-bibtexextra-2024pre1 BibTeX additional styles
texlive-collection-binextra-2024pre1 TeX auxiliary programs
texlive-collection-context-2024 ConTeXt and packages
texlive-collection-fontsextra-2024pre2 Additional fonts for TeX
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-2024 Recommended fonts for TeX
texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-doc-2010nb1 Documentation for texlive-collection-fontsrecommended
texlive-collection-fontutils-2024 Graphics and font utilities for TeX
texlive-collection-formatsextra-2024 Additional formats for TeX
texlive-collection-games-2024pre1 Games typesetting TeX packages
texlive-collection-humanities-2024pre1 Graphics, pictures, diagrams TeX packages
texlive-collection-langarabic-2024pre1 Arabic TeX packages
texlive-collection-langchinese-2024pre2 Chinese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langcjk-2024 Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base) TeX packages
texlive-collection-langcyrillic-2024pre1 Cyrillic TeX packages
texlive-collection-langczechslovak-2024 Czech/Slovak TeX packages
texlive-collection-langenglish-2024 US and UK English TeX packages
texlive-collection-langeuropean-2024pre1 Other European languages TeX packages
texlive-collection-langfrench-2024pre1 French TeX packages
texlive-collection-langgerman-2024 German TeX packages
texlive-collection-langgreek-2024pre2 Greek TeX packages
texlive-collection-langitalian-2024pre1 Italian TeX packages
texlive-collection-langjapanese-2024.70738 Japanese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langkorean-2024 Korean TeX packages
texlive-collection-langother-2024pre1 Other languages TeX packages
texlive-collection-langpolish-2024 Polish TeX packages
texlive-collection-langportuguese-2024 Portuguese TeX packages
texlive-collection-langspanish-2024 Spanish TeX packages
texlive-collection-latex-2024 Basic LaTeX packages
texlive-collection-latex-doc-2010 Documentation for texlive-collection-latex
texlive-collection-latexextra-2024pre4 LaTeX additional packages
texlive-collection-latexrecommended-2024 LaTeX recommended packages
texlive-collection-luatex-2024pre1 LuaTeX packages
texlive-collection-mathscience-2024pre2 Mathematics, natural sciences, computer science packages
texlive-collection-metapost-2024 MetaPost and Metafont packages
texlive-collection-music-2024pre1 Music TeX packages
texlive-collection-pictures-2024pre1 Graphics, pictures, diagrams TeX packages
texlive-collection-plaingeneric-2024pre1 Plain (La)TeX packages
texlive-collection-pstricks-2024pre1 PSTricks TeX packages
texlive-collection-publishers-2024pre1 Publisher styles, theses, etc TeX packages
texlive-collection-xetex-2024pre1 XeTeX and packages
texlive2pkg-1.13 Tool to automate initial steps in building a texlive package
texmaker-5.1.4nb9 LaTeX editor and front end
texstudio-4.4.0nb23 Integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents
texttest- Tool for text-based Approval Testing
texworks-0.6.9nb4 Simple TeX front-end program
tf-4.0s1nb9 Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tfkiss-1.2.4nb1 Software implementation of TheFirmware for use with TNT
tfmxplay-0.6 Console TFMX (amiga games sound file format) player
tgif-4.2.5nb1 Fully-featured X11 drawing program
thaixfonts-1.2.7 The collection of Thai X fonts
the_silver_searcher-2.2.0 Attempt to improve on ack, which itself is better than grep
thew-1.1.1nb3 The hermit worm
threadingbuildingblocks-2022.0.0nb1 Threading Buildling Blocks
threadweaver-5.116.0nb3 High-level multithreading framework
thrift-0.15.0 Cross-language data serialization
thrulay-0.9 TCP and UDP network capacity tester
thttpd-2.29 Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thunderbird-128.5.1 Organize, secure and customize your mail
thunderbird-l10n-128.5.1 Language packs for mail/thunderbird
thunderbird115-115.15.0nb5 Organize, secure and customize your mail
thunderbird115-l10n-115.15.0 Language packs for mail/thunderbird115
tidy-5.8.0 Fixes and tidies up HTML files
tiff-4.7.0 Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files
tig-2.5.8nb1 Ncurses-based GIT repository tool
tigervnc- High-performance, platform-neutral VNC client/server
tightvnc-1.3.10nb22 Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
tightvncviewer-1.3.10nb2 Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
tik-0.90nb2 Tcl/Tk AOL Instant Messenger client
tile-0.7.3nb2 X11 Window Tiler
tileworld-1.3.2 Game based on Chip's Challenge
tilp2-1.16nb38 Multi-platform linking program for TI graphing calculators
timescaledb-tune-0.14.3nb19 Tune timescaledb to match system's CPU and memory resources
timidity-2.15.0nb10 MIDI to WAV renderer and player
tin-2.6.3nb4 USENET newsreader (termcap based)
tinc-1.0.36nb1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tint2-17.0.2nb18 Lightweight panel/taskbar for X11
tinycdb-0.78 Create and read constant databases
tinycthread-1.1 Small, portable implementation of the C11 threads API
tinydyndns-0.4.2nb2 Simple and powerful dynamic DNS solution
tinydyndns-run-20201030nb3 Configures tinydyndns to serve and update records
tinyproxy-1.11.2 Lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy
tinyscheme-1.40nb1 R5RS small embeddable scheme implementation
tinywm-1.3 Very basic X window manager in around 50 lines of C
tinyx-wscons-0.6 Minimal X11 from Tiny Core Linux with wscons support
tinyxml-2.6.2nb2 Simple, small, C++ XML parser
tinyxml2-10.0.0 Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
tio-2.6 Simple TTY terminal I/O application
tipidee- Minimalistic web server
tiramisu-2.0.20240610 Desktop notifications, the UNIX way
tirc-1.2nb4 Token's 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
titrax-1.98nb18 Little X11 tool to track project times
tits-1.3.0 Server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
tk-8.5.19nb4 Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.6.14 Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-BWidget-1.9.0nb1 High-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk
tk-Tix-8.4.3nb9 Powerful widget library for Tcl/Tk
tkabber-0.11.1nb1 Free and Open Source TCL/TK jabber client
tkcon-2.7.2 Enhanced Tk Console for all Tk platforms
tkcron-2.12nb1 Graphical frontend to crontab
tkcvs-8.2.3 Tcl/Tk frontends to CVS and diff
tkdiff-4.2 Graphical 2-way diff/merge tool
tkgate-1.8.7nb4 Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tkhylafax-3.1nb4 Tcl/tk interface to Sam Leffler's fax package
tkimg-1.3.20080116nb5 Add support for several image formats to Tk
tkined-1.4.11nb14 Graphical network discovery and monitoring tool based on scotty
tkinfo-2.8nb1 Tk script to read and display GNU "info" files
tkirc-1.202nb1 GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client
tkirc2-2.46nb2 GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client
tkpasman-2.2anb21 Username and password manager that uses the Tk toolkit
tkpiechart-5.4nb2 Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension
tktable-2.10nb10 Full-featured 2D table widget for Tk
tl-expected-1.0.0 C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
tla-1.3.5nb1 Revision control system ideal for widely distributed development
tlf- Advanced hamradio logging and contest program
tload-2.0.6nb1 Terminal version of xload
tlrc-1.9.3 Tldr client written in Rust
tlsh-4.8.2 Fuzzy matching library
tlswrapper-20230101 UCSPI/inetd-style TLS encryption wrapper
tlsx-1.1.8 TLS grabber focused on TLS based data collection
tmake-1.13nb10 Cross-platform Makefile Tool
tmate-2.4.0nb1 Terminal multiplexer with instant terminal sharing
tme-0.8nb59 The Machine Emulator
tmux-3.5a BSD-licensed terminal multiplexer (GNU Screen alternative)
tmux-mem-cpu-load-3.6.0 CPU, RAM, and load monitor for use with tmux
tn3270-0.20100116nb2 Utilities for connecting to IBM VM/CMS systems
tn5250-0.12.51nb5 Implementation of the IBM 5250 telnet protocol
tnef-1.4.18 Decode MS-TNEF MIME attachments
tnef2txt-1.4 Portable application/ms-tnef parser
tnftp-20230507nb1 The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD
tnftpd-20231001 The NetBSD FTP Daemon
tnt-1.9.2nb1 Amateur packet radio terminal program for TNC2, AEA PK232 and PK88
tnt-mmtl-1.2.2nb17 Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line 2-D and 2.5-D simulator
tob-0.25nb2 General driver for making and maintaining backups
tochnog-20010429 Finite Element Analysis Program
todoman-4.0.0nb4 Simple CalDav-based todo manager
todotxt-2.12.0 Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file
toilet-0.3 Free replacement for the FIGlet utility
tokei-13.0.0.alpha7 Displays statistics about code
tokyocabinet-1.4.48 Modern implementation of DBM
tokyodystopia-0.9.15 Full-text search system
tokyotyrant-1.1.41nb4 Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
tomlplusplus-3.4.0 TOML library for c++
tomoe-0.6.0nb8 Handwriting recognition engine
toolame-02lnb4 Optimized MPEG 1/2 layer 2 audio encoder
toot-0.47.1 Command line client for the Mastodon social network API
tootstream-0.4.0 Command line interface for interacting with Mastodon instances
top-3.6.1nb1 The ubiquitous system monitoring utility
topgit-0.7nb1 Different patch queue manager
topless-1.52nb10 Display command output on the whole screen like ``top''
toppler-1.1.6nb2 Tower Toppler/Nebulous clone
tor- Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torrentutils-0.3.0nb15 Manage BitTorrent files and interact with trackers
torsocks-2.3.0 Library to torify applications
toshutils-991217nb5 NetBSD port of the Toshiba(tm) Linux Utilities
totd-1.5.3 DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
totem-3.34.1nb36 Movie player designed for GNOME
totem-pl-parser-3.26.6nb3 Totem playlist parser
toxcore-0.2.18nb2 Tox protocol library
tp-note-1.24.11 Minimalistic note taking and template system
tpasm-1.7 Assembler for 6805, 68HC11, 6502, Surplus, 8051, Z80, PIC, and AVR
tpb-0.6.4 Utility to enable the IBM ThinkPad(tm) special keys
tphdisk-20050112 Create hibernation partitions for Thinkpads
tqsl-2.7.3nb5 TrustedQSL, uploading QSL Data to LoTW of ARRL
tr1x-4.1.2 Open source re-implementation of Tomb Raider
trac-1.6 Repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
traceroute-as-991603nb1 Traceroute capable of reporting the AS number of hops
traceroute-nanog-6.4.2nb1 Traceroute implementation with extended features
tracker-5.3nb1 MOD player
tradcpp-0.5.3 Traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
trader-7.18 Simple text-based game of interstellar trading
trafshow-5.2.3nb3 Full screen visualization of the network traffic
trang-20090818 Multi-format schema converter based on RELAX NG
transcalc-0.14nb45 Transmission line analysis/synthesis
transcode-1.1.7nb80 Command line video-stream processing tool
translate-shell- Command-line translator
translate-toolkit-3.14.1 Tools for working with translation files
transmission-4.0.6nb5 Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
transmission-common-4.0.6nb3 Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (shared files)
transmission-gtk-4.0.6nb3 Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK version)
transmission-qt-4.0.6nb3 Free, lightweight BitTorrent client (QT version)
transset-1.0.4 Utility for setting opacity property
trash-0.9.2nb4 Command-line program for OS X that moves files or folders to the trash
traverso-0.49.6nb35 Multitrack audio recording and audio editing suite
trayer-1.1.8nb10 Lightweight GTK2-based systray for UNIX desktop
tre-0.8.0 Lightweight and robust POSIX compliant regexp matching library
tre-command-0.4.0 Tree command, improved
tree-1.8.0 Print a text or HTML tree diagram of a directory structure
tree-sitter-0.24.4 Incremental parsing system for programming tools
tree-sitter-bash-0.23.3 Bash grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-c-0.23.2 C grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-c-sharp-0.23.1 C# grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-cli-0.22.5 Incremental parsing system for programming tools (CLI)
tree-sitter-cmake-0.5.0 CMake grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-cpp-0.23.4 C++ grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-css-0.23.1 CSS grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-dockerfile-0.2.0 Dockerfile grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-elisp-1.3.0 Emacs Lisp grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-elixir-0.3.1 Elixir grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-go-0.23.4 Go grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-go-mod-1.1.0 go.mod grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-heex-0.6.0 HEEx grammer for Tree-sitter
tree-sitter-html-0.23.2 HTML grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-java-0.23.4 Java grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-javascript-0.20.0 Javascript grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-json-0.24.8 JSON grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-lua-0.2.0 Lua grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-markdown-0.7.1 Markdown grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-php-0.23.11 PHP grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-python-0.23.5 Python grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-ruby-0.23.1 Ruby grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-rust-0.23.2 Rust grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-toml-0.5.1nb1 TOML grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-tsx-0.23.2 TSX grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-typescript-0.23.2 TypeScript grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-yaml-0.5.0nb1 YAML grammar for tree-sitter
treecc-0.3.10nb1 DotGNU Portable.NET aspect-oriented programming tool
treegrep-0.1.4 Pattern matcher frontend or backend which displays results in a tree
tremor- Fixed point decoding library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
tremor-tools- Ogg Vorbis encoder and player
trickle-1.06nb17 Portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
trio-1.16 Fully matured and stable set of printf and string functions
trippy-0.12.0 Network diagnostic tool
tripwire-1.2nb4 File and directory integrity checker
trn-4.77nb7 Threaded version of rn, the classic news reader
troffcvt-1.04nb11 Troff/groff to RTF/HTML/TEXT converter
trojita-0.4.1nb10 Fast Qt IMAP e-mail client
trrntzip-1.3 Create zip archives in a standard format
trufflehog-3.63.7nb8 Find credentials all over the place
trusted-firmware-a-fiptool-2.6nb1 (no description)
trusted-firmware-a-rk3328-2.6 ARM Trusted Firmware for Rockchip RK3328 SoCs
trusted-firmware-a-rk3399-2.6 ARM Trusted Firmware for Rockchip RK3399 SoCs
ts-1.0.1 Simple handy batch system
tscp-1.81nb3 Tom Kerrigan's Simple Chess Program
tscrape-0.6 Twitter scraper
tsm8- IBM Spectrum Protect (aka Tivoli Storage Manager) Backup Client
tsocks-1.8beta5nb4 Transparent SOCKS proxying library
tspc-2.1.1nb2 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client for Freenet6
tstools-1.11nb1 Cross-platform command line tools for working with MPEG data
ttcp-1.12nb3 TCP testing and performance measuring tool
ttf-meera- Malayalam font in TTF format
ttf-tlwg-0.7.3 Thai fonts in TTF format
ttf2pk-2.0nb12 TrueType to TeX PK font converter
ttf2pt1-3.4.4nb18 TrueType font converter to Postscript type 1
ttfdump-0.5.5nb11 TrueType font dumper
ttftot42-0.3.1nb3 TrueType font to Type 42 converter
ttmkfdir2-20021109nb8 Tool that creates a fonts.scale file
ttt-1.8.2nb12 Tele Traffic Tapper
tty-clock-2.3 Simple console clock
ttyplot-1.4 Realtime plotting utility for terminals
ttyrec-1.0.8nb1 Tty recorder
tuc-1.2.0 When cut doesn't cut it
tui-journal-0.13.1 Your journal app if you live in a terminal
tuifeed-0.3.2 Terminal feed reader with a fancy ui
tuir-1.29.0nb5 Browse Reddit from your terminal
turba-2.3.6nb12 Horde contact management application
tut-2.0.1nb18 TUI for Mastodon with shellout
tuxmath-20010907nb16 Educational math arcade game
tuxnes-0.75nb4 NES emulator
tuxpaint-0.9.34 Drawing program for small children
tuxpaint-config-0.0.25 Configuration program for tuxpaint
tuxpaint-stamps-2024.10.25 Rubber stamps for Tux Paint
tuxracer-0.61nb16 3D penguin racing game using OpenGL
tvision-0.8nb3 Turbo Vision C++ CUI library for UNIX
tvnjviewer-2.7.2 JAVA VNC viewer
tvtwm-11nb3 Classic twm with virtual desktop support
tweak-3.02nb2 Efficient hex editor
twemoji-color-font-ttf-13.1.0 Twitter color emoji SVGinOT font
twin-3.1.14nb4 Cross-platform implementation of the Win32 API
twitch-tui-2.6.17 Twitch chat in the terminal
twittering-mode-3.0.0nb1 Emacs client for twitter
twm-1.0.12 Tom's Window Manager
twolame-0.4.0nb4 Optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder based on tooLAME
txt2html-2.51nb11 Plain text to HTML convertor
txt2man-1.5.6 Convert flat ASCII text to man page format
txt2pdbdoc-1.4.4nb11 Text to Palm DOC converter
type1inst-0.6.1nb11 Automatically generate fonts.scale/fonts.dir for Type1 fonts
typst-0.12.0 Markup-based typesetting system
tyrquake-0.71 Conservative branch of Quake
tzdiff-1.2.1 Showing time pairs between target timezone and localtime
tzosdclock-1.0.2nb2 OnScreen Display Clock for Multiple Timezones
u-boot-a10-olinuxino-lime-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A10-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2-2018.11nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-lime2-emmc-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino-Lime2-eMMC_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-micro-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino_MICRO_defconfig)
u-boot-a20-olinuxino-micro-emmc-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (A20-OLinuXino_MICRO-eMMC_defconfig)
u-boot-a64-olinuxino-2022.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (a64-olinuxino_defconfig)
u-boot-a64-olinuxino-emmc-2022.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (a64-olinuxino-emmc_defconfig)
u-boot-apple-m1-2021.04rc3nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (apple_m1_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapi-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Bananapi_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapi-m2-zero-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (bananapi_m2_zero_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapi-m3-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Sinovoip_BPI_M3_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapi-p2-zero-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (bananapi_p2_zero_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapi-r2-2020.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (mt7623n_bpir2_defconfig)
u-boot-bananapro-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Bananapro_defconfig)
u-boot-beagleboard-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (omap3_beagle_defconfig)
u-boot-beagleboneblack-2022.04nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (am335x_evm_defconfig)
u-boot-beaglebonegreen-2022.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (am335x_evm_defconfig)
u-boot-beaglebonewhite-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (am335x_evm_defconfig)
u-boot-chip-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (CHIP_defconfig)
u-boot-chip-pro-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (CHIP_pro_defconfig)
u-boot-ci20-2020.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (ci20_mmc_defconfig)
u-boot-cubieboard2-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Cubieboard2_defconfig)
u-boot-cubieboard4-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Cubieboard4_defconfig)
u-boot-cubietruck-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Cubietruck_defconfig)
u-boot-cubietruck-plus-2018.11nb2 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Cubietruck_plus_defconfig)
u-boot-de0-nanosoc-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (socfpga_de0_nano_soc_defconfig)
u-boot-hummingbird-a31-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Hummingbird_A31_defconfig)
u-boot-jetson-nano-2020.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (p3450-0000_defconfig)
u-boot-jetson-tk1-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (jetson-tk1_defconfig)
u-boot-jetson-tx1-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (p2371-2180_defconfig)
u-boot-jetson-tx2-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (p2771-0000-500_defconfig)
u-boot-lamobo-r1-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (Lamobo_R1_defconfig)
u-boot-libretech-all-h3-cc-h2-plus-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (libretech_all_h3_cc_h2_plus_defconfig)
u-boot-libretech-all-h3-cc-h3-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (libretech_all_h3_cc_h3_defconfig)
u-boot-libretech-all-h3-cc-h5-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (libretech_all_h3_cc_h5_defconfig)
u-boot-libretech-cc-2018.11nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (libretech-cc_defconfig)
u-boot-licheepi-zero-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (LicheePi_Zero_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-duo2-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_duo2_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-m1-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_m1_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-neo-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_neo_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-neo-plus2-2018.11nb5 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_neo_plus2_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-neo2-2018.11nb5 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_neo2_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-r1-2018.11nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi_r1_defconfig)
u-boot-nanopi-r2s-2022.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi-r2s-rk3328_defconfig)
u-boot-odroid-c2-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (odroid-c2_defconfig)
u-boot-odroid-xu3-2018.11nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (odroid-xu3_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-2-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_2_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-lite-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_lite_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-lite2-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_lite2_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-one-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_one_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-pc-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_pc_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-plus2e-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_plus2e_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-zero-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_zero_defconfig)
u-boot-orangepi-zero-plus-2018.11nb5 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_zero_plus_defconfig)
u-boot-pandaboard-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (omap4_panda_defconfig)
u-boot-pico-pi-imx7d-2021.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pico-pi-imx7d_defconfig)
u-boot-pine-h64-2021.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pine_h64_defconfig)
u-boot-pine64-2018.11nb5 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pine64_plus_defconfig)
u-boot-pinebook-2018.11rc3nb3 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinebook_defconfig)
u-boot-pinebook-pro-2022.01nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinebook-pro-rk3399_defconfig)
u-boot-pinecube-2022.04nb1 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinecube_defconfig)
u-boot-pinephone-2021.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinephone_defconfig)
u-boot-pocketchip-2018.11nb4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (CHIP_defconfig)
u-boot-roc-rk3328-cc-2020.07.rc4 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (roc-cc-rk3328_defconfig)
u-boot-rock64-2022.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rock64-rk3328_defconfig)
u-boot-rockpro64-2022.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rockpro64-rk3399_defconfig)
u-boot-rpi3-32-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rpi_3_32b_defconfig)
u-boot-sopine-baseboard-2018.11nb5 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (sopine_baseboard_defconfig)
u-boot-tinker-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (tinker-rk3288_defconfig)
u-boot-udoo-neo-imx6sx-2021.01 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (udoo_neo_defconfig)
u-boot-visionfive2-2024.04 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (starfive_visionfive2_defconfig)
u-boot-zynq-zturn-2022.10 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (xilinx_zynq_virt_defconfig)
u-boot-zynq-zybo-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (zynq_zybo_defconfig)
u-boot-zynq-zybo-z7-2018.11 Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (zynq_zybo_z7_defconfig)
u6rd-1.7.1 User-space 6rd (RFC 5569) implementation
u9fs-2.0.3 Unix file server using the 9P protocol
uacme-1.7.5nb5 Lightweight C ACMEv2 client which uses external authenticators
uae-0.8.25nb44 The UAE Amiga Emulator
uair-0.6.2 Extensible pomodoro timer
ubench-0.32nb1 The Unix Benchmark utility
ubs-0.17nb4 Uninterrupted Broadcasting System
ubuntu-fonts-0.83 TrueType font family from Ubuntu
ucarp-1.5.2nb2 Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix
ucblogo-6.2.1nb11 UCB (Berkeley) Logo interpreter
uchardet-0.0.8 Encoding detector library ported from Mozilla
ucl-1.03nb1 Portable lossless data compression library
ucommon-7.0.0nb17 Very light-weight C++ library for deeply embedded applications
ucon64-2.2.2 Emulator ROM and disk image converter and inspector
ucpp-1.3.5 C preprocessor and lexer
ucspi-ipc-0.67nb4 UCSPI local-domain client-server command-line tools
ucspi-proxy-1.1 Proxy between an UCSPI client and server
ucspi-ssl-0.999.13.03nb2 Command-line tools for SSL client-server applications
ucspi-tcp-0.88nb6 Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
ucspi-tcp6-1.13.02 Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
ucspi-tools-1.7nb1 SOCKS proxy and TLS support for UCSPI
ucspi-udp-0.88.1 Unix Client-Server interface utilities for UDP
ucspi-unix-1.0 UCSPI client and server for Unix domain sockets
udfclient-0.8.21 UDF file system reader/writer for CD/CD-RW/DVD*RW/DVD-RAM and images
udns-0.4nb1 Lightweight DNS resolver supporting asynchronous queries
udpcast-20060619nb10 Send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN
udptunnel-1.1nb2 Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
udunits-2.2.26 Library and program for manipulating units of physical quantities
uemacs-4.0nb2 "emacs" key sequences compatible full screen editor
ufdbguard-1.35.5nb2 URL filter for use with squid
ufetch-0.4 Tiny system info for Unix-like Operating Systems
ufoai-2.2.1nb46 UFO Alien Invasion
uftp-5.0nb1 Encrypted multicast file transfer program
ugrep-7.1.1 Fast grep with many enhancements including Unicode support
uhd- USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers
uhttpmock-0.11.0nb3 Library for mocking web service APIs which use HTTP or HTTPS
uim-1.8.9nb16 Multilingual input method library
uim-chewing-0.1.0nb26 Chewing im for uim
uim-mozc-2.26.4282.100nb31 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
uim-mozc-2.29.5268.102nb5 Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine
uisp-20040311 AVR microcontroller hardware in-system programmer
umb-scheme-3.2nb1 UMB Scheme interpreter
umbrello-23.08.4nb7 UML Modeller
umefont-ttf-0.670 Ume 18 Japanese fonts (Mincho and Gothic)
un-core-ttf- Core set of Un Korean TrueType fonts
un-extra-ttf- Extra set of Un Korean TrueType fonts
unac-1.7.0 C library that removes accents from characters
unace-1.2.2nb2 Extract, list and test files in ACE archives
unace-bin-2.50 Extract, list and test files in ACE archives (Linux binary)
unalz-0.65 Alzip archive (.alz) extractor
unarchiver-3.10nb9 Command-line tools for The Unarchiver
unarj-2.65nb1 Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
unbound-1.22.0nb3 DNS resolver and recursive server
unclutter-8nb1 Remove idle cursor image from screen
uncrustify-0.78.1 Source Code Beautifier for C-like languages
undms-1.3 Converts .dms Amiga disk images to uncompressed .adf images
unfs3-0.9.22nb2 Userspace NFSv3 server
uni-vga-1nb1 Monospaced Unicode font based on the original IBM VGA font
uni2ascii-4.18 Convert between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents
unibilium-2.1.1nb1 Basic terminfo library
unicode-character-database-15.1.0 Unicode Character Database
unicode-emoji-15.1 Unicode Emoji Data Files
unicode-screensaver-0.5nb5 Screensaver that repeatedly randomly picks an unicode character
unicon-im-1.2nb5 Libraries and modules of Unicon
unicorn-2.1.1 CPU emulator engine framework based on QEMU
unidiff-1.1 Converts between uni-diffs and context diffs
unifdef-2.12 Selectively remove C preprocessor conditionals
unifi-8.4.62 Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti
unifont-15.0.03 GNU Unifont - glyphs for all printable code points in Unicode 9.0 BMP
unison-2.53.7 File-synchronization tool
unit-1.33.0nb1 Dynamic web application server
unit-perl-1.33.0nb1 Perl module for NGINX Unit
unit-php82-1.33.0 PHP module for NGINX Unit
unit-python3.12-1.33.0 Python module for NGINX Unit
unit-ruby32-1.33.0 Ruby module for NGINX Unit
units-2.01nb5 GNU Units - a calculator capable of performing unit conversions
unittest-cpp-2.0.0 Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
unix2dos-1.3nb1 Translate ASCII files to/from DOS (cr/lf) and UNIX (lf)
unixodbc-2.3.12nb1 ODBC 2.x/3.x driver manager
unknown-horizons-2019.1nb5 2D RTS game with an emphasis on economy and city building
unlzx-1.1 Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
uno-2.13nb1 Tool for source code analysis
unoconv-0.7nb6 Convert any format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice
unrar-5.9.4 Extract, view & test RAR archives (C++98 version)
unrar-7.1.1 Extract, view & test RAR archives
unrealircd-5.2.4nb9 Advanced IRC server with IPv6 and SSL support
unrealircd-6.0.3nb9 Advanced IRC server with IPv6 and SSL support
unroff-1.0.2nb1 Programmable troff translator with backend for HTML
unscii-2.1nb2 Bitmapped character-art friendly Unicode fonts
unshield-1.5.1nb1 Extract InstallShield .CAB files
untex-1.3 Remove LaTeX commands
unworkable-0.53nb4 BSD-licensed command-line torrent client
unzip-6.0nb10 List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzoo-4.4nb1 Extract zoo archives
up-imapproxy-1.2.8nb3 Connection caching IMAP proxy server
upclient- Keeps track of your server uptime, and compares it to other hosts
upmendex-1.08nb4 Multilingual index processor
upower-0.99.13nb1 Power management system message bus service
ups-nut-2.8.2 Network UPS Tools
ups-nut-cgi-2.8.2nb1 Network UPS Tools CGI scripts
ups-nut-snmp-2.8.2 Network UPS Tools SNMP driver
ups-nut-usb-2.8.2 Network UPS Tools USB drivers
uptimec-0.2p3 Uptime Project client
upx-3.96nb3 Ultimate packer for executables
uqm-0.7.0nb2 Ur-Quan Masters
uralic-ttf-0.0.20040603nb1 Font for Uralic languages with Russian-based writing systems
urban-1.5.3nb5 U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project
urbanrenewal-ttf-201102nb1 Insanely great TT versions of the city-named fonts of Mac OS Classic
urbanterror-4.3.4 Hollywood tactical shooter based on the ioquake3 engine
uriparser-0.9.8 URI parsing library
urjtag-0.10nb4 JTAG tool
url2pkg-23.4.0 Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
urlget-1.5 Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
urlgfe-1.0.1nb74 Download manager for X
urlgrabber-3.1.0nb8 Python package that drastically simplifies the fetching of files
urlview-0.9nb7 Extract URLs from text files and display them in a menu
urt-3.1b1nb19 Toolkit and library for raster image processing
urw-base35-type1-4.00 PostScript Level 1 and 2 fonts in Type 1 format
urw-fonts-2.0nb1 Standard postscript fonts (cyrillicized)
usbhid-dump-1.4 USB HID device dumping utility
usbids-20200622 Repository of USB IDs (usb.ids database)
usbutil-0.5nb6 USB developer utilities
user-cygwin-20130712 Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
user-darwin-20170116 Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
user-interix-20130712 Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
user-irix-20130712 Limited NetBSD-compatible useradd/groupadd commands
userppp-001107nb2 User-PPP package as found in FreeBSD and OpenBSD
userspace-rcu-0.12.1 Userspace RCU (Read Copy Update)
utf8-cpp-4.0.6 UTF-8 header library for C++
utf8proc-2.9.0 C library for processing Unicode data
utftools-1.6nb1 UTF-aware wc, fmt, expand, and unexpand
uthash-2.3.0 Hash table, implemented in C
utilisp-1.13 UTI Lisp
uucp-1.07nb7 Taylor UUCP
uudeview-0.5.20nb2 Program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
uulib-0.5.20nb6 Library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
uw-ttyp0-1.3nb5 Monospace bitmap screen fonts for X11
uwm-19881027nb2 X11R3 window manager
vala-0.56.17nb1 Compiler for the GObject type system
valgrind-3.20.0 Debugging and profiling tools
validns-0.8nb7 Validns, a high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator
valyriatear-1.1.0nb11 Single player medieval fantasy 2D JRPG
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10.0nb3 The Vamp audio analysis plugin system
vanessa_adt-0.0.8 Library that provides Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
vanessa_logger-0.0.8 Library that provides a generic logging layer
vanessa_socket-0.0.10nb1 Library that simplifies TCP/IP socket operations
varnish-7.5.0 High-performace HTTP accelerator
vat-4.0b2nb12 The Visual Audio Tool - multicast audioconferencing
vault-1.6.6nb37 Tool for managing secrets
vaultwarden-1.32.5 Bitwarden compatible backend server
vbetool-0.7.1nb4 Run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
vcdimager-2.0.1nb12 Mastering suite for Video CDs
vcf-0.0.5 Some LADSPA plugins for audio EQ biquad filters
vcf-split- Split a multi-sample VCF into single-sample VCFs
vcf2hap- Generate .hap file from VCF for haplohseq
vcg-1.30nb1 Visualization Tool for compiler graphs
vcheck-1.2.1nb17 Latest program version checker and auto-downloader
vcmi-1.5.6nb4 Open-source engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III
vde-1.5.9 Virtual Distributed Ethernet tools
ve-1.0 NTHU-CS Maple BBS 2.36 BBS-like editor
velena-1.0nb4 Perfect-play engine for connect four
velox- Simple Wayland tiling window manager
vera++-1.1.1nb32 Programmable verification and analysis tool for C++
vera-1.21a Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms
vera-ttf-1.10nb6 Bitstream Vera TrueType fonts
verify-synopsis-1.0 Tool for verifying man pages' SYNOPSIS
verifypc-1.8 Sanity check package dependencies according to pkg-config
verilator-4.100nb2 Verilog HDL simulator
verilog-mode-3.60nb4 Verilog mode for Emacs
veriwell-2.8.7 Verilog Simulator
veusz-3.5.3nb13 Scientific plotting package
vfontcap-kochi-0.0nb4 Configuration file for VFlib to use kochi-ttf
vfu-3.04nb16 Small, handy, easy-to-use file manager
vic-2.8nb12 MBONE video conferencing tool
vic-devel- MBONE video conferencing tool
vice-3.8nb11 Emulator for C64, C128, CBM-II, PET, VIC20, Plus4 and C16
victor-mono-1.5.5 Programming font with cursive italics and ligatures
vid-1.0.1nb16 Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams
vidc-tools-1.0 Tools for the VIDC console used by NetBSD/arm32 on RiscPC
viewfax-2.4nb2 Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window
viewnior-1.7nb13 Fast and simple image viewer
viewres-1.0.7 Display widget class hierarchy of the Athena Widget Set
viewvc-1.2.3nb2 View the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a web browser
vifm-0.12nb2 Curses based file manager with vi like keybindings
vigor-0.016nb19 Excessive online "help" version of nvi
vigra-1.12.1 Computer vision library
viking-1.10nb26 Viking manages GPS data, supports OpenStreetMap and geocaching
vile-9.8wnb3 VI Like Emacs. a vi "workalike", with many additional features
vilearn-1.0 Online vi tutorial, from basic to advanced
vim-9.1.0789 Vim editor (vi clone) without GUI
vim-gtk2-9.1.0789nb3 Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 GTK2 GUI
vim-gtk3-9.1.0789nb4 Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 GTK3 GUI
vim-lang-9.1.0789 Language files for the vim editor (vi clone)
vim-motif-9.1.0789nb1 Vim editor (vi clone) with X11 Motif GUI
vim-share-9.1.0789nb1 Data files for the vim editor (vi clone)
vimb-3.6.0nb30 Vim-like webkit browser
vimpager-1.8.9 Use ViM as PAGER
vimpc-0.09.2nb18 Client for musicpd with vi-like key bindings
vinagre-3.22.0nb7 VNC client for GNOME
vino-2.32.2nb78 VNC server for GNOME
violetland-0.5nb23 Help a girl by name of Violet to struggle with monsters
vip-19971113nb2 Script to edit the data at any point in a pipeline
virt-viewer-8.0nb35 Graphical VNC/SPice viewer for the guest OS
virt-what-1.20 Utility to determine whether it is being run in virtual environment
virtinst-0.600.3nb6 Module to help in starting installations inside of virtual machines
vis-0.1 Convert strings from/to a visual format
visitors-0.7 Very fast web log analyzer
vista-5.05nb1 Visual statistics system
visual_regexp-3.0nb2 Easily design and debug regular expressions graphically
visualboyadvance-m-2.1.4nb19 Game Boy and Game Boy Advance emulator (wxWidgets port)
visualvm-2.1.10 Monitor, profile, take and browse java thread dumps
viu-1.5.1 Simple terminal image viewer written in Rust
vixie-cron-4.1nb2 Execute and maintain scheduled commands
vlc-3.0.21nb4 VideoLAN media player and streaming server
vlgothic-ttf-20230918 Free Japanese TrueType fonts named 'VLGothic'
vlna-1.5nb10 Adds tilde after each non-syllabic preposition
vm-8.2.0bnb1 VM (View Mail) is an advanced mail user agent for Emacs
vmailmgr- Virtual domain manager for qmail
vmailmgr-base- Virtual domain manager for qmail (base package)
vmailmgr-cgi- Virtual domain manager for qmail (cgi programs)
vmailmgr-courier-imap- Virtual domain manager for qmail (Courier authentication)
vmailmgr-docs- Virtual domain manager for qmail (docs)
vmips-1.5.1 MIPS R3000 emulator
vms-empire-1.15 Solitaire Empire (sometimes called "VMS Empire")
vnc- Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
vnc2swf-0.5.0nb4 Record vnc session as flash movie
vncviewer-4.1.3 Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
vnstat-1.14nb12 Small network traffic monitor
vobcopy-1.2.0nb2 Copies DVD .vob files to harddisk
volatility3-2.7.0 Advanced memory forensics framework
volk-2.5.2nb1 The Vector Optimized Library of Kernels
vorbis-tools-1.4.2nb13 Ogg Vorbis encoder and player
vorbisgain-0.37nb1 ReplayGain technology for Vorbis
vowpal_wabbit-8.2.0nb21 Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system
vp-1.8nb1 Image viewer
vpnc-0.5.3nb21 Client for Cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
vpnc-script-20230103 Improved config script for OpenConnect and vpnc
vscm-1.4nb1 Portable scheme implementation
vsearch-2.29.0 Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics
vsftpd-3.0.5nb1 FTP server that aims to be very secure
vslisp-4.0.1nb3 Embeddable Lisp library and standalone interpreter
vsqlite++-0.3.13nb24 C++ SQLite wrapper library
vtcl-1.6.0nb12 Visual Tcl/Tk application development environment
vte-0.28.1nb37 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
vte3-0.76.4nb5 Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
vtk-9.2.6nb13 Visualization toolkit
vtk-docs-9.0.1 Documentation for VTK (HTML)
vttest-20210210 Utility to test vt100/vt220/xterm
vtun-3.0.4nb1 Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping
vtwm-5.5.0nb3 TWM with virtual desktop, m4, sound and 3-D buttons
vulkan-headers-1.3.296 Headers for Vulkan Graphics API
vultr-2.0.1nb51 CLI and API client library for Vultr
vultr-cli-2.20.0nb9 Official command line tool for Vultr services
vvvvvv- 2D puzzle platform video game with gravity reversal
vxargs-0.3.3nb8 Runs parallel jobs with visualization and redirection
vym-2.9.31nb3 Generate and manipulate maps which show your thoughts
w3-4.0b47nb4 World Wide Web browser for Emacs
w3c-httpd-3.0Anb1 WWW server from the W3 Consortium (W3C)
w3m- Multilingualized version of a pager/text-based browser w3m
w3m-img- Multilingualized version of w3m with inline image support
w9wm-0.4.2nb1 8 1/2-like Window Manager for X with virtual desktops
wApua-0.05.1nb16 Web browser for WAP WML
wabt-1.0.36 The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit
waf-2.0.27 Framework for configuring, compiling, and installing applications
waimea-0.4.0nb39 Fast and highly customizable virtual window manager
wakeup-1.0 Wakeup On LAN client for remote power-up of machines
walker-3.8nb10 Retrieve a DNS zone using NXT/NSEC traversal
wallust-3.1.0 Generate colors from an image
wampager-0.9.1nb2 Virtual pager dockapp for the Waimea Window Manager
wandio-4.2.2nb17 Library for reading from and writing to files
wap-utils-1.3.2nb11 Wireless access points UNIX management tool
waplet-0.01 Java applet-based WAP emulator and WML browser
wargames-1.02 Simulated interaction with the W.O.P.R. computer from War Games
warmux-11.04.1nb17 Battle game
warzone2100-4.5.5 Real-time strategy and real-time tactics hybrid computer game
wasi-compiler-rt-18.1.8nb3 LLVM runtime libraries for WASI/WebAssembly
wasi-libc-0.0.0pre20231007nb5 libc for WebAssembly programs built on top of WASI
wasi-libcxx-18.1.8nb3 C++ Standard Librares (libc++/libc++abi) for WASI/WebAssembly
waste-1.0 Secure file sharing network
watanabe-vfont-19930318 Watanabe-vector Japanese font
watch-3.2.6nb4 Watch a program with update intervals
watchman-4.7.0nb2 Watches files and takes action when they change
wavesurfer-1.8.5 Tool for sound visualization and manipulation
wavpack-5.7.0 Audio codec for lossless, lossy and hybrid compression
wayland-1.23.0nb3 Display server protocol - development libraries
wayland-protocols-1.37 Additional wayland functionality
wbar-2.2.2nb49 Simple and highly customizable quick-launch tool
wbd-1.0p4nb11 Multicast WhiteBoarD
wbm-apache-1.990 Webmin module for configuring Apache servers
wbm-at-1.990 Webmin module to schedule execution of commands
wbm-bandwidth-1.990 Webmin module to view bandwidth usage
wbm-bind8-1.990 Webmin module for managing ISC BIND 8.x DNS servers
wbm-change-user-1.990 Webmin module to personalize Webmin user sessions
wbm-cluster-copy-1.990 Webmin module to schedule file transfers within a Webmin cluster
wbm-cluster-cron-1.990 Webmin module to schedule cron jobs within a Webmin cluster
wbm-cluster-passwd-1.990 Webmin module to change users' passwords within a Webmin cluster
wbm-cluster-shell-1.990 Webmin module to run commands across a Webmin cluster
wbm-cluster-useradmin-1.990 Webmin module to manage users & groups within a Webmin cluster
wbm-cluster-webmin-1.990 Webmin module to manage Webmin settings across a Webmin cluster
wbm-custom-1.990 Webmin module for creating custom action buttons
wbm-cyrus-imapd-1.6.2 Webmin module for administering Cyrus IMAP
wbm-dhcpd-1.990 Webmin module for managing ISC DHCPd
wbm-dovecot-1.990 Webmin module for configuring the Dovecot IMAP/POP3 server
wbm-fetchmail-1.990 Webmin module for configuring fetchmail
wbm-htaccess-htpasswd-1.990 Webmin module to protect Apache web-accessible directories
wbm-inetd-1.990 Webmin module to configure inetd
wbm-ipfilter-1.990 Webmin module for IPFilter configuration
wbm-ldap-useradmin-1.990 Webmin module to manage users and groups stored in LDAP
wbm-lpadmin-1.990 Webmin module to manage local and remote printers
wbm-mailboxes-1.990 Webmin module to read email in users' mailboxes
wbm-mount-1.990 Webmin module to mount filesystems
wbm-mysql-1.990 Webmin module for managing MySQL databases
wbm-net-1.990 Webmin module for network configuration
wbm-openslp-1.990 Webmin module to configure an OpenSLP server
wbm-postfix-1.990 Webmin module for Postfix mail server configuration
wbm-postgresql-1.990 Webmin module for managing PostgreSQL databases
wbm-qmailadmin-1.990 Webmin module to configure the qmail mail server
wbm-quota-1.990 Webmin module to setup disk quotas
wbm-sendmail-1.990 Webmin module to manage Sendmail
wbm-shell-1.990 Webmin module for executing shell commands
wbm-sshd-1.990 Webmin module to setup the Secure Shell server
wbm-status-1.990 Webmin module to view the status of services
wbm-syslog-1.990 Webmin module to configure the syslog server view log files
wbm-telnet-1.990 Webmin module to login via telnet or SSH
wbm-time-1.990 Webmin module to set the system time
wbm-tunnel-1.990 Webmin module to tunnel to another HTTP server
wbm-useradmin-1.990 Webmin module to manage users and groups
wbm-virtual-server-5.05 Webmin module to allow users to control their own virtual servers
wbxml2-0.9.2 Library to handle WAP binary XML files
wcalc-1.0nb3 Meta-pkg for the Wcalc Transmission Line Analysis/Synthesis Calculator
wcalc-docs-1.0nb2 Web Pages for the Wcalc Transmission Line Calculator
wcslib-7.11 FITS World Coordinate Systems library
wcurl-2024.07.10 Simple wrapper around curl to easily download files
wdg-validate-1.2.2nb10 HTML validator from the Web Design Group
wdic-3.0 English dictionary for Korean
wdiff-1.2.2nb1 Word-by-word diff
wdm-1.28nb28 WINGs display manager
web-server-1.3 Provides some useful tools for a web server
web2c-2024nb1 TeX implementation translating WEB to C
webalizer-2.23.8nb8 Web server log file analysis program
webbrowser-0.4.0 Proxy script for launching "best" available web browser
webkit-gtk-2.36.8nb20 GTK port of the WebKit browser engine
weblint-1.020nb11 HTML validator and sanity checker
webmin-1.990nb4 Perl web server and CGI for Unix system administration
webnew-1.3nb11 Retrieve modification times of web documents
webp-pixbuf-loader-0.2.7 WebP Image format GdkPixbuf loader
websocketpp-0.8.2 Header-only C++ library that implements the WebSocket protocol
websockify-0.12.0 WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge
websvn-2.2.1nb3 Subversion repository web frontend
weechat-4.4.4 Lightweight and user friendly curses based IRC client
weewm-0.0.2nb2 Fast and ultra light windowmanager with total keyboard control
weex- Non-interactive ftp client
wemux- Easier, more powerful multi-user terminal multiplexing
wesnoth-1.18.3 Fantasy turn-based strategy game
wfuzz-3.1.0nb4 Web application fuzzer
wget-1.25.0 Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
wget2-2.1.0nb8 Retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS
wgetpaste-2.29 Command line utility to upload to pastebin sites
whatmask-1.2 Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations
whetstone-1.2 Benchmark for processors that gives you a MIPS rating
whisker-2.1nb11 URL scanner used to search for known vulnerable CGIs on websites
whohas-0.29.1nb4 Query several packaging systems for a program
whois3-3.2.2nb10 RIPE very simple and generic whois client
whoson-2.05 Check if (dynamic) IP address is connected
whowatch-1.4nb6 Interactive who-like program displaying real-time user information
why3-1.5.1nb1 Platform for deductive program verification
wide-dhcpv6-20080615nb1 DHCP6 client, server and relay agent by WIDE project
widelands-1.2.1 Fantasy real-time strategy game inspired by Settlers II
wiki-tui-0.9.1 Simple and easy to use Wikipedia TUI
wiliki-0.6.2 WikiWiki clone written in Scheme
wily-0.13.42 Unix/X11 clone of the Plan9 acme editor/environment
wimon-0.3nb3 Tool that shows a real-time graph of your wireless connection
win32-codecs-071007 Huge compilation of Win32 binary codecs
window-20120215nb2 Windowing environment for ASCII terminals
windowlab-1.33nb11 Small and simple window manager
windowmaker-0.96.0nb5 GNUStep-compliant NEXTSTEP(tm) window manager clone
windowmaker-desktop-1.3 Provides a desktop based on the WindowMaker wm
wine-9.0nb4 Compatibility layer for running Microsoft Windows applications
wipe-2.3.1 Secure data destruction
wired-notify-0.10.6 Lightweight notification daemon with customizable layout blocks
wiredtiger-2.7.0 Open Source extensible platform for data management
wireguard-go-0.0.20230223nb8 Implementation of WireGuard in Go
wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914nb1 Userspace tooling for using and configuring WireGuard tunnels
wireshark-4.4.2 Network protocol analyzer
wistumbler-20020816.0nb4 Network stumbler for WaveLAN/IEEE wireless networking
wistumbler2-2.0pre10nb1 Fork of original WaveLAN/IEEE network stumbler
wistumbler2-gtk-2.0pre10nb44 Fork of original WaveLAN/IEEE network stumbler
within-1.1.4 Run a command in other directories
wkhtmltopdf-0.12.4nb15 Command line tools to render HTML into PDF
wl- Mail/news management system with IMAP4rev1 support for Emacs
wld- Primitive drawing library targeted at Wayland
wm-icons-0.4.0 Efficient configurable icons distribution
wm2-4.0nb2 Minimalist window manager for X
wmCalClock-1.25nb2 Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp
wmMoonClock-1.30 Shows lunar ephemeris to fairly high accuracy
wmSMPmon-2.3nb1 Dockable CPU (SMP) monitor
wmakerconf-2.11nb68 Gtk+ based configuration tool for Window Maker
wmavgload-0.7.0nb1 Another WindowMaker load gauge
wmbattery-2.54nb2 Dockapp that shows battery status
wmbiff-0.4.26nb51 WindowMaker xbuffy-like "mail-checker"
wmclockmon-0.8.1nb2 Windowmaker dockapp for time/date
wmcpuload-1.1.1 Dockable CPU monitor
wmctrl-1.07nb6 Command line interface to an EWMH-compliant WM
wmd-1.0.1 Simple, lightweight WYSIWYM Markdown editor
wmextra-0.1nb3 Extras for Window Maker window manager
wmfire- Displays generated fire according to system load
wmfishtime-1.24nb2 Dockable clock application with clock, date and fish
wmfstatus-0.4nb1 General purpose 8x5 LCD screen for WindowMaker
wmget-0.6.0nb37 Background download manager in a Window Maker dock app
wmi-10nb10 Minimalist, flexible and highly customizable window manager
wmii-3.9.2nb6 Modular and keyboard-friendly window manager
wminet-1.2nb1 Dockable network monitor
wmitime-0.5nb1 Windowmaker dockapp for time/date/itime
wmmail-0.64nb3 WindowMaker xbiff-like "mail-checker"
wmmemmon-1.0.1nb1 Dockapp to monitor memory and swap usages
wmmixer-1.9 Mixer designed for WindowMaker (dockapp)
wmmp3-0.12nb3 Front-end for mpg123 in a Window Maker dockapp
wmnd-0.4.18 Dockable network monitor
wmnet-1.06nb5 Dockable network monitor
wmphoto-0.3anb1 Dock-app that can show you a photo
wmpload-0.9.5nb1 PPP monitor for X11, totals and current in/out rates in 64x64 cube
wmsmixer-0.5.1nb2 Another mixer designed for WindowMaker (dockapp)
wmtime-1.4 Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
wmusic-1.5.0nb6 WindowMaker dockable remote for XMMS
wmutils-core-1.7 Window Manipulation Utilities
wmutils-libwm-1.3 Small library for X windows manipulation
wmutils-opt-1.0 Optional addons to wmutils
wmweather-2.4.7nb13 WindowMaker DockApp showing local weather conditions
wmx-8.0nb3 Another X11 window manager based on wm2
wmx-gnome-8.0nb3 Another X11 window manager based on wm2, with GNOME compliance
wmzcalock-0.1nb1 Dockapp calendar clock
woboq_codebrowser-2.1.20231117nb4 Code analysis tool
woff2-1.0.2nb1 WOFF font file format library
wol-0.7.1nb13 Small Wake On Lan client
wolfssl-5.7.4 Embedded SSL C-Library
woof-14.3.0 Continuation of Lee Killough's Doom source port MBF
word2vec-0.1c Tools for computing distributed representation of words
wordsearch-2.1nb3 Classic word search game that you can play in your terminal
wordtsar-0.3.719nb3 Wordstar for the 21st Century
wordwarvi-1.0.2nb25 Side-scrolling shoot 'em up '80s style arcade game
worker-2.14.1nb1 Highly configurable two-panes file manager for X11
wormz-1.0b5nb2 Networked game for X11
wpa_gui-2.6nb37 QT GUI for wpa_supplicant(8)
wpa_supplicant-2.6nb3 Wireless connection client daemon for WPA, WPA2, and WEP
wpi-firmware-1.14.2 Firmware binary images for wpi(4) driver
wpi-firmware2-2.14.4 Firmware binary images for wpi(4) driver
writer2latex-0.4b2nb1 Convert documents to LaTeX and other formats
wsbasic-1.2.7 Simple BASIC interpreter
wslay-1.1.1 WebSocket library written in C
wsoundprefs-1.1.1nb32 WSoundServer configuration utility
wsoundserver-0.4.0nb34 Sound server for windowmaker
wtail-0.2.2nb4 Watch multiple files at once
wterm-6.2.9nb33 NeXTStep(tm) style X11 terminal emulator for WindowMaker
wtf-20230301 Translate common Internet acronyms
wthrr-1.2.1 Little helper for your terminal who knows about the weather
wv-1.2.9nb30 Library and executables to access Microsoft Word files
wv2-0.2.3nb28 Library to access Microsoft Word files
wwl-1.2 Calculates distance (qrb)
www6to4-1.6 Lightweight http proxy, helps IPv4 only browsers
wwwcount-2.5nb2 Graphical access counter, clock and date indicator for WWW pages
wwwoffle-2.9jnb22 WWW proxy with support for offline browsing
wxGTK30- Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.0 branch)
wxGTK32-3.2.6nb5 Cross-platform wxWidgets GUI library (3.2 stable branch)
wxWindows-docs-2.2nb1 HTML documentation for wxWindows
wxmathplot-0.2.0nb12 wxWidgets add-on for easy 2D plotting
wxmaxima-23.12.0nb8 Graphical UI for maxima
wxsvg-1.5.22nb14 C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
x11-links-1.36 Shadow tree of links to native X11 headers and libraries
x11perf-1.7.0nb2 X11 server benchmark suite
x11vnc-0.9.16nb20 VNC server for real X displays
x16-emulator-48 Emulator for the Commander X16 computer system
x16-rom-48 ROM for the Commander X16 computer system
x264-20231001 GPL licensed H.264 encoder
x265-4.1 High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
x2goclient- Qt client for the X2Go remote desktop system
x2vnc-1.7.2nb3 Multi-console display using X and VNC
x2x-1.27nb2 One keyboard and mouse to control multiple X displays
x3270-4.3ga9 3270 Terminal emulators (X11 and/or curses)
x48-0.6.4nb1 HP48 emulator
xa65-2.3.14 Cross assembler for MOS Technologies 6502
xalan-j-1.2 The Apache Project's XSLT implementation
xalarm-3.06nb5 X11 interactive alarm clock
xanalyser-1.32 Frequency spectrum analyser for X
xaniroc-1.02nb4 Animate your root-cursor
xaos-4.2.1nb22 Zoomable fractal rendering doodad
xapian-1.4.27 Probabilistic Information Retrieval search engine
xapian-omega-1.4.27 Search engine application for websites using Xapian
xapply-3.4nb1 Parallel Execution tool a la xargs/apply
xarchiver- GTK+ frontend to various command line archivers
xaric-0.13.9 IRC client similar to BitchX and ircII
xart-19980415nb21 Paint program (enhanced xpaint)
xauth-1.1.3 X authentication utility
xautolock-1.15nb3 Activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity
xawtv-3.95nb30 TV application for Brooktree 848 compatible cards
xbacklight-1.2.4 Adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension
xbanish-1.8 Banish the mouse cursor when typing
xbanner-1.31nb1 Make XDM login screen look pretty
xbat-1.11nb2 XEVIOUS like shooting game
xbatt-1.3.1nb4 Displays battery status of your notebook via APM
xbattbar-1.4.2nb10 X11 battery graph for laptops
xbeats-0.4nb2 Beats clock dockable in both Window Maker and AfterStep
xbeeb-0.4.1nb3 Acorn BBC Micro emulator with an X based interface
xbiff-1.0.5 Mail notification program for X11
xbill-2.0nb6 Stop the dreaded Windows virus from infecting computers
xbin-2.3nb1 Convert mailable BinHex format into binary
xbindkeys-1.8.7nb3 Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse
xbindkeys-tk-1.8.7 Launches shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse (Tk interface)
xbitmaps-1.1.3 Common X11 bitmaps
xbl-1.1.6nb1 3D-tetris-like game
xblast-2.10.4nb1 2-6 player kill the other guy with bombs game. A real blast!
xbmbrowser-5.1nb5 View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
xboard-4.9.1nb26 Graphical frontend for chess engines and servers
xboing-2.4nb4 Breakout style game for X11
xbomb-2.2b Square, hexagonal, and triangual minesweeper clone
xbomber-0.8nb2 Colorful game where you blow other people/robots up
xbreaky-0.0.5nb2 Breakout game for X11
xbrightness-0.3 Brightness and gamma correction through the X server
xbuffy-3.4nb2 Replacement for xbiff that handles multiple mail files
xc3028l-firmware-3.6 Firmware binary image for Xceive XC3028L tuners
xc5k-firmware-1.6.114 Firmware binary image for Xceive XC5000 tuners
xca-2.1.2nb37 Certificate and key management
xcalc-1.1.2 Scientific calculator for X
xcalib-0.8nb3 Loads VCGT tag of monitor ICC profile into X server LUT
xcb-2.4nb2 Extensible, multiple cut buffers for X
xcb-imdkit-1.0.6 Implementation of xim protocol in xcb
xcb-proto-1.17.0nb4 XCB protocol descriptions (in XML)
xcb-util-0.4.1 XCB Utilities
xcb-util-cursor-0.1.5 XCB port of Xlib's libXcursor
xcb-util-errors-1.0.1nb2 Library for helping debug xcb problems
xcb-util-image-0.4.1 XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage
xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1 XCB Utilities
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10 Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-wm-0.4.2nb1 Client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM and EWMH
xcb-util-xrm-1.3 XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
xcdplayer-2.2nb6 CD player for X
xcdroast-1.18nb17 Graphical user interface for the command-line cdrecord-tools
xchiplogo-19991222nb12 Program for generating pretty logos on VLSI chips
xchm-1.35nb8 CHM viewer for UNIX
xchomp-1.1pl1 Game for X11 closely patterned after Pac-Man
xchrono-19900813nb2 Multi-timezone X11-based clock
xcin-2.5.3rc2nb29 Chinese XIM server
xcircuit-3.10.30nb4 Drawing program for X11 (especially for circuits)
xclannad-0.07hcnb2 Interpretor to execute REALLIVE games for Microsoft Windows
xclip-0.13nb1 Command line interface to the X windows clipboard
xclipboard-1.1.5 Manage the X server clipboard
xclock-1.1.1nb2 Analog / digital clock for X
xcmsdb-1.0.7 Loads, queries, or removes Device Color Characterization data
xcolor-0.5.1nb2 Lightweight color picker for X11
xcolors-1.3nb5 Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe
xcolorsel-1.1anb5 Browse and select named X colors from rgb.txt
xcompmgr-1.1.10 Sample compositing manager for >= 6.8.0
xconq-7.4.1nb17 Xconq is a general strategy game system
xconsole-1.1.0 X11 client to display console messages
xcopilot-0.6.6nb2 PalmPilot emulator for X
xcoral-3.2nb1 Multiwindow mouse-based text editor for X
xcowsay-1.5.1nb11 Display a cow and message on your desktop
xcp-0.22.0 Extended cp
xcpc-20070122nb1 Portable Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128 emulator
xcruise-0.24nb1 Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
xcursor-1.1.2nb2 Client-side cursor loading library for X
xcursor-capitaine-2.1 Cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze
xcursor-core-hr-20220127 High-resolution version of X11 core cursor theme
xcursor-themes-1.0.7 Modular xcursor themes
xcursor-vanilla-dmz-0.4.5 Style neutral, scalable cursor theme
xcursorgen-1.0.8 Prepare X11 cursor sets for use with libXcursor
xdaemon-1.2 BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy)
xdaemon-2.1nb1 BSD Daemon sticking on your desktop (like xteddy)
xdaliclock-2.44 Animated digital clock
xdelta-1.1.4 Enhanced diff that works on binary files
xdelta3-3.1.0 Enhanced diff that works on binary files (version 3.x)
xdemineur-2.1.1nb2 Minesweeper game for the X Window System
xdesktopwaves-1.4 Simulates water waves on the X Windows desktop
xdeview-0.5.20nb11 X11 program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
xdg-user-dirs-0.18 Tool to manage "well known" user directories
xdg-utils-1.2.1 Tools to assist applications with various desktop integration tasks
xdialog-2.3.1nb41 X11 drop-in replacement for the curses dialog program
xdiary-3.0.3nb2 Calendar utility based on Motif/X
xditview-1.0.7 Display ditroff output on an X display
xdkcal-0.9dnb1 X Desktop Calendar
xdm-1.1.16 X Display Manager from modular
xdm3d-1.0nb7 Replacement for xdm with 3D effects
xdo-0.5.7 Small X utility to perform elementary actions on windows
xdoom-1.10nb4 3D shoot-em-up for 8-bit X11 displays
xdot-20121124nb4 Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language
xdotool-3.20211022.1nb1 Simulate keyboard input and mouse activity using X11 xtest extension
xdpyinfo-1.3.4 Display information utility for X
xdriinfo-1.0.7 DRI information utility
xdu-3.0nb8 Display the output of "du" in an X window
xdvik-22.87.06nb4 Previewer for DVI files
xdvipresent- Slide Presentations Using LaTeX/xdvi
xdx-2.5.0nb20 Amateur Radio tcp/ip DX-cluster client
xe-1.0 Simple xargs and apply replacement
xe-guest-utilities-7.0.0nb1 NetBSD VM tools for Citrix XenServer
xearth-1.1nb3 Rotating map of the Earth in X11 root window
xedit-1.2.4 Simple text editor for X
xemacs-21.4.24nb22 XEmacs text editor version 21.4
xemacs-21.5.35nb6 *BETA* XEmacs text editor version 21.5.35
xemacs-nox11-21.4.24nb18 XEmacs text editor version 21.4 (no x11 support)
xemacs-nox11-21.5.35nb6 *BETA* XEmacs text editor version 21.5 (no X11 support)
xemacs-packages-1.19nb1 Common elisp packages for xemacs 21
xemeraldia-0.31nb6 Game of breaking blocks
xengine-1.0.1nb4 Reciprocating engine for X
xenkernel415-4.15.5nb2 Xen 4.15.x Kernel
xenkernel418-20240909nb1 Xen 4.18.x Kernel
xenstoretools-4.15.5 Xenstore Tools for Xen 4.15.x
xentools415-4.15.5nb4 Userland Tools for Xen 4.15.x
xentools418-20240909 Userland Tools for Xen 4.18.x
xenvstat-20041127nb2 X11-based display environmental sensor readings
xephem-3.7.7 Interactive astronomical ephemeris program
xerces-c-3.2.4 Validating C++ XML parser with DOM and SAX support
xerces-j-1.4.4 The Apache Project's validating XML parser with DOM and SAX support
xetex-0.999996nb4 TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies
xeukleides-1.0.1nb2 X-Frontend for A Euclidean geometry drawing language
xev-1.2.6 Display X events
xevil-2.02nb2 Side scrolling, bloody action game
xeyes-1.3.0 Follow the mouse demo
xf86-input-elographics-1.4.4 Elographics input driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-input-joystick-1.6.4nb2 Joystick input driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-input-keyboard-2.1.0 Modular Xorg keyboard driver
xf86-input-mouse-1.9.5nb1 Modular Xorg mouse driver
xf86-input-vmmouse-13.2.0nb2 Modular Xorg VMware virtual mouse driver
xf86-input-void-1.4.2nb2 Modular Xorg dummy input driver
xf86-input-ws- OpenBSD's wscons input driver for modular
xf86-video-amdgpu-23.0.0nb1 Modular Xorg ATI (Tonga, Carrizo, Iceland, Fiji, Stoney) driver
xf86-video-apm-1.3.0nb2 Modular Xorg Alliance ProtMotion video driver
xf86-video-ark-0.7.6nb1 Modular Xorg ARK Logic video driver
xf86-video-ast-1.1.6nb2 Modular Xorg AST2000 video driver
xf86-video-ati-22.0.0nb1 Modular Xorg ATI Radeon video driver
xf86-video-ati6-6.14.6nb9 Modular Xorg ATI Radeon video driver (v6)
xf86-video-chips-1.5.0 Modular Xorg Chips and Technologies video driver
xf86-video-cirrus-1.6.0nb2 Modular Xorg Cirrus Logic video driver
xf86-video-dummy-0.4.1nb1 Virtual/offscreen frame buffer driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-fbdev-0.5.0nb2 Video driver for framebuffer device
xf86-video-glint-1.2.9nb3 Modular Xorg GLINT/Permedia video driver
xf86-video-i128-1.4.1nb1 Modular Xorg Number 9 I128 video driver
xf86-video-i740-1.4.0nb2 Modular Xorg Intel i740 video driver
xf86-video-intel-2.99.917.20210115nb2 Modular Xorg Intel video driver
xf86-video-mach64-6.10.0 Modular Xorg ATI Mach64 video driver
xf86-video-mga-2.1.0 Modular Xorg Matrox video driver
xf86-video-neomagic-1.3.1nb1 Modular Xorg Neomagic video driver
xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.18 New (or nouveau) NVidia driver for modular
xf86-video-nv-2.1.23 Modular Xorg NVIDIA video driver
xf86-video-openchrome-0.6.0nb3 Modular Xorg OpenChrome driver for VIA UniChrome video chipsets
xf86-video-qxl-0.1.6nb2 QXL virtual GPU
xf86-video-r128-6.13.0 Modular Xorg ATI Rage128 video driver
xf86-video-rendition-4.2.7nb2 Modular Xorg Rendition video driver
xf86-video-s3-0.7.0nb2 Modular Xorg S3 video driver
xf86-video-s3virge-1.11.1nb1 Modular Xorg S3 ViRGE video driver
xf86-video-savage-2.4.1 Modular Xorg S3 Savage video driver
xf86-video-siliconmotion-1.7.10nb1 Modular Xorg Silicon Motion video driver
xf86-video-sis-0.12.0nb2 Modular Xorg SiS and XGI video driver
xf86-video-suncg14-1.1.3nb2 CG14 video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-suncg3-1.1.3nb2 CG3 video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-suncg6-1.1.3nb2 GX/Turbo GX video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-sunffb-1.2.3nb2 SUNFFB video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-sunleo-1.2.3nb2 Leo video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-suntcx-1.1.3nb2 TCX video driver for the Xorg X server
xf86-video-tdfx-1.5.0nb2 Modular Xorg 3Dfx video driver
xf86-video-tga-1.2.2nb7 Modular Xorg TGA video driver
xf86-video-trident-1.4.0nb1 Modular Xorg Trident video driver
xf86-video-tseng-1.2.5nb7 Modular Xorg Tseng Labs video driver
xf86-video-vboxvideo-1.0.1 Modular Xorg VirtualBox virtual video driver
xf86-video-vesa-2.6.0nb2 Modular Xorg VESA video driver
xf86-video-vmware-13.4.0nb3 Modular Xorg VMware virtual video driver
xf86-video-voodoo-1.2.6nb2 Voodoo/Voodoo2 video driver
xf86-video-wsfb-0.4.0nb11 Modular Xorg wsdisplay framebuffer video driver
xf86-video-xgi-1.6.1nb4 Modular Xorg XGI video driver
xf86dga-1.0.3 Simple test client for the XFree86-DGA extension
xfburn-0.7.2nb2 Simple CD/DVD burning program for Xfce
xfce4-4.18.1nb21 Meta-package for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce4-appfinder-4.18.1nb7 Xfce application finder
xfce4-battery-plugin-1.1.5nb7 Xfce battery monitor plugin
xfce4-calculator-plugin-0.7.2nb7 Xfce calculator plugin
xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.6.6nb4 Xfce clipboard plugin
xfce4-conf-4.18.3nb4 Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.2.10nb4 Xfce CPU load plugin
xfce4-dashboard-1.0.0nb9 Maybe a Gnome shell like dashboard for Xfce
xfce4-desktop-4.18.1nb7 Xfce desktop background manager
xfce4-dev-tools-4.18.0nb9 Xfce development tools
xfce4-dict-0.8.8nb2 Xfce dictionary application
xfce4-diskperf-plugin-2.7.0nb10 Xfce disk performance plugin
xfce4-docklike-plugin-0.4.2nb4 Modern, minimalist taskbar for Xfce
xfce4-exo-4.18.0nb9 Xfce extension library
xfce4-extras-4.18.1nb26 Meta-package for extra optional items for the Xfce desktop environment
xfce4-eyes-plugin-4.6.0nb10 Xfce eyes plugin
xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.1.3nb7 Xfce disk space plugin
xfce4-garcon-4.18.2nb4 Xfce menu library
xfce4-genmon-plugin-4.2.0nb7 Xfce general purpose monitor plugin
xfce4-icon-theme-4.4.3nb45 Xfce icon themes
xfce4-indicator-plugin-2.4.2nb2 Xfce indicator plugin
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.3.1nb14 Xfce mail checker plugin for the panel
xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.6nb7 Xfce mount/umount utility for the panel
xfce4-mousepad-0.6.3nb4 Xfce text editor
xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.5.3nb7 Xfce Music Player Client plugin
xfce4-netload-plugin-1.4.1nb7 Xfce network load plugin
xfce4-notes-plugin-1.11.0nb4 Xfce notes plugin
xfce4-notifyd-0.9.6nb5 Xfce Notify daemon
xfce4-orage-4.18.0nb13 Xfce time managing application
xfce4-panel-4.18.6nb4 Xfce panel
xfce4-places-plugin-1.8.3nb9 Xfce Places plugin
xfce4-power-manager-4.18.4nb2 Xfce power manager
xfce4-screenshooter-1.11.1nb3 Xfce screenshot application
xfce4-session-4.18.4nb5 Xfce session manager
xfce4-settings-4.18.6nb5 Xfce settings manager
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.5.2nb10 Xfce bookmark plugin
xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.3.2nb10 Xfce system load plugin
xfce4-taskmanager-1.5.7nb4 Xfce task manager
xfce4-terminal-1.1.3nb4 Xfce terminal emulator
xfce4-thunar-4.18.11nb2 Xfce file manager
xfce4-thunar-archive-plugin-0.5.2nb6 Thunar archive plugin
xfce4-thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.3.0nb22 Thunar media tags plugin
xfce4-thunar-vcs-plugin-0.2.0nb33 Thunar vcs integration plugin
xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.1.3nb7 Xfce periodical breaks plugin
xfce4-timer-plugin-1.7.2nb7 Xfce4 timer plugin
xfce4-tumbler-4.18.2nb13 D-Bus thumbnailing service
xfce4-verve-plugin-2.0.3nb7 Xfce command line plugin
xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.6.3nb10 Xfce WLAN plugin
xfce4-weather-plugin-0.11.3 Xfce weather plugin
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2.8.3nb4 Alternate application launcher for Xfce
xfce4-wm-4.18.0nb9 Xfce window manager
xfce4-wm-themes-4.10.0nb27 Xfce window manager themes
xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.8.3nb17 Xfce Keyboard plugin
xfd-1.1.4nb2 Display all the characters in an X font
xfe-1.45nb5 Fast MS-Explorer like filemanager for X
xfig-3.2.8b CAD-like 2D drawing tool, good for colorful scale drawings & ISOs
xfinans-5.9nb4 Xfinans is a useful financial tracking, and account balancing tool
xfishtank-2.2nb1 Make fish swim in the background of your screen
xflame-1.1.1nb2 Draws a flame on the screen
xfm-1.4.3nb9 The X File Manager
xfontsel-1.1.1 X font selector
xforms-1.2.5pre2nb1 Graphical user interface toolkit for X Window System
xfpt-0.09 Converts simple plain text markup into DocBook XML
xfractint-20.4.14nb3 Fractint for X11
xfreecell-1.0.5bnb3 Popular freecell card game for X
xfrisk-1.2nb9 X11 version of the classic Risk board game
xfsinfo-1.0.7 Utility for displaying information about an X font server
xfsprogs-2.7.3nb3 XFS filesystem manipulation utilities
xfstt-1.9.3nb1 TrueType font server for X11
xgalaga- Very fast true-to-the-original port of galaga for X11
xgamma-1.0.7 Alter gamma correction
xgap-4.16nb3 GUI for GAP
xgas-1.0nb3 Animated simulation of an ideal gas
xgc-1.0.6 Graphics demo showing the X11 core protocol graphics primitives
xgospel-1.12dnb4 X11 based IGS client for online "go" playing
xgraph- Tool to draw a graph on an X11 display
xgrk-1.6.3nb1 Greek keyboard switcher for X11
xh-0.23.0 Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests
xhangglider-0.94.0nb1 Hanggliders fly in the background of the X screen
xhash-3.5.1 Faster hashing with Goroutines
xhfs-3.2.6nb11 Tk GUI + Tcl Shell for accessing HFS volumes
xhippo-3.3nb7 Generic playlist manager for UNIX
xhomer-9.16.06nb1 DEC Professional 350/380 emulator
xhost-1.0.9 Server access control program for X
xhtml-1.0nb2 DTDs for the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
xhyve-0.2.0 Port of bhyve to OS X
xicc-0.1nb6 Load ICC profile into X server
xidle-20220718nb1 Run a program on X inactivity
ximaging-1.8 Image browser and viewer for Unix - X/Motif
xindy-2.5.1nb11 xindy runtime required by the tex-xindy package
xine-alsa-1.2.12nb6 The ALSA output plugin for xine-lib
xine-lib-1.2.12nb24 Multimedia player library
xine-pulse-1.2.12nb15 The PulseAudio output plugin for xine-lib
xine-ui-0.99.13nb17 Skinned xlib-based xine GUI
xine-v4l-1.2.12nb6 The v4l input plugin for xine-lib
xine-v4l2-1.2.12nb6 The v4l2 input plugin for xine-lib
xinit-1.4.2 X init program
xinput-1.6.4 Diagnostic utility for inputs in X
xinvest-2.6.9nb3 Personal finance tracking and performance tool
xisp-2.7p4nb6 User-friendly X11 interface to pppd/chat
xisxwayland-2 Detect if X server is Xwayland
xjadeo-0.8.9nb11 X JAck viDEo mOnitor
xjdic-2.4 Japanese dictionary
xjed-0.99.19 Extensible folding editor + Emacs/WordStar/EDT emulations, X11 version
xjewel-1.6nb3 X windows-based dropping jewels game
xjig-2.4nb3 Jigsaw puzzle
xjman-0.5nb2 Japanized X manual from "The X Japanese Documentation Project"
xjump-2.7.5nb4 Jumping game for X
xkanon-090830nb12 Interpreter to execute AVG32 games for Microsoft Windows
xkbcomp-1.4.7 XKBD keymap compiler
xkbd-0.8.5nb2 On-screen keyboard for X, useful for palmtops
xkbdata-1.0.1nb1 Xorg keyboard maps and layouts
xkbevd-1.1.6 Possible replacement for xev (work in progress)
xkbprint-1.0.7 Generate printable description of a XKB keyboard description
xkbset-0.5nb10 Manages XKB features of the X window system
xkbutils-1.0.6 Small utilities utilizing the X11 XKeyboard (XKB) extension
xkeyboard-config-2.41 X Keyboard Configuration Database
xkeycaps-2.46nb3 Graphical front-end to xmodmap
xkill-1.0.6 Kill X clients
xkobo-1.11nb5 Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X. Strangely addictive
xl2tpd-20171013 Layer 2 Protocol Daemon
xlax-2.4nb1 Multi-window input software
xldlas-0.85nb12 XForms-based statistics package
xlennart-1.1.1 Stop the dreaded systend virus from infecting computers
xless-1.7nb4 X11 text viewer; useful as an add-on tool for other apps
xlhtml-0.5nb2 Microsoft xls/ppt to HTML converter
xli-1.17.0nb14 X11 Image Loading Utility
xlife-5.0nb6 John Horton Conway's "Game of Life"
xlispstat-3.52.20 Statistics/X11-based LISP interpreter
xload-1.2.0 System load average display for X
xlockmore-5.80nb7 Like the XLock session-locker/screensaver, but with more
xlockmore-lite-5.80 "lite" version of xlockmore
xlog-2.0.25nb2 Amateur Radio logging program
xlogo-1.0.7 X Window System logo
xlogout-19891129nb4 Quick logout button
xlreader-0.9.0nb1 Converts the cells in a MS Excel file to text
xlsatoms-1.1.4 Lists the interned atoms defined on an X11 server
xlsclients-1.1.5 X client listing utility
xlsfonts-1.0.8 Lists available fonts
xlt-13.0.13nb4 OpenMotif/Lesstif Widget library
xlupe-1.1nb3 Magnifier for X
xm7-1020s X11-based FM-7 emulator
xm8-1.70nb11 Multi-platform NEC PC-8801 emulator
xmag-1.0.8 Magnify parts of the screen
xmahjongg-3.70 The Chinese game of Mah Jongg for X11
xmailbox-2.5nb3 Enhanced xbiff, with pixmap and sound support
xmailwatcher-1.6nb3 Mailbox checker which displays sender and subject lines of mails
xmake-1.06 Portable make utility
xmakemol-5.16h Program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
xman-1.2.0 Manual page browser
xmascot-2.6anb2 Moving mascot on your X-Window screen
xmbdfed-4.7nb1 Motif-based BDF font editor with lots of features
xmbmon-205nb1 X11-based motherboard monitoring utility
xmcd-3.0.2nb15 Motif CD player
xmem-1.29 Memory and swap meter for X11
xmenu-4.6.1 Menu utility for X11
xmessage-1.0.7 X11 message utility
xmeter-1.15nb4 Distributed system load meter for X11
xmftp-1.0.4nb4 X/Motif FTP client
xmgr-4.1.2nb47 Powerful XY plotting tool for workstations or X-terminals using X
xmh-1.0.5 Provides a GUI to the MH Message Handling System
xmill-0.9.1nb3 Specialized compressor for XML
xmindpath-1.09anb1 MindPath PocketPoint user-level driver for X11
xmix-2.1nb4 Mixer for X Window System
xml-coreutils-0.8anb3 Command line tools for XML processing
xml-security-c-2.0.4nb1 XML Digital Signature specification implementation
xml2-0.4 Tools to convert XML and HTML to and from a line-oriented format
xml2doc-20030510nb26 Xml to document formats converter
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1 XML and SGML catalog manager
xmlindent-0.2.16nb1 XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C
xmlrpc-c-ss-1.51.04nb17 Library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++
xmlsec1-1.2.33nb9 XML signature and encryption library
xmlstarlet-1.6.1nb12 Command line utilities for XML manipulation
xmlto-0.0.28nb14 Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
xmltoman-0.4nb10 XML to manual page converter
xmltooling-3.1.0nb18 High level interface for XML processing library
xmmix-1.2nb6 X interface to the audio mixer device
xmms-1.2.11nb6 X Multimedia System - an audio player with a Winamp GUI
xmms-cdread-0.14anb4 XMMS input plugin that reads audio data from CDs
xmms-crossfade-0.2.9nb10 Crossfading/Gapless Plugin for XMMS
xmms-mac-0.3.1nb4 XMMS plugin for Monkey's Audio files
xmms-mad-0.5.7nb4 Input plugin for XMMS that uses libmad
xmms-meta-input-0.4nb8 XMMS plugin wrapper for shell scripts
xmms-meta-timidity-0.2nb3 XMMS meta input script for timidity
xmms-musepack-1.1nb10 XMMS plugin for musepack (mpc) files
xmms-nas-0.2nb4 XMMS output plugin for Network Audio System (NAS)
xmms-pulse-0.9.4nb32 XMMS plugin to output sound through the pulseaudio daemon
xmms-sid-0.7.4nb8 XMMS plugin for SID (Commodore 64) music
xmms-wma-1.0.5nb4 WMA input plugin for XMMS
xmodmap-1.0.11 X modmap program
xmoji-0.8 Plain X11 emoji keyboard
xmon-1.5.6 Interactive X protocol monitor
xmonad-0.18.0nb1 Tiling window manager
xmonad-contrib-0.18.0nb1 Community-maintained extensions for xmonad
xmore-1.0.4 Plain text display program for X
xmorph-20060817nb6 X program for image warping and dissolving
xmountains-2.7nb2 Fractal terrain generator for X11
xmove-2.0b2nb1 Move an X11 display between screens and displays
xmp-4.1.0nb11 Player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
xmradio-1.2nb5 Radio application for Brooktree 848 compatible TV cards
xmris-4.05nb3 Version of the Mr Do video arcade game for X
xmx-2.1a7nb9 X11 Protocol Multiplexor
xnc-5.0.4nb15 File manager for X Window
xnec2c-4.2.3nb4 GTK+ graphical interactive version of nec2c
xnedit-1.6.0 Fork of NEdit with Unicode support and antialiased text
xneko-4.4nb2 Classic BSD4.4 cat-and-mouse
xnibbles-1.0b4nb4 Winding snakes game for X11
xnodecor-0.1nb1 Borderless or undecorated window support utility
xnotify-0.9.3nb1 Read notifications from stdin and display them on the screen
xnp2-0.86nb28 Neko Project II PC-9801 emulator
xonclock- Analog clock
xonotic-0.8.6 Fast arena-style FPS
xonotic-dedicated-0.8.6 Fast arena-style FPS (dedicated server)
xonsh-0.10.1nb4 Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt
xorg-cf-files-1.0.8 Xorg imake rules
xorg-docs-1.7.3 Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xorg-sgml-doctools-1.12.1 Xorg documentation that does not fit anywhere else
xorg-util-macros-1.20.2 Xorg autotool macros
xorgproto-2024.1 Various X headers from Xorg X11
xorp-1.6nb9 The eXtensible Open Router Platform
xosd-2.2.14nb1 Library to display shaped text on your X display
xosview-1.23 X11 graphical display of OS statistics
xosview2-2.3.3nb2 X11 graphical display of OS statistics
xournalpp-1.2.5 Take notes, sketch and annotate PDFs
xp-1.2b10nb4 Fast X11 text file viewer using Athena widgets
xpad-4.8.0nb34 Sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0
xpaint-3.1.4nb3 Simple paint program
xpaste-1.1nb4 Display the content of the X11 paste buffer in a window
xpat2-1.07nb4 X11 solitaire game with 14 variations
xpdf-3.04nb3 Display tool for PDF files (Motif version)
xpdf-4.05nb6 Display tool for PDF files (Qt version)
xpdf-arabic-20110815 Xpdf support files for Arabic
xpdf-chinese-simplified-20110902nb1 Xpdf support files for Chinese (Simplified)
xpdf-chinese-traditional-20110902nb1 Xpdf support files for Chinese (Traditional)
xpdf-cyrillic-20110815 Xpdf support files for Cyrillic
xpdf-greek-20110815 Xpdf support files for Greek
xpdf-hebrew-20110815 Xpdf support files for Hebrew
xpdf-japanese-20110902nb1 Xpdf support files for Japanese
xpdf-korean-20110902nb1 Xpdf support files for Korean
xpdf-latin2-20110815 Xpdf support files for Latin-2
xpdf-thai-20110815 Xpdf support files for Thai
xpdf-turkish-20110815 Xpdf support files for Turkish
xpdfopen-0.86nb10 Commands to control Acrobat Reader, xpdf, and evince
xpenguins-2.2nb1 Little penguins walking along the tops of your windows
xphoon-19910918nb3 Set the root window to the moon in its current phase
xpilot-4.5.4nb3 Networked space battles for X11
xpipe-2.2nb1 split input and feed it into the given utility
xpipeman-1.5nb6 Connect the pipes to contain the water flow game for X11
xpk-0.1.4nb1 The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
xplanet-1.3.1nb14 Rotating rendered map of the Earth in X11 root window
xplot- Plotting program, most often used in conjunction with tcptrace
xplot-0.90.8nb13 Plotting program (development snapshot)
xplr-0.21.9 Hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer
xpmicons-1.0nb5 Huge collection of icons for any windowmanager
xpns-1.0nb4 Petri-Net Simulator for Xwindows
xpostit-3.3.1nb4 Post notes to yourself on the screen
xpp-1.5nb49 X Printing Panel
xpr-1.2.0 Formats xwd dump files as output for various types of printers
xprop-1.2.8 Property displayer for X
xps-4.2nb13 Displays the Unix process list as a hierarchical tree
xpuyopuyo-0.9.8 Tetris-like puzzle game
xqilla-2.3.3 XQuery and XPath 2 processor
xquote-2.6.10nb4 WWW ticker symbol quote retrieval program
xracer-0.96.9nb31 Clone of the popular Psygnosis game Wipeout
xrandr-1.5.3 Primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xrdb-1.2.2 X server resource database utility
xrectsel-0.3.2 Print the geometry of a rectangular screen region
xrefresh-1.1.0 X Refresher
xrestop-0.6nb1 X11 clients' server-side resource usage monitor
xrick-021212nb10 Rick Dangerous clone for X
xrmap-2.29nb2 Earth map viewer - complete
xrmap-anthems-1.3 National anthems (text) for xrmap
xrmap-base-2.29nb3 Earth map viewer - base program
xrmap-data-0nb1 Vector data for xrmap
xrmap-factbook_html-2002nb1 CIA factbook for xrmap (HTML)
xrmap-factbook_text-2006 CIA factbook for xrmap
xrmap-flags-1.1nb1 National flags for xrmap
xrmap-hymns-1.2nb1 National anthems (MIDI) for xrmap
xrmap-pdfmaps-1.1nb1 PDF maps for xrmap
xrmftp-1.2.4nb11 FTP client for X Window System
xrn-10.11 USENET Newsreader for the X window system
xroach-4.4nb1 Cockroaches hide under your windows
xroads-0.5nb1 Overhead view maze-based shoot 'em up game
xroar-1.4.2nb2 MC6809-based Dragon and Colour Computer (CoCo) emulator
xrolodex-1.5nb6 Motif/X11 rolodex application
xrootconsole-0.6nb2 Windowless XConsole
xsane-0.99.9nb37 New improved frontend for SANE
xsc-1.5nb2 Star Castle clone
xscavenger-1.4.4nb3 Loderunner clone with sound for X11
xscope-1.4.4 Tool to monitor X11/Client conversations
xscorch-0.2.1nb11 Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
xscrabble-1.0nb7 X version of the popular board game, for 1 to 4 players
xscreensaver-6.08nb11 Screen saver and locker for the X window system
xscribble-20000616nb3 Handwriting recognition (like graffiti)
xscript-19930228nb2 X Window system script recording and playback
xsd-4.0.0nb3 W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xsel-1.2.0 Manipulate the X selection
xservers- Old X11 servers for use under XFree86 4.x
xset-1.2.5 X11 user preferences utility
xsetroot-1.1.3 X root window parameter setting program
xsh-1.8.2nb22 XML Editing Shell
xskat-4.0 Play the card game Skat
xslide-0.2.2nb4 XSL major mode for emacs
xsm-1.0.6 X Session Manager
xsnow-3.2.2nb20 Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
xsokoban-3.3cnb1 Classic logical game
xsol-0.31 Solitaire game for the X Window System
xsoldier-1.8 Updated xgalaga type game with awesome graphics
xsqlmenu-2.10nb18 X based GUI for MySQL
xss-lock-0.3.0nb1 Use external locker as X screen saver
xst-0.10.0 st fork that adds support for Xresources
xstdcmap-1.0.5 Selectively defines standard colormap properties
xsv-0.13.0 Fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
xt-rs-0.19.2 Translate between serialized data formats
xtacy-1.14 Graphics hack for X11
xtail-2.1 Like "tail -f" on a bunch of files at once
xtar-1.4 View and manipulate the contents of a tar file
xteddy-1.1nb1 Cuddly teddy bear for your desktop
xteddy-2.2nb2 Teddy bear for your desktop
xtel-3.3.0nb14 Minitel(r) emulator
xtend-1.2beta4 Monitors X10 commands using heyu to automate UNIX functions
xtensa-esp-elf-binutils-2.41.0 Cross binutils for Espressif ESP32 bare metal environment
xtensa-esp-elf-gcc-13.2.0 Cross GCC for Espressif ESP32 bare metal environment
xtensa-lx106-elf-binutils-2.31_20190405nb3 Cross binutils for Espressif ESP8266 bare metal environment
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc-4.8.2nb3 Cross GCC for Espressif ESP8266 bare metal environment
xterm-396 Latest terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtermcontrol-3.3 Dynamic control of xterm properties
xtermset-0.5.2nb2 Change things like foreground color, size etc. on an xterm
xtide-2.15.2 X11 tide predictor
xtimer-0.8089nb4 Super simple digital timer for X11
xtoolwait-1.3nb2 Free implementation of SunOS toolwait(1)
xtrace-1.3.1 Trace communication between X11 client and server
xtraceroute-0.8.14nb16 Graphical version of traceroute, which traces the route IP packets go
xtrans-1.5.2 Network API translation layer to insulate X
xtris-1.15nb2 Multi-player version of a popular game for the X Window system
xtrlock-2.15nb1 Simple X11 screen lock tool
xtrs-4.9dnb3 TRS-80 Model I/III/4 Emulator for Unix
xtruss-10030 Easy-to-use X protocol tracing program
xtu-1.3 Small configurable X11 analog clock
xtux-0.2000.11.15nb1 2D multi-player shootout using images from the Open Software scene
xu4-1.0beta3nb15 Remake of Ultima IV
xuvmstat-20050909nb2 Graphical display for the current UVM status
xv-3.10anb30 X11 program that displays images of various formats
xvattr-1.3nb5 Modify Xv attributes
xvid4conf-1.12nb45 XviD Configuration Panel
xvidcap-1.1.7nb25 Capture X display to individual frames or MPEG video
xvidcore-1.3.7nb1 ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xvidtune-1.0.4 Client interface to the X server video mode extension
xvier-1.0nb4 Four-in-a-row game
xview-3.2.1nb3 OpenLook Toolkit meta-package
xview-clients-3.2.1nb5 OpenLook applications and man pages
xview-config-3.2.1nb6 OpenLook Toolkit config files
xview-lib-3.2.1nb11 OpenLook Toolkit libs, includes, and man pages
xvile-9.8wnb2 VI Like Emacs, X11 version -- a fully "X aware" vi work-alike
xvinfo-1.1.5 Query X-Video capabilities
xvkbd-4.1 Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X
xwatchwin-1.1.1nb2 Watch a window on another X server
xwave-2.0nb2 Audio player/recorder/editor for the X Window System
xwd-1.0.9 Dump X11 display or window to XWD X Window Dump image file
xwininfo-1.1.6 Query information about X windows
xwit-3.4nb3 Utility for calling X11 functions from the shell
xworld-2.0nb3 Earth as seen from the direction of the sun
xworm-1.02nb1 Classic game with apples and hungry worm
xwpe-1.5.30a Programming environment for UNIX systems
xwrits-2.24 Wrist break reminder for prevention of repetitive stress injuries
xwud-1.0.7 Display XWD X Window Dump image file
xxdiff-4.0.1nb9 Graphical file comparator and merge tool
xxdiff-scripts-4.0.1nb5 Helper scripts for xxdiff
xxgdb-1.12nb2 Graphical X11 interface for gdb
xxhash-0.8.2nb2 Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
xxkb-1.11 XXKB - switches and indicates a current keyboard layout
xyame-038nb1 Multi-system emulator (Gameboy, NES, and PC-Engine)
xyconvert-1.6nb14 Converter for x-y (powder diffraction) data files
xye-0.12.1nb3 Kye clone
xylem-1.8.7 Tools for manipulation of genetic databases
xylib-1.6 Library for reading powder diffraction data
xymon-4.3.30nb17 Network services monitor a la Big Brother
xymonclient-4.3.30nb1 Network services monitor a la Big Brother
xz-5.6.3 General-purpose data compression software (5.4)
xzgv-0.9.1nb38 Image viewer
xzip-1.8.2 Z-code interpreter for X11 (Infocom game format)
yabasic-2.90.4nb1 Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
yabause-0.9.15nb41 Sega Saturn system emulator
yacas-1.2.2nb11 Yet Another Computer Algebra System
yad-10.1nb20 Display GTK+ dialog boxes from the command line
yadm-3.2.2 Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
yaesu-0.13nb1 Control interface for Yaesu FT-890 HF transceiver
yafc-0.7.10nb4 Yet another FTP client
yafic-1.2.2nb3 File integrity checker
yahttp-0.1.5nb21 Yet Another HTTP Library
yajl-2.1.0 Small JSON library written in ANSI C
yale-tftpd-3.0nb6 Enhanced tftpd(8) from Yale University and cisco Systems
yamcha-0.33nb12 Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
yaml-cpp-0.8.0 YAML parser and emitter for C++
yank-1.2.0nb1 Copy terminal output to clipboard
yap-6.3.3nb5 ISO-compliant Prolog
yap2lc-0.5.9nb5 Yet Another Passwd 2 LDIF Converter
yara-4.5.1 Pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers
yarn-1.22.22 JavaScript package manager
yash-2.57 POSIX-compliant command line shell
yasm-1.3.0 Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler with BSD license
yasql-1.81nb12 Yet another SQLPlus replacement for Oracle
yasr- Lightweight and portable screen reader
yaws-2.1.1nb3 High perfomance HTTP 1.1 webserver written in Erlang
yaydl-0.17.1 Yet another youtube down loader
yaz-5.16.0nb23 C/C++ toolkit for the development of Z39.50v3/SRW clients and servers
yazi-0.4.1 Blazing fast terminal file manager
ydiff-1.2nb2 Inline and side-by-side colored and incremental diff viewer
yeahwm-0.3.5 Minimal X window manager with BeOS-like tabbed titles
yed-3.17 Graph editor (UML, Flowcharts, BPMN and more)
yelp-3.32.0nb30 Mallard capable help browser
yelp-tools-42.1nb5 Set of command-line tools to build and check your documentation
yelp-xsl-42.1 XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
yencode-0.4.6nb1 Encoder and decoder for yenc format
yices2-2.6.1 Yices 2 SMT solver
ykchorus-0.2.2nb5 Chorus audio effect plugin
ykclient-2.15nb17 Libraries for online validation of Yubikey OTPs
ykman-5.4.0 Yubico YubiKey manager command-line tool
ykpers-1.20.0 Yubico's YubiKey re-programming toolkit
ympd-1.3.0nb1 Music Player Daemon web UI
ymuse-0.22nb17 GTK client for Music Player Daemon (MPD) written in Go
yodl-1.31.18nb14 High-level document preparation system
yorick-1.6.02nb2 Numerical algebra system (similar to Matlab)
yosys-0.46 Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
youtube-dl-20211217nb5 Download videos from
yq-3.4.3 Command-line YAML and XML processor
yquake2-8.20nb9 Yamagi Quake II - alternative Quake II client
yrolo-1.1nb6 Contact management software
ysm- The 'You Sick Me' terminal based ICQ client
yt-dlp-2024.12.13 Youtube-dl fork with new features and patches
ytalk-3.3.0nb1 Multi-user replacement for UNIX talk
ytnef-1.9.3nb3 Programs using libytnef to parse and handle TNEF attachments
ytree-2.09 File manager similar to DOS Xtree
yubikey-manager-qt-1.2.5nb12 Cross-platform GUI for configuring any YubiKey over all USB interfaces
yudit-2.9.2 Unicode Text Editor
yup-1.0nb10 Print multiple PostScript/ASCII pages per sheet
ywho-1.3 Who, users, uptime on clients in a sun-RPC network
z-push-2.2.10nb3 Open-source ActiveSync server
z3-4.13.0 The Z3 theorem prover / SMT solver
z80-asm-2.3.7nb1 Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
z80asm-1.8nb1 Assembler for the Z80 microprcessor
zabbix-4.0.49nb7 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-agent-5.0.40nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-agent-6.0.24nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-frontend-4.0.49nb3 Zabbix PHP frontend
zabbix-frontend-postgresql-5.0.40nb1 Zabbix PHP 7.4 frontend
zabbix-frontend-postgresql-6.0.24nb1 Zabbix PHP 8 frontend
zabbix-java-5.0.40 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-java-6.0.24 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-proxy-postgresql-5.0.40nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-proxy-postgresql-6.0.24nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-server-postgresql-5.0.40nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zabbix-server-postgresql-6.0.24nb5 Enterprise-class Monitoring Solution for Everyone
zam-plugins-3.14nb2 Collection of LADSPA/LV2/VST/JACK audio plugins
zathura-0.5.8nb5 PDF viewer with vi-like keybindings
zathura-cb-0.1.10nb2 Adds comic book support to zathura
zathura-djvu-0.2.10nb2 Add DjVu support to zathura using djvulibre library
zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.4.4nb5 Add PDF support to zathura using mupdf rendering engine
zathura-pdf-poppler-0.3.3nb6 Add PDF support to zathura using poppler rendering engine
zathura-ps-0.2.8nb2 Add PS support to zathura using libspectre library
zbar-0.23.93 Bar code reader
zeal-0.7.2nb1 Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
zebedee-2.5.3nb19 Simple tunneling program for TCP or UDP with encryption
zelibm-0nb26 Visual Math Library Quality Check
zenicb-19981202nb6 ICB client for Emacs
zenirc-2.112nb4 IRC client for Emacs
zenity-4.0.1nb3 Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zenity3-3.44.4nb2 Display GTK dialogs from the command line
zenlisp-0.0.20131122 Interpreter for symbolic LISP
zenmap-7.95 Nmap Security Scanner GUI
zeroconf-ioslave-4.14.3nb44 Monitors the network for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
zeromq-4.3.5nb1 The ZeroMQ messaging library
zet-1.0.0nb1 CLI utility to find the union, intersection, etc of files
zidrav-1.20nb1 File corruption detection and repair program
zig-0.13.0nb3 Programming language designed for robustness and clarity
zig-mode-0.0.20220105nb1 Zig programming language mode for Emacs
zile-2.6.2 Emacs-like text editor
zimg-3.0.4 "z" image processing library
zinnia-0.06 Online hand writing recognition system with machine learning
zinnia-tomoe- Zinna recognition models traned with Tomoe data
zint-2.13.0nb5 Open source barcode generating solution
zip-3.0nb3 Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
zircon-1.18.256nb1 X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat
zix-0.4.2 Lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures
zkt-1.1.6nb1 DNSSEC Zone Key Tool
zlib-1.3.1 General purpose data compression library
zlib-ng-2.2.2 Replacement for zlib with optimizations for "next generation" systems
zls-0.12.0 Language Server for zig
znapzend-0.21.1 ZFS send/receive backup system
znc-1.9.1nb5 Advanced IRC bouncer with IPv6 and SSL support
zoem-11.166 Interpretive macro/programming language
zola-0.19.2 Static website generator
zombies-1.0nb6 Simple robots-like game where you destroy the zombies
zoneminder-1.36.33 Video camera security and surveillance solution
zonetab-0 NetBSD file
zoo-2.10.1nb4 Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
zookeeper-3.4.12 Highly reliable distributed coordination server
zoom-1.1.5nb12 Plays Infocom-compatible games, with graphics support
zopfli-1.0.3 Very good but slow deflate/zlib compression
zorro-1.1.8nb1 Simple to-do list manager
zoxide-0.9.6 Faster way to navigate your filesystem
zphoto-1.2nb100 Flash-based photo album generator
zsh-5.9nb2 The Z shell
zsh-autosuggestions-0.7.0 Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh
zsh-completions-0.35.0 Additional completion definitions for zsh
zsh-pure-1.6.0 Pretty, minimal, and fast Zsh prompt
zsh-syntax-highlighting-0.8.0 Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
zstd-1.5.6 Fast real-time compression algorithm
zsync-0.6.2 Optimising file distribution program, a 1-to-many rsync
ztrack-1.0nb1 Simple curses-based pseudo-3D driving game
zug-0.1.1 Transducers for C++
zutils-1.10 Utilities for any combination of compressed and non-compressed files
zutty-0.15 High-end terminal for low-end systems
zxcvbn-c-2.5 Password strength estimator
zxing-cpp-2.2.1 1D/2D barcode reader/writer library in C++
zyGrib-8.0.1nb41 GRIB file viewer for weather data
zyGrib-maps-2.4nb6 High resolution map files for zyGrib
zynaddsubfx-3.0.5nb9 Software synthesizer
zziplib-0.13.78 Library for ZIP archive handling
zzuf-0.15nb1 Transparent application input fuzzer